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2127153 No.2127153 [Reply] [Original]

To the creator of the lossless touhou collection torrent,

I know you think we don't need pregaps in our cue files, but some of us like to have our music separated, and not having pregaps fucks stuff up.

And before you say "Use the lossy one then", I just got some new headphones, and I can definitely hear every bit of music that got cut out.


>> No.2127157

Use the lossy one and your old headphones.

Problem solved.

>> No.2127159

Yes, you will only accept lossless quality with your "prosumer" Sennheiser headphones and your onboard sound chip, you audiophile you.

>> No.2127163

>I just got some new headphones, and I can definitely hear every bit of music that got cut out.

Even if this is true, and you have government issue super-headphones with noise cancellation and perfect sync, your pathetic human ears still aren't up to it. You'll notice a difference between lossy and lossless, but you'll never be able to fully appreciate every sound with perfect pitch and tone.

>> No.2127165


Sub 50$ Kosses, and damn straight I'm using my onboard audio.


After having a orgasm over one of the songs I have with lossless quality? I think not.

>> No.2127168

You're capable of self-delusion? cool story bro.

>> No.2127170

>I can definitely hear every bit of music that got cut out.
Oh you. I'm pretty sure that even with godly headphones an hearing, you can't tell V0 from lossless apart.

>> No.2127179


Well I would probably convert all of the lossless into 320kbps MP3, seeing as it does the job, but since the fag encoded all of it in TTA, mp3 conversion sounds like shit.

>> No.2127184

Umm, faggots. I am a multi-millionaire, I listen to my touhou music in a professional studio with top of the line equipment. Also, I am half-bat, while my mother was pregnant she was bitten by a vampire bat and I was mutated.

>> No.2127185

sub $50 dollar kosses and you can tell the difference between lossy v0 or 320 kbps and lossless?

Its hard for most audiophiles to do that with anything that costs less than 200 dollars much less sub 50 dollars.

its probably your on board soundchip having shitty mp3 decoding

get a new one faggot.

>> No.2127189

I don't actually LISTEN to the music, I just decode it and look at the bits. Mmmm...

>> No.2127191

Not sure if it's what he's referring to, but I've got some Bose noise-cancelling headphones, and when I use them I hear things in my music that normally don't show up. Not sure why, but I also hear them when I use the main stereo, so I think it's just the computer speakers being lower quality, but the point is nice headphones really can make quite a difference.

>> No.2127209




Never said I was a audiophile. I have a few sets of IEMs and these kosses, and I can hear bitrate loss in the kosses that I can not in the buds.

If I didn't do you think I would be here? I'd be listening to the damned music.

>> No.2127211

>its probably your on board soundchip having shitty mp3 decoding
Soundcards don't do mp3 decoding, it's done in software.

>> No.2127226

hey you, that's why i'm doing with touhou games lol

>> No.2127225


Yeah I probably have shitty software. But flac converts a hell of a lot better with the same software.

>> No.2127231

Go get a pair of AKG K 702.

It's like your computer is beaming the sound directly into the audio center of your brain.

>> No.2127236

Soundcards still have to convert the digital bits to analog bits

learn to DAC nub.

>> No.2127246

>its probably your on board soundchip having shitty mp3 decoding

It's decoded by the software. The on-board sound just has a shitty digital-to-analog converter.

>> No.2127241


>AKG K 702

Jesus fucking Christ. I'm not Bill Gates.

>> No.2127243


TTA > MP3 = digital to digital you prick.

>> No.2127261

>I can definitely hear every bit of music that got cut out

If you believe that then I've got a bridge to sell you.

>> No.2127255

>I just got some new headphones, and I can definitely hear every bit of music that got cut out.

As an owner of a Senn HD 595 coming out of a cheap, albeit competent Zero DAC and a dedicated amp,I would only believe this if you were encoding below 192kbs, or using the oldest mp3 codec in existence.

But it's amazing what the brain can do to trick you into hearing (or not hearing) things you can't.

>> No.2127269
File: 226 KB, 778x612, 1235349035370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well I would probably convert all of the lossless into 320kbps MP3, seeing as it does the job, but since the fag encoded all of it in TTA, mp3 conversion sounds like shit.

>> No.2127310


Well not every bit. Let me re-phrase that for you guys

>I can hear a shitload of stuff getting cut out by the encoding.

>> No.2127324

Lossless makes perfect sense for archiving but for listening all the time it's quite the waste of space.

>> No.2127335


>> No.2127340

>I can definitely hear every bit of music that got cut out.
But can you SEE THE AUDIO?

>> No.2127343

Disk space is getting so cheap so fast, and music isn't getting any bigger, so I think OP is right, long-term, to keep everything lossless. So long as he doesn't attempt to take any of it with him, that is.

>> No.2127353
File: 146 KB, 358x304, 1235350244271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck-yeah I can.

>> No.2127363

So will someone be a cool guy and fix the pregaps or not?

>> No.2127378


can't you just open up the cues and put in some extra time?

>> No.2127400

PROTIP: If, the lossy is at least 192kb/s, theres almost no way that you could ever tell the difference, especially on onboard audio.

>> No.2127405

Not everything can be perfectly encoded, and considering this torrent is full of different styles something is bound to encode poorly.

>> No.2127413

Human brains can't perceive the difference between lossy an lossless, enjoy your placebo effect.

>> No.2127417

I'll give you that, but I was just speaking generally.
Also, http://www.fliptech.net/bitrate.shtml is a good reference.

>> No.2127772


Bump-de bump.

Also, what the hell kind of onboard are you using? I can tell the difference with the audio from my GA-EP45-UD3R.

Hell, you would probably be able to hear the difference with AC97. Onboard audio is not to sound cards what inter-graded graphics are to graphics cards you know.

>> No.2127789

You're an idiot that goes along with stupid generalizations people make.
