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21293616 No.21293616 [Reply] [Original]

Newer guide:
Older guide:

Previous thread: >>21283241

>> No.21293631


>> No.21293650
File: 549 KB, 720x405, 1431201674677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is 皆さん reading/watching?

I'm just finishing up Non Non Biyori Repeat.

>> No.21293652

You can't learn Japanese 云々(でんでん)

>> No.21293662

Switch to Waterfox to fix your broken Firefox extensions so you don't miss any mining/reps.
Don't delay.

>> No.21293687

The Man'yōshū to celebrate Reiwa. I don't understand pretty much anything without reading the 現代語訳 first, but then I can start making sense of the original and it's great. I think it will take me a few months to get through all the poems.

>> No.21293688

*Ice Cat

>> No.21293690


>> No.21293701

How does Repeat match up against its predecessor?

>> No.21293702

>don't delay.
Mine today

>> No.21293714

I'm playing octopath on the switch
It's my first fully japanese game (no subs) and it's an rpg with 8 different stories.
I've put a few hundred new kanji into my mining deck in a few days,it's really tiring to read having to search up 2-3 compunds per sentence
but somehow it's still fun

>> No.21293715

should I learn kanji individually?

>> No.21293725

Easy game to play on 3ds? I feel like I'm sitting on a japanese learning gold mine but most of the games I know are deep difficult as fuck games to play.

Do you want to write Japanese eventually?

>> No.21293727

It's basically more of the same (don't mean that in a bad way). If you liked the first season then you should watch it.

>> No.21293728

No, learn basic kanji/radicals and words.

>> No.21293732

If you want to be able to write them properly, yes.

>> No.21293739

>"800 shops"
nihongo what the fuck

>> No.21293745

A shop with 800 different products (produce).

>> No.21293751

you can also learn japanese first and learn to write later

>> No.21293753


>> No.21293760

I can't write normal words cursively how would i learn japanese
also y would u want to learn japanese even if u went to japan it seems like u wont ever need it,unless ure studying there or smthg

>> No.21293770

This word is in Core, isn't it? Don't think I've seen it once in nearly 2 years of reading, lol.

>> No.21293774

Yeah it is. I've never seen it reading either. The kanji that make up this word make zero sense.

>> No.21293776


>> No.21293780

>I can't write normal words cursively how would i learn japanese
What did he mean by this?
>y would u want to learn
If you go to live Japan, it is absolutely necessary to know Japanese. Other than that, it's not the most useful language in the world, but if you like the culture and the language, why not.

>> No.21293786

well 八百 = やお is obvious so its a nice reading aid anyway. harmless ateji, imo

>> No.21293789

oh i meant learn to write lol

>> No.21293804

how much am i going to regret using the Core 2K/6K deck

>> No.21293809

Can someone explain to me the differences between these words? 下げる 下がる 下りる 下ろす 下る? To me they all seem the same, and the example sentences in the core 2k/6k deck aren't making it any clearer either.

>> No.21293831

Read more and listen more don't worry about the difference it will come instinctively

>> No.21293837

dude just read lmao

>> No.21293842


>> No.21293844

wait till someone tells u the significance of the number 8 and fun with other numbers lol

>> No.21293847

さげる is something like to lower something, make something lower
さがる is to go down or to back down (which means horizontal movement ironically)
おりる is to descend e.g. a staircase or to get down from a bus or shit like that
おろす is mostly to physically lower something (or in metaphors that still base it on physical lowering, e.g. ふでおろし) but in かきおろし I guess its not very physical
くだる is when something metaphorically lowers or in some cases progresses. judgement that is cast - くだる, times progress - also くだる. I guess it can also be used literally to descend, sometimes
you forgot くだす - transitive to くだる

but this is all whatever, you just have to pick it up eventually from massive exposure

>> No.21293851

It's gonna take like 10 minutes to do my reps and I'm dreading it.

>> No.21293853

i bet matt is well versed in the numbers now that he could tell u about it


>> No.21293855

It's a popular dog's name.

>> No.21293860

I've been postponing an important phone call for days, I would never get anywhere with anki

>> No.21293867

shoutouts to the hachikos of the world

>> No.21293874

8 means a whole lot and shit like that. やおよろず = innumerable. its written 八百万 but this is correct and regular, because やお is 800 in Japanese numbers and よろず is 10000

>> No.21293875
File: 259 KB, 343x430, stern steve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my buddy Yogapants and I run a business and we decided to teach other students of Japanese big numbers

>> No.21293876

It's not for everyone but being able to write it does help to know it better, you can also output via journals or notes, and I think it's neet and fun. If you're going to live and work there it's an even better thing to do, but it's never a necessity.

>> No.21293879

>超々 exsists

>> No.21293884

超々 numbers lol

>> No.21293885


>> No.21293896

It's actually pronounced 蝶々.

>> No.21293901

Yet another word that means something unintuitive

>> No.21293908


wry jaaapnez ピープル

>> No.21293912

no you're just a gaijin buffoon without understanding
the continuation to this in your head is いやそれだけでない. its a rhetorical question

>> No.21293917

i bet ur gonna throw a fit over ばかりでなく too

>> No.21293918

Thanks but I still don't get it

>> No.21293925


>> No.21293926

dw keep on reading and don't forget the mandatory 10000 hours of shitty anime

>> No.21293927

I understand this intuitively

I don't understand this intuitively

>> No.21293931

Look them up in a J-J dictionary. If you can't understand the definitions then don't worry about it for now and just read more.

>> No.21293934

why not just 10000 hours of good anime


>> No.21293938

10000 hours of good anime doesn't exist.
Maybe 500h max.

>> No.21293956

look maybe ill concede 10000 is a bit out of reach but 500 ??? thats not fair dude theres deffo at least 2000 solid anime hours out there

>> No.21293967

one more attempt: imagine いやそればかりでなく parenthetically appended to each instance of ばかりか that you don't understand. over time you won't need to anymore

>> No.21294033

Some guy on reddit shit on nukemarine and released the Tango N5 1000 vocabulary data as spreadsheet:


>> No.21294056

finally a good post

>> No.21294069

but u had to go and ruin it

>> No.21294077

「かける」 is the "take" of Japanese.

>> No.21294083

and it's very gay

>> No.21294084

The way he got embarassed to say he has a partner called Yogapants and had to say ".. that's his online name" was perfect as well.

>> No.21294099

You're never gonna learn japanese with that attitude できない

>> No.21294102

it does not mean "take" wtf? I'm so done with this shitty thread, nothing anyone posts in japanese here makes any sense, you all hide behind the "read more" nonsense and if I didn't know it to work you'd be the very evidence against it

>> No.21294115

>it does not mean "take" wtf?
but some grammar guide told me it can mean "take" as in to "take" an amount of time.

>> No.21294125


>> No.21294129

I think of that as かかる personally.

>> No.21294130

he didnt say thats what it meant it was a comparation chill dude

>> No.21294141

ぶっかける lol

>> No.21294146

please be patient I have autism ;_;

>> No.21294153

anything u wanna tell us

like about ur fursona

>> No.21294158

wtf? I'm so done with this shitty thread, nothing anyone posts in japanese here makes any sense

>> No.21294171

Never heard of the LJT4C method? It's learning japanese through 4 chan...

matt is working on releasing this secret knowledge to the public, but realized humanity can't handle such a powerful approach...

>> No.21294174

I said it's
>the "take" of Japanese
>"take" in Japanese

>> No.21294175

It was a typo from "on". On the Japanese language.

>> No.21294182

no u had it right

>> No.21294181

There's actually a jap who does the opposite. He learns English by reading threads on /a/.

>> No.21294244

What the fuck is this Kunyomi and Onyomi shit.
Take me back to Katakana and Hiragana

>> No.21294247

its really simple dude ull figure it out

>> No.21294254

I don't like this image, it promotes individuality.

>> No.21294256

>What the fuck is this Kunyomi and Onyomi shit.
why do newbies even know these terms. they don't matter. they are completely irrelevant to your learning. stop thinking about it.

>> No.21294258

yah it promotes being more retarded than the rest

>> No.21294261

Nice, how do I turn this into an Anki dick?

>> No.21294266

You don't know English or Japanese.

>> No.21294271

they're in the tae kim guide,its explained there.
It kinda has to be,otherwise we'd get hourly "why do same drawing not same word WAAAAAAAA"

>> No.21294278



>> No.21294281

What do you plan to do when you make it anon?

>> No.21294285

10000 ejaculations to japanese hentai

>> No.21294286

commit suicide, been on my bucket list since I was a kid

>> No.21294288

What I'm already doing but with better comprehension.

>> No.21294289

Not sure why you are being downvoted. I 100 percent agree with you.

“Having fun” while studying Is looking at pre-pubescent cartoon girls? Really?

How about picking up a grammar book. Crazy idea huh?!

Or better yet one of the other hundreds of ways to learn a language. Hmmm dramas, movies, podcasts, BOOKS, internet threads, applications, skype conversation lessons.....the list goes on and on.

Why suggest creepy porn as a way to “have fun” while studying. If you have to look at this garbage to learn something......you might want to re-think learning the language and focus on your cartoon porn fetish.

>> No.21294294

The company my dad works for (They fix lab machines) has a Japan branch and they will start hiring in 2-3 years. I will try to apply there to see if I can move to Japan and still be payed good.

If I'm denied then I just stay at home and watch some anime and become a nurse or something idk.

>> No.21294297

luckily i only enjoy mature cartoon girls

>> No.21294305

I've been studying Japanese for about 5 years now but I've been slacking off a lot and I was still very far from being even close to fluent, which is where I wanna be. I wasn't really happy about this at all so I decided to make a change.

In the last months I started studying daily, most importantly I focus on kanji which was - still is - the part of Japanese I'm worst at, so I'm using an anki deck with the whole 2200 Joyo kanji, doing 5 new kanji a day. (doesn't sound like a lot but the reviews pile up fast, and I'm trying to remember the readings as well as the meaning, heisig method only focuses on the meaning but if you're not an absolute beginner I feel like remembering the readings is very important too, makes everything easier) granted I knew a bunch of them already but going through the whole list now made me realize how bad my level of Japanes and kanji knowledge was.

I'm using stories to remember them and a memory palace. Not always heisig stories and primitives 'cause some of them are terrible. It's gonna take me more or less a bit more than a year to properly remember all the 2200 Joyo kanji if I keep studying 5 new kanji daily but I feel like once I get at the end I'll be in a happy place. This daily "language study" also made me realize I might want to study and learn another language after I'm done with Japanese, which is nice.

>> No.21294307

not reading that 1

>> No.21294310

>doing 5 kanji a day.

Just read that sentence then.

>> No.21294319

better than 0 i guess if ur not getting normal healthy exposure

>> No.21294321

Based and 赤いピレッドな

>> No.21294335

what u want is aka pilled not akai pilled

>> No.21294340

btw wtf is ピレッド

what is ur got dang problem kid

>> No.21294341

>in response to this game

>> No.21294346

>tfw had to tune down my anki cards per day count from 50 to 30 because I'm too much of a short-attention span brainlet and shit was piling up.

I will never make it bros.

>> No.21294351

dang a new feng game look at that

>> No.21294357
File: 1 KB, 236x37, hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally got around to it. took 8 minutes. it sucked.

>> No.21294358

I don't think you can ever be "done" with Japanese, it is so different from European languages you have to keep it up all the time or you will forget it.

>> No.21294359

hope it works out for you anon

>> No.21294362

why didnt i put akasaka on my fuckin chart

dang i forgot a lot of nice games

>> No.21294376

I know that this is a reddit post but honestly fuck the jouyou
While reading there is so much jinmeiyou and other kanji, you'll feel tricked once you start reading real shit, just learn kanji by mining them or something like that

>> No.21294388

Thanks anon, hope I can reach at least N2 in 2 years.

>> No.21294403

Is using 赤い~ incorrect, though? The subtitles had 赤の~ in it, but I don't know how this works yet.

>> No.21294404

Write a best-selling LN in 日本語.

>> No.21294405

I am pretty good at both.

>> No.21294415
File: 28 KB, 927x322, 1556224299889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I remember that Rice fields + hearts + う= to think?

Kanji make no fucking sense man.

>> No.21294420

I saw ベースと赤玉 once, but it's a dumb meme either way. I know there's nothing that corresponds to "-ed" in that translation but the native creating that translation didn't feel that he could transfer that detail into Japanese.

>> No.21294422

you instantly recognize the word without memorizing subcomponents and then move on

>> No.21294425

赤いpilled doesnt make it feel the same as how u say it in english

and if u say 赤のpilled im gonna put my foot in ur ass

>> No.21294429

RTKtards btfo

>> No.21294432

Just learn it like a normal word, baka rtk fags are so autistic

>> No.21294433

Well, it's not like I intended to present any sort of grammatical wonder to begin with

>> No.21294439

Why are RTK fags so fucking retarded jesus christ man.

>> No.21294441


>> No.21294442
File: 981 B, 251x38, realhell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think that's bad...

>> No.21294443

me reacting to ur rtgay bullshit


>> No.21294449 [DELETED] 

What >>21294422 and >>21294432 said.

>> No.21294451

*anime forehead vein intensifies*

>> No.21294454

The "field" component is a simplification of a drawing of the brain in a skull or something like that. Most people fluent in Japanese, natives and gaijin alike, are not aware of this fact and do not care either way.

>> No.21294456


RTK is a lie... don't bother. Try to learn kanji + reading + vocab (containing that kanji) at the same time and you will master your joyo kanji in like half a year and have learned vocab as well.

>> No.21294458



>> No.21294459

Well you see RTK was kind of a reaction to the against the Japanese learning community of the time which was very memory heavy, no nemonicsm, it was people sayi-

>> No.21294465

is it okay if I just study kanji and read without studying the vocabulary?

>> No.21294466

How do you remember that p + h = f?

>> No.21294468


>> No.21294470

Hey, RTKfags. How do you read 絶望?

>> No.21294475

ur + gey = u r gei

>> No.21294477

that post is crossed out

>> No.21294481

Why aren't you using 4chan X?

>> No.21294482

Do whatever you want, but if you know the japanese word for the meaning, you learn the kanji reading and vice versa AND your knowledge of the meaning amplifies. Also if you ever learn another japanese word containing the kanji, it's like you already know it.

Some call it "memory interference", i call it synergy (don't believe Matt's lies).

>> No.21294493

望みを絶つ is the best way to understand 絶望.

>> No.21294496

im not a nerd

>> No.21294498

>Start researching sentences and examples for words I get from VNcore.
>Takes me around 10 minutes per word
>decide not to do them over the weekend because I have to work and want to use what small time I have between waking up and going to work so I can do my cards for the day
>all the cards I made examples for and researched never come out because I memorized them on second try
>Now I've been repeating the same cards since friday and can't seem to learn them.

God damn the power of sentences is strong, can't wait for tomorrow so I can spend the whole day editing my cards.

>> No.21294506

I'd just read the VN or whatever if I were you but you do you.

>> No.21294509

actually i wnana know how u can reference a post that old just off the cuff like that

>> No.21294510

you're wasting a lot of time doing all of that instead of letting yourself forget and relearn words while reading.

>> No.21294515


I do read and watch a shit ton of japanese media as soon as I finish my anki cards for the day tho.

I'm a NEET from mon-thu

>> No.21294520


>> No.21294527


>> No.21294535

now this was a post >>>/a/141133744

>> No.21294545

I'm so glad I can't follow those links.

>> No.21294547

>Can read muramasa blindfolded.

And this nigga M*tt not only needs to prepare and everything, but also has to make corrections post-recording so people don't notice how shit he is.

this is the power of the chans ladies and gents.

>> No.21294557

what was DJT like pre-matt?

>> No.21294559

During my dekinai phase before I started reading, I used to screencap posts about grammar, learning methods and stuff like that thinking they would come in handy at some point. That was one of them.

>> No.21294562
File: 253 KB, 670x454, 1550058252960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21294566

直す after masu form means "to do over again" right?

>> No.21294570

>masu form
Just call it verb stem.

>> No.21294573

what's the difference between these three?
あんな こんな そんな

>> No.21294574

well in terms of pens thats a nice lil tidbit

>> No.21294576

I'm a dekiru. I've never looked at that Muramasa novel game. Prove to me that Muramasa is hard.

>> No.21294578


>> No.21294584
File: 325 KB, 589x347, 1529747386177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the audio just busted on the majority of aniki decks or is something messed up? All the decks I downloaded via the mega links have audio files but they don't play in aniki and are also blank when opened separately through an audio player. I downloaded a Hirigana deck off the actual site and that one had audio.

>> No.21294588

Why does Matt get so much hate?

Is nukemarine too easy of a target?

>> No.21294592

is hirigana something that you shit out and it aligns in those shapes?

>> No.21294593

same as difference between あっち こっち そっち


>> No.21294597

こ: near
そ: medium-distance
あ: far away
(not necessarily physically)
same pattern as in これ, それ, あれ and この,その and あの

>> No.21294608


>> No.21294612

>see a new word with a new kanji
>mine it but also look up most common words with that kanji
>mine them all
>reading and meaning completely locked in and not dependent on learning any single word
Is this the most based and redpilled mining method?

>> No.21294623

Sorry but no way I'm looking at that faggot play what is potentially a good game because I know my impression will be 100% negative regardless of what the game is.

>> No.21294628

but its a good vid i promise especially if the first sentence in this post is true >>21294576

just fuckin enjoy the cringe (he did practice runs of this before recording)

>> No.21294629

if I were in that position I'd rather search for the kanji in the word frequency report (japanese text analysis tool) of what I'm reading (I'm reading something pretty long, so a lot of different words) and mine those words
But it sounds pretty painful honestly

>> No.21294631

holy shit

>> No.21294633

Started reading Shakugan no Shana a few days ago. Finished the prologue then and gonna start chapter 1 today. First LN I'm reading in Japanese, so I have to look up grammar a lot, but it's good so far. Never watched the anime either, so I don't know what'll happen in terms of plot.

>> No.21294642

anyone know the website quizmaster uses to watch anime and texthook into subtitles?

>> No.21294645


>> No.21294646

nukemarine is too pure for this world.

>> No.21294651

what’s a quizmaster raiding cult??
and uh sure but knowing how to read kanji is a necessary prerequisite s to reading japanese written by adults
whereas production isn’t

>> No.21294652

all those と's dude

>> No.21294653

theres a top tier oneesan in that shes basically the only reason i watched the show back then

>> No.21294655
File: 65 KB, 1196x285, 1532162674257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21294656

Alright I believe you. Juat give me some time till I get my ojisan ass to the PC so I can watch it.

>> No.21294661

>they secrete lubricant when in an aroused state. they don't buildup to a sudden release, and when you see a bunch of liquid pouring from their southern region in porn that is just smelly piss, with traces of lubricant mixed in because it's running down their wet vag. women don't orgasm
imagine being this much of a virgin/autist
believing “women don’t orgasm” because you’ve never successfully made a woman orgasm

>> No.21294662

distance to the speaker in respect to the 相手.
こんな is a contraction of このような, "like this" (closer to the speaker)
そんな "Like that" (closer to the listener)
あんな "like that (over there)" (away from both the listener and the speaker).

>> No.21294678

Whenever you 思う, you can think about the fields, the village, and mother's advice. It's a question of feeling, unlike 考える.

>> No.21294682

Ok I think I got it, but why do japanese don't just say what you have written?

>> No.21294683

i mean if u flow right its not a problem

nuke chans a nice guy and doesnt bullshit

basically heres ur djt ecelebs by personality survival guide

-=nice dude(tte)s=-
nuke chan
that dude from reddit who "vetted" matt
dogen (hes a nice dude right look at this shit lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFo0H_STV5w))
japanaese ammo no misa dess
nihongo no mori wench

-=egotistical blowhards=-
matt/lucas コンビ

>> No.21294684

A classic BTFOing of AJATT.

>> No.21294686

That makes me think of babushka's advice.

>> No.21294691

dolly slowly entering Matt's cult.

>> No.21294703

I just started doing Nukemarine's Let Learn Japanese. It's pretty comfy so far.

>> No.21294709

>worshiping hakujin djt "celebs"
Never gonna make it bro

>> No.21294710

lol that post is before my time good to see som1 wasnt completely fuck tarded before i came along

dollys an android and neither a dude or dudette

>> No.21294712

Is the Jamal method the only alternative to giving in to the AJATT-MIA cabal?

>> No.21294717


>> No.21294720

had a pretty good representation of japanese ppl in there too dude i dont discriminate also i only listed shit that gets posted a lot in djt and is more of a presence than a random ajatt blogger

>> No.21294721

OK the shit he's reading is like, pretty much literary style but this is to please the reader and not to torture him. Despite this matt fails to read things here and there correctly, when he stumbled at 醸し出す i did not even get what he tried to read next because i dont think it was what was written, and I wanna say his intonation is abhorrent but mine is likely not much better (I'd still try to make it a 朗読 instead of matt's 棒読み tho). I closed the tab at that point. But yeah the text looks good, I'd play it. Weird that the video has so many likes.

>> No.21294726


>> No.21294728


nukemarine can't speak Japanese though, can he?

who vetted matt and how?

Dogen doesn't talk shit and makes good content.

>> No.21294736

god i'm so glad people like matt have come about recently to correct these faceless anonymous nobodies who pretend to be experts but haven't proven jack shit.

>> No.21294737

Only thing I agree with M*tt is to only listen to the advice of people that are as good as you aim to be.

>> No.21294740

>nukemarine can't speak Japanese though, can he?
wait, what?

>> No.21294744

He is kinda trash at output, he is davido tier of mhm and "h-hai"

>> No.21294753

as for why that vid has likes heres some introspective on whats really goin on around these here parts >>21289974

idk dude fuckin this nice japanese dude who tells every1 theyre 上手 really stand up guy

also i realized i forgot to add steve to the list but im not sure if hes a nice guy or a egotistical blowhard maybe djt can help decide


>> No.21294760

post memes I can read pls

>> No.21294769

chou ukeru

>> No.21294776

do u think if asked his age nuke chan would say 六十九

>> No.21294782

Why is George on your list?

>> No.21294785

cuz hes a nice guy ? u cant tell me hes not and ppl love to post about him here at times

>> No.21294787


>> No.21294790

So what happened to namasensei?

>> No.21294799

why would you link 9-month old posts.

>> No.21294801


He streamed some vidya 2 weeks ago.

>> No.21294803

that post is from when some ppl in this thread were single digit age lmfao

dead gay fuckin ripped his friends off still has a japanese wife but has become a complete npc

>> No.21294810

>women don’t orgasm
there are people that seriously believe this? Really?

>> No.21294813

Get a gf

>> No.21294816

>dead gay fuckin ripped his friends off
info about this?

>> No.21294817

well it's a fact so yea. what's really weird are the guys who fall for the fake moaning and shaking or tensing-up that their partners do when they fake it.

>> No.21294831

He no longer looks like a wet drunk rat that came out of the sewers to do some meth.

I'm glad he fixed his life desu.

>> No.21294832

He quit YouTube because Google wouldn't give him his ad revenue or something. I think it had something to do with him moving back to the US but not updating his account information from when he was still in Japan.

After that, I dunno. I seem to recall he briefly resurfaced at some point to talk about how he'd started a company with some people and was selling some electronic thing. I also seem to recall someone managed to find a trace of him online a while back and it turned out he was doing volunteer work somewhere. I can't remember the details very well though since it's been too long.

>> No.21294845

what does he look like now?

>> No.21294849

wow virtual hydelide lmfao his life must be really in the crapper

but that was his charm pointo lol

>> No.21294852
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>> No.21294855
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>> No.21294863

still hasn't given up drinking then lol

where'd you get these?

>> No.21294868


He is a twitch streamer now.

>> No.21294897
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Just to be clear you guys don't practice remembering what the kanji look like, do you? My numbers are a ridiculous amount higher than this.

>> No.21294902

i don't know if you're talking about doing RTK but if you are, i did that months ago and it was a giant pain in the ass. and it was ultimately pointless. don't do RTK.

>> No.21294904
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>> No.21294911
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What fairy tale are these idiots living in that they think Steve being impressed with Matt's Japanese changed anything about their exchange?

>> No.21294919

i can tell i'd better internalize concepts and shit in this language if i stuck to easier material but easier material bores me.

>> No.21294920


>i did that months ago and it was a giant pain in the ass. and it was ultimately pointless. don't do RTK.

same here

>> No.21294923

Haven't touched RTK once. Just going through the lazy kanji deck, and VN Core 1250.
I'm making sure that I remember both the hiragana spelling and the kanji even if I flip the cards over. Might slow me down but I'm actually retaining more information. Not to mention the stories from the lazy kanji do help, surprisingly. Not that I rely on them because I make sure I'm able to recall it separate from the story entirely.

But generally they help a lot for remembering in the beginning. Then I leverage that..

>> No.21294926

You probably won't learn much if you get bored by the material so it may be better that way
As long as you understand what's going on it should be fine

>> No.21294927

lmao behold bumnumba1 dota


>> No.21294935

Can someone tell me who the fuck "Matt" and "Steve" are?

>> No.21294940

2 ppl who are worse at japanese than me

>> No.21294941

Matt Hardy and Stone Cold Steve Austin are combatants in a live television show called WWE. World Wrestling Entertainment. What does that have to do with this thread?

>> No.21294945
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>> No.21294949

Dark things to think about. But yeah Matt for some reason is not reading random easy words correctly (or at all like i think he just skipped 幕 altogether in 計四幕) and his intonation is sometimes so flat I'm not sure he's actually comprehending what he's reading. This is from last year? I'm a definitely a dekiru if the likes of Matt pass for one.

>> No.21294963

yea basically any time u see him interact with japanese u can tell somethings wrong https://streamable.com/gvk0o

>> No.21294964

My dad and boyfriend respectively

>> No.21294976

Never give up!

>> No.21294977

*dad and daddy

>> No.21294978

>posting screenshots of your stats instead of just clicking save image
>such uneven and even misssing days
what the fuck is your guys' deal

>> No.21294987

They are the mods of this subreddit

>> No.21295006

OK, so I've spent ~4 studying Japanese, and I'm progressing as expected in reading (can scanlate and read 2ch), but I still can't understand the basics of spoken Japanese. Can't tell a で from a れ or a た from a だ. And I have no fucking idea how to tell if a っ is present.

Watching subbed content doesn't help because I can read the subs without understanding the spoken language.

Would Pimsleur help in this situation, or is there a better way to practice ONLY understanding of the spoken language?

>> No.21295009

i didnt think id watch this but somehow i got to here and lmaoed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBcYYC9mEBc#t=146


>> No.21295016

M**t is a guy that literally took AJATT and made a few twist here and there and rebranded it as MIA.

Steve is some old dude with the attention span of a 6 yo. kid that studies shit ton of language so he can boast about being a polyglot.

>> No.21295018

four what? bananas, apples?
Jokes aside, maybe do some simple listening practices for beginners. You can pick up the basics from there and then apply that to the more advanced content you can technically understand because you have the vocab for it.
There's free videos from japanesepod101 on youtube. It's not that good for actually learning shit but should help you out a bit at least

>> No.21295023

nah you lacking eng subbed anime.

would diagnose 7.5k hours of eng subbed anime and 3k pages of novels with a J-J dictionary that has bitch accent.

>> No.21295024

a few twists huh


>> No.21295025

I can just imagine some American failing the same thing worded in English of similar complexity, but this just means that Matt is fucking dumb.

>> No.21295028

Kek, I didn't even see the save pdf button.
The days are uneven because that was me beginning. Learning katakana and hiragana with either youtube, charts, or anki. This means that at the beginning I didn't have that much use for anki and would only do it after writing, memorizing, or practicing kana.
Another reason is that I began with one deck, and during those periods I was trying out new decks depending on what was recommended or scolded. The recent days are just me being overwhelmed by daily cards and cramming, hoping that I would catch myself up. Stop bullying me.

>> No.21295036

no doubt hes a fuckin retard and yea u make a good point there i can see that

>> No.21295037

watch videos of real gyarus

>> No.21295040

fuck gyarus dude

u want a fair skinned maiden wearing an apron and a long skirt where u can only see a small bit of her calves from between the hem of the skirt and her socks

and if she has her hair up and u get fuckin nape action omg dude thats a keeper

>> No.21295044

>you can technically understand because you have the vocab for it
I can read many kanji vocab without having any idea what the actual pronunciation is. At one time I memorized them, after I managed to internalize Anki 4/6k, but at this point I only remember the kanji.

I don't particularly care for anime, regardless of the joke.

>> No.21295046

I learned hiragana using this site https://realkana.com/hiragana/
For katakana, I learned some by reading or watching namasensei

>> No.21295049

gyarus are used goods, why would someone be attracted to that?

>> No.21295055

>I can read many kanji vocab without having any idea what the actual pronunciation is. At one time I memorized them, after I managed to internalize Anki 4/6k, but at this point I only remember the kanji.
then you don't speak japanese dude. If you don't remember the pronunciation you don't know the word

>> No.21295056

i never said marry a gyaru though

>> No.21295061

>did namasensei bullshit
>didn't learn
>did the tool in the itazuraneko
>didn't learn shit
>used kotobaweb
>didn't learn shit
>used duolingo
>learn all hiragana in a day

big thonk.

Hope the revamp is actually good so I can go back.

>> No.21295063

I never claimed I did, m8.

My whole problem is that I managed to get quite far in reading without progressing in listening/speaking.

>> No.21295066

I wouldn't even fuck a gyaru.

>> No.21295067

i think you are brainlet
hang in there

>> No.21295069

frankly bitches that look like they were dipped in onions sauce do not induce erections for me

>> No.21295075

wow i cant even say 醤油 fuckin onions boys ruined everything

>> No.21295079

Duolingo is actually good for easy early gainz prove me motherfucking wrong.

>> No.21295081

i see you are man of culture

>> No.21295084

>Can't tell a で from a れ or a た from a だ
that's cuz for the most part you're not supposed to memorize individual words and expect your brain to understand them in rapid succession when you start listening. you have to memorize entire phrasings

>> No.21295087

lemme rephrase that: if you don't know the pronunciation of a word, you don't know the word.
Just practice listening. Example: watch part of anime without subs, then again with subs, then without. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.21295088

i didn't use duolingo and learned kana without problem

>> No.21295089

i know i'm late to the party but i just watched matt vs steve and while i generally like steve he's kind of being a normie faggot

>> No.21295098

weird flex but ok

>> No.21295109

he's looking at it from an adult's perspective. these silly little games matt plays with "rebranding from AJATT" or "learning big numbers" or "becoming equivalent to a native" are just not important.

>> No.21295117 [DELETED] 
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a battle wife is ftw as well

>> No.21295120
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>> No.21295123

oh i forgot to mention "having internet friends named yogapants".

>> No.21295127
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wow that gif sucks on here what happened lets try that again

>> No.21295132

Yeah, I just need an example the works for me, I guess, since I don't care for anime.

>> No.21295137

https://streamable.com/28d37 lmfao

>> No.21295138

childrens content is specifically designed to help your listening and basic comprehension, man up and watch some peppa pig, chi's sweet home, hamtaro, shirokuma, etc.
once you've watched all of those a few times through you'll wonder how you ever had a problem

>> No.21295141

its cool him and his friend yoga (its his kind of online name and hes a programmer (CHO KAKKOII)) made a thing to turn subs into onky cards

>> No.21295142

>tv shows

why did he tried so hard to not say anime, manga, visual novels, or even light novels?

>> No.21295147

Your battle wife is a まぼろし?

>> No.21295149

dont worry dude stevie saw thru it all https://streamable.com/c6wqz

>> No.21295151

because steve has over 100k subs and matt wanted to come off as non-weeb as possible to get some of those

>> No.21295152

I can dig it, but can you at least point me to a source beyond googling ペッパピッグ, とっとこハム太郎, etc. ?

>> No.21295155

i like battle waifus but only if they're cute/submissive in bed

>> No.21295156

ur saying that like thats not incredible win

>> No.21295161

Why would a non-weeb learn Japanese? I mean, if all they wanted was to watch asian dramas they could learn Korean which is way fucking easier than Japanese.

>> No.21295162

btw peppa sometimes pronounces shit fucked up so take some of her dialogue with a grain of salt, but everybody else is on point
the rest are on daiweeb I think

>> No.21295163

imagining matt as a teenage girl right here


>> No.21295167

In what ways is Korean easier than Japanese?

>> No.21295168

no kanji
that's it

>> No.21295169


>> No.21295171

no pitch accent, no kanji, easiest writing sustem in asia really, besides that they're the same

>> No.21295175

Watching anime based off Kirara manga can actually give you more "gainz" than using duolingo (or the genki/mnn/jfz textbooks, for that matter). I know this based on my personal experience.

>> No.21295178

watch that fuckin pigg

>> No.21295179
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>> No.21295183

he managed to pronounce anime in two different ways in one damned sentence

>> No.21295187



>> No.21295192

wow dude u really caught em all haha

>> No.21295195
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>> No.21295197

matt's japanese is not as good as he claimed

he sounds good but you can tell he's a foreigner right away

>> No.21295200

the only korean word i remember is sarangjeyo or something like that lol

>> No.21295201

to be able to claim that you learned the hardest language that is to learn (for an English native), which is probably what Steve wanted to brag with
Like: "I can learn any language, even Japanese!"

>> No.21295207

it does have pitch accent but it's the same on every word (ergo automatic), you still have to get into the melody of the language if you don't want to sound like a caveman buffoon, otherwise I agree.

>> No.21295208

but his cult doesnt know that dude cuz all they dont fuckin know japanese its insane lol

>> No.21295226

and any time someone starts to shed some light that these mia guys arent the real deal they immediately delete the comments >>21288684

the only thing u can do is shit on them when they start spreading their aids into other ppls channels

>> No.21295229

But did you see how Steve got blown away and took back everything he said about his study method being overkill and even offered to suck his dick?

>> No.21295231

Wait so you guys know a better way to learn Japanese than MIA? I see all of you saying shit about Matt.

>> No.21295232

I don't think that Japanese is the hardest language. Maybe the hardest living language. I tried learning ancient Greek once and it was much more difficult than Japanese.

>> No.21295236

really weird how he didn't learn Japanese then, unless he counts bumbling like まああ、ああ、あなたはまああ

>> No.21295239

Has anybody got any recommendations on Japanese Youtube channels that make history or pop science videos?

>> No.21295249

you only have to learn how to read greek though which actually makes it one of the easiest

>> No.21295252

steves a katakoto ass bitch

post the comment

find me som1 who started with mia and knows japanese and demonstrates it

otherwise its still all the same old shit that is no one who isnt watching 10000 hours of eng subbed anime isnt even coming close to starting to learn japanese

>> No.21295256
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>> No.21295258


>> No.21295261

The best way is going to differ person to person and interest to interest. Ajatt was better than the fascist mia really. At least Ajatt was motivational and if you can't tell what's going to work and what's not you're probably a little retarded. You learned a language once before and it should all be kind of obvious how to do it again and what shortcuts are going to work.

>> No.21295262

is it actually HARDER than japanese or just far more complex? there is a difference.

>> No.21295265

Reconstructed Ancient Greek is the most beautiful language I have ever heard.


It does have bitch accent, but it is marked.

>> No.21295266

Actually not having any auditory input makes it more difficult. There is no "casual" form of the language to start at, only the advanced literary form as that is all the surviving texts contain.

>> No.21295271

Both IMO. The only thing harder in Japanese is kanji.

>> No.21295272


>> No.21295273

i cant fuckin deal with that shit dude i feel like george dealing with normal japanese


>> No.21295274

What do I do now that I finished the kanas? Read all of Tae Kim?

>> No.21295282


>> No.21295283

Well, yeah. He didn't really learn to use it for something so he probably wasn't very motivated to learn it and to learn a lot of it.

>> No.21295285

ok just making sure because i've actually seen people argue that german grammar is harder than japanese because of fucking gendered nouns, which may be technically "more complex" than japanese, but are so utterly intuitive and easy to learn for a native of an indo-european native that that complexity is meaningless in the face of larger structural differences that exist between an indo-european language and a language like japanese.

>> No.21295289

https://streamable.com/fdvh1 all i got to say about that

>> No.21295294

read this https://sakubi.neocities.org/ once, don't spend too much time, then get VNCore, do it everyday, and after finishing it read a novel.

See you in a year when you can actually read with a J-J dictionary.

>> No.21295296

>Natives literally correcting other natives over their accent.
>no guys its not important.

>> No.21295299

see you in a year /DJT/

>> No.21295302

The thing I've seen foreign learners of German struggle with was the sentence structure and cases. German tends to just shove the parts of sentences around which is what it needs cases for

>> No.21295307

Greek has gendered nouns too (masc, fem, neut), three numbers (singular, plural, dual), three verb voices (active, passive, middle), also an optative mood, etc. Go look at those grammar tables I posted.

>> No.21295309

i mean is this suppposed to be ironic or who are u quoting

think about it for a second

>> No.21295314

i know it's funny to pretend to be a shithead with the internet but you should try being less neurotic because it really won't help you and you're just stressing yourself out.Don't stop thinking you're a retard because that helps you learn but this is just bad behaviour as like a person.
Also turn off the remaning card thing,it just hinders and stresses you out
read enough of a simple grammar guide until you feel confident about it
start doing some kanji in whatever way till you feel confident about it (i mean you won't but confident as in "I at least know the baiscs of the basics of the basics" confidence)
After that try to read some manga,I recommend yotsubato.

>> No.21295318

Listen to him or the guy who he said was the best he's ever heard in his entire 70 year life.. sorry matt wins this one. If you want to consider yourself good then do pitch, if you got shit standards like steve then don't.

>> No.21295320

yea that's what i mean. that complexity alone is meaningless. now i'm sure there's some sort of big structural difference between ancient greek and modern languages, and it might be far harder than japanese because of all of that, but a few complex grammar rules alone doesn't mean it's harder because japanese is ass backwards compared to something like english.

>> No.21295331

I recommend doing something with kanji so that you can learn to distinguish them and they stop looking like random scribbles. After that read Tae Kim.

>> No.21295337


I disagree, don't read it more than twice, and don't do grammar exercise, its better to just get the gist of it and that's it.

Also, remember the beginning is really hard, but as soon as you are able to use a j-j dictionary you are going to learn shit ton. Then you hit the gaijin plateau and you will be shitting on people that successfully scaped the plateou like M*tt and be sore over it.

>> No.21295340

Even people who study Greek for years and years never attain reading fluency. Simply picking up a Greek text and reading it naturally is beyond anyone but highly educated specialists.

>> No.21295341

What's the difference between やはり and やっぱり?

>> No.21295342

I started reading at the very start. Just a few paragraphs a day until I was doing chapters per day. I did tae kim and then dictionary of japanese grammar on the side while mining and vocab and did the vncore deck. I did rtk too but it's optional. Good luck.

>> No.21295344

literally nothing
i think

>> No.21295345

>do pitch


btw im not trying to say any1 won or lost in that vid cuz clearly steve owns and matt is just a autistic dork with no self awareness and in a constant state of pronoun identity crisis

bottom line is ur never gonna be held to that standard as a foreigner and as brilliantly demonstrated by all those references in tv bangumi u can easily learn and notice these things as u go lol

>> No.21295347

i would wager that most people studying greek are like most normies who study other languages, so of course they never get good.

>> No.21295348

same as the difference between にほん and にっぽん

>> No.21295352
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>> No.21295357

these vids are fucking hilarious

also I think she said 発禁? for the benefit of all other djt'ers on here.

>> No.21295359

I usually take やはり more like 'never the less' and やっぱり more like 'as I expected' for some reason

>> No.21295360

The average Greek learner is a Classics student in a university I'd imagine.

>> No.21295377

Is it possible for words to have more than one Katakana writing?

>> No.21295381

the state of studying latin and greek (ancient) in the west is currently atrocious: basically no one learns those two languages because yabba dabba don't they are dead you are not supposed to speak them also non-roman latin does not exist so basically what everyone does is shitty literal translations akin to 漢文訓読 even though Latin and Greek are perfectly readable languages with a lot of the content meant to be delivered orally as is unlike ancient chinese. Latin in particular has never been so dead in the west as it is now. t. knower

>> No.21295384

doesn't mean that they are actually doing much greek immersion i.e reading greek for 3+ hours a day. They probably just do their homework assignments which may be 2 hours of reading a text a week if even that.

>> No.21295390

I'm gonna make it

>> No.21295394

daily latino thread

>> No.21295406

that would make a lot of sense, I hope it's true.

>> No.21295419

"diurnum filum latinitatis" (or "diurnum fílum latínitátis", because I believe long vowels are important).

>> No.21295420

I don't think im going to make it guys......

>> No.21295431

How much japanese do I have to know to read Muramasa

>> No.21295432

Fun fact, there is no official pronunciation of 日本, the government uses the kanji but refuses to take a side on how to pronounce it. It's been left in the hands of the people so technically nihon, nippon, and yamato are all correct.

>> No.21295437

i cant tell u why in objective terms just なんとなくそんな気がするね : )

>> No.21295447

Whether you think you can or you think you can't, both are correct.

>> No.21295453

well nihon isnt as glorious as nippon

who woulda thought glorious nippon wasnt just a meme but actually had substance behind it hehe

>> No.21295456


>> No.21295461
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This much

>> No.21295465
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>> No.21295468
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I'm not gonna make it either.
>mfw learning kana and then realizing I have to learn how to say things in both kanji, kana and practice them at the same time as connecting them to an english definition, which is apparently bad because I have to see/read japanese monolingually eventually.

>> No.21295473

we get it,japanese is hard,we all go through this,shut the fuck up dweeb you're annoying

>> No.21295474

Reminder that when reading to always try to make sense of the sentence in your head without converting everything to English words, and following the order of the words as they appear in the Japanese sentence.

>> No.21295478
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やまと though

>> No.21295480

I was responding to someone, cunt.

>> No.21295485

yea but it's hard and i often relapse back into english

>> No.21295492

yamato literally brings to mind savages living in caves and shit so hopefully u can see that for what it is

>> No.21295495


>> No.21295497

Also wanting to learn to write the kanji instead of just reading.

>> No.21295502

It's the only way you'll actually become fluent in reading. Just try your best and make a conscious effort; you'll get better at it.

>> No.21295503

I sometimes entertain the thought that 日本 can be interpreted as ひのもと, but then I feel like an Abe supporter when I do that so fuck that

>> No.21295505

If you can't handle the internet you should probably get off.

>> No.21295506

funny to think how the ladies got bigger balls than the men these days

truly a failed country

>> No.21295507


nips really value foreigners' thoughts on their media

>> No.21295514

tfw not gonna make it

>> No.21295516

smash fags once again proving they are a scourge that must be 全滅するed

>> No.21295517

you're using someone else's post as an excuse to post your blog fag

>> No.21295518

Saori is a Megami

>> No.21295519
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no infighting guys instead switching gears here

thoughts on this guy ?

>> No.21295520

calm down
we are all gonna make it
everything will be alright

>> No.21295522

>you're using someone else's post as an excuse to post your blog fag
Boo hoo

>> No.21295523

I don't want or need it to be any other way. The rest of the word can do things correctly according to universal human standards of goodness and correctness, and Japan will stay Japan for my personal needs, where they do things the Japanese way. そういう世界であってほしい

>> No.21295524

bitch needs to stfu and make me a サンド lmao

>> No.21295525

>tfw just noticed some dude has been watching anime on my crunchyroll account and changed the name to 88heilhitadolf.

Can these faggots just fuck off and leave me be? I wasted like 30 minutes in changing passwords just because these faggot was living rent free.

I could have read a page of a novel in that time.

I blame /pol/ for me being a dekinai.

>> No.21295533

maybe dont get ur anime account hijacked ?

>> No.21295536

>not using a password manager that generates long random unique passwords

>> No.21295538

thank you kind anon, the world needs people like you

>> No.21295539

>having crunchyroll while trying to learn japanese
seems dumb,also that guy seemed fun why didn't you let him stay in like a cockroach

>> No.21295544

>I could have read a page of a novel in that time.

>> No.21295546

you're getting offended by ironic weeb hitler jokes? truly a dekinai, you can't even grasp the culture, you think the western stuff matters

>> No.21295548

Why would I let some dude live rent free on my account?

>> No.21295550

You're getting annoyed at text. Can't imagine how fragile you must be.

>> No.21295562

Also, he is dumb as fuck, he could have stood watching anime in my account forever if he had just left the name alone, I didn't suspect someone being in my account because I share it with a close friend. So seeing anime in my history that I haven't watched is normal for me.

>> No.21295568

>changed the name to 88heilhitadolf.
>Also, he is dumb as fuck
I couldn't tell from his 12 year old sense of humor.

>> No.21295570

Unless you have limited watch time why wouldn't you?
>insults on the internet=someone is angry

>> No.21295579

>paying for subs

>> No.21295580

I told you, I don't want some faggot that is cringy as fuck enough to change the name to something banneable and then binge watch two seasons of SAO in my account.

>> No.21295583

if i didn't watch the mentalist, i wouldn't know what that means

>> No.21295591

This is why you need to learn pronunciation.

>> No.21295592

long gone are the days of not for sale/rent/ebay

the quality of the subs have improved tho so its not all bad ヽ(  ̄д ̄)ノ

>> No.21295593

>binge watch two seasons of SAO in my account.

Ok that changes everything.

>> No.21295597

dont link teh pewds in here

>> No.21295598

Of course you'll say that after being bootyblasted. I'm not here to convince you that you are angry. That's not my problem. Just sort yourself out, grow up and remove yourself from the internet once in a while. Maybe even try studying japanese.

>> No.21295599

>something bannable
I think they wouldn't let you change your name into something if they'd ban you for it,especially when you have a subscribtion,but this is really w/e

>> No.21295608

I'm the only one who is gonna make it

>> No.21295610


>> No.21295616

ill be waitin for u at the 頂上

>> No.21295622

>Just sort yourself out, grow up and remove yourself from the internet once in a while. Maybe even try studying japanese.
ill keep doing this as long as all you post is assumptions and make-believe

>> No.21295625

I'm the only one who isn't gonna make it. You're all going to make it.
I thought you were leaving Quizmaster.

>> No.21295627

Joudan desu

>> No.21295628

I've become pretty good at DJT after all the time spent here, but truthfully, getting good at Japanese still eludes me.

>> No.21295635


>> No.21295645

did u all me quiztard ? wtf man

>> No.21295649

Ah, you're ESL. I'll use google translate.

>> No.21295652

I'd be more efficient at studying if I weren't so fucking tired at 8PM. Why.

>> No.21295653

>you're ESL

>> No.21295655


>> No.21295660



>> No.21295669


>> No.21295681


>> No.21295693


No you don't. That's the wrong approach...


>> No.21295701

fuck off

>> No.21295703



>> No.21295706


>> No.21295708


>> No.21295712

wtf 義 is not even rare and it only has one reading

義務 is literally an n4 word

>> No.21295713

i hate dogen playing this neutered old man character i wanna see him do flips and shit

>> No.21295719

Cure Dolly Organic Japanese playlist.

>> No.21295732
File: 77 KB, 1071x533, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its literally the first kanji a toddler learns

but dont worry dude hes got a larger vocabulary than a native his age lol

>> No.21295756

What the hell is this? Thanks.

>> No.21295760

this is bad u guys got me looking up this shit of my own volition now


>> No.21295773

who is that

>> No.21295778

Some weird girl (tranny?) that gives excellent grammar explanations.

>> No.21295777

thats dogen dude that dude who used to trick in the quad

>> No.21295785

dollys not a tranny dont force that

>> No.21295792

dollys just a really really strange dude https://streamable.com/oqic8

>> No.21295795

wtf did i just watch

>> No.21295803

Autism and poor pronunciation of both English and Japanese aside, the playlist is god tier.

>> No.21295805

Tamale review

>> No.21295806

imagine that weird dude behind the dolly voice doing multiple takes of the tongue thing in front of his camera to get just the perfect capture lmfao

>> No.21295809

i dont disagree u might remember at 1 point i was infatuated with dolly when she was still releasing grammar vids weekly

>> No.21295811
File: 51 KB, 792x612, 1508831339208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21295813
File: 265 KB, 1200x960, 1542015619495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to make things like this

>> No.21295828


>> No.21295841


>> No.21295852


>> No.21295859



>> No.21295862

I assume most of you here only want to be able to comprehend Japanese, not be able to speak, right?

>> No.21295874


>> No.21295875

All of the above. I don't like having gaps in my knowledge if I plan to learn something like this. But currently the focus is understanding while also occasionally trying to come up with my own sentences.

>> No.21295876
File: 928 B, 213x25, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this normal

>> No.21295882

That better be comprehension and recall, anon.

>> No.21295889

no ur on a 1 way trip to scrub hell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwG3191u4QY#t=651

>> No.21295895

Steve is an ikemen at 70 so I supported him wholeheartedly.

>> No.21295903

he seems like a insufferable cunt tho

>> No.21295907


>> No.21295972

jisho really slow for anyone else?

>> No.21295987

you should probably try learning another way

>> No.21295994

i smell sentence cards

>> No.21296019

that's every ikemen

>> No.21296020

That's bad bro, you've entered Ankidrone territory. Max you should be spending is 30 minutes.

>> No.21296030

Is 一条 蛍 really a plausible Japanese name?

>> No.21296032

What's the meaning of this ぴゅっぴゅ? can't find it in the dictionary

>> No.21296033

theres yasashii pretty boys too dude

>> No.21296044


>> No.21296047

its basically the equivalent of naming ur kid lion king if u did

>> No.21296049

Not being able to write 痙攣
not getting easy sugoi's

>> No.21296051

I believe in the yasashii pretty boy jamal

>> No.21296054

>Making sure I can write out and remember the kanji (Not RTK) while also recalling the word makes me an ankidrone
>He doesn't care about being able to recall words so it means others shouldn't
The absolute state of these threads.

>> No.21296056

just draw a bunch of # signs compounded over top each other and u can get the same amount of sugois while knowing NOTHING

>> No.21296060

I get easy sugois from japanese housewives from being able to utter even one word of Japanese, although I would rather fuck lolis.

>> No.21296066

i used to holla at housewives on stickam dude

shit was so cash

>> No.21296087

Truly, the housewife is a blessed calling that makes even subpar women come out at their best. The man was right when he created the gender role, and enforced it.

>> No.21296094

Nah the real challenge is being able to write 凸凹

>> No.21296104

why write them when i can just pull the former out and shove it into the latter

>> No.21296113
File: 132 KB, 1176x1200, 1556140524394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senpai! We will learn from the Japanese and enforce such roles both individually and after we seize control.

>> No.21296122

yah dude tell that to every fat worthless bitch who spends all day on facebook doin nothing while her dudes at work doesnt even pack him a bento or nothin and also spends all his money

>> No.21296131

I do remember how to write that but that is not going to impress anyone but autist nerds I imagine.

>> No.21296146

Christ, such a good post >>21296113 and then you ruin the mood completely. Fucking hell, guess I'll just go watch my JAV.

>> No.21296147

That happens because she went to 「「「大学」」」and you're not allowed to spank her without permission.

>> No.21296151

anything is a plausible japanese name that's why they're a bitch to learn

>> No.21296154

>man created gender roles
wtf am I reading

>> No.21296157

chauvinist pig posting innit m8

>> No.21296167

wait till u get so woke that u can instinctively feel when its a cartoon character name vs a real one

>> No.21296192

I heard it directly from a college educated smarter-than-her-boyfriend women's studies major so this is thot-vetted, it ain't even mine.

>> No.21296201

>women's studies major
run for cover

>> No.21296204


>> No.21296208

Is Anki meant for beginners or those who already have a vocabulary to go off of? Because learning 25+ brand new words in a foreign alphabet every day for several months seems unrealistic

>> No.21296211

ok time to get back on track boyos


>> No.21296230

start at 15 per day and work your way up from there, but yea I do 25-40 a day depending on how many reviews I have, but I'm at over 7k vocab in 9 months

>> No.21296234


>> No.21296240

I'd say it's more useful at the beginning but it's for everyone really
>Because learning 25+ brand new words in a foreign alphabet every day for several months seems unrealistic
Then do less, 5 or 10 per day is fine too
I wouldn't spend more than 30 minutes per day on Anki

>> No.21296276

Not him, but what was your method? Did you just look at and try to memorize what the kanji looked like?

>> No.21296297

I heard "shiny" names are shunned in japan because your name has to be boring or else people will be jealous and you'll get shitlisted by HRs. good thing it's just another fucked aspect of japan not reflected in their entertainment media at all

>> No.21296299

30 mins is way too much

anki should be ur warmup exercise not the exercise itself

10 mins on all flashtard activity maximum daily or ur a fuckin retard

>> No.21296300

5-15 is plausible, and it gets easier after the first couple hundred. Eventually you recognize most of the radicals and you can see inside the kanji like you see the letters of an English word.

>> No.21296306

usually takes me 8 mins and even that's pushing it

>> No.21296310

Why in the fucking world do people watch shitty fucking slice-of-life anime? It's horrid. I've tried a bunch because of the lower level of vocabulary but it's essentially all complete trash outside of Usagi Drop. I can't even comprehend the level of retard you'd have to be to sit down and actually watch this shit subbed and somehow find it compelling.

>> No.21296311

>unironically paying for anime

>> No.21296321

great question man it's definitely trash

>> No.21296322

id believe that what with the whole nail that sticks out gets hammered deal

but i mean at the same time just take colourful "black ppl names" and think dont they just trigger the shit out of u every fuckin time ?

no doubt some of this concept exists everywhere including japan

>> No.21296327
File: 160 KB, 1355x1079, 1420073875074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a spiritual thing, I'm serious. Are you a really cold person? What race are you?

>> No.21296331

most of them are bad but some of them are nice sometimes if ur in the mood

>> No.21296333

word in front in kanji
tried to remember kana pronouncing (now I repeat pitch too) and the definition of course, which are on the back with the audio
If I get either wrong or it takes more than 30 seconds I auto fail it. I've done sentences on some and pictures on others, the time getting the pictures and thinking about the word probably did more than the pictures on the card though.

>> No.21296347

I watch it more often than the other genres (although I barely watch anime). what surprises me is how seemingly every western fan of it has to be a violently toxic cunt. In that respect I too have no idea why they're watching those shows. I just can't Imagine they're seeing the same things that I do. Anyway, it's just cute and nice and showcases things that don't happen, it speaks to me and that's all. I think it's fine if people prefer the other genres; they're more real anyway.

>> No.21296354

What exactly are your goals in learning japanese exactly? I spend a lot of the time making sure I replicate the kanji properly before turning the card. Same way with the kana.
Gotcha, thanks.

>> No.21296358

theres segments of viewership for literally everything thats toxic as shit

the ppl that arent toxic arent posting on the internet about it they just watch it and move on with their life

>> No.21296370

go back & kys

>> No.21296371

To be fair not letting real people use the best names is a smart tactic, as it keeps the best names best.

>> No.21296375


>> No.21296380

when i get that error i just open the problem image in paint and re-save it, one page out of 150 or whatever won't make much difference.

by the way please join quizmasters discord so i can dm you and then be my e-girlfriend

>> No.21296386

Yeah, the cunts are already in this thread. Good thing it's a personal activity.

>> No.21296387

i dont have goals with japanese i can absorb new things naturally when they come up or if i find something to be really important that im just too out of touch to figure out on my own cuz of cultural differences i can seek out assistance but a lot of that stuff comes back with a lot of "well i dont really know but it makes me think of this" which is still useful

can u stop being so toxic ?

>> No.21296409

japan has 797 words and expressions for 'love'
bunch of hippies

>> No.21296413

they have about 20 words for "sudden" and you'll encounter all of them your first day of reading

>> No.21296418


>> No.21296419

rip suddenly guy it all happened in a flash

>> No.21296427

friend simulators

>> No.21296435
File: 64 KB, 480x721, 1468889511065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love starts to die out when women are not property. It lives on in anime and books and this is part of the attraction. Anime women can not be made real because a feminist culture precludes such a thing.

>> No.21296446

honestly if u need ur girl to be property then ur just weak as a male that u couldnt conquer her heart and make her willingly urs dude

u of all ppl would do well 2 play some of the classic galges on my chart

>> No.21296449

japan is anything but a femnist culture, they laugh at the sexual scandals breaking out in the states, meanwhile their women get molested on trains on the regular and the police response is "aww it must be so terruble being pretty" lol

>> No.21296463

yah my favorite way to put it is a girl hobbles over to a police box crying with a black eye and barefoot and says her husband socked her

and the coppers response is "whatd u do to make him hit u?"


>> No.21296468

They still send them to college and dead end jobs, so that's the important part of what women want.

Most of us aren't talented bisexual djs and nihongo masters, so you wouldn't understand.

>> No.21296471

she probably did it to herself to make him look bad desune

>> No.21296473

yup, they believe if there is ever a crime or incident there is at least 2 people to blame

>> No.21296477

I just want a cute 妹

>> No.21296482


>> No.21296491

(nobody cares) I want to explain it in less faggot terms than "cute" and "nice". moe anime is heavily artificial, it's all a huge illusion, and i like it for that, it's all a huge delicious series of things that never happen and it is stunningly perfect, it is like epic poetry. I get very introspective. but then, it's just a way to pass time, and now I probably do sound like a true faggot, so I'll stop now

>> No.21296498

lmfao read this post picturing this guy >>21295519

>> No.21296500

that's pretty awesome unless it was one of those rare cases where she genuinely wanted to leave him because she isn't attracted to violence

>> No.21296510

dont punch ur girl in the face dude

unless shes tryin to punch u in the face then fair is fair

>> No.21296512

they got plenty of women protection stuff for her to leave to in japan, if she stayed around and got beat it is kind of her fault unless he had power over her profession or something

>> No.21296519

i mean if u were staying in a bad situation at some point responsibility should be on u but im talkin first time offenses on the violent level

>> No.21296522

I am pretty handsome, at least originally but I am well aware that the permanent seal of autism on my face is unmistakable so overall, that is indeed close to how I truly look.

>> No.21296542

I'm going to assume you've only studied for 4 days

>> No.21296604

whoever made this language was a fucking retard. english seems so simple by comparison

>> No.21296615

aside from kanji I genuinely do not share your sentiment

>> No.21296616

stfu pussy

>> No.21296619

make me kike

>> No.21296620

stfu pussy

>> No.21296622

based toxic moetard

>> No.21296627

why does everyone in /djt/ suck at quoting

>> No.21296630

why does everyone in /djt/ suck at following the conversation

>> No.21296633

why do you suck dicks

>> No.21296634

no such board and gtfo

>> No.21296636

Who are you talking about?

>> No.21296643

this thread is so toxic i hope it gets put out of its misery soon

>> No.21296644

won't happen

>> No.21296646

just think of it as the opposite of french

>> No.21296648

This is what happens when you """""borrow"""""" 70% of the Chinese language but you fuck it up so hard in the process that it becomes an epitome of linguistic cuckoldry.

>> No.21296652

im here to save the thread

>> No.21296653

and the gayest post in the thread goes to you

>> No.21296658

All languages are trash for different reasons, you just think english is simple because you grew up with it

>> No.21296662

if anything I think they need to truly use their Chinese lexicon like they did prewar. I am not a fan of retard simple hiragana japanese and their pseudo-english is usually the worst. but oh well, yamatokotoba are the trend

>> No.21296663 [SPOILER] 
File: 94 KB, 760x960, 1557093889907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not so fast

>> No.21296668

sorry dude i already katta *flex`s*

>> No.21296674


>> No.21296676

so boyos how long have u been "learning" japanese and how much of this do u understand ?


>> No.21296680

fuck off ur music taste a shit

>> No.21296682
File: 51 KB, 400x374, 1557093826261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21296684

it owns actually

>> No.21296688

Why does this sound so funny?

>> No.21296691

toxic toxic toxic

>> No.21296693


>> No.21296694

why did only the japanese dictionary give me a sensible definition of this?

>> No.21296695

what a trigger word looks like we really lit ur 導火線 lmfao

>> No.21296697

I don't even understand English hip-hop so of course nothing, and 2 "years"

>> No.21296704

oh cool, will have to check the whole thing out

>> No.21296705

imagine watching a one punch man anime by jc staff lmfao

>> No.21296708

lmao ur loss retard, i was skeptical at first but its actually a lot less shit than the trailer made u believe

>> No.21296711

watashi wa google translator no scanlator desu

>> No.21296715

>of course you're eating it
am i still too much of a beginner to understand the nuance because i don't think that's what mumen rider said.

>> No.21296719

oh huh cool dude maybe ill watch it then

problem w. anime nowadays tho is it took them like what 3 years to get to another measly season of one punch man ? ive already moved on from that series

>> No.21296722

the comedy is good so it's easier to accept the relatively bad animation. but the downgrade is huge.

>> No.21296727

Posting without linking is a very Japanese form of etiquette. It makes sense that dekinais would be upset. With a link, you may be challenging the person to reply, whilst a hanging comment is there for others to notice or ignore.

>> No.21296733

their inability to be confrontational extends to how they fucking reply on ANONYMOUS imageboards? my god i can't believe weebs worship that garbage culture.

>> No.21296737


>> No.21296741


>> No.21296754

nah ppl @ each other i just dont @ posts that i either dont respect or its just so obvious who im replying to cuz its the literal post above me that its not necessary

>> No.21296755

they don't worship that culture, they worship anime which they believe to represent japanese culture prima facie but which is actually very potent escapism from said culture

>> No.21296761

basically u gotta be a little bit worthy to receive my yous

>> No.21296770

jamal ur a darling and I imitate you as much as I can but I'm not gonna imitate that "(you) means worthiness" thing

>> No.21296778

i've gotten a ton of yous from jamal. do i win?

>> No.21296784

I agree with you. However, the fact that their escapism is so well considered, speaks volumes about the people's soul. They something special in them, if they'd only break free of the US imposed constitution.

>> No.21296785

i started just clicking through ero vns just to get to the ero scenes

>> No.21296786

has there been a better grammar guide than tae kims to date?

>> No.21296788

i mean if its not obvious who im gonna be replying to i have to give the you like i was saying

>> No.21296789

the first person to (you) somebody else is dekinai confirmed

>> No.21296792

i want discord to leave

>> No.21296793

tae kim sucks

>> No.21296794


>> No.21296795

@ing u cuz i respect ur ability to be ur own man (*^ω^)人(^ω^*)

>> No.21296799

Well said.

I'm a dekiru anyways so here's two.

>> No.21296803



>> No.21296806


>> No.21296811
File: 190 KB, 498x328, vs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting for my mom's friend to leave so i can get another bowl of chilli

>> No.21296816


>> No.21296818

sperg vs stroke victim

>> No.21296819


>> No.21296822

why not just go to the kitchen buck ass naked and fill ur bowl high with teh chilleh

protip dont click just press and hold ctrl key

>> No.21296825


>> No.21296828


>> No.21296833

dictionary of japanese grammar is really just an alphabetized guide, and it's better than tae

>> No.21296841

/djt/ is really just an unalphabetized guide, and it's worse than any other resource

>> No.21296843
File: 57 KB, 654x373, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21296844

meh, time to go back to living the nihongo life. so long, djt. you guys are just too fun

>> No.21296857

>heh they just pronounce を as "o"
>actually hear them pronounce it "wo" commonly
was i lied to?

>> No.21296872
File: 42 KB, 197x245, G1N0ngN[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good guy Takeshi... doesn't talk behind other peoples backs.

>> No.21296881

gossipy bitches fuck em 気にしねー


>> No.21296882

How bad of an idea is it to do both core2k and vn core at the same time? In my head the overlap will just be added practice and I have enough time to do both

>> No.21296888

as long as u limit ur total flashtarding to 10 mins a day maximum who cares

>> No.21296895

that's gay and retarded

>> No.21296902
File: 1.05 MB, 660x692, 1547605708985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do 1 hour of anki every morning and then consume japanese media for 8 hours.

fight me Jamal.

>> No.21296903

Based on context I'm reasonably sure it's ejaculation noises

>> No.21296915

just do vncore and start mining, if you finish vncore in a couple months then think about 2k but I just mined everything after vn

>> No.21296916

>start learning the japanese numbers
>2 types of writing
what the fuck is this crap

>> No.21296922

why if ur spending that much time enjoying things from japan ur fine anyway

ur excessive anki time is just wasted time but thats ur prerogative

>> No.21296936

Check out Matt and yogapants' innovative new method for acquiring Japanese numbers. It's called MIA

>> No.21296939

here u go dude heres ur first numbers lesson >>21293853

>> No.21296948

Wot numbers are the easiest part of most languages

>> No.21296951

yea not sure what his issue is basically u just need to watch this vid and then u know how it all works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kcwg4oeS5w#t=31

>> No.21296955


>> No.21296962

>write down 二
>some fag puts an extra line on top, now i'm paying him 50% more

was that really hard to figure out you dumb faggot

>> No.21296967

o is the default pronunciation and wo is only said when intentionally speaking clearly or singing

>> No.21296971

that's why you write 弐 dude

>> No.21296974

When I was in Japan I asked someone this. And they said it's never pronounced wo. they thought i was retarded

>> No.21296975

numerical is still the way to go for all that dude

but pro tip just put another line on top of 三 and it stops being a number and ur セーフ lol

>> No.21296981


2 types of writing? More like 3... all in one sentence and without spaces.

Learning Japanese is simply not worth it, if all you want is to watch hentai without subtitles.

>> No.21296984

2十2 is 22, what a shitty language

>> No.21296986

makes your 三 into a 五
epic win

>> No.21296988
File: 11 KB, 512x83, Sleepy Steve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, people were making a big deal out of the Steve vs Matt video, but Steve just acted like he normally does. I guess they've never seen any of his interviews before.

There isn't much difference between a solo Matt video and an interview, because he always steals the mic and rambles on forever. He looked so happy talking to Steve though.

>> No.21296992



>> No.21296994

brb think i can grab some chilli now

>> No.21296997

get me some

>> No.21296999

Why didn't anyone tell me that onomatopoeia used are words are way harder than kanji?

>> No.21297011

A person with an actual personality and that actually speaks Japanese and uses it for something useful obliterates Matt in just one video.

>> No.21297031

You, too, can learn Japanese in a single day! Just define "Japanese" as "fifteen words and the ability to point at things and say "nanteyuunda?". Easy.

Matt is dumb in the opposite direction though.

>> No.21297037

>17 fucking minutes
this better be good m8

>> No.21297040

imagine if u could just learn japanese in a single day and then nuke chan saw the vid and just lost his shit and went into existential crisis lmao

dont watch it that guy is a reddlet tier blowhard uve been warned ull be sorry

>> No.21297052

could you please read the fucking post i'm replying to before replying to me? thanks

>> No.21297058

no, kanji are easier

>> No.21297064

>actual personality
>actually speaks

lol ok

that guy is a shameful japan fetishizer and he sells the country and its people for youtube money, and his shitty level of jap is definitely below m*tts

>> No.21297069

how long till I can understand what is being said in this

>> No.21297079

huh, in my defense I had drunk a bottle of wine when I made that post

>> No.21297086

oh god I'm fucking drunk and retarded, I need to stay away from djt for a bit

>> No.21297088

about 10k hours of eng subbed anime and a few hundred hours of reading

>> No.21297092

well ive been on this for about a year now and understand about 50% of it so id say about a year and a half (maybe less if ur high iq) assuming ur a beginner

>> No.21297094

It depends on how fast you learn doesn't it.

>> No.21297097

500k hours of anki

>> No.21297107

these are all me btw

>> No.21297118

honestly its not even all that much it sounds cracked up to be

after like 4 mins of listening to that soliloquy i felt like steve here https://streamable.com/7d80h

>> No.21297135


>> No.21297145

Matt's trying too hard not to come off as an arrogant faggot.

>> No.21297169

>but Steve just acted like he normally does.
That's exactly what I thought.

And yeah, Matt did way too much talking about himself in the video. Whenever Steve spoke, he was always on point talking about the actual topic of video which was learning Japanese, whereas Matt took every opportunity to start rambling on about himself, plug his Patreon and website, etc. and seemed to just generally treat the whole affair as a cynical PR campaign. Worth noting how he desperately avoided mentioning certain things like "anime" and "manga", with the most conspicuous absence of all being "meditation".

I think the reason he struggled so much for an answer when asked how MIA differed from AJATT was because he was so focused on thinking about what NOT to say that he couldn't think of anything else. Either that or he literally expected to go on camera with Steve and just one-sidedly talk about himself for 30 minutes straight while Steve just sat there nodding his head in agreement the whole way through (his cult is apparently incensed that this isn't what happened), so when he started being asked questions he freaked out ( >>21289945 "poor kid had this look on his face like oh shit i didnt know this was gonna be on the test" ).

>> No.21297174

Nihongo is easymode for numbers though, now French on the other hand.

>> No.21297192

i mean the plugs are fine but yea he has an autistic need to thoroughly explain his reasoning behind everything which is OK on your own channel but when you're being interviewed by an old accomplished language-learning jew, give concise answers

>> No.21297197

imagine being a paying subscriber to his cult and hearing that this is what ur paying for over ajatt lmfao


>> No.21297207

>"the nuances of keigo"
>*cuts to georges bangin japanese wife just walking out not interested in listening to a disrespectful child like matt after 5 seconds on a skype call with him*


>> No.21297215

he's been there for a decade and he's about as fluent as my dick, he's a total english bubble victim, nice bait tho

>> No.21297218

Ouch lmao

>> No.21297219

oh shit i just had a great idea

>> No.21297224

Is it to make a patreon

>> No.21297234

is it time for that im not sure that it is


>> No.21297237

>nuances of keigo
lol when he was in the quiz discord he was actually really rude to a native, too

>> No.21297241

victim implies it was out of his control. the guy is just a LOL ANIMELAND PRETTY faggot

>> No.21297281

Yea and his british accent comes through in his japanese (mezu, hedari, etc), I've watched him in previous videos where he talks more and it's bad. I passed him up at about my 6 month mark.

>> No.21297312

French numbers are super faciles, mon ami.

>> No.21297356

well when he says nuances of keigo what he really means is


>> No.21297358

did he beat the native. be honest

>> No.21297368


>> No.21297370

u gotta time stmap that when seedas part comes up cuz the hook is so bad


>> No.21297390

you mean like 3 and 三/参 or さん and み

>> No.21297394

u wanna talk about it dude im here for u

>> No.21297397


>> No.21297401

ur name dude i think u got a issue

>> No.21297406

what's the issue

>> No.21297413

i think uve fuckin snapped dude

just done gone off the deep end

>> No.21297418


>> No.21297449

Yep. There wasn't much he could say in response. He clearly didn't want to bring up his ideas on meditation, he couldn't cite his change to the method of learning kanji from AJATT because he had to revert that after all his Patreons complained it wasn't working for them...

The fact is, there's really not very much difference between MIA and AJATT, and most of it comes post-fluency. There's meditation (which calls for you to buy and read a 500 page book) and the paywalled Tango decks for beginners, then at the advanced level he tells people they should learn pitch accent, keigo and classical Japanese but doesn't provide any instructions for doing so.

>> No.21297476

>Create an immersion environment and begin immersing (ongoing) <-- AJATT
>Learn the basics of the phonetic and writing systems (Hiragana and Katakana) <-- AJATT
>Lazy Kanji (1K cards) <-- AJATT
>Bilingual sentence cards for basic grammar and vocab (1K cards) <-- AJATT/MIA (mining Tae Kim replaced with doing paywalled Tango deck)
>Through sentence mining, make ~2.5K bilingual sentence cards <-- AJATT

>Continue to immerse (ongoing) <-- AJATT
>Meditate (ongoing) <-- MIA
>Monolingual Transition <-- AJATT
>Through sentence mining, make ~3K more monolingual sentence cards. <-- AJATT

Continue to immerse (ongoing) <-- AJATT
Continue to sentence mine, and make an additional ~3K monolingual sentence cards. <-- AJATT
>shadowing (ongoing) <-- AJATT
>Learn pitch accent theory <-- MIA
>(For those not seeking fluency and above) Begin to output <-- basically AJATT (AJATT doesn't ever tell you to deliberately start outputting like Matt does here, but it aligns with Matt's disclaimer "(For those not seeking fluency and above)", saying forcing output will permanently ruin your Japanese)

>Continue to immerse (ongoing) <-- AJATT
>Continue to make monolingual sentence cards (ongoing) <-- AJATT
>Begin to output (ongoing) <-- Same as before, AJATT with a sprinkling of MIA
>Go through Traditional RTK1+3 / RTH 1+2 <-- MIA

>Continue to immerse (ongoing) <-- AJATT
>Continue to make monolingual sentence cards (ongoing) <-- AJATT
>Begin to make clozed/production cards to learn specific cultural knowledge (ongoing) <-- MIA
>Continue to output, and get corrected (ongoing) <-- AJATT/MIA
>Study the history of the culture your target language is associated with <-- MIA
>Study the grammar of your target language using resources meant for natives <-- MIA
>Study Keigo <-- MIA
>Study classical Japanese <-- MIA

>> No.21297488

i love how some of those bullet points are absolutely monumental and extensive and they are just a single line there like yea just do that

>> No.21297509
File: 56 KB, 499x391, beyvLZRaWg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whys his site still empty what does the cunt do all day

>> No.21297513

prolly reads this thread + reddit and cries

post verge of tears clip

>> No.21297517

Is there any way to make audio play only on keypress in Anki, as opposed to playing automatically?

>> No.21297532
File: 120 KB, 1334x938, 73398558_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read porn to get good

>> No.21297548

wouldve done that if you didnt tell me

>> No.21297554

well, mia website and matt's youtube channel organizes the ajatt method. because the ajatt website is godawful and you have to read countless khatz le im so quirky blogs to begin to understand what you should be doing.

>> No.21297581

too bad the mia website contains no information and isnt even as convenient as the ajatt toc

>> No.21297587


>> No.21297609

does anyone know of a video or picture of george's wife? google aint helping me.

>> No.21297615

dont be that guy

>> No.21297616

seriously my best gains have come (heh) while edging and reading doujinshi

>> No.21297617

what did i do wrong

>> No.21297618

Don't be that guy.

>> No.21297622

*flash steps behind u*

dont be that guy

>> No.21297623

don't be that "don't be that guy" guy

>> No.21297627


>> No.21297628

all im sayin is give georges wife some respect she raised kids and managed a household while her idiot man pretended to learn languages

if u wanna really eat ur cake with chopsticks and get in tune with the japanese way then just respect mrs george trombone

>> No.21297635



>> No.21297637

nothing wrong with seeing what she looks like and maybe a wank

>> No.21297638

rut roh now that guy is the guy u def dont wanna be right now lol

>> No.21297644

I want to be that guy too but you won't let me.

>> No.21297647

u can be whatever guy u want im not gate keeping u just merely suggesting as a friend

>> No.21297670

Bee yourself

>> No.21297717


>> No.21297728

what are you talking about i just wanna know what she looks like and maybe rub one out

>> No.21297742

i suppose its my fault for describing her as bangin

>> No.21297831

coming up with my own sentence for every word i encounter in anki really helps with my recall desu

>> No.21297834

post ur sentences so we can confirm ur not crippling urself

>> No.21297835

yea but that's really boring to do

>> No.21297839

Any good gore manga?

>> No.21297842

im on my phone atm but i can post a few when i get home from work

>> No.21297850






>> No.21297884

onushi PUSSY ja

>> No.21297974


>> No.21297976
File: 8 KB, 708x41, 1529990404224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This German motherfucker stole my crunchyroll account.

god fucking damnit.

>> No.21297984
File: 72 KB, 876x232, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21298005

You don't need to use jewnchyroll. Just go to nyaa and download stuff.

>> No.21298014

still I don't want this freeloader german bitch stealing my money.

>> No.21298019

>25 seconds a card

lmao wtf are you doing retard

>> No.21298042

blank cards with an answer box along with full audio sentences then i transcribe it

>> No.21298052

lmao wtf are you doing retard

>> No.21298132

Man his pronunciation is terrible. Just put on a fake Japanese accent.

>> No.21298135

This is a decent illustration of a tooth. It has a root, enamel shell, and a rice filling.

>> No.21298173

When did this happen?

>> No.21298185

>Just put on a fake Japanese accent.
No, that's what Matt does and it sounds so fucking cringe. You can tell his voice when speaking Japanese is totally put on because the tone of his voice shifts down a level from where it is normally when he's speaking English.


>> No.21298187

I'm not giving your boyfriend views.

>> No.21298189

If you spend less than 30 seconds total on a video it doesn't count as a view.

>> No.21298214


>> No.21298341

Keep your pride and sound like shit to natives or adapt and sound like "cringe" to gaijin.

>> No.21298345

You can sound good without doing what Matt does. Listen to any other foreigner who's good at Japanese speak (e.g. that German guy) and they don't do what he does.

>> No.21298362

Who? Dogen? He switches his tone too. You have to change your 'vocal placement' to sound natural. Show me somebody who is good that doesn't do it.

>> No.21298372

Dogen isn't German.

I don't remember the guy's name, but his channel got posted here a while back. But since you bring up Dogen, he also doesn't shift his voice down to anywhere near the degree that Matt does. Matt doesn't even sound like the same person when he speaks Japanese, whereas Dogen still sounds like Dogen.

>> No.21298408
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>> No.21298415

I don't know, watch a dogen phonetic video and then switch to one of his advanced japanese lessons, you'll hear his voice drop. Dogen can keep it in the exact same range during his lessons. But you're right, m*tts is pretty damn noticeable, probably one of the biggest differentiation's.

>> No.21298529 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 413x72, 1536437955209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do japs really use "助ける" the same way that we use rescue/help/"save"? or is this just a shitty translation by minecraft

>> No.21298552
File: 26 KB, 474x266, 234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked guide, no list of beginner anime.
cardcaptor - not bad apart from the kansaiben mascot
ika musume - conjugates things weird and suidly
k-on - quite good, a little fast at times, ritsu loves her foreign words. Never reaslied how stupid yui was.

I'm looking for play school tier though, having at hard time reverse engineering every verb I hear because I haven't heard them spoken very much.

>> No.21298559

even kid shit is chock full of conjugations and combination verbs desu. try doraemon or anpanman idk

>> No.21298625

Tell off the English teachers here about exactly how much they suck at their jobs then get fired.

>> No.21298644

>Why is MIA different than AJATT?
>W-Well uh yeah, MIA helped me with numbers and foods.
I'm laughing so hard I'm choking on my saliva.

>> No.21298677

I didn't understand what exactly はっきん is either but the context just makes what she's saying so completely obvious that there's a good chance I wouldn't even notice that I don't actually know what's はっきん in kanji if I was watching that.

>> No.21298720

Conjugations are fine, I'm just looking for the simplest shows.

>> No.21298724

Kamisama, that's a common word but past JLPT tier.

1. to weigh on one's mind

>> No.21298729

Should have mentioned pic was unrelated.

>> No.21298746


>> No.21298765

>that German guy

>> No.21298769

NNB is pretty easy.

>> No.21298780



>> No.21298795

女は器なり (Confucius)

>> No.21298796
File: 223 KB, 750x896, next op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did he get so good? Lots of reading? 20000 hrs anime? AJATT for 10 years?

Senpai truly has my best interests at heart. I wish I could... I so wish it.

>> No.21298813

when he was in japan he did more than watch anime in the bathroom alone and cry

>> No.21298844

so animelon just doesn't work huh. it's too much of a fucking struggle to find jap subbed content. i dont want to manually retime this fucking shit god fucking

>> No.21298850

>>How did he get so good?
I'm sure he had a video about it which got posted here not too long ago but I can't seem to find it. IIRC, he said he learned Japanese mostly just by speaking to people IRL.

>> No.21298886



>> No.21298897

Works on my machine

>> No.21298945

wtf do you do with subtitles that change how different they are mid way through the episode? fuck my fucking life fuck i can't sync this shit

>> No.21298956

I know japanese and german both as foreign languages and this is bizarre to watch as I have never heard them in combination while spoken that fluently

>> No.21298985
File: 16 KB, 188x126, honnto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.21298997

I'm not an expert but I've used Aegisub. There's nothing you can't do to your subs in that program. http://docs.aegisub.org/3.2/Shift_Times/


>> No.21299048
File: 734 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2019-05-06 02-43-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what does にける mean? ける means kick? is the ni in front of it the particle ni? why does it mean trip? i don't get it

>> No.21299057

what is the best jap beer? just cracked open a premium yebisu and it's pretty good.
sorry for bad nihongo

>> No.21299058


>> No.21299061

How much of Yotsuba is her mispronouncing things because she's a child?

>> No.21299071
File: 19 KB, 336x188, 234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try Asahi just because I see it everywhere. Can't find it at any local bottle shops though. If I go to the city there's basically alcohol grocery stores, but the bottle shops where I live are more like alcoholics supply warehouses.

>> No.21299072



>> No.21299080

you ever think about posting an image of the part you're talking about specifically? huh?

>> No.21299081



>> No.21299085

I use SubtitleEdit because I got frustrated with aegisub. You can change timings with programs like that - they shift in the middle of the anime because there's no commercial break

>> No.21299100

もちもちなの切っちゃだめですね わかります

>> No.21299111

Asahi is quite watery for a beer imo. do try it if you find it though

>> No.21299114


>> No.21299188

Foreigners need to be aware that japanese is impossible?

>> No.21299216

As another gaijin I understand 無理 as "I can't/won't do that" so maybe he's saying that he can't become one, but gaijin Japanese is difficult to interpret.

>> No.21299327

Is Kanon a decent choice for a first VN?

>> No.21299387


>> No.21299458

>master of Japanese
>master of foreign language acquisition methods
>master of politeness
>master of foods
>master of mathematics
>master of meditation
>master of pronouncing 広義
How can anyone even compete with Matt?

>> No.21299473

Does Matt even know what food is? I've only ever seen him drink water. Maybe he's in reality a plant and gets his energy solely from photosynthesis

>> No.21299494

he definitely does appear to be some kind of vegetation

>> No.21299554
File: 26 KB, 720x500, D5xIo5IUwAA7_U1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21299561


>> No.21299644

>tatsu yokomizo

>> No.21299654

dohhmo konnichiha mattoh desss

>> No.21299660


>> No.21299677
File: 36 KB, 477x276, got.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you fail like 10 cards in a row

>> No.21299683
File: 178 KB, 1280x905, ぷー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21299706
File: 35 KB, 902x667, Textractor_2019-05-06_09-10-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does textractor itself emulate locale or does it support locale emulator? Either way this shit is cash.

>> No.21299711

His wife sounds like a swamp ogre. Even more bizarre is him speaking Vienna dialect right after though.

>> No.21299718

i heard it even auto bings everything for u so u can just cruise and not worry about a thing

>> No.21299725

it uses google translate but you can disable it, and the window shouldn't be visible anyway as the extracted japanese text is auto-copied to the clipboard, and then inserted into an html page using clipboard inserter.

>> No.21299733

Is there any recommended non-VN reading material for people just getting into reading? Preferably webnovels for comfy mining.

>> No.21299737

but i mean why not just do this seems a lot less of a hassle than that other shit u were saying


>> No.21299740

as it would turn out there is


>> No.21299768
File: 5 KB, 424x230, 46991268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the core2k deck start with multiple different counters? Couldn't it start with something more memorable?

>> No.21299771

if u dont know the numbers u cant learn japanese take it from the master


>> No.21299772

Do you think it would be beneficial to forego using a text-hooker? So that you never get dependent on using one as a crutch?

>> No.21299782

depends on the person prolly but i advocate looking things up the honest way cuz that was my experience

>> No.21299783

nothing wrong with a text hooker, just don't do auto translation

>> No.21299786

intelligent question. the answer is definitely. if you rely too much on a text-hooker to 100% understand everything you read in a VN then you'll never learn japanese.

auto translation or not, the texthooker does all the work for you and you'll never learn the language.

>> No.21299795

>the texthooker does all the work for you and you'll never learn the language.
what work does it do aside from giving you the text so you can plug it into a dictionary or onto flash cards?

>> No.21299804


>> No.21299808

You can easily check every word rather than having to rely on your memory of whether its actually a word you know.

>> No.21299812

by that logic reading novels in the browser is useless because you can do the same thing there

>> No.21299814

>aside from giving you the text so you can plug it into a dictionary or onto flash cards?
that's 99% of the battle right there. if you rely too much on the texthooker to learn the language - then even if you learn a ton of japanese you'll be at a complete loss as to what to do if you read a VN without a texthooker because you won't have practiced switching to a japanese ime and typing up the word or drawing the kanji to search for it.

hopefully we get another extremely intelligent question about dependence, like on a dictionary.

this too.
>you can just pay more attention to frequent/important words!
nobody has the required intelligence to do this. if you use a texthooker you will permanently cripple your japanese.

>> No.21299821

>then even if you learn a ton of japanese you'll be at a complete loss as to what to do if you read a VN without a texthooker because you won't have practiced switching to a japanese ime
you can still learn that after you already learned some japanese, it's not rocket science

>> No.21299826

i mean all the texthooker giving u instant lookup does is feed u more information faster which ur obviously gonna forget because ur not establishing meaningful connections to what ur doing

>> No.21299829
File: 116 KB, 576x728, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this what prompted my question about text hookers. It made me think it might be better to just never use one.

>> No.21299830

not using a texthooker seems retardedly inefficient but you do you

>> No.21299835

show me someone whos learned japanese let alone someone who did it "efficiently"

>> No.21299909

I've had Asahi a few times. It's okay but really nothing special. Other Asian beers from countries like India, Singapore and Thailand are easily as good or better. Of course, it doesn't hold a candle to European beers like British ales and German wheat beers.

Maybe the stuff they sell domestically is of a higher quality, but I've never been to Japan so I don't know.

>> No.21299911

The guy from /r/LearnJapanese

>> No.21299917
File: 1.14 MB, 1200x1529, 73069107_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously if you abuse your mouseover dictionary and swipe over words you already know because you're unsure about whether or not you're reading them correctly you're gonna read slowly and stunt your acquisition of new words

so don't do that at that point

it's that simple, have a little moment-to-moment self control (the easy kind!) and all that fun jazz the important part is keeping up with your japanese studies in general and not pretending to read for 24 hours a week when you only actually read for 4

>> No.21299929

he seems to be describing someone who already knows a lot of words and second-guesses himself a lot which destroys their flow. if you're a beginner you don't have a flow and a texthooker makes it much easier to look up the hundreds of essential words you need to know to have an idea as to what's going on.

>> No.21299940

>nips often don't even pronounce the h sound in ひ and just say "い"
god what idiots

>> No.21299944

>It made me think it might be better to just never use one.
It really depends.

On the one hand, not using a texthooker+popup dictionary is going to make it so you pay more attention to pretty much everything, but especially vocabulary.
On the other hand, it's going to slow your reading down and probably make the activity less fun. If that leads to someone not wanting to read and avoiding the activity, then dropping the texthooker is clearly much more harmful than continuing to use it.

If you can live without texthookers and popup dictionaries then great, but if not then don't worry about it. Anki can help balance out the detriments of using them anyway.

>> No.21299948

its trash, get kirin ichiban

>> No.21299962

Yeah. There's nothing really intrinsically wrong with the texthooker itself. The true evil is the popup dictionary.

>> No.21299966

>hopefully we get another extremely intelligent question about dependence, like on a dictionary.
I'm listening...

Are you suggesting that people don't use them?

>> No.21299967

Thanks. I think I may try reading without one and if becomes too much of a hassle I'll start using one, but try not to rely on it too much.

>> No.21299972

not even popup dictionaries are bad, just control yourself better
at the very least using a popup dictionary with a j-j epwing dictionary is going to make it harder to misuse than using jmdict, so that's a good step once you're at the point where you already know like 10k words and you're just super insecure

>> No.21299982

ever heard of matt krashen's input hypothesis? you shouldn't be attaching inaccurate english approximations to japanese words/concepts. learn by just staring at the text. use context clues from audio and visuals to get an idea of what's being said.

>> No.21299988

inaccurate approximations are not covered or mentioned by the input hypothesis

as a second language learner they're unavoidable because of language transfer

>> No.21299994
File: 255 KB, 1129x1385, 1532330075104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21299996

maybe you're not familiar with the current literature. i recommend reading Yoga Kaufmann et al. (2017)

>> No.21299998

That's nothing special either and massively overpriced (at least imports of it are).

>> No.21300000

Anyone know about how much vocabulary is included in Tae Kim?

>> No.21300004

like 2k words or some shit idk there's an anki deck with all of them though

>> No.21300005


>> No.21300006

It's fine, I've been making my own deck. I was just curious about how much I'd eventually end up with. Thanks.

>> No.21300007

why the fuck would you care lol don't try learning vocab from a fucking grammar guide ok you can learn like gakusei and kinou from it but aside from that who gives a shit it doesn't matter it's just random words

tae kim's wordlists are from an era before it had definition tooltips and before we had mouseover dicts theres no point in lookin at them now

>> No.21300012

just go on syosetu.com and pick something you like, they have a lot of categories to choose from
Or pick something from the library
Because honestly every text will be hard in the beginning so you can just find something you're motivated to read. If you don't like something, drop it and read something else

>> No.21300022

>you won't have practiced switching to a japanese ime
you don't need fucking practice for that, just a brain

>> No.21300023

i was too bored by tae kim to mine from it but i don't really see the problem with it. if you know all the words in a grammar guide it makes it a lot easier to understand the grammar explanations.

>> No.21300041

I'm just making a deck of the sentences as a way to SRS the grammar. The only individual vocab cards I put in are for verbs, since you can't necessarily figure out the dictionary form from its conjugated form in a sentence. So I'm learning every word that's in an example sentence. I just wanted to know what I'd end up with once I finished.

>> No.21300047
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the VN music sounds pretty good and you're already an extremely slow reader and it kinda distracts you

>> No.21300053

why the fuck do people need to use srs to remember grammar
I just read that shit and remembered it

>> No.21300060

you probably just have a high IQ, like 120-130 minimum. i've read tae kim's guide 3 times and still forget quite a bit of it. but i remember more teach time so that's nice.

>> No.21300077

It's working pretty well for me so far. Time will tell, though.

>> No.21300078

>you shouldn't be attaching inaccurate english approximations to japanese words/concepts.
Those fall away. I struggle to translate most of the Japanese words I know into English, but then again, I only just started using Anki last week (and even then I ignore the definitions and just have them there as a reminder in case I completely draw a blank on a word and need to refresh my memory of what it is) so I haven't been drilling English approximations of Japanese words into my head for years like some people here have.

But anyway, if you're worried about this you can just use a monolingual dictionary instead of a bilingual one. Problem solved.

>learn by just staring at the text. use context clues from audio and visuals to get an idea of what's being said.
That sounds terribly inefficient. You're basically talking about learning language like a baby here, and even surrounded by their native language 24/7 it takes many years for them to not only reach fluency but also to develop an adult-level vocabulary (which, it goes without saying, takes them well over a decade).

Can you point to any adult learner who has done this and become fluent? Because there are endless examples of people who haven't done this and become fluent.

>> No.21300086

>at the very least using a popup dictionary with a j-j epwing dictionary is going to make it harder to misuse than using jmdict, so that's a good step once you're at the point where you already know like 10k words and you're just super insecure
Good advice. That's actually a perfect solution.

>> No.21300089


>> No.21300116

Also when I review the sentences I always try to just understand them in my head in Japanese, without converting it to English and following the Japanese word order. I've studied some other languages before (quit them though) and I feel like doing it this way is giving me much quicker progress in reading proficiency. But again, time will tell how much that actually translates over to real things once I'm finished.

>> No.21300136

How do I cut down the due cards? I can do my limit but I screwed up in being late. Now there's like 60 cards to review and the new cards keep piling up, making it impossible to learn the ones before it.

>> No.21300145

...stop doing new cards for awhile?

>> No.21300148

No idea.

I either forgot or didn't even understand in the first place most of Tae Kim. I picked up grammar just by reading and occasionally referring back to Tae Kim when it seemed like it was worth the effort (which wasn't often), but usually I just read the JMDICT entry instead to give me the general idea. Over time, everything just sort of clicked into place and I never had to SRS shit.

>> No.21300156

after a long day I took back what is rightfully mine from this German bastard.

>> No.21300159

I can't stop doing new cards. They keep popping up during my studies. It might be that I changed my settings to something that I don't realize is the problem.

>> No.21300165

Has anyone here ever seen 梃子 written as kanji in the wild before

>> No.21300174

Wtf are you talking about

>> No.21300175

Why are you posting about a website for streaming English-translated anime in a thread about learning Japanese?

DJT isn't your personal blog.

>> No.21300177
File: 2 KB, 421x82, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set it to show new cards after review in Preferences. Or you can go to options and set "new cards/day" to 0.

>> No.21300176

its the quizmaster

>> No.21300182

But I watch without subs?

>> No.21300186

streaming is for scrubs tho also obligatory "lol @ paying for anime"

>> No.21300188

Your Crunchyroll account getting stolen still has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

>> No.21300193

yah but neither is ur backseat modding so stfu retard

>> No.21300195

I mean that the due cards are interrupting me trying to study because the program replaces them with the new cards no matter what I click.
Oh I see, I really appreciate it.

>> No.21300198

Is there a way to just remove the Windows IME why keeping the rest of the Japanese stuff? I use Google IME (I'm on Windows 10)

>> No.21300202

windows 十 the os of christ

>> No.21300205

What are the differences between the two IMEs anyway?

>> No.21300216

More botnet

>> No.21300217

I'm not entirely sure but Windows IME pisses me way more off than Google IME when it's about to find some rarer fantasy words. I can't type 祓魔師 with it for example. It pissed me off, and then suddenly Google IME solved all my weird struggles

>> No.21300222

Well, with Windows IME, your data gets stolen by Microsoft, whereas with Google IME, your data gets stolen by Microsoft and Google.

>> No.21300229

I'm pretty sure that they all get my data anyway so I decided not to give a shit
See it positive, at least someone is interested in me even if it's just for profit

>> No.21300234

Well how often are you really typing that

>> No.21300245

often enough to annoy me
at the moment the only time I output Japanese is about manga/anime and I watch 青の祓魔師 so I need it quite often
People could argue that I could just write エクソシスト but I ain't gonna do that

>> No.21300281
File: 233 KB, 512x512, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bill gaytes

>> No.21300322
File: 88 KB, 892x916, N317RfZwpS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still using microsoft and google ime

>> No.21300343

redpill me on it

>> No.21300349

I don't know why it defaults to mixing the new cards in that's annoying af.

>> No.21300352

go to nya and search atok 2017, yw in advance, it's easily the best ime

>> No.21300361

someone posted about it before but i couldn't find it so i never tried it out. didn't think to search on nyaa.

>> No.21300370
File: 63 KB, 480x640, 1547019403435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm pretty sure that they all get my data anyway so I decided not to give a shit
You could always come to the light side.

>> No.21300374

the light side?

>> No.21300396

install gentoo

>> No.21300427

So when should I use the hard and easy buttons in Anki? I only use "good" if I got it right, and "again" if I got something wrong.

>> No.21300430

For better or worse, 4 years on-and-off.

Given the amount of total time I've put in, and the overall small scope of content I consume, I am not surprised by my non-comprehension in speaking.

>> No.21300431

the conversation around text hookers and yomichan now makes me glad i stuck mostly with my ps vita for VNs and text-heavy RPGs. i couldn't cheat with a text hooker even if i wanted to haha

>> No.21300438

i got the add on that gets rid of the easy button, it's kind of an ineffective idea

>> No.21300442


>> No.21300443

yea playing games without using text hookers is the way, the easy way is usually the bad way for learning bc when it's easy there is no reason to use your brain

>> No.21300475
File: 32 KB, 1116x593, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now it's telling me that no new cards are due, so I can't finish the cards I'm learning now for some reason.
And when I make cards due it still shuffles new ones into the deck. Even when I changed the options. Weird as fuck.

>> No.21300492

Let me mention that this is after I've been reviewing cards for an hour. It suddenly stopped and when I click on 'study' it sometimes brings me back. I then click through and then it kicks me out again. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.21300499

>an hour

consider it divine intervention and stop being a flashtard

>> No.21300504


fucking hell, how can people do this to themselves?

>> No.21300520

You probably just need to wait for the interval time? That's so you actually space out the repetitions. You know the whole theory of how this works.

>> No.21300522

Learning the kanji along with how to recall them when I think of them instead of only recognizing the kanji itself.
My goal isn't just to read.
I want to:
Remember kanji from memory
Remember the kanji's hiragana from memory
Recall the kanji when I think of and read the hiragana
Write the kanji from memory

>> No.21300534

Yeah you're right, I completely shit my pants out of confusion.

>> No.21300537

Yea take a break and come back in a few hours, you shouldn't being going an hour straight anyways. You're going to lose optimal focus after 30 min and the longer you wait the better you make your memory anyways.

>> No.21300538

>Remember the kanji's hiragana from memory
>Recall the kanji when I think of and read the hiragana
this isn't exactly how kanji work
learning the readings is highly inefficient, learn words with the kanji instead

>> No.21300544

>tfw remember what the kanji means but can't remember how to pronounce it.

and I didn't even do RTK, fuck this shit.

>> No.21300548

My RTK friend

>> No.21300553

True. I should cool it.
Learn words with the kanji as in the english words? Is it because kanji can have multiple readings? Or do you mean readings as in the english translation?

>> No.21300555

I'm not an rtklet, I'm a VNCorechad. I just see the kanji and meaning in english and I can recall what they mean by the shape.

>> No.21300564

>Learn words with the kanji as in the english words? Is it because kanji can have multiple readings? Or do you mean readings as in the english translation?
Well, yeah. Learn Japanese words (duh) with kanji. And learn what they mean, too, obviously.
Why am I even having this conversation

>> No.21300574

worst part is it doesnt come off as a bait this literally what comes through our doors now

>> No.21300577

I'm wondering too because I never mentioned that I don't do that.

>> No.21300582

no you shouldn't cool it. just keep doing the reviews. what the fuck is up with this idiot

>> No.21300589

What the fuck are you talking about? Someone told me to do something I'm already doing and I reply wondering what the hell they're even trying to say and now it's bait?

>> No.21300591

what anon is saying is that you should learn the reading and meaning of the word 上空 instead of drilling all the readings of 上 and 空

>> No.21300593

What's the point of flashcard when you reach the point you can read and understand well?

>> No.21300597
File: 21 KB, 382x415, qwedxrcsj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Due to short-term memory you pointlessly forget everything watched within hours, BUT repeating a show sends it to the long-term memory. This is probably the biggest language hack in existence.

>> No.21300599

yes that's what I meant

>> No.21300600

some words you don't come across very often in the wild, flashcards let you drill those to make them stick faster

>> No.21300602

Yeah that's what I'm so confused about. I don't know where I implied that I only learned single kanji rather than whole words.

>> No.21300606


I didn't see the point on grinding flashcards when I was learning Spanish, and I can communicate at a fluent level.

>> No.21300612

Post unique stories of how you learned a kanji.

>> No.21300614

Ah, I see the problem. I said 'the kanji's' meaning. I don't mean literally single kanji. I'm doing the VNCore deck and I'm learning words. The picture I posted was of the VNCore deck. I thought the deck was visible so I was wondering how no one understood. My apologies.

>> No.21300618

there's always words that you don't know that might be worth drilling because you come across them so rarely
that applies even to your native language, it's not really a hard concept

>> No.21300620

all this pic makes me wanna do is watch yung dogen just trickin at the quad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFo0H_STV5w

>> No.21300621

but why would you feel the need to know a word like that

>> No.21300626

So you don't have to look it up when you see it. If you want to be a dictionary slave that's on you.

>> No.21300627
File: 510 KB, 698x768, 1539487531920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you mean a language that takes 20% as much time to learn as japanese, say no more

>> No.21300631

so you know it in case you do come across it? it's called education. of course there's diminishing returns and you have to decide how autistic you want to be, but "the point" of flashcards should be obvious

>> No.21300637

Why can't japan fix Kanji?

>> No.21300638


>> No.21300643

What would you like to see in the next patch of nihongo?

>> No.21300650

do rtk and kanji will not be a problem.

>> No.21300652

biggest lie in japanese learning

>> No.21300656

Do genki and Japanese will not be a problem.

>> No.21300659

I use kunyomi to remember kanji meaning, what is my IQ?

>> No.21300660

Do nukige and japanese will not be a problem

>> No.21300661

do eroge and win

>> No.21300663


>> No.21300664

learn japanese and japanese will not be a problem

>> No.21300667

support nuke on patreon and japanese will not be a problem

>> No.21300669

Do drugs and life will not be a problem

>> No.21300670

windows 獣 the OS of the beast you mean

>> No.21300675


"nuances of keigo"

>> No.21300680

It's bad when you can learn at least 5 other languages in the time it takes to learn this one. This is probably the hardest thing any of us will ever attempt in our lives. God speed.

>> No.21300681


>> No.21300688

Why is Broad so smol?

>> No.21300689

just please do not read that as "windows けもの", it's supposed to parody 十 and to sound kind of epic not cute

>> No.21300691

I tell you this is how he pronounced it in his head but he was just able to correct himself during the chat

>> No.21300693

too late

>> No.21300697

I learned how to get a gf

>> No.21300699

>I want to:
>Remember kanji from memory
>Remember the kanji's hiragana from memory
>Recall the kanji when I think of and read the hiragana
>Write the kanji from memory
You're falling into a classic Eternal Beginner trap here.

I know it probably seems to you like what you're doing is very important and necessary for learning Japanese, but it isn't. You're really, honestly jut wasting your time. I'm not saying this to put you down, but to help you. Beyond learning the radicals, you really don't need to concern yourself with kanji at all. Your brain will just naturally learn to recognize them without you having to do anything special at all.

As for writing, unless:
1) your Japanese is at a high enough level that you can output anything meaningful and intelligible
2) you not only know how to write individual kanji but have also learned how to spell words using those kanji
your ability to write out individual kanji from memory doesn't translate to any sort of meaningful skill at all. It confers in you ZERO ability in Japanese. Until you have a good grasp of the language, a good vocabulary, and have learned how to spell all those words in your vocabulary, writing individual kanji from memory is a 100% useless skill that doesn't amount to anything more than a party trick.

Even if you're going to be going to Japan at some point in the near future, you can always just write in kana if ever the need for you to write anything by hand arises.

>> No.21300700

not gonna lie i read it kemono and was like wahts this guys problem and then i was like oh haha like 怪獣 that kinda 獣 oh very funny when u do the necessary gymnastics to get there haha

>> No.21300702
File: 184 KB, 486x420, 1547220230965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dun get eet

>> No.21300706

>I don't know where I implied that I only learned single kanji rather than whole words.
When you repeatedly used the word "kanji" instead of "word".

>> No.21300707

is this?

>> No.21300708

Guys everyone knows 獣姦 or do you guys have the big 倪?

>> No.21300713

Wait, do you read 魔獣 now as まけもの or as まじゅう ?

>> No.21300715

Except all of the people that god to high levels quick like brit vs japan who swear by rtk. I think the more you wire your brain into the kanji the better. Your way probably works too but rtk has a good track record. It's up to the learner to choose their own path.

>> No.21300717


>> No.21300718

wonder twin powers activate lmao


>> No.21300722

if this is high level i break the level cap

>> No.21300727


update from our guy chris

>> No.21300728

I use on'yomi to remember kanji meanings, estimate my iq (not a lie BTW)

>> No.21300731


>> No.21300732

He's one of the best I've seen at the 18 months marker. Not necessary "high level", but pretty good for sure.

>> No.21300737

dang chris is so yung i didnt think he was that young he seems pretty fuckin woke for his age besides being a miatard

i hope he succeeds in whatever im not watching all of that

>> No.21300739

to be totally fair even tho his japanese is shit he still sounds like hes speaking authentically and not doing a retard voice like the other matt which is pretty win

but thats all he has going for him i think

>> No.21300742

What the fuck are the radicals

>> No.21300744

got em all right here dude


>> No.21300749

desu it's pretty hard to remind myself that I can speak japanese in a proper low voice when 99% of the time I hear this language it's some idol type bird at the upper limit of her vocal range

>> No.21300751

Pretty decent active vocabulary too, if that wasn't scripted at all, most people that free talk at that level use extremely simple words. He actually comes across as somebody who can make pretty good use of the language early on.

>> No.21300754

oh that site reminded me of something u scrubs tend to seriously neglect and i think no1 even talks about


>> No.21300756

he had a japanese GF from the start and practiced speaking to her regularly. most ajatters don't have that luxury.

>> No.21300757

Is animelon good? I really don't like reading novels at this point, I want to git gudder

>> No.21300759

u know it was scripted everythings fake and gay dude

plop him in a real situation involving people with no time to prepare he like just about all others will perish immediately


>> No.21300761

I do this with my paper dictionary because I seriously fail at radical lookup.

>> No.21300763

Should i bother with them or just learn kanji as I go?

>> No.21300765

use daiweeb instead

>> No.21300767

The main part of the kanji which usually gives a hint on its meaning.

>> No.21300768


>> No.21300769

Watch out for the 湯桶読み. It's the mini boss in japanese just right before the final boss named 擬声語

>> No.21300775


>> No.21300776

ull get used to them just by dealing with kanji

ull notice things on ur own if u put in the time where radicals will start to tell u things

>> No.21300779

daiweeb and animelon are both great, i like daiweeb because they have a shortcut key for english subs 'E', and I like animelon because their interface is better, everything is customizeable, and more anime selection. Both work great though.

>> No.21300783

based, and, dare I say it? Spacepilled.

>> No.21300785

I keep forgetting how to read that word so I just go with ゆおけよみ. I know it's because they use different readings but I don't remember the on'yomi for the second one, so I sometimes read it as とうおけよみ. It's a dumb name anyways so I don't care about using it to begin with.

>> No.21300787

kanji more like kantji lmao

>> No.21300788

what if I talk to siri and google?

>> No.21300798

I had to google it myself because I forgot

>> No.21300807


>> No.21300810

What anime should I watch in daiweeb/animelon? I want something with easy vocab.

>> No.21300819

Shirokumacafe and Chi's Sweet Home are pretty easy. Otherwise, watch what you are interested in

>> No.21300820

Why are the kanji of numbers read as onyomi if they are not followed by other kanjis?

>> No.21300821

It might be useful to look them up when you start to notice the same one in multiple kanji. They help memorization a bit, you'll know when you need to look them up.
You don't have to learn them before you start learning kanji, learning a memorization helper before you got anything you should memorize is silly.

>> No.21300831

Because that's not a rule.
Most people use the chinese numbers and numbers are written with those kanji.

>> No.21300838

why memorize when u can learn

>> No.21300839

You're calling me an idiot because I understand that the human ability to focus intently tapers off after a certain duration. Alright.
>writing individual kanji from memory is a 100% useless skill that doesn't amount to anything more than a party trick.
Ah, we meet again. It's the kanjilet. You brought up some good points but I'm ok with wasting time, as I'm in no rush or contest to learn.
The act of remembering a kanji is as simple as knowing what it looks like since I have a generally good idea of the stroke order. It also does help me remember the words. And it's fun.

You're probably right about it taking up and wasting my time but that's ok. You're trying to help me and if that's the route I'll go that will be entirely my fault. You'll lose nothing out of my waste of time and might even get a laugh out of it.
That said,
>you not only know how to write individual kanji but have also learned how to spell words using those kanji
your ability to write out individual kanji from memory doesn't translate to any sort of meaningful skill at all.
Me learning to write kanji isn't limited to individual kanji. This includes words. Words that I would need to know regardless of whether I wrote kanji or not. You're making knowing how to write kanji out to be something extremely difficult when the act of comprehending them is a cake walk with enough practice. The same could be said about writing them. I pretty much have my entire life to make mistakes and learn from them. Slowly building my understanding of what kanji word is what.
>Until you have a good grasp of the language
I don't see how writing kanji obstructs my ability to do this
>a good vocabulary
Again, I don't see how writing would stop me from learning.
>have learned how to spell all those words in your vocabulary
I do this while learning how to write. It even helps my method because I have more to attach the spelling to. Further solidifying my grasp and understanding of it.
>writing individual kanji from memory is a 100% useless skill that doesn't amount to anything more than a party trick.
I'm not learning it for it to be useful. I wouldn't be learning japanese at all if I wanted anything useful out of this. This is a hobby.

Again, I'd understand your point of view if I were a beginner looking for the quickest method of learning japanese, but that's not my goal.

>> No.21300845

Why learn when you can watch eng sub anime?

>> No.21300848

because thinking about kanji in terms of onyomi and kunyomi is already a misstep

>> No.21300850

It's a good thing you repeated what I said after I said it. I wouldn't have known otherwise so thank you for informing me.

>> No.21300853

Surprisingly, 通 痛 have a kan'on and it is とう... but of course つう is the one that doesn't make sense as kan'on. また一つ賢くなった

>> No.21300859

Anyone know where to get God's Child in Japanese? It's a manga from 09. Seems pretty bad so it's probably not readily available.

>> No.21300871
File: 48 KB, 700x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boo hoo, people use the word kanji to describe words all of the time.

>> No.21300873

uhm ... no

>> No.21300875

I was starting to forget that djt was supposed to have those longform arguments about how to begin learning japanese optimally according to autists who can't read japanese

>> No.21300879

here u go dude ill just shut down this misinformation with something i already posted >>21296211

>> No.21300885

nah i aint lettin that happen on my watch i will disrupt that shit all day

>> No.21300889

I just call kanji "letters". got it from my Chinese friend from NZ

>> No.21300891

i do this too but mostly ironically to trigger ppl

>> No.21300893

Translate this:

>> No.21300900
File: 88 KB, 1077x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The kanji that make up this word make zero sense

>I've put a few hundred new kanji into my mining deck in a few days,it's really tiring to read having to search up 2-3 compunds per sentence
but somehow it's still fun

Yeah ok. Here are a few mentions of kanji from this thread that mention the whole of them. Not just individual kanji.

>In the last months I started studying daily, most importantly I focus on kanji

>Kanji make no fucking sense man.

>see a new word with a new kanji
>mine it but also look up most common words with that kanji

>> No.21300901

becomes a tree

>> No.21300910

best post of this thread so far

>> No.21300915

People refer to both singular kanji AND multiple kanji as kanji all of the time. Yet you're making this big of a stink about it when you're in an argument. It doesn't matter what

>> No.21300920

isn't that because Japanese doesn't have a plural?

>> No.21300921

i am the best and the worst this thread has to offer

>> No.21300930

Nah I'm not referring to the proper term for multiple kanji, but the fact that it's common for people to refer to words as 'kanji'. I have no idea whether that's how it is or not. Just explaining that it's common enough to the point where it makes sense that I would use it in that way if I'm not familiar with everything.

>> No.21300931

becomes a spirit

>> No.21300932
File: 605 KB, 512x588, get.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21300937

How exactly? That's literally my point.

>> No.21300941

unironically I feel like I have to call them something other than "kanji" because trying to use that word in english makes me sound like a fag and makes japanese look harder/more exotic than it is, so it's somewhere between letter and character for me depending on how sick I get from one or the other

>> No.21300944

You didn't read this correctly.

>> No.21300946

i mean calling them letters is no worse than calling them 文字 so its really not a big deal

>> No.21300949
File: 55 KB, 640x507, anki_2019-05-06_19-36-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the second day I've been using anki and it took me ONE FUCKING HOUR to learn those 20 words + yesterday words most of which I barely remembered. Is this normal in the beginning? or am I not using it correctly?

>> No.21300959

sure but it triggers the sort of people who insist manga isn't comic books

>> No.21300961

the absolute state of flashtards

>> No.21300964

I've never been arrogant enough to see a vocab and think "the kanji here doesn't make sense". I realize the kanji was probably used for it's phonetic and the fact it's a surprising choice of kanji will make it more rememberable. The fags that waste time complaining about it are kids with control issues. There's nothing to rebel again here bucko, you're not going to change anything.

>> No.21300979

and as long as they exist we will keep doing it lol

>> No.21300980

proves how bad this language is

>> No.21300983

Ive gotten triggered at 囲 once for not making sense phonetically but this is the fault of japanese shinjitai n-worders, the Chinese have it right

>> No.21300984

not really it only proves how bad the retard misusing the language is

>> No.21300986
File: 3 KB, 121x132, IMG_20171023_135900-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People who don't know about japanese arguing about whether japanese words are properly known as 'kanji words'

The absolute state of this fucking board. How retarded can you be?

>> No.21300991

is daiweeb broken? i can't login

>> No.21300992

but enough about yourself

>> No.21300995

but did it help you remember it better or worse?

>> No.21300997

>if you're not a football player, you can't criticize a football player

>> No.21300999

can u delete ur post plz u sorta fucked things up for me

>> No.21301002

working perfect for me, but once or twice I've had that problem too, I think their servers get regionally over crowded or something

>> No.21301004

Are verbs like 飛び込む and 忍び寄る special or just commonly used results of a conjugation rule?
aka could you make any verb into an adverb and use its masu stem with a movement verb to signify moving in that way?
Or is this an even more general grammar rule that I'm forgetting

>> No.21301005

terrible analogy, it's more like if you've only watched one game of football and you're trying to explain the meaning of life from it

>> No.21301008

they are compound verbs, verbs that are made up out of two different words

>> No.21301009

omfg guys whats the difference between 忍び寄る and 忍び込む

thats it im quitting japanese what a stupid language REeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.21301011

daiweeb is trash, those guys literally don’t even use it and give the advice
you can’t login or make an account

>> No.21301016

I can log in with my google account just fine I don't see your problem

>> No.21301019

imagine unironically going to a site called "daiweeb" lmfao

>> No.21301022

it did make me confused about 井 so there was some bad influence, though I admit it is almost natural to read 囲 as い because you see 井 (い) in there, except fucking 井 has the Chinese-origin reading of じょう, obviously like in 天井 (ceiling). I guess I can't get over it

>> No.21301023

thanks dude I was like "maybe I just being retarded and forgetting fundamental rules" so i added it
maybe i actually never learned this,I don't remember it being in the tae kim guide lol

>> No.21301025

It's more like if you see football players arguing over the best method of training. And they get into the argument over a misunderstand of vocabulary. With one football player referring to the football as futbol (which is an entirely different language, just like the retards here are grilling me over using the word kanji to refer to words (Not to mention that individual kanji are literally words too, so I'm not sure where that came from)) and the other calls it by it's name because that's literally what they're playing.

>> No.21301027
File: 985 KB, 1872x827, 1540306989267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck u

>> No.21301032

I didn't read TK so I can't tell. I'm glad I could help you out
I myself just stumbled upon it one day randomly

>> No.21301037

omg gais its 'word words' not 'words'

>> No.21301039

addendum: the original, Chinese form of 囲, unless i am not mistaken, is 圍. Let me tell you that I have not the slightest clue why Yamato n-worders thought this was too hard because shit like 偉大 (いだい) is perfectly part of modern language. It isn't confusing in any imaginable way. I really don't understand.

>> No.21301040


>> No.21301041

Keeping kanji and words separate just cuts down on the confusion. Pointless argument. Get back to gitting gud, (like I should too).

>> No.21301044


More like this?

>> No.21301046

the first 1 is just a square with a # sign in it and the 2nd is a square with 2 # signs in it overlapped but slightly offset

>> No.21301051

my soon to be created letsplay channel and my soon to be created patreon

>> No.21301057

lol this nigga teaches japanese but can't read children jrpgs

>> No.21301058

You know fulwell the extent of my suffering.

>> No.21301060

Nah I mean you're right and I don't fault you for that. I was just explaining why I would be using the word kanji. And to see someone come to me and tell me that it's my fault for using it in a way that it's intended is a bit frustrating.
So I'm not shooting the method, just the method user.

Either way though you're right, I should stop procrastinating. Good luck.

>> No.21301061

I mean he explains shit because he knows most of his audience are new to the language.

>> No.21301064

behold george trombone nihongo master


>> No.21301068

what does your post have to do with what i just said

>> No.21301077

its not that he doesn't understand, is that he tries to explain shit instead of trying to impress whatever japanese learning cult leader and dash trough it just saying a rough english translation.

>> No.21301078

no as u can clearly see from the link above he doesnt understand a controls explanation for a childrens video game

>> No.21301080

>its not that he doesn't understand
you don't know japanese. no one said anything about him "slowly translating" anything
behold the master:

>> No.21301083

I think he is just not familiar with the 3ds.

>> No.21301092

>i'm just kinda guessing
i mean i get your point, but he's clearly still learning himself

>> No.21301093

lmfao this poost asbgdfkkjgjmgfl,kgfjghfjhnjmfgh,lj

what do u think that explanation is fuckin for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so fuckin retarded u are

>> No.21301097


All Jamal

>> No.21301098

never forget when he didn't know what 白金を食らう was

>> No.21301101


>> No.21301102

They don't. Just stop posting.

>> No.21301105
File: 8 KB, 147x213, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here i play along this time

>> No.21301112

>my soon to be created letsplay channel and my soon to be created patreon

Jamal please don't tease us like this.

>> No.21301113

well it was 発売禁止 -> 発禁 (ban on sales) but when the auto subtitles showed 白金 depriving him of all hope that was literally epic. that final piece made the clip into a highlight of my gaijin appreciation career

>> No.21301116

theyre all launching alongside my soon to be created nihongo learning website :ok: :joy:

>> No.21301122

>Except all of the people that god to high levels quick like brit vs japan who swear by rtk.
Except all of the people that got to high levels quick like one person who swear by rtk.

And have you even heard Brit vs Japan speak? He is nowhere near a high level.

If you seriously think everyone who is good at Japanese did RTK (and not to mention that they are good BECAUSE they did RTK), I really don't know what to say to that level of stupidity. You are so misguided and misinformed that I think you are probably beyond help.

>> No.21301124

poor george gettin shrekt by autosubs lol

>> No.21301136

anyone got a vid of him speaking?

>> No.21301140


>> No.21301142

120+ IQ here, a detailed etymological dictionary of Chinese (yes Chinese) >>>>> rtk. do not respond to me if your iq is lower

>> No.21301146

eng subs > chinatown dictionary > rtk

lmao bitgc hhh probe me wrong xd

>> No.21301147

142 iq on real physical in person iq test here

just watch 10000 hours of eng subbed anime dude lol

>> No.21301148


>> No.21301150

That was a litmus test for dekinaisa. 食らう like 喫する is mostly used in negative contexts. So you should intuitively know that 白金 makes no sense there.

>> No.21301153

god damn I didn't know we had geniouses here in DJT.

>> No.21301158

believe it or not djt is the most intelligent language community on the net sporting several mensa members and postdoc posters

>> No.21301159

What is there not to get? Kanji is used to refer to words in japanese. The kanji themselves are literally words. When you talk about a single kanji as if only kanji with one character, what you're referring to with that is STILL A WORD. How is this so hard to understand?
Some of you seem to think a kanji is a letter when kanji are quite literally fucking words. They refer to words. People talking down to me as if I used it incorrectly as they say 'kanji words'.
Which again, is fine to use for confusion, but don't fucking lecture me about that when you seem to differentiate kanji as 'words' because they include more characters. Even though only letters make up words, not words.

Hiragana words makes sense.
Katakana words makes sense.
This doesn't.


>> No.21301162

finally I can use my IQ to tell you this:
fuck off

>> No.21301177

redpill me on the IQ meme

>> No.21301187

It's useless on an individual level.

>> No.21301188

Now that you mention it it does feel like he didn't even get the 食らっちゃた part. I mean even if it sounded like something like "the previous one got hakkin'd, so..." it's not a tough guess to figure out what roughly happened, although if your objective is exact translation then that is obviously not enough.

>> No.21301190
File: 73 KB, 778x729, 2A84336E-D9BC-4517-BEE4-5200F827E409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I’m so autistic that I’m actually addicted to rtk instead of actually learning Japanese

>> No.21301194

no i mean the fact it gets posted about here

>> No.21301195

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the Japanese language.

>> No.21301196

the retards on 4chan all have 130 or higher from my observations, other than that I haven't noticed anything personally.

>> No.21301199

i mean a childrens video game gives him a couple of ways to control the game and his response is "idk what to do"

>> No.21301201

132 IQ here attending a top 5 engineering school. RTK is for chads.

>> No.21301218

In a few days I'll have to admit to someone that I in fact can't learn Japanese.

>> No.21301220


>> No.21301222
File: 16 KB, 244x222, press 2 make ur yumes come true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the day u accept u cant learn japanese is the day u can start learning nihongo

>> No.21301239

食らっちゃった (I forgot to type the sokuon.......)

>> No.21301246

Unironically why Japanese language is so context heavy, they expect you to not be dumb enough to understand some shit.

>> No.21301267

maybe iq is just tied to language som1 should really investigate this

som1 scholarly not some random third rate youtuber like mattvsjapan

>> No.21301271

English evolved to be a mesh of different slangs of low-status plebians.

>> No.21301272

you need some analysis i've got some for you
japs are smart. and were smart ever since they developed their gook language 2k years ago.

it's the only explanation

>> No.21301276

Well, theoretically a higher IQ means a higher ability to recognize and understand logical patterns which would give you an advantage understanding grammar and sentences in general. I'm not sure about vocab but since IQ isn't really tied to memory your vocab gains wouldn't be that much affected. Maybe something with picking up stuff from context.

>> No.21301277



>> No.21301282

Writing kanji is for high IQ individuals. Anybody who finds it overwhelming is a brainlet.

>> No.21301283

kimi no egao souzou shite
ii toko misetaku naru yo

>> No.21301291

dont fuckin quote k-on lyrics at me

>> No.21301292

My visualization skills are strong enough that I don't need to waste time developing muscle memory that I won't use practically. Every degenerate can drill his muscles.

>> No.21301303

what would u estimate this guys iq to be


>> No.21301305

>t。doesn't have a high enough iq to enjoy doing it

>> No.21301307

i love k-on and didn't know those were lyrics of their songs

>> No.21301315


>> No.21301316

my slightly sub 100 iq friend has learned japanese and freely watches shonen anime and has 50ish jap followers on twitter. honestly he's legit a bit dense

>> No.21301319

moshi moshi

>> No.21301329

jesus desu lol

>> No.21301333

same here but in my case I couldn't make out any of the lyrics anyways which is why I don't recognize them. maybe one time I will look them up

>> No.21301341

/int/ djt is full of rude retarded cunt niggers, is this djt any better?

>> No.21301344

well first of all u cant say the n word here

otherwise this 1 is prolly better but it really shouldnt be

>> No.21301346


>> No.21301348

depends on what you're looking for

>> No.21301352

It is a happy thread as long as you respect your senpaitachi as I try to.

>> No.21301353

Is Japanese a language or a meme?

>> No.21301354

you're still not going to find out anything useful about japanese here, make no mistake. but at least you can have a lot of fun

>> No.21301366

and as the curtain slowly falls over another thread remember


>> No.21301372

moe moe kyun

>> No.21301379

I learn more from eng dubs and jap subs. Post more videos.

>> No.21301384

please destroy kanji kamisama

>> No.21301411

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21301415

I will not fulfill your wish, little dekinai, as you will come to realize on your journey of coming to understand nihongo and ascending to a dekiru, that kanji are in truth your best ally.

>> No.21301423


>> No.21301454

he's probably 110 IQ+, and your ability to perceive the true normal IQ (100) is off because you're surrounded by people with above average intelligence (college kid, moderately above-average family, internet forum browser, etc.)

>> No.21301474

What is this doing here?

>> No.21301477

an iq chat is never complete without this post

>> No.21301484

i've found that 4channers and other people online have a lot of trouble accurately judging IQ based on the bias of having smarter than average peers so it's important to reiterate.

plus people are needlessly hostile which also skews their perception

>> No.21301493

I usually think I'm surrounded by idiots until I remember that that's probably average intelligence
Or maybe I'm actually stupid who knows

>> No.21301494
File: 60 KB, 457x500, path856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I’m so autistic that I’m actually addicted to making anime cards instead of actually learning Japanese
