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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21404944 No.21404944 [Reply] [Original]

Are virtual anime girls the final frontier? Surrogate friends seems like the endgame of otaku culture. We already have them in the form of Virtual Youtubers. There's also the one guy who married a hologram of Miku. Are android wives the final stop?

>> No.21404988 [DELETED] 

His name is Chad.

>> No.21404999

His name isn't Chad.

>> No.21405236

>Surrogate friends seems like the endgame of otaku culture.
Surrogate friends simply fulfill the psychological need that people have found themselves meeting the least.
When the circumstances regarding those needs change, so will their eyes gaze toward a different thing.

>> No.21405297

>final frontier
>final stop
Don't believe the end of history meme. As the conditions around otakus change the culture changes around it. The changing culture in turn changes the conditions around it bringing with it new opportunities and challenges for otakus. There is only a next phase in otakudom that itself will lead to another in the future.

>> No.21405375

The final frontier is obviously clanging your made-to-order JC robot wife while you rub your face on her doll joints. The interesting questing is what comes before that. The otaku cultue fads right now seem to be gacha and virtual youtubers. Maybe something that uses augmented reality is next?

>> No.21405378

It's some /v/edditor meme I think

>> No.21405387

I prefer a JS robot wife.

>> No.21405416

You are asking for trouble with a robot wife programmed in JavaScript.

>> No.21405431

The end of history meme is very bad but to be fair AI waifus would change otaku culture forever and become its biggest focus. It wound simply be too huge of a part of otaku's lives not to.

>> No.21405562

Sadly, it's spread far beyond that.

>> No.21406689

They'd only last until genetically engineered magical girlfriends with cat ears are airdropped onto random otaku in an effort to save the population.

>> No.21408815

Who knows

>> No.21410125

It is a sad thought that designers of sexbots model them on crappy sex dolls and not BJD perfection.

>> No.21410302

Most BJD are gross looking. A giant dollfie would be nothing but pure horror. They should model them on nice looking figurines, like in Koharu Biyori.
