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2135472 No.2135472 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best VN Of these three?

Chaos Head
Fate/Stay Night

Pic unrelated.

>> No.2135473

Fate/Stay Night

>> No.2135475

Chaos Head

>> No.2135482

I watched Fate/Stay Night and part of Clannad. Chaos Head has blood so that's not good :C
Clannad makes me ;_;
Fate/Stay Night was okay :3

>> No.2135480

Clannad. Easily, Clannad.

>> No.2135483

Pic unrelated.

>> No.2135487

Clannad >= FSN >>>>>>>>> Chaos,Head

>> No.2135489

I'd go with Sumaga.

>> No.2135491

they are all shit.

kanon is much superior

>> No.2135493

Clannad > Fate/stay Night.

Chaos; Head is just shit.

>> No.2135497

F/sn was good. All Key shit is the same shit. Chaos;HEAd started off pretty cool and got progressively worse, becoming complete shit by the end.

>> No.2135500
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Chaos head is definitely "MY FIRST VN KAWAIIDESS^^", and as such is pretty bad, but putting that aside it's pretty decent... was too short, had the story wrapped up poorly in the end when it had potential to rock ass.

FSN i... wait a minute, I know why these 3 are mentioned.

sage goes in every field

>> No.2135499

anyone know where I can find Akaneiro with an english patch for download?

>> No.2135505

Luigi's Mansion 2

>> No.2135514

not sage. just new to VN and those are the only three that come to mind.

>> No.2135519

erm, not troll I meant.

>> No.2135529


>> No.2135531

Just go play Planetarian. It's not as long as those three and it's pretty enjoyable.

>> No.2135540

what's the best Harem VN?

>> No.2135559

fate/stay night

chaos;head is mediocre, clannad is godawful

>> No.2135572
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Clannad > FSN >>>>>>>>>> CHAOS;HEAD
Japan agreed, don't bother them about it.

>> No.2135581

Clannad is better than Fate/stay night but they're pretty close. Chaos;Head is nowhere near, it's not horribly terrible but it's not very good either.

>> No.2135582
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Oops, wrong pic.
But I won't delete it since Kia is delicious.

>> No.2135585

I prefer Ati myself. Though everyone is gay for Ghee.

>> No.2135616

Clannad is better than F/SN (haven't played C;H yet) but it's not a good one to start with because it's so fucking long.

>> No.2135632

>is pretty bad, but putting that aside it's pretty decent

OP, flip a three sided coin and then play them all. You can't lose.

>> No.2135650

I hear nothing but bad things about C;H, /jp/ is tsundere for F/SN, and Clannad is generally regarded as great except by a minority who probably just don't like the genre

I've yet to play C;H but I thoroughly enjoyed both F/SN and Clannad, not sure which is better though.

>> No.2135659

Clannad has no sex. How can you play that shit?

>> No.2135663

Who cares about japan? They have shit taste anyway; just look at their porn.

>> No.2135675

well, this is /jp/

>> No.2135678


Does this look like the right one?

>> No.2135685


>> No.2135691

care to recommend me more VNs?

>> No.2135711


>> No.2135714

Clannad is my favorite by far.
Fate/stay night is awesome, but everything is so outdrawn and you lose interest, they have long boring explanations about everything.
I haven't tried Chaod;Head yet, I watched the first episode of the anime and it seemed "meh".

>> No.2135751
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>Fate/Stay Night

>> No.2135765


>> No.2135778

It depends on your taste.

If you like shitty moeblob crap with light orbs, a harem that isnt horny and a child that dies, Clannad is up your street.

If you like fighten, powerlevels, magic, sex, British history and cooking, F/SN is for you

If you like shit, you will like Chaos Head

Simple Really

>> No.2135804


I like Tenchi Muyo. Can it be Tenchi Muyo VN time now?

>> No.2135823

Yume Miru Kusuri is really good.
Tsukihime is the superior Type-Moon game.
Ever17 is classic, you'll either love it or be horribly bored.
Umineko is pretty awesome too.

>> No.2135837
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>superior Type-Moon game.

hurrr durrrr

>> No.2135838
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Clannad is the best out of these three in my opinion. It basically consists of lots of short stories (every route is seperate from the others), and is generally just awesome.

Fate/stay Night is also great, it's a pretty epic story, except each of the three routes is really long, and you'll need to play all three routes (over 100 hours) to really finish the story - finishing just one route leaves unresolved issues that require you to play other routes.

Chaos;Head is also a good VN, and much shorter than Clannad or f/sn (about 30 hours). It isn't a masterpiece like Clannad and f/sn, but nevertheless a good story that's worth playing.

>> No.2135840
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>> No.2135841

Tsukihime will only bore newcomers, as it's ALL TEXT ALMOST NO IMAGES CRAPPY MUSIC. Nice if you're used to VNs, boring as hell if you aren't.

>> No.2135844

>30 hours
>shorter than fsn
ok i haven't played chaos;head but fsn was less than 30 hours for me to read. wat

>> No.2135853

I'm talking about actual reading, not holding the CTRL button.
