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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21189562 No.21189562 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like the american perception of anime ( meme thing ) ? Why ?

>> No.21189605

Here in America it is nothing but screaming shitty memes, watching shitty compilations, beating dead memes with a stick, watching unfunny shit and laughing at it among other things.
The only people who like anime are busy doing their own thing and talk about actual anime once in a while instead of the "uh my uh favorite animes are Narutard and Dragin my balls"
They literally know absolutely fucking nothing about it and only are into it for memes. Hell, normalfags are just now posting about JJBA and that shit is spreading across Western Media. This shit will be dead within 6 months when they get to the latest chapters and beat the series to death with more dead memes.

No. I fucking hate it because nobody knows SHIT. You can talk about any well known anime that is not the big three and they won't know SHIT. Fucking Darling in the Franxx was big, some don't know shit. Kill la Kill, don't know shit. God damn, you can mention Akira and still some won't know shit.
Unless it's Naruto, Dragon Ball, or Pokemon, you aren't talking about SHIT.
Don't bother asking about memes because half of them know either not where they came from or they don't watch the fucking series.
You can talk about Dragon Ball and mention something obscure to most but well known enough that everyone has challenged it often enough and they will be dumbfounded.

If you want to talk about anime, don't fucking bother. If you want to talk about memes, you better know how to be a braindead memespammer because that's all it fucking is. They're too stupid to get a grasp on something like U.N. Owen was Her after seeing it so many times so Touhou is safe for the time being. Just know this, Jojo is Jogone now. Enjoy it while it lasts because the ride has just begun.

Hell, on a side note, they don't even know 2chan fucking exists. That's where a majority of some memes come from. The memes born on 4chan don't spread so far in the great outlook. Just fucking frogs, wojacks and whatever is spammed at the moment.

>> No.21189746

I don't like americans

>> No.21189773

I don't like the american perception of anything. Sick culture of brainwashed puritan cucks.

The sooner they forget about anime, the better.

>> No.21189802

OP here
What is the story of anime/manga in America ? I heard it came quit late compared to European countrys as France for example . I guess that Americans discovered anime with internet

>> No.21189901


>> No.21189915

I was going to ask if this was a copypaste but you saying 2chan is where anything of worth came from absolutely confirmed it was

>> No.21189950

Puritans? Bullshit. I went to University in the US and the yanks are extremely sexualized. Sexuality is everywhere: Ads, music, film, nightclubs etc. You have obviously never been to the US.

>> No.21189961

Anime has been airing in the US since the 1970s. They aren't forgetting about it any time soon.

>> No.21189964
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Literally everything you said depends on the type of people you're asking and can apply to any country on earth.

>> No.21190010

A better word to use is evangelical, which is how americans are about whatever they believe at the moment, whether it is sexual liberation or sexual abstinence.
Same with their politics and economics or whatever, they imprint one view in their head and fanatically defend it against all reason and moderation

>> No.21190030

I like to classify it in 3 waves.
First it was the niche shit Wave with the stuff before Gen Z and as Gen Z grew up. The intermediate internet influences and 4chan Wave from the first "boom" and then the Mainstream Wave.

Niche Shit was basically anyone who knew or watched this knew what they were talking about and had hearty discussions and formed connections or groups with those who watched or consumed Japanese media in the largely western Disney "era" and so on. If you said you watched anime, you get the "ani-me?" or something along the lines of "what the fuck(is that)?" and you get the basement dweller NEET meme since literally nobody knows what it is that you like since it is "weird" and foreign a concept to them.

The 4chan Wave just by faggots spreading around and discovering anime as well as the other shit sites hosting it. This isn't the "first" time anime began to pick up, but outside of 4chan the community began to grow and alongside [early] Youtube with how there were Dragonball AF shit and other things like powerscaling that I can remember from memory since DB had ended quite some time ago and people were just then finishing, watching, or recommending anime to others. I don't know but I found a few VHS Tapes with Sailor Moon on them a few years back and it really just told me that if you could find that, you could already tell that people weren't completely oblivious to it. You just had to find those who knew about it. And those were like finding your ideal waifu in a barrel of flashing, bright colored (seasonal for /a/) trash.

Then we get into the recent years, the 10s where it begins to take a steep rise towards 2016 where it moons from then to now which I like to call the Mainstream Era where "Anime" becomes mainstream and a "living" for some people either at some distributing service or on youtube when the first few channels hit 1 million and piracy at the norm but going for a rough turn like https://nyaa.se did. They brought a huge spotlight to something new and weird. I know back in 2015-6 there were still a few frequent wtf's here and there but there were also "cultured individuals" in there. Towards the later months of 2017 they became less common and memeing had been something they (normalfags) had been focusing on. If anything, 2017 was the meme year following the 2016 Presidential election, and 2018 I don't fucking remember but I know the "normalfags" started to develop fetishes, some as degenerate as stuff either found here in general on 4chan on extreme cases or just softcore /d/ tier shit since they're heavily beaten to the point where they're really just moralfags. Now that it comes back to me, 2018 was the fetish year probably and mainly the lolis gimmick from the year preceding crossing over to the next with the Dragon Maid shit. Anime had been mostly exposed but to normalfags, it was nothing more than a meme. Anime is a meme. Watching Anime is a meme. Watching Hentai is a meme. Watching or reading H Material now is still a meme. Anime overall is literally just a meme. But here in 2019, they're slowly reading manga. They only read meme manga and old shit like Pokemon in the rarities. One thing that sticks out to me is how these motherfuckers are deciding to watch Naruto in it's entirety NOW. DBS spearheaded anime and 110-111 or whatever the fuck those one hour specials were really brought light to anime since DB had just returned and it was in the end of it's run where shit gets heated. With Dragon Ball Super ending, it left a gap where other anime and manga filled. AFAIK, they aren't going to read shit. It's like Goblin Slayer. They won't read shit until it gets its first episode and then they'll read.
2019 Is the Anime is a meme shift period where these fuckers are starting to grow a couple brain cells and actually read material, but they only will if it gets memed to hell like Jojo. Nothing erotic since they're still moralfags but a majority now know what anime is, barely. They meme it and call anything that looks like anime to be anime. They won't say shit though. It's just a meme.

sadpanda does not exist outside of 4chan and other sites aware of it. For normalfags, if they are normalfags of the highest tier, they either have to be luck, unfortunate or really looking for it to really find out about sadpanda. The barrier is the best defense right now and I might consider making an account now before we have another torrent crash-esque even that raises the bar so fucking high you'll wish you were not lazy and settled for the easier shit.

nhentai and co are starterpacks or hotpieces for them. HH being taken in by FAKKU is a flag to determine HH legally dead by 4chan terms, fuck paying for H content over the internet of all places.

>> No.21190055

A portion of things I have posted on this board are copy pasta-able. You could post it time and time again and it'll never get old.

>> No.21190058

Unlike other nations whose citizens don't believe in what they believe in. Gotcha Oppenheimer.

>> No.21190090

Anime in the US has always been mainstream. Schoolchildren in the 70s and 80s watched Star Blazers (Yamato) Force Five (Planetary Robot Danguard Ace, Divine Demon-Dragon Gaiking, Getter Robo G, UFO Robot Grendizer, Sci-Fi West Saga Starzinger) Robotech, Battle of the Planets, Captain Harlock, Mazinger and others.
The first anime hosted on the internet was put up by MIT and NASA (yes the space agency).

>> No.21190092

It's a corruption of belief and faith when it's taken as a truth
I can't speak for other countries, that's just what I see here.

>> No.21190107

You are just an imbecile.

>> No.21190117


>> No.21190366

What is that?

Is this another Wani Magazine incident?

>> No.21190375

This isn't the anime board.

>> No.21190391

Expect more retarded threads. new touhou games always attract a lot of /v/ runoff.

>> No.21190592

Hentai Heaven. That garbage site nobody gives two rat asses about.

>> No.21191026

>Jojo is Jogone now.
How does other people enjoying stuff at a level that seems to you less dedicated affect your enjoyment of it?
>Enjoy it while it lasts because the ride has just begun.
Nothing bad will happen if more people outside of Japan meme JoJo. Araki will still keep on publishing his manga for a primarily Japanese audience, and the JoJo anime will keep airing for a primarily Japanese audience. You're making a mountain out of a molehill.
Why do you use that term to describe people who aren't into the same hobbies ad you? Do you believe that liking the things you like makes you not normal?

>> No.21191032

Meant for >>21190030

>> No.21191153

This, my fucking dad grew up watching anime and tokusatsu on local TV, the shows were dirt cheap to license so a lot of local stations showed them.

>> No.21191537
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I generally dislike America. Especially their world spreading popculture and language imperialism (im fucking writing this in english) are repulsive. And so is nu „meme anime” culture.

>> No.21191561

>the JoJo anime will keep airing for a primarily Japanese audience
I agree that guy is being a drama queen, but in a few years the size of the overseas anime market is going to eclipse that of the domestic (Japanese) market. At that point anime will be made primarily for a foreign audience, although whether this will change the nature of anime remains to be seen (hopefully not)

>> No.21191633

>Hell, on a side note, they don't even know 2chan fucking exists. That's where a majority of some memes come from.
the majority of jap memes comes from 2channel

>> No.21191651

I feel like recently we've graduated to a point in time where most Japanese memes come from Twitter.

>> No.21191757

Stop posting on an American website then faggot.

>> No.21191795

Being seen as a meme is what anime deserves.

>> No.21191907 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 480x480, C94D651C-A547-4E61-9D7A-486FBEF366ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should consider leaving yourself if you cant write a single sentence in your beloved english correctly.

>> No.21191918

>I went to University in the US and the yanks are extremely sexualized.
Not a contradiction.

>> No.21192716
File: 247 KB, 500x704, 1549734238848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

america is good for only 2 things

burgers and entertainment

>> No.21192989

Someone can't be a sexualized and a puritan at the same time.

>> No.21193037

Of course they can. People are hypocrites. It's in the genes. Puritanism for thee, debauchery for me.

>> No.21193071

American popular culture may contain a lot of mind poison, but the global Anglo-American linguistic colonialism is a wonderful thing. I would never have become an otaku or have mastered my profession without all the material that's available in English. It's a great language to think in, too. I wholeheartedly recommend it. The sooner you switch, the better for you.

>> No.21193112

murican' here. can't argue with that.

>> No.21193204

American burgers and entertainment have both been going downhill recently. In large part you can blame it on the same ingredient.

>> No.21193306

What's your first language?

>> No.21193365

It's Indo-European, but not one of the big ones.

>> No.21193465

>the big three
They are literal classics that span across generations
of course normies fucking know what pokemon and Dragon Ball is it has only been airing on Toonami and other cartoon networks in America since the 90s
Most people watch a popular show and go wow I see why this is popular
they dont go wow this show is great I must now watch everything anime and only anime

stop being such a fucking elitist over nothing more than your hobby you fucking snob

>> No.21193489

>They're too stupid to get a grasp on something like U.N. Owen was Her after seeing it so many times
What do you mean? How do they see U.N. Owen Was Her and not grasp it?

>> No.21193518


Well it encourages a certain dose of universalism which makes data easier to access, i admit. I use English more frequently than my native speech, trust. And it kind of saddens me, especially considering how simple English feels compared to slavic languages or even German. But i can see what you mean when it comes to benefits of its global usage.

>> No.21193544

i want to know too because i don't understand what he meant by that

>> No.21193581

I think he meant like they cant grasp basics of series it came from. But im curious as well.

>> No.21193595

Elitism is what keeps small communities from dying by mainstream attention.

>> No.21193723

>they dont go wow this show is great I must now watch everything anime and only anime
More dedicated communities are full of people who decided to watch those things and naturally have a desire to exclude people who don't have the passion they do from the discussion because those people wouldn't contribute anything useful. Is there something wrong with that?

>> No.21194070

No. The only Puritan societies in this world are Muslim countries and enclaves in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Those actual Puritan societies are where you can still be put to death for blasphemy and other Puritan crimes.

>> No.21194090

why was moot never arrested by the puritan authorities in america for the millions of degenerate posts and images on his website over the years?

>> No.21198266

Any society that doesn't embrace degeneracy and admits that it's enjoyable for humans is a puritan society.

>> No.21198299

there was an under-the-table deal with the FBI early on instead

>> No.21205757

Michigan reporting in

>> No.21208153

