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File: 202 KB, 818x913, sanae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2144036 No.2144036 [Reply] [Original]

What's the main deal about Sanae? She always came off a sort of boring to me.

>> No.2144040

Rival miko

>> No.2144057


>Rival miko

Rival armpit miko

>> No.2144061
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- originally from the real world
- new girl in school
- innocent and unsuspecting
- probably thinks she's stronger than she actually is
- a good girl

>> No.2144066

She's a playable character in Touhou 12. Hot off the presses.

>> No.2144069

Green Reimu.

>> No.2144071

She's the good girl

>> No.2144082

Link or lies.

>> No.2144084

Now she has learned that you can't be held back by common sense, and has gone completely insane.

>> No.2144085
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>She's the good girl

Good Girl???

>> No.2144088
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>> No.2144089



>> No.2144092


Straight from ZUN's blog. You can still smell the beer.

>> No.2144098

She just seems woefully plain. A level character that doesn't really do anything special, and doesn't really have any outstanding traits or personality quirks. She seemed to be somewhat interesting going by the MoF dialogue, but after that, she just sort of faded into becoming a normal person.

>> No.2144101
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Image related, it is artistic nudity.

>> No.2144129
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Yes, good girl.

>> No.2144140

Where's the rest of my Gogi Hiroyuki Touhou doujin?!!?

>> No.2144138
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"Oh, did you come to visit the shrine in this cold weather?

Hoho, I know how to give you a proper greeting this time.

You can't let yourself be trapped by common sense in Gensokyo, right?"

>> No.2144146

I like her noncard attacks.

>> No.2144156

I like it when she attacks you with the power of Moses.

>> No.2144161

Omae wa shinderu

>> No.2144163

I like her spellcard names. That's about it.

>> No.2144184

Even in (serious) doujins, she mostly stands at the shrine sweeping, says about 3 lines, then is forgotten.

>> No.2144193

Wow, she's not a major character in doujins that aren't about her? Who would have thunk it?

>> No.2144205
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>> No.2144208

She's never going to have a doujin about her because she doesn't do anything.

>> No.2144245
File: 227 KB, 989x1249, 1235610224866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up until the whole "good girl/slut" ruckus, only a few people have paid attention to Sanae.

>> No.2144313

What does her ability exactly do?

>> No.2144338

I always just took it as the ability to call upon divine powers.

>> No.2144345

She can create miracles.

>> No.2144339


Which doujin was this?

>> No.2144348


Omchicken - Stealth_Camouflage (Gensokyo.org)

>> No.2144349

The other Touhous' abilities wouldn't be considered miracles?

>> No.2144357



>> No.2144366

No, because they are commonplace in Gensokyo.

Sanae does things like turnng water to wine and killing your first born child.

Also wind.

>> No.2144384

No. I think it's more along the line of what >>2144338 said.

She can call on the gods to do divine miracles. I'm not sure if she herself has a potent "magical" ability, but she seems to be largely normal, only having the gods (well, really only the Moriya shrine gods) on her side.

I've always seen her as being basically the opposite of Reimu in that aspect.

>> No.2144387

And you forget parting the Red Sea as per her one spellcard from MoF.


Sea Opening "The Day the Sea Split"



Sea Opening "Moses's Miracle"

>> No.2144400

>I'm not sure if she herself has a potent "magical" ability
She does.

From MoF:
She was originally a devotee of the wind god, but as she used her secret abilities to create miracles such as summoning the wind and rain, the people around her began to believe in this human with mysterious abilities.

In short, over time, people began to mistake the miracles caused by the wind god as being caused by her.

In addition, as a keeper of secrets, she began to accrue faith and be treated as a god, even though she was human. She was a living god.

When she was young, Sanae had mastered the secrets to call upon miracles that had been passed down through her family. A young girl that could call upon the power of miracles would certainly collect great amounts of faith --- one would expect.

However, the outside world had changed a great deal. Faith in even gods with many divine virtues had been decreasing rapidly. There were few who would worship even a living god who had attained divinity during their life as a human.

>> No.2144415

>In short, over time, people began to mistake the miracles caused by the wind god as being caused by her.
Here, it's suggested that it isn't really Sanae doing most of the work behind the miracle, so it's a bit iffy with me.

Sea Opening "Moses's Miracle"
Preparation "Star Ritual to Call the Godly Winds"
Preparation "Takeminakata Invocation"

All seem to suggest it as well, considering all three were divine summons of a sort rather than inherent ability. Just how I see it though. I actually like to think that she's a largely normal and plain human as opposed to Reimu.

>> No.2144428

Your reading comprehension is terrible. Sanae has always had the ability since she was a little girl to create miracles. It's just that eventually people started thinking that when Kanako did her thing it was actually Sanae because they have seen Sanae do the same thing.

Case in point, this line right here:
>When she was young, Sanae had mastered the secrets to call upon miracles that had been passed down through her family.

>I actually like to think that she's a largely normal and plain human as opposed to Reimu.
Again from MoF:

She did not take the humans of Gensokyo seriously. She thought that if they threatened the only shrine in Gensokyo, the Hakurei Shrine, Gensokyo itself would submit to their every wish. She went to deliver her ominous message to Reimu, and then was in turn defeated.

The humans who lived in Gensokyo were more troublesome than she'd imagined, and in time she learned of the power they held, as well.

Here, she was nothing special.
She realized she had gone from being a god incarnate to just a normal human being.

>> No.2144438

"Sanae is currently Kanako's Shrine Maiden, but the reason she can create miracles is because she is Suwako's distant descendant. Despite this, she does not seem to be fully aware that there are two gods within her own shrine."

ZUN agreed
Don't bother him about it.

>> No.2144456

>When she was young, Sanae had mastered the secrets to call upon miracles that had been passed down through her family.
It's no different than the somewhat cliche idea of a child that's the only one that can communicate with the gods, and the last hope of the little village. I suppose in that sense, yes she has some magical ability, but I still see it as being the gods that she calls upon doing most of the work.

>She realized she had gone from being a god incarnate to just a normal human being.
You seem to interpret it literally. She seemed like a God incarnate in the outside world, because gods were working through her. Reimu, on the other hand, is packing hardcore, spiritual power that she's capable of doing herself.

Again, I can see how you got to where you are, but I don't think my idea is entirely incorrect or anything.

>> No.2144457

Why is Sanae's character description so contradictory upon itself?

>> No.2144462

Sanae's power is to be cute and kind.

>> No.2144463

Sanae confimed for Unidentified Fantastic Object.

>> No.2144473

>she does not seem to be fully aware that there are two gods within her own shrine.

Actually, she's well aware of Suwako by SA Extra.


>> No.2144517

Actually, you are all wrong because you are not me.

>> No.2144558

x Unidentified
o Undefined

we can start calling it UFO all the same, however.

>> No.2144712
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Broom Sanae is the best.

>> No.2146061

I'll bet after Touhou 12, the fanbase's view of her won't even change one bit.

>> No.2146110

All we need now are Kanako and Suwacko, and UFO will be the best Touhou game since MoF.

>> No.2146137
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I walways imagined her as the 'normal' character amongst weirdos, similar to Hisui in Tsukihime. Normal personality for a teenage girl, and a good perspective on both reality and Gensokyo due to switching between the two.

That, and I just like the fanart depicting her as having grown up with periods spent in Gensokyo with the God duo.

>> No.2146183
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>> No.2146185
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>> No.2146188

Don't leave out Nitori ~

>> No.2146205
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You only said this so I would notice.

Anyway, I like that Sanae is sort of the innocent character in Gensokyo. There's a bunch of fan-art of her being embarassed/happy about the announcement on Pixiv right now and it makes me smile.

Even this pretty awful art made me go, "Aw, Sanae."

>> No.2146210

Anyway, I like that Sanae is sort of the innocent character in Gensokyo.
I see her being more like a child that just got her ass handed to her so badly, the arrogance got pretty much beat out of her. I don't see her as a bad person, but not really an innocent one either.

>> No.2146214

No way, it would be fun! Maybe if you double tapped backwards when you weren't focussed you would just turn into a shell / backpack that couldn't fire.

>> No.2146216
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Lies, Reisen is the only truly normal Touhou. She also gets canonically harassed the most.

>> No.2146225

Youmu gets her fair share of teasing.

>> No.2146220

>Anyway, I like that Sanae is sort of the innocent character in Gensokyo.
I see her being more like a child that just got her ass handed to her so badly, the arrogance got pretty much beat out of her. I don't see her as a bad person, but not really an innocent one either

>> No.2146233
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>> No.2146241

Not as much as Reisen though.

>> No.2146252

Oh yeah, Sanae's the only one there who even knows the term UFO.

>> No.2146261
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>> No.2146266

TH12: Touhous are finally showing their true clolors by robbing innocent aliens' ship without any reason besides making themselves rich.

>> No.2146270
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If that's the case, then Marisa's been showing her true colors since the start of the windows era. ze~

>> No.2146281

What the fuck is a cloror?

>> No.2146282
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>> No.2146292

I like this doujin. It does a bit of exaggerating, but it's still easy to imagine them to be like that, and Suwako's actually pretty close to her character description.

>> No.2146287

It's their alien vag00.

>> No.2146400
File: 398 KB, 700x632, 1235637728291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking forward to seeing Sanae's character fleshed out in the game. After Marisa's douchebaggotry and Reimu's shoot first, get annoyed later personalities over the past 2 games (which aren't necessarily bad things) Sanae's route might be a breath of fresh air.

>> No.2146409

I loved it when Suwako says "Calm down Pops" to Kanako.

>> No.2146478

>Sanae's route might be a breath of fresh air.
I hope.
Being a playable character is the only way to achieve some character development in the canon Toehoe world...

>> No.2146496

Alternate diemsnions reimu.

Better Gods
Green white
Successful shrine
not a bitch.

>> No.2146507

>not a bitch.
Huh? Didn't she threaten Reimu?

>> No.2146510

Only because Reimu was tearing shit up and trying to threaten her god.

>> No.2146514

She got beaten so soundly that she got the arrogance beaten out of her.
Now she realizes she's "ordinary" in Gensokyo, instead of some hot-shot miracle worker.

>> No.2146515

>not a bitch
Huh? She just up and starts trying to tear down the established religion of Gensokyo; it's a good thing for all of us that Reimu was there to put her back in her place.

>> No.2146539

Lets rephrase that, not as bitchy as reimu

>> No.2146555

Well, if you have to deal with youkai and Gods constantly doing shit that could potentially ruin Gensokyo; along with childish Celestials destroying her shrine and that despite the amount of visitors she gets, none of them donate--yeah, I bet you'd be a little cold and bitter at times too.

>> No.2146602
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I don't know who Sanae is but if Fate is for the transient people is her stage song and Gray Thaumaturgy is its arrangement then she can be my good girl

No I haven't played MoF yet

>> No.2146613

all touhou characters have the same personality in the games

>> No.2146618
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>> No.2146637

Homicidal you mean?

>> No.2146641
File: 119 KB, 450x1200, 1235642806615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou 12: trolls countertrolling troll trolling trolls

>> No.2146658

dat sum green raymoo
