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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2133723 No.2133723 [Reply] [Original]

My computer's been mostly dead all day (I suspect someone over in Kentucky is responsible, I can psychically tell from here bub so knock it off)

Anyway, let's get this road on the show.

>> No.2133749

>>road on the show.

>> No.2133756
File: 96 KB, 800x600, ashe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Ashe, daughter of the king of hell. There has been a war with Heaven for thousands of years. The king of hell must be strong to maintain the barrier but lately my father has been weakening. A new king of hell must be decided. Normally I would be the next queen of hell but I was born with very little magical powers so there is a civil war concerning who will inherit the throne. I have never before left the castle but now that this war has come to the gates of the castle I've had to escape with my father's familiar Kyle to the human world.

>> No.2133763

twould be a deliberate malapropism my good sir.

>> No.2133812
File: 103 KB, 800x600, leni seizh kyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot fly in the human world and so when I jumped off the building that I found myself on I fell. Luckily someone was there to catch me. I've never experienced being so close to a boy other than my father before. I apologized for acting rudely to him when I screamed.

My familiar sensed a great magical power nearby and we've found our way to an apartment shared by a pair of twins Leni and Seizh who were once candidates for the next king of hell. I have asked for their help to save my father and I've offered them the only thing I could, the throne to hell, but both have refused. I won't leave unless they agree to return with me to save my father. My familiar Kyle, who I bathed with, slept with, and changed in front of for many years turns out to have a human form. I don't know if I can forgive him.

Leni has recreated my room from the castle fairly well while I'm here on Earth and his brother Seizh has agreed to let me stay. I've never left the castle before and I'm alone and although they were all mean to me I feel lonely.

>> No.2133822

Let's try getting Seizh again.

>> No.2133829

I don't think we've tried Seizh yet, first time was Leni-ish. I personally fantasize about being the submissive girl dominated by the gorgeous bastard.

>> No.2133835

Oops, seems to have confused the names.

Let's go for the ARROGANT FABULOUS BASTARD again.

>> No.2133842

Kyle. He's your partner, forgive him.

The other two are dickheads anyway.

>> No.2133860
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When I went to thank Leni for making my room comfortable for me he reached over and kissed me! Because I was surprised my lips were slightly parted so he forced his tongue into my mouth. As soon as I came to my senses I pushed him away and ran out of the room to crawl into bed and cried myself to sleep. I've never been kissed before, my whole body felt hot, and even though his eyes were full of malice I can still remember the warmth of his lips.

>> No.2133883

It's interesting. In most eroge aimed males, the protagonist will only engage in sexual congress with the chosen heroine on one or two separate occasions. However, in this otome game, Ashe seems to engage in sexual congress at least once, often twice or thrice, every single day with her chosen partner. She seems to do so more than the heroines of Sexfriend, even. As I am not familiar with many otome games, I wonder: is this typical? Or is this game the exception to the rule?

>> No.2133892
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I keep having dreams at night of holding someone in my arms. Though I don't know who they are I feel such love for them. When I wake up I feel lonely.

In the morning Kyle came into my room with a new dress from Leni and Seizh. It's very pretty so I thank them for it. Apparently it's a school uniform and they expect me to go to school!

When I refuse Leni forces a kiss on me again and tells me that I'm just a small girl and I have no power here on earth. Reluctantly I accompany them to school.

>> No.2133969
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When a group of girls came and took Leni and Seizh away I had to find the staff room on my own. I became lost in the school so I shouted out for Leni. Suddenly he came up from behind and covered my mouth then told me to stop because I was embarrassing him.

How could he be so cruel to let me get lost on my own in unusual surroundings? I was so scared that I yelled, he glared back at me and told me it was my fault since I didn't stop at the information desk for directions. I was still mad but he told me I was standing out too much and could become a target of bad men. I could only think of him forcing a kiss on me this morning.

He tells me to stay close to him so I don't lose my way again.

I can say I understand
or I can say is it really ok?

(I'm not sure which to choose if we wish to be the submissive girl.)

>> No.2134186

hmm, guess there's not as much interest this time around. Guess I'll come again.

>> No.2134650

>I can say is it really ok?
It'd be nice to see Leni stumble around a bit, but too bad that probably won't happen. Go with this anyways. Use your moe powers!

>> No.2135970
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Good morning, I'll give this one more bump in case there's lingering interest.

I asked Leni if it was ok if I stick with him wherever he goes from morning till night. He gave in and won't force me to stick close to him.

>> No.2135977

Never let the fucker out of the sight.
Whether he likes it or not, he'll love us.

>> No.2136005
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During lunch I headed to the cafe and found Leni and Seizh surrounded by girls. It made me upset so I ran off crying on my own. I decided to return home when Leni found me and asked why I was crying. I didn't want to tell him so I said it's because I was hungry. Even though he has class right now he took me to the cafe to eat. I knew he was truly nice after all. He's holding some bread for me to eat.

I can yell that I don't want it
or keep quiet and let him feed me.

>> No.2136012

But I was the little bitch. I didn't want to go with him so I was haughty and demanded that if he forced me to come with him I would naturally need to spend all day with him. I won when he agreed not to bother me about it.

>> No.2136019

Keep quiet.

I'm stating the overall plan directive and goal.
We'll get a good ending this time/

>> No.2136133
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I timidly ate the bread from his hand and allowed Leni to feed me from his hand like a little bird. He smiled and commended me for being obedient.

After school I follow the voice of the birds to the harbor. It's fun to watch the white birds sway in the empty sky. I can see the glittering sand spread out before me and smell the salt in the air. It's the ocean! It's completely different from the black ocean in hell.

Suddenly from behind me I can hear someone yelling. A girl wearing the same uniform as me is arguing with Leni that she only wants to be with him but he's saying that he's not interested and tells her to get out of his sight. She begs him to only hold her once but he refuses. She run's off crying.

I feel awful for having seen that girl's feelings be wounded like that when suddenly Leni calls out to me asking if I'd seen. I don't wish to take advantage of the situation so I turn away. Would I want to simply embrace him one final time while he threw me away like that? I bite my lips to keep from crying. I got upset and told him that he should have held her one last time. He tells me that he shouldn't have to embrace a girl he doesn't love.

I can say if I loved you, would you do the same?
or I can be repentant

>> No.2136151

The first option I guess, but either is fine.

>> No.2136199
File: 75 KB, 800x600, leni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked Leni if he would treat me the same way if I were in love with him. It feels like the words slip arbitrarily from my mouth. My vision is blurred by tears. His smile fades as he looks at me. He tells me to tell him I love him and ask him to embrace me and see what happens. I can't do such a thing! I don't actually love him! He smiles when I fail to reply, I knew it, he was only teasing me. He yells at me for not heading straight home after school like he told me to. As punishment he forces a kiss on me, once again forcing his tongue passed my lips. I lose my breath as I sense his tongue explore my mouth. I didn't thrust him away quickly this time, I don't feel fear this time. Leni laughs and pulls my arm to lead me home. Then suddenly he pulls me close and embraces me, he shuts my mouth when I try to yell when suddenly beams of light strike through the air but are reflected off a barrier. I shake in Leni's arms. Demon hunters have found me. Leni once again grabs my arm to lead me home.

(this is seriously much hotter than Kyle's route, even if the response to it seems fairly lame)

>> No.2136265


>> No.2136269



>> No.2136281
File: 94 KB, 800x600, leni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During school they're having gym class. I don't like physical activities so I decided to ditch class along with Leni. I went with him to the roof while he read. I tried asking why he never returned to hell but he doesn't want to be interrupted. I watch him read and realize his eyes are the same color as the sky. After awhile he asks if I enjoy looking at the sky. I say yes and ask him if he does too. He says he doesn't mind it but that he prefers the sky at night. Could it be he doesn't like earth much at all? He asks to watch the sky with me and lays down beside me, I can feel my heartbeat faster. Is he really a gentle man after all?

Kyle has left a note saying not to spoil my appetite for dinner but I want some yogurt after my bath. I choose to split half with Leni. He's working on homework, I'm impressed that he knows so much, I have a hard time reading the difficult kanji.

I can say I don't need to study
or ask if he'll teach me

>> No.2136283

Under the Moon from Sugar Beans: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=289405

>> No.2136285

It's Super Effective!

>> No.2136295

>ask if he'll teach me
Obvious choice. Here's hoping he leans over behind you.

>> No.2136353

I ask Leni to teach me because he can easily read such difficult books. He asks why I want to learn this language and I say it may be helpful one day when I return to hell. He loses his smile when I mention returning to hell. My face grows hot and I wonder if I'm blushing. I realize that I've eaten all the yogurt that I promised to share. I apologize for eating it all, Leni asks for a taste so he grabs me and kisses me again, once again I can feel his tongue writhing inside my mouth, my whole body feels light.

He says it's strawberry flavor. I tell him the carton said double berry flavor. When I realize how silly I was I run to hide in my room. It surprised me so much, I hold the empty yogurt cup in my hands and think of the warmth of Leni's lips on mine.

>> No.2136373


>> No.2136389

How much yogurt residue is left in your mouth after you finish eating?

>> No.2136494
File: 108 KB, 800x600, leni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After school today I notice Seizh surrounded by girls like usual. However he doesn't appear well. I decide not to bother him and instead I head straight home. I thought Kyle would be here but instead I find Leni alone wrapped in a blanket lying on the couch. He says he feels tired and has been sleeping. It's not that there's any significance to it but I set my bag down and sit next to him. Leni closes his eyes and I watch him sleep. Suddenly he leaps up and catches hold of me saying I'm defenseless right now then wraps me in the blanket and places my head by his chest. I try to complain but he shuts my mouth and says he wants me to join him. He says if I move he'll kill me.

I can think, it's ok to embrace him
or being killed is fine

>> No.2136505


>> No.2136522

Embrace, but see what option 2 does.

>> No.2136611
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I say I'd like to embrace him which shocks him. It looks like he didn't expect that answer. I ask him if I embrace him will he return to hell with me? He says, so is that it? and his face suddenly becomes lonely but after a moment his eyes become sharp once again. He says he'll think about it. It's not a clear answer but that's all right, maybe he does have some desire. I close my eyes and feel the warm touch of his lips on mine. I entwine my fingers in the blanket and feel it dance upon the most sensitive part of my breasts. My whole body becomes numb as I feel a current run through it. His knee moves against my thigh and I feel it press against my stomach. A gasp escapes my lips, I look over to see Seizh glance my way. Does he want to do it here, in this place? (I'm very much thinking the author meant Leni here) I feel a curious desire born inside me and spread through me.

Already, as it is ...

suddenly Leni pushes me away, he says he feels light headed. I gasp but he says he doesn't want to hold me anymore. I ask him why but he simply stands and returns to his room. My whole body is hot. I lie back down to sleep.

(Homework now, be back later this afternoon)

>> No.2136670

why not? I tell him it's ok to kill me so long as he returns to hell to save my father. He asks if my life is worth not having to embrace him. He grabs my neck with both hands. He tells me to scream, I can see the intent to kill in his eyes but I refuse to call out while he strangles me. It hurts a little while he kisses me, it's by no means an unpleasant sensation, like a sweet thorn. I close my eyes. I chose to refuse his embrace but now I wait for his kiss. He suddenly lets go of me and covers me in the blanket.

Now I know your true feelings, he says. I try and call him back but he leaves for his room

>> No.2136732

That's not nearly as hot. The first one was better.

>> No.2136737

agreed, get her all riled up for sex then leave her hanging

>> No.2136784

>body becomes numb
That is the opposite of what I want to see. I'd like to see her overloaded with sensation. Find the route that blows your unused fuses out completely in one go.

>> No.2136792

>(this is seriously much hotter than Kyle's route, even if the response to it seems fairly lame)
Leni is just too much of a jerkoff, I can't really sympathize with him till he does something other than be a constant suave asshole.

>> No.2136797

Has anyone else noticed that she wants sex more than the boys do? Kyle would never have touched her if she hadn't worked for it and now she's getting hot while Leni is apathetic ...

>> No.2136812

She is a princess of hell, not heaven. No purity shit.

>> No.2136813

Otome game.

>> No.2138129
File: 63 KB, 800x600, leni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing ...

Today's final class lesson was on music which I love. I drop by the harbor on my way home and sing to myself along the way. Wherever I look people are with their lovers. It must be nice to be with someone you love. As i pass by I bump into someone ... it's Leni. He's alone, the usual girls who hang around him are gone and he appears to be eating something cute and pink. I ask what he's eating but he says it's none of my business. I can't see why he's mad but he asks me not to tell anyone about it. That he happens to enjoy eating this when he's alone.

I can ask if he's eating something embarrassing
or say I understand, I'll keep it secret

>> No.2138206

Keep it a secret

>> No.2138369
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I offer to keep it a secret and he says the way I obediently say that is too embarrassing and to please stop. I say which is it, that he's confusing me. He says just to go home that he won't protect me if I'm attacked. As I leave he calls out to me, please don't tell anyone, he says again. I agree and he says he'll share some with me sometime. I nod and smile then turn away. As I walk toward home I can't get the pink dessert out of my mind. It'll be nice if Leni truly gives me some.

The next day I realize I'm late so I get dressed quickly. Leni and Seizh explain that there's no school today and I don't need to go. I decide to spend time with Leni anyway since I'm already dressed for school and he's on his way there for business. He says he isn't doing anything particularly fun and that if I come I can't bother him. His pace is quick along the way and he refuses to slow down saying that if I can't keep up I may as well go home so I hurry along after him.

He checks a book out at the library and goes to the rooftop to quietly read. I ask if the book he's reading is interesting and he says it's not so I ask why he's reading it, he answers that he wants to know all about this world. I ask if he read when he lived in hell but he told me to keep quiet that I was bothering him so I look up and watch the sky. The sky is so different from the black sky in hell.

Suddenly a girl interrupts Leni, she demands an answer from him. Apparently she'd left a letter for him in his bag, could it have been a love letter? He tells her he's not interested in such a trivial thing. She says the rumors must be true that long ago he had someone he loved who rejected him, he says it's true and she needs to give up. I can't believe it! Leni has someone he loves, I can't take the pain in my chest, Leni has someone he loves.

I can speak with a smile
or I can speak with a face of grief

>> No.2138654

Boy, /jp/ sure hates Leni.

So are we done then? I don't mind finishing Leni's route on my own, I find it pretty hot. I'll miss the rape kissing

>> No.2138699

This is surprisingly hot. How well does it play with ATLAS, OP?

>> No.2138704

Well, you already got the Kyle route. What else is there?

>> No.2138705

This is the first time I stopped to read one of these threads, to talk the truth this looks pretty interesting.
What happened before >>2138369 ? ( really short tl;dr version)

>> No.2138708

Atlas? I've never used atlas before. I only use ATGH to pull the kanji out so I can look it up through Rikaichan. Otherwise I took 4 semesters of Japanese at college.

>> No.2138722

Oh, that's a shame. Never mind.

>> No.2138732

sorry, I'll keep reading though ... it's not as stressful as translating a full VN and I hope people enjoy it.

Choosing to look sorrowful

>> No.2138752


Nevermind, I just read everything, thanks anyway.
You are doing a good job, OP.

>> No.2138782
File: 85 KB, 800x600, leni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I slowly walk toward the fence turning away from Leni. He closes his book to watch me. I twine my hair in my fingers and fidget restlessly trying to build courage. I finally say, Leni, there's someone you love. I realize that I truly love Leni, I'm too shocked that there's someone he loves and I can't bear to smile. He tells me there really wasn't a girl that he loves. It was a lie. I wonder about what he said, not that he doesn't love someone but that he lied about having loved someone. Suddenly Leni walks to my side to ask why I'm interested, he asks if I love him. Before I can answer he then says he's just joking, I'm a little disappointed. He's no longer the frightening man I once thought he was. He truly is gentle though he tries hard to hide it. It's like trying to peak through a keyhole only to be burned by the light inside. So I look into his eyes, he blushes and asks me to stop staring at him. I ask why can't I? He says because it's invading him. He pulls my hand and kisses me gently.

>> No.2138844
File: 85 KB, 800x600, leni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times has he kissed me? I hated it at first, I thought he was so cruel. When he first snatched my kiss away, I never thought he'd take my heart. And so, I accept this kiss of his. He tells me that since we met by chance he couldn't stop thinking of me every hour of every day. He pushes his tongue through my lips and caresses my tongue gently with his. I softly call out his name, as I feel the delicate sense of his touch, the sweetness and the pain of calling his name. Leni replies by tickling the tip of my tongue with his. I can taste him as he can taste me until we slowly pull apart. He tells me that he doesn't hate me. My heart is beating so fast, though he can't say it I felt the sentiment he holds for me in his kiss.

I tell him that he should be more considerate of what he says, he says he's sorry, I tell him it's ok. Leni grips my hand in mine and leads me home. On the way we lazily walk along the harbor like lovers. The small happiness in my heart soaks through me.

(Mmm, kissing pictures)

>> No.2138854

I still don't like the guy.

>> No.2138907

Once again, the scales are gone.

After my bath that evening Leni stops me. He tells me that the attacks against me from the demon hunters will only increase. He says from this day forward he'll protect me and when the gate reopens he'll return with me to hell. The feeling of joy overflows in my chest. Thank you Leni! I'm so happy that I cling to him but he pushes me away. Why is it wrong to let me hold him? He tells me later, to come to his room that he wants to place a barrier around me in his room to protect me.

Leni's bed isn't wide like my bed so the two of us lie together side by side. I stare at the pattern of his ceiling. My pillow is hard but the sheets are soft. I look over to see Leni's back is to me. I wonder how he can fit in that little amount of space. Why aren't we sharing my bed? Perhaps he wanted to be closer to me. I feel so self conscious that I can't possibly sleep. I want to talk to him but I know he'll be upset, until the gate is open there's so many things I want to say.

>> No.2138909

But don't you see? She changed him! She knew she could and she did!

>> No.2138967

I finally whisper to ask if he's awake. His body moves and he turns his face to me. I ask if we can talk. He draws close to me. Bump. He bumps his forehead against my breast. I invite his face into the warmth of my breasts. He tells me I'm defenseless right now. Though he acts gloomy I can see him blush. He asks why I'm not afraid. I say I used to be afraid. I once was afraid of his cold temperament. I tell him that I believe in him, that he'll protect me and keep his promise to return with me to become the king of hell. He calls me a fool but I can hear the gentleness of his voice. He smiles and gently brushes the hair from my face. His hands are so big compared to mine. With these hands, you'll protect me, I say. He entwines his fingers in mine. As we hold each other's hands I turn back to look up at the ceiling. For some reason it feels like I know his touch. Is it my imagination?

I ask why he wants to protect me so suddenly. All I hear is the emptiness of the room and the rustling of Leni's clothes. He breaks the silence to say if I were killed it would only be troubling for him. I ask if that's all and he says yes. So I ask why he wants to become the demon king. He says I'm too insistent. I finally tell him to forget it. I finally put an end to my questions and return to staring at the ceiling. Silence once again flows through the room.

>> No.2138980

The whole thing was pretty d'awww until that last paragraph.

>> No.2139043
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I ask Leni why he left hell to come to the human world. He says he meant to return but never did. He gently kisses my hand, I can feel my heat rise and my chest thumps. He kisses my hand again and again. My heart won't stop quickly beating. This feeling, am I in love with Leni? I immediately become hotter at the thought, that must be what this feeling is. This feeling is so strange and beautiful. I gently press my lips against his. I ask if it's ok to kiss him, he laughs and says I already have. So I ask if I can once more. Instead of answering he touches my lips with his. He climbs on top of me, I shake at the gentle pleasure of his touch, I want his tongue to enter me. He tells me I'm such a good girl. He gently presses his tongue past my lips our tongues mutually entwine together. The saliva from our mouths overflows and drips down to the back of my neck. I give a little scream at the overwhelming sensation. Then Leni parts from me with a sorrowful look in his eyes.

I'm sorry, he says. I tell him not to apologize. I ask him to make me his. From the moment I joined him in his bed I anticipated this. I want Leni's touch, I want Leni's embrace. He tells me that I belong to him.

>> No.2139072

He licks the sticky saliva from the back of my neck and puts one of his hands beneath my clothes to slowly touch my breasts. The feeling is wonderful, his hands are so large but he's so gentle as he caresses my breasts. I know this touch ... I nearly drown in these pleasant feelings.

Ok, sex here.

Skipping ahead to what looks to be an in between scene, she says she truly already knows his touch, his eyes, his voice ...

more sex ...

>> No.2139089

He tells me he loves me, that he's always loved me, and he'll always love me. I cling to him and say that I too love him. He approves of how I've changed to be so obedient. He tells me that when we return to hell I'll be his queen. He says we've made this promise before though I've forgotten. Is that my memories? How could I forget such a promise? He says it's ok if I've forgotten that we can make our promise new. We continue to love one another all night long.

(Right, I need a break, be back tomorrow) Yawn.

>> No.2139091


>> No.2139100

Uh, I dunno, how about, ohh, that feels good, yay, I want more, faster more.

Good for you?

Otherwise not gonna happen as I skip the sex. There's anons with a link to the h-cg, you can download that pretty quick. Find one of the ones with Leni and let your imagination go nuts.

>> No.2140488

There better be routes where she becomes really evil.

>> No.2140733

Next time we could try to be the little bitch and see what happens

>> No.2140794

Do want.

>> No.2141881


>> No.2142174


>> No.2144183
File: 80 KB, 800x600, ashe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The light spilling through the curtains wakes me early, I glance over at Leni's sleeping face by my side. I'm so glad, it wasn't a dream. The sensations of such a maddening night of passion remains.

Good morning, I mutter as I touch his face. Just touching his face puts my fears at ease. Good morning. His dazzling eyes open three times to bathe in the light of the blue sky, he stretches his arm out to me. He draws me in and kisses me again and again.

Won't we be late? I ask. I'm so glad you're here, he says reaching his hands out to caress my bare chest.

>> No.2144285

He gives a little nod, hugs me close, and showers my body with kisses. He holds my hand tightly the whole time we walk on the road to school. We hear the bitter shouts from many girls as we walk but Leni ignores them, silently gripping my hand. One girl calls to him before she notices our hands held together, the expression of her face falls. I can't believe it, they say, he's with a girl, he's holding her hand. The words I've wanted to hear from them as their mouths open and close like fish. (Oh hell yeah! bitch mode) Leni glares once to them as we pass through the gate.

We're late, I say. Let's skip, he says. But isn't that a problem? It's worse to skip than be late. No problem, he says, I'll always protect you, I'll always be with you. Has he been protecting me this whole time? Where shall we go? I ask. In that moment he gently steals my lips away then smiles warmly. To your favorite place, he says. I love him so much.

>> No.2144422
File: 93 KB, 800x600, leni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our promise ...... to have forgotten ...... ah. A memory drifts like foam but is suddenly shattered.

Ahh, you two, so that's your relationship. It's Seizh standing in the shadow of a pillar, though he smiles his eyes look cold. What do you want? Leni asks. When you two both didn't get up in time I wondered what you had been doing all night. His voice is calm and quite but his manner of speaking is like thorns. Your simple manner of thinking has no consideration for me at all does it Leni? he says. What are you saying? Leni asks. This is the first time I've seen the two of them act coldly toward each other. I feel a bit frightened.

You'd best be careful Ashe, Seizh says to me. Leni will be hateful and cruel. Hehe, he doesn't even deny it, because it's the truth.

....he hate's me ...? He only tightens his grip on my hand. What will I do?

......don't forget......

forever ......

>> No.2144431

More like too shitty.

>> No.2144500

I try to pull the treads of my memory, to pull it from the darkness, but I can't.

Heh, Ashe, you seem to have completely forgotten. Because of the hole in your memory you've been pulled back to Leni, your greatest disgrace. Were Leni and I lovers from long ago?

Love turns to hatred, hatred turns to love. Next time your love will change again, Seizh says.

What are you going to do? Leni asks. The quick question startles Seizh. Love and hate are just emotions, or are you saying hatred is constant? I don't understand you, Seizh says. He turns away and leaves. We stand alone in the entrance. Let's go, Leni says. Once again he grips my hand tightly as we walk through the gate.

(Ok, I don't know what the hell is going on)

>> No.2144513

I can quit if nobody's interested.

>> No.2144524

Keep going.

>> No.2144539


my sweet daydream of being the little girl ♪ 

>> No.2144749


I think there's an ending where she has a harem of guys, but I'm not sure if she's evil in that one or not.

I remember seeing an image of it from the HCG.

>> No.2144822
File: 12 KB, 250x243, xaku-herro.1202947862490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Why the hell doesn't he use quotation marks around the dialogue of characters? Hasn't he ever read a book before?" Anonymous wonders lazily in the afterglow of his third fap session.

>> No.2145078
File: 107 KB, 800x600, leni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only that I wrote a novel once. I just have fun screwing with the conventions of writing. Anyone wanna take guesses on what's going on? I'm kinda iffy on it.

Leni takes me to my favorite place, to see the ocean. The soft rays of the sun glitter off the ocean waves with dazzling light, sometimes the fish jump from the water. It's cold, Leni says. He holds me close to protect me from the wind. I want to know about what Seizh said. Will you listen? I ask. He nods seriously.

I can ask if he hates me
or about what Seizh meant

>> No.2145089

Well, this is tricky.
First option?

>> No.2145249
File: 97 KB, 800x600, 1235622641372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ask if he hates me. He doesn't answer, instead he presses his lips against mine and violently kisses me. I can feel the root of his tongue, he bites my lips till I can taste his gums. He doesn't let up for air till my head pleasantly spins from lack of oxygen. I can hear the whispers of people as they pass by but it barely reaches my mind. Finally out lips separate, the sun glitters off the string of saliva that connects us. Leni gives a pale smile and wraps my face in his hands.

Rather than say I hate you ... I think it's bitterness, he says. What do you mean? I ask. Because you've forgotten me, he says. I can't believe in you.

A cold wind begins to blow. You've forgotten about our love, you've truly forgotten about when we met.

It's no use, I can't remember. Did I love Leni before, my memory won't return. You don't remember me, you've forgotten, I resent you from the bottom of my heart, but ...... He kisses me lightly. Once again I've fallen in love with you, he says. From the moment I saw you in front of my door.

How can I reply? Say I'm sorry? Say thank you? Neither is fitting, so I say, I love you too.

This time, we'll never be separated again, he says.

(all the rape kissing and his attitude are making sense now)

>> No.2145259

What does forever mean in this world?

>> No.2145260

Ask what Seizh meant. Find out about this lost memory thing. Maybe we can get some evil alternate personality self-rape sex going on.

>> No.2145271

God, I have so many spelling and punctuation errors, I really should error check before I hit submit ... sorry everyone.

>> No.2145350
File: 96 KB, 800x600, 1235623549779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On our day off from school we walk lazily together. Is this is what would be called a date? To be together with the person you love? Kyle snaps me out of my daydream.

You've finally found someone, he says. What is is saying so suddenly? It's a bit embarrassing. No no, he says, I'm simply happy, like raising a butterfly or a flower, I'm happy for you.

I don't remember you raising me, I say.

Moreover your companion will be the next demon lord, he says. While I'm a simple familiar.

What are you saying? I ask. You're acting strange.

That's right, he's such a good match for you! Now that the princess has found happiness there's no room for me any longer! I'm not crying! I'll set out on my own, BANZAI!


Banzai, Banzai, b ... banzai

>> No.2145367

Dammit, he's adorable.

>> No.2145364

What? Where's Kyle going?

>> No.2145462

Whatever, I'll go wait for Leni in my room. I leave the half laughing half crying Kyle. I find Leni peacefully sleeping in my bed. I see the light dance through his jet black hair. His long eyelashes shade his face, his stately nose, his stubborn lips, the graceful features of his face.

He's so beautiful......

Why does my heart beat so fast as I stare at his sleeping face? It can't be helped, I love him. In all the world I met him I want to shout out in thanks. I reach out and gently touch his hair, he sleeps lightly and opens his eyes. He grips my hand and kisses my forehead. He pulls me quickly till I fall on top of him.

If you're tired shall I leave? I ask.

No, I want to spend the day with you, he says.

My feelings of such happiness. I lie in bed next to him and we begin to kiss. He plays with my ribbon while I gently play with his hair. I tell him that it's my favorite thing, does it make me too childish? He says it suits me fine, it's beautiful. This is the first time I've seen him smile as he kisses me.

He says he wishes to embrace me, I say that's fine, then he says afterward he wishes to take me downtown because he wants to walk hand in hand with me. We get up and exchange kisses before we go.

(sorry to write so little today, I'll be back later but I've been ignoring my women's lit class and I've got more reading than I can handle. I'll return when I can)

>> No.2145472

>Whatever, I'll go wait for Leni in my room. I leave the half laughing half crying Kyle.
K-... What is this?

>> No.2145619

He's half crying and half laughing when she leaves him. Sorry if it didn't come out too clear. Unless you're asking about whatever emotional state produces half laughter and half crying in which case I dunno lol?

>> No.2145647

It's more about the way she just leaves him while he's in that state like nothing happened.

>> No.2145933
File: 137 KB, 810x636, 1235630705316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember someone wanted this. Figured this thread would be a good place to post it, since it's the same artist.

Ijiwaru My Master CG set.

>> No.2146582



It doesn't have to be Kyle, just go for somebody that isn't Leni or Mr. Attempted Rape.

>> No.2146592


Holy maid moe!

>> No.2147646

I dunno, Leni seems all right. He loved her, he always loved her, she forgot him somehow (I'm guessing magic, maybe her father) he got mad, treated her like shit but couldn't stop loving her, she fell in love with him again ... happy end?

>> No.2147708

Hang on, I get to be the MAID?

Fuck the CGs, time to find the game!

>> No.2147727

after Under the Moon would /jp/ prefer to be the little maid (provided i can find the game) or one of my many incest VNs (Clover Point looks awesome). I still need to work on Shuffle! so when everyone's bored of this I've got to get on that.

>> No.2147729

For Clover Point, do you get to be the little sister?

>> No.2147736

/jp/ wants to be the little meido

>> No.2148114

so, tldr at the moment, did anon just play a girl eroge for us?

>> No.2148117

For like a week.
We did get some bad ends.

>> No.2148147

oh well that's cool, I've been spending my time on IRC for the past week so I've been off. damn

>> No.2148461

please be the little maid. . .

>> No.2148520
File: 455 KB, 1280x720, cat.[SS-Eclipse] Hayate no Gotoku! - 24 (1280x720 h264) [800BD3D3][(035498)14-02-38].1228092744824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Round one: slut
Round two: Kyle

>> No.2148654
File: 173 KB, 687x953, maidrpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meido Games


>> No.2148656

Enjoy our IRC with a bunch of neckbeards.

>> No.2148664

Enjoy your predetermined plot, alone.

>> No.2148710

hey hey, can't we all just get along? I enjoy both my time playing Meido and vidya gaems

>> No.2148717

Love is fickle. If you want something truly lasting, aim for hate.

>> No.2148752

b-but I decided long ago that hate was a waste of my time. It's not good for me and I'm going to forget whatever happened anyways. . .

>> No.2148777 [DELETED] 


>> No.2148810 [DELETED] 


>> No.2148944 [DELETED] 


>> No.2149080
File: 79 KB, 800x600, seizh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before we leave Seizh waits for us at the entrance. He asks where we're going. I answer sweetly that we're heading for a walk together but Leni gets upset and pulls me closer. Seizh accuses him of monopolizing me away from other men. There's a dangerous atmosphere between the two. Why is Seizh trying to come between us? He tells me to watch out for Leni, that eventually he'll kill me out of jealousy. Leni can't take more, he pulls my hand and we leave. What could Seizh be saying?

>> No.2149086

Fucker is just jealous.

>> No.2149089

what an asshat, if he likes her that much that he's willing to lie out the ass he should just confess

>> No.2149123
File: 63 KB, 800x600, leni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so many people outside, it's comforting to hold Leni's hand as we walk. He asks if there's a shop that I'd like to go to, he says he won't leave until I buy something I want. Though his voice is ill tempered his face is smiling. I love being spoiled by him. Suddenly he holds me close, even out here, he doesn't even wish to wait till we return home.

They're aiming for you, he whispers. The angels? I call out. No, he says. Before I can ask more he pulls me and we run away. Let's go somewhere with less people, he says. We run to an alley and wait. He holds me tight, there seems to be nobody there but Leni won't let go.

Suddenly from the side an arrow of light shatters off a barrier.

>> No.2149131

Kyle was a wuss, Leni and Seizh have balls.

>> No.2149348

oh shi- magic missiles

>> No.2149363
File: 90 KB, 800x600, leni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leni holds me close and leaps high into the air to avoid another arrow that impacts the ground in a cloud of dust, it's difficult to breath. When we stand I can hear the far off sound of the flapping of angel's wings.

Ugh! Overhead a black pulsing vapor descends on Leni, his face twists with pain. He's completely crushed by the vapors. Leni! I scream. He tries to resist the vapors with his hands, little by little the dark vapor ascends back into the sky. Finally the normal sounds return, Leni gasps as he slowly rises.

Are you all right? he asks. Yes, I say. was that the angels? No, he says, it was different.

I can ask who it was
Or why were they aiming for you?

>> No.2149502

why were they aiming for him?

>> No.2149520

He's not lying though. Leni is a dick.

>> No.2149533

I never understood what the original story was. Why is the princess of fucking hell on earth with some jerks and her cat?

>> No.2149588

Father weakened, cannot maintain barrier that keeps them safe from Angel attacks, she is too weak to do the job as she is now, so she goes for protection and hiding to the Dick brothers with her familiar.

>> No.2149749

Her father is weakening. Because of this a new king of hell must be chosen since the king must be strong to maintain the war between hell and heaven. She can't do the job so there's a vacancy. What do power vacuums create? Civil war. The counsel is trying to choose a new king of hell, Kyle was dispatched to find a suitable replacement which is why he's met Leni and Seizh since they're apparently very strong and originally from hell. Her uncle is trying to take the position for himself but that doesn't stop a whole horde of demons from camping outside the castle ready to attack at the first sign of weakness from her father. She is never allowed outside. One day while Kyle is with her the whole castle shakes. In a panic a maid runs in and yells that they'll kill Ashe if the can and she needs to run away. She runs to the window to fly out but Kyle stops her and says they need to go through the basement. The two run to a place that feels dark and evil, it turns out to be the graveyard for those who've died in hell. Nobody goes there because the evil forces can drive you mad. There's a wind blowing that draws her toward a hole, Kyle says he can sense humanity there, it's a gateway between hell and the human world forgotten for centuries because it lies in the center of the graveyard. Scared of it the two run from it but are quickly found by rebels who are out to kill her, they run back toward the graveyard, Ashe slips and gets sucked into the vortex, Kyle jumps in after her. She wakes up on Earth and tries to fly off the top of the building but comes crashing down and gets caught by >>2133756 that dude.

>> No.2149757

Kyle says he feels a strong magical presence nearby, they walk a ways, climb a ton of stairs (which exhausts the poor princess) and end up in front of Leni and Seizh door. The two recognize Kyle and let them in. They say her father is safe for the time being and maintaining the barrier but then explain that demon hunters are on earth and they've closed the gate that can return them to hell. They agree to put them up in a room of their own ...

>> No.2149918


>> No.2149927

So when is Leni's route over?

>> No.2150091

I asked why they were aiming for Leni. It's obvious they were aiming for him, my mind shudders. Don't worry about it I can defend myself, he says. I understand but if something were to happen to him I wouldn't know what to do. I think back to Seizh, it couldn't have been him.

... always, always I've wanted you ...

who ... who said that? when I try to think, I can't remember, something blocks my mind. I'm so scared, I grip Leni's hand tightly.

>> No.2150105

Sorry for going so slow, I have an ungodly amount of reading to do for women's lit. One of the books due tomorrow wasn't available to buy till last night, it's over 400 pages long.

>> No.2150158

What do you set your ATGH to in order to pull the text for the choices? I get the bottom text just fine but I can't get the text for the choices :/

>> No.2150217

same, I just look kanji up in Nelson's for the choices.

Do you know enough Japanese? I feel bad that I'm not translating the sex, by the descriptions of the kissing I bet it would drive anons of /jp/ absolutely hysterical

>> No.2150222

that sounds awesome

>> No.2150295

nah, I don't know Japense
at best I can read a few kanji characters thanks to my limited knowledge of Chinese

whatever, I'll go with randomly picking choices

>> No.2150414

as consolation it's very easy to pick out what the choices are by what's said immediately after choosing. You can even chose something specifically just to find out what's said.

I'm sorry for the long long delay. I could tell at the beginning that Leni wasn't popular and now that I've been doing so much this week it's going slower than ever before. If I can't get to it by tomorrow after class I may let the thread die and start a new one where I left off today. Best I can do. Still, all this reading about Queen Elizabeth is getting tiring, I'll probably spends some more time reading UTM just for the break.

>> No.2150496

awww, well I hope you don't have too much more trouble with your studying

>> No.2152208

Saving this thread from the clutches of page 11.

Don't complain. /jp/ is too slow right now for this bump to matter.

>> No.2152236

This makes the ending where she cowed the shit out of Leni and Seizh with her power even more awesome.

>> No.2154026
File: 53 KB, 800x600, holly-ass-柊.1233765877655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2154032

Delete the image.

>> No.2154042

OP, are you a girl gamer or just a flaming weeaboosexual?

>> No.2154059

Stop being an idiot. It's mormon.

>> No.2155045
File: 99 KB, 800x600, harbor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I talk with Leni as we casually drink tea once we return from school. Let's have a date at the beach, Leni says. I'm happy that we're trying again. Hand in hand we walk back to the beach. I hold him from behind while we peer over the railing into the sea. What are you doing? he asks. I'm looking for winter, I say. He laughs, you'll need to wait awhile to find it. I don't understand what he means, can't we simply look to find something? We continue to watch the sea and enjoy the ocean winds and listen to the cry of distant birds.

>> No.2155171
File: 67 KB, 800x600, leni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaves twirl by in the breeze, the air feels cooler than it did before, the world looks hazy and gray. Is this winter? I ask. It's coming, Leni says. I don't understand the meaning of winter, I'm in the same place, the same things surround me, but the feeling is different. Winter suits you best, it's my favorite season, Leni says. In the midst of the snow everything in this world becomes fleeting and brittle, he whispers shyly. The reflection off the water casts a shadow on his face as he holds me in his strong arms. Would you like to eat 'that'. 'that'? I ask. 'that', he says pointing to a colorful wagon with the word "Aisukurimu" written across it. I can see many colorful containers inside and smell sweet cream. Which one should I chose? I ask. Any you like, he says. But there are too many kinds, I don't know which to choose. Lemon, chocolate, milk (milk flavored ice cream? don't know if want) There are so many to choose that I'm troubled. My order surprises Leni. Is there a problem? I ask. No, he says. I chose strawberry flavor with nuts and strawberry sauce. Eh? Isn't this the same kind Leni ordered before? You remember, he says. Certainly, I say because Leni was eating some before alone. You don't need to remember that, he says. It was so cute and pink. Of course, Leni must love strawberries too. So I share some with him.

>> No.2155980
File: 101 KB, 800x600, 1235785945693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the delay my father came by to take me to dinner.

You always loved strawberries, he says. Does he remember what I loved from olden days? If you buy me snacks like this I never want to grow up, I say. Do you remember? he asks. A memory falls like falling leaves, just now was that a piece of memory?

FLASHBACK (I'm sorry I should have labeled the other ones the same to help you guys get the scene)

...supposing, I told you I loved you ... would it be troubling? Leni says. I'm so happy .... I want to declare my love but as a child it's too embarrassing to say so I run away.


I'm sorry for running from you then, I say to Leni. But what you said truly made me happy. Is that why you hated me? You remember, he says. Not completely, I say. But somehow a piece floated to my mind.

>> No.2156014

I don't follow.

>> No.2156026

I hate Leni.

>> No.2156100
File: 111 KB, 800x600, 1235787867043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I never remember is that bad? I ask. If you never remember he says. I can fill your memory again.

choices are
my memories are harsh
or the loss of my memories makes me uneasy

what can I help you with?

>> No.2156113

What happens between this >>2150091
and this >>2155045?

>> No.2156134

That's literally what the games does as well. After >>2150091 fade to black, fade back in to >>2155045

>> No.2156530

Go with the second choice, the first one sounds kind of like she doesn't want to remember their previous time together (I may be misinterpreting this though).

>> No.2156627
File: 87 KB, 800x600, 1235796099622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okey dokey. Guess I'll choose that the loss of my memories makes me uneasy. I want to remember all the good time and the happy times that I had with Leni, I want to treasure them, I say to him. My memories won't be difficult or troubling because I have Leni by my side. I wrap my arms around Leni and hold him close to my chest. He wraps his arms around me, it feels like holding me in feathers. All my fears float away. You truly are strong, he says. I'm strong because you're by my side, I say. I'll always treasure these pure happy feelings.

Later after school I sit on the rooftop and enjoy the mild weather outdoors, taking in deep breaths of air into my chest. I'm so happy I want to yell to the sky how much I love Leni.

You certainly look happy ... I look up to see the smiling face of a tall muscular man in a school uniform with scruffy shoulder length hair. It's good to see you again, I say. He sits beside me. Is that boy you're always with kind? he asks. Leni? he's kind to me, I'm always happy when he's around. A foolish question, he says. I can tell just by your expression. It's strange, though I still don't know his name I feel good being around him, not like Leni, more like an older brother. He reaches out and brushes my hair with his hand. It's fate that brought you together, he says, always believe in him. Yes! I say. With a hearty smile he leaves me alone again.

Leni arrives, I greet him but his face is grim. He turns away and leaves through the gate. Why is he mad? Wait! I shout to him running to catch him. He turns and seizes my hands. His eyes glare at me ready to cry with a cold expression like when we first met. I saw you with that man, you looked happy when he caressed you. It's not what you think, I say. Then what? he says. I don't know how to answer. Leni turns away.

>> No.2156687
File: 76 KB, 800x600, 1235797180609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try and follow him but his pace is too quick. By the time I return home my tears are falling soaking the carpet in patterns. I set my bag down and reach out to Leni sitting on the couch. I'm sorry, I say, we were having a pleasant conversation about you. He says nothing. About how much I love you, and how much fun I have with you. I'm sorry for making friends with him, I'm sorry. Leni looks at me with hatred. My tears continue to fall.

It's all right, he says. But, but, I stammer Listen, he says. He holds me close and kisses the tears from my eyes. I apologize, he says. I feel the heat from his lips flow through me, a light airy feeling flows through my body. I'm so stupid, he says, I got jealous seeing you talk to another man. I close my eyes in rapture at the soft sound of his voice. But you're the most important thing to me, he says, forgive me. When I think of the happiness I share with you I can't truly believe it, it makes me uneasy, he says. So please don't cry. Ok. Good girl, he says. He kisses my eyes, my cheeks, and my lips.

(Awwwwwww, he can be sweet)

>> No.2156794
File: 96 KB, 800x600, 1235798542486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He kisses me again and again. So many times, he says, I want to feel you to make sure you're real, to take my anxiety away. As many times as you want, I say, to take your uneasiness away. Then, until I'm no longer anxious ...... He puts his hand beneath my uniform and gently caresses my back. With one hand he pulls on the ribbon, undoes the buttons, and lets my uniform fall. The light creeping in from the drawn curtains lights my breasts. The exhilarating feeling rises at the sense of his tender touch. The feelings inside me overflow and spill out my body causing my underwear to become soaked ...

Princess, are you home already? I've bought some cake for you, Kyle's voice calls.

(I was seriously about to skip ahead but that's just awesome, lols all around, plus there's no CG here, just staring at empty room)

I need to stop, I can't let Kyle see us, but I can't stop this feeling, I can't stop now.

Princ ... Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!! Just as my spine arches back Kyle's voice becomes a panic. Leni hides my breasts in an embrace. Back from shopping? Leni asks.

Yeyeyeyeyeyeye ... yes! he shouts.

Go shopping again, Leni says.

Whawhawhawhawhawha what for?

>> No.2156796

