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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21355931 No.21355931 [Reply] [Original]

Newer guide:
Older guide:
Last thread:

>> No.21355960

You forgot #2172, but who cares?

>> No.21356021

Should I buy a japanese keyboard to train writing alongside reading?

>> No.21356068

Who the fuck actually gets a Japanese keyboard?

>> No.21356158

Stop making threads before the previous one is dead.

>> No.21356291
File: 40 KB, 882x621, fairu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a stupid question but I don't feel like posting in the other thread because I have the feeling people are just shitposting. I've been reading the guide in OP and I found this in the PDF version. How is that the table is lacking most of the consonant?
Is this table just an example to show you how to read consonant+vowel combinations?

>> No.21356306
File: 450 KB, 1070x1541, hiragana_chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You use the little dots and circles for the rest.

>> No.21356504


>> No.21356510

Speaking of 広義, there's also 狭義.

>> No.21356512
File: 2 KB, 211x116, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be pic related desu

>> No.21356515



>> No.21356516

>How is that the table is lacking most of the consonant?
it's not lacking anything

>> No.21356517

study 口語

>> No.21356519


>> No.21356521

Nice 9001 hours in mspaint
Thread might as well be renamed to MBG (Matt Bonder General) at this point

>> No.21356528

redpill me on lingq
is it useful

>> No.21356529

Because threads can survive for hours without moving a single position you stupid crossboarder, and one DJT shitting up the catalog is already more than enough. Stay on /int/.

>> No.21356533

wah wah wah threads not what i want it to be but i have nothing to offer to change the course of discussion wah wah wahw hwah ahwhawhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuckin cry baby

>> No.21356535
File: 531 KB, 600x337, Nqocl3N1iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like matt bender huh

>> No.21356536

there is only one djt in the catalog
this one was made as djt was on the last spot, so the old one got kicked off by the new one
now stop crying you little bitch

>> No.21356538
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>> No.21356550
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>> No.21356555

You are wrong retard, literally making shit up. You can just check the time this thread was posted and the last posts on the previous thread. Christ you are retarded.

>> No.21356560

Japanese doesn't have singular consonants except for ん

>> No.21356566
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, tyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know what this thread needs

>> No.21356573

well if you listen to speech they in fact occur but they're understood to be syllables where the vowel is not pronounced

>> No.21356575

Yea, of course. Why is this a problem? Seems like you're bitching just to bitch.

>> No.21356578

gabriel dropout is a fuckin good anime. right up my alley

>> No.21356608

so watch that shit dude

>> No.21356610
File: 353 KB, 430x478, M7b1igWE9p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sou ka

>> No.21356615

You are seriously pissing me off. I can forgive senseless shitposting but disrespecting the board is not okay.

>> No.21356617

The audio is useful but the stories are mostly boring to me

>> No.21356643

how the fuck is "sentence cards are bad because you're able to remember the rest of the sentence and the meaning of the target word before you finish reading it" an argument that anyone actually takes seriously?

how far down the test-mentality shithole do you have to be to ever believe that being able to predict what comes next in an L2 sentence, is a BAD thing? at least 80% of fluency is being able to predict what comes next in a given context due to familiarity. why WOULDN'T you want that ability?

>> No.21356652

u seem to misunderstand what board ur on right now

this is /djt/

>> No.21356658

no one takes that shit seriously everyone likes sentence cards except like 3 smartasses on djt

>> No.21356660
File: 1.47 MB, 1460x1068, rip carbin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sentence cards are bad cuz no 1 who does them has learned japanese and in fact the guy who went by the handle "sentenceminer" actually died as a result of such flashtardation

>> No.21356662

I have a question, what the fuck does kara mean? I've seen it so many fucking times and still don't understand how it modifies a word.

>> No.21356663

>sentence cards are bad cuz no 1 who does them has learned japanese
yeah that's definitely bullshit and you're probably a shitter

>> No.21356666


>> No.21356667

it means "from"
ゼロから means "from zero"

>> No.21356673

... can't tell if you're trolling but it literally means from, and in that context it's pretty obvious and not even a strange usage. "Shit! I have to start over from zero?!"

>> No.21356676

thanks man

>> No.21356677

have u tried a dictionary or tyler kim ? maybe u could refer to those and then explain ur issue in a bit more depth if it persists

consider this

quiztard is a sentence card tard and look at him proceed to utterly embarrass and further disgrace himself trying to force his way into a convo about the dialogue for a fuckin pokemon childrens video game that he was still completely unqualified to engage in >>21355970

>> No.21356681


>> No.21356685


>> No.21356691


>> No.21356693


>> No.21356696


>> No.21356703

i'm gonna look it up in some japanese dictionaries later to see if they better explain why it can mean several different things. but the "because" definition makes sense. "from x, y" is how i think of it.

>> No.21356706

Sick op, btw >>21355966 how far are you into the game, j*mal?

>> No.21356709

differences between 無茶苦茶 and 目茶苦茶
Also this is unrelated but wtf is the point of ateji when you can use hiragana?

>> No.21356714

well i started over w. ultra sun then realized the game sux real bad after playing for like 2 hours and still not having any freedom and was over that shit

>> No.21356715

>quiztard is a sentence card tard
no he isn't. he puts the sentences on the back which is different.

>> No.21356721
File: 14 KB, 666x108, Screenshot 2019-05-16 at 17.20.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I an Anki Drone yet?

>> No.21356728

its all the same shit to me

u coulda watched like 2 episodes of anime and basically learned japanese in the time u wasted on cards

u cant even tell me 1 thing u learned from cards today

>> No.21356730

nah keep up the good work bro

>> No.21356731

I can't login to Daiweeb, anyone else?

>> No.21356734

nah, droning is 2 hours+

>> No.21356733

die ,weeb

>> No.21356741

DJT please choose a name for me.

>> No.21356748

広義 (ひろよし)

>> No.21356750

bonehead fuckface

>> No.21356752

Kougo the Clown

>> No.21356753
File: 2.69 MB, 4032x3024, 20190516_112640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.21356759


>> No.21356764


>> No.21356778


>> No.21356788

are you in an institution? whats up with the brick wall?

>> No.21356791

Honestly can't really Imagine why I'd mine sentences. If I want more sentences I can just keep reading or listening or whatever. I don't stress it.

>> No.21356793


>> No.21356794

good name xD!

>> No.21356795


>> No.21356805

i wish i had mined sentences with audio from the start so i could slowly learn to listen without wanting to gouge my eyes out watching shows i don't understand. actually i bet if i had mined sentences i would have a better grasp of certain structures as well instead of lazily breezing through everything i read without looking things up to make sure i've got the correct understanding. i'll be N5 forever.

>> No.21356807

>come across sentence you have trouble with
>mine it
>be more frequently exposed to the concept that gave you problems instead of seeing it once, moving on and forgetting it

>> No.21356820

your thought process is identical to that of an N5

>> No.21356827

explain what's wrong with it

>> No.21356831

i'm that N5 actually so i agree with you, i'm just saying be careful.

>> No.21356842

just use subs2srs decks with Morphman and you'll get good pretty quickly. Like a month of two of sentences will get you to N4 or N3 for sure. N3 is only 3700 words.
why even bother trying to explain why sentence cards are superior

>> No.21356854

I sort of guess what it means and it's good enough for me. The same way I acquired English. I guess I don't even really think in terms of collecting sentences or words. N1+ (if that means anything).

>> No.21356855

You'll stop having problems with certain sentences once you get better and grammar. Then it's just vocab and for that it just takes wayyy longer with a sentence card then with a vocabulary card or just more exposure to the word via input.
I'm past N5 but still suck, but I can basically understand any sentence once I look up the words I don't know. Sentence cards just take too long for remembering what I don't know yet.

>> No.21356860

n3 is only 3700?? I thought it would be more. But yeah, I sort myself in that category but I also know all kinds of additional words which don't really make me competent because they're so uncommon.

>> No.21356861

>The same way I acquired English.
indo european languages are ez mode don't ever compare your faggot german or russian ass learning english to learning japanese

>> No.21356863

>just use subs2srs
>trusting chinese subs not to be full of fucking errors
wew, you're a braver man than me

enjoy drilling all those broken japanese sentences into your brain

>> No.21356865

>You'll stop having problems with certain sentences once you get better and grammar.
this is really silly, you have no idea how long that road is

>I'm past N5 but still suck
that explains it

>> No.21356871

>Like a month of two of sentences will get you to N4 or N3 for sure. N3 is only 3700 words.
i might know roughly 3700 words while reading by now. but they're probably not the 3700 words that would show up on the JLPT. but for audio, i am considering doing the subs2srs thing. i thought it was useless before but relistening to sentences i know sounds like a good idea.

>> No.21356877

I guess but it ultimately works the same way. You guessed correctly, I am Russian.

>> No.21356878

>additional words which don't really make me competent because they're so uncommon.
this is why I use Morphman and subs2srs sentences with a frequency list. I only learn vocab that's in the top 20k used words from anime/jdrama. That'll also be somewhat close to what's on the JLPT, but more importantly it's all useful vocab.

you have the english translation and your brain to check for any misuse of kanji. I've never had issues with subs in the 40 or so decks I have.

>> No.21356885

lots of russians learn japanese for some reason.

>> No.21356905

maybe because they border each other?

>> No.21356910

most russians live in western russia. they might as well be a continent apart.

>> No.21356919

I still suck in terms of vocab and output, but sentences make sense for me anytime I look up the vocab that I don't know yet. Can you read?

>> No.21356927

they're still the closest western country

>> No.21356928

i can read and i think that's a serious case of dunning kruger

>> No.21356929

nice projection and admittance that ur this retarded

>> No.21356934

>i'm not even N4 but i know all of japanese grammar

>> No.21356939

i suspect that where there are white ppl there are weeaboos so

>> No.21356940

Should I mine sentenses from games too? Or only anime/manga?

>> No.21356942

We even have ongoing border disputes with Japan. I don't like my fellow countrymen that much, though... the western gaijin are more fun. (as to be expected from someone who became fluent in English)

That doesn't matter. All Russia is one.

>> No.21356944

if u mine sentences u wont learn japanese

if u watch 10000 hours of eng subbed anime u will have what u need to be able to learn japanese

>> No.21356945

are you going to make an argument?

>> No.21356952

what's your IQ? i "learned" all the DoJG entries, have read through all of tae kim, more or less understand all his example sentences, and i encounter plenty of sentences using those entries i still don't understand because the sentence structure of japanese and the reliance on context confuses me.

so either everyone who claims japanese grammar is easy are high IQ (jamal's is 125 i'm guessing), are N5s who read easy material that doesn't have medium/long sentences, or got good through lots of input and don't remember how hard it was.

>> No.21356954

well I've been in this bitch for exactly month already. Love you guys I'll will keep doing my best and will try to reach the opening of axanael someday.

>> No.21356967


>> No.21356968

This. Japanese is an actual language. English is just a tool for communication.

>> No.21356977

sentence mining is obviously not a requirement, for me it's more a question of efficiency
you focus on things that gave you trouble and specifically iron out those problems

"just read/watch more" is more of a shotgun approach. eventually, you'll get the same level of exposure to those problematic structures or words as you would with mining but it's more up to chance and there's a lot of fluff inbetween that you already know by heart. with sentence mining you can deliberately choose to work on certain aspects.

again, i'm not saying that just reading and watching will not get you there, i learned english this way after all. i just think that supplementing it with sentence mining will speed up the process

>> No.21356979

I read "normal" native material, normal as in terms of currently web novels / light novels

>> No.21356990

why do i need to argue hypotheticals and pretend like every1 is going to be as airheaded as u and ur stupid scenario

heres my argument


>> No.21357004

As a 110 IQ it is refreshing to see 130 IQs flail like retards with their massively artificial learning methods that make them worse at the language than I am.

>> No.21357005

what stupid scenario? coming across a sentence you don't immediately understand is a hypothetical now?

>> No.21357022

I really don't understand how to mine setences so I'll just keep playing my vns and watching jp subbed animes in daiweeb.

>> No.21357025

ur so perma crippled u dont even realize that in >>21356807 the third line isnt a 1 or the other type deal lmfao

dont @ me anymore just pretend like ur doing anything of merit and value and come back to me later when u find out u just colossally wasted ur time playing with ur food instead of eating it nublet

>> No.21357033
File: 44 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i'm literally on the first couple of pages of Yotsuba and there's already shit I don't get.
her dad at one point says: "とーちゃん手がはなせないからな俺の分もよつばがふってくれ"
what exactly is that な in からな supposed to mean? It looks like it's supposed to be a variant of ね but isn't it out of place immediately after から?

>> No.21357034

only if you can hook the game so you don't have to type them out, at that point it becomes a chore and you're better off just playing

>> No.21357036

over 30 min is danger zone
45 min is the exact boundary of droning
2 hours is the boundary of holy shit ur fucked lol
u gotta remember no one has sentence mined as much as matt and he still doesnt know kogo
calling doing the thing u have to do without doing the optional shit a shotgun approach is lol
ur aniki can help u out when u dont overdose but input aint fuckin wishul thinkin its the only thing u cant skip
btw ur prob callin a lot of shit fluff that is still good for u

>> No.21357038
File: 170 KB, 399x490, 1556114923145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turns out i have just waht u need

>> No.21357042



>> No.21357045

I heard someone saying that the more you have to go tru to mine a sentence the faster you will learn it.

>> No.21357053

i get it now how he can call it a brain fart despite doing it twice in a row while staring at it

its because japanese in his brain is just a constant memory association game instead of a thing he just knows lmfao

>> No.21357054

Except I was right & you typed some dumb wrong shit. You are not qualified to talk about anything yourself shitter.

>> No.21357058

i got what they were talking about, it's literally just that one particle that I can't get.

>> No.21357061

>VN switches randomly from ていない to ておらず
what did they mean by this?

>> No.21357062
File: 14 KB, 604x223, 70a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good of u to join us thus lowering ur already abysmal chances of passing kanken 2

>> No.21357068

personally i think that sentence cards are more useful early on than just abstract pieces of vocabulary like the newspapercore decks

>> No.21357070

>ur aniki can help u out when u dont overdose but input aint fuckin wishul thinkin its the only thing u cant skip
that's what i'm saying, mining is just a supplement. i never said to skip input, i'm saying to review the parts of the input that will give you gains

>> No.21357072

Key point to remember: don't read materials you don't have native audio for at least until you're somewhat decent. Many people fall for yotsuba is easy for beginners meme but they forget that it's full of colloquialisms and retarded speech that is not simple to get without audio and English translation.

>> No.21357077
File: 102 KB, 1326x702, feel the epic win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u gotta watch more anime cuz its literally an expressive thing and explaining what expression is isnt gonna make u get it u gotta feel it for urself

besides u can consult shit in that guide they tell u to read b4 posting if u really wanna

>> No.21357079

I mean I could pass it without any issue whatsoever if I didn't have to study for other shit as well. But even as things are I don't really see any reason why I wouldn't pass kanken 2 in a year.

>> No.21357080

that's like noticing your english fanfic author switches randomly from "won't" to "will not" and ur like "what did they mean by this"? guess what, it's just style

>> No.21357084

but the most useful is watching 10000 hours of eng subbed anime

>> No.21357086

I do 6 hours sometimes, 2 hours is still baby tier droning.

>> No.21357090

not everyone is a stinky neet tho

>> No.21357093

wait till u learn about how "pitch" matters in writing lmfao

>> No.21357094

Six hours??!?!? What kinds of cards and how many do you do??

>> No.21357097

Don't think so I don't consider myself an anki drone and my stats for today are:
Studied 230 cards in 55min (was pretty tired and slow and it's full sentence cards)
Again count 55 (76.1%)
Mature cards 25/25 100% (fuck yeah)

Avg 208 reviews/day

>> No.21357105

then drop the course

lightweights wont survive the school of hard nihongo knocks

>> No.21357109

wait it does?

>> No.21357112

i dont believe u

>> No.21357113

that might be true from a pedagogical perspective but from a motivational perspective it'll just piss you off

>> No.21357131

its more of an intermediate thing when u actually can feel stuff

dont worry about it just the little seed of awareness i planted in u is enough for it to grow into something beautiful someday

i mean u dont have to watch 10000 hours of eng subbed anime but u gotta watch a lot

>> No.21357133
File: 123 KB, 1000x1178, JGmP6sY1wt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A better question is what decks haven't I done.
I did 50 words a day one month. It's never more than about a third of my day and for ridiculous gains. I'm in a phase focusing more on listening and reading right now to get used to the stuff I've stored in my brain.

>> No.21357138

what have u learned from all those decks

>> No.21357149
File: 62 KB, 1280x1064, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21357153

english accent placement matters in writing for creating rhythm for the sentences and so does inherent japanese pitch, who would have guessed? shocking I know

>> No.21357155

words, expression, kanji, grammar

>> No.21357161

congrats you'll never be good
opposite extreme. congrats, you'll never be good

>> No.21357169

whats with all these kids strugglin with yotubata did u not watch any anime before u decided it was time to go get some nihongo ?

>> No.21357168

I mine openings

>> No.21357173

what is good is that where ur able to compete with the best in the nihongo quiz

>> No.21357177

Would you also agree, that Tango currently really is the best to get the basics? I dropped core2k at around 1000 words and switched to Tango. Was much repetition at first but I really feel like I'm learning faster and more efficient now. Also I think the sentences are more fun. I'm about to finish N4, I really hope N2 and N1 will be ready, as soon as I get there.

>> No.21357196

I can't misread common words because then I feel like it's wrong or ends up being a word that doesn't exist. Matt is weird as fuck.

>> No.21357197

Ahh ok I'll start mining then.

>> No.21357205

Today I learned the onyomi for 斧 is フ:

>> No.21357207
File: 18 KB, 472x210, firefox_2019-05-16_12-46-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

広義 is not a common word

>> No.21357209

It's probably better than the core decks in general because the core decks got pretty shit frequency. Its for reading the news. There is so many facets or domains of vocab it's hard to pick one and say it's the best. Depends on what domain you're looking into.

>> No.21357210

Did you try "Jp Grammar - Tae Kim's Guide to JP w/ Diagrams"? It looks incredibly helpful, but so far I was a little lazy on my grammars.

>> No.21357212

there are more Asian weeaboos anyways. like Chinese

>> No.21357217

it is if ur using a dictionary LOL

>> No.21357222

but to be fair matt LOVES japanese dictionaries and it is a common word there.

>> No.21357228

matt literally mined a dictionary
next question

>> No.21357229

I guess outside of otaku content then.

>> No.21357230

I know what you mean, but the general quality and especially the n+1 factor seems far superior with Tango. I really struggled with many core2k sentences because they introduced way too many words I didn't know. With tango the whole sentence learning system seems way more logical and makes me way faster.

>> No.21357234

I don't think the decks matter too much, just whatever keeps you interested and you're making gains. Sometimes the crappy stripped down ones are less distracting.

>> No.21357235


>> No.21357236





>> No.21357241

i didn't realize how much the chinese love japanese media like VNs and stuff but apparently that's the case judging by what people are saying about the prominence of the chinese market in VN threads on jp.

>> No.21357242
File: 9 KB, 766x116, kougo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll see it if you do a bit of j-j jishoing.

>> No.21357246

uve only given me 2 yous between ur 2 posts can u help a guy out here

>> No.21357250

mattposting > flashtardposting. also, it's in the OP. 古事記にもそう書いてある

>> No.21357270

duh. they're also doing most of the piracy and jp sub for anime is theirs when it isn't directly japanese. westies do not create jp subs

>> No.21357271

>not optimizing your learning with modern scientific methods
keep trusting your anecdotal shit instincts and we'll see who gets there first

>> No.21357276

I see it on Wikipedia articles all the time, though.

>> No.21357279
File: 391 KB, 1200x1695, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay you guys are getting less fun to talk to by the day. Not only do I feel like the average level of Japanese anyone here knows is fucking declining (>>21357207 just look at this retard) but you guys are also blatantly disrespecting the board you are on and posting legitimately stupid shit without any 余地 for it to be interpreted as some epic irony. You guys aren't epic 4channelers that know their shit and are above unironically talking about all this dumb bullshit, you guys are redditors that are simply intellectually not capable of actually learning Japanese. There is absolutely no difference between you and r/LearnJapanese

I'm sick of you. Let me go enjoy some compelling content.

>> No.21357282

kys quiztard

>> No.21357283

heres ur post translated to japanese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBLdtGXkOnQ

>> No.21357288

jamal and one other guy and me are decent, the others are tryhards

>> No.21357291

But do can you understand >>>/trash/23154677 ?

>> No.21357293

Is there a release group I could focus on to get jap subs? Something like horrible subs, that has almost anything? Usually I get my stuff from animelon and such, but they don't have a huge collection.

>> No.21357298

Some studios/lofts are like this if you live in a first world country ironically.

>> No.21357303

wow the people who've been doing it longer are better, amazing

>> No.21357313

no idea, I just ended up watching it raw and my listening comprehension went up anyway. subs eat up a lot of your visual attention

>> No.21357315

every post u make is 1 post u coulda spent watching eng subbed anime

>> No.21357323

can yomichan mine sentences or do I have to do it myself?

>> No.21357326

that baby looks so distressed, I need to protect this child

>> No.21357327

It can

>> No.21357332

that baby look like he fuckin shit himself to hell and then pissed while daddy just sits there watching him like some kind of sick freak

>> No.21357334

chill I think you're about to lactate

>> No.21357336


>> No.21357337

exactly I need to protect him

>> No.21357356

let her lactate

>> No.21357364


>> No.21357367

Those threads are utter trash, damnit.

>> No.21357371

yeah, these are better

>> No.21357374

What's the difference between である and でござる?

>> No.21357378
File: 85 KB, 460x690, shojo_tsubaki_midori-726435718-large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some avant-garde 丸尾末広 manga beyond "Midori" in my life, but I can't find it anywhere. It sure hurts to live in a world where everyone reads some mainstream titles and not the high IQ works.

>> No.21357379

real ninjas say でござる while である is ok for anyone

basically if u wanna sound like naurto say でござるだってばよ

>> No.21357384

now this feel i know all・2・well

>> No.21357388

Common formulation, used mostly to replace "だ" to sound better when you write a book/paragraph
でござる is old-fashioned as fuck and was used mostly by samurai. Don't use it or you'll sound chuuni as fuck.

>> No.21357400

but if som1 is speaking thats not a book or paragraphでありますね

>> No.21357404


混合物は、2種類以上の純物質が混じりあっている物質である 。

>> No.21357406

So て at the end of a verb just a particle!? I wish somebody had taught this particle earlier.

>> No.21357413

Tae Kim taught it in its essential section, so pretty early


>> No.21357414



>> No.21357427
File: 77 KB, 1542x552, 1556435533646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*saves everyone from the official "guide"*

>> No.21357435

>Don't use it or you'll sound chuuni as fuck.

>> No.21357436


*saves everyone from the official "guide"*

>> No.21357469

That's some weird ass japanese

>> No.21357478
File: 2.38 MB, 2872x1620, Screenshot 2019-05-16 at 19.44.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys weren't memeing when you said kanji makes Japanese easier.
How do I get better at understanding full Kana sentences?

>> No.21357485

by reading and knowing words

>> No.21357486

Try subvocalizing.

>> No.21357488

hi, newfag here, what the fuck does mining sentence mean

>> No.21357491

you go into a sentence cave and mine

>> No.21357493

it's a double negative I think? although connecting なけ with なし seems weird to me

>> No.21357509

Something only retarded cultists do.

>> No.21357516

Yep, that's the thing. Input with audio should outweigh reading in beginner's studies.

>> No.21357530

Ahh nice, the fluency in 30 years method

>> No.21357538

mining is just taking native dialogue (words and whatnot) for the purpose of reviewing it, usuallyy with srs (anki a timed interval flash card program)

>> No.21357541

How do you actually use Anki?
For mining? to learn new words (lmao)? or for what?

>> No.21357543

seems like the fullest possible spelling is 無気なし where なし is a homophonous adjectival suffix which does not mean negation. I'll give you credit (>>21357469), the etymology for this is truly weird ass. finally something on djt that made me think

>> No.21357550


>> No.21357555

not sure if j or qm but yea no problem. i've just read an article that explained it similarly.

>> No.21357569

not sure what these letters mean but I'm an anonymous follower of jamal (there's no other reason why I'd be coming here)

>> No.21357575

what is the difference between


>> No.21357578

how do i get anki 2.1 to use the fonts anon recommended in the previous thread. i don't mean on the cards themselves as that's taken care of, but anki 2.1's UI.

>> No.21357584

the first one negates する and the other negates anything

>> No.21357585

you can only predict what comes next in that specific sentence and words show up in more than one kind of sentence believe it or not
lol imagine being this retarded having fun memorizing sentences and never learning nihongo

>> No.21357586

what is the difference between


>> No.21357589

how do I learn japanese?

>> No.21357590


>> No.21357593

by git gud, it's the only way

>> No.21357594


>> No.21357605

the only people who push sentence cards are the ones who don’t read enough to notice they aren’t working

>> No.21357609

ahh, same way as getting a gf

>> No.21357611


>> No.21357614

Ah don't mind me then. I think I 跳ね上がった on this one.

>> No.21357620

Is there a list with cool things like this with new/rare kanji?

>> No.21357621

You can use Anki with premade decks to learn some basic vocabulary first. Maybe have a look at the decks in the guide. I would recommend either using core2k or vncore, depending on your priorities.
Mining is basically just creating your own decks from content that you encounter. This is highly beneficial as well, but probably harder when you start out from zero. Also chances are that you will struggle to get a mined deck with audio as well and I' personally more interested in the audio than anything else.

>> No.21357626

It's called reading. They say expressions like that constantly.

>> No.21357636

Why doesn't 盈虧 have a single moon radical. This is some major bullshit.

>> No.21357648
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've decided to watch at least half an hour of peppa pig in japanese every night for that sweet comprehensible input

rate my plan

>> No.21357660

they're both not originally about the moon, though in chinese usage at least 盈 was somewhat often applied to the moon, so it kind of follows from that

>> No.21357662

i knew tatara but not that spelling for it ;_;

>> No.21357668

yea I know but is there no such list I can ctrl-f?

>> No.21357677

half an hour is one anime series so i'd say aim for more. also, i recommend watching peppa pig because it's peppa pig in the original, not because you want "more input"

>> No.21357683

It takes me a bit less than 1h30min to watch one 20min anime episode with pausing to read subtitles and looking up words I don't know.

>> No.21357688

somewhat similar to this is how in english "wax and wane" has pretty strong lunar connotations, even though both verbs are generic

>> No.21357695

oh i see. it gets better trust me,

>> No.21357710
File: 21 KB, 722x262, annoying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know how to make it so that Yomichan doesn't import bulletpoints into my anki card fields?
I know quizmaster does it because I watched his card making tutorial. I'd think you have to edit the css in yomichan settings. As it is right now it's really annoying to edit down the definitions to their simplest form.

Pic is how it looks in my definition field. I want to get rid of the bullets and number.

>> No.21357718


>> No.21357728

I will never be able to take this word seriously because it sounds so funny to me.

>> No.21357734

What does /djt/ think? Is Dogen a god?

>> No.21357739

I think peppa is very beneficial but the content is so retarded I honestly wouldn't let even a baby watch it. It's certainly better than Teletubis for that matter, but god damn will this make your kids completely retarded. I would recommend Tanoshii Moomin Ikka, it's certainly more difficult but also way more enjoyable.

>> No.21357740

what are you, chinese?

>> No.21357747

Not at all. His pronunciation is good because he studied phonetics and really focused on nailing that part, but give him a proper Japanese book to read and I wager he'll crumble apart lol.

>> No.21357757


>> No.21357782

Daiweeb or animelon?

>> No.21357783

watch that fucken pigg if u wanna

>> No.21357788

both depending on the show you wanna watch????

>> No.21357789

https://video.fluentcards.com/ + quiz anime mining

>> No.21357791

at the quad i would say he is


>> No.21357798

>download eroge released in 2019
>no hook for it in textractor
had to uninstall it bros. i don't read without texthookers.

>> No.21357799

Didn't Yogichan btfo qm's cards with facts?

>> No.21357801

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21357803

mpv with subserv

>> No.21357804

this is the peak of westie achievement in japanese learning technology. this is the end result

>> No.21357807


>> No.21357811

No but I feel the same when I hear 不埒. Somethings prolly wrong with me.

>> No.21357817

10k hours of jpop interviews.

>> No.21357821

Kitsunekko. Streaming is cancer.

>> No.21357827

10K hours of trying to install axanael.

>> No.21357829

seriously why don't westies just remember/read the kanji normally like the japanese and chinese do? everyone's acting like becoming kougo the clown is the way to go, as if it were a cult

>> No.21357832

I found the cure to mouseover dictionary addiction.

1. Acquire HTML format LN.
2. Add writing-mode: vertical-rl; to the CSS.
3. Open in Firefox.
If you followed these steps correctly, your mouseover should now be unusable. Congratulations, you are free.

>> No.21357835

we already do rtk my tomogaki

>> No.21357839


>> No.21357842

I have no idea why but this doesn't work. the bullet points are still there.

>> No.21357848

友よ seest thou not how much rtk is hated 'round these parts? it's far from what you wish it to be

>> No.21357852

has to do with yomichan and handlebars or some shit but i don't feel like referring you to the page

>> No.21357853

There should also be the handlebars.js on the official side.
If it's not that it may be another setting in Yomichan, try experimenting. Might be display mode.

>> No.21357861

As an alternative to Anki, has anyone tried just putting all the words they look up throughout the day into a .txt file and then reviewing them all before bed at the end of the day?

I'm going to give it a go.

>> No.21357865
File: 1.40 MB, 1880x830, 1532513504610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I go, let me create my first mined deck.

>> No.21357866

Just use Nazeka for mining. Yomichan's card formatting is just awful, no matter what you do.

>> No.21357871

wtf r u doin my man

>> No.21357876

What should I put in my deck, 富名声力 together, or each word in its own card?

>> No.21357878

This is how it looks

>> No.21357879

shame on a ninja

>> No.21357884

wtf r u doin my man

>> No.21357885
File: 11 KB, 78x110, 離.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I've seen this kanji so much, why is it so common
At least I've finally remembered it, I hope

>> No.21357887

Hey, RTK tomogakis. Try reading this:

>> No.21357895

together but separated
like 富   名声   力

>> No.21357906

pls elaborate, is >>21357789
no good? Looks promising

>> No.21357911

I think this is absolutely unusable. How do you find the correct video to these subs? It will be always horribly out of sync and a huge hassle to time correctly. Also the subs are most of the time complete rubbish.

>> No.21357912
File: 17 KB, 595x336, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it aligns with the most commonly proposed etymology though

>> No.21357915

you mean learning them over 12 years or what do you mean by that?

>> No.21357918

I don't really care to watch the video can you summarize what he said

>> No.21357926

i'd say more like 2 years (personal experience), since you're an adult

in short, not becoming this: >>21357053

>> No.21357930

that Quizmaster is a mean poopyhead

>> No.21357935
File: 9 KB, 500x125, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot just how much space yomichan wasted after not using it for so long

at least do yourself a favour delete that shitty kireicake dictionary m8

>> No.21357936

▲ ▲
Can I do a shitty triforce?

>> No.21357937
File: 772 KB, 1207x889, 1543494385676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to ask, how do I capture the sound?

>> No.21357940

>open anime in mpv
>use z and x buttons to fix the timing
Done. As a bonus, you can also use https://github.com/kaervin/subserv-mpv-plugin

>> No.21357943

ok, I just deleted all instances of <ul> <ol> and <li> in the default thing and I achieved what I wanted.


>> No.21357950

Get that Xavier subpack from Nyaa.

Also this: >>21357940

>> No.21357953

At what point should one start the monolingual transition?
Is 3 months in too early?

>> No.21357956

yes I would say 6 months.

>> No.21357960

>monolingual transition
Stop falling for memes.

>> No.21357962

it's been 9 months for me and i asked about it and everyone said not to bother so i won't

>> No.21357970

Ehh capturing sound is a bit of a hassle, I guess I'll go with soundless cards.

>> No.21357972

havent seen a failed triforce in a while lol good shit

>> No.21357973

▲ ▲

>> No.21357974

yep you gotta compensate for the 500-1000ms delay and all that and it's just annoying as fuck

>> No.21357979

 ▲.. ▲


How will this help me on my nihongo?

>> No.21357986

all according 2 sankaku lmao

>> No.21357991
File: 881 KB, 919x778, qmjunior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this tbqh

>> No.21357992

if windows can run ubuntu then why can't the subserv plugin work on windows. or what about when the win10 terminal drops.

>> No.21357993

no can do

ty better than nothing. still seems like too much work to copy single episodes around, but I will give it a try.

Currently I'm leeching stuff from animelon, but it's missing almost anything I want to watch. Most of the time I went with RAWs because everything else is too much of a hassle and I can't read very good anyways. But I would need subs for sentence mining.

>> No.21357994

ok, last question before I go mining, should I put absolutely ANYTHING that I don't know ?

>> No.21357995

▲ ▲

>> No.21357999

Put max 1 word per sentence.

>> No.21358001

lmfao ur never gonna ever learn japanese

>> No.21358004

Hypothetically, if I were to watch all of Matt's videos or whatever content he has (I haven't seen anything of him, except the memes posted here), would that benefit me more, than if I'd just watch anime and read manga in the time it would take me to watch his videos.

In short: Is it worth it to learn about language learning so you can learn a language better or is it better to just focus on language learning per se?

>> No.21358011

The whole sentences on the backs of cards thing in the first place is just a waste of time.

With every day that passes, you forget more and more of the context around the sentence, and it becomes less and less meaningful to you, until it reaches the point where it's basically no different than an example sentence pulled from a dictionary. Not that that matters though because the people who put sentences on their cards don't actually ever read (or listen to) them w.

You could generate a card automatically in a single click, but instead you're making it take 30 seconds and having to do all the work manually so you can have a sentence that you're going to read once and then never look at again.

>> No.21358012

You will know when it's time. Also it's not time for you. You can barely even read a thing yet and don't tell me otherwise.

>> No.21358016
File: 898 KB, 1497x885, 1530651752849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21358017

if u wanna learn 2 learn i suggest u inquire elsewhere from mattvswhatever

but when it comes to language u dont have to consciously try to do anything u just need to be around it and interact with the language itself and interact with other humans with the language to accomplish things

its really simple


>> No.21358020


>> No.21358022
File: 493 KB, 1024x576, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will become ichiban tuyoi just watch.

>> No.21358024

I don't feel like writing this again in lower case so just act like I did.

>> No.21358026

fucks ur issue

>> No.21358030

give up on using anki 2.1 it's shit.
use 2.0 and become enlightened with morphmemes

>> No.21358033

Hey axanael guy (which ever one you are) stop putting your mouse in all the screenshots you take.

>> No.21358036
File: 13 KB, 547x156, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll want to mine words you see a lot, or at least have a high frequency. mining every unknown word would be hell. there's a frequency dictionary based on anime and dorama in the description of this video, called アニメとドラマの頻度リスト. it's the mediafire link:
large number indicates the word is rare. small number indicates the word is common.

>> No.21358035

gonna become the kaiser of fail and aids if u keep makin those retard cards try opening u 3rd ear so u can listen to what im sayin

>> No.21358040

Why are people so autistically obsessed with making Anki cards like it's their lifes work? Do you fucks even want to learn Japanese or become an Anki artisan instead?

>> No.21358041

>no can do
Whatever media player you use no doubt has a feature which lets you adjust the timing of subtitles without having to manually edit the sub file itself.
If it doesn't already exist as a keyboard shortcut, there's almost certainly a way to make it into one.

>> No.21358044





>> No.21358050


>> No.21358054

Your home

>> No.21358059

What is it with this game? I have been away for a couple of weeks and now everyone and their mother seems to want to play it. From what I have seen so far, there aren't that many kanji. Is it the new recommended beginners VN (even tough its like almost 10 years old)? Can somebody link me to the guide I need to play this?

>> No.21358060

All Matt (and Khatz, for that matter) is doing is repeating what's on the Antimoon site. You may as well just quickly read that instead.


>> No.21358062

home is where i make it mother fucker

>> No.21358077

Sure I know of these features. What I meant is that I'm not willing to do it. It's already a huge hassle to handle single subs and rename them to match the filenames. I'm not going to try to sync them as well. Sorry if this sounds very autistic to you, but I really have better things to do. Usually I just download complete seasons and everything with one click. Everything else just seems incredibly annoying to me. I can't handle it.

>> No.21358079

This thread itself is pointless. In short, here you can:

1. get beginner advice and answers to very simple questions
2. have fun mattposting and jamalposting
3. talk about setting up autism software with japanese beginners

I think that's about it. It's something from this list most of the time.

>> No.21358086
File: 1.01 MB, 460x344, eijfoeiw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, why did you take a picture of the whole thing in window mode.

>> No.21358093

you forgot about argue about language learning methods and listening to stupid nippon hip hop music.

>> No.21358095

u forgot be a big gay whiny bitch baby boy lmao

>> No.21358096

I subsumed those under beginner advice and jamalposting respectively but I won't argue.

>> No.21358099

You just fulfilled that quota for today. Thanks for participating in the checklist.

>> No.21358101

Still it's astonishing to see how people can be so obsessed about some minor peculiarity of their Anki vocab card, as if that's what will make the difference in them learning Japanese or not.

>> No.21358102

listening and reading will teach u more about how u learn than any eceleb could
cuz most of them never just sat down and enjoyed a good fuckin story but also cuz u gotta feel it for urself
just remember u gotta understand some shit but u dont gotta understand everything
also u gotta be enjoyin the content
thats all u need to know to make it

>> No.21358105

That is under jamalposting.

>> No.21358104

no i didnt ? lol

>> No.21358107
File: 501 KB, 3286x1289, 1537990385872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, people started playing it after I cried for help half a thread because I couldn't install it.

uhh I think I'm too late to start doing cards, guess I'll do cards for the next VN I play.

>> No.21358121

u made it tantalizing
everyones fuckin hyped to pad their nihongo resume with i played the hardest vn to install

>> No.21358122

Doesn't 2.0 have morphman too? Can't find it.
And no, I don't give a fuck about watching anime instead because I already do that. Stop that shit, I get it.

>> No.21358128

holy fug OG axenael guy.

>> No.21358130

yes, that's what I was saying. 2.0 morphman actually works unlike the 2.1 one.

>> No.21358135

frankly im stoked axanael made it to the top of the thread meta over the likes of hanahiraッ

>> No.21358144

What version is 2.0? There's no direct 2.0 version so I'm guessing it's in the github under 3.-?

>> No.21358145
File: 494 KB, 2069x969, 1547848305764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21358148

I wish I was heterosexual and could derive satisfaction from most eroge

>> No.21358149

Wow, so that how memes are born I guess. But it really does seem intriguing, from what I can tell the language really looks pretty easy.
So how can I legally get it? I suppose there is no steam version, is there?

>> No.21358151

you're lucky im nice.
get the latest one.


>> No.21358154

Ah, the github was hidden under the rubble of garbage google searches. My bad.

>> No.21358156
File: 16 KB, 244x222, im gonna make it right now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hanahira looks ez when u boot it up and then it kills u cuz its so fuckin boring
azanel looks hard then u get into it and u realized u finally found the button

>> No.21358157

Love you, anon.

>> No.21358160

You see, before I cried half a thread about I coulnd't install it, I cried for the first half of the thread because I couldn't fucking download it, some anon spoonfed me a mega link.

The other option was some slow ass russian torrent in some shitty russian forum.

>> No.21358163


>> No.21358173

Axanael gives me the same vibes as デュラララ!!

Are they similar?

>> No.21358174

read homoge ?

>> No.21358177

oh god no

>> No.21358183

Sounds like you had some trouble getting all those outdated malwares to run. I'm not very interested in playing that game in a VM, I would rather buy a physical copy. I didn't really find it when googling around. How do people buy VNs? If it's not on steam I'm quite helpless.

>> No.21358188


>> No.21358191

I do but the ones I want are comparatively few in number. Oh well, so is everything in life.

>> No.21358196

self insert as the girls in dark nukige ?

>> No.21358203

Can somebody please spoonfeed the mega link again? I guess there is no easy way to buy Axanael.

>> No.21358206


>> No.21358207

huh. I'll look into that

>> No.21358212

I would if I had a vpn, I don't want to get sued by the Yakuza of VNs

>> No.21358214

i mean admittedly if ur about the male form and not a bunch of stunt dicks it might not work so good but maybe u can find a nasty ass game that does it good enough

>> No.21358216

type 'axanael rutracker'

>> No.21358217

google アザナエル pick from first 2 results find a reshipping service

>> No.21358221

>trusting russian torrents.

>> No.21358225

this axanael shit is getting out of hand. just read a different VN faggots.

>> No.21358232
File: 655 KB, 300x300, 1505356546858.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck not playing your game, bro.

>> No.21358237
File: 247 KB, 2518x1024, 1556374146580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21358241

Should I make sentence cards or is mining with yomichan ankiconnect enough?

>> No.21358245

Mine with Nazeka if you don't want your cards to look like ugly abominations.

>> No.21358246

I still have a folder filled with comcast mails about me illegaly downloading games, almost 4 years later and they still threatening me lmao.

>> No.21358249

ur gonna either have to spend a hundo and wait a month to import an eroge or ur gonna need to use somethin that russia or china has touched and trust in ur own competence that ur cpu remains safe u cant have it both ways

>> No.21358250

Why are westies so easy brainwashed? hurr russia is evil durr
this is why your gig as world dominators is ending

>> No.21358252

Never had one of these in my life.

But then, I'm not American (thankfully).

>> No.21358253

First thing I'm going to do when I make it is to translate Axanael.

>> No.21358256

its more like we were threatened to threaten u thx for ur time have a nice day

>> No.21358258

The Russian state is evil but Russian pirates are based.

>> No.21358262

dont u fuckin dare

>> No.21358265
File: 39 KB, 640x360, 1533313831565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21358268

as much as I hate Brasil I do have to give it to them when talking about torrents, they are pretty based in that, but only that.

>> No.21358273

but muh sicrit vn

>> No.21358274

What am I gonna do with a CD? I don't have any Walkmans lying around anymore. Is there a reshipping service, that converts CD contents to digital files and sends you those?

The mega link really sounded much safer.

>> No.21358275

You'd be overqualified. To be a translator you just have to be able to sort of read the text with a dictionary and make up roughly 30% of the translation as you go along.

>> No.21358277

translating axanael sounds like a more fun project than legendary legend heroes

i just need 1 of those code nerds to do the cracking and hacking and all that cool stuff

>> No.21358282

You mean like just changing the dialog? so you feed me the info and I patch it in?

>> No.21358293

btw. there seem to be two versions of Axanael. One from 2010 which is called "trial version" and one from 2017 which is called "complete version". What is going on here? The one on rutracker seems to be the trial one.

>> No.21358296

Have you ever used any of those EPWING dictionaries? Because all those originally come from RuTracker, I hate to break it to you.

RuTracker is one of the best public trackers around. You're missing out if you don't use it.

>> No.21358300

well thats ultimately where it all starts

>> No.21358308

VNDB doesn't list this 2017 "complete version" you're talking about.

AnimeBytes doesn't have it either.

>> No.21358309

why cant u read dates the full one was released 7 days later lol

>> No.21358314

Seeing how /int/'s DJT is filled with Russian I bet half of you fags are Russians.

I ain't falling for your info stealing torrents, I'll buy the game physically and pay for shipping.

>> No.21358322

ur paranoia is cute but i appreciate someone supportin the dev
post a picture when u get ur sick box

>> No.21358325

I'm not really a torrent guy, I only use it for extremely rare stuff or when my source is late again for uploading some anime. But I will keep that in mind, usually I just use nyaa though.

>> No.21358326

Post russian bangers.


>> No.21358335

oh lol yeah I read only the last two letters of the date

>> No.21358336
File: 871 KB, 1126x478, 1529351781244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21358339


>> No.21358341


>> No.21358343

>The mega link really sounded much safer.
Not only is MEGA really shitty but it really isn't the safest option, if a torrent has virus then most people won't seed it and even if the only one available only has one seed it is in 99% of cases a good seeder with at least 5Mbps upload
But if MEGA has viruses then you can only be certain after downloading and checking it unless someone comes to tell you that it has viruses

>> No.21358354

give me a min I'll upload it.

>> No.21358363
File: 28 KB, 500x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downloading morphman is more annoying than actually learning the language. Must have done something wrong but I already downloaded 'Japanese Support' and removed addons that might conflict just in case.

>> No.21358365

https://youtu.be/OShTlAeBTxI (I think this one is actually Ukrainian but whatever)

>> No.21358372


>> No.21358374
File: 12 KB, 674x125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I install it correctly? Using 2.0

>> No.21358377

nevermind my upload speed is fucking trash, 1% per minute. Wait an hour for the mega link.

>> No.21358443

gambatte anon chan!

>> No.21358446
File: 2 KB, 110x31, 1551533211998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/4th there

>> No.21358456

西 Why does Spain have their own kanji? I'm jelly

>> No.21358469
File: 592 KB, 800x716, anki 05-16-2019 1558040826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am mastering nihongo quickly now. I have learned how to add audio to my cards.

>> No.21358472

I miss Sakura, I want to go back to her PoV

>> No.21358481

i don't like ankidrones but I have to say this is a really well-made card

>> No.21358488

wwwwww, Spain is so shitty it shares kanji with "west"
Portugal is so good it not only has its own kanji but it has one of its best things, grapes
葡 is the best kanji ever

>> No.21358508
File: 108 KB, 750x540, 1531434126052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21358511

You just weren't meant to be good, mate.

>> No.21358512

Nice, how long does it take to make such a card ?

>> No.21358513

Yes, he even managed to get rid of the mouse pionter. It looks absolutely gorgeous.

>> No.21358548

tomi is one of those cards I keep on failing months after core2k.

>> No.21358550

like 30 seconds. but I will improve!

>> No.21358557 [DELETED] 

Why is スコットランド label on dominican republic?

>> No.21358560

That's quite inspiring I might start to do this too !

>> No.21358561

btw I have improved the yomi chan handlebar garbage to be work for me here it is.


>> No.21358568

there are lots of mistakes there, i suppose that's why it's the fools' world map

>> No.21358573
File: 20 KB, 252x106, 1533556171120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21358577 [DELETED] 

DR = Caribbean = Niggers = Uganda = Last King of Scotland film = Scotland
Also, Bob Marley was half-Welsh or something.

>> No.21358578

why is there アトランティス in Australia?
It's confirmed, Australia doesn't exist, it's actually Atlantis, the lost city has been found.

>> No.21358591
File: 22 KB, 528x164, 1551303074639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Canada sold half of their territory for 50 bucks.

>> No.21358616

>Florida is basically just ディズニーランド

>> No.21358630
File: 52 KB, 652x476, 1547726021410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh

>> No.21358645

I doubt that anyone will care what a gajin is doing with a 10 year old game, that you can't even buy in the west. However I hope that you used encryption and a strong password or expect the CIA to van you in the next 5 minutes.

>> No.21358649

oh no I guess I'll encrypt and upload again.

>> No.21358660

I was just kidding, but if you want to make sure and still want to deliver why not.

>> No.21358692

how does it differ from default?

>> No.21358693


>> No.21358700

no bullet points for easy definition editing.

>> No.21358710
File: 399 KB, 833x723, 1546276026651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Last for letters:

Pic related's name, all caps except 3rd letter.

>> No.21358719

Last four letters*

>> No.21358750

making a mega puzzle in a thread full of people who cant figure out how to install vns

>> No.21358758

>Google search
>Get a name
>all caps except third one

>> No.21358781

i didnt say its hard i said this thread is full of people who cant figure out how to install vns

>> No.21358786


Last clip of the day, good night folks.

Also want to say that me & matt are best buddies now just so you know.

>> No.21358795

how did you make up. did you apologize for trash talking him

>> No.21358799

Sorry he said he doesn't want me to talk to you guys about our conversations and I respect his wish.

>> No.21358804

where's the reading?
And you should put the pic on the front for context ;>

>> No.21358805

so qm is better than everyone at japanese AND he has personal contact with our hero *a*t. life isn't fair.

>> No.21358806

you forgot the pitch accent

>> No.21358807

whens the patreon fundraiser to get quizmaster to join yoga in matts parents basement

>> No.21358811

Does he actually lurk here occasionally or do his followers keep him up to date on us?

>> No.21358815

w-what's pitch accent? :o

>> No.21358816 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 260x392, 1534583278861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21358817

Not gonna make it.

>> No.21358818

nice self own idiot

>> No.21358822

isn't that what the 0,2 is?

>> No.21358827
File: 595 KB, 800x794, anki 05-16-2019 1558045084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to generate the reading for that card, thnx for reminding me. but the pitch accent is there that's what the [0][2] is.

>> No.21358828

Just gets linked here apparently. He saw my post in which I was shittalking his talking ability and the iTalki comment.

>> No.21358842

lol get rid of furigana in the sentence and you better be recording audio

>> No.21358847
File: 428 KB, 885x689, 1532120162896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21358852

what a worthless fuckin card and thats saying a lot coming from me

at least uve taken on the name ive given u and are proving it to be fitting with every post

>> No.21358855

what a surprise the guy that doesnt know japanese even a little is attracted to the other guy who also doesnt know japanese cuz he feels autism on a similar wavelength to his lfmao

>> No.21358857 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 924x719, Masato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Matt's only giving Yoga like 10% revenue tops. Yoga's unlikable, and is basically remaking voracious and begging for money.
based and redpilled

>> No.21358860


>> No.21358861

imagine wantig to be friends with this guy LOL


do u really think im gonna let u get away with saying the n word to me

>> No.21358862

I mean we've already established you'll be better than everyone in the thread if you do my cards for 1 year lol.


>> No.21358868

ur not better than me and u prove it every time u decide to oddly suicide on any post i make involving japanese

>> No.21358869 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 399x495, 9cnw5b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21358876

Quick Anki question - is there any way to "pause" a deck? I want to stop the review count from going up tomorrow.

>> No.21358877

I forgot to screencap your guide, post it again please.

>> No.21358878

It's the exact opposite. You have no clue whatsoever what you are talking about, to the point you literally make up having rekt me in some way when you either did not my understand or the Japanese relevant.

>> No.21358884

that feel when 1k anki cards due tomorrow
that's it I'm gonna neck myself

>> No.21358886


1) >>21209313
2) https://pastebin.com/8wBhNhvc

>> No.21358898

deck options, set new cards to 0

>> No.21358899

Ok, going to do mine Durarara.

>> No.21358902

komari tyan no not u too : (

i dont even have to shrek u like i said u literally do it to urself when u try to barge in with ur fresh outta grammar school knowledge when the adults are talking lmfao

>> No.21358913

when are u two just gonna have a fuckin rap battle and settle this shit

>> No.21358914

Where is Jamal?

>> No.21358916

he cant actually talk tho hed have to use tts or some shit lmfao

>> No.21358925

Unless Jamal is a huge bitch and hides in a hole we'll see his ass picture in a year that'll be the end of him.

>> No.21358927

What's the drama now with Jamal?

>> No.21358929

do u think me essentially mooning u would mean id wanna stop posting lol

also remember its all reverse psychology i dont want u to fail i want u to succeed

but right now ur only at the succ part

>> No.21358930

write some fuckin poetry then
this no u shit has been goin on for too long

>> No.21358933

woops didnt click the other 1

>> No.21358938

epic japanese haiku battles

>> No.21358939

hows this >>21356685

>> No.21358941


>> No.21358944


>> No.21358965

>check stats
>apparently I've done 100 hours of Anki in about 5 years of usage
I can't tell if that's realistic, true, or something to be proud of. For example, my profile has been through two computers and one portable case where I grinded a lot but never updated the profile back on the original machine. Does it sound like I've lost data usage over the two computer changes? I really don't know what 100 hours over 5 years implies.

But what about the upcoming reviews? Also, I don't want the deck to disregard the 40-something cards that I've not yet seen.

>> No.21358966

TL;DR on this drama please.

>> No.21358967

how do i get pitch accent on my cards

>> No.21358978

what drama

just put them right on the wall

>> No.21358989

no idk what that means but i want the pitch accent to be put onto my cards in some automated way

>> No.21358996

i mean theres dictionaries for that kinda shit but like dont worry about it its fine

just learn japanese and it wont matter that much and u can worry about it then

if u pile all this crap on before u know japanese ur never gonna know japanese i promise u

>> No.21359008

dont challenge me ill cover cards in more shit than quizmaster and report back in a year

>> No.21359016
File: 190 KB, 756x756, 1514249145969912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21359021

i just imagined how long it would take to make bigger cards than qm and started sweatin

>> No.21359023

hardcore, idk those space boi words

>> No.21359054

there's an extension that does it. forget what it's called. it was posted here a few weeks ago. delayed scheduling or something like that.

>> No.21359057

install the shinmeikai dictionary in a video on matt or yoga's channel and it includes pitch accent in its definitions.

>> No.21359062

So it's impossible in just plain old Anki?

>> No.21359070

I'm gonna use this forlorn thread for asking a question!

なってらした <- what's this? a maid says this in keigo. Is it akin to なっていらっしゃった?

>> No.21359079

what comes to mind when u look at it dude

what do u think

>> No.21359080

What am I supposed to put in the reading section? hiragana for all the kanjis in a sentence?

>> No.21359084

well yeah. Lol

>> No.21359086


>> No.21359094


>> No.21359120

that describes my life

>> No.21359146 [DELETED] 

Question, I have this issue where it keeps popping up the video instead of just playing the audio.

What do?

>> No.21359152

You are not supposed to record video but audio lmao you are dumb

>> No.21359160

behold videotards

>> No.21359175

幾歳も 日本語こそ あたはねや (575)

>> No.21359176

>shinmeikai dictionary
i'm not monolingual yet :(

>> No.21359185
File: 270 KB, 1047x1440, 26A837DA-4469-462E-B9A8-6528F1405434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone recommend good doujins with thick girls i love them

>> No.21359188

or even full manga series

>> No.21359192
File: 1.32 MB, 1024x768, 1461020797704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats fat dude u like fat girls and thats ok

>> No.21359209

...just delete the japanese and leave the pitch accent numbers? although i forgot that they also have the nhk pitch accent dictionary in the pack.

>> No.21359220



Is this good?

>> No.21359225

1. You got the reading wrong
2. You should also have word audio (this is important for fast reviewing as you prime your mind to first listen to word audio then sentence audio, that way you learn to review fest and not be reliant on hearing the sentence rather than being thrown off by the line being spoken right after uncovering the card)

>> No.21359230

What am I supposed to do on reading?

>> No.21359231

Use Yomichan you tard

>> No.21359235


>> No.21359236

look at the retardation uve enabled quiztard i hope ur happy

read the kana u put for ur phrase and listen to it again

>> No.21359237

You literally typed in the wrong reading you imbecile

>> No.21359238


Yomichan doesn't have a word audio for this word, what do I do in that case

>> No.21359239

It's not my fault this thread is inhabited by literal sub-90 IQ monkeys incapable of following a 3 step card making process

>> No.21359241

meh oh mahwashte

>> No.21359242

Please no bully I don't know how to mine.

>> No.21359243

Go on Forvo, if it's not on Forvo add it to Forvo and use TTS in the meantime

>> No.21359244

Japanese support addon can generate readings for you. just gotta tweak the files a bit.
actually that's kinda hard, yomichan can do it easier.

>> No.21359245

can u give me ur deck

>> No.21359249

I really dun get eet

>> No.21359250

alternatively disable sentence audio for cards that don't have high quality audio
if you're going to use TTS then either use one of those crazy neural network ones or use a voiceroid for the fact that it's super cute

>> No.21359254

sometimes i feel i would be better off just revising anki vocab than just passively hovering over words with yomichan. idk why encouraging this read more meme for beginners gets pushed so hard by veterans here. is it some kind of troll?

>> No.21359260


Is this good enough?

>> No.21359262

reading teaches you a lot more than just words
if you're having trouble learning some word you want to learn then by all means anki it if you want

>> No.21359263

nobody here except quiz who is an ankidrone knows any japanese

>> No.21359265

I use Subs2SRS decks. https://www.mediafire.com/folder/p17g5uk4phb41/User_Uploaded_Anki_Decks

>> No.21359267

yea it teaches you to not listen so when you go and watch an anime you can't understand any of it so you'd rather read more

>> No.21359268

as one of the main pushers i always mean by it tool-unassisted reading, which is not what you're doing

>> No.21359269

now look at how much time u wasted on literally nothing u should know this phrase now and can delete the card omigoto lmfao

>> No.21359271

1. Why is there a big space between the reading and the definition get rid of that shit
2. Your font looks like shit
3. If you wanted really good cards you'd cut out the empty audio around the word so there is no delay between the word and the sentence

>> No.21359273

quiz tard doesnt know any japanese hes just memorized a bunch of isolated words and phrases and maybe expressions lmfao

prove me wrong

>> No.21359274

ur allowed to use aniki for no more than 15 minutes per calendar 日 if u so desire
read more doesnt clash with usin ur aniki as long as u dont overdose on the aniki
its important to understand that aniki is optional and reading is not

>> No.21359278

look at the cards, they are all made from anime
already posted like 100 videos

>> No.21359283

i mean, i confess that it's helped me understand grammar better, but very little vocabulary unless it's constantly mentioned. and yes i considered mining a few words but if i did that my anki deck would be filled very quickly even with if i did only the most common words
so i just guess the meaning of the word and hope it works out? lol

>> No.21359284

look at the cards and what ? continue jacking myself off ?

>> No.21359286

some people can actually learn new words from reading. I have a friend who got fluent without Anki. Me, I just lookup the same old words, rarely learning them unless I add them to Anki. Some people are better at quizing themselves before revealing the word during lookups, I guess.

>> No.21359291

lol retard

>> No.21359292

you dont

>> No.21359295

u should watch 10000 hours of eng subbed anime then read a lot

reading first is just nihongo career suicide

dont sign ur posts

>> No.21359299

certainly not my experience. i aquired good passive understanding of written jap and well its very much proportional to understanding spoken jap, because it is the same language, at least if you give yourself some time to tune into the sounds of voice actor speech. now i think i still can't understand the shit accents that non-seiyuu japanese humans speak in but i don't care atm

>> No.21359301

1. took it out
2. what font should I use?
3. huh?

>> No.21359305

i find this very hard to believe but perhaps you're superhuman.

>> No.21359307

idk one that doesn't look like shit you got like two seconds of empty noise in there

>> No.21359311

my listening comprehension was actually ahead of my reading comprehension for a long time despite hardly ever doing listening practice and just reading

>> No.21359312

How many words do you guys think is required for fluency? For me I think it's around 20-30k for understanding most things. Anyone here know that many? I'm at 13.5k.

>> No.21359314

he just mistakes his ability to decode for "knowing" japanese on whatever level

>> No.21359315

Don't fall for the read asap meme. You'll just get burned out extremely quickly by being forced to constantly look up words. Unless you somehow enjoy that.

>> No.21359316

what are people using for text hooking nowadays?

>> No.21359318

my eyes

>> No.21359320

a specific version of ithvnr linked in the guide, or textractor with the machine translation plugin disabled

>> No.21359321

the fuck does that even mean

>> No.21359324

damn, you got me

>> No.21359330


Is this good enough?

>> No.21359336

I use ITHVNR/Textractor with Chiitrans Lite. Chiitrans is a cool popup dictionary. For a J-J solution I use Toggle Clipboard Inserter and Yomichan with epwings.
Yomichan dictionaries if anyone needs: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/4s66t7nsxzzx8/Yomichan%20Dicc

based kaoring audio

>> No.21359339
File: 361 KB, 1277x958, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u nkow what it means

>> No.21359342
File: 47 KB, 142x78, 2019-05-16_20-18-17.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this good enough?

>> No.21359344

on winblows u have to shift delete or it doesnt count

>> No.21359345

I don't read like I'm Kougo the Clown so that might be why. but seriously the words are more or less phonetically embedded into my consciousness from extensive reading with subvocalization. it's only a short hop to hearing them in well-modulated VA speech. also, spoken japanese is so beautiful, you'd never guess it from the kana... the pitch, not just the one noted in dictionaries but the intonations they use for speech, and the allophones of sounds, it is all so enlightening

>> No.21359347

maybe if uve never heard an anime in ur life before u learned to read ud have a problem
otherwise if uve watched 1000 hours of eng subbed anime before u ever tried to learn nihongo then ur brain is a good tool u should learn to rely on it
its not like ur gonna read for a year with 0 listening then start watchin anime one day and post lol i just understand it
but when u have the beginner foundation of bein able to understand a lot of written sentences longer than 10 words as fast as u can read kana u can build up the skills ur missing fast

>> No.21359350

>its not like ur gonna read for a year with 0 listening then start watchin anime one day and post lol i just understand it
but that's what i want it to be like

>> No.21359352

lmfao oh god its this guy

>> No.21359355

yess my nickname stuck

>> No.21359357

kogo the klown is pretty solid desu ill bump that shit all day too

>> No.21359360

I second this, after ages of seeing eng subbed anime I tried actually learning japanese and quite a few times by just reading it out loud I can understand what I'm reading

>he just mistakes his ability to decode for "knowing" japanese on whatever level
I really don't understand the way "decode" is used in here but most certainly you are thinking in a wrong way

>> No.21359370

pretty good bait post i almost bought into it

>> No.21359371

how could u decode speech unless ur pausin and replayin the same sentence 10 times and breakin it into pieces
when i watch an anime i watch an anime i aint spendin 2 hours on an episode

>> No.21359374

>I second this, after ages of seeing eng subbed anime I tried actually learning japanese and quite a few times by just reading it out loud I can understand what I'm reading
oh then obviously that's not the original situation being described (reading and then listening later). if someone solely reads and then the first day they start listening they magically understand it all then i'll be impressed.

>> No.21359375

imagine never having watched anything in japanese without pausing a billion times lmfao

>> No.21359381

im learning programming in japanese *flips the pages of beginner html/css book whilst the binding cracks loudly*

i just understand it

>> No.21359384

Ok I'll stop asking if my cards are ok, because all I'm getting are anti-anki cultist making me waste time. I think they are perfect right now.

>> No.21359386

u cant learn nihongo if u have never watched anime
so ur hypothesizing a problem that doesnt exist

>> No.21359389

this was so good, I love it. so matter of fact.

>> No.21359390

wut u mean?

>> No.21359392

yea, I just realized that I read it backwards
I'm backing away from the discussion cuz I have no experience on reading first, listening later

>> No.21359393

i'm struggling to understand. i don't "know" japanese because i can't speak it? i don't think i said that i "knew" japanese because i could speak it... but i feel like i get the meaning of spoken lines in anime, more or less. i can write their words down. so i get enjoyment out of anime, no subs, just listening to it, i hear the words and how the sentences form and so on. and for a long time i would only read, so it was a huge surprise to me that they speak pretty much the same way japanese is written. i did watch some anime before i learned how to read and it was torturous and unintelligible unsubbed. maybe what you're saying is i need to come back to you once i can also fluently converse in japanese and i agree that i will certainly have a vastly more profound passive understanding of japanese under those circumstances, but i feel like it's already passable for deriving satisfaction from school anime.

>> No.21359395

cards are for tards delete them now and watch anime or ur fucked forever


>> No.21359398

it's not that i or most people haven't watched anime but we haven't watched nearly enough to understand that much of it. hundreds of hours or low thousands sure. not 10k though.

>> No.21359401

Is dialogue in Tomino-directed anime like Ideon and Zeta Gundam supposed to be hard to understand (in comparison to slice of life anime)?

>> No.21359402

Why do you guys hate cards this badly?

>> No.21359406

is it possible to search for multiple tags on vndb? if so how?

>> No.21359408

The only three people that have been confirmed as a person that made it, all have used Anki.

Now, why shouldn't I?

>> No.21359409

i apologize for being unclear. i did watch eng subbed anime before i went all into reading. the japanese was unintelligible to me back then, of course, but i remembered the sounds

>> No.21359410

u dont understand what im sayin
if uve heard enough that u understand the basic phonetics on a surface level and when u see ねえ in yotubato u dont break into a cold sweat tryin to figure out wtf that could be then ur good to go
bonus points if u know how to zenging
now u can read for a year and ur shitty gaijin subvocalization will be close enough that when u start goin hard on the listenin ull be able to adapt what uve learned to what real nihongo sounds like and make quick progress usin the fact that u have an intuitive understanding of basic sentence structure and a few thousand vocab

>> No.21359413

im kinda peeved u wrote that much shit about actually nothing

well u did write this pretty funny tidbit we can all feast on

>so it was a huge surprise to me that they speak pretty much the same way japanese is written

cuz its both kind of a profound observation from ur entry point into the language but also utterly incorrect depending on how u approach it lol

ahahah u know tominos a pretty cool guy now that i think about it

he just wants the best for the future generations too

cuz u fuckers are dumb as hell with them


>> No.21359415

it'll make you give up on learning japanese

>> No.21359417


>> No.21359418

i dont cope i make boys cope

>> No.21359420

>im kinda peeved u wrote that much shit about actually nothing
ok but your fault you baited me with weird provocations, also i'm not very bright naturally so it's just what happens

>> No.21359421


>> No.21359422



>> No.21359425

you should

>> No.21359427

those 15 min doesn't include mining right?

You can just read and highlight shit you don't know in yomichan.

>> No.21359428

wheres george trombley ?

>> No.21359431


On TV or with his family while you are masturbating to your anki cards.

>> No.21359432

btw ur list made me realize khatz is the real villain in all this

hes the 1 who started churning out third rate nihongoers like matt

matts been at it for like hwat 7 years and hes still not even close to where khatz was when he launched ajatt? lmfao

>> No.21359433

ur mining better not be as slow as quizmasters lol

>> No.21359436

Excuse my stupidty, but is there some kind of trick to getting Yomichan to highlight a sentence and turning it into a flashcard that I'm not aware of? Do I have to do it manually?

>> No.21359438

lolling at how quiztard spends literally 20 mins to make a single anime tard card

>> No.21359440

the way i see it is like this
khatz: nihonjesus
matt: the antichrist
me and qm: the messiah

>> No.21359443

oh god this segment lmfao

>> No.21359445
File: 30 KB, 132x89, 1533741491299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



bottom text

>> No.21359449

>utterly incorrect depending on how u approach it
you know darned well how i approach it. don't be tiresome or i'll be tiresome with you too!

>> No.21359455



>> No.21359459

dont worry dude i was already clipping the game winner


honestly dude after this post i like u and project no negativity towards u namaste lol

>> No.21359468


>> No.21359481
File: 83 KB, 301x307, 1412233560603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21359484

If **** is so much better than george, then why hasn't HE been on the terebi

>> No.21359488

oh god i want to die

>> No.21359489

we gotta get matt signed up for 4 those japanese shows where they fly him out there and then just destroy him davido style on the air

>> No.21359493

and they can have the kanken 1 guy there to console him after his brutal evisceration lmfao

>> No.21359494

>just delete the japanese and leave the pitch accent numbers
>doing that manually for every single card

>> No.21359495

Oh my lord jesus christ what the actual fuck.

>> No.21359499

u gotta add this to the post also https://streamable.com/cp62l

>> No.21359501

i cant believe that there was someone that literally manually made an anime card by hand and typed in their own reading pffhahahha what the fuck

>> No.21359505

actually now that i think about it i shouldnt have given that guy so much shit

he was actually interacting with the language himself

its just a shame he failed so miserably but otherwise thats like a incredible ftw aspect to it all

>> No.21359508

You know what? I got tired of anki, fuck this trash ass shit, I'll just continue hovering over every word until I brutally force it into my memory.

>> No.21359509

That literally takes a second when you make a card using yomichan because the book icon in yomichan takes you directly to the card you just made. What's your IQ?

>> No.21359512

u can do that but also just not hover sometimes and just let the words go its not a big deal

its about the journey not every individual step u take : )

>> No.21359513

>What's your IQ?
>thinking that IQ equates to knowledge or that every other living being has the same knowledge as you
what's your autism diagnosis?

>> No.21359514
File: 71 KB, 640x360, devil-python.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry nerds you got to use anki and you got to manually create every card learning japanese isn't all fun and games you gotta do what you gotta do not what you wanna do

>> No.21359522

>you are fluent in japanese
>i am!

>> No.21359523
File: 163 KB, 866x687, 1547994481854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll keep doing my cards don't worry :)

>> No.21359530


>> No.21359529

he lied straight into their faces

>> No.21359531

what pains me is ur making these cards for things u would know instinctively if u watched like even 2000 hours of eng subbed anime

>> No.21359537

dolly has debunked eng subbed anime

>> No.21359538

I've watched countless anime since I was 12, and I'm now 21.

Trust me I have more than 2k hours.

>> No.21359542

were u actually listening to the japanese ?

>> No.21359543

that explains it then, you're a dumb weeb and thats why you're too dumb to have learned the words already.

>> No.21359546


>> No.21359547

dolly aint shit without her trains bro


>> No.21359554
File: 13 KB, 557x115, 1556380074782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21359558

which 1 of u wrote this

>> No.21359559

is that why jamal has been avoiding a direct confrontation with matt

>> No.21359561 [DELETED] 

Matt is the Jiren of language learning.

>> No.21359565

this is an oldie

>> No.21359567

what do u mean avoiding im right here come get it pussy boy ill let u have a taste right here in this thread of whats comin ur way in the future

>> No.21359568

Jamal is the Jiren of language learning

>> No.21359570

explain to me how u get drunk and pick a fight with nuke and lose

>> No.21359571



>> No.21359573


>> No.21359574

whats ur question

>> No.21359577

M*tt prints out Jamal's posts and puts them on his wall

>> No.21359580

He won, Nukechan couldn't even respond to anything

>> No.21359586

did u not hear nuke just say the sickest most fluent "nani" after lucas tried to start flexing his katakoto muscles on him

and then nuke being the god he is recognized lucas was tipsy and decided to wind him up and watch him go

and go he did lmao

ud be wise not to underestimate nukemarine ive seen him win karaoke battles against yakuzas and even ninjas

>> No.21359588

nuke spoke some serious genki 1 textbook sentences
the only thing yoga did is keep sayin chotto nanka maa back to back hopin that nuke wouldnt get a chance to say somethin he couldnt understand

>> No.21359589

so does axanael just not have a load option then? what?

>> No.21359591


>> No.21359593

it loads for u cuz after ur struggle to install u might not be able to handle manual saving

>> No.21359595

guys please keep the yoga and nuke posting to this thread

we are building a nice community there.

>> No.21359598

>This was a little painful to watch. This Yogapants character interrupted you all the time
>This Yogapants character
fucking cracks me up

>> No.21359600

look at nuke showing signs of nihongo life while lucas is just being a complete fatshit toilet haired wanker who even a baby could tell hes not native in english

>> No.21359604
File: 38 KB, 640x480, tobira_no_densetsu_tobiden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is jamal gonna play this? i don't wanna play it until he reviews it.

>> No.21359609

maybe i can make this a stretch goal on my future patreon i just play whatever u want and say stupid shit about it

>> No.21359611

Can it be texthooked?

>> No.21359613

I'll give you 3 bucks to play Yakuza 0

>> No.21359615

is this actually good? it looks quite shitty from the screenshots people keep posting here

>> No.21359616

not gonna lie i did wanna at some point get around to playing the cool rpg maker xp game

u prolly wouldnt have to pay me i was planning to get around to that in not too long

>> No.21359617

can i at least start a new game?

>> No.21359618

Audio books > random terebi shows > JP subbed anime > VNs > JRPGs > LN with no audio > Ankidroning

>> No.21359619

how many patrons u think itd take to make a hundo large per annum

>> No.21359621

i mean everyone who's played it seems to have high opinions of it. but jamal is the litmus test.

>> No.21359623

u have to delete ur save data its in appdata somewhere

>> No.21359627
File: 25 KB, 480x52, 1530857079744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21359630

Where is the link to download it?

>> No.21359633

i mean it was made in rpg maker xp right ? thats like insta win right there regardless

>> No.21359639
File: 50 KB, 898x356, 1531853001210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


someone upload the game to mega.

>> No.21359640

...proportions are important

>> No.21359647

i just found it with google its a good tool u should try sometime

>> No.21359657

since when the fuck is that true? god these alien-looking island people are a meme

>> No.21359658

>Don't fall for the read asap meme. You'll just get burned out extremely quickly by being forced to constantly look up words
yep. it’s much better for beginners to focus on a small piece of text (like 20 lines of an anime episode or something, stuff with audio at least 50% of the time is very helpful for training the right pronunciations and flow) each day, and anki any words or sentences they don’t know. building vocab and grammar ability like that until you can take on longer amounts of text more comfortably.

>> No.21359662

it's cute and romantic

>> No.21359666
File: 385 KB, 1200x1697, SPOILER_d3d1bdad56b11a62754b4f2cea359e44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone please translate this?

>> No.21359672

>when i watch an anime i watch an anime i aint spendin 2 hours on an episode
welp have fun watching with english subs forever cause you’ll never get good at listening with that attitude

>> No.21359673

Ok, lets see, first you should learn hiragana and katakana, then you download Anki and VNCore, do 15 minutes every day. Then you go and read some books or watch anime in daiweeb/animelon. In 2-3 weeks you will be able to read that.

>> No.21359678

>Why do you guys hate cards this badly?
cause they don’t know japanese and they don’t want anyone else to either

>> No.21359682

more like 2000 or 2003

>> No.21359686

but im already gettin better at listening
its the same as reading
spendin 10 minutes on one sentence isnt a good use of ur time

>> No.21359689

oh shit thats what i was actually thinking of rpg maker 2k lmfao i was mixing it up with xp cuz winblows xp lol

>> No.21359690

wtf this is not cringe at all

>> No.21359694

yah ppl go on tv and just bullshit and it comes off normal

but underneath it all theres a nasty secret

>> No.21359699

>what pains me is ur making these cards for things u would know instinctively if u watched like even 2000 hours of eng subbed anime
probably vaguely. cards make the knowledge way more solidified, especially when there’s an in-context sentence like that. and he can always delete the card once he has the information nailed in there (“there” being his 頭) good.
good shit bro, keep getting better and leave these dekinais behind.

>> No.21359700

and honestly george isnt really a cringy dude when hes not reminding u how much he doesnt know japanese

>> No.21359707

It's on a lot of furige sites.
The graphics aren't great because it's a game made in RPG Maker 2000, but the gameplay is pretty solid (best implementation of a non-linear structure in any JRPG ever made) and the story is among the best in any video game in general. 100 hours long with every single quest having an interesting story, meaningful character growth, etc. Everything all intertwines and there's so much foreshadowing it's insane. The non-linearity is broken up with the prologue, 11 main story quests, then the finale and each of them is very long with storytelling on par with professionally written games. It's a common joke, for instance, to call FE8 the "Rance 9" quest because it broadly covers a story in a single quest that took Rance 9 a whole game to tell. The scale, scope, and execution of Tobiden is basically unreal in both ambition and quality.

But yeah, screenshots don't look amazing. Oh well.

>> No.21359711
File: 683 B, 398x47, 54 reviews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god here goes nothing.

>> No.21359712
File: 224 KB, 680x498, 1557724963731.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds gey

>> No.21359717

ppl who like things tend to make them sound gay

but at least hes not the guy posting really poorly with the moniker of "moetard" lmfao

>> No.21359725
File: 126 KB, 395x913, lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anon i know hiragana and katakana, have done half of genki, and do my VNCore every day. i'm just having trouble making out some of the kanji desu.

>> No.21359729



>> No.21359730

you have an undiagnosed mental illness

>> No.21359735

u have a diagnosed one

>> No.21359736

Yeah, sincere passion for things is pretty gay. I should have written its praises in a more nasty ironic manner to appeal to people who have forgotten how to function as a normal human being.

Yo Tobiden is the fucking shit dawg, like a'ight it's some gay ass RPG shit right, fuckin' turn based bullshit for real, but hol up it's got some clever ass shit keeping things legit like some baller ass boss design 'n shit, these niggas be fuckin buff 'n the party you got be fuckin huge like fuckin 50 niggas no shit lots of choices. Ain't all gay ass anime girls neither there be some fuckin' cool ass dudes too but im not finna be shittin' on no anime girls, ya hear? And yo the story, dawg, this is some shit, like a'ight there some bullshit bout friendship n carin' bought others n all that gay ass shit but YO there's some action, tobiden be FAMOUS dawg in the jap community for all its GORE n shit, people fuckin die out the ass in the game it be like Game of Thrones daawg lmfao legit. There be some fuckin' sociopathic SHIT in this game and it's real as hell dawg, ain't all kiddie shit like most gay ass JRPGs. I gotta give Tobiden 3.5 hats outta 5 to keep it real dawg, this is some fine ass gameplay and plot yo.

>> No.21359745

Damn those are some trashy cards.

>> No.21359748


>> No.21359749

cant figure out how to download this game i give up

>> No.21359751

im gonna download it in 3 seconds and lol at ur stupid ass some more

>> No.21359758

there are so many games to play ill play them for now
maybe someday ill figure it out it doesnt matter

>> No.21359772

>but im already gettin better at listening
perhaps at a way slower rate than you could be.
>spendin 10 minutes on one sentence isnt a good use of ur time
doesn’t require 10. 2 or 3 run throughs a of one unfamiliar sentence (which would take like... 20 seconds) is usually enough to clarify anything foggy. watching an anime episode in 45 minutes making sure you clearly hear everything in it is way better (for learning) than rushing through pretending you really heard it all when really you missed half of the japanese dialogue. but if learning isn’t your priority that’s fine.

>> No.21359774
File: 34 KB, 954x206, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fuckin easy videogame to download

>> No.21359781
File: 3 KB, 364x46, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21359785

That was the plan all along my friend. See you in 1 month when you're waving your Tobiden flag around, having become a changed man after playing THE best JRPG of all time.

That said, I really doubt anyone who lurks DJT a lot could hope to finish a long game. It's the DJT curse to be perpetually distracted.

Also, it opens in windowed by default, and if pressing alt enter each time annoys you, you can write up a quick batch file to open it with "-windowed" or you can run it in Moshimo Loader (which also fixes a minor memory leak bug in RPG maker 2000)

Gotta download the RTP before playing RPG maker games bro.

>> No.21359792

>But yeah, screenshots don't look amazing.
maybe not but i personally like the aesthetic

>> No.21359803

honestly if u gotta tell him what to get he cant even read kana and has no hopes 2 play this epic game

>> No.21359810
File: 63 KB, 536x291, 1527537455120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21359815

Men of taste appreciate the retro aesthetic and the tiling is quite good in general, but I can see a modern youth being put off. They say not to judge a book by its cover but a lot of people can't help it.
I believe!

>> No.21359820
File: 87 KB, 646x511, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ok ill do the playing he can just go home

と or so i thought cuz after this amazing ordeal of downloading and running the game and thus expending all my brain energy it turns out the main menu has the perfect option for me

>> No.21359824

that can't be his wife right? doesn't look like his daughter. so what the FUCK does his wife look like

>> No.21359830

dude i typed george trombley into google and it auto completes to add wife after lmfao

that one dude is hella thirsty lmfao

>> No.21359832
File: 69 KB, 646x509, 1542086403630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do I texthook this?

>> No.21359833

i love this language so much, it’s just fun. and i also enjoy getting my language ability complimented almost every day by japanese people. reminds me i’m really improving.

yesterday i talked to a coworker in japanese for like 5 minutes about how most people’s ideas about language learning are ineffective which is why many people find it so difficult, and that consuming material you find interesting as a foundation is key. she still boiled it down to 「そうなんだ…でも〇〇先生は頭がいいね!本当に」was a bit annoyed by that (fixed mentality rather than growth/technique mentality) but also flattered.

>> No.21359836

if u cant read that much u really need to just select the 今日はここまで option and come back when ur stronger

>> No.21359837

is this one of the so called "obvious reddit reposts" i keep hearing about

>> No.21359848

Thanks my dear friend.
I think you'll have a good idea for the quality of the storytelling after the prologue, though know that as with many games, it's something that gets increasingly better as time goes on. The first main story quest past the prologue (Fortune Event 1) is a pretty big milestone. Also here's a wiki it has a lot of useful information.


As a true JOP elite I played it without texthookers. I know one of my friends used a texthook though, so I'm sure it's possible however. Maybe ITH? I dunno bro. Feel free to come back when you are more powerful. It'll be there waiting for you, the best game of all time.

>> No.21359856
File: 143 KB, 646x458, 160859090_1501817496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21359857

>people believing in "growth mindset"

>> No.21359862

based jamal

>> No.21359874

i aint sayin i never repeat a sentence or look up a word
im just also willin to let things go when i think itd take longer than its worth to figure it out
>pretending you really heard it all
whered u get that idea

>> No.21359879

how 2 acquire core vocab
read yotsuba
watch shirokuma cafe
make anime cards out of shirokuma cafe
stop when u feel u can understand most sentences without looking up a dictionary
u have now acquired core vocab and can do whatever u want

>> No.21359880

oh so this is where that screenshot came from

>> No.21359882

I can't fucking find the process on ITH.

>> No.21359883
File: 27 KB, 646x511, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly im already concerned im getting owned

>> No.21359893

wtf is with these guys suddenly trying to meme on tobiden lol also why is mr quof here
greetz dude i hope you're having a good day your genuine enthusiasm for doujin rpgm games is extremely hartwarming no sarcasm

>> No.21359898

aaaah how do I fucking text hook this bitch?

>> No.21359905
File: 29 KB, 646x511, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21359929

thats a good fuckin line

>> No.21359937

I dunt understand

>> No.21359940
File: 1.31 MB, 300x300, 1405998390131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21359955
File: 309 KB, 800x600, SRPGEXEC_jJUVY5EWIb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DJT thinks that VNs are the ultimate path to learning Japanese, but in reality, it's free indie games made in ancient engines.

>> No.21359963

it doesnt matter if its old if its good

its a concept lost on zoomers for sure which is sad cuz theres lots of great things out there that are old

>> No.21359971

the only shit i'm interested in is all old, that's literally why i'm learning. stuff that'll never be rereleased and the translations are taking fucking forever, canceled, etc. so i said fuck it.

>> No.21359973

fuck.. I just got a new gfx card and now I can't learn japanese
>mfw carbin was right

>> No.21359975

In what way does a new gfx card affect your nihongo?

>> No.21359976

quick u can resell it right now and save urself

>> No.21359980

im still finding shit from the 90s and early 2000s i missed

>> No.21359988

I just want to play games now. I literally can't get any japanese into my head. I stared at an anki card for 15 min. I stared at a vn dialogue page for 15 min. I spaced out during one punch man. Carbin tried to warn us..

>> No.21359991

Guy I don't know if I will make it before ペルソナ5 ザロイヤル launches.

I'm going to start mining persona 3 tomorrow to boost my nihongo a bit.

>> No.21359992

p5 is trash why even worry about that turd polish

just more sad money grab

>> No.21359993

is there any personas you can get for pc?

>> No.21359994

take the chance to play one of those modern JRPGs that got published on steam in japanese

>> No.21359996

is it normal to get garbled strings like �� in the folder names and files within the executables even if my system locale is set to japanese?

>> No.21359998

you can emulate all persona games on pc.

>> No.21359999

use a modern version of 7-zip and make sure it's actually your locale instead of just your ui language

>> No.21360008

got any recommendations?

>> No.21360013

ni no kuni 2 is pretty kino

>> No.21360016
File: 660 KB, 994x494, 1539134242776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Corpse Party fucking finally, is this good?

>> No.21360021
File: 9 KB, 440x233, y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i reinstalled 7zip and made sure the system locale was correct but there's still the garbled strings. however much like the axanael trap, i think this is a sign that i am not yet ready to play tobiden so i will try again in 12 months.

>> No.21360022

I skipped practice for a week again. 681 cards due. Why do I do this to myself?

>> No.21360030

Why do all monster hunter games have a warning about not playing it too long lmao, are nihonjin that retarded?

>> No.21360034

hponestly dude if u wanna play it just make it happen

so far i dont think theres anything particularly difficult at face value at all

but my spidey sense is definitely goin off

tho it would have been anyway without the guy freaking out about foreshadowing earlier

when uve been around long enough and read the likes of romeo and other literary legends u develop this sort of spidey sense that u just cant believe anything u read anymore lol

>> No.21360036

i'm sure there's a 7zip setting for the encoding of zip archives

>> No.21360039

thnx dude looks pretty good

>> No.21360043

any of the big weeb companies games will be okay for reading purposes yknow like compile heart and nippon ichi and uhh is cyberconnect still around

>> No.21360049

Is minna really genki?

>> No.21360050

>compile heart
please don't recommend people buy neptunia lmfao those dudes have literally never made a playable game

>> No.21360054

cant lie the neps are terrible games

>> No.21360058

>not 100%ing every neptunia game
not gonna make it

>> No.21360063
File: 283 KB, 656x530, 1550080862931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want me to believe this is the president of the united states?

>> No.21360068

>watching boring-ass 白熊 instead of てえきゅう or 四畳半神話大系
Whoever does this will never get good at understanding spoken 日本語, and will probably get tired of learning rather quickly

>> No.21360080


>> No.21360107

got it on cdkey.com for only $20 (66% off)

>> No.21360118

whats wrong huh? say it like a man to my face pinche pendejo.

>> No.21360122

u dont want that box checked lol
unless i misunderstood what it does its gonna fuck up ur locale

>> No.21360130

you probably don't know enough japanese to play this yet but if you really want to give it a shot here you go

>> No.21360163

So I got a few questions for DJT. How many resources can I download to learn Japanese & has anything been changed, added or updated in both the old and new guide? I was thinking of downloading the entire google docs file is that an okay thing for me to do so that I can read it later on?

>> No.21360179

>Anime dialogue and communication is often riddled with figures of speech and rhetoric and humorous themes and emotions, a good chunk of which are generalizable to other languages and not native to Japanese. Language buttressed by these other elements of communication is not only very fun but more real to day-to-day Japanese than the lifeless, stale textbook sentences.
Based khatz on why anime is the best way.

>> No.21360190

>when you swim you get wet unless you wear a wetsuit
omg based

>> No.21360192

I was reading a manga and the exact sentence came up when a boy was talking about an older girl (praising her).


What kind of fuckery is this? 関西 by the way.

>> No.21360197
File: 51 KB, 800x600, guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here just download this and ur good to go

>> No.21360202

Post a screenshot

>> No.21360203


Where can I watch GoT in Japanese?

>> No.21360205

literally just watch something good instead

>> No.21360206

seconded, would rewatch that

>> No.21360207

>learning japanese to watch dubbed amerishit entertainment
yikes man

>> No.21360209

That's not enough anon and who made this? The detailed guides posted are a lot better imo.

>> No.21360212

read the ajatt table of contents

>> No.21360216

Its basically porn, gore, and d&d. It's the peak of entertainment.

>> No.21360217

it's just not the same
just watch star wars episode III in japanese
that was fucking great, especially the voice of padme in mustafar

>> No.21360223
File: 133 KB, 358x421, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I'm doing this anyway, I might as well post the other thing I didn't understand. I first interpreted the "何モニ?" as "What's wrong?", but the other kid reply doesn't really make sense in that case.

>> No.21360229

where do I find that?

>> No.21360232


>> No.21360240

I'm deaf and I've been watching English subbed anime for years, just like you guys told me to. How much longer will it take for me to make it?

>> No.21360244

That says でいう the う is just written shitty.
I still dont know what the fuck this kids sayin tho.
Nevertheless i hope you're enjoying that manga, karakuri circus rules.

>> No.21360247

It's a fun fanservice game if you enjoyed the characters. If you just want more horror, then go with Book of Shadows (spins off that builds on that bad end where Satoshi timeloops back to the day they go to the school. Ends with sequel hook) and then into BloodDrive. Personally I think you should do Book of Shadows first, while the game is still fresh in your mind.

>> No.21360276

I see, I have a more clear image of what he meant now. Thanks.

The manga is awesome, but the way the characters talk in this arc is killing me. I had no problems with the other ones, but this is making my head scratch.

>> No.21360285

Yeah accents can be rough, I'm hoping it's something that we'll just naturally become able to understand after we read enough and listen enough but if not it probably wouldn't take that much research to at least get the basics down.

>> No.21360299

>and then into BloodDrive
Why would you do this to him.

>> No.21360304

I hated it, too. But he has to play it and see how shit it is for himself. I bought a Vita for it, thinking it would never be ported to anything else...

>> No.21360312
File: 296 KB, 722x513, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope so. I'm trying to search some of the stuff I don't understand, but I always end up with nothing.
Doesn't help that the characters now are mostly kids who hardly use kanji.
This is another I can kinda of interpret it, but nothing really makes sense.

>> No.21360316

at least 3 people have touched that image
it aint perfect but the point of it is that learning nihongo is fuckin simple and u dont need ur hand held
u gotta find ur own way the only thing u need to know is that havin fun in nihongo is how u get good at nihongo
maybe put the words compelling content somewhere on there lol
the bigger ur guide the less likely ur gonna learn nihongo
after readin >>21360212 i realized thats prob why matt still doesnt know nihongo he really fucked up

>> No.21360335

>matt still doesnt know nihongo he really fucked up
except he's been vet'd by natives and the best polyglot in the world said he was the best non native he's ever seen (in only 6-7 years).. so as much as I hate matt he's proof ajatt has something, mostly it has motivation and optimism which are crucial

>> No.21360347

he was unvetted before he even said kogo keep up

>> No.21360354
File: 591 KB, 800x733, anki 05-17-2019 1558067818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nihongo is seeping into my veins

>> No.21360365

nice sentence

>> No.21360367

This thread is harenichi と I think.

>> No.21360378

are these words common irl?

>> No.21360384

who knows, but it will be easy to learn because of the context, which I think is the point

>> No.21360409

Leaving this one bit of information: そこはか is pronounced with ha not with wa. Therefore all its derivatives such as そこはかとなく are pronounced in the same way with ha. It doesn't matter what its origin might be. It's Only Correct to pronounce the は in そこはか as "ha".

>> No.21360416


>> No.21360424

post link to this article? i totally agree btw

>> No.21360425

〘副〙 (「そこ」は代名詞、「はか」は目当ての意)
which is it

>> No.21360433

It's anything you want it to be. The only thing you need to know is that Everyone pronounces it as ha.

>> No.21360434

>jacking off 5 times in succession instead of doing reps or studying

haha fuck

>> No.21360435

Using an image from the context you first found it in instead of using an image to illustrate the concept doesn't seem like too good of an idea, if you want to learn new words.

>> No.21360443

nah its a good idea because the context you found the word will form stronger contextual bonds as well as call up a wealth of other information then you can think the next time you saw the word, oh yeah, that's just like what gold roger left behind when they necked him, then the time after that oh yeah that's just like the chest AND gold roger

>> No.21360446

are you me? we're not going to make it haha
I at least take a few words though and repeat them while I'm faping and sometimes watch porn with japanese dialogue

>> No.21360447

ボクや殴らへんで = ボクは殴らないよ

外に出ていってそれっきりの父さん = ~それっきり帰ってきてない父さん (probably? just gut feel)
おる = いる

>> No.21360448

>watching porn instead of reading it
How old-fashioned.

>> No.21360468

How do I stop mixing up ちょう・ちゅう and じょう・じゅう when I see a word and try to remember the reading?

>> No.21360470

yes you read it correct it is from moningu musume. "which moni?" ("which girl of morning musume?")

モー娘。(moo musu) is short for モーニング娘。 (mooningu musume) it is an idol group which everyone used to be into at least 15 or 20 years ago

>> No.21360485

The ちっちゃいのは was actually the thing that confused me the most. Not sure if it could mean "since I was small" or "since I was little (a little kid)."

Not sure about that 帰ってきてない.
The それっきりの is what gets me the most since I've never seen it with a の at the end.

Oh, whoa. I REALLY wasn't expecting this.

>> No.21360490

put that shit in a anki card

>> No.21360498

idk it was one of those, he has 127 articles on why anime is so good for learning japanese

>> No.21360502

oh you were struggling with the entire sentence. i'm a bit slow in noticing


basically something like "she looked like that - that one girl from momusu"

ちっちゃいのは in that sentence means "little one(s)" (as an object for 殴る). it's not possible to understand it in the ways you said. i can tell you that much about it.

>> No.21360507

Think of something related to the second Chinese dynasty for the first one, something related to chewing for the second one, something about some dude named Joe for じょう, and something about 10 Jews for じゅう.

>> No.21360509

>he has 127 articles on why anime is so good for learning japanese
holy shit is khatz actually based

>> No.21360516

>10 Jews for じゅう
Nice, now add to that that じゅう phonetically typically means 銃 (rifle) and the cake is complete.

>> No.21360522

I got it when you explained what モー娘 was, but thanks either way.

>ちっちゃいのは in that sentence means "little one(s)"
Ohh, I get it now. Thanks again.

>> No.21360523

maybe u should just think of the actual fuckin word and eventually ull just remember the word

>> No.21360538

>Anime and manga will make you fluent, but if and only if you have a system that is engineered to get them from page and screen deep and permanently into your brain
>It doesn’t matter what method you use to get good at Japanese. As long as it works. It really doesn’t. Now, classes don’t work (like you needed me to tell that! I know you already knew), so they’re not even in our universe of things to consider.
He was basically the nihongo mesiah. It was a double edged sword though because it made people like matt who corrupt it and get rich off of it.

>> No.21360540

np it is great fun. I hope some nihongo vet can explain that それっきり though since you say my attempt doesn't fit (as you know the context and I don't...).

>> No.21360544

unfortunately, I got into hentai a bit, but I wanted to ask on your take on one thing related to it
I treat it as porn - it arouses me and I look for multiple titles as if I was opening multiple porn tabs, but what when I jack off? do you finish reading of the hentai despite becoming almost asexual for a moment? I mean reading on would feel like continuing to watch porn after you've done your thing

>> No.21360552

don't fap, then later when you want to fap go back and skim it in the recollection viewer

>> No.21360554

I read all the main pages, cum to the cum scene and then i read the afterword. it's simple and great

>> No.21360557

In what context do you use 話し合うover 話し? If we're going by 合うadded in then it should be meet and talk but the translation doesn't say that, it just says "to discuss".

>> No.21360559
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>> No.21360566

nice, I don't think I'll forget that

>> No.21360567

話し合う is between more than one person I think, and feels more concrete. 話し has multiple meanings.

>> No.21360570

what is the difference between


>> No.21360578

what if there are multiple cum scenes?

>> No.21360581


>> No.21360586

follow up explanation for それっきり - if you misunderstood my japanese, the english meaning is (for the whole phrase) "I have a father that left us too" (i.e. "he went out and that was it - that kind of father" therefore the の that connects それっきり with 父さん). If that really doesn't fit then that is the limit of my japanese skills right now. ;_;

>> No.21360589

Auxiliary verb, Godan verb with u ending
4. to do ... to each other; to do ... together​after the -masu stem of a verb

>> No.21360591

you might sometimes miss a cum scene, in that case there are things you can do
1. save it for later, for your next cum
2. change cum scenes while masturbating
3. if you have multiple monitors you can jack off to both cum scenes simultaneously

>> No.21360599

real language learning techniques

>> No.21360600

depends on how desperately i want to jack off in that moment or how godlike the particular hentai comic is. then i make a pause and read the rest of the pages from there later, which may be the next day even, or under 10 minutes.

>> No.21360622

Ohhh, I get it now!
Yeah, it does make sense. I thought it didn't made much sense in context at first, but reading it again and again, it kinda does. I guess I was reading it too slow and couldn't connect the それっきりの父さん with 外に出ていって in my mind.
Thanks again.

>> No.21360625

>3. if you have multiple monitors you can jack off to both cum scenes simultaneously
take this to the world of eroge

>> No.21360629

after and/or during orgasming it is a good idea to scream a sentence that you're mining, in this way you are attaching feelings and emotions to the words which will leave a lasting memory instead of just droning around without emotion.

>> No.21360632

say 現れる 6 times as fast as you can on a vocaroo

>> No.21360640

>not using butt plugs to increase your emotional stimuli while mining sentences
not gonna make it

>> No.21360643


>> No.21360644

>sentencefags like things in their butts
not even surprised

>> No.21360649


This is a cute phrase. Try saying it out loud. It's cute!

>> No.21360652

u have to scream a voiced line though so u can shadow the pitch accent and not permanently cripple urself so i hope ur self inserting as the girl

>> No.21360656

supplying the missing logic to my post:
>depends on how desperately i want to jack off in that moment or how godlike the particular hentai comic is
so depending on that i may cum to the first cum scene asap, or to somewhere in the middle. on principle I seldom cum to non-cum scenes. I freely miss* them because whatever, maybe i'm only feeling the energy to jack off once and it'll be at the end of the comic. It's like this:

1. cum to the manga at least once (after determining that it's gonna be good enough)
2. cum scenes are opportunities, not goals. they're like places set up by the author, "you can cum here" (* for that reason i do not think of not cumming to cum scenes as "missing" them)

I usually don't revisit the manga unless the author was a god and i just can't get enough.

if the cum scene is final, it'll be towards the end of the book, I don't cum just yet, I read the "aftercum" as well and then i flip back and jack off at full force. I guess there are other possible exceptions but I'm not autismal enough to start going into detail on that!

>> No.21360662

now you can learn japanese!

>> No.21360663

say that 10 times fast

>> No.21360668

no need to get insecure about someone feeling good about their progress. you can post about your successes too if you want, i’d support!

>> No.21360678

Studying japanese is like climbing a peak-less mountain. You're slowly maintaining your way up it and down it all of the time.

>> No.21360683

there’s too much of an attitude here of either people pretending they’re way better than they are and being assholes to others because of it, or of people talking about how shit they are all the time.

it would be good if people started talking about their successes and not in a rubbing it in anyone’s face way but in a healthy, “i’m actually getting better, cool” way.

plus that would be a way better use of time than all the rambling you guys do about ecelebs. obsessing about someone ELSE’S japanese study is the most pointless thing ever.

>> No.21360685

say 無駄 20 times

>> No.21360686

>all this talk about hentai
god i wish i was fucking straight
there's such a low amount of actual good homo doujin and of that portion hardly any get uploaded

>> No.21360690


>> No.21360692

habituate yourself into liking straight shit. plenty of people on this dumb site do the same for gay shit

>> No.21360696

just go to furry forums or something

>> No.21360713


>> No.21360717

Truth is that everybody is relatively bad. The people bragging are starved for results for massive amounts of effort and feel bad about their results. It's an extremely difficult task. Nobody hear comes across as pleased with the effort and results. It's insanely difficult and time consuming and you'll be at this for half a decade just to get decent.

>> No.21360721

i think it would be nice if there were more people asking questions not on the level of "explain the difference between will and shall" or "where eceleb cult should I ironically join?". when things like this >>21360312 are asked DJT finally looks like what i expected it to look like when i first looked into here ( boy WAS I wrong)

>> No.21360725

>where eceleb cult
*which eceleb cult

>> No.21360733

considering the fact that most of you have depression (people have admitted it), i think your perspective is at least partially tainted by your general tendencies towards negativity. i’ve been seriously studying (with immersion etc) for 3 and a half years or so now and i’m very happy with where i’m at. i know there’s a lot i still don’t know but why the fuck would i sit around being sad about that when i can understand most of whatever i read (95%+), and listen to (80%+), have conversations about pretty much anything i feel like talking about with japanese people every day, and in general have a good time with the language.

be realistic of course but constantly focusing on everything you don’t know and being pissed about it sounds like a pointless way to spend one’s life.

>> No.21360735
File: 6 KB, 35x151, eyaqhtTi9M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more evidence nihongo is a fake language

>> No.21360736

and for the people who truly are beginners still, you can be honest about that while still counting your wins. i’d rather improve while enjoying myself than improve while not even realizing i’m improving cause i’m too focused on being a dick to myself about what i don’t know yet. stop feeding your depression.

>> No.21360741

>sounds like a pointless way to spend one’s life.
Now you're getting japanese. Fully accepting that mental hurdle early on is good.

>> No.21360746
File: 64 KB, 551x331, george and qt wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is his wife, pic very much related, very cute in an above average non-Harajuku way
Matt wishes he had a gf like that

>> No.21360752

need to learn 草書体 from gorge's wife

>> No.21360755

I'm whatever the opposite of depression is. I know my life is finite, I know life is meaningless, and therefore studying japanes fits perfect. I'm stay cheerful because it feels better to be happy then anything else, not because of my activities or self introspection.

>> No.21360764

If you want a feel good post then I’ll mention how reading was just complete torture back in november for me, but now it’s fun. It took me like 90 min to make it through an anime episode looking up everything I didn’t know and mining 50 cards per episode. Now I mine like 15 cards from an episode and it takes 30 minutes. Reading manga is more comfortable as well. Read a volume of SNK with around 30 lookups I think. Still nowhere near fluent but I really feel the progress considering how hard it used to be.

>> No.21360783

That may be true for most people here but I'm alright at japanese actually. It's workable, I can generally read anything, I can have conversations on abstract topics, although not with perfect grammar. I can read a page from a book on vocaroo if you want (my intonation will be bad). I have a vague desire to help people so I occasionally come here but tantalizingly this thread is almost never about specific issues of japanese (i'm not gonna count posts like >>21360557) so I eventually leave.

>> No.21360785
File: 1.35 MB, 500x500, 1442173177537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Spice and Wolf, adding example sentences for every word I mine.
And it's awful, OCR sucks, typing them is tedious.

What do you do when you can't just copy&paste the sentences into Anki, anon?
I'm about to say fuck it an add them all without any example sentences.
I want to fire and forget, not waste time with all of this nonsense that isn't learning Japanese

>> No.21360788

a couple of people like quizmaster got some kind of complex but u seem to be talkin about more than that
takin it ez and not carin about ur nihongo power level dont mean u cant have a laugh at the expense of someones massive ego lol
i dont know nihongo and that aint a secret but im enjoyin my progress and enjoyin the vns between shitposts

>> No.21360792

Good progress dude. Some days I too can feel the progress, I already know a ton of stuff and still find new stuff all of the time. I heard after 20k words you start to really run into new words less.. some days I get frustrated because of it, because I want the new words to just stop. The language is so vast. I know about 7k and it feels like nothing at times, and other times I feel like a god. Depends what I run into.

>> No.21360803

the ol' screencap + handwrite in google translate

>> No.21360807

now this is the kinda shit i like to hear. well done dude. what kind of animes do you watch?

>> No.21360808


>> No.21360838

*vomits out of disgust*

>> No.21360845

*headbutts you*

>> No.21360850

>when cards you mined months ago come up
The stupidity required to mine some of this stuff makes me highly doubt I even have the brain capacity to learn this shit

>> No.21360851



>> No.21360855

if you have months of time between mining something and seeing it in anki you're mining too much

>> No.21360864

>when cards you mined months ago come up
lucky bastard

>> No.21360866

Agreed, I delete about 15 cards before I have my new cards for the day, every day. A few months ago I had just wrapped with core2k so that's probably why there is a bunch of retarded shit in my mining deck.
I mean in Anki as new cards, not in context

>> No.21360869

Is there any group of words in this language as aids as those with 見?

>> No.21360873

? never felt that way about miru words

>> No.21360874
File: 220 KB, 1280x1280, img_388318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup DJT, coming here from /o/'s DBT, could anyone help me identifiy what the first two ones are?
Started learning only a few months ago and I'm having a hard time figuring what they are, I'm pretty sure the third one would be 也, but because of the font, I'm having shit luck even when trying to redraw the first two

>> No.21360875


>> No.21360880

I guessed this word earlier just by the kanji, felt good

>> No.21360884

自来也 - spells Jiraiya. The characters have individual meanings but on the whole it's mostly just a phonetic spelling.

>> No.21360887

There's just so fucking many with such varied meanings. Maybe there's some through-line that I'm missing but I can't be arsed with this shit anymore

>> No.21360891

整然 is the weirdest 下付き kanji in japanese wtf

>> No.21360897

yeah, I always thought those were intuitive

>> No.21360901

Oh I see!
I also thought for a moment that the second one would be 来 but since I was only thinking about the meaning it felt kinda weird.
Thanks mane!

>> No.21360903

Some are more intuitive than others for me, but for some reason I can't put 2 and 2 together with these words like I can with compound ones

>> No.21360905


>> No.21360913

NP and I wanna say come again anytime but this thread really is kind of weird, so I'm gonna say do stay in /o/ for your own sanity when you learn Japanese! Cheers.

>> No.21360934

I got this feeling recently, there are so many words. I think I’m going to try and mine 50 words per day with 80% retention for the next 6 months which should get me like 7200 words.

Last season Kaguya, Mob, Neverland, Wataten. This season SNK, Kimetsu, Senko, Bocchi. Also doing Ueno, Non Non Biyori, and Kiniro Mosaic.

>> No.21360953


>> No.21361015

what's up you KOUGOU loving fucks.

>> No.21361022

Oh no, if I'd been online I'd just shared the link to mine since it's in my online storage still

>> No.21361023
File: 44 KB, 210x282, 梶浦 由記.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to mine the names of your favorite music composers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Atc51MxhoAE

>> No.21361037

you probably just need more exposure to some of them to get the hang of it. maybe anki-ing a few with good sentences with them, will help a lot.

>> No.21361046

why don't you read the light novel?

>> No.21361068

>can't even read kodomo manga
im not gonna make it bros...

>> No.21361075

>because I want the new words to just stop.
i used to have this feeling, but then my perspective changed and now i pretty much never feel like this, despite learning new stuff all the time too. think of it like an adventure. how fun would an adventure be if you already know every monster you're gonna see and where you're gonna see it, and can kill everything with one hit, and you already have every drop from every dungeon, and you're level 1,000? not very interesting at all. the fun is in the discovery.

japanese is no longer something i'm unnecessarily expecting perfection out of. perfectionism is the killer of fun. you have to learn to enjoy the journey.
>I know about 7k and it feels like nothing at times, and other times I feel like a god. Depends what I run into.
yeah this is relatable and also super normal. don't worry dude you're honestly doing good. if you start focusing on how many things you know now that you didn't know before, if you start letting yourself feel that little piece of 「よっしゃ!」when you re-encounter a word in the wild that you've recently learned and you get it now, your orientation towards the journey will change. it'll stop being able how much you have left and it'll start being about how much gains you're making.

>> No.21361079


>> No.21361093

wow, japanese really is the most amazing language in the world, sugoi

>> No.21361095

Why that word in particular?

>> No.21361105

>to surround, encircle, enclose, wall in
>kanji is a square with a symbol within it

>> No.21361111

Watch local DJT man ramble incoherently at just that exact kanji:


>> No.21361112

if that's what excites you check out THIS 囚

>> No.21361125

Thanks lel
From time to time I come here to look at these threads but since I'm just starting (about 25% of 2k/6k) I'll be able to appreciate them more once I get better
I'll never thought I'd keep going when I started but each time I'm able to understand something that I'm reading or hearing, even if its not much, it feels like I'm making progress and it makes me want to continue!

>> No.21361126

i'm in fucking awe atm
i regret reading that

>> No.21361161





>> No.21361168

>each time I'm able to understand something that I'm reading or hearing, even if its not much, it feels like I'm making progress and it makes me want to continue!
thats the spirit :) i'm proud of ya, boy.

>> No.21361173
File: 290 KB, 800x600, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21361182

>Last season Kaguya, Mob, Neverland, Wataten. This season SNK, Kimetsu, Senko, Bocchi. Also doing Ueno, Non Non Biyori, and Kiniro Mosaic.
mob, bocchi and non non biyori, nice! do you farm from everything you watch or just a select few?

>> No.21361187




>> No.21361196


>> No.21361204

Those are my stats so yes
I wonder if that's the most famous meme I ever made during my time on DJT

>> No.21361207

No they are not. I edited in my stats. I'd never put my name on your 2400 (lol) Kanji.

>> No.21361208

Ah, I didn't actually look
Now that you mention it, I see that you only studied 97% of days, whereas I held my perfect attendance with pride

>> No.21361215

he still made you look better with that meme, 感謝しな

>> No.21361217

Did that for every kaguya episode last season, doing it for SNK and Kimetsu this season. The rest I just watch raw.

>> No.21361236

idk that kanji grid is a bit too strong

>> No.21361244

Kanji grids don't mean much since you can fiddle with the settings to increase greeness, and given the high quantity of kanji unique to a single word, it's really easy to boost it up (not to mention that the bottom of the kanjigrid in that image is cut off, hiding the potentially white bottom of unseen kanji). Honestly with that in mind 3000 is pretty embarrassing for someone trying to dickwave, it isn't hard to get to 4000 or 5000 with a bit of effort.

>> No.21361249

how do you guys deal with alternate kanji usage in anki? do you add a card for each one?

>> No.21361255

Did the jpod101 guy have trouble reading this one?

>> No.21361256
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>> No.21361257
File: 239 KB, 483x4449, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how someone always finds a way to come up with a bunch of bullshit to invalidate that I can read a decent amount of shit. I field restrict it to the word on the front as well, so sentences and all that shit aren't included. Default settings otherwise.

>> No.21361260

my kanji grid is fucking blank

>> No.21361266

I wasn't talking about you in particular, I was just noting that kanji grids don't mean much and explained why. No need to get defensive, it makes you look bad.

>> No.21361268

Okay. Anyway you are right about 4000 not being too hard. I've only been learning for a bit over 2 years. I imagine at 5 years I will be between 4000 and 5000 no problem.

>> No.21361274

By that time you would have dropped anki I hope.

>> No.21361279
File: 1.25 MB, 1494x920, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese people suck lol.

>> No.21361289
File: 238 KB, 521x496, kHhBht8XUG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21361292

if it's too tedious you don't do it
reading without mining is way better than quitting

>> No.21361321

if you aren't even N4 then i can tell you that you are misunderstanding a lot. I have figured this out by re-reading shit that i read a year ago and thought i understood and realizing that i really didn't

>> No.21361332

nah I meant past N5 as I'm not a N5 anymore, I'm between N4 and N3

>> No.21361347

Mitsuboshi colors and Hanahira are better as a first watch/read than Yotsuba is.

Plus, you get to listen this OP that is way better than it has any right to be:

>> No.21361349

literally even N3 is nothing

>> No.21361355






>> No.21361360

Sounds exactly like the in-episode OP to me, other than it's extended.

>> No.21361375

I've watched Non non biyori and gochumon wa usagi desu ka, what's next in this vain?

>> No.21361381


>> No.21361396

>Mitsuboshi colors and Hanahira are better as a first watch/read than Yotsuba is

you dropped this part
>if you a pathetic loser pedo weeb faggot with a degenerated brain who enjoys moe more than silly comedy

>> No.21361413

I meant it from a learning perspective. I just think of shows like those as made for kids and since I'm not a pedo that jerks off to analogues for children it's not an issue for me.

>> No.21361422

The first anime I ever anime mined was 少女終末旅行. Pretty good for beginners as well.


>> No.21361423

hanahira at least is chock full of lesbian shit sexual and otherwise so

>> No.21361430



>> No.21361440

True, but there is no explicit graphic sexual content iirc so it was easy to separate myself from that stuff.

>> No.21361443

>arguing about which manga to read first when manga isn't reading in the first place

>> No.21361449

>guy with trash english reading comprehension in charge of designating what is and isn't reading

>> No.21361461


>> No.21361467

Are you new to these threads?

>> No.21361475

No, I was spamming manga isn't reading last year, felt like shitposting from the other side of the fence

>> No.21361477

so does anyone here use KanjiTree instead of anki?

>> No.21361487

looks like a more limited version of anki

>> No.21361572

stop shilling this shit

>> No.21361584
File: 36 KB, 667x576, 4579t45ytg7hy47gy49sgdfhjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21361662

so this is the lazy bitch that never learned english while living in the US for 20 years.

>> No.21361705

dont b mean 2 yuka tyan

>> No.21361711

imagine getting native unvetted by someone who is an experienced kendo fighter lmfao

>> No.21361751

Can you rollback anki a week?

>> No.21361788

ok I'm gonna get a lot of shit for this post but what is the difference between tame, tameni and notameni, when do you use which

>> No.21361795

is that slang for

>> No.21361796

don't worry about it and read more japanese

>> No.21361804

681 due is 817 reps assuming 80% retention. If you average 5 sec per rep you’ll be done in an hour.

>> No.21361806

dont post in this thread again until u complete everything here and i mean everything even the quizzes


>> No.21361807

verb tame (ni)
noun notame (ni)
know what im saying


>> No.21361814

is this a real post

>> No.21361818

know your えぇ

>> No.21361819

Fate is garbage.

Mitsuboshi Colors is garbage.

>> No.21361820

actually i have the perfect thing for u


>> No.21361822

u and me might be able to be friends

whats something u think is not garbage

>> No.21361853


>> No.21361855

so the の it's like the opposite of nominalizing sentences when you want to add the ha particle if you want to do a verb you add no, but with noun it's okay

>> No.21361870

ill take it

>> No.21361877

i dont know what that means but it's the possessive の

>> No.21361878

what the FUIck is ur problem

>> No.21361881


>> No.21361897
File: 49 KB, 1303x705, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21361954

My stats say 100% so I'm already ahead of that guy

>> No.21361966

Ya finally cracked the 3k mark, qm? Nice you'll prolly overtake me in a year if you keep it up like this.

>> No.21361967

ichisen no postu goes to the oosama
me <---
