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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 8 KB, 400x370, aikido2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2143462 No.2143462 [Reply] [Original]

Everyday I come home from Aikido class, I eat a nice hot bowl of udon. It's great to warm your body up after walking home from the cold Canadian winters.

What foods do you eat to warm yourself from the cold?

>> No.2143469

I don't need food to warm myself.

My manly body is immune against cold and heat.

>> No.2143468

Hot food

>> No.2143471

I eat people like you

>> No.2143474

Aikido = new instatroll thread?

>> No.2143480

Well, I'm usually exhausted after the 20 mile run back to my house from my Aikido class, so I go with something that's easier to make and digest than my normal fare. This is usually something along the lines of a bunch of nails, bullets, and batteries all mixed in with some superglue.

>> No.2143484


I think with regular Aikido training, I can control my Ki to warm and cool myself.

But for now, udon is great to warm myself up.

>> No.2143490

>What foods do you eat to warm yourself from the cold?
I kill and devour Aikido practitioners, they're easy prey.

>> No.2143492


Someone should add Aikido and udon to this list

>> No.2143507


You're underestimating the power of Aikido. A trained Aikidoka can kill bears, are you saying you are stronger than a bear?

>> No.2143512
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>> No.2143543

anybody with a shotgun can do this. whether one is an 'Aikidoka' or not makes no difference.

>> No.2143558

>are you saying you are stronger than a bear?
As a bear, I can say with confidence that I am exactly as strong as a bear

I can also say that an unarmed human doesn't stand a chance against even my sick retarded 2 year old cousin

>> No.2143559
File: 7 KB, 261x361, 1235603418035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2143564


An Aikidoka uses no weapons.

>> No.2143574

Just a little question but can Aikido work on a rhino?

Or would that just become a fight of "get the fuck out of the rhinos way"

>> No.2143575


Judo is proto-Aikido, Aikido takes Judo and takes it to a whole new level,improving it in every single way, why are you still taking a prehistoric martial arts? It's like using a computer from the 80s to play Crisis.

>> No.2143585


>> No.2143588
File: 76 KB, 640x360, 1235603619472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tai Chi was here. Aikido and Judo are losers.

>> No.2143592

Aikido is beautiful to watch in motion.

Oh, and...

Hi /jp/.

>> No.2143593


Of course it can.

Rhino charges at an Aikidoka, who simply grabs it horn and flip it over using it's own momentum.

The hard part is grabbing its horn, but with training you can see time in slow.

>> No.2143601

You're wrong. Aikido is Judo for inept old people, whom are incapable of actually winning a fight. You train glorified ballet.

>> No.2143602

Udon is chinese

>> No.2143607
File: 13 KB, 320x243, 1235603756282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why, but this akido troll makes me rage so hard.

>> No.2143620


>> No.2143626

>inept old people

Old person is frail and weak, uses Aikido to defeat young warriors.

Young person is strong and powerful, uses Aikido to defeat gods.

>> No.2143631

のヮの This thread. のヮの

>> No.2143652

You guys do know the mightiest martial art is Lucha Libre, right?

>> No.2143660

own momentum huh

...by the horn?

...Um somehow I don't think Aikido works that way.

That's like saying an Aikido master can flip a car going at him at 60 miles per hour

>> No.2143662


Aikido takes the core of Taichi and the powerful throws of Judo into one, how can it be worse?

I can tell you, it's not, it's superior.

>> No.2143669


He can, if he can find something to hold on.

>> No.2143696
File: 8 KB, 220x200, 1235604483304.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeet Kune Do here... I refuse to reject other martial arts, only improve.
(Btw, be careful with your sodium intake OP)

>> No.2143789

Aikido is the retard and crippled son of Judo.
I still haven't seen a single fight with aikido being used outside compliant drills.
You can see Judo being used and how it works for real in plenty of videos.

>> No.2143808


Aikido cannot be recorded, it can only be experienced.

>> No.2143811

hey little のヮの face!

remember your father? he looked like の_の. I brought him here.

But the Third Reich of Touhou took him away.

Why are you still here then?
