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File: 327 KB, 1340x809, 6b24538a6731f60ed12969e6f9dc1fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21211473 No.21211473 [Reply] [Original]

Old: >>21114457

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Elona+ Custom-G Release Thread:

>Omake Overhaul English Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona+ 1.89 (2019-04-20)
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2018-12-14)
>Latest Custom:
E+C 1.89.1 (2019-04-20)
Elona+ Custom-G (2019-04-21)
Omake Overhaul EN Hack final release (2018-12-14)

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.
Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

>> No.21211653
File: 132 KB, 512x512, 1536113019773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for sister

>> No.21211790

Does anybody knows how cheer and rubbing scale? I don't if I should spam those or just use takstock

>> No.21212434

I know offhand that Boost (Rubbing) gives a good percentile bonus. Not sure about Hero/Speed (Cheer) offhand, but they're probably the same.
I've never actually used a taktstock, so I don't know how it stacks up.

>> No.21212467

thanks, and do you happen to know how much does the boost last?

>> No.21212685

Boost from Rubbing only lasts a few turns as I recall. Cheer's buffs last longer. You can see the durations if you target your pet.

>> No.21213823

Does Custom-G include any of the new ranch changes? I'm not sure if I want them at all.
Like benefiting from checking more often up but only up to once a month sounds pretty nice. And toggles for breeding and production sound great.
But sickness, satiation, and disinfectant sound like tedious garbage, at least for a side task within a game. I wouldn't mind stuff like that in say, Harvest Moon, where it's part of the main gameplay. But in Elona, well, no.
I just don't know.

Kind of funny they fixed the arena stuff right after G did though.
And they finally fixed snowman making so the Tweak isn't needed for that, but I'm glad it's there because thrown items in my [t] list would be annoying.

>> No.21213967

>Does Custom-G include any of the new ranch changes?
Some of the changes (breeding/production toggles, brushed livestock sparkling) should be in by default, the rest can be enabled with the "Harvest Moon mode" gameplay tweak.
>Kind of funny they fixed the arena stuff right after G did though.
Was some unusual timing there, yeah. I can say that Ano didn't do a simple copy/paste, though; he used a value of -1 for the temporary mode instead of 50.

>> No.21213982

>Some of the changes (breeding/production toggles, brushed livestock sparkling) should be in by default, the rest can be enabled with the "Harvest Moon mode" gameplay tweak.
Oh whoa neat. You did it the best way possible with an incredibly fitting name.

>> No.21214090

Any idea what the services/brothel star or whatever is called feat in OOM does? notepad help file doesnt exactly say it

>> No.21214429

I accidentally turned my character into a manlet, is there any way to increase height?

>> No.21214486

Is any particular melee weapon type good as a compliment for a Gunner, or does it not really matter?

>> No.21214509

Blessed milk

>> No.21215108
File: 46 KB, 371x102, ElonaCG_2019-04-16_03-27-45_Elona+_Custom-G_1.88R.2.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21215179

It should just passively give you better results for prostitution.

>> No.21215931

as in,more money from fucking?

>> No.21215987

In plus? Tonfa/claws will add their damage to your gun's.

In Omake? Shotguns will fire as guns even with bump attacks.

>> No.21216472

Is there a difference between using one shotgun or equipping two shotguns? in Omake? on hand slots i mean

>> No.21217402

Can you dual wield all ranged weapons? Or just certain guns like shotgun/pistol?
I'd assume bows wouldn't work. But crossbows and other guns should, right?

>> No.21217787

Guns work with duel wield in Omake same as anything else. Dual wield is better in Omake due to a lack of nerfs and that the +x enchants boost skill level, not damage. I have no idea if it works with bows/crossbows, it might.

>> No.21218220
File: 248 KB, 351x421, Level 100000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's the highest dungeon level anyone has gotten to?

>> No.21218246
File: 553 KB, 709x472, ElonaCG_2019-04-22_14-29-28_Elona+_Custom-G_1.88R.2.3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely not that high, for sure.
I play it far too safe and do almost nothing but grind. Highest level monster I've beaten was only 505.

>> No.21218249

Oh nevermind, anyone, as in record, not personally. I'm sorry.
That's crazy high as it is though.

>> No.21218273


I would like to know the game's limits, but I'm somewhat curious about individual records too.

Dungeon bosses cap out at 8332, so once you can take them, there is no further danger dungeons can offer. You'll be free to scale the DL as high as you have the patience.

The strongest mobs in the game spawns during panic/challenge quests, and are lv11110.

>> No.21218281
File: 538 KB, 694x395, Level 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reference Pic.

>> No.21218328

How do you even get something that high into an ally?
Does dominate scale that well? Or can you make crazy high level monster balls?

>> No.21218358

>Dual wield is better in Omake due to a lack of nerfs
You're talking about the nerfs that were removed in Custom-G ages ago?

>> No.21218383

You can't dominate scaled enemies, you might be able to monster ball them, but monster balls don't generate beyond 200. I guess astral light pen might work?

>> No.21218412

Doesn't astral light pen only copy the base mob, skipping out on increased levels and whatnot?

>> No.21218415

Dunno. It might not be possible to catch a leveled mob like that.

>> No.21218435

Ah, that's pic is not an ally. I just used an insight lens.

>> No.21218447

Oh derp, that makes more sense.
Forgot that item exists because it's an uncommon single use consumable.

>> No.21218463

This was a super easy fix:Insight lens is now infinite use

Just comment out //inv(INV_ITEM_NUM, ci)--

under _switch_val == EFFECT_INSIGHT_LENS

>> No.21218538

Holy shit the elona discord server is actually cancer second time I've been banned for wrong think granted I was warned the whole thing is ridiculous nonetheless.

>> No.21218559

>Holy shit discord is actually cancer
ftfy. You should have known better.

>> No.21218574

I Expected better from elona players ig I'm tired of using kik discord is a very good app for chatting with gamers too bad they are mostly retarded.

>> No.21218580

Odd, I've had a completely different experience with the main elona discord. Everyone seems fine and I've been able to talk about whatever.

>> No.21218615

I made a comment about "jew media" in the random tab that is there pretty much for shit posting. It's fine as long as you don't mention anything deemed offensive like a slur or politics even in the random tab.

>> No.21218635

Wait are you talking about the english server or japanese server? cause I was meaning the english one which makes sense now that i think about it...

>> No.21218684

I (linked thread) was talking about the english one with 1500 people in it. It's been pleasant. Haven't had an issue and everyone is very helpful. I'm not a vet of that server, just joined within the last few months.

>> No.21218757
File: 225 KB, 1200x900, wasn't_actually_voltaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21218770

This is pretty true as I see more by the day....desu

>> No.21219064

What did you expect? Discord is more or less a normie platform. You can't really go for offensive "chan humor" and expect not to get banned.

>> No.21219511

Do citizens just disappear forever sometimes, possibly because of the serial killer event or something? I have a quest to turn in but I can't find the citizen to take it to.

>> No.21219585

It shouldn't be forever, but they can be temporarily offed. They might also wonder around or be teleported. If you ever reset the town, that can also break quests.

>> No.21220213

Party Time artifacts aren't dropping for me. I kill the unique guy and they don't drop anything. Did I fuck something up? CustomG

>> No.21220238

Which unique guy? Most uniques don't have artifacts.
Are you still getting their meat, figure, and card?

>> No.21220358

It's something with the version I'm playing. Trying to figure it out

>> No.21220863

Check art.log. Are the fixedarts not generating at all, or are they being generated and just not dropping?

>> No.21220903

I was a dumbass and messed some code up. All good now. Disregard

>> No.21224555

Is there a recommended order for doing the story in act2+? Or is just wandering around and doing whatever quests I come across fine?

>> No.21226557

I'd say don't go in the forest of doggod until you're quite strong, other than that you can probably do whatever.

>> No.21226630

I believe so, yes.

>> No.21226635

Anyone you can talk to should always respawn barring story events like Xabi. Some of the npcs you can't talk to might not respawn.

>> No.21226651

Get the awesome swimwear asap as it is very good and the juere berserkers you have to kill aren't really a big deal. You should also make raising your with AP a priority as that will improve your combat strength more than nearly anything else. The machinery fort is a good one to do early-ish since it's not too high level and the reward is great. The forest of doggod and the chaos forts should come last, they're all much more dangerous than the act 2 final boss.

>> No.21226977
File: 39 KB, 923x590, firefox_2019-04-24_01-10-57_Elona_Omake_Overhaul_EN_changelog_(from_omake)_-_M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears all ranged weapons besides bows work.
Ones more effective at short ranged (shotguns and pistols) will be equipped in the hand slot instead for NPCs. That's the only difference for those two specifically, which should be irrelevant for PC.

>> No.21229752
File: 10 KB, 128x192, 1539638157288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arrive to north tyris
>you arent particularly good at anything,move to derphy to setup your new life
>people here literally pay you all their gold for a single fucking session
>also having sex makes you crazy
seems like a fun place

>> No.21229781
File: 557 KB, 1105x1600, [PB&J][1121]Gokiburi Ginjika 01_v2.zip.page001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's pretty nifty.

Does mind resistance ever stop that going crazy? I usually stop having sex at all by time I get any.
And does this mean I can now fuck my bells of termination, gokiburi, and other such things with cResEle, with no repercussions? I kind of want to fuck my gokiburi now.

>> No.21229830
File: 841 KB, 855x882, 1546479176867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did u do anon

>> No.21230085

Didn't you read? He said he wants to fuck his cockroach pet.

>> No.21230239

Different person.

>> No.21230279

Nothing wrong with that

>> No.21230703

Sorry if this gets asked a lot but which are the best god pets?

>> No.21230804

Defender>the rest

>> No.21230817

The goose and cute fairy are pretty good for utility purposes

>> No.21230829

golden knight is my wife!

>> No.21230939

Second that. Defender lay hands can literally save your life.

>> No.21230980

Or the life of anyone allied to you at that moment, though that's less important. Even when playing with settings for pets to have permadeath, since I'm pretty sure PC has it too then.

>> No.21231041

So wait for Doggod forest and Chaos forts, focus on machine fort area, for the sake of difficulty and reward. Coolio.

I've been focusing on AP for life and speed, and am not really that weak.
More concerned about missables or annoying things from doing things in a weird order than difficulty or level.

>> No.21231598

Is there anything permanently missable on this game? i dont think so

>> No.21231624

I don't think so. As far as I know.
Even missed figures and cards can be wished for if need be. Gwen killcount, which is entirely optional, gets a lot harder past act1 but is still possible. At least in the void, if pitiless doesn't count for some reason.
I'm just unsure about plus's >=act2 story/quests in particular.

>> No.21231671

If you kill to many little sisters, big daddy start spawning less, that might count. Oh, and certain items, such as palmia's pride, etc, can be dropped and despawn before you identify them.

>> No.21231744

Doesnt the little sister quest usually let you spawn another copy of the item?

>> No.21231761

Only if it's identified first.

>> No.21232230
File: 9 KB, 128x128, 1556089245140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the monster girl sprite sheets in the pastebin the most up to date ones?

>> No.21232456

It absorbs MP from an enemy [#####+] (279) got its first real use outside of passively reducing the need for mana rods.
It ate through a random nefia dungeon boss's MP while it was healing, taking a pixel or two off its health every single hit regardless of whether or not it healed or even moved that turn, and quickly made it overcast to death.
That's nifty.

>> No.21232465

>taking a pixel or two off its health every single hit
*off its MP
You could compare it to the official sprite sheet in your current version/s and see if anything is missing or got added. I don't think any new monsters got added the last couple versions, so it should still be fine.

>> No.21232478

Awesome, thanks.

If shit didn't work and I had to go back to an older version ie. 1.73 to use the sheet I wanted, would I be losing much?

>> No.21232492

There's been a bunch of changes since then, both in + and Custom-G, which you can view in their changelogs.
It would be more worthwhile just to copypaste vanilla sprites over to the monstergirl sheet. If any have been added since, which should be obvious due to being empty spaces when flipping back and forth to check in your preferred image viewer.

>> No.21232498

Thanks. The sheets I want to use are png but the newer versions use bmp, is it enough just to change the format or do I have to change something else to use them with the new one?

>> No.21232512

Open in paint and save as BMP.

Looking at the 1.73 sheet compared to 1.89, though, it's missing quite a few characters. That would require copypasting them over, or copypasting the monstergirl changes over onto the 1.89. Or they'd appear as nothing/garbage whenever they show up.

>> No.21232527

Gotcha, I'll go do that.

>> No.21232543
File: 1.63 MB, 1584x1632, character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already did. Hopefully this works well enough for you.
Disclaimer: I only pasted new plus sprites over. Did not check everything else aligns the same in detail, outside of a cursory glance. And definitely did not create any new monster girl sprites.
Just a lazy patch to make things show for sure. I drastically prefer plus's normal spritesheet.

Also kind of confused as to why the duck's duplicate in the bottom right is replaced with a hamburger in the monstergirl set, did that anyway.
And I'm pretty sure one of those sprites, the plane thing, was moved to the interface.bmp and replaced with an armoured creature.

>> No.21232567

For future reference is there a way to edit sprite sheets while making sure everything is properly aligned when you copy/paste something over?

>> No.21232584

I manually align everything. Just by moving them into place.
What was meant there is that I didn't check that the default spritesheet changed any placements of sprites between 1.73 and 1.89. They usually don't, but Iunno. Suppose I could check that too.

>> No.21232598

Ah, I see, thanks.

I remember there being a resource for player sprites, but is there also one where people get monster sprites for these sheets?

>> No.21232655

Mods pastebin, CtrlF "Uploader". There's the site, an autodownloading script, and a pack of handpicked by someone from the uploader and pixiv.
Uploader is uncategorized and has no tags or searching.

>> No.21232678

Great, thanks!

>> No.21232683

Yeah, the only thing that changed alignment was the mimics, and only where they are in the tile, nothing important.

>> No.21232782
File: 1.63 MB, 1584x1632, character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, mimic alignment and monster fixed to match 1.89 for consistency.
Seems the stairs mimc from the monster pack was also 1px off in both x and y. So that's fixed too.
Should totally work right.

>> No.21232803

Is multi armed mutant still good these days if you use the custom-g option that removes the nerf to multi attacks?

>> No.21232829

Cool, thanks. Does anything break if something is off by a pixel or two? Once I get into the game I might start replacing a few myself.

>> No.21233357

No,it only looks bad,and if one is one pixel off chances are others are as well

>> No.21233403

Does anyone know something similar to http://www.geocities.jp/kurororo4/looseleaf/
Looks like the site hosting the PCC maker is gonna die

>> No.21233599

its dead on my end

>> No.21233725

Last I heard it was still good in regular plus. You just have to put diablo and rankis in your first two hands because you can't miss during a time stop.

>> No.21233942

Is a pure caster viable?

>> No.21234341


magic dart -> crystlal spear/magic ball -> ice/lighting spells with izzy's 2nd god reward + ele scar/wet status -> meteor

Is the recommended progression.

For buffs, enhances spell maxes at1500 for 2x power, and use divine wisdom and resolution hand for extra magic. You can also get the three "it combines" enchants for some extra damage/status effects.

>> No.21234520

Are inner gods in OO stronger than custom? i mean stat and ability wise,as you lack AP and the boosts of custom

>> No.21234549

Only Ehekatl has an inner god in base Elona, unless omake added them as well. And there's nothing on the wiki about it.

>> No.21234585

So can she be considered the final bonus boss basically? very well

>> No.21235039

If it's off by a pixel or two then it bleeds over into other sprites. Which causes some lines of garbage whenever those ones show up.
For the stairs, since it was +1px in x/y, it would be a long line on the left side of the treasure ball mimic, a long line on the top side of the sprite below it, and a dot on the upper left side of the one to the bottom right.
Nothing too serious, just ugly and annoying as heck to see if you're sensitive to problems.

It's easy to configure a 48x48 grid in any tolerable image editor to avoid that. Not sure about paint.

>> No.21236829
File: 316 KB, 663x444, elonacg_2019-04-25_20-37-31_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.1.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, living weapon claws don't exist, right? They're considered shields primarily or something? Though with offensive enchantment boosts, and without the casting penalty.
I kind of wanted one for a resist stick that actually gives accuracy/damage to ranged. But it doesn't seem possible.
Kind of a shame since even babby stones can be alive.

Also, is there a reason for Custom and Custom-G's EXEs to be lowercase for 1.89? Just consistency with elonaplus.exe?
I don't mind it, just curious.

>> No.21236913

The compiler only outputs in lowercase, and with this version they added an auto-namer to the source. Previous version would just output as a temp exe.

>> No.21240652

Right, claws and tonfas are like a subtype of shield or something.

>> No.21243460

If I'm making putiporos does the quality of fish I use changes the selling price? or is it the same if I use a tadpole and a whale?

>> No.21244220

Yeah. It's not great in vanilla but it works. In Plus it's top tier. In Omake it has a bit of a rough start like in vanilla, but becomes super powerful later on.

>> No.21244232

The only inner god in Omake should be God inside Ehekatl, and she's weaker than Plus's version of GiE. I hear there's a third form of Ehekatl deep in the void in oomsest, but I don't know many details. Supposedly she can still kill you even through equipment that grants a 100% chance to nullify damage.

>> No.21244298

It's a nice dream that disc. could be something cool/useful but noone can communicate effectively because it's basically twitch chat. So why even use it when on top of that, the Elona disc. is moderated by some salty asshole clique.

I had problems on there as well till months later I left and haven't gone back.

>> No.21244325

Living shields, claws, or tonfas would be insanely broken

>> No.21244411


Not tonfas but it's something

>> No.21244473

Can I use this on an older version of elona+? I'm still on 1.85

>> No.21245032

They'd be overpowered as HELL but not necessarily broken. As in I don't think it would break things mechanically, or even change playstyles much if at all.
Would invokes and stuff even work on them?
Or would it just be some extra damage/hit, and maybe crit/pierce bonus, for martial arts and ranged?

Probably. I'm pretty sure sprites are set by location related to x,y position on the page, and that hasn't changed at all between 1.73 and 1.89. Spots just got filled in and added. It's not really hard to compare official versions and check.

>> No.21245057

>moderated by some salty asshole clique.
That's redundant when mentioning any high paced IRC type chat, whether it be Discord, Twitch, or IRC itself.
Such things have a gravitational pull for sociopathic "people" who demand power to spread ideals through moderation.
Yeah yeah, exceptions. Whatever. They all go to shit or die before they can. The honeymoon phase isn't worth it.

I'm really really glad Elona does not have an internet chat room built into it. It could totally be possible if someone wanted to make it, but I'm REALLY glad it's not a thing.
Unless it does, somewhere. In which case I'm REALLY REALLY glad I missed it.

>> No.21245100

We used to have a world chat I believe. Back when visiting player houses worked.

>> No.21245191

Where's the porn variant?

>> No.21245767

As far as I know picnic baskets are the only recipe where quality affects the result.

>> No.21246654

Is the beautify graphic mod compatible with 1.86?
No missing items or textures?

>> No.21246671

OPs wrong one. I mean't Kais.

>> No.21246702


Never mind. missing shit everywhere.

>> No.21247020

Is tactical nuke any good?

>> No.21247133

It has been a while since I checked, but I think it also has the problem of not scaling that well and an arbitrary damage cap.

>> No.21247159

I see.

>> No.21247580

That small character/item/map1 one?
If I care to get around to it, I'll patch in new sprites/tiles from 1.89. That should still work on 1.86. Could double check 1.86 too, separately.
It's not much work to just do that. Am just lazy.

>> No.21247735
File: 42 KB, 848x486, gimp-2.8_2019-04-27_15-01-11_[character0]_(imported)-173.0_(RGB_color,_1_layer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it would only affect the ball mimic, and only moving it on x instead of x,y would have aligned it better.
But oh well. That's a small alignment issue.

>> No.21247763

I updated the ""No Cameos" Monster Girl Sprite Sheet" to 1.89. I just patched the updates found in this >>21232782


>> No.21247810

Do pets no longer get hungry? I’m trying to feed my pet some herbed food in 1.89 CG to no avail. Haven’t changed any of their settings either

>> No.21247841
File: 46 KB, 599x577, gimp-2.8_2019-04-27_15-24-43_[map1]_(imported)-177.0_(RGB_color,_1_layer)_1584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what? Why is it different?
Okay the best thing to match Beautify's alignment would be to move it -2x,0y and just erase the far left column.

>> No.21247922

Pretty sure the only hunger-related change was livestock getting hungry over time (with a cap to prevent them from starving). Try slowing yourself down temporarily (the Fetter of Earth would be ideal) so that your pet gets more turns relative to you and therefore gets hungry faster from your perspective.

>> No.21247968

>livestock getting hungry over time (with a cap to prevent them from starving)
Does this happen in Custom-G without Harvest Moon Mode on? Maybe I haven't waited long enough.
That could make goose/cutefairy more useful outside of specific dedicated grinding.

>> No.21249176

Nevermind I think figured it out. Pets won't eat items if if there's a stack of it in their inventory, you have to give it to them one at a time. Pretty annoying

>> No.21249235

No, you can give them the order to eat items from their inventory, from the custom AI screen.

>> No.21249797

Shoot I completely forgot about that. Thanks a bunch man

>> No.21250984

It does 1000 damage to everything in a huge area. If you have guts or barrier it can cheese a few things in the early game, but really it's not that useful.

>> No.21251145

why is it after updating to the latest version of custom G my pet will only try to intimidate (and fail) when in pet arenas? she does nothing else and the intimidation always fails, but outside arena she fights completely fine

>> No.21251208

Look at the OP again. Are you sure you have the latest version?

>> No.21251377

that worked, thanks

>> No.21252588

E+ really needs better lategame content.

each skill/attrib should have something cool you could do after you level it to 1000+. right now there's no motivation to grind skills and stats up past a couple of hundred, since you get nothing new except more damage / health.

>> No.21252598


>> No.21254110 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.23 MB, 1509x2000, 1556476080572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is PCC anon still here? i kind of wanna request a PCC unless thats frowned upon here,or something similar to her looks if it already exists

if there was a standard body type pcc and wasnt such a hassle to browse though all the pcc clothing mods i would try to give it a hand myself

>> No.21254846
File: 7 KB, 128x192, Xanna_PCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used all the graphics pack i had laying around and bundled something up myself

if anyone got horns would be appreciated as i couldn't find any at first glance

>> No.21255385

Is going to the weapon shop the only way to make a weapon lighter?

>> No.21255478

Scrolls of flying. Blessed ones cut off 20% of the weight, I believe.
Also works on non-equipment items. Though material changing tools is a better first option.

Equip shops are only really better if you happen to run out of scrolls, want to remove the last stone of weight, or just have a ton of money to blow.

>> No.21255873

Is there any way to make some monies with eggs?

>> No.21256494
File: 395 KB, 758x504, sword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. Basically I've got this thing and I'm wondering if it's worth the effort, I need 15 to stay light and this thing is 14.4

Also, what the hell am I supposed to do besides farm and cook for stats

>> No.21256764


>> No.21256771

You can get light armour up later pretty quickly. The biggest difference between armour weight tiers is casting chance. Only light can get 100%.
If that sword helps you more right now than 100% casting chance would or training light armour does, then go for it, no biggy.
If you're interested in that casting chance then do keep an eye out for scrolls of flying. Check any yellow scrolls you find; just keeping a hold of them till Sense Quality kicks in should work well enough.
Invest in magic shops. Both for flying scrolls for this, and regardless for potions, scrolls, and to a limited degree books.

Go dungeon dive. That's a great source of money, XP, small medals, and random items while you wait for time to pass.

>> No.21256774

That's a really good early game item, but it's not something you'll use long-term and isn't worth investing a lot of resources in.

>> No.21256788

>Also, what the hell am I supposed to do besides farm and cook for stats
Whatever you want to do. Dungeon crawl. Perform. Start a farm, a shop, a ranch, a museum. Become North Tyris's #1 prostitute. Elona is a miserable game if you try to play 100% optimally.

>> No.21257025

>Elona is a miserable game if you try to play 100% optimally.
Not really. It's nothing specific to Elona. You either enjoy playing optimally and minmaxing absolutely everything you can, or you don't. Most people don't.
Considering all the possible factors is quite tiring, but not inherently miserable.

>> No.21257326
File: 9 KB, 212x22, ...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet. The birthday present goes by the host computer's set date.
no dox pls

>> No.21258904

>Not really. It's nothing specific to Elona. You either enjoy playing optimally and minmaxing absolutely everything you can, or you don't. Most people don't.
>Considering all the possible factors is quite tiring, but not inherently miserable.
I love minmaxing and optimal play. But in Elona optimal play means turning off all animations so you can stab a sandbagged monster at lightspeed all night long. Unless you play Plus, then optimal play means farming one billion herbs and herbing the herbs and then surrounding yourself with hungry demons so you can stuff them down your throat as fast as possible.

>> No.21258922

And I love to do that every now and then. The speed of progress is incredibly satisfying even if the gameplay is weird. It's balanced out just right to be progressive but not instant, and it's certainly a nice break from grinding out levels the slower ways.

>> No.21259157

>turning off the animations
thanks for this

>> No.21259423

>Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2018-12-14)
Oh, great news. It's been a while since I visited and I was about to ask what happened to this.

>> No.21260631
File: 10 KB, 128x192, Xanna_PCCV2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think its better now!

>> No.21260643

The download link is down.

>> No.21260678

Which one? Bloodyshade's archive for + and Custom is still up, Custom-G's is still up, Vanilla's official host is still up. I also downloaded both OOENh and oomSEST earlier.
They should all still work.

And on that note, is there any archive for older elonaplus and custom releases? Like as far back as possible. I kind of want to fool around with version testing based on changelogs, but more importantly just want to collect them all.

>> No.21260990
File: 7 KB, 128x192, XannaVer3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed front hair and hair wobbling

>> No.21260991
File: 581 KB, 1030x796, little fairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make her eat? She refuses to grab anything I give her and won't drop any seeds if I give her mix feed.

>> No.21260996

You might be able to force feed her, by throwing the food at here. I think Ano mentioned something like that, but it might only be for pets.

>> No.21261008

yeah it didn't work. Maybe she needs to grow, how does that work anyway?

>> No.21261014

Throw milk at her.

>> No.21261093

txt lang("「そんな得体の知れないものはいらない" + _yo() + "」", cnvtalk("I don't want it. It's too creepy."))
goto *com_inventory_loop

>> No.21261172
File: 918 KB, 1031x796, little fairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already grew the fairy, but she still refuses to get any food and won't produce any seeds from mix feed either, so I don't really think small fairies in a ranch give any seeds.

>> No.21261817

Is there any good pet that can give the wet status on enemies? I want some pets that use electricity (mainly the electric cloud and an electric dragon). Or is there another way pets can reliably cause the wet status?

>> No.21262046

Anything that throws potions, I think the girl's diary summons one, or you could just nab a pumpkin.

>> No.21262395

A water bolt or bubble storm caster would be ideal.

>> No.21262746

have you tried throwing food at her?

>> No.21263729
File: 8 KB, 128x192, Xanna PCC V7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should be the last one,sorry if this doesnt contribute to the thread much

I just wanna put it here as a backup in case something happens

>> No.21264468

I'll just stick to the young lady then, since there doesn't seem to be any npcs that use water bolt or bubble storm until higher levels

>> No.21266019
File: 47 KB, 317x302, 015b23b9888a0bebeb3abf6d8f342c74b237a6f871aca41a554f313515dc76c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gimme lewd pccs right now or i wont be very happy

>> No.21266647

What's a good way to kill a big daddy early? I want a little sister.

>> No.21267250

The stealing its gun thing should still work, assuming you have pickpocketing high enough.
There's also that weird strategy around its movement AI, cornershooting, by having it back up behind a corner by itself every now and then giving you some free turns to heal/buff.

>> No.21268159

Just decided to capture a minotaur and it dealed with the big daddy

>> No.21268163
File: 577 KB, 1027x793, Pets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21269654

I want my goblin to look like a goblin, how do I do this?

>> No.21270960

You can change the sprite, it's in the character.bmp in the graphics folder.

>> No.21271899

it's pretty cute, anon, but why would you use ephemereal 4chan thread as backup, I have no idea.

... on unrelated note, how to switch production/breeding on farm?

>> No.21271929

it's in the desk

>> No.21273263
File: 44 KB, 546x64, elonacg_2019-05-02_01-03-57_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.1.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heck yeah that's a nice stock number.

>> No.21277941

Porn variant wen

>> No.21278060

How does an item with "It grants you knowledge of" work? I'm wearing it but I don't get the skill.

>> No.21278068

It makes the skill stronger, but you still need to learn it.

>> No.21279514

Just started act 2 after putting off the game for a year, any tips?

>> No.21279582

Do the quest for the awesome swimwear. Focus on raising your AP to build up speed.

>> No.21279593

How do I consistently raise AP?

>> No.21279783

Fight high level enemies. The first few floors of the void are really good for being both fairly safe and generous with AP. If you aren't getting any you either need to spend your AP or more likely go after higher level monsters.

>> No.21279846

How do I do that without getting curbstomped?

>> No.21280752

Level stuff up, acquire better equipment/abilities, and make liberal use of roguelike strategy like using consumables and teleporting frequently to get away and heal/buff.
With some preparation you should generally be able to kill things at least 50% higher level than you for most of the early game, mid to end game that scales much better in the player's favor. And that's without autistically grinding with efficiency.
The speed you get from AP (And other things like speed uppers or herb in herbs) will help you a lot.

>> No.21280970

First of all, what are you using to attack? If it's martial arts or magic, just keep at it. Equip the shields, claws, or tonfas that have the best enchantments for you.
If you're using weapons, you should be using a living weapon by now. Good things to put your living weapon levels into are magic element damage and boosting the skill associated with the weapon (eg long sword skill for a lightsaber). If you try to level up your weapon and it doesn't have what you want, boost it by +1 at the blacksmith and check again. You should also have a living ranged weapon in your ranged slot regardless of whether you actually shoot with it. 10 levels of elemental resistances makes a big difference.
Pick up the hypnotism feat if you haven't already. It lets you punch way above your level against lone enemies, and it's good at turning a fight against a group into a series of fights against lone enemies.
If your equipment isn't made of top tier materials like adamantium or rubynus, buy the cheapest material kit for sale in Larna, get a scroll of superior material and a bronze coin, and go visit Garokk the legendary smith. Have him change the material kit, if he doesn't offer the material you want, try again tomorrow.
Are you improving your weapons and armor at the blacksmith? Getting everything up to +5 is cheap and makes a big difference. Go all the way to +15 on items you want to use long-term once you've got money and stardust.

>> No.21281906

Are there any time restraints in this game that I should be aware of? I'm most wandering around aimlessly trying to figure everything out and screw around. Is this the sort of game that I can just leisurely explore everything as the in-game years go by, or are there any ticking clocks with the plot or some mechanic or missable item or something that I should be aware of and need to hurry somehow?

>> No.21282057

There are only three possible time-related issues that I can think of offhand.

1. Ether disease. It very, very slowly builds up in you over time, so you'll need an occasional cure disease potion. (Gather materials in low-level Nefia to find casino chips and play blackjack in Palmia to win them as prizes.)
2. The Etherwind. You'll want to stay close to an inn around the start of every third month so you can get to shelter right away when it starts up.
3. If you own a ranch, you'll want to check it regularly because livestock can get sick and if you're gone for 30 days item production will stop until you clean the ranch out. However, this particular problem is only present in the most recent version of Plus and Custom, and Custom-G makes it optional.

Other than those three things, you can take your time and enjoy yourself.

>> No.21282178

New player here, are all weapon/combat types viable if you stick to them/find good gear for them?

>> No.21282228

Yes, piercing weapons like lightsabers can do about 2-3x more damage, but you'll be fine without that, if you grind more.

>> No.21282318

All weapon and combat types are viable in the sense that it's a grind game and you can always gain more levels. They're not balanced.
In vanilla martial arts and pure magic users aren't recommended. Dual wield is probably a bit better than two hand but they're both good. Pets grow slowly and you're generally better off replacing them than trying to level them up.
In oomsest magic has a rough start like in vanilla but it makes up for it later on. Dual wield is better than two hand in the long run but they're both good. Guns are much better than in other versions. Martial arts is bad. Blessed food makes pets super strong. Sticking with your favorite pet and constantly upgrading both work well.
In plus martial arts and magic outperform other options. It's really easy to get any item type you want, which means you can easily get lightsabers which means long blades are the best weapon type. Two hand does better than dual wield in the long run but they're both fine. Ranged weapons were weak last I played but maybe the new fixity anchor changed that. Pets tend to be very strong and generally you're better off raising low level pets, though there are exceptions.

>> No.21282333

Sweet, thanks for the info

>> No.21284482

I want to do a pet only run, but my autism won't let me do it unless I "earn them", so I wrote some objectives I thought would be funny to do, and for every one I complete I get to have one more pet.

But I'm not sure if theres something else I could add to it that I'm not thinking about right not, these are the challenges:

*Buy a Palace
*Buy Maid Mansion
*10 000 000 gp
*100 000 000 gp
*1 000 000 000 gp

*Performance 150 & Charisma 100
*Weight lifting 150 & strength 50
*Gardening & Cooking 100
*Negotiation 100, Investing 100 & Shop rank 1
*Pv and Dv over 200

*Beat a Big daddy
*Beat Ungaga, tuwen & vesda the fire dragon
*Beat Ebon the fire giant
*Beat ChesNUT golem
*Beat a chaos Fort boss
*Beat one of the neutral god npc's
*Beat up tezcatlipoca
*Beat up the inner gods

*Get Insane book + Wish
*Get all the 8 god statues
*Have Lulwy, yacatect, Jure, Ehekatl & Kumiromi in my house and sleep with all of them at least once
*Have Lulwy, yacatect, Jure, Ehekatl & Kumiromi at love relationship level
*Fuck Shena
*Rank 1 house
*Get Super lure, Jure bodypillow, happy bed & Skeleton key
*Friend with at least 5 adventurers and 1 in soul mate
*10 adventurers at foe & bully at least 3 of them out of the game
*8 shops in the house with at least 150 invest
*Moyer invested at least to 300

*Use 3 evolution hearts
*one ally damage relevant skills to level 150
*Have every instrument get carried by a different ally
*recruit a chaos fort boss


>> No.21284646

>Have Lulwy, yacatect, Jure, Ehekatl & Kumiromi in my house and sleep with all of them at least once
>Kumiromi in my house and sleep
B-But thats a boy, anon.

>> No.21284652

A cute boy.

>> No.21285619

>Ranged weapons were weak last I played but maybe the new fixity anchor changed that
They're still fairly weak. But definitely viable and very convenient. Like there's no spell stock or item charge management required (Optional special ammo aside), and no need to move next to targets at all; you can just wander around and spam/hold [f]ire for anything in sight.
For straight damage yeah, they're still downright shit. But I prefer them for convenience, comfortable grinding.
>With Fixity anchor: ranged attack damage calculations will now also take into account their equipment skill level, making it on par with wielding a heavy weapon two-hand.
Not sure the specific math on it. But in practice it just about doubles my damage. Also seems to make hits more accurate but that could be placebo.
The buff seems to last 24 turns.
The bind blocks movement and even teleporting for that duration. Which is a pretty big tradeoff really.
The SP loss is small and basically negated by worshipping kumiromi.

>> No.21285634
File: 44 KB, 457x107, elonacg_2019-05-04_05-02-08_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.1.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually testing it again, [immobility] only lasts about 5 turns. After that it's only [bind] and I can teleport freely; just not move.
>It does not move to be fixed!

>> No.21286590

Does anyone have a TLoZ Link PCC? If so, do you mind sharing it? Thanks.

>> No.21286714
File: 818 KB, 1302x445, gis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.google.com/search?site=imghp&tbm=isch&q="rpg maker" sprite legend of zelda link

>> No.21287592

I think the changelog mentioned increasing your accuracy. As for the damage increase it multiplies the damage you deal by a number based on your relevant armor skill.

>> No.21287616

Nah, armor skill doesn't do anything when I tested it, I think it just applies the weapon skill twice.

>> No.21288356

It does. You can look for BUFF_SHOOTING_MODE if you want to see the exact increases to damage and accuracy if you want.

>> No.21288459

So it does, I have no idea what when wrong in my first tests, but I can't recreate the problem.

>> No.21288726

Which of the AP feats that you can get are the best? The charm and obstinate ones sound nice.

>> No.21288998

Barrier is better than the rest combined. I'd probably rate obstinate second since supposedly it still helps you earn and avoid crits at 100% health.

>> No.21292279
File: 6 KB, 758x102, notepad++_2019-05-05_02-33-00_EGameRLElonaelonaplus1.89.1.1gsource.hsp_-_N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The accuracy multiplier is now 2x regardless of distance for characters buffed by Shooting Mode.
Seems the accuracy is a flat 200% of the most optimal distance for the ranged weapon regardless of distance, which is an amazing boost for accuracy's sake.

But damage I don't quite get.
>dmgmulti *= 1.5
>dmgmulti += 0.03 * sdata(carmor(cc), cc)
It's definitely +50% at least, but then I'm not sure what the part after that is precisely.
Something about the enemies' armour? It seems used elsewhere for pierce, protect, and casting failure chance, I think.

Tests had it hitting around double on some monsters, so whatever the value is it is significant.

>> No.21292296

I just ran back and tested with 200 heavy armor and 2000 light armor. The multiplier goes up by near +50 points, so it's defiantly boosted by your armor skill.

>> No.21292310

By the player's armor skill? Kind of a weird concept but I dig it.
How much is 50 points though? It seems added rather than multiplied, and 50x0.03 = 1.5. So, at 2000 relevant armor level, it's [a flat 150% increase] separate from and added after the 50% relative one?
That's pretty strong.

>> No.21292350

Here's the relevant numbers:
2d13 + 176 x289.7 with 2000 light armor skill
2d13 + 176 x233.8 with 139 medium armor skill

So it's more like 2000 * .03 = +60 to the multiplier.

>> No.21292357

Oh straight to THAT multiplier, okay that makes more sense.
What's your normal stats without fixity anchor? Like x151.6?

>> No.21292401

I also have hero and clear mind active, but they should apply to the other numbers too.

>> No.21292407

Ah yeah, I accidentally multiplied by .66 rather than dividing by 1.5. 153.1 is as expected.
Neat as heck.

>> No.21292478
File: 344 KB, 656x469, elonacg_2019-05-05_03-56-52_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.1.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh neat, having some lightning damage and crit bonus by default is probably nice.
I'll probably turn that into a lightsabre and keep that saved, for when I get bored of ranged and want to melee.

I know crit bonus on armour helps crit chance with both ranged and melee. But do weapons of the opposite type? Like wielded swords for ranged, or vice versa.
Shouldn't matter much. Like at all once I hit 200something eye of mind and have garok's hammer crit boost on ammo; or 700 something without that. But it's still worth knowing.

>> No.21295176

That's a really nice weapon.

>> No.21295577

So is + still the hippest newest version in town or did everyone move to Omake now

>> No.21295640

Who knows. Try setting up a poll. oo, +, both, vanilla, none.

>> No.21295664

I'm pretty sure Elona+ Custom-GFU is the newest variant.

>> No.21295675

That's casual though. I wouldn't put it among the others (this is coming from the creator).

>> No.21295739

They're both good, but now that oomsest has an english translation go with that over omake or oo.

>> No.21297133

I grabbed the latest version of elona (1.89) and then put + cg to get rid of thirst

>> No.21297311

>oomsest has an english translation
Where do i find that

>> No.21297376

You can just grab it from their twitter release page, the Japanese release has the translations. Install on top of OO, on top of elona 1.22.

>> No.21297409


>> No.21297422

Oh, if you use the latest 2019 releases of OO there may be glitches. There is supposed to be compatibility for the new version, but it might still be in the experimental phase. I haven't run into any problems myself, but I've only gone as far as vernis with a test character.

>> No.21298301

What does the Challenger feat in oomsest do?
I jumped right into oomsest after playing oo for a bit, and I'm using a ported save file, is there any major changes I should know about that I may have missed in the readme?

>> No.21298442
File: 19 KB, 144x120, elonacg_2019-05-06_02-16-09_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.1.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elona, in its many versions, has everything and the kitchen sink.

>> No.21298533

I believe the feat does nothing and just exists to make the game more "challenging." I don't remember the list of changes from oo to oomsest, but there are quite a bit more options so check those out. You can display potentials as numbers instead of vague descriptors. With the right options you can basically make fishing work like plus's super lure without the experience penalty.

>> No.21301288

Nethack beat it to the punch by a good long while.

>> No.21304174
File: 2 KB, 48x48, Jure_s_body_pillow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but Elona won the dakimakura race.
...Come to think of it, I'm kind of surprised you can't do Nethack sink shenanigans, considering how many other roguelike references exist in Elona.

>> No.21304816

How does barrier work exactly?
Does it only activate when low/out of health? Or does it take from MP first?
Is it the same amount of MP loss as would have been taken from HP?

It would really suck to lose MP first at the rate I lose HP.
Because I can trade MP for HP pretty quickly with Cure of Jure, but not vice versa, and not very well when it's negative.
That would eat through my healing potions pretty hard and take overcasting into common consideration.

>> No.21304887

For better or for worse, Elona doesn't really do the complex interactions between items you find in hacklikes, even though ADOM seems to have been one of its inspirations.

All damage goes to MP instead of HP until your MP falls below 1/3, at which point barrier deactivates. You don't take magic reaction damage if a big hit brings your MP below zero. The 1:1 MP to HP ratio is worse than what you can get from healing magic, but it's worth it because it protects you from burst damage, the only thing that can realistically kill you in Elona. I never play pure magic users, but my experience is that MP grows a lot faster than the need for MP does anyway.

>> No.21305073

So what do I need to mod/fork Elona, I want to add some stuff from oo like classes to E+C

>> No.21305099

Download Custom-G, it comes with compilation/decompilation guides and the readme file has links to download the compiler and decompiler.
Other than that, all you need is a text editor (maybe Notepad++), and possibly a diff tool (e.g. WinMerge).

>> No.21305224

Ok thanks, didnt notice it in the folder.

>> No.21306751
File: 1.97 MB, 1609x1945, Golden_Museum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have interesting old images to share?

>> No.21307008

That's a nice museum.

>> No.21307159
File: 210 KB, 1285x791, HitosParadise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21307361
File: 39 KB, 253x223, 2016-08-09_154043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21310612
File: 168 KB, 802x627, Capture2019-05-08_10_50_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I got lucky, I got that off the crimson dude in a party quest.

>> No.21310640

Yeah, very much so. It's godly tier with several good resistances.
Could update it to platemail, could turn it to adamant (Maybe), and should craft repair kit it. But it's very nice as is.

>> No.21310858

Very nice.

>Could update it to platemail, could turn it to adamant (Maybe), and should craft repair kit it. But it's very nice as is.
You should absolutely do this.

>> No.21311652

How should I deal with frisia? Ultima went down after about 70 doomed beers and izzisle was a joke with a bell and some elemental resistances but she mauls my lads pretty quickly and her evasion is ludicrous. I got her to 50% in a fair fight with my retinue and myself around level 60.

>> No.21311966

Playing E+. How can I be successful as a horse riding MA?

>> No.21312477

Get your PV as high as you can. If you've got a shield that inflicts bleeding you can have her kill herself. Or just grind some more.

Ride a horse and use martial arts. It's a pretty foolproof build. Upgrade to better horses as they become available, gene engineer them up to 13 slots and equip them with strength-raising gear.

>> No.21312514

How can I make my elona experience full of sex

>> No.21312531

Take what you do in real life and do the opposite.

>> No.21312541

Plz elaborate

>> No.21312546

Oh shit I'm sorry. That was just intended to be an ice burn.

>> No.21312554

They told me lolis would chase me in this game but so far nothing
Also that I could use them as mount

>> No.21312581
File: 285 KB, 556x418, Early 2019 830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the viable weapons for an MA? I am using claws but i've read that Tonfas will be my main weapon eventually. But i also read some shit about putting a tonfa in the ranged slot?

>> No.21312617

shield tonfas are _really_ good defensively in the ranged slot since they have innate pv/dv stats and you can get them from miral+garok's workshop for 60 medals. you can grind medals by hitting up the wiki on the page to get the ones that spawn in towns at set locations and each dungeon you do usually gives a couple from killing the dungeon master.

>> No.21312672
File: 1.10 MB, 1594x954, slain pussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot i had the shield tonfas and some pretty good heavy chest pieces. thanks lad

>> No.21312924

Are any of the other non random artifact guns better to give to a pet than the rail gun?

>> No.21313375

Claws, shields, and tonfas are all good. All of the tonfas are unique items, the first one can be traded for small medals. Tonfa enchantments tend to be really strong and it's unlikely you'll find a claw that good. Claws and tonfas can be put in your ranged slot and you'll still get their enchantments in exchange for your ranged attacks being worthless.
Shields are worth considering if you want to go with a more defensive setup. Equipping one will give you a percentile boost to your PV based on your shield skill and will enable shield bashing. A second shield won't improve either of those benefits.

>> No.21313968

heading into rehmido for the first time, how come i stopped doing damage

>> No.21314015

1) the amount of damage you do has gone down, either from acid damage weapons, or de-buffed stats.
2) The enemies are now much too chad for you.
3) You enabled pacifist mode in customs configs.
4) Your character fears with great fear and doesn't wanna attack anything.
5) You are doing damage but have disabled the damage readout.
6) It's a bug.
7) You're lying.
8) You stopped playing.

I believe this is an exhaustive list.

>> No.21314035

i'm going with option 2. gonna have to do some real grinding to get my damage to catch up with the jump to level 90-100 the enemies took after anubis.

>> No.21314293

are termination bells worth the ludicrous savescumming it's gonna take to dominate them? i've been going at it for about 30 minutes but my magic device is only at 50.

>> No.21314539

Are blessed Potions of Potential still working the same as the wiki explains? I am playing 1.82.

>> No.21314569

They give +100% potential to all in the newest versions.

>> No.21314745

All attributes such as STR/CON but not skills like Riding/Tactics?

>> No.21314749

Attributes only, you need growth scrolls for skills.

>> No.21314883

So which branch of Elona is regarded as "the best" currently? I haven't played in years but I wanna get back into it.

>> No.21314899

i'm running 1.61E+

>> No.21314915

Personally I'd say it's a matter of taste deciding between Custom-G and OOMSEST.

>> No.21314923

Is Plus worse than both of those?

>> No.21314928

As far as I know, only one loli actually chases you, as in following you whenever you're on the map. That's Gwen the innocent. And she stops doing that in town after act 1.
You can ride any ally/pet with the riding skill. You can learn that in Yowyn.

As for sexual things, most of them are implied at best.
You can "have fun"(Sex) with a lot of people. Easiest way being getting them drunk. There's even a Feat for sex in omake, I think.
You can replace sprites and dialogues with things of a more erotic nature.
But it's not really an eroge at all, inherently.

>> No.21314946

Custom-G is a modified version of Custom, which is itself a modified version of Plus. Custom includes decompiled source code (edited by BloodyShade to be human-readable); Custom-G takes it a step further and includes guides to compiling and decompiling HSP.
Custom-G also gives at least machine translations of all untranslated dialogue and cutscenes, and reverts various awful changes such as the addition of the hydration/peeing mechanic and the various nerfs to having multiple hand slots.

>> No.21314948

Arguable. But beside the point.
Those are the most advanced/updated and recommendable versions of the Plus and Omake forks respectively.

Custom-G is a mod of Custom which is a mod of Plus.
The biggest difference is translation, but there's also some other changes you can read about in their changelogs.
Custom-G basically takes Plus+Custom, undoes some nerfs, removes thirst/piss, and makes the recent Ranch changes optional.

oomSEST is a mod of a mod of a mod or something from the omake fork.
I think it goes omake->Omake Overhaul->Omake Overhaul modify->Omake Overhaul modify EX->Omake Overhaul modify Sukutu Edition->Omake Overhaul Modify Sukutu Edition South Tyris.

>> No.21315007

About to get a Cyber house, never purchased a new home before. Is it viable to make a home in S. Tyris? If not, where should i place my new home? Maybe near the S. Tyris border?

>> No.21315062

>Maybe near the S. Tyris border?
Why? You can already Word of Recall to the border.

>> No.21315092

you can buy the maid mansion for 2 million gp which acts as a return point near the center of the S. Tyris map.
a good place to put your house is near palmia, so that you don't have to shell out for the tax master's tax box if you're hoarding medals. another option is near lumiest, but that's only a priority if you're mages' guild and get a lot of use out of the spellbook reservation merchant.

>> No.21315118

>decide to try out game because it's free fuck it
>spend 30 minutes rolling everything until I get a cool alias
>accidently click girl as pet thinking I would get a description or something
>game saves
>make new character spend less time on
>dog walks into a well and drowns within 1 minute of acquiring it
>go to try and do a farming quest
>get killed by a hermit crab

God Damn this game has a learning curve and is incredibly less forgiving than I was expecting. Fun as shit though I just have to not suck

>> No.21315188

It's actually one of the most forgiving games that could still be considered a "proper" roguelike.
Most games in the genre you're expected to die hundreds of times before ever getting far at all, and completely start over every single time, keeping only your knowledge and experience (Not XP).
You'll get to not suck by just playing a bit. Remember to upgrade your equipment, manage your potentials, and actually use your consumables (Potions, scrolls) in dangerous situations.

As for the dead dog, you can revive it at the bars in town for a small fee.
Make sure to give gems to the pets you want to level. They'll sell them for full price in towns and pretty quickly max out their potentials to level faster.

There's a lot of other tips for optimizing stuff. But that might spoil the experience.
At least take a look through the in game manual. You can access that with [?], or through the pie menu with [z], left, upper left.

>> No.21315200

>another option is near lumiest, but that's only a priority if you're mages' guild and get a lot of use out of the spellbook reservation merchant
I'm considering moving my palace there for just that, after having gotten the tax master's box.
But I have several storage houses, a couple farms, and a couple ranches near Palmia.
It would be really nice to be able to move buildings, rather than need to remake them for that.

>> No.21315215

>It would be really nice to be able to move buildings
Isn't that what the deed of property transfer does?

>> No.21315220

For the main house, definitely. I don't think it can move other buildings, unless that's changed.

>> No.21315222

I think you're thinking of the "deed of removal deed". The "deed of property transfer deed" is a more recent addition.

>> No.21315235
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Oh dear you're right. How embarrassing. The problem was solved before I complained about it.

>> No.21315560
File: 1.16 MB, 1373x837, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking kidding me

>> No.21315567

Does the "blessed" tag change anything with house deeds?

>> No.21315568

it turns the name of the item green

>> No.21315729

Always store your caramels of termination away immediately whenever you pick them up, maybe after identifying them. Whether it be in your cooler or in 4-dimensional pocket. Because several monsters do eat your shit.
Even if you have a ton of other food in your inventory it's still a chance.
Not anymore, no, at least in plus. It used to lower taxes on the property. Not sure when that was changed.

>> No.21315906

Stay on the first few floors of puppy cave. Periodically go back to town, find the npc that identifies your items, sell everything then buy whatever upgrades you can.

Once a castle or palace is bought, is investing with city NPCs less optimal?

>> No.21316411
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Oh dear. Anatomy develops.

>> No.21316418

Your starting pet can be revived but also they can be easily replaced. The little girl is objectively the best of the starting pets, but the little girls you can buy from the slave master are even better, and little girls aren't particularly good pets compared to some of your other options.
Also your alias is stored in plain text and you can easily change it in notepad. The file is cdatan.s1 in your character's save folder.

>> No.21316427

>Once a castle or palace is bought, is investing with city NPCs less optimal?
Castle shopkeepers are the same as town shopkeepers, most people just find it convenient to have them all in one place.

>> No.21316437

They're good but savescumming is for fags. Go buy a pokeball from lend the taker.

>> No.21316724

it wasn't really optimal in the first place. the best reason to have a palace is to recruit several magic vendors and then invest in them until they hit rank 300 for those sweet sweet potions of potential.
every other vendor scales poorly by comparison, except maybe lend the taker on south tyris because he shits out high level monster balls pretty quickly.

>> No.21316729


Thanks guys I appreciate the help. Glad someone told me about this game it's really fun

>> No.21317186

The only timer you are fighting against is etherwind corruption.
Every 6 months to a year or so, you gain a new ether disease that can only be cured by potion of cure corruption. You can wiki the sources.
The diseases are generally penalties paired with some buffs, but some can completely ruin your ability to play the game. Also, if I remember right, 20 diseases stacked is perma-death.

Other than that one mechanic, nothing else is really time sensitive so you can take your time learning everything else.

>> No.21317221

What version of Elona are you playing? If you're on vanilla I'd recommend playing one of the mods instead. My favorite version is oomsest, but Plus Custom G is what I'd recommend to a new player, especially one without roguelike experience.

If you die of ether disease, you revive with one less disease. It's a serious problem if you find yourself in that situation, but it's not permadeath.

>> No.21317891
File: 440 KB, 455x446, hearts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the heck do i do with all these hearts
i've been rolling with a bell and some god pets and god hearts are the only type to which i'm not privy
fire dragon evolution line looked interesting, but i'm too fast for most of these riding options without some serious investment into their speed

>> No.21317895

I just followed the pastebin and use + and the English translation mod. Figured that would be fine for my first time playing

>> No.21317990

So you're just on custom then? That's fine, if you switch to custom g it'll remove the thirst/piss system and a few other dubious additions.

How about some advice to help you get started?

Good feats to take early on are exorcist, dimensional move, and either hypnosis or strings assassin. Exorcist reduces the chance of your equipment getting cursed, and completely eliminates the chance of curses from dreams. Dimensional move randomly teleports you a short distance away. It's good for emergencies in the early game, and even later on it's not bad because you can use it while blinded and confused. Strings assassin and hypnosis give you special attacks that can never, ever miss. Strings assassin is better early game, hypnosis has more staying power. You'll eventually get every feat you want in plus so don't sweat it too much if you waste a few.

The main thing you want to do in the early game is go to the quest board in town and do easy quests for NPCs. This will earn you platinum which you can give to trainers to learn skills. Item delivery quests are good, as are escort quests except for beauty and the beast. Riding is a good skill to pick up early because speed is the most important stat and your character's speed will be garbage throughout all of act 1. Gardening is a good skill to learn early because farming quests are very safe. Weight lifting lets you carry more, which is always nice, and sense quality passively identifies your inventory, which will both save money and make things more convenient.

Improving your weapons and armor is the fastest way to strengthen yourself at the early game. The blacksmith in any town can do this, and while higher enchantments get expensive, adding +1 to everything is very cheap and will help a lot.

Since there's no real upper limit to how high you can grind, you can eventually beat anything in the game with any build. However some builds become a lot stronger a lot faster. In plus the order goes something like this:

Martial arts = magic > two hand > dual wield > weapon and shield = ranged weapons.

Again, gunners and archers can still become godslayers, they'll just need a bit more grinding to pull it off. Note that every character should use magic to some degree. Pure magic users are strong later on but take more work to get off the ground, and if you want to play one, it's easier to start out as a fighter and then transition to a wizard later.

Pets are very useful, especially in the early game when you're vulnerable. I like to buy a wizard of elea from the slave master in the beginning because their magic attacks never miss and their nerve arrow spell can paralyze enemies. Later on they will fall off, but by then your character should be strong enough to either capture better pets or go it alone.

Living weapons are extremely powerful. Even if you want to play a martial arts character, it's a good idea to put a living weapon in your ranged slot and fill it with useful enchantments like resists and skill boosts. If you are a weapon user, a living weapon with magic element damage is a good idea. If your living weapon doesn't offer the enchantment you want, cancel out and either wait a month or improve the weapon by +1 at a blacksmith and try again.

Use them for equip update recipes.

>> No.21318094

I'm always sleeping on the fusion pot even after messing with herb in recipes, thanks for the tip.
Any advice for a gunner about halfway through south tyris? I'm divided on using the vespa wings since they buff my rail gun shots but it weighs 15s, pushing me into heavy armor territory. I've been grinding magic dart instead since friendly fire is an issue with the chaos ball invokes.

>> No.21318766

How do I get a cursed item off my pet?

>> No.21318776

Give the lad a few uncurse scrolls and they will auto use.

>> No.21318944

healers in cities will also uncurse the equipment of you and all your pets if you aren't playing vanilla.

>> No.21319209

Equip useful items for your build in your melee slots. A living weapon with all levels invested into firearms skill will go a long way towards fixing your damage and your accuracy will be way ahead of the curve. Dual wield living weapons with firearm skill and your offense won't be bad at all. Equip a living weapon and a shield for a nice balance between offense and defense.

Do you have the control magic skill? It'll stop your rail gun from killing your teammates. If not get a disguise kit or the incognito spell, enter the mage's guild, and use them. Then you can learn the spell from the trainer as if you were a member. Revlus the guild leader will see through this and try to kill you, but you should be able to handle him by now. Use that same method to learn all skills from all guilds. Gene engineering control magic onto your party members will also help.

The wings are really good for a gunner. Is reducing the weight at a blacksmith too expensive at this point? Flying scrolls will also work. Bless them first for best results. The weight reduction from flying scrolls is percentile so if you're using both scrolls and a blacksmith, use the scrolls first.

If you find a living firearm, consider using that to replace your rail gun. Use equip update to make it a laser pistol, use a material kit to get something good like adamantium or rubynus, and dump the levels into magic damage. You could go with ether for a low weight and even more damage than adamantium. Normally I don't recommend that because of the ether disease issue, but you're already using the rail gun. Material aside, the rail gun is pretty good. I'm not sure at what point a generic living laser will surpass it. Probably around the time when everything gets huge resistances to every element except magic.

Beyond that, pick up the awesome swimwear and convert it to the war suit if you haven't already done so, and keep using AP to improve your speed and life. Pick up the barrier feat when it's convenient to do so.

>> No.21319704

I'm running gemini/kaneituuhou melee, along with the rail gun ranged. The issue with rail gun invokes is more the random status effects that it can slap onto my pets e.g. blind/confused rather than damage, taking them out of the fight for a bit. It's not the biggest issue, just annoying at times. I'm running mage's guild and already have control magic. Don't notice it making a difference in my pets getting hit, but it's only rank 30.
Blacksmiths don't have any option to reduce weight to my knowledge on E+1.61.1, I'll keep an eye out for flying scrolls on my magic vendors.
I've never seen a living weapon to my knowledge; I'll keep an eye out for the artifact tag. Are there any guaranteed locations for them to spawn?
I'm running awesome swimwear already, yeah. No complaints defensively from me, just that my damage is getting significantly worse since I started rehmido. I've killed the communications boss on floor 7, but it was pretty rough with its aoe bleeds. I've mostly been focusing on raising my perception with fishing food along with grinding out magic dart levels while raising a fire dragon child, in the hopes that it'll be chunky enough in melee to help out my golden knight while doing some damage.

>> No.21321200

Panic and challenge jobs seem quite crazy for character xp. Like for the main level.
I gain 1-3 levels every single higher tier job of each, at level 212.

It seems their xp scales higher and higher but the xp required to level is capped at 100m. So it will level me even faster as they get stronger?
Does it ever reach multiple levels per KILL in panics?

>> No.21321611
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How many potions until she's completely cured in plus?
Can they be given all at once?
Do you need to leave, maybe wait, and re-enter?

I don't really mind not having access to the karma from it. Having it completed would be far more preferable.

>> No.21321646

Plus gives out bonus experience for killing enemies, I don't remember if it's based on their level or if it's based on their level relative to yours. Either way, you'll see similar gains if you go to floor 201 of the void. Because of the 100m limit, you do eventually hit a point where you can gain a level every few minutes or even faster.

>> No.21321774

I think it's 5 and you have to wait every time a good number of days

>> No.21321789

I know it's like 5 for just getting the happy apple and you definitely have to wait for that.
But after that, when you have the option to kill her, it no longer MAKES you wait. And since then I've given about a total of 20 potions now (1-8 each time), waiting several weeks/months a total of about 7 times.

>> No.21321946

It might be based on karma gain, try nuking palmia a few times between donations.

>> No.21323376

So I have a big stack of rods of alchemy, what would be the best use for them? Not sure how it works exactly

>> No.21323632

>living weapons
If you are up for some save scumming, you can mass produce weapons from the pot of fusion, and keep reloading till you make living weapons. The chances aren't even that low, so you'd probably see some every 50-100 weapons made.
If you'd rather be legit, blackmarket vendors sometimes stock living weapons if they are invested. Its not common, but its often enough that I've gotten 3 living weapons from checking in at port kapul/derphy during chapter 1, while doing my usual travel rotations.

For control magic, its 2-ways; both you and your pet's levels in it affect their ability to dodge shit. A good way to power level it (and Will) is to surround yourself with pets and just nuke their faces off with a low powered ball.
Or high powered, who cares.

>> No.21324248

You could also weapon make without savescumming. Materiums are cheap as shit to make. Stardust is pretty easy to get from party time jobs. They give an 0-3 each at a rough average of 1 each usually, in my experience. They also come several at a time in Palmia or that town Stoke is in. It's easy to read an oracle scroll and, only kill the type of mob that has what spawned. A couple trips of that and it's done.
After about 30-60 performance (Boost optional) and a couple hundred speed, or with ensemble and good pets, it's even feasible to complete the job rather than fail it.
Weapon making makes 3 weapons for most types, so you'd only need about 16-33 stardust. EZPZ.

Though that would arguably be better used to level equipment and just savescum it, I think that kind of ruins the fun. Totally still an option, but not required.

>> No.21326606

I'm not seeing any stardust drops in party time. What version are you on?

>> No.21326630

You get those from picking up duplicate uniques.
So that means (after confirming the drop exists in this room using oracle) killing nobles, beggars, and farmers, and then the 2 elves if they are around.

Earlier versions used to transform the item into a random miracle or godly instead. Maybe that's the version you're on.

>> No.21326633
File: 15 KB, 981x20, elonacg_2019-05-11_00-18-47_Elona+_Custom-G_1.89.1.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read a scroll of oracle when entering the job and see if any uniques spawn.
Picking up uniques when you have them already (Inventory, equip, or pet inventory/equip) turns them into stardust.
Ether dagger, Bow of Vindale, Zweibel, and Shena's panty are really common. Some other items less so, like Tonfas.
Whenever they spawn, they spawn in the inventory of a specific NPC (Larnneire, Lomias) or type of NPC (Farmer, Noble) depending on the item. Just kill those NPCs.

Avoid killing noble children, they don't give anything important besides knocking karma down.

>> No.21326640

Oh. Yeah. Stardust was added in 1.67 if I remember correctly. You can't make items at all with that method before that.
Any reason you're staying back on 1.61.1?

>> No.21326650

i updated when i saw the blacksmith changes to make my gear lighter. i just didn't know about stardust being generated by duplicating artifacts like what >>21326633 >>21326630 mentioned.

>> No.21326656

>If you are up for some save scumming, you can mass produce weapons from the pot of fusion, and keep reloading till you make living weapons. The chances aren't even that low, so you'd probably see some every 50-100 weapons made.
Do this except don't savescum.

>> No.21326662

You could update again, if you want. Saves are quite compatible.

Just make a backup beforehand, or install the newer version separately and copy save/configs over.
In case you don't like something about it for some reason and want to revert, because saves probably aren't compatible backwards.

If going past 1.76, which you probably should if playing plus, I'd recommend going with Custom-G to avoid thirst/piss mechanics and combat/grind nerfs.

>> No.21326690

I went straight to 1.89 and imported my saves without any issue. Thirst hasn't been much of a bugbear for me, and I haven't noticed the combat changes. What does custom-g bring to the table?

>> No.21326703

>What does custom-g bring to the table?
Gameplaywise, mostly removing thirst, but also removing hard nerfs to multihitting, removing some nerfs to specific grinding, and making the new ranch mechanics optional.
It also bare minimum machine translates all untranslated text, rather than leaving placeholder 'this is not translated' type stuff. Fixes some other translation issues as well.
