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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 702 KB, 900x1269, __amiya_arknights_drawn_by_mag_mag42__e0470e5c13ade8ff8385664322465fbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21265570 No.21265570 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous thread:

>> No.21265578

android server opening in 5 hours arkniggers

>> No.21265679

I want to replace my old phone that died.
Any good one under 200$?
If possible something that can run games like Honkai with no problem.
Or should i just use emulators on my pc?

>> No.21265701

I think that depends on how much you're wanting to play kusoge away from home (or wherever you take your computer with you). Assuming you don't need a phone for phone-specific stuff, like making calls, I would also recommend considering looking into a tablet within that $200. In my experience, they typically have longer battery life and smoother performance than most phones in that price range.

>> No.21265736

Tower in Alternative Girls was already pushing the P2W boundary, but the new rewards for this Virtual Colosseum is some bullshit
>Only the Master tiers get real gacha tickets and a non-laughable amount of quartz
>Everyone else gets stock gacha tickets instead and a limited amount of stock exchange coins
>Only tippy top ranks get skill cookies, everyone else gets skill stones to use for exchange
And I can't even find where my previous rank landed to see if I missed the cutoff. Based on gifts it looks like I got shitter shattered in the last hour.

Naturally, the gacha rates and pitiful skill cookie amounts are doing me no favors with how hard they keep pushing the power creep each gacha.

>> No.21265743

I remember when AG kept the powercreep in check and release twilights still had their use, what the hell happened?

>> No.21265750

Alright thanks.
I'm going to see if i can find a good tablet online.
If you have any recommendation i'm all ears.

>> No.21265790

So what's the verdict on Kuuka 2.0? Worth spending on or don't bother?

>> No.21265819

Redmi Note 7 is probably the best at that range, might not be able to play Honkers on full whack but should be good enough.

>> No.21265827

Sanctuary happened. It's what allowed them to make you grind busywork to upgrade old cards to be close to newer cards. Some are absolutely broken with the utility they provide, like Tennis Sylvia, but most of them are pretty lame for how many resources they take. Sometimes you might see a Twilight card that was upgraded this way in someone's team. But most of the whale teams or packed full of limiteds and their dupes.

Can't even roll the 3-star or 2-star out of limited gacha recently either. Not that getting any of them matter, I think they made petite skill cookies so plentiful because 3-stars are completely outclassed now.

>> No.21265847

永遠の七日 planned to lunch on the 8th around launch time.

>> No.21265865

Downloaded it though I dont know any chink. At least the voices are in JP. What units should I be on the look out for? Though im not sure if its worth rerolling depending on whether or not its confirmed anything is being carried over into the official release.

>> No.21265884

I am pretty sure that no-wipe was confirmed.

>> No.21265925
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Wonder if they'll actually go and make this version actually good for once or if the Mecha element will forever be Shadow Knight or bust.

>> No.21266038

Would they really give a core upgrade to a S rank?

>> No.21266093
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Who knows? I'd like an upgrade for her Vampire version because I really like her dual blades playstyle but a Executioner upgrade would be really good too because that skin is really good and there's a heavy lack of good Mecha units in my team due to not having Shadow Knight so i'd love it.

>> No.21266108
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As someone who rolled blood cross recently I would like either of them to be buffed. Not having a good blue unit feels bad. Especially considering they went out of their way to recognize how awful executioner looked originally and made a free skin for it if you had her.

>> No.21266138
File: 277 KB, 1200x675, 70457116_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could roll the blood cross, I ended up with every other motif cross except the blood one. Both versions that use it are currently kinda shit but I'd feel like I have a complete collection if I manage to pull it plus i'd be able to play any of her versions optimally any time I want.

>> No.21266152

I've rolled 5 crosses and 4 of them were the executioner motif so I'm glad I won somewhere even if it's a shitty win.

>> No.21266156

Blood cross is good on every Theresa?
I only have regular and vampire Theresa but no weapons for them.

>> No.21266486

Use a magic party and you'll kill the boss super quickly before anything ever gets set up. Make sure to play manually so you can use your UB's as soon as possible.

>> No.21266519

In all honesty, I found Kasumi to be incredibly useful for the boss; the rare occasion where her niche is filled and not completely outclassed by someone else.

>> No.21266572
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what the fuck is her problem

>> No.21266612
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She is fine anon. No problem at all

>> No.21266614
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What is this madness? 6* soon, please.

>> No.21266749

Please no summer Kyouka KMR.

>> No.21266777

I hope you have your spark ready just in case, because I have it.

>> No.21266786


>> No.21266833

Arknights Android beta starts in 30 minutes, but expect typical server launch rush. According to google translate of the comments, there was a similar case with iOS.

>> No.21266851

>Though im not sure if its worth rerolling depending on whether or not its confirmed anything is being carried over into the official release.

Is Arknights going to be one server with language toggles like GBF? I was just gonna sit tight and wait for the JP release if it has its own separate server.

>> No.21266873

I am pretty sure they are going to be separate servers. It be weird for JP to be using biligame servers or even TapTap.

>> No.21266924

5 minutes till Arknights open

>> No.21266936


>> No.21266940

It's up

>> No.21266974
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whats your guaranteed 6 star bros?

>> No.21267040

Are you forced to use a guest account for the Arknight beta?
I tried to register one at the start but it's not working.

>> No.21267046
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>> No.21267109

I already miss MoE

>> No.21267139

are they wiping the data from the open beta like they did the closed?

>> No.21267140

Fucking jews. They don't want us getting that free frags and jewels.

>> No.21267167

Not this time I believe

>> No.21267205
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>> No.21267239


>> No.21267286
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I miss Angelina but anyway, I think I'll just play a little until JP server arrives.

>> No.21267323

dumb donkey slut

>> No.21267384
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Another 3 weeks or so isn't that long to wait, r-right guys?

>> No.21267391

>Kuuka's rotation looks garbage
Is she really that good?

>> No.21267403

Think about how often Jun gets used in physical teams. The new Kuuka is the magic equivalent.

>> No.21267423

My advice to you: Wait until you can raise her star level once. You'll hate yourself otherwise.

>> No.21267436

I'm deathly afraid that priconne is turning into FEH with the rapid and unchecked powercreep

>> No.21267439

It's PrinFest, Anon. Why dont you have Makoto already? Are you trying to prevent KMR getting his much needed yacht?

>> No.21267447

I've already donated to his yacht funds plenty with grub, I want priconne to be my comfy f2p game.
I'm just going to use whale tears to get her to 4*

>> No.21267455

It's been in crazy powercreep territory since last summer, be happy that unique equipment occasionally brings some older characters back into relevance.

>> No.21267479

The powercreep is atrociously bad but from a business standpoint it's almost necessary since non-limited characters can all be (slowly) grinded for without spending any money.

>> No.21267480

Is there any point to pick bottom option when a sword girl talk scene comes up?

>> No.21267496

At least PriConne has the benefit of being generous, having a spark system AND offering you most (non-limited) characters to you in some form so you can never truly fall TOO far behind. FEH, at least up until when I quit it, was a shitshow. It was mildly generous but the gacha was shit and having IVs be present on each character was fucking awful. Combined with having to feed 5* characters to others just to get their equipment on another character was just such a headache.
I think the powercreep characters blind others to the shitty limiteds that have come out. Christmas Ayane does nothing. Christmas Chika is never used. Summer whatshername is a complete joke. Apparently she had some meme setup for the CB that just passed but otherwise I've never seen her used once. Can't say I see many people using NYHiyori either. Halloween Shinobu is strictly a PvP character and even then she's limited to PArena pretty much, she's not even that good anymore. On the flip side there's definately dumb characters like Muimi and NYYui that are clearly just "better" than their counterparts but there's plenty of others that are just plain shit.

>> No.21267503

Is there no bilibili iOS version for Arknights? I can't bind my dumb account with a china number.

>> No.21267511

>infinite stunlock with her flag jab
Shit she's won my heart bros
If you're using her on a team but send her out on an expedition she becomes unusable until she comes back so it's there to make refuse her just in case

>> No.21267517

The christmas lineup is just terrible. What were they thinking? The girls aren't even cute.

>> No.21267550

Is there any way to reduce incoming DoT damage in priconne? I keep getting killed by the 18-14 boss's poison.

>> No.21267554
File: 65 KB, 595x260, 1551122852156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So its going to be like this then

>> No.21267572

To be fair NY Yui is also the fact that all the other healers are mediocre to dogshit.

>> No.21267576

Yeah, it's called サ ン ラ イ ズ ・ プ ロ テ ク ティ オ ン

>> No.21267582

I dunno, I beat the boss by going ooga booga.
The best way to counter poison is tick heal obviously, maybe try the ohoho girl if you don't have NYui.

>> No.21267586

okay but how do I do it without building a time machine and whaling

>> No.21267589

*6 Yui will beat the shit out of NYui, just you wait

>> No.21267590

I'm assuming you're referring to both those things individually. To which case you build a time machine and get lucky.
Also as anon said, just gotta "ooga booga" if nothing else.

>> No.21267629

>ティ オ ン

>> No.21267649

But Christmas Ayane is the solution for annoying boss for few clan battle already
And Summer Susume is actually an optimal setup for third wave Minotaur-kun

>> No.21267683

The powercreep itself is sporadic though, there's just huge leaps where we get core characters like Summer Kyaru, NY Yui, and Miumi followed by niche characters that are only good for certain fights or comps. Being able to farm characters is also a double edged sword. It's great but at the same time it makes failing to roll the limited hurt even more. It's alleviated a bit by the spark system now but if we get a repeat of last years limited spam then only whales and luckshitters will keep up and missing a limited and getting a character you already farmed is beyond infuriating. If it was a steady powercreep you could at least spark with your dick instead of worrying about not having enough to spark the next broken limited character that will carry you for over half a year.

>> No.21267709

So is regular Yui worth investing in if I'll never ever have her NY version? The attack down debuff on her personal weapon seems really nice.

>> No.21267721

Yeah. Her AoE heal is still good in general.

>> No.21267738

It's not like you have a choice. Unless they somehow decided to bring back a seasonal character early, you can't do anything about it.

>> No.21267743

I thought her regular version can also do that.
Though I just used Mifuyu because she's my wife. Big dick damage be damned. Not like my stupid clan ever gets above 2000 anyway.

>> No.21267749

misatos ub heals 10% less than yui but her 1st slot heal and special equipment buffs render her superior to yui

>> No.21267784

Yui is cuter though

>> No.21267789

She buffs magic and magic comps are usually shit.

>> No.21267809
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better watch your back

>> No.21268272

Is shironeko not doing a gold week event or is that what all these already running quests are (1/2 building, guild fest, exp quest)?

>> No.21268357

Anyone playing Witch's Weapon?

>> No.21268420

Gintama collab and these events are Golden Week events.

>> No.21268446

Is it possible to make an account for arknights without chink phone?

>> No.21268511

its a game about you being gender bent so no im not a faggot

>> No.21268576
File: 493 KB, 1080x878, Screenshot_20190501-160649__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You can reroll this 10-roll up to 55 times!"
>got the featured girl on the left
>reroll because she was ranked A on Game8 and thought I might do better
>never found anything worth shit until the final time
Please end me.

>> No.21268639

That's what you get for being a try-hard faggot.

>> No.21268736

Unless your name actually is Ren you should have no issue with that.

>> No.21268796

Suzuna could really use a farmable event.

>> No.21268803

>about you being gender bent
Just checked and
>name is 承怜
>15 years old
That isn't my name, I'm 26 and my sign is Libra. So this isn't me I guess?

>> No.21268865

So does anyone know for sure if Arknights is getting wiped or not?

>> No.21268920
File: 1.41 MB, 1440x720, Screenshot_2019-05-01-20-25-20-714_com.dena.a12022874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started this and threw like 6 10 rolls into swordfes gachas. Could be better

>> No.21268971

Which kusoge is this?

>> No.21268980

Last Idea weapons are apparently farmable? Thats pretty cool

>about you being gender bent

>> No.21269009

>3 limiteds
I don't think it can get better than that

>> No.21269053

>this gaylord gets innertube while I get a shitty bomber girl
I hate this.

>> No.21269136
File: 15 KB, 161x598, Screenshot 2019-05-01 08.32.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KMR added totals back to CB, so you guys know who you are.

>> No.21269149
File: 1.44 MB, 1334x750, 76D964E5-830C-4065-8418-C281DB7C5B50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as planned

>> No.21269441

me on the bottom

>> No.21269615

How do you equip costumes in Arknights? There was a free one for Fang but I can't find it anywhere

>> No.21269679
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>> No.21269812

What the fuck? I'll instantly be the top damage dealer if I joined Sky Princess and I'm casual as fuck.

>> No.21269828
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Anyone still playing Mahjong Soul? Honestly kinda having trouble keeping up interest. At Novice*** so can't grind for gifts to get characters and don't know how to approach reading discards so can't get consistent results to actually climb ranks. Feels like they missed the mark and made just another mahjong game when they could've made something more. It feels like there's a layer or something missing like some sort of singleplayer puzzles, a proper dorm or an expedition system to actually make it a decent mobile game. Something to interact with after your ass is sore from losing too much.

>> No.21270188

Since you are playing vs chinks, you need to play East South games rather than east games. In addition you need to figure out how to stall and slow games to counteract their gotta go fast style. Learn to identify non-yakuhai open hands, such as if you see them discard a bunch of two sets, don't drop that set, etc. Drop yakuhai as early as possible to hopefully slow them down.

>> No.21270328

Is 4,316 the furthest possible on the Kuuka minigame? Seems every time I manage to get that far, there's always something that stops me at that exact point.

>> No.21270454

5347 here, if I remember right the bird saved me a couple times

>> No.21270484

I've gotten over 11k, it's all just random RNG.

>> No.21270485

By all means do share your result and apply rather than shitposting about it .

>> No.21270505

Shitposting aside I am considering kicking the bottom of the list.
While I don't mind people playing at their own pace, they're really not doing much only contributing consistent 10m scores several CBs straight.

>> No.21270517

While I'm all for booting the random fucks I'd say be a bit more lenient on /mbgg/ Anons, especially if they're not up to max level yet. The random JP fucks that were invited to fill slots I don't really care about though.

>> No.21270531

That's the problem though anon.
Those two you see at the bottom with 10m scores are both rank 127. Nearly everyone save for two people are rank 127, with those two being over rank 120 and scoring way more than them.

>> No.21270552

Well do as you see fit. The clan is already low on /mbgg/ members as it is so I'd personally prefer to keep them around but it's your call. We're getting consistent participation which itself is an improvement over the old bullshit of 1/3 of the clan not hitting the boss once.

>> No.21270579

Will Mikanrin play arknights too?

>> No.21270617

How do some people do so much damage?
Ive seen two people with identical comps and star levels have WILDLY different numbers

>> No.21270708

How grindy exactly is Last Cloudia?

>> No.21270710

Tfw a kusoge suddenly went on emergency maintenance but doesn't mention the ETA when the maintenance will end.

>> No.21270713

Manual play and Special Equipment.
For example you HAVE to play Eriko on manual if you want to make the most of her Special Equipment.
Also when fighting bosses you sometimes have to time when to use your UBs rather than let the game auto in order for your team to actually survive or do optimal damage.

>> No.21270757

Timings play a big part of it, as do crits. For example I can use a generic team of Makoto/Christina/Eriko/Muimi/Jun and hit for 2M damage just doing UBs the second they come up. If you adjust and make sure the PDEF debuff is at its max before you blow your load then it can result in vastly higher numbers, like 500k+ extra damage. Combine that with someone like Eriko who can UB from 30k to 100k to even 200k+ depending on if her buff is active and if your PDEF debuff is at its most potent. There's a lot of nuance to maximizing the numbers. Thankfully they removed retrying so you can't just scum for crit grinding all day like before but it's always super juicy when someone like Eriko crits all 3 of her UB hits 3 times in a fight, it's a LOT of extra damage. Or someone like Arisa who can go from average DPS to one of the highest in the game if you get lucky and she crits the vast majority of her UBs (which is more common than you'd think).

>> No.21270773 [DELETED] 
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>mfw I really want Christina but she's only at 0.25% and Kuuka isn't even prifes limited

>> No.21270779

She's not limited BUT she is important. She fills a role not a single other character fills right now, and apparently she fills it well too. I'd say it's worth taking a try at it until at least Kuuka shows up.

>> No.21270793

The problem is that I'm at 290 rolls right now and want to get back up to that spark for EMT, who ironically would really love having Kuuka on the team.

>> No.21270876

I think it's Othellonia. At least thats the # of twitter I get when I google search it.

>> No.21270878

>Christina is only 0.25%
I feel really bad for getting a xtina dupe when that could have been Kuuka

>> No.21270881

It's golden week, Anon. You're making extra gems every day. Not to mention that we have no ETA on Satella. You are perfectly safe to spend a few 10 pulls as you'll have gained that amount easily by next month anyway from CB + GW rewards + daily income + new event whatever it is + new area + HM.

>> No.21270888

You're forgetting Summer is really really close and that's going to come with a literal storm of limiteds

>> No.21270899
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Thanks for encouraging me to roll anon, time to quit while I'm ahead. I have a date with truck-kun today and I can't be late.

>> No.21270942
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>I have a date with truck-kun today and I can't be late.
You, too?

>> No.21270979
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I'm happy for you both. I hope you get a good skill or two when y ou get isekai'd.

>> No.21271059

I'm guessing Arknight beta data will be wiped since there is no way to save an account.

>> No.21271087

the game is in full release retard

>> No.21271103

Wasn't it an open beta?

>> No.21271109

And a lot of kusoges you play are in OB too.

>> No.21271205

>And a lot of kusoges you play are in OB too.
No they really are not

>> No.21271226
File: 569 KB, 800x1076, 74455087_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Honkai doing anything for golden week?

>> No.21271248

Open the game and find out.

>> No.21271260

>>21271248 = no

>> No.21271350

It's linked to your bili account

>> No.21271371

What? I never saw them asking me for my bilibili account.
Maybe i'm on the wrong server?

>> No.21271382

You on the TapTap server? Because the Bili app has that bili icon in the corner of the Arknights icon.

>> No.21271391

I don't think it's TapTap either, i just downloaded the apk from Qooapp so i have no idea.
I guess i'm going to download the bili one and start from scratch.

>> No.21271515


>> No.21271559
File: 2.51 MB, 1800x1857, 74439477_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope we really get this entire month to save up for twins, I don't feel prepared with only 3 10-rolls.

Anyone else trying to save up or just going to whale it up? I remember there were at least one or two massive whales for Honkai here before but not sure if theyr'e still here.

>> No.21271592

Never used money on this game before but since I don't have any crystals left i'm going to buy some for the twins and maybe the weapon.

>> No.21271690
File: 1.60 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20190501-151117_PrincessConnectRedive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I started a week ago and did about 90 rolls from the gems I got. Should I reroll for Christina? How good is this Fuuka?

>> No.21271702

shes really good for magic teams

>> No.21271704

Yeah if you're starting out then try to reroll for Christina, Muimi or both if you're autistic enough.

There's this guide from a while ago that might be useful. Someone wrote it in the anniversary but should still be relevant for starting out.

>> No.21271709

Reroll for Christina and Muimi. There's no point in playing without them.

>> No.21271717

You got Kasumi. You automatically won the game.

>> No.21271731

Everything not limited is farmable. Reroll for Muimi and Christina and then farm everyone else back over time. Don't even use your gems afterwards, just save for the next limited.

>> No.21271826

I sleep

>> No.21271835
File: 130 KB, 397x194, technically not farmable yet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything not limited is farmable.
*blocks your path*

Hard mode stage soon please, KMR.

>> No.21271839

Anne, grea and Kuuka alt are permas too without a node but they'll get one in around six months so just have to wait.

>> No.21271863

Not looking forward to the justaway factory where I can't faceroll with Claudia.

>> No.21272126

Has anyone tried Magatsu Wahrheit?

>> No.21272190

There's so much bad porn of the honkai twins coming out on pixiv

>> No.21272233

Yeah, it's a pretty good phone mmo. Gameplay is similar to Gestalt Odin

>> No.21272384

>have to decide between farming frags or getting kuuka
kmr you fucking jew

>> No.21272416

bro just use your 100k plus dungeon coins

>> No.21272452

Arknights ain't that bad for a tower defense

>> No.21272492

Kuuka prifes you fucking retard.

>> No.21272517
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At least Jun is a good tank, right?

>> No.21272636

>2 & 3
>archer/warrior/zerk allowed
dude just use meduka+lilkek EZ gold title

>> No.21272683

I really like the UI and the aesthetic, I hope we get a JP release soon.

>> No.21272686
File: 106 KB, 600x300, rank_190501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gintoki demoted to regular ss
>kagura considered the best character of the set
>as a lancer

>> No.21272703
File: 285 KB, 2500x1524, Arknight Relationship Chart..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arknights has an in-game relationship chart
Was this really necessary?

>> No.21272750

Is she even good? I do like her as a character.

>> No.21272754

The game itself wasn't necessary, only the room system, they should focus to make the game all about it.

>> No.21272778
File: 739 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20190501-224157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The base really gives me that X-Com vibe.

>> No.21272833

Wave 3 clan battle boss regular. Because you need tank that has def down other than Jun for some bosses

>> No.21272865

Nigga just bring Rei or Shinobu

>> No.21272887

Your clan battle teams are supposed to look cool so you can brag to your clanmates about how you ranked 24th with 12mil damage.

>> No.21272899

I won't praise Arknights as kamige, but it's things like that, things that are irrelevant to the core gameplay, that give it a nice touch to make it feel slightly less like the developers are only making the game for a paycheck.
Plus, it makes for a fun read (if I could read chinkrunes)

>> No.21272903

Is it worth it to upgrade kimono kuuka to 4* with whale tears?

>> No.21272922

3* to 4* is a cheap investment and is usually worth it. I'd personally save ~1000 fragments so you can instantly 5* any broken limited in the future and if you've got extra then dump them into Kuuka.

>> No.21273003

anime feet

>> No.21273038

not mobage

>> No.21273161

Does any of the collab chars have gimmicks that might be exploitable/useful later on like chihaya and 150 tricolor coop?

>> No.21273185

Is Arknights fun or should I wait for Englishtm

>> No.21273227
File: 36 KB, 935x291, No Bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DMM player not letting me into the product page for Priconne to DL it. Any ideas why? It's not giving me an error code or reason or anything, and the pages for other games display just fine. It's just Priconne I can't get into

>> No.21273260

If you mean something that can be exploited to grind coop faster, no. If you mean general mechanics unique to them then Gintoki does huge damage and gains 2 damage barriers on a counterslash which could be insane for SP limited quests and Okita has near permanent stealth thanks to his retarded SP generation and his S1 always crits, he should end up breaking a hell quest at some point.

>> No.21273284

Have you tried the DL link through the PriConne webpage? Normally when I load up the DMM client I get that error message but the game still starts up anyways.

>> No.21273299
File: 96 KB, 1028x356, LET ME IN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have a look. I didn't see a DDL link though. If you mean this one it just forces you through the DMM launcher either way

>> No.21273317

I am gonna wait for JP release because I can't into chink

>> No.21273426

It is quite annoying not being able to understand the non-voiced content and the risk of accidentally selling your credit card info to some chink botnet, but otherwise pretty fun, even if you're not too big into the whole tower defense thing.

>> No.21273437 [DELETED] 

Mastema really needs to be paired with Ratix. She does good damage but her main skill's cast time is too long without him. If he's in the party she can spam it really fast. It's crazy she doesn't have any form of cast time reduction not even at chain 3 or something.

>> No.21273501

Have you tried using VPN?

>> No.21273831

Tfw Mana has already dropped that much and Sheryl is now nowhere to be seen while Rufus is added.

>> No.21273948

My issue with playing CN servers is needing a chink phone number. If it's TW or HK I can consider it, but account binding is an important issue too.

>> No.21274118

>Tried using Claudia
>Still can't get SSS on 4th on 5th one
Maybe I should try doing them with another player since Shironeko AI for the other character which I'm not controlling somewhat sucks.

>> No.21274140

There are two different servers. One needs a phone number but the other only needs an email with the biligame account to bind to.

>> No.21274196

is this /u/?
I'll give it a shot if it is

>> No.21274216

What made you think it was /u/?
There is even a self insert in the middle.

>> No.21274219

Check your eyes there bud, there's a bunch of male characters slotted in some places.

>> No.21274322

If you want /u/ play Witch's Weapon instead.

>> No.21274327

Can I reroll before binding?

>> No.21274351

oh so its literal dogshit then
I'll look more into it

>> No.21274438

Curious about this too, how do you wipe your account data

>> No.21274688

>blaming it on the AI unit when your main character doesn't do shit on the last two golden balls anyway
Try using a non-magic character for a change.

>> No.21274780

The golden ball is only on the 5th stage though.

>> No.21274788

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a mobage where the Chinese and Japanese voices were done by the same people?

>> No.21274933

What's your point? I don't care about 1~4 because those levels are piss easy. Level 5, I had to do it the second time because I initially only had mages in my party.

>> No.21275149

Is that xmas tina in same row as summer or original?

>> No.21275172

Clear all the app's data in the Android settings, it'll clean your guest login also. When you reload the game with the guest login it prompts you to bind your account by creating one, but that needs a phone number (you can use a free one online if you can find it). There is the option to login via your email account just below but I'm not sure if that binds the data.

>> No.21275244

>new AE gaiden character makes mindless grinding last forever
Pretty cool. Too bad they'll never add a good 5* healer for free

>> No.21275445

What are those green batteries for in Arknights?

>> No.21275545

I still haven't managed to get 300 on the 4th one because the 2nd character just randomly being stupid most of the time.

They just added a dungeon with easy EXP though unless you mean grinding for equips or 2nd arc stuff.

>> No.21275550

Is witch's weapon chinkshit? Because it definitely looks like it. The gender bender angle is surprising to see outside of porn and one-off gags.

>> No.21275565

Yes, it is. And when was the last time Rie Kugimiya voiced the main character of any work?

>> No.21275577

I'm stuck in the 00s where she voiced the main character in everything, before the hanakana monster appeared.

>> No.21275600

GBF was her second breakthrough.

>> No.21275700
File: 1.88 MB, 897x1299, 3bii76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next ranked season in Compass will be themed around Marcos, and will run from the 9th ~ 19th. The card effect is the same one as Lyrica's.

>> No.21275742

I'm talking about her VC that reduces MP cost for party by 90%.

>> No.21275745

updated my arknights write up

>> No.21275884
File: 25 KB, 695x75, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21275964

Original, xmas is the tier below them.

I don't mind doing the 4th and 5th stages with you if you want. My towns still shit but I've got Hijikata who the content was designed for.

>> No.21275968

Nice blog post.

>> No.21276003

>The dead GFL server is the Arknights server

I would have liked a different, smaller server personally considering how smaller places are better for discussion and all the dumb drama that went in there because of GFL but thanks a ton for the guide, it'll be really helpful.

>> No.21276023
File: 1.40 MB, 1407x2048, 74519284_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Faction wars in 3.1, Himeko faction seems to be winning in CN.
Also, several commenters state that SEA didn't get the Reburn event? I was starting to think they were putting a ton of effort into making SEA one of the few good English localizations but I guess nobody can escape the curse. Of course, they can still get it later but that's still pretty shitty of them.

>> No.21276044

I'm just reading the event story since i hate faction wars, also none of the rewards interest me.

>> No.21276047

>good localization
Has this ever been the case?

>> No.21276099
File: 1.38 MB, 1440x810, tyb1sl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Himeko seems to be winning
They wish

>> No.21276119

Who are in the faction wars? Himeko, Fuka and who else?

>> No.21276122


>> No.21276126
File: 703 KB, 1920x1080, smug kami aidoru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Himeko, Fuka and RIta
What's the name of the war? Battle of the cakes?

>> No.21276151

>cakes fight each others while Captain and the loli twins team up to steal the win
I think Theresa is going to join them too later.

>> No.21276201
File: 684 KB, 851x1200, 70803063_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully the sidestory is cute/nice. The last time captain teamed up with someone was extremely depressing because of Otto, she deserved a happy ending.

>> No.21276216

>last time
Did you miss Winter Rhapsody?
In that one Captain teamed with Bronya (and Sakura) in a game world and it was pretty fun.
I think the current CN event is linked to that one.

>> No.21276236

>Did you miss Winter Rhapsody?
Likely, might have been busy around that time and couldn't read it.

>> No.21276249

The event can be easely found on youtube you should read it.

>> No.21276262

>Finally get 300 on the 4th one with Claudia and WE Iris after lots of tries
I wish WE Iris AI doesn't decide on being stupid most of the time and do nothing for a few seconds despite she has full SP while surrounded by enemies or normal attacking for some reason

>> No.21276425

90% of the server are either bots or people that don't even use it. its literally a "small server"

>> No.21276544

Is Honkai Impact good?

>> No.21276598
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>> No.21276636

Do we have an active guild on any server or is everyone just spread out?

>> No.21276688


>> No.21276748

How is Valkyrie Crusade nowadays?

>> No.21276757

Which mobage has the cutest girl?

>> No.21276760

My favorite one

>> No.21276762

>need roughly 2 million IDA credits to get rank3 on 25 characters in new AE gaiden
>battles drop 20-50 on average
>platinum slime drops 10k and only spawns every 50 battles
>need to do 3 battles between every friend point activity to respawn then

>> No.21276785

How is Another Eden?
I rerolled to get Mariel and I heard their Another Form will be mandatory for super hard quest on JP version.

>> No.21276835

What happened with the drama? Elaborate.

>> No.21276841

Why would I elaborate on GFL drama when it has its own general now?

>> No.21276848

Which gacha should I roll on anniversary bonus? Looks like Valentine for Jonah.

>> No.21276856

Azure Rain

>> No.21276868

Did we find the Dark Soul of Mobage?

>> No.21276872

Wait so you talked shit knowing nothing? The fuck? That's just stupid.

>> No.21276880

That was Starly Girls wasn't it? Perma death ships, girls and equipment seems pretty retarded.

>> No.21276887

It's ok. Updates could be faster and some recently characters are huge powercreep, but no one needs them to get stuff done. Really needs some QoL updates like trading AS books that are useless for you for something else.

AS Mariel isn't required at all for anything on JP currently. If you're dying and need to use her gimmicky resurrection then you have bigger problems.

I'd say the hardest content currently are the 8 superbosses after clearing the current 2.0 story and I've seen a guy on twitter clear most of them with just story/welfare characters.

>> No.21276910

some people left the server because they disliked how i wasnt involved with running it. hardly what i'd call drama. basically >>21276841 is an actual true discordfaggot

>> No.21277441

Good guide, helped me figure out the handful of things I didn't already figure out.
I know you said 5* and 6* are generally good, but please tell me Texas isn't an exception to that.

>> No.21277489

i believe the consensus is that the other 5 star vanguard outshadows her. the russian bear girl. still, i personally like texas's skill 2, which is an aoe stun.

>> No.21277565

>using high star vanguards before achieving full cost reduction
It's like you want to suffer

>> No.21277663

Too early to say but as of now either her or Liltet would be the best.

>> No.21277940

According to Google Translate, a patch for Arknights for a 日本語 translation of the story. Download at your own discretion.

>> No.21278025

Isn't that a Korean patch and not a Japanese patch?

>> No.21278049
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Is this a good team comp or should I change it?

>> No.21278051

this dumb fucker can't even tell the difference between korean and japanese

>> No.21278056

Shizuru probably more useful than Yukari at this point. Keep rolling while prinfest is up too to fill up your roster/hopefully get Muimi.

>> No.21278071

There's no point in putting Saren there. She'll probably TP buff Yukari which is pretty useless.

>> No.21278073

You're mixing and matching magical with physical. That is bad. Kyouka is great but not when she has nothing else to back her up so drop her for someone like Shiori, Akino or Sizzle (if you need more heal). Yukari is also super defensive and offers nothing else so, unless you need that defensive option, you should drop her too. Shiori and Akino again work in replacing her too. If you get your hands on Kaori or Eriko be sure to keep them geared up as you progress as they'll be extremely important later on as they're your DPS queens.

>> No.21278102

Yukari is great lategame but is doing absolutely nothing for you now. Drop her for Shizuru, and probably drop Kyouka for Akino too. If you really want to use magic keep Kyouka and drop Saren for Nanaka.

>> No.21278313
File: 1.20 MB, 1440x720, Screenshot_2019-05-03-11-50-21-587_com.square_enix.android_googleplay.PTD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. Ticket chance for a UR is fucking 0.1%.

Where the fuck has this luck been this whole time?

>> No.21278340
File: 39 KB, 696x498, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to Google Translate

>> No.21278354

>You're mixing and matching magical with physical. That is bad.
Does it even matter when he doesn't have any buff or debuff?

>> No.21278393

I want one of the new URs but I blew my gems at the Valkyrie Profile collab so I have nothing left. I have to save for next month too since it will probably be June bride 2019 or some shit.

>> No.21278621

The grinding is autism just like fishing.

AS Mariel is hard to use for me since she needs to choose between her shield skill or ailments removal because there are only 3 skill slots so I still ended up using her normal version. Mariel AS also lost HP regen on her Large heal skill which is more useful in most battle compared to be able of healing the back line.

>> No.21278688

I rather do fishing again than grind all these credits desu. Don't think it's worth going for all 3 chant scripts when I can't even get 5 AS books to use them.

Thank god Mana isn't locked behind doing all of this at least

>> No.21278727

Same on blowing it on the Collab but got
nothing. Not too interested in the new ones Dow.

Im kinda saving for a Neir Collab. All SQEnix mobage have had it. And you just know there won't be a step up like every other Collab too.

Not sure if I want more bride costumes unless they got alt hairstyles.

>> No.21278782

>golden week on tales
>1 login bonus for 200 gems
>a bunch of paid only step gacha that probably add up to at least $1000 to roll them all

>> No.21278885

Yeah I can imagine a Nier collab too maybe after the 2nd anniversary. I want to collect costumes with song changes and hairstyle changes so I want at least only one of the new URs for that purpose.

>> No.21278930

Could you use Nozomi as a replacement for a Frontline heavy Physical team?

>> No.21278959

i mean as a replacement for Misato

>> No.21278961

That's the kind of team she works best with. She heals all frontline allies, she buffs physical attacks with her UB, she can taunt, she stuns all enemies in range. She's built for a frontline heavy physical team.

>> No.21278986

Thanks for the input. I was not sure about adding Nozomi to the team, and also removing the main healer.

>> No.21279054

한글 means hangul you nignog

>> No.21279302

>Already finished most stuff in Another Eden except fishing, that friend rank thing, Guildna/Riica 5*, superbosses and 2nd arc extra stuff
Tfw I have a few old 4.5* characters and 18 chant scripts at the moment but can't decide if I should raise them to 5* now or keep hoping I will get their 5* version from the gacha to save the chant script which probably not going to happen anytime soon.

>> No.21279556

It's kind of retarded to use "discordfaggot" as an insult when the guide features a discord with 780+ members at the top of everything.

>> No.21279675

>Still 13 days until Gintama collab in Shironeko ends
>Already got bored of it
Hoping there will be something interesting next week aside Factory part 2 and 3.

>> No.21279693

difference being i am unconcerned with discord drama while you involve yourself with it. discord for me is simply a medium for on-the-fly exchanges around the game while your asshole is gaped far and wide by the faggotry of discord drama

>> No.21279751

I'm not whoever has you anally devastated, im just pointing out that its pretty retarded to use it as an insult while you own a giant server. It's a hilarious case of the pot calling the kettle black which is amusing enough to reply to, almost like seeing a reddit admin using redditor as an insult against an user of their sub which makes little sense.

>> No.21279863

>Can only get about 280 on the 5th one
I'm going to blame my shitty device and their poor Android optimization. I wish JP has tap button to use skill like KR (RIP) instead of hold and flick.

>> No.21279922

>Managed to get 295 after a few more runs

>> No.21280003

I hate to see you like this, anon. Drop your room number.

>> No.21280121

I want to make Kokkoro a single mother

>> No.21280357

Is there a mobile version of this?

>> No.21280454

Not yet. Play MJモバイル if you want phone maajan.

>> No.21280772

24498 if you are still here.

>> No.21280781

Hold on I'm at coin farming quest

>> No.21280814

Thanks for the help.

>> No.21280828

Weird lag there, I thought we won't make it to 300.

>> No.21280891
File: 184 KB, 720x1280, 1542023999068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sat on the 4th Anniversary 4-star ticket waiting for a new event and hoping some outfits I already had would be removed but
>No event
>Not even any news for Subaru's birthday
>Ticket expiring soon because I didn't wait to run the gift stage until now
>"May as well roll it"
So that's over half of my 4th anniversary tickets ending up as dupes. Same as most years.

>Still nothing
Just waiting for the announcement then

>> No.21281120

Actually there is a chinese version. Eng and JP versions are coming later this year.

>> No.21281199

I just got Theresa Celestial Hymn, should i try to get her weapon or Blood Embrace is good enough?

>> No.21281348
File: 212 KB, 1080x810, D5j0PK7W4AEvjej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think we'll see it before Reiwa ends?

>> No.21281376

Sounds like the game is closing soon if no Subaru birthday. Thank god. I will miss it, but it fucked up so hard.

>> No.21281422

Be more specific bro

>> No.21281429

Actually canceled just like Lost Order. At least Fantasy Life Online was finally released despite the delays.

>> No.21281908

I'm glad that levelling up your operators is still retardedly expensive in Arknights. If they're going to keep the cost the same then the cash mission should at least be available all week, same as the XP ones.

>> No.21282002
File: 212 KB, 1673x941, BlueStacks_ScreenShot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

money is the least terrible part about arknights. the game gives you so much in the beginning that you can easily afford to level a team past elite 1. its literally only the third day. nobody's gonna be playing the game in a month if the resources come so easily

>> No.21282092
File: 402 KB, 1080x1858, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reccomended weapons for Rosalia straight from China.

>> No.21282113

Does installing lineageos or some such can stop games from working?

>> No.21282130

Most of the released content is from the OBT, hopefully they'll release the first event soon.

>> No.21282143

yeah, exactly why there needs to be limits on the progression because there's literally no content. people have already cleared 4-10 on the second day

>> No.21282147

Hoping they dont fall into the same pitfall GFL fell where everything is extremely and insanely grindy with barely any content and major operations are like 2-3 times a year.

>> No.21282205
File: 47 KB, 720x439, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know that that's exactly how it's going to be. How do you even make tower defense game that isn't grindy and has regular content updates?

>> No.21282233

There's aigis bro, the events aren't as grindy and you only have to play a portion of the day to keep you units.

>> No.21282243

but the game plays nothing like aigis you retard

>> No.21282270

>Plays nothing like aigis
>Subjugation=those maps with 100 or more enemies
>Lance units are the only class who gives 1+ cost

I'll give you the map bombs and other stuff that makes you interact more with the environment but if you haven't seen how much they based on aigis, then you're just blind (which is funny because that was one of the first options for other tower defense you played before AK in the OBT survey)

>> No.21282309
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Thanks for the help anons. This is what my team looks like now. I pulled some other 3*. Anyone I should swap?

>> No.21282629
File: 81 KB, 887x497, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Savage lost her uncap bonuses description or did she not have it to begin with?

>> No.21282793

guess you can't get dupes of her

>> No.21282807

>4th Anniversary
It has been 4 years already? Holy shit kill me

>> No.21282879

Replace Akino and pudding with someone cuter and you should be good.

>> No.21283022
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I need a clue 1

>> No.21283267
File: 1.16 MB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_20190503-175859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are clues for? I am still learning what the hell each room does in this game.

>> No.21283276

not sure what the clues do. but nice rolls luckerdog

>> No.21283328

Guess I will wait until I get them all then. And what about the leftmost room? It seems to make gold bars but they are all stuck at only 1/2 and only lets me delete them.

>> No.21283338

That's the trading room when you have gold bars. The yellow room next to it is the production room for bars.

>> No.21283341
File: 145 KB, 1618x910, BlueStacks_ScreenShot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just figured out what the clues do. you get some credits if you collect them all. pretty lame. the rooms on the left are merchandise/production rooms. you can choose what you want. i personally got 5 production rooms printing out exp tickets.

>> No.21283385

and its stuck at 1/2 because you're out of gold bars. you're basically selling them for money

>> No.21283387

Awesome! Thanks so much! And regarding the clues, yea that is kind of lame.

>> No.21283628
File: 1.15 MB, 1200x1920, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, its good while it last.

>> No.21283773

Anyone still play shironeko tennis around here or wants to start? Trying to recruit people to resurrect a somewhat inactive guild.

>> No.21283816

Just keep going as far as you can until you can't anymore. Then you raise another girl that can help you pass that stage.

>> No.21284067

How do you build that many rooms? I don't even have enough of the green cube to finish the second floor

>> No.21284080

Bullshit. You still had to farm a good chunk of them.

>> No.21284126

is kishiyo in arknights

>> No.21284148
File: 173 KB, 1618x910, BlueStacks_ScreenShot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i farmed the mats special stage for the base building materials.

you literally get like 400k just from playing the game before you actually have to farm for money

>> No.21284151

I haven't seen him in yet at least.

>> No.21284167

You do know that's only about 80k and it's the horde mode so you still had to 'farm' it. I don't believe you managed it in 1 attempt.

>> No.21284211

80k from this, 80k from the other annihilation map, a bunch of random quest rewards, easily several hundred thousands. i mean by your definition even just playing the game would be considered "farming".

>> No.21284491

>No makoto
>No muimi

Reroll fag that is account is shit without those two.

>> No.21284672

I hope Yui's *6 skill is a 5000 atk buff for everyone

>> No.21284762

No, it's going to be a mass dispel+ mass buff block.

>> No.21284799

If they're smart, they'll make her competitive with her New Years version. If they're "smart," they'll make her 6* about as useful as Hatsune's personal equipment.

>> No.21284897

anime feet

>> No.21284973

I hope they make her broken so Yui shitpost in 5chan will intensify. The root of all evil alt when?

>> No.21285006

last for getting out of this shitty addiction

>> No.21285038

fuck mobage
