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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 240 KB, 612x948, DrzzQLBVsAAAhVA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21284128 No.21284128 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize DiGi Charat was the pinnacle of otaku culture?

>> No.21285386

See how nobody replied to your thread? That's your answer.

>> No.21285810

Sometime in mid 2003, I guess.

>> No.21287994

that's not how you spell chobits.

>> No.21288090

I don't know about that, but it definitely captured the spirit of a short but wonderful era

>> No.21288096

I actually rewatched a lot of it a year ago. It was definitely a masterpiece of its time. Pity the last installment seemed to be pretty depressing and serious against everything the series stood for.

>> No.21288966
File: 37 KB, 410x454, azuma3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIRC Hiroki Azuma in "Otaku: Database animal" quotes a lot digi charat, Moe existed but otaku culture got way more self-concious about the MOE tropes with Digi Charat,
Then during the 00's meta-jokes about otaku culture and dempa got way more common. (Ex: Magical nurse komugi-chan)
Artists like Poyoyon rock (Akio Watanabe) seems very aware about what is moe in a very otaku way.

>> No.21288970
File: 215 KB, 728x1170, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21288977
File: 789 KB, 866x1400, 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21292980
File: 38 KB, 640x480, lolitan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nurse witch Komugi-chan was the true pinnacle of otaku culture.

>> No.21297767
File: 2.31 MB, 2560x1440, __broccoli_and_gema_kami_jigen_game_neptune_v_and_etc_drawn_by_tsunako__c8eca99f880462db44d13107a07ff36b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discovered it thanks to Neptunia games. Deeply regret not finding it earlier.

>> No.21298706
File: 987 KB, 560x600, __dejiko_and_gema_di_gi_charat_drawn_by_san_pon__7ce8453a632a10dfbd453135f780cd73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss you dejiko

>> No.21298758


Watching this makes me want to kill myself for some reason. We've lost something forever.

>> No.21299926

Saved. Di Gi Charat is definitely up there. I saw >>21298758 ages ago, but didn't watch the show until fairly recently. Don't repeat my foolish mistake; watch Di Gi Charat today. If you are on /jp/, it was made for you.

>> No.21300790

Usada is unironically my first love.

>> No.21304021

There's something intensely appealing about this early 2000's art-style and character design. I got into otaku stuff around the time of Lucky Star so I missed out on it, unfortunately.

>> No.21304447
File: 223 KB, 966x1012, __nazo_gema_and_piyoko_di_gi_charat_drawn_by_koge_donbo__41d9a012de5b244ba3254a45f8a42bcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suffering abject poverty with Pyocola-sama!

>> No.21304492

It's designed to appeal to otaku. You post on the Jay, so you're probably otaku.

>> No.21309794
File: 320 KB, 800x600, __majin_gappa_and_usada_hikaru_di_gi_charat_drawn_by_komatsu_eiji__9cdc4ce82e9402808a53dbff1f892c2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21310047

>tfw missed out on 2000s culture
it's kinda depressing
how do I experience at least some of it today?

>> No.21310190
File: 1.18 MB, 345x407, にゅ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21310201
File: 66 KB, 702x480, あばれ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I watched the movie and the scene with Abarenbou happened.

I think the charm of Di Gi Charat comes from it's barely defined setting/premise. As a whole it's nowhere near as cohesive as later multimedia franchises, but that combined with how anime industry worked back then makes it a really interesting for a modern viewer.

>> No.21312168

its simple anon you just have to go back and consume the media from back then with enthusiasm. I am coincidentally doing just this right now and I am having a blast.

>> No.21312398

but what media for 2000s otaku culture specifically?
anime it seems more obvious but what about translated vns, otaku games, and music?

>> No.21312453
File: 151 KB, 850x637, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_kams__sample-61e78e0b8ef98f58042046a3c7550da1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start with classics held in high regard in terms of otaku media, anime, vns, and otherwise I would say. Also do some trekking on old videos and forums and discussions and hunt down some niche underrated content. Thats worked for me in other interest so I am sure it applies just as well here for otaku culture.

>> No.21312492
File: 1.68 MB, 1776x1000, ddr di gi charat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here since 2011 and I still don't know what otaku culture even means.

Anyway, my sister gave me tons of her old weeb paraphernalia and I now proudly display this print on my bookshelf. I did not know about this series until maybe the past year or two but she probably bought the print in the early 2000s. Feels great having belongings now and I didn't even pay for them.

>> No.21315260
File: 138 KB, 735x680, __puchiko_di_gi_charat_drawn_by_sakana__774268544e93c96e80af3cee1b408bb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Puchiko is the true founder of Katsu-rap

>> No.21316741

For games, first are a lot of PS1 classics like Guilty Gear, Final Fantasy, Ridge Racer, Suikoden, Chrono Trigger, Legend of Dragoon etc. Touhou 6-10 too for PC

For MMO they're Ragnarok Online, Pangya, Gunbound, Grand Chase, and Lineage. Most of these are korean games because Korean was the ones who understand first that there are big market for anime styled characters in games compared to Japan

For rhythm games, DDR, PIU, Audition Online, O2 Jam, IIDX. A lot of pro rhythm gamers today will always have their original background in playing one of those

For VNs I only know Ever17, Kanon/Air/Clannad (Key), Higurashi, and Fate Stay Night. I didn't play VN much at that time, not really my thing

I won't say that many of these are directly related to otaku culture but they're the point of no return for many of today's otaku and many of these games were popular enough at otaku cons whether as cosplay, communities, panels etc

>> No.21317187

usada is just a sluttier udonge

>> No.21323660

I miss the times when anime would have incredibly silly/cartoony expressions like this. There's been a move towards a sort of understated realism these days. Rainbow hair also kind of died out for a bit but it seems to be coming back too.

>> No.21324157

I don't really like that O.O XD :sweatdrop: style of deformation myself so I'm kind of glad it's gone. I'm sure sillier anime still does it though.

>There's been a move towards a sort of understated realism these days.
It's just that anime is based off of normal-people-go-to-school-and-then... type light novels now. Ridiculous looking/acting characters are more a bishoujo and video game thing. Even now, the wildest designs come from mobile games and similar. I can't think of a time without rainbow hair though.

>> No.21324378

Modern anime has no soul.

>> No.21327306

Don't worry, Gamers is still using her as their mascot even after 20 fucking years. I hope they realize that if they replaced her at this point I'd die of heartbreak.

>> No.21330866

Gamers used to have a store in the LA in 2006 but it closed in 2008. They entered the US otaku scene way too earlier. Japanese media is extremely popular here now, there business would be booming if they reopened their store there in this day and age.

>> No.21330983

>Watching this makes me want to kill myself for some reason.

On first impression, I think it makes me want to die because it isn't 1999 and I'm not a Japanese person enjoying the show as it airs while browsing 2ch, but I think it's really because the video depicts friends enjoying a party and I have no friends and am autistic, mentally and physically unwell, am getting closer to 30 and do not have any place or function in society.

>> No.21331184

> because it isn't 1999 and I'm not a Japanese person
I know this feeling all too well.
But one can't have everything, so I don't complain.
There are things you can do today too. Otaku culture is about creating, so if you want things to exist, then create!
Be it manga or games, everyone has so much potential to create and publish today.

>> No.21336963
File: 13 KB, 200x200, nyo-gundam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21336977

remember when they tried to replace the VA lmao

>> No.21337095

never saw it or really had a desire to. whats the appeal? theres no reason to get invested in otaku moe moe bullshit anymore since its been done to hell and butchered. i'm sure for its time it was probably a fun ride but the industry has changed.

>> No.21337110

please don't come to an otaku culture board if you have no respect for otaku culture nor its history. stick to your idol threads or whatever. thank you.

>> No.21337135

>moe bullshit
You don't belong here.

>> No.21337145

you speak as if otaku culture is something that is one giant sacred holy thing. it's always been weird niche nerdy hobbies, but most of those things have made it to the mainstream. there is no "value" in otaku culture anymore. otaku culture has been replaced with mainstream commercial products / services and mobage. even japanese country towns try to capitalize on "moe" with their town mascots.

japanese people who are big into airsoft and military stuff are more otaku than modern anime fans.

also im here for vns and touhou since its what this board was primarily split over for.

>> No.21337423

Always funny seeing people talking out of their ass with opinions and facts they didn't get from reality, but from other people on 4chan.
Arguing against such people is also pointless, so I won't even attempt to.

>> No.21337521
File: 38 KB, 500x335, u4QJkW2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with what I said? If you ever go to Japan you will notice that advertisements with anime characters and mascots is everywhere. It's seeped into mainstream culture and is unavoidable if you are in any major city.

>> No.21337628

I lived in japan.
I won't argue with you because its a waste of my life.
All I will say is that there may be a core of truth in the individual things you say, but those have been twisted and warped by your misanthropic perception of reality into a conclusion that's just stupid.

>> No.21337645

Not that anon, but how can you just waltz into a thread especifically made for the early 00s otaku culture, call it "moe bullshit", and complain about people attacking you? There's a whole gap between treating the very roots of otaku culture with respect, and treating it like it has no value just because the current otaku culture is mostly based on profit .

>> No.21337716

It's typical /a/ behavior.

>> No.21338057
File: 258 KB, 520x670, Broccoli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on here, nyu?

>> No.21339378
File: 48 KB, 619x542, D42AB5rUEAAfWvG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suteki na something nyu.

>> No.21339436
File: 97 KB, 320x240, 1445010797126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21339541
File: 39 KB, 629x480, bincho01-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There should be a word for the kind of moe that's so calming, simple, and pleasant it makes you want to close your eyes and die

>> No.21342623
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x720, かりぐらし恋愛_image_201951313542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21345869

This is logic on the level of "there's trains everywhere so train otaku can't exist". Just because something is mainstream doesn't mean it can't have otaku.

>> No.21346306

Hoka hoka gohan yo~
Was when

>> No.21347601
File: 742 KB, 1190x1641, piyochen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21347639

Never watched it, but I remember one of the girls showing up in Galaxy Angel. the ending was very depressing.

>> No.21347759

Usada is a queen and you should die

>> No.21352090


>> No.21352820

I want to get into this series
What' the best entry point?

>> No.21353157

When I was 8-9 years old. There were some doujins/a 4koma collection by Koge-donbo at my local library, and I checked them out over and over again. For a long time they were the only manga/anime I liked.
The first series, it's short and wacky.

>> No.21357426

Want to watch it but no seeds on nyaa.

>> No.21359788

I love you guys so much. I'm so happy that the people posting on /jp/ are posting on /jp/.

>> No.21362181
File: 98 KB, 712x541, 1445010183209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21362424

That's a nice print.

>> No.21362482

If you don't mind an old encode with yellow hardsubs, it's on YouTube.

>> No.21362793

>no seeds on nyaa
But there are

>> No.21365457

usada is used goods

>> No.21365898

I miss this shit.


>> No.21368995
File: 49 KB, 326x527, 1547753626020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21369595

Quite simply the production order.
Begin with the first season and the various specials they made. You're free to pretend these are everything that was made.
Then you can watch Panyo Panyo. It's kinda dumb.
Then Nyo which is kind of a retelling of the first season, it's about as mad as the original, just spread out into longer episodes so the madness gets thin. It builds on Panyo Panyo, but it's not vital.
Finally there's Winter Garden, which is a 13-episode romance show with episodes 2-12 cut out.

>> No.21370086

Do they get naked in any of these? if so, which episodes?

>> No.21370115

REDPILL there's nothing special about this show anymore other than pathetic 35 year olds smelling their own farts

>> No.21370130

I meant to watch this at some point years ago but I forgot about it. I guess I'll watch it now after I finish Kare Kano

>> No.21370373

Get out

>> No.21372213

When I saw it years ago.

>> No.21375893

Really no one have posted this yet?

>> No.21378708
File: 77 KB, 640x515, Di Gi Charat - A Rocket From A Mouth Special.avi_snapshot_03.35_[2019.05.20_12.26.27].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there better sub for this episode out there or should I just try to find something in my native language in hopes it's not translated from English?

>> No.21378773
File: 180 KB, 640x480, Di Gi Charat - A Rocket From A Mouth Special.avi_snapshot_07.10_[2019.05.20_12.36.13].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I am pretty sure they are translating things wrong despite knowing like four words in Japanese

>> No.21380327
File: 33 KB, 320x235, 2lewd4moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my OC

>> No.21381837
File: 308 KB, 600x400, original doraemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dejiko IS Doraemon in cute moe maid girl form design-wise whenever I really think about it lol

>> No.21382272
File: 717 KB, 640x480, TL Note-Qluyeuan=Akihabara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's not as fucked as the later episodes of nyo.

>> No.21385322
File: 102 KB, 1080x1079, m13615726222_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the rarest card known to man

>> No.21389802

Is Puchiko wearing shorts or skirt?
I can never quite tell

>> No.21389921
File: 46 KB, 600x450, BnzXf6eIYAATgfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21390915

They are actually bloomers.

>> No.21390956

My dream in my 20s was to live in an apartment above the Gamers in Akiba and play visual novels and drink myself to death.

>> No.21392825
File: 65 KB, 704x396, PaniPoni Dash! - 17 [Oyasumi](8B992058).avi_snapshot_23.59_[2019.01.10_09.52.21].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of a PPD guy, personally, but I respect that otaku culture

>> No.21398627

Dejiko or Digico?

>> No.21400030
File: 481 KB, 640x480, dejikodapyon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21401536


>> No.21404184
File: 833 KB, 854x480, Bullying.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a webm

>> No.21406702 [DELETED] 


>> No.21407361 [DELETED] 

this is kawaii, bless Japan

>> No.21409617


>> No.21411928

Does this show have a plot or is ie just random shit?

>> No.21413065

it's a gag anime, about jokes and humor and laughing

>> No.21413331

it's one of those completely silly comedy anime that doesn't even try to have a consistent timeline and where the female characters are more than just kawaii uguu girls (Dejiko is a completely adorable asshole for one). They don't make anime like the original Di Gi Charat anymore.

>> No.21413396

Each generation had its own pinnacle of otaku culture. For some, it was Daicon IV and Super Dimension Fortress Macross, for others, it was bishoujo games and rise of Akihabara as an otaku cultural hub. Di Gi Charat is among works of otaku meta-culture prevalent in the early-mid 2000s, leading in making a memorable caricature of moe elements. There is room to appreciate it without over-glorifying it.

>> No.21414104

>They don't make anime like the original Di Gi Charat anymore.
You sure? It sounds like Teekyu or something.

>> No.21414894

Cute Dejiko, too bad she's actually an asshole

>> No.21414931

But no one here is overglorifying it other than maybe the OP

>> No.21414979

it's shit, just nostalgia thread

>> No.21414996

The original show was pretty enjoyable. Nyo clearly had a much younger target audience, I often had to question myself why the hell am I watching a show made for little girls

>> No.21415006

everyone is a cute little girl in /jp/!

>> No.21415039

Teekyu has different entertainment ideologies tho...

>> No.21415096

Teekyuu is way more perverted.

>> No.21416953

it exists purely to make you wish it was still 1999

>> No.21419449
File: 490 KB, 640x480, nyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21419779
File: 327 KB, 640x480, world_domination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21421564

Do Dejiko and Puchiko count as catgirls?

>> No.21421631

Do these count as animal girls? https://nhentai.net/g/136383/ If so, then yes to your question.

>> No.21421893


>> No.21423682

That's her charm point though.

>> No.21427457

Being evil is charm point?

>> No.21427470

depend on your tastes

>> No.21427485

I wish there was a new season. I miss Dejiko and the rest of them so much. Winter Garden never happened.

>> No.21427992

listen to this on 1.25x speed

>> No.21428359
File: 249 KB, 720x480, dvd_snapshot_09.39_[2019.05.28_20.13.26].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good torrent

>> No.21434004

thinking about di gi charat

>> No.21437849
File: 63 KB, 640x480, Di Gi Charat - 01.avi_snapshot_03.32.338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the torrent.

>> No.21441904

Nyo or nyu?

>> No.21444049


>> No.21445303
File: 280 KB, 1592x2048, Dy0Zfd9VsAAqwn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21445344
File: 678 KB, 640x480, 1460191257200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a screenshot where Dejiko say "here I'm asking politely for something absolutely reasonable" or something like that. Or at least remember what episode was it from?

>> No.21448039
File: 10 KB, 640x446, anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine tracing scenes from the show

>> No.21453770 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 286x329, 1559485845560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my artistic skills

>> No.21454082

I've seen lots of it for this bunny, but I've never seen ero of Digiko

>> No.21454175

this shits gay


>> No.21458755

Because it's not made for little girls.

>> No.21462435
File: 606 KB, 1507x2011, Puchiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew a Puchiko
It's kinda terrible and took way longer than it should desu

>> No.21462455

The world needs more Di Gi Charat art. They're all cute.

>> No.21466676

Name a character

>> No.21466709


>> No.21472148

Why was this thread created anyway

>> No.21472264

Because this is a thread about an Otaku culture thing on an Otaku culture board.
If you think about it, it belongs here more than 'mahjong' or 'pics of japan'.

>> No.21476134

How new must you be to think the Broccoli and GAMERS mascot isn't otaku culture

>> No.21476778
File: 110 KB, 640x480, [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep17_(83AF2C04).mkv_snapshot_06.57_[2019.06.06_17.09.33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with the DiGi Charat references in Excel Saga?
I could accept it as a one off thing if it wasn't for the episode where Excel is turning guys into store brand Dejikos.
Is there some kind of connection here or am I looking into this too hard?

>> No.21476950

Guys involved with production had good taste

>> No.21478815

You're basically asking what's up with otaku references in an otaku culture parodying anime. I'd say the only thing notable about it is that Excel Saga aired before the first Digi Charat anime, although it finished airing by the time of the episode you screencapped.

>the episode where Excel is turning guys into store brand Dejikos.
What ep was that?

>> No.21482072
File: 148 KB, 640x480, [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep23_(72F8E90E).mkv_snapshot_17.51_[2019.06.07_15.20.48].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Episode 23. The Fist of the North Star one.

>> No.21483323

Why is everyone in this anime Islamic?

>> No.21488165


>> No.21488293

I think they mean the finger people

>> No.21488605

Yes, that's the joke.

>> No.21489900
File: 298 KB, 500x513, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, imagine being sort of person who would download this torrent

>> No.21494944

Favorite side character?
I liked Usada a whole lot

>> No.21495007
File: 221 KB, 720x480, Di Gi Charat - 14-00:01:25.852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this little dude

>> No.21495632
File: 159 KB, 720x480, puchiko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I clipped a Puchiko webm for this thread!

>> No.21496830

Why is she making kissy face?

>> No.21497091 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 720x480, hot_steamy_rice.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should kiss her and find out.

Next up is a loop. I always mess these up because they're hard, so forgive me if it's not seamless.

>> No.21497112
File: 82 KB, 704x472, hot_steamy_rice.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should kiss her and find out.

Next up is a loop. I always mess these up because they're hard, so forgive me if it's not seamless.

>> No.21497151
File: 74 KB, 704x472, kaiju.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if a monster will show up -nyo...

>> No.21497198 [DELETED] 
File: 442 KB, 704x472, eye_beam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finish it -gema!

I wish I could turn off the subs but they're baked in.

>> No.21497203
File: 436 KB, 704x472, eye_beam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finish it -gema!

I wish I could turn off the subs but they're baked in.

>> No.21497471
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.07.283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you guys watched Pastel Memories

>> No.21497543

I didn't, and MAL says it sucks, so I think I'll pass.

>> No.21497557

>listening to MAL
what the fuck are you doing

>> No.21497563

as if listening to 4chan is any better

>> No.21497816
File: 165 KB, 704x472, degiko_ending.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21501525
File: 577 KB, 704x528, puchiko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized I messed up the aspect ratio on these so I'm going to post fixed versions that don't look stretched.

>> No.21501532
File: 253 KB, 704x528, hot_steamy_rice.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21501536
File: 255 KB, 704x528, kaiju.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21501540
File: 523 KB, 704x528, eye_beam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21501543
File: 202 KB, 704x528, degiko_ending.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive me for shitting up the thread with my ineptitude kudasai!

>> No.21501545

There's an extra frame now

>> No.21501556 [DELETED] 
File: 574 KB, 704x528, puchiko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame on me and my ancestors!

>> No.21501565
File: 563 KB, 704x528, puchiko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My incompetence is shameful!

>> No.21501749
File: 155 KB, 704x528, degiko_wave.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21501808
File: 76 KB, 320x240, beating_gema.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21506241

wen dey is dark
never forget Happy Day

>> No.21507377 [SPOILER] 
File: 84 KB, 1024x1024, 1560303129289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't draw

>> No.21507871

Man, this album is pretty great
Male vocals are terribly underused when it comes to Japanese music

>> No.21512281

Is anything past original series worth watching?

>> No.21515835

>Male vocals are terribly underused when it comes to Japanese music
*anime music

>> No.21518661 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 640x480, degiko_ed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21518667

Cute picture anon

>> No.21518669
File: 194 KB, 640x480, degiko_ed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, here is a looped version

>> No.21521619
File: 1.47 MB, 2448x3264, Puchiko doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally she's here. Now I kinda wish I knew how to sew clothes for her.

>> No.21522409

Stop using Tomorrow.

>> No.21523535

Nyo was dubbed to Spanish in Venezuela in the mid 2000s. There are very few fans of it in Latin America though, Pita Ten (also aired on Animax) was far more popular.

>> No.21523727

>That aside, bullying itself is also wrong
Just started watching this because of this thread and wow I didn't know /jp/ anti-bullying culture ran so deep

>> No.21523955
File: 882 KB, 2461x1907, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love derpy early 00s animu dolls (pic related its my retarded ufo catcher rei plush I have nailed to my wall)

>> No.21525154

Why do you want him to go blind?

>> No.21526122

That what I'd ask of you. Light text on a dark background is eye destroying.

>> No.21530325 [DELETED] 

I don't know what that is

>> No.21530420

She's very cute, anon.

>> No.21530926


>> No.21531226

This is a torrent with just raws (and lots of extra materiel). As far as I can see it contains all animated Di Gi charat content.

>> No.21532904 [DELETED] 

The what?

>> No.21533438

Pinnacle of otaku culture obviously.

>> No.21535328

There's no one seeding it.

>> No.21535747
File: 70 KB, 433x650, 9c55a428efc75d44d93f2f4a90cab46d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossover when? The companies already fused together.

>> No.21535997

>Light text on a dark background is eye destroying.
No, it isn't.

>> No.21536695
File: 967 KB, 1733x2400, komugi01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Komugi kind of looks like a fusion of her and Dejiko

>> No.21539995

Yes it is and has been historically. Why do you think most sites have light backgrounds until recently?

>> No.21540028
File: 13 KB, 640x360, 2000px-StartingMsdos2-640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most old computer terminals had dark displays with brightly-colored or white text, though

>> No.21540279

And how long did you sit in the terminal before starting something?

>> No.21540723

Which is better is far from settled. The old ergonomic studies that favored dark text weren't performed on modern LCD displays and were rarely replicated. Some recent research like https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326466322_Reading_and_Myopia_Contrast_Polarity_Matters suggests benefits to light text on a dark background.

>> No.21540742

I prefer black-on-white for reflective material like paper or e-ink, but white-on-black for emissive material like backlit LCDs.

>> No.21541294

I can't post this directly because 4chan keeps saying it's malicious.

>> No.21541298

That video is certainly malicious.

>> No.21543666

>Excel Saga
It's a masterpiece after all, what did you expect?

>> No.21544241

How come Gamers doesn't make any spin-offs for it nowdays? Designs is to 00's-ish for today?

>> No.21544678

They do stuff with it, e.g. drama CDs, just not anime

>> No.21546796

Does anyone have the single version of "only one, No.1" by Masami Okui?

Not really a request, since I was able to find the song in its album form from NEEI, but I would prefer the single:

I imagine it's on Perfect Dark, but I don't have a loaded client on hand.

>> No.21547262

Is this the version you're looking for?


>> No.21547358

typical brapfag

>> No.21548346

Ah, well I will seed when I can. Should at least work during the weekend.

>> No.21549310


>> No.21550187 [DELETED] 

World will die and noting will matter anymore

>> No.21550553


>> No.21550684

What the fuck language are they speaking?

>> No.21551042

Sounds like German

>> No.21552857

I opened the first ISO file in MPC-HC, but not all of the subtitles are displaying. What did I do wrong?

>> No.21552888

If it's the same as his other torrent with the first season, turn them to jap subs. They're weird for some reason so that jap subs display english and eng displays nothing. Otherwise I don't know.

What part isn't displaying subs?

>> No.21552980

Nevermind, the subs were displaying with only a few lines, but I opened it in another program and it's working perfectly now. Thank you

>> No.21555291


>> No.21556468

It makes sense to me. Despite her rude behavior Dejiko is strangely pure.

>> No.21556483

The "eng" subs display song lyrics and, I think, signs. They're for people watching with the "eng" audio track.

>> No.21556766

Probably because she's like 10

>> No.21556825

Really? I thought she was about the same age as Rabi~en~Rose. And how old is Gema?

>> No.21557149

8 if you meant Pyoko

>> No.21557724
File: 188 KB, 600x800, __chidejika_and_dejiko_di_gi_charat_and_etc_drawn_by_maruki_punchiki__5a858a121e1b0a29ad89502515236f00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dejiko, Puchiko and Piyoko deserve more lewds. At least half of what Usada gets.

>> No.21560108

So are the hats parasites or what?

>> No.21561892

No, but I appreciate the Alien Nine reference.

>> No.21564384

imagine the smell of Dejiko and Puchiko's cat socks.

>> No.21570369

Makes sense

>> No.21570401

They are walking around without boots?

>> No.21571615
File: 184 KB, 720x480, Di Gi Charat - 12.avi_snapshot_01.11_[2019.06.23_10.02.34].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21573551
File: 453 KB, 400x342, 1098336892318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Valkyrie Princess worth watching?

>> No.21574737

Cure Whip?

>> No.21574955

Wounding Sword is better

>> No.21575277

I still hate myself for missing the Usada daki. https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=GOODS-00135100
I managed to get the consolation prize with Dejiko, Puchiko and Piyoko, but none of those is mai waifu.

>> No.21577855

Have you checked JP Yahoo Auctions?

>> No.21579215

Why did they make one of episodes into AMV?

>> No.21584618

Favorite episode everyone?

>> No.21585098

Christmas. It summarizes Di Gi Charat the best. Dejiko being a brat, Puchiko being cute, Usada being poor, Piyoko being best, and the rest of the cast being insane and creepy. It just gives me a nice warm and happy feeling when watching it during the holidays.

>> No.21590458

Petit Di Gi Charat!

>> No.21595001

The socks probably have soles

>> No.21597499

If they have soles do they even count as socks anymore?

>> No.21601395


>> No.21603741

Well "socks" is from a word that used to refer to a type of shoe, so maybe.

>> No.21604248
File: 33 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nr5ezxWSSI1re6or2o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21606066 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 714x480, 1561777220677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for anime recommendation dude
It was pretty cute

>> No.21606889

I don't think cute is the word I would use, with all the horror and trauma to the girls, but I'm glad you liked it.

>> No.21607009
File: 13 KB, 300x100, 237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21607056

If you like cute and suffering, you should watch Hoshi no Umi no Amuri. It's kinda crud but still an experience.

>> No.21609309

It's true, you know.

>> No.21610971

I'll check it out. I'll watch anything if it's in space.

>> No.21611014

I sure would like to
Shame no torrent I found actually has seeders
At worst I will just watch it online later

>> No.21614702

Would this show even be popular nowadays?

>> No.21616086

Was this show ever popular? "otaku liked it" isn't the same as popular. Like Tsukihime isn't popular.

>> No.21619675

I just finished watching the OVA. I guess the TV show and holiday specials are next right?
But what was the Abarenbou a reference to? Just 70s style anime in general?

>> No.21624438

Yes it's next. Watch it and you'll get that reference.
Whcih episode was your favorite and why is it the Christmas episode?

>> No.21629191

So how hard is to obtain that silly hat Dejiko is wearing?

>> No.21629688

Can't be that hard. I got Puchiko, Dejiko, and a Coo hat all from anime goods stores. I'm still lurking for a Piyoko hat but I'm not trying hard enough. You can probably find them online or at conventions. If you're at Japan I'm sure they're in places like Nakano Broadway.

>> No.21633411

Hold me baby!

>> No.21637673
File: 365 KB, 853x480, Abenobashi .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21637705

Someone wanted to make a show about a grandma with huge tits and a loli that doesn't have panties. And then they did it.

>> No.21638885
File: 32 KB, 720x480, [Exiled-Destiny]_Di_Gi_Charat_Ep05_(B7245F45).mkv_snapshot_03.41_[2019.07.04_16.10.59].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21638968
File: 154 KB, 640x480, [DBNL]Di_Gi_Charat_-_Ep_12__[x264][CE88D064].mkv_snapshot_01.55_[2018.09.24_17.15.54].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this one is a better quality, but regardless of that, it doesn't have the hard-coded subs in it

>> No.21643738

How does the anime series of the pinnacle of otaku culture not have proper english subtitles to this day

>> No.21645705

Why don't you know Japanese already? You may as well just listen to the dub.

>> No.21647852

I am pretty sure people whose contact with Japan was limited to watching single episode of dubbed Dragon Ball decade ago know more Japanese than whoever translated them

>> No.21648643

Odorouyo Sunday!

>> No.21650802

Otaku culture is niche

>> No.21655324

