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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 173 KB, 600x450, not-where-trains-should-go-20454-1235421680-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2133003 No.2133003 [Reply] [Original]

Another reason to why one should move to Japan.. Gotta love that country! :)

loli! <3

>> No.2133006


>> No.2133020

lol! craaaaazy!

>> No.2133023


>> No.2133024

It's real.

>> No.2133031

Trick photography. The buildings are actually smaller than they appear.

>> No.2133043

Obviously it's real.

I can definately say so from seeing numerous shops in my life.

>> No.2133075

It's real. Move here ASAP, I love it here.

>> No.2133104

oh my!..

>> No.2133114

Will be in Japan in September, I bow to take a picture of her pantsu from underneath and post it on /jp/

where is this?

>> No.2133119

You people suprised?

This is the least of the perverted things you can see in Japan. This could actually be the entrance to a church or something!

>> No.2133126

A non-shtty thread on jaypee's front page after the weekend?

>> No.2133138

checked the same location on "google maps street views".


Note the missing giant schoolgirl!

>> No.2133159
File: 290 KB, 1216x912, 1235439604291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love that country! :)

>> No.2133167

It's temporary gone for maintenance.

Nothing to worry about.

>> No.2133175

there's a whole tree missing on the left side of the pic, so this and that pic could be from different times,

>> No.2133180

i'd maintain her, if you know what I mean.

>> No.2133195

I don't follow.

Explain yourself.

>> No.2133285

Whoa! I lol'd and felt sick at the same time!

>> No.2133699


Holy fuck I haven't seen that image in YEARS.

>> No.2134393
File: 689 KB, 2448x1836, 1235458692611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly my favorite photo from my 2 week Japan trip. June 07. Took it because of OPs image no doubt.

>> No.2134486

Me on the right

>> No.2134531

gloriou japan

>> No.2134554

...But it's not even the same place...

>> No.2134784
File: 95.00 MB, 2448x1836, 1235464197741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was in Akiba a few weeks ago. Looks like they change the posters on the wall there quite frequently.

>> No.2134801

It is, that guy just took his photo from the opposite side of the street.

>> No.2134812

Wat. Why is there a dog next to Pockets' sign?!

>> No.2134821


I know. When I remembered that place I just decided to chuck that photo up.

>> No.2134840

Ah, that explains it.

>> No.2134851

Where'd you stop by?

>> No.2134859
File: 195 KB, 1275x956, 1235465313898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that everyone in /jp/ instinctivly takes a picture of that bridge.

>> No.2134868

Its photoshopped.

I forgot who confirmed it but it was confirmed.

>> No.2134873


>> No.2134875


It was me I confirmed it

>> No.2134892

it's only there in august, you dumb faggots

>> No.2134903

There are a ton of pictures of that rail line without the loli on it, and only one with the loli on it. No one should need any kind of 'confirmation' about its existence or lack thereof.

>> No.2134910


Thought the power lines would be obviously showing what it is...

I went over for 2 weeks for the football (Aus vs Jpn) and the AutoSalon in Osaka. But considering I once use to enjoy anime I decided to go check it out for the fun of it.

Stayed in Ikebukuro, Asakusa for 9 days then 5 days in Shin-Osaka.

>> No.2134924


That it's a rail bridge?

>> No.2134930

I was actually asking what shops you stopped by when you were in Akihabara actually, but ok. I like all of the places you stopped, although I think I like Ikebukuro the best.

>> No.2134939

Most shops in Akiba have stuff that you don't find in others.
But you have to be sure to go upstairs, the first day, I didn't understand that and thought " that's all ?".
Also, Touhou doujins, plenty, in lots of places.
Every shop on the main street is important.

>> No.2134953

I was asking out of nostalgia, I'm relatively familiar with Akihabara (relatively). I agree with almost all of those statements except:
>Every shop on the main street is important.
Don't restrain yourself to the main drag. Also, I never personally found AsoBit particularly important, except in one specific case.
Also, in regards to:
>But you have to be sure to go upstairs
Make sure to go downstairs too!

>> No.2134964

>Make sure to go downstairs too!

Indeed, I was in the asobitcity with all the gundam stuff for a 3rd time before I realized that there's a pretty nice porn store underneath it.

Back alleys have traders which is the most awesome used games store you'll ever know.

>> No.2134967

For sure, don't restrain yourself, t'was more of a " do everything" kind of advice.
Also, eroge, thousands of 'em.

>> No.2134970

One thing made me sad, tho, not to be able to find my Akiha dakimakura that I wanted for so long.
Mandrake had it in it's catalogue, I was only one year late ;_;

I had to satisfy myself with a Rin pillow.

>> No.2134982


I arrived the day animate started selling miku dakimakura and that tama-nee oppai mousepad, I was pretty pleased about that.

>But you have to be sure to go upstairs, the first day, I didn't understand that and thought " that's all ?"

You reminded me of an anon who posted in a previous thread that he was in a multi-level store and didn't know that you pay at each level.

He walked to the stairs without paying and the clerk rushed to him and quickly scribbled some engrish on a piece of paper to try to tell him to come back and pay. I can't remember what he wrote only that the english was pretty funny.

>> No.2135010

I enjoyed Traders. They conveniently had secondhand copies of things I wanted, with various first press extras included.

I never did find a copy of Sapphism no Gensou though.

>do everything
That's tough. I've spent entire days in Akiba and not gone through every store.

>> No.2135030

Shit. Streetview tells me that Furuhon Ichiba went out of business at some point. I liked that place ;_;.

>> No.2135037

What the hell is the story behind this

>> No.2135098

most likely just a promotion for her video.

there are probably some people off camera handing out either dvds, flyers about where to get the dvds, or condoms to use while raping her.

Ok, the last one is not likely to be true but lol exploitation (notice how she's holding a sign with it's own tripod.....)

>> No.2135099


>> No.2135102


By the looks of it she stared in a porn film and is trying to sell it first-hand.

>> No.2135105

Infallible logic.

>> No.2135115


Stop right there, criminal scum

>> No.2135119


>> No.2135134

>that's tough.

I've been going nearly every weekend for the last month or so and I still find shops I never noticed.

If you don't know what you're looking for or where to look for it, you can walk right past tons of stuff. One shop I was in, packed to the brim with collectibles, had a suspicious looking spiral staircase to the basement in one corner. It was nearly blocked off by stacks of stuff, but I managed to squeeze in. The basement was another shop selling 2channel merchandise and that staircase was the main entrance...

>> No.2135145

that picture is right outside Akihabara station..... this sort of shit really happens there dude...
i'm not saying it couldn't be shooped, but there's no reason to believe it isn't real.

>> No.2135152


There's usually just roughly 50 girls dressed up as maids and such handing out flyers. It's a gauntlet getting through at peak time without ending up with something in your hand.

>> No.2135164

Exactly. I worked there for seven months and I was still finding things I'd never noticed by the time I left. I regret that I spent more time browsing shops I was already familiar with than I did exploring. Things change too, when I went back in 2007 there were so many shops that had moved or changed branding.

Huh, whereabouts was that?

>> No.2135167

>>2135152 indeed, if only it was their tits, or a handful of ass......

>> No.2135184

i'm not sure the exact location, but a few blocks from that bridge everyone posted pictures of. from the station you'd go toward the bridge and left down the main street a block or two, then right for about a block. the collectibles shop wasn't memorable, it looked like all the other collectible shops (clear plastic cases, gundam, evangelion, naked toddlers, etc).

>so many shops that had moved or changed
In the end, there can be only Sofmap.

>> No.2135199

Left, huh? Interesting. I should be heading over there sometime this summer, maybe I'll attempt to follow your vague directions.

Sofmap indeed. They took over at least two or three stores between when I left in 2006 and when I went back to visit in 2007. Although I think they owned Yamagiwa Soft to begin with, so maybe that doesn't count.

I think 50 is a bit high, unless their numbers have exploded in the last couple of years.

There was a Yumi (Marimite) who would show up on occasion when I was there. Seeing the Lilian uniform always made my day.

I got to hand out tissues once. It was oddly satisfying.

>> No.2135206

I never get bored of akiba precisely because everytime I go I discover something new. I would plan to go to many places over my vacation time but end up going fuck it and spend an extra afternoon or two there.

You never get used to the whole store in a store thing.

>> No.2135213


My last visit was in Feb '08 and obviously the number is a wild guess.

>> No.2135240

It also helps that they're always shuffling everything around even in the stores you do know. I agree that I don't think I could ever get bored of Akihabara.

I'd say the number would be more like 10-20 max, even counting all exits and not just 'the gauntlet'.

>> No.2135245

that's peculiar. I mean, crazy...
its got to be something the shopkeeper has to wrap his mind around, seeing gaijin at a 2ch shop

>> No.2135247

Good luck. Of course, getting lost in Akiba is not the worst of possibilities.

I wasn't here in '07, but I think Sofmap may have grown since you last saw it. Altogether nearly a quarter of the main street is one Sofmap or another and they have other locations scattered around.

Since the "accident" (japanese people call it that..) last year (lol sum dude ran his truck over pedestrians, stabbed the survivors and ran into the crowd slashing. he was stopped by police with non-lethal force) the number of cosplayers, both professional and hobbyist, has dropped off considerably. The "accident" happened right under that bridge >>2133003 >>2134393 >>2134784 >>2134859 which was also a famous place for cosplay events wherein the traffic would be blocked off and people would perform whatever madness they enjoyed. This has since been b& due to the "danger".

>> No.2135269

>Since the "accident" (japanese people call it that..) last year the number of cosplayers, both professional and hobbyist, has dropped off considerably.
I expected that might happen, but was hoping it wouldn't. How upsetting.

>> No.2135272


I thought it happened at the intersection that the second sofmap is at?

>> No.2135276

I remember that day well.
It hasn't been the same since.

>> No.2135326
File: 156 KB, 939x719, 1235474224236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the owner looked a little worried, and i probably looked lost. pic related, the stairs. i didn't take any other pictures inside because it's usually b& but nobody could see me from the staircse. also, i think pedobear means something else on 2ch... i saw some merchaindise that said things like "safety bear says...."

>> No.2135340


>> No.2135345

That's nearby. Both intersections could have been within the crime scene as the man ran quite a ways before police caught up to him.

>> No.2135356

Thanks, now I'll know if I find it or not, at least.

>> No.2135357

>i think pedobear means something else on 2ch... i saw some merchaindise that said things like "safety bear says...."
>Our interpretation of a Japanese meme is correct.

>> No.2135361


He got out of his truck at the intersection, stabbed people and ran into the alleys. I remember one pic with him confronting cops having that Asobitcity in the alleys in the background so I guess that's close.

>> No.2135396

>>2135357 Oh, I see.

>>2135340 saitama? douimi?

>> No.2135435

oh i see it now. i think that's a hand towel. the stuff on the rail is sample merchandise.

>> No.2135439

The place, Saitama. Lots of random stuff happens there.

>> No.2135484

You should have bought something from 2ch store even if just to test the clerk's composure.
