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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21220775 No.21220775 [Reply] [Original]

Kigurumi Mask Makers and Resources:
- http://www.kigurumionline.org/index.php/Thread/152-The-Kirurumi-Mask-Maker-s-list/
- https://kigurumimask.web.fc2.com/

Kigurumi Website Feed:
- http://www.animegao.com/

Kigurumi Hangouts/Forums:
- http://www.kigurumionline.org/

- Images: https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag&word=%E7%9D%80%E3%81%90%E3%82%8B%E3%81%BF
- Videos: https://yellingtoilet.com/search/?q=kigurumi&sort=0
- Stick this in japanese sites: 着ぐるみ

>> No.21220779
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>> No.21221879

Why do you like kigurumi

>> No.21222189
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Source: https://twitter.com/Jess_Hynds/status/1120488317525602304

>> No.21222198
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Kigurumi is just the most beautiful thing to me. It is the pinnacle of cosplay.

Source: https://twitter.com/freeze_destroy/status/1120468816029417472

>> No.21222896

It lets an ugly dude like me look like a cute anime girl.

>> No.21223512
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>> No.21223522

literally the porn

>> No.21223932
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I can crossdress to my hearts content without (as much) judgement

>> No.21224186

I personally really like the doll/figurine aesthetic. On top of what everybody else said.

>> No.21224221
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Fetishistic pleasure.

>> No.21225035
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>> No.21225788


>> No.21226078


>> No.21226196
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>> No.21226518
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We need more hard hair kig makers.

>> No.21227120
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>> No.21227443
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Girl in a doll! Girl in a doll! Girl in a doll!
I am sorry if you are a dude.
You can enjoy your hobby.
But I prefer Girl in a doll! Girl in kigurumi.

>> No.21228567
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I've been following this for at least 10 years but never dared to get one... I kinda want to though.

Source: https://twitter.com/suzukaze619/status/1120886857485570048

>> No.21228929
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>> No.21228933

Even if the wearer is a boy when not wearing kig, they're girl anime dolls while inside it.

>> No.21230566


It’s fun but it’s very easy to get over your head.

>> No.21230763
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I've never seen anything like it! 3D girls wearing masks to look like 2D girls

>> No.21230800
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To whoever the anon was a few threads ago that liked my chinese dress:
Thank you very much for the nice comment

>> No.21230930

That was me. You're welcome!

>> No.21230945
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I'm in a very similar position except it's been closer to 15 years


I would hope it's easy to get over your head, it's a mask!


You're welcome! It's still very cute

Source: https://twitter.com/giovanni_dog/status/1121179972301803520

>> No.21230969
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Source: https://twitter.com/trevor25527766/status/1121158880401215491

>> No.21230978
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>> No.21230992

So I just caught up with the drama on the discord.
Since when are the wrestlefag and the latex weirdo fighting?
And who of you reignited the whole shit? This is fucking gold with its levels of autism.
I am kinda feeling for wrestlefag for being played by the whole discord for their drama kick but man its fun to read that stuff.

>> No.21231469


People just tend to end up with giant egos, it's what I meant. Me at fault too, btw.

>> No.21231494


If Bio was open about it, crisis would be averted.
If Bio had a fucking plan B, crisis would be averted.

That's one of those situations that telling the truth kinda fucking matters.

Pisses me off is people defending this shitty attitude just because the guy is a kig when he is completely at fault here.

Well is Jake fueled by rage of not being invited to stuff? Sure.
But it's also break of trust. If he was open about saying people were not comfortable with him coming, hell Bio didn't have a magic way to know if Jake was most certainly going to deny access to equipment (it was an assumption) and could even lend his camera.

It's just amazing that people are quickly to defend the investment and time kig consumes, but kinda easy to forget camera stuff also takes care, investment and time.

Jake was a dick afterwards? Yeah, he was. He did explode in a similar maner of rage as I did. What I really don't like is seeing all those people posing as paragons of virtue given that these people put in the same situation would react the same way.

>> No.21231507


And also, lesson for you guys. You saying Jake was wrong and saying how annoyed you are by him is just fueling another Coru situation.

Not that you care, most of you probably want Jake out.

>> No.21231561
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>> No.21231593

>"is just fueling another Coru situation"
>implying your drama was as tame as this and not you being full-on manipulative in like 100 cases
And once again you make everything about yourself.

>> No.21231607


So be it I guess? I never denied being a selfish person.

I am mostly saying because, the similarities are clear mate. He is exploding in seething rage. You guys need to calm him down.

I don't want Jake to end up in the same spot as I did. I don't think neither do you.

And you gonna force him by exhaustion. He's gonna see everyone as enemies and you then gonna blame him for creating unnecessary drama. You need to provide support and calm the guy down.

>> No.21231614


And no, I wasn't manipulative like ever. I think everyone knows I'm pretty shitty at attempting to be manipulative.

>> No.21231618
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I come here to avoid stupid discord drama, and yet here it is again.

>> No.21231639

>wasn't manipulative like ever
good joke, not even on discord but you even try to manipulate people here into throwing a pity party everytime you post

>> No.21231647

Third point I kinda forgot: the fact you want only to address that "you're making this about yourself so you haven't learned a thing Coru!" and ignoring everything else I said clearly shows the intentions.

To be fair: I think I kinda moved away from needing the ShameZone since I talked with Karina and some other things happened in my personal life.

I'm really saying this out of compassion and wanting things to be better for you guys. Feel free to interpret as you like.

Yeah, sure.

>> No.21231677

>claims to have moved away from Discord
>still stalks it 24h while shittalking here every thread

>> No.21231690
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>wanting things to be better for you guys.
If you actually thought this you wouldn't be the guy posting half a dozen times about discord drama. Post pics and/or fuck off.

>> No.21231697

Because, maybe, people don't care about very few users personal disputes? You are trying to make it look like some big drama while it wasn't while pointing fingers how its gonna be ~like your situation~ again, once again trying to manipulate people.

>> No.21231848


I wasn't even there if people haven’t forwarded me the drama and I left already.

Really, I’m not.

>> No.21231862


Nah, until it happens again and again.
I don’t think its a problem even with people, it’s a cultural problem with cosplay circles in general.

If you are not into it, people gatekeep you a lot from joining in because you could be a “creep”.

>> No.21231914
File: 41 KB, 640x640, 57852640_886162445065548_5471509136459956224_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azami the Easter Bunny is off hiding the eggs for the easter egg hunt.

>> No.21232143

That's sure why you admitted to still being on there in the last thread not too long ago and also bring drama up all the time like someone with no life, just stfu already.

>> No.21232153
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Can the janitors ban Coru already

>> No.21232252


No, you can read the last thread mate. I stayed away for quite a while.

>> No.21232256


So that’s the idea basically: ban Coru everywhere even tho he is on topic?

I don’t fucking know what people want anymore, it’s not like I offended anyone or anything.

>> No.21232290

Then don't like a 13 yo teenage girl starving for gossip and no, drama is not on-topic unless someone stole a mask or anything directly related to kig which *gasp* is the topic.

>> No.21232300
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Source: https://twitter.com/_sugarheart_/status/1120583269236400128

>> No.21232312

Very scary kigu. Lovely dress, though.

>> No.21232315

Even if that was true, it doesn't make a difference if you read Discord directly or via screenshots, neither is "I moved away from it" and I don't even remember the last time you contributed anything to the thread unrelated to drama, be it Cici or SZ drama.

>> No.21232323
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Source: https://twitter.com/nagonesan/status/1119373887236476929

>> No.21232332


I’m not, I’m just commenting on shit dude. I don’t know what personal stakes you have on this that you wanna burn me for it.


Correct. I need to stop this and get back into kigging. I’m waiting on my tights to carve the pads this weekend, so if I don’t get sidetracked with other hobbies I might be able to get back :)

>> No.21232405


And for fucks sake: gossip? In a public forum and under my name?

>> No.21234146
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I'm honestly quite tempted now that I live alone though. But it can get quite expensive.

Source: https://twitter.com/AkariHanamura/status/1111463192629116929

>> No.21234161

Forgot to tag

>> No.21234509

>I don’t know what personal stakes you have on this that you wanna burn me for it.
That you derail the kig threads with writting a huge wall of text everytime some slightly minor drama comes up while everyone else tries to ignore it because it's OT but you won't stop taking bait

>> No.21234553

It ran me about $2k and that's not including any fancy outfits.
Fun, but expensive.

>> No.21234583

can you guys post kigu's showing armpits and the back of the kneecap? thank you.

>> No.21234610
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>> No.21234620
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Not as expensive as fursuiting tho and there are lots of budget alternatives nowadays thanks to China's giant kig scene (their biggest forum is 75k+ users).

>> No.21235811
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>> No.21236435
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>> No.21237004
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>> No.21237050

literally all those before

>> No.21237059

Meant to reply to

>> No.21237430
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>> No.21237830
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I would like to get gently bullied by a China dress kigu.

>> No.21238452

Make it happen to yourself I guess :D
I wouldn't mind to bully another kigu

>> No.21239350
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>Make it happen to yourself I guess :D
If only I could! I don't know any IRL kigus.

>I wouldn't mind to bully another kigu
Aww, kigus aren't for bullying. They're for headpats and cuddles and for getting bullied by!

>> No.21239524
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Source: https://twitter.com/trevor25527766/status/1121476986831089665

>> No.21239526
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>> No.21239582

>i don't know any IRL kigus.
Get involved in any community then. Discord, kig-o, facebook, whatever. Plenty of kigus to get to know

>> No.21239625
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I guess I'll try that. Thank you!

>> No.21239713


To be fair, most of them don't care about you until you get a kig of your own.

Either because they're too scared of you being a creep or just general elitist thoughts.

>> No.21240023
File: 149 KB, 1200x800, D4hyLf7UIAIH9SW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people do kig without having a specific character in mind?

Source: https://twitter.com/sezuna1168/status/1119270454227660800

>> No.21240794
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More like because kig is about wearing a mask and if you don't have one you aren't part of the community, just like how you also aren't part of the cosplay community until you cosplay.

>> No.21241008
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I kind of expected that, all communities are like that. I guess I leave it, though. I like kigus, but I don't know if I'd get into kigging myself. That and I don't want to come across as creepy/a creeper.

>> No.21241799

Remember when kig was just 3D waifus, I want those days back.

>> No.21241848

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

>> No.21242190

Wouldn't get discouraged from interacting just because of this.
Plenty of people don't own a kig and are in the kig community. Kigs always need Photographers anyway.

>> No.21242472


What I meant with this is do it on your own.
People say they need photographers but the whole drama above is related to someone borrowing someone else a camera (instead of inviting the photographer themselves) and not telling a meetup was happening.

Kigus just care about other kigus unfortunately, and that's part of the reason of why the community is so small.

Oh and the ones that say they care about you often want just to dump their garbage into you.

It's sad, but I don't think it's even a kig only problem, I feel as if it also extends to cosplay, or maybe general life.

People only care about you if you have things to offer them.

>> No.21242631
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This was never true

Source: https://twitter.com/Miyuchankig/status/1121828358218768385

>> No.21244707
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>> No.21245811
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>> No.21246179

Oddly relatable. Despite how much effort kig takes, some people olny care about the sexual side.

>> No.21246184


>> No.21246450

that asswipe karina was shit talking you to his inner circle jerk friends as you were talking to him.
you are a fucking idiot if you think he cares about anything you say

>> No.21246934
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>> No.21247047

>People only care about you if you have things to offer them.
Not new information. You can't trust any of these people.

>> No.21247078

Jokes on you I pretty much dont involve my self in kig politics anymore cause its dumb shit over plastic anime heads and its stress over nothing. That's why theres mods and other shit in the discord. I just wanna do lewd shit lmao

>> No.21247269
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>> No.21247490

That's like humanity works in general tho, there is no point of hanging out with people you don't have anything in common with, it's a waste of time and money.

>> No.21248580
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>> No.21248585
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>> No.21249227
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>> No.21249228


I wasn’t talking to them but the community in general.

If they felt personally attacked, well, then you know it’s a valid criticism.

The discord started as “let’s help people because information wasn’t available” and some fucker made everyone agree with the idea of “a discord for kigus by kigus” which is completely in opposition of the original idea.

And somehow people are unable to see this and don’t understand why the server is dying.

Ah yeah it’s because of me, I singlehandedly killed it with drama, apparently. God damnit, I feel pleased when they explain it like this, because I feel like I’m sort of a comic book villain or some shit.

>> No.21249229

only fembois and girls should be allowed to kig

>> No.21250232

>implying the server is only for kigs
yo w0t, a big majority of the server isn't even kigs

>> No.21250242

Yeah, the only thing you killed is the kig threads here with still not shutting up with your MEMEMEMEMEMEME

>> No.21250272

ok this is some weird shit

>> No.21250317


Who are barely active. That being said, can be argued Pareto principle, but also who are being pushed back from talking. Since my ban activity measured by posts has been sharply declining, this is, in my opinion, due to the vision of creating a server focused more on kigs and not the general community winning in the mod team. This vision makes the decisions being took to improve the server backfire on itself.


Sure dude, but they've been more active than ever. You and hundred other folks just want me to shutup. I'm not even complaining about my ban and shit, honestly at this point it's irreversible. Just trying to bring light into issues the community has been facing.

Of course, no one is going to listen and people will engage in self-destructing behavior because those problems are being pointed by me.

>> No.21250815

So it's okay to lie to and manipulate people, like what happened to Jake? That just reduces people to tools. Did Bio only see Jake as a means to an end, a source for a free camera to borrow?

It's okay to use people, as long as they're annoying and beneath you. That makes me sick.

>> No.21250853


I kinda agree with that. Bio was that close of being a complete sociopath, and he should be called out on it.

>> No.21251288
File: 34 KB, 407x210, IMG_20170612_020644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less talk more kig pics
Drama is boring

>> No.21251545

What's the sauce on this kohai?

>> No.21252119

>but they've been more active than ever
~30 image posts made by basicly only myself and what feels like 100 posts of you drama whoring, totally active. Nobody wants to post anymore because you always derayl to attention whore how mean the world is to you.

>> No.21252127

says the sociopath

>> No.21252133 [DELETED] 

Baidu aka nothing you will have access to, I can't include sources for what is basicly a chinese forum where direct post links aren't a thing.

>> No.21252197

>due to the vision of creating a server focused more on kigs and not the general community
Which never happend, else 80% of the server wouldn't be OT channels with only a little section for kig.

>> No.21252204

>they've been more active than ever
>You and hundred other folks just want me to shutup
must be great to have a thread about kig that's only activity is people wanting you to stfu

>> No.21252207
File: 88 KB, 580x775, 37d12f2eb9389b5066e5980f8b35e5dde7116e50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why the janitors should ban him, he contributes nothing but OT drama.

>> No.21252299
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>> No.21252388
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>> No.21252416


Precisely, nothing better than a sociopath to recognize another.

>> No.21255618
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>> No.21256131
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>> No.21257891
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I'll just leave this here

>> No.21258885
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Source: https://twitter.com/baidaoshan/status/1122775756369580032

>> No.21259977
File: 308 KB, 1366x2048, 456dff5332dssa24rffea3454fhtds322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess photography would be a good way to contribute to the community. I'm not sure kigging is popular in my country, though. I'd probably have to go abroad for that.

While I prefer silk or satin gloves, those ones look really nice. I absolutely love Tamamo's fluffy tail, too! I want to snuggle it!

Cute! The Mashu one, especially.

>> No.21260360
File: 157 KB, 800x1200, D5SSCm3UIAE221A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source: https://twitter.com/zhengwanliS/status/1122682915043725312

>> No.21260511

Ain't how the place works, never did, never will. This has its advantages, in that this place is safe from some degree of tyrannical forum moderation.

But also some disadvantages, as you now see.

Only way to get rid of 'em is to ignore~
and block the trip. It's really not that hard

>> No.21261119
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 59325898_892324881115971_8459044321193099264_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pilot Jenny of the Righteous Indignation, reporting for duty, Captain!

>> No.21261125
File: 36 KB, 640x640, 58542832_892620414419751_3464060582158663680_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The view behind Jenny. To show how big her hair is

>> No.21261146

Fuck off with furry shit.

>> No.21261311


I could be a complete ass and not use a trip too. Think about it.

>> No.21261545

He wouldn't be the first banned person tho

>> No.21261560
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>> No.21261719


I feel like anything I post is gonna be summed as drama, even if it's just simple comments on stuff.

I don't wanna feed my own paranoia as much as it is right now. Maybe I should just quit for a while.

>> No.21263655
File: 87 KB, 440x660, 006H0yTkly1g2ku26ojmyj30zk1hc196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21264978 [DELETED] 

you make it interesting... and you also keep the asshat twats SZ mods in line.

>> No.21266712
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>> No.21267573
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>> No.21268235

Have any of you ever had sex while wearing your kig?

>> No.21269391

Who was the Lollipop Chainsaw kig again?

>> No.21269702
File: 175 KB, 801x1200, D5ckg-GXoAEzUHp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source: https://twitter.com/tsukasa_uduki/status/1123406788219424769

>> No.21269718 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 956x1364, 3208005a3adaf49b5aeabd60243df560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one, there are like 3.
That one would be Cody Nakamura.

>> No.21269725
File: 172 KB, 800x1200, Cy0vWWPVQAAAnBW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one would be alex07251200

>> No.21269739
File: 189 KB, 956x1364, 3208005a3adaf49b5aeabd60243df560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one yuzuko16

>> No.21269839
File: 109 KB, 440x662, 8113112aly1g2m7r0poh1j23344n4kjt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21272125
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>> No.21272603
File: 330 KB, 1365x2048, 1d352dwscfr1342ghyrd355ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cuddle those bed covers!

>> No.21275041
File: 503 KB, 2048x2048, 2552resfgtew24442_33#$32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have more pics of cute kigus with fluffy fans like the pic above? That or pics of kigus wearing poofy dresses like ballgowns and wedding dresses?

In return, here's a very comfy kigu.

>> No.21275345
File: 193 KB, 600x901, 7449f820gy1g2n9oev02jj20u01921kx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21276479
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>> No.21278097
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>> No.21278104
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>> No.21278192

smol and tol

>> No.21280253

This is so funny and I don’t know why.

>> No.21281967


>> No.21284487
File: 41 KB, 450x625, DXReS8cVQAAfNRx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21286814
File: 81 KB, 1200x800, D5qEAGEUYAUAFVz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source: https://twitter.com/nikkorfun/status/1124356557032939520

>> No.21286848


>> No.21288132

See bottom right of the image.

>> No.21294093
File: 59 KB, 440x587, 99bd90b5ly1g2pn65vtcmj21w12iphdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21298270

We're in a dire need of more hard hair kig makers.

>> No.21299024
File: 93 KB, 600x800, tumblr_n8roch8wMZ1r66h7yo9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dose anyone know if their mask are still being made?

>> No.21300766

Sigma is as alive as usual.

>> No.21300772
File: 380 KB, 1024x683, 8f5118f4gy1g2rw8pf2q9j264w43che1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21301654
File: 98 KB, 864x1296, D54mEV2VUAAt-nE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look in the mirror
>see this
What do?

>> No.21301689


>> No.21301769

Wonder why I'm wearing a different kig.

>> No.21301816
File: 34 KB, 640x640, 59204013_894991657515960_3196973896213463040_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Never seen a bunny girl before?

>> No.21301968


>> No.21301979

But you realize you are gagged, what do?

>> No.21301986

I’ve seen bunnygirls, BUT THIS. IS NOT IT.

>> No.21302000
File: 277 KB, 1536x2048, 7859ACB7-528E-45D5-8CFB-CD88DEFD22FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21302017


>> No.21302547


>> No.21303012

Is nikkorfun female?

>> No.21303134

She got irl photos up on her Twitter anyways, most bjd kigs are.

>> No.21306275
File: 96 KB, 1024x680, 0070Bb0Ogy1fzj06rqe60j31960u0e84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can find the porn/lewd shit that the owner of Lupa's mask is up to? All I have to go off of is this image.

>> No.21306686
File: 59 KB, 440x725, 00732IH1ly1g2sqbh5w6tj31vy340npd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21306697

That's not Lupa but the Raigeki bootleg that makes porn and that one you need to pay on Weibo.

>> No.21307612

Gotcha. Do you know the name of this person? I'm trying to find them on Weibo, but no luck.

How do you even search for this stuff on Weibo anyway?

>> No.21307664
File: 31 KB, 480x477, 1557260501487[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21308497

Username is Yogore but all his posts but the one your picture is from is private/restricted. Weibo is really tiring to use, you won't find people unless they happen to post under #kigurumi#.

>> No.21310601


>> No.21311847
File: 225 KB, 1080x1440, b3c2d6f9d72a60592501865f2634349b023bbaab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21314700
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>> No.21314707
File: 124 KB, 440x660, a17b07ccgy1g2pohh5na9j243c64wkk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21317559
File: 46 KB, 440x660, 006XwLB5ly1g2v1r0xqnvj30u019042t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21317749

wud fuk

>> No.21317970
File: 188 KB, 690x1035, 865eada6gy1g2u0y5tcgkj20u0190e8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21319716
File: 222 KB, 801x1200, D583Sd0UIAABaVF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source: https://twitter.com/tsukasa_uduki/status/1125679230681960448

>> No.21323550
File: 69 KB, 440x880, 006jtsABly1g2wn2ipouxj31z43y8e82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21326802
File: 637 KB, 1957x1000, have a nice day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rewatched an old music video and notice this kigu in the crowd.
Remembered her as some kigu idol I believe but her name escaped me

>> No.21327860
File: 250 KB, 960x1280, thumbnail_IMG_0192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are breast/hip paddings degenerate? 99% satisfied but looking for a nice scarf to match my aesthetic. Going for Sith Jellyfish.

>> No.21329757

It's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minami_Momochi

>> No.21329766

Nah, just considering a lot of cosplayers use those nowadays.

>> No.21330801

I think hip pads would work well on you
But take this from a rando from the internet

>> No.21336328
File: 143 KB, 690x920, 007D6RPHly1g2xa1mxr4wj33dm4i4qvg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21338930
File: 410 KB, 2048x1365, 6B65F951-46AD-44E4-86B8-3AE7E839BFAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21339136

Cute boi

>> No.21341503


I kinda miss ShameZone and been really down these last couple of days. Wish things could be reverted. Yare.

>> No.21342280
File: 416 KB, 1024x1536, 005E4EnVly1g2zmlh7i9rj30u0190qv6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21347068
File: 663 KB, 2725x4096, D5uzNJUUUAAjtKg.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21347162

kigs kinda spook me

>> No.21347208
File: 384 KB, 1080x1620, 7b8135b5gy1g315vw0u5uj20u0190u0x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21347799

Then why u here?

>> No.21348383

Step one: Kigs spook me
Step two: Okay, that one is kind of cute
Step three: Damn, there are a lot of cute kigs
Step four: Jerking off to kig porn
Step five: Blowing your paycheck on plastic anime heads

>> No.21348872
File: 54 KB, 580x937, e8b60d087bf40ad1951fdd56592c11dfabeccede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21348918

still run by fucktards like Azi, Karina and Renko

>> No.21349109


Let them be, idc. I just wanted to talk with people and be able to talk about things that are happening.

Feels like shit when you’re repeatedly left out and rejected.

inb4 its all your fault Coru.

>> No.21349371

I would suggest you should think about joining the other group since they started off accepting you, but you fucked it up with all of them too.

>> No.21349383


What other group?

>> No.21349543

I just wish this shit was over but I can't move on without a solution.

So chances are without closure I'm going to drag this forever.

>> No.21350059

What I learned from these topics here:

You can't win.

One group is hateful anarchy
Other one is totalitarian and wants all your data.
And don't even start with anything European.

>> No.21350094


It's not really a hateful anarchy. There's nothing wrong with having opinions.

Problem it's running crazy and people let their egos get the best of themselves.

Like I said before this has roots on a stupid idea of running the server from kigs to kigs.

It's idiotic: this idea excludes new people from the whole process. It's a lack of vision.

If it's from kigs to kigs you're necessarily isolating people who are newcomers as they have no say on how things are perceived.

Just see how they ganked up on Jake despite him being the victim on the Bio drama.

This is what is wrong with the "hateful anarchy". It's that these people don't take actions based on what people effectively did, but instead in who they swore allegiance to. Basically if you share lewds, you have a free pass to pull whatever shit you want.

>> No.21350446

On the topic of wrestlingfag. I cant be the only one who still sees that he is pissed about all the drama. Everything he writes on the discord has this angry undertone in it and I dont want him to do an hero at the JPX.

>> No.21350478


That's kinda obvious to be fair.
And yeah, I told some of the mods they need to do something about it but they don't fucking care.

Like even put Bio and Jake to talk with each other would be nice. Seamstress was a complete dick too, and it is very complicated they haven't done shit against them. Not even a public condemnation by anyone.

Instead they blamed Jake for bringing it in public when he's the victim in all this.

>> No.21350506

Jake is really forcing himself to be nice on the SZ. My non-kig Discord account shares some servers with him and there he turned from helpful nice guy to an unlikable dick towards everyone. People on there worry for him but he ignores every DM from anyone and just drinks everyday. I just want to let him cuddle me until he is better and forgets all of this.

>> No.21350647


He doesn't want to end up like me pretty much.

No wonder lots of people are feeling uncomfortable at SZ lately and literally not posting.

People were forced not to be truthful.

>> No.21350899
File: 309 KB, 1536x2048, D6ikAwIU0AE7xJC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gloves gloves gloves

>> No.21351102


Go. See. A. Therapist

>> No.21351134


No, I don't need it.
The toxic assholes who enable bigotry in the server that need it.

>> No.21351280

4chan, where everyone toxic knows exactly what is wrong with everyone else that they don't like.
Hate just for the purpose of hate will get you nowhere and just hated by those communities.

>> No.21351324


You can choose to ignore it.
It's still gonna be true.

Activity is falling in Shamezone. Less and less people.

I don't need to say no more.

>> No.21351449


And I'll name them:
Renko who is uncapable of being a decent person and properly function as a moral human being.

I have lack the ability of functioning taking in consideration others emotions but at least I'm not immoral and proto-nazi like them.

>> No.21351681

I know he's the victim, but he's for some reason still dumb enough to hang out with Bio. He literally got told they're not real friends and that he used him. Despite that he still talks about how big the others dick is

>> No.21351861

The audacity to slander my name with wild accusations without any backing.
Fuck you, asshole.

>> No.21351879


Audacity? How many times on /pol/ you were there defending people saying the n-word was okay?

>> No.21351884


Btw on #pol

>> No.21351888


It would be a slander if it was false. It isn’t though.

People all wanna say this, but instead they come to me because they feel like you guys will start warning and banning them for talking about your bigotry.

>> No.21351903

You don't even have to say mean words, but even defending people saying them makes you a proto-nazi?
When did you became such a crybaby SJW, Coru?

>> No.21351907

Ever heard of context you dumb retard?

>> No.21351908


Since thinking racism is not okay?

>> No.21351912


I lived to see the day all the correct and nice mods in Shame Zone would defend racism because "context matters".


>> No.21351916

Probably because he begged Renko to be let back and Renko said no.
It's not a coincidence that Coru attacks one mod in particular every thread.

>> No.21351917


Renko has blocked me ages ago lol. I can't even ask them.

>> No.21351921


I just think they're a bigot for having the opinion they had. And I'm gonna say it because a bunch of people agree with it but they're too fucking scared of calling Renko out because they're afraid Norako will come with the big stick and punish them for offending mods.

Thanks for banning me guys, this freed me to say the shit I think without regrets.

>> No.21351938

So Coru has this villain of the week thing going on? Gotcha.

>> No.21351950

If you are too delusional to tell the usage of a word apart from racism, you are indeed without help.
I have him blocked everywhere so I don't have to open up a random website to be accused of racism or trying to burn jews or whatever.
He begs to others like a dog tho.

>> No.21351955


God I'm so glad of being able to say "told you so" that this was going to happen.

Told you so that you would become a corporate circlejerk that only cares about each other mods instead of fucking doing the right thing.

The rules were put in place to control yourselves from doing shit, and all you wanna do now is get rid of it because it stops you from doing the corporate crap you wanna do it.

Yes, continue pushing forward for SZ merch, stupid renames and other stuff people don't want.

Continue pushing for corporate agendas that benefit kigs at the expense of other people.

It's gonna work guys, activity won't drop.

>> No.21351962


Go ahead, Renko. Defend your bigotry. Surely it'll look good in front of others.

I don't give a fuck. People agree with me. They came to me and pointed this shit you were pulling.

I'm just bringing it into the public eye.

>> No.21351977


To be fair, I'm fucking glad you are defensive. It means you don't wanna fix your shit.

Which is great, it'll take the server down together with you. I mean that's what I always wanted right?

>> No.21351993


PS: Ramona assuring people that they can leave being a mod is not to be associated with you Renko.

In case you didn't notice.

>> No.21352040

Wow you are a delusional piece of shit, m8.
Banning someone like you, who can't be trusted to not shit in the bed was exactly right.
I'm also probably never going to consider anything you say as truth or even truthful.

Anyone else who has issues with SZ or whatever can come to SZ and complain there.

>> No.21352071

As far as I remember its an inside joke between the nazis that Bio gets cucked by his own dick. Wrestlingfag probably tried to turn that shit into an insult but failed because he is a fucking idiot. And yeah if he still hangsout with him its his own fault.

>> No.21352101

You are fucking dumb, suck my fucking dick.

>> No.21352270


Someone trying to copy my name cant even tripfag right lol

>> No.21352279


k Renko.
I can’t change your mind.
It’s not about your mind though.

>> No.21352292


To be fair, I gave up on trying to change anyone's mind.
You guys will always say I'm the one shitting on the bed while it's you saying that "it's okay to say the n-word".

>> No.21352306


You literally made yourself worse than Coru. It's laughable really, because I'll never be close to a racist or racist enabler like you guys.

But hey, what matters in the end is that Coru was big meanie and said we would turn into a circlejerk, exactly as it happened.

I don't need for you to believe what I say it's truth or not, it is simply truth whether you like it or not.

Just enjoy it while you continue to lose activity in the server.

>> No.21352444
File: 639 KB, 499x670, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21352463

Right... Come complain at SZ where the hugbox of admins/mods and delusional followers can gang up on you and eventually ban you.

No thanks. If I go there all I'll find is a bunch of annoying posts with your whole "Vanko" crap in every channel. Fucking shoot me.

Also I remember seeing that you're the type of fairy to prohibited people from saying "nigga". Even if it's in non-racial/non-hateful ways. Like "My Nigga".

>> No.21352524

So Renko is forbidding people from saying nigga while at the same time protecting people who say nigger which is totally consistent and believable.
Coru is dying on a muh racism hill like some sort of sjw saint, because he just might be the most unbearable toxic person this side of internet but at least he's no racist. Peak autism gratz.
Honk honk.

>> No.21352547
File: 284 KB, 919x1398, D5ME-QdUwAEIDmU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21353036

coru get a new hobby

>> No.21353144

>Activity is falling in Shamezone. Less and less people.
Just like over here like every summer. There are people that go to cons in summer, you know?

>> No.21353168
File: 69 KB, 580x773, 21a4462309f79052039de68a02f3d7ca7acbd580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21353172
File: 68 KB, 440x660, 006jtQUdgy1g32evgajcpj30u0190e89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21353258


Lovely gloves!

>> No.21353728

Not everything european, just TAC is terrible.

>> No.21353754

And things were going so well here too

>> No.21353935


Look at the posts per month graph... It's falling continuously since November last year.

But it's summer only guys.

>> No.21353939 [DELETED] 

Also they said they will remove #pol in an effort to ban less people.

It'll ban more people.

>> No.21353971

Also, you guys did the right thing by getting rid of #pol.
It's what I wanted and what everyone wanted.
So I just create drama in 4chan for you guys to do what I want.
Thanks for negotiating so quickly and conceding to the demands of a terrorist.

Unfortunately you'll end up banning more people because you're a bunch of dicks and that will backfire.

>> No.21353973


Not because of #pol or political discourse that needs out of an anime server, but because you guys can't hold the fucking trigger and hate each other.

>> No.21353994

Also, not everyone in Shamezone is racist.
Just Renko, Vanron and the people they protect with the discourse "it's just a meme guys".

>> No.21353998

No, I was against banning the word from the start, we did it anyways for a time since people were bitching about it.
imo banning certain words no matter the context is retarded because whoever is unironically racist will just use any other word.
We had both banned and now both unbanned.
I remember 4chan throwing a fit when someone said nigga is friendly tho.
There are way more discord servers about kig than before. Obviously people would just go to what fits them most or is most relevant to them.

>> No.21354021


Sure, context matters in that sense.
Yet you multiple times let clearly racist in any context memes slide and kept saying "I don't think it was racist" despite the outrage.

People were pissed specifically about you.
And no they'll never talk to you about it because they fear you just doing what you did to me, not listening and saying they are a big meanie.

>> No.21354033


And because the mods are seen as corporate interests everyone thinks you're into this together. So no one complains to the mods in fear of outrage because your *actions* matter more than you saying *its fine guys im okay*.

Wanna fix it? Create sort of an ombundsman role without any mod powers. So people have someone to complain.

Taking suggestions from Coru is a no, no though.

>> No.21354105


I'm just fucking tired of playing that role because you guys can't make people trust you.

I played this role before, and I continue to play, and you guys keep saying I need to move on and get healthy yet every single fucking week someone comes and complains about me about the SZ.

I can't fucking be quiet and let it slide, I see a problem and I fix it.

>> No.21354187
File: 59 KB, 1024x377, youloseswitzer775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop namefagging you faggots

>> No.21354265


Nah problem is solved now. Post kigu.

>> No.21354333

>I don't want to come across as creepy/a creeper
so long as you're willing to jack off your bros while you're in the kig, you're cool.

>> No.21354370
File: 183 KB, 1200x800, Silica ALO 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21354680
File: 146 KB, 768x1024, B1Y3d5lCQAAE0oE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i literally dont give a shit about your discord

but the whole fucking word drama makes me want to chip in as a separate voice

depending on the atmosphere of the chat or whatever you really should consider just banning offensive words such as that

the "well people will just find ways to be racist in other ways" argument doesn't mean jack shit you're basically saying to anyone who cares that you're willing to let shit slide and that will slowly push more and more people away

now shut the fuck up and post kigurumi you fuckwads

>> No.21354751


Basically the whole thing is: they're letting a lot of shit slide and no one has balls nowadays to call it the mods because they warn you if you're offensive towards them.

Norako and Renko are particularly special snowflakes in that sense from my perception of their track record.

Renko by their stupid defense of racist memes because context matters even when it doesn't, and Norako for the bullshit they pulled with OTE (punishing him for saying "fuck you" to them when they started being lazy about fixing some issue).

Feel free to disagree.

>> No.21354758


Also for fucks sake, Karina and Azi, find some mods people can trust or find someone to hear the complaints that people trust and then that person can forward it to you.

Just don't fucking let them come to me. I'm pissed off because the Jake drama had to come to my ears. I'm pissed off because the racist drama had to come to my ears. You always say that I need to move on but you always fuck up and let shit spill in me because you can't fucking fix it.

I don't want people coming to me to complain about your fucking server, especially because I'm gonna get angry again and shit will spill everywhere.

Fix your goddamn shit, thanks.

>> No.21354958
File: 212 KB, 808x1077, IMG_8859---2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cute Rin and ignore dumb drama

>> No.21354961
File: 42 KB, 599x803, iris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21355313

Fuck this shit I feel terrible for cracking in public like I did.
I apologize for people watching the meltdown.

>> No.21356374
File: 33 KB, 696x385, FinnaBased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21356618

Holy shit, I should shut up and not pollute these thread but you keep fucking over.

Renko just do a favor and step down. You’re not fit to be a mod.

The petty tiranny syndrome over Miria was ridiculous. Miria is still a kig photographer and deserved the role. The mods should have immediately call your behavior out.

I know for gods sake that I put you in a delicate spot by saying all the shit I said (which I still believe in and so do others), but you to react in this way, being petty and claiming people that you were hurt and shit just to act that petty with Miria (despite Miria being a dipshit they still deserve fair treatment).

Just fucking step down and go have gay fun with kigu with your boyfriend Vanron. Being a mod isn’t doing anything good for you, and I mean for real.

I thought very early on that you were not fit for this shit when you were a dick to me and sent the faked screenshots to convince the mods to ban me but today was the fucking last drop. You let your personal grievances get in the way of being a mod.

For the good of everyone, even you, step the fuck down.

>> No.21356640


And now we have a fucking debate over trans people shit.

That's the bigotry I was calling out.

Just fucking stop people. Just fucking stop.

>> No.21356833
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>> No.21356844
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>> No.21356864

This whole thing is pretty easy to break down desu. It's a narrative Coru has set up.

If SZ mods are against banning bad words, they are racist nazis. If they are banning bad words, they are totalitarian dictators.
Apparently wrongthinkers are kicked out mercilessly, even though the only permabanned guy to this day is Coru... Let these kigu threads work as an evidence why that is.
And coru jumps to whichever side of the argument is convenient for him. He can be a free speech advocate one day and an anti-racist the next as long as it goes against the SZ mod concensus.

There's also rather weird antagonism against certain people, which is all part of the narrative no doubt... the target of which seems to change as time goes on. No doubt it's the Villain of the Week part of Coru's grand story.
It started from Karina and Azi and has since then gone through several people, most of which have usually been mods at that particular time period.
What's funny about this is that even people who have never held actual power in SZ get the role of a saturday morning cartoon villain too. Bio indeed had the camera episode with that wrestling fella, but I can't remeber Vanron being a center in any sortof controversy. It's painfully obvious where this comes from, i.e guilt by association for being Renko's "boyfriend".
Many people there certainly make edgy and stupid jokes, but in this narrative you don't even need to post racist memes to be the hitler. Not speaking against posting them is enough to be branded as such.
Renko, while not the best mod, wasn't a mod when coru got kicked out as far as I recall, but currently he seems to be on Coru's firing line (no doubt his active 4chan posting being partly the reason). Next week it's probably someone else. And when the mods eventually get changed they'll get the stigma too, because they cannot do anything right. The narrative dictates so.

tl;dr coru is fighting windmills in his own fantasy.

>> No.21356895
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>> No.21356936


Yeah I'm a fucking political mastermind. Congrats on discovering my 12d chess.

You know what really happens and explains it more simply: I'm an inconsistent human being with incosistent, middle of the ground beliefs who can't stand shit being done to one another.

I didn't cause the drama with Jake. I didn't cause the drama with Miria. I'm fucking banned. And Shamezone can't stop doing shit.

Just fix your goddamn problems.

>> No.21356957


And fucking stop coming to me in DMs to solve it because you can't fix on your own.

At least when I was there everyone had a fucking huge target to hate. I would say my own bullshit and notice hey maybe I said shit wrong and backpedal the shit out of it (and this was interpreted as, mind you, being a dick), and not as to reach consensus, because well, I am a fucking failure as a person and not nice. I have my own ego.

These people tho, as soon as I leave, have a drama happening every fucking week. I am not there anymore to influence any of their shit.

Hell, they can also always ignore 4chan and shit.

>> No.21356978


You know why? People keep saying I'm all me, me, me, but in the end it's not only fucking me it seems.

Look at the shit today. Literally easiest thing to fix, just warn the people saying attack helicopter memes.

No, what happens instead, a bigot mod argues about free speech because Fumi gets offended (and Fumi can't be right), and the other mods because they don't wanna look bad for the team and say "you are wrong sir" don't do shit either.

And the bigot mod has no problem in warning people if necessary for their agenda.

So yeah fuck it.
And Vanron was a dick to me and is a fucking bigot in case you're wondering. So yeah, I'm spiteful AND pissed off with their latest behavior.

>> No.21357023
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>> No.21357855
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>> No.21360127

What did Van do?

>> No.21360245

>Holy shit, I should shut up and not pollute these thread


>> No.21360255
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>> No.21361195

I apologized to Miria for unfair treatment, just btw.
They accepted it.

>> No.21361489


Good. That's cool to hear.

>> No.21361645

Glad I'm not into this furry fetish so I don't have to suffer from the presence of drama queens like you


>> No.21361864


Okay mate, you do you! Don't hold yourself back if you want to do stuff, simply don't listen to me then. You don't have to engage with me.

>> No.21361997


dont speak to me

>> No.21363071

I'm into it but just ignore them.

>> No.21363207
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>> No.21364956
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>> No.21365642
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>you will never be this sexy

>> No.21366541

>wanting to be sexy
>not wanting to be cute and cuddly
Kek what a bitch.

>> No.21367911

Hip pads are suitable here, as do anything that adds volume to your legs.

>> No.21368010

hoo quot

>> No.21368633
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>> No.21368646
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>> No.21368669
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>> No.21369312

uuuu la-la

>> No.21369706
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>> No.21372102
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>you will never wear these breasts as natural as she does

>> No.21372979
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Does anyone know where to get this type of suit

>> No.21373005

Love kirigumi

>> No.21373499
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>> No.21376527


>> No.21376540
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>> No.21378035

anyone knows a good kig fan artist on twitter?
as far as i know it just


too lesser extent


>> No.21378492

Didn't you mean "grow" ?

>> No.21380133
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>> No.21380357

