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2138577 No.2138577 [Reply] [Original]

Oi, Seiba!

>> No.2138594
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>> No.2138600
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>> No.2138603
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From /tg/ with love.

>> No.2138606

/tg/ is probably the best quality board on 4chan and i don't even dig that stuff

>> No.2138604

Sorry, Wallhammer Faulty Kai, but I'll possibly be hijacking this thread.
>/tg/, I have recently rerediscovered Maid RPG in the depths of my .pdf folder, and wish to play a few sessions with it. However, playing by myself would make me an even more pathetic man than I am right now. If anybody wants to make me a bit less pathetic, and play with me, please post in this thread. We'll play on IRC, but I feel that we'll need at least 5 players. Again, please make my maid rpging a reality.
Since /tg/ pretty much ignored me, I'm hoping that some people here would be willing to play Maid RPG with me.

>> No.2138612

Would you play a D&D campaign reinacting a high-fantasy version of the Holy Grail war?


>> No.2138622

She cant be a space marine, not enough implants and genetic modifications to use powerarmor, she can only me a lowly sister of battle.

>> No.2138625
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Saber plays Marines.

So what does Rin play?

>> No.2138629

I played that once, but roleplaying is terrifying. I don't want to do it ever again.

>> No.2138633

Imperial Guard, 'cuz she's squishy.

True Assassin would get Necrons, though he'd have to share with Nero.

>> No.2138634

I've been playing Maid with a group over IRC. I'll warn you about numbers: we have 6 PCs and that's probably too much.

Of course, we're only two sessions in (one day, something like 12 hours real time, lol) so idk.

>> No.2138637

'sup fellow fa/tg/guy. Tell me more and I might be interested.

>> No.2138640
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You clearly don't understand how CHAOS works, do you?

>> No.2138643

too shoujo

i only like shounen

>> No.2138647

When's the next session?

>> No.2138664


Gotcha. I guess I could cut the potential group down to 1 GM and 3 PCs


What do you want to know? As I've said before, we'll be playing on IRC. Probably will be starting with a lighthearted scenario.

>> No.2138674

I just said we had too many players, Anonymous.

>> No.2138677

I was going more along the lines of 'nigh-unkillable undead soldiers', but he could do Chaos to.

>> No.2138681


I happen to be in a small IRC maid campaign that runs Saturday/Sundays at 3 GMT. You might be able to get in on that, with the only issue being that this is a fairly long-running game and the fact that the GM has a bad problem with desperately trying not to allow his railroad to be destroyed.

>> No.2138682


>> No.2138687

I just want to watch...

>> No.2138691


Well, I wouldn't want to ruin any railroading DM's plots, so I'll stick with creating a new group.

Again, please play with me, Anonymous. I'm quite lonely and bored.

>> No.2138702
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How you like me now?

>> No.2138713


If you're looking to get a new group going, shouldn't you get a channel up? I could drop you off a dicebot I've got specifically rigged up for maid, but I think I might be a bit too tired to actually play anything tonight.

>> No.2138727

wait Seiba is not from the Sisters of Battle?

>> No.2138733

She probably is, it's just that the artist dosent know w4k fluff

>> No.2138734


Well, I thought that I would create a new channel if people were interested in playing with me, but I see what you mean.

Guys, please join #maidjp on Rizon, if you're interested in a new group of Maid RPG.

>> No.2138754

Can DOW2 be played online without that windows live BS? Because I tried to get into the Beta, but windows live just refuses to work on my computer.

>> No.2138787

Nope you have to have it but you dont have to have it installed on your PC i think, it's inbuild into the game. And yes it uses GFWL instead of gamespy or relic online... You also have to run steam as DRM...

>> No.2138816


We currently have 3 willing players (myself included). If anybody else is willing to play, please join #maidjp on Rizon. Please?

>> No.2138846

I know I don't have to have it directly installed; maybe I wasn't clear enough.

I downloaded the beta (took fucking forever), made a windows live account, and then discovered that the little windows live thing couldn't 'recover' my usertag. I'd really rather not buy the game until I know it'll work on my computer, and since the beta didn't work, I'm worried about the full thing.
