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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2136282 No.2136282 [Reply] [Original]

What's the deal with Japanese women and body hair?

>> No.2136288


>> No.2136294
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In Japan maybe the just fine female hair to be sexy

>> No.2136307

Nipples removed to save bandwidth.

>> No.2136311


>> No.2136312

I think it's because pubic hair is taboo or that most asian women generally lack hair there and sweat glands.

>> No.2136315
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but the question remains

>> No.2136316
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What's up with Japanese and crooked teeth?

I've said it before, I'll say it again...
The Japanese are probably one of the ugliest 3d people in the world.
Maybe that's why their 2d creations are so great.

>> No.2136317

Stop making stuff up.

>> No.2136319


>> No.2136321

the only place a normal japanese female keeps hair is above her vagoo

they're not french

>> No.2136322

You're kidding, right? You've never seen a JAV?

Japanese women never fucking shave. Baboons.

>> No.2136323

I think it's genetic

in japan crooked teeth are considered cute, believe it or not

>> No.2136329
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Frankly, I find it incredibly sexy

>> No.2136333


>> No.2136343

I fucked a Korean girl once, and she had hair 'issues.'
Maybe OP's pick is Korean or Chinese?
I hear they don't shave.

>> No.2136345

Yeah, tiny Japanese jaws aren't big enough for huge Mongoloid teeth.

>> No.2136405


There's nothing WRONG with it. Western (mostly American at that) women didn't shave before 100 years ago. Never even thought of it.

>> No.2136610

These days people are far too concerned with "hygiene", bathing every single day

In fact I'd propose that poor hygiene (by which I mean, anything short of immaculate) is the biggest taboo of our time.

>> No.2136618

But hair isn't really a hygiene problem.
Smelling like a sewer disposal unit is one.

>> No.2136629

people shave armpits for hygiene reasons

bathing every single day is overkill, and not doing so will not make you smell like a sewer disposal unit

though some people probably should bathe every day, such as miners and sewage disposal engineers. regular people are just doing it unecessarily.

>> No.2136662

Japanese women are disgusting.

>> No.2136666

Actually, I'm against that sort of hygiene. Bathing every day isn't really healthy, and i myself have gotten a disease that might have come into existence because people nowadays are so clean. But its true that you have to be "clean" or cover i up with perfume/deodorant before society will accept you. But not bathing once a day wont really make a difference for the disease though, so it's probably here to stay.

>> No.2136675

yes but they are the only way to obtain japanese children

>> No.2136694

There's nothing unhygienic in armpit hair, the hair's purpose is to absorb sweat, stopping the apparition of inflammation and irritation.
Shaving your armpits will lead you to get fucking sweaty and leave sweatstains on your clothing.

>> No.2136717

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.2136754

There's this wonderful thing called "deodorant" you might want to try.

>> No.2137562

>>people shave armpits for hygiene reasons
No, they don't. It's cosmetic.
>>There's this wonderful thing called "deodorant" you might want to try.
I think you mean antiperspirant. And no need to quote something that is not hypothetical or, in fact, a quote.

>> No.2137566

Frankly, I could puke by looking at this disgusting thing.

>> No.2137568

the japanese are human trash

>> No.2137577

People who find hair disgusting need to stop looking at porn all day.

>> No.2137580

Cosmetic reasons are perfectly fine reasons.

And frankly, I've always thought that RL Asians are gross almost without exception. Don't know what people see in them.

>> No.2137586

They like France.

>> No.2137587

If we're to talk about the attractiveness of people, everyone is fucking ugly in a way or another.
But hair aren't more of a factor than anything else.

>> No.2137606

>everyone is fucking ugly in a way or another
Not my 6 y/o cousin

she's adorable, smart, clean, helpful and pretty much perfect ALL THE TIME

in a non-repressed-actually-wants-to-be-nice kinda way

>> No.2137610


Yes is damn well fucking is. Body hair on girls is simply gross, especially when it's so easy to get rid of it. It gives the impression of a smelly fujoshi who hasn't learned to pay attention to her looks because she never meets people in real life.

>> No.2137621

I draw the line at leg and armpits. Vag hair is fine but if the hairs are marching towards the anus then get rid of that.

>> No.2137632

>>2137610 typical ballshaving faggot

>> No.2137650

ffs armpit hair is unhygienic. I'm male and while I don't shave my armpits, I do make sure sure they are at most a few mm long. Sweat itself does not smell, the bacteria that comes from sweating DOES, and hair provides a good environment for bacteria to thrive in. Ergo ARMPIT HAIR IS MORE UNHYGIENIC THAN NO ARMPIT HAIR. Plus it looks pretty horrible.

>> No.2137652

on a hot woman, it looks damn sexy

>> No.2137668

But does she shave her armpit and vag hair?

>> No.2137674

Hate to break it for you but the sweat that accumulates and dries on your naked armpits develops skin acidity while creating a layer forming an environment quite suitable for those bacteria you fear so much.
With hair, the bacteria stay off your skin, don't make you a sweaty motherfucker.
You need to wash your armpits as much with hair as without, so not leaving puddles everywhere you go seems nice.

>> No.2137699

So, is this one of those rare exceptions that jp rage about like it's the norm, or ist a genuine normal thing?

>> No.2137704

No, I don't care about body hair as long as the creature isn't an ape, hair are a normal constituant of the human body.
I hate women, though, so it doesn't change much for me.

>> No.2137721


There's nothing unhygienic about armpit hair if you're a person who bathes regularly.

And, BTW, the bacteria that grow on your skin and in your body, you need them to be healthy, they're practically symbiotic with us. Try getting rid of your intestinal bacteria and see how well you do.

>> No.2138927


Absolutely right, any educated person is aware that there are more non-human cells living in the body than human, and of these, the commensal bacteria and other organisms are vital as they displace pathogenic bacteria.

Ergo, we are less humans, and more a rather complicated walking, talking symbiotic community.

Study kids, you might learn something...

>> No.2138962
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<--- Sigh, too bad they dont look like this

>> No.2138965

samefag using the typical trolling tactic of taking things out of context

>> No.2138966

I like Konata because she is an otaku like me.
Why aren't you real? ;_;

>> No.2138982

actually not a samefag at all you wanker lol@ stupidfagzzz

>> No.2138998
File: 91 KB, 217x364, 1216105179033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol@ stupidfagzzz

>> No.2138999

lol @ fag who thinks he's educated because he saw a yakult ad

>> No.2139069

I find nothing wrong in a woman having body hair, but only if she bathes at least once a day.

>> No.2139075

I wonder if these two shave their armpits

>> No.2139085

2D girls do not have body hair

>> No.2139093

Some of them have pubic hair.

>> No.2139147
File: 82 KB, 723x482, 1213337859678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK that's why American/European tourists smell like dead rats

They don't goddamn clean themselves at least once a day

Not even a cold shower

>> No.2139161

I like pubic hair, I think it looks sexy and natural. Japanese people bathe at least once a day, and some even more than two times a day. It won't smell and it won't be very dirty also. Also, it's good for JAV since they won't have to sensor every shot.

>> No.2139163

fuck you american

In my home country, this is Nara of japan, american student

1.stealing stuff everything
2.lyingto policeman
3.spit to face when talking, mouth is bad smell
4.dont having money, many american student, hole in cloths and dirty pants, old shoes
5.raping jap gal because jap gal say american boy no thanks, very ugly and fat
6.very smell of food eating by american
7.very smell body, no bath long time, sometime 10 days?
american=monkey same same

>> No.2139171

>5.raping jap gal because jap gal say american boy no thanks, very ugly and fat
She kept making strange noises at me, how was I supposed to know that she was saying no?

>> No.2139758

nice try, Mr. Korean

>> No.2139784


>> No.2139807


Same person responding to his own kopipe.

>> No.2139842

Japan is a country full of super hygiene freaks.

>> No.2139848

This is the first time I've seen someone use the term "kopipe" on an English board outside 4-ch. It made me smile.

>> No.2139850

Actual news to most of 4chan.

>> No.2139854

Haven't been here much, I guess?

>> No.2139862

Oh, I've been on /jp/ for quite some time now. "Copypasta" seems to be the preferred terminology, unfortunately.

>> No.2139869

why not?

>> No.2140026

Jap here, it depends on context and area.

>> No.2140031

Armpit hair is a turn off for me. Hair anywhere except on the head and above the vagina is gross really. I know it's normal and all that, but it still makes me feel ill.

>>Also, it's good for JAV since they won't have to sensor every shot.

They censor it anyway, hair or no.

>> No.2141792


Actually I have a BSc in food science and nutrition, am a Doctor now, bitch, so why don't you fuck off and get educated?

Stupid cunt!

>> No.2141802

Fuck you, I'll kick your ass

My dad is a wrestler

>> No.2141832

Now that's what I call contribution.

>> No.2141859

I read that some asians lack armpit sweat glands. Is that true?

>> No.2141926

dunno but they have a lot of ear wax

I hate armpit hair on chicks since I don't want to lick that shit

>> No.2141932

I doubt it

skin doesn't work that way

>> No.2141969

Hair improves air flow so sweat can dry faster, and if you have damp skin pressed directly against clothing or other skin you'll get worse bacteria growing.

>> No.2142046

Women save their armpits for the same reason they shave their legs and genitals.

It makes them look younger.


If you're wearing a shirt and an undershirt, you're not getting any "airflow" anyway.

In America, we use deoderant/antipersperiant. It keeps us from smelling like disgusting, filthy, sweaty Japanese.
