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2116983 No.2116983 [Reply] [Original]

I just got done with the Heaven's Feel route, and I have to say, the whole VN is terrible. The h-scenes were out of place and weren't needed, it just felt like the writer added them in because he was bored fuckless. The same shit is repeated over and over, you just keep holding down the skip button until something interesting comes up. Why does Shinou constantly get wounded? The majority of the dialogue in the game is him moaning in pain and describing how much it hurts. Seriously, what the fuck.

You know what? I'm not even going to bother criticizing it. I don't even want to think about that crap anymore. Fuck.

Fate/Stay Night was my first VN, but I don't want to let it put me off completely yet. Can anyone recommend a decent VN that has an interesting plot, fun characters and isn't full of 'GAHHHHHHHHHHHH---AHHHHHHHHH-GHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA MY ARM FELL OFF. IT HURTS AND I'M BLEEDING! SABER SABER SABER SABER SABER SABER SABER GAHHHHHH AHHHHHHH AHHHHHH AH... AH'?

>> No.2116991

That's pretty much the standard for VN's. You should probably give up on them if you hated Fate/Stay Night that much. I didn't really enjoy it that much either, but it was good enough to read all the way through.

>> No.2116992

It's because of his plot-armor of course. This and the number of bad ends prove it.

>> No.2116997

Go read Planetarian. It should be short enough for you to go through.

>> No.2116998

Saya no Uta.

>> No.2117000

I already know the ending, should I still play through it?

>> No.2117001


>> No.2117002

Try Saya no Uta, Ever17, or Umineko.

I'd also recommend Phantom of Inferno if the format wasn't so bad.

>> No.2117004


>> No.2117007

Saya no Uta

Do it.

>> No.2117008
File: 71 KB, 796x437, 1235173499739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got done with the Spica Sad route, and I have to say, the whole VN is terrible. The h-scenes were out of place and weren't needed, it just felt like the writer added them in because he was bored fuckless. The same shit is repeated over and over, you just keep holding down the skip button until something interesting comes up. Why does Shitman constantly get killed and revived? The majority of the dialogue in the game is him moaning in pain and describing how much it hurts. Seriously, what the fuck.

You know what? I'm not even going to bother criticizing it. I don't even want to think about that crap anymore. Fuck.

Starmine Girl was my first VN, but I don't want to let it put me off completely yet. Can anyone recommend a decent VN that has an interesting plot, fun characters and isn't full of 'GAHHHHHHHHHHHH---AHHHHHHHHH-GHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA IM DEAD. IT HURTS AND I'M BLEEDING! SPICA SPICA SPICA SPICA SPICA SPICA SPICA GAHHHHHH AHHHHHHH AHHHHHH AH... AH'?

>> No.2117010

Bullshit. Why did you keep playing if you hated both Fate and UBW? You must have liked it a little otherwise you'd have stopped reading

>> No.2117011


>> No.2117016

Princess Waltz

>> No.2117019

I don't know about him, but I'm somewhat of a completionist. It's torturous at times, but after playing Gangrape Club, I'm learning to not care.

>> No.2117024

>That's pretty much the standard for VN's.

What? No it isn't. Most VNs aren't even action, so F/SN is hardly representative of the medium.

>> No.2117025

No, you are just a faggot.
If you force through 'shit you' do not like for such reasons, your opinion is void of meaning.

>> No.2117036

If you don't like reading, you won't like VNs.

>> No.2117038

I don't like reading, I like VNs

What now?

>> No.2117047
File: 62 KB, 500x320, 1235174096370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spot a contradiction...

>> No.2117052

Don't listen to these faggots.

There are plenty enough VNs 200%
superior to Fate and Tsukihime.

>> No.2117057
File: 67 KB, 646x505, 1235174240083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got done with the 3rd Umineko chapter, and I have to say, the whole VN is terrible. The murder-scenes were out of place and weren't needed, it just felt like the writer added them in because he was bored fuckless. The same shit is repeated over and over, you just keep holding down the skip button until something interesting comes up. Why does BaToru constantly get over rulled? The majority of the dialogue in the game is him moaning in pain and describing how much he denies witches. Seriously, what the fuck.

You know what? I'm not even going to bother criticizing it. I don't even want to think about that crap anymore. Fuck.

Umineko was my first VN, but I don't want to let it put me off completely yet. Can anyone recommend a decent VN that has an interesting plot, fun characters and isn't full of 'GAHHHHHHHHHHHH---AHHHHHHHHH-GHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA THEIR HEADS WERE SMASHED OFF. ITS HORRIBLE AND IM THROWING UP! BEATO BEATO BEATO BEATO BEATO BEATO BEATO GAHHHHHH AHHHHHHH AHHHHHH AH... AH'?

>> No.2117059

OP here:
I guess I was expecting alot more player decisions (decisions as in not forcing you to die if you choose the wrong option) if I carried on playing. I wanted to see more of Caster, Rider, and Fujimura (especially Fujimura, she should have had her own route). Hell, I wanted to see more of all of the 'side characters', but it didn't really happen. Less bullshit and more h-scenes I say if you're going to label it as an eroge story.

>> No.2117061

There are many good VNs, the problem is most of them are untraslated and you'll need some basic moontongue and agth+ATLAS to play them.
A few that come to my mind are Ayakashibito, Gekkou no Carnevale and Sharin no Kuni.

>> No.2117069

I don't like the way VNs are labelled at all. They're not games, and eroge makes them sound like they're hentai games. But that's how it is, all VNs with sex are called eroge. They're just stories with sex, not all books with sex is erotica

>> No.2117073
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>> No.2117072

I wanted a route where Shinou turned in to a serial rapist and banged all of the female characters (especially Illya, cunt deserves it), but that's just me.

Yume Miru Kusuri is pretty good, by the way.

>> No.2117075

Who the fuck labels it as an 'eroge' story?
Eroge means 'SEX SCENES AND GRAPHICS included' regardless of genres.
Fuck, fishing games can be eroge.

And also, there are 3 named characters (barring the 3 friends in prologue) and Assassin that do not get much focus, everyone else DOES at some point.

>> No.2117080

>Less bullshit and more h-scenes I say if you're going to label it as an eroge story.

You should just go ahead and buy H games then. There's less exposition because there's less story and lots more fucking.

>> No.2117082

OP is obviously trolling.
That whore of Sakura should've satisfied all of his hentai needs for weeks to come.

>> No.2117083

Hate to break it to you, but if you didn't enjoy F/SN you aren't going to enjoy most VNs.

>> No.2117085

VNs probably aren't for you. Decision making is almost never a very large or important part of the game, and most of the story based ones only have one or two sex scenes per route.

>> No.2117087

So if I prefer a steadier pace, or a story in simpler settings like high school, nothing else will work?

>> No.2117091

Violent Semen inferno is good

>> No.2117097

I don't know what you're talking about. What he's describing fits a lot of eroge.

>> No.2117098

I'm curious. Where would one download this VN?

>> No.2117100

Use the internet.

>> No.2117104
File: 25 KB, 207x259, 1235175269273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you play the entire game and not know the main character's name

>> No.2117105


There are tons of school life games. I'm not going to find them all for you.

>> No.2117106

Sakura is so slutty

>> No.2117108

who the fuck is shinou?

>> No.2117109


>> No.2117111

>>Hate to break it to you, but if you didn't enjoy F/SN you aren't going to enjoy most VNs.

I wouldn't say that. I've enjoyed other VNs despite disliking Fate and Tsukihime. There's just different styles and writers.

>> No.2117113

Clannad is the most popular one in the school life genre

>> No.2117114

Not OP, just giving an example to point out his argument did not hold much water.

F/SN's word setting, content and progression of events (quality or writing disregarded) are not the norm, in VNs.

>> No.2117115


As long there is shampoo since improved Shiro is ... improved.

>> No.2117123
File: 156 KB, 803x866, 1235175675365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animamundi's pretty entertaining, if you don't mind the homo-style.

>> No.2117131

Oh ok. I agree with you, F/SN is atypical for a VN and an eroge.

>> No.2117135

No, honestly FSN really excelled at the whole "make the H-scenes as out of place as possible" and "keep repeating the same fucking information over and over" thing.

>> No.2117137

Over-exposition if one of Nasu's three big flaws.

>> No.2117140
File: 12 KB, 229x220, 1235176178753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I want to see is an Advance Wars VN
With Javier as the protagonist

>> No.2117146

"Beasts of repugnancy! I, Javier, will kick the rump of your evil

>> No.2117148

I don't understand why people read VN's. I read F/SN and F/HA because I wanted to brush up on my Japanese and was single at the time (single = urge to jack off to 2D girls as they're perfect), but I didn't really enjoy them.

Do other people just read them to build up to the h-scenes or what? Reading a non-ero VN must be terrible. I'd rather pick up a real novel and use my imagination instead.

>> No.2117158

I have no imagination, that's why I like VNs

>> No.2117162

I get why people watch movies either. Why can't they just read the script and use their own imagination.

>> No.2117174

I havent seen a movie about hotblooded guys saving the girl(s)

>> No.2117177
File: 209 KB, 431x480, 1235176836298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FSN is shit, right?

>> No.2117183
File: 125 KB, 400x400, 1235176969001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shit.

>> No.2117186

You haven't seen many movies.

>> No.2117189

The same thing can be said for television, movies, anime, and manga. Why don't people just read books instead? The novel is the only acceptable form of entertainment after all.

>> No.2117190

Watching a movie must be awful, I'd rather go see a real play.

>> No.2117195

Except most novels are trash. The only acceptable entertainment is classic literature.

>> No.2117210

Tsukihime was my first VN and I was bored to tears with it. Any game that can make the act of your character brutally murdering an innocent woman for no good reason boring is a potent game.

Uh... who is the chick in OP? For... reference material purposes?

>> No.2117216
File: 4.00 MB, 2893x1875, 1235177702863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who is the chick in OP?

>> No.2117217

Mikan from Wanko to Kurasou

>> No.2117218


>> No.2117219

Sorry for being an amateur weeaboo.

>> No.2117220

Pico from Boku no Pico

>> No.2117223

ITT fags get trolled

>> No.2117224

Rider from Fate/Stay Night.

>> No.2117234

thank you.


>> No.2117232

Satsuki from Tsukihime

>> No.2117236



>> No.2117241

One of those answers was correct, jerk.

>> No.2117247

But >>2117218 was right.

>> No.2117424

OP, try: Ie Tatemasu.

>> No.2117477

ITT: Opinions and bullshit

>> No.2117482


No he wasn't. >>2117232 was right. We all know this is Satsuki Yumizuka from Tsukihime.

>> No.2117486


I was very tired when I finished HF so i didnt get that Shampoo reference. What were they on about?

>> No.2117504


anyone? Shampoo?

>> No.2117529

I just got done with the Saya no Uta Evolution End, and I have to say, the whole VN is terrible. The h-scenes were out of place and weren't needed, it just felt like the writer added them in because he was bored fuckless. The same shit is repeated over and over, you just keep holding down the skip button until something interesting comes up. Why does Sama constantly get killed and revived? The majority of the dialogue in the game is her moaning in pain and describing how much it hurts. Seriously, what the fuck.

You know what? I'm not even going to bother criticizing it. I don't even want to think about that crap anymore. Fuck.

Saya no Uta was my first VN, but I don't want to let it put me off completely yet. Can anyone recommend a decent VN that has an interesting plot, fun characters and isn't full of 'GAHHHHHHHHHHHH---AHHHHHHHHH-GHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA IM DEAD. IT HURTS AND I'M BLEEDING! SAYA SAYA SAYA SAYA SAYA SAYA SAYA GAHHHHHH AHHHHHHH AHHHHHH AH... AH'?

>> No.2117548

to be fair, hearing shirou complain about bleeding throughout 3/4ths of the game made the other 1/4th of the game really exciting.

wat is that?

>> No.2117562

>I'm not even going to bother criticizing it.
>the whole VN is terrible


>> No.2117564

An indirect kiss.

>> No.2117566


>> No.2117570

When you criticize something, you give reasons why.

>> No.2117585

FSN always sucked ass.

>> No.2117596


>The h-scenes were out of place and weren't needed, it just felt like the writer added them in because he was bored fuckless. The same shit is repeated over and over, you just keep holding down the skip button until something interesting comes up. Why does Shinou constantly get wounded? The majority of the dialogue in the game is him moaning in pain and describing how much it hurts. Seriously, what the fuck.


>> No.2117599

Am I the only one who thought Tsukihime was a masterpiece, but found F/SN to be a complete bore from beginning to end?

>> No.2117605

ITT: People who played F/SN and loved it, posting that they hated it because hating things is cool.

>> No.2117613



also>>2117486 answer please. The curiosity is killing me.

>> No.2117611

>I'm not even going to bother criticizing it.
>the whole VN is terrible
I can read, but these were the only things you highlighted so I was under the impression that you thought criticize just means "lol it's shit" when it doesn't.

>> No.2117616

Why do you all respond seriously to obvious trolls?

>> No.2117621

>ITT: People who didn't like F/SN and TMfags who feel like they need to force their opinions down everyone else's throate.

>> No.2117629



>> No.2117632



>> No.2117634




>> No.2117637


Okay bro. Maybe next time I'll highlight OP's ENTIRE POST so that my main POINT won't be muddled out by EXCESSIVE number of words.

>> No.2117756

Pardon the interruption, the other day on /a/ during the might Saber run, I downloaded some of the FSN sprites but one that I got for Fate_fgimage(black).zip was corrupt and now the Megaupload link doesn't work. Can anyone help?

(Also in /r/ but since that place is really for porn and never works, trying here)

>> No.2117786

Try /a/.

>> No.2118026

so far no go

>> No.2118679
File: 184 KB, 512x512, 1235201361846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got done with the story mode, and I have to say, the whole game is terrible. The shielding system felt out of place and wasn't needed, it just felt like the programmers added it in because they were bored fuckless. The same shit is repeated over and over, you just keep pressing 2A until the credits come up. Why does Tatari constantly get out-prioritized? The majority of the dialogue in the game is him cackling in delight and describing how much he loves KATTO. Seriously, what the fuck.

You know what? I'm not even going to bother criticizing it. I don't even want to think about that crap anymore. Fuck.

Melty Blood was my first fightan game, but I don't want to let it put me off completely yet. Can anyone recommend a decent game that has an interesting plot, fun characters and isn't full of katto katto KATTO KATTO KATTO KATTO KATTO KATTO KATTO KATTO KATTO ?

>> No.2118698
File: 37 KB, 182x375, 1235202188698.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fate/Stay Night was my first VN
Real men start with Bible Black.
no exceptions.

>> No.2118701

porn + plot > plot + porn

>> No.2118703

I started on Runaway City and all those other DOS eroge. Fuck you.

>> No.2118707

Planetarian, and buy yourself a big box of tissues.

>> No.2118710
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feels good man

>> No.2118711
File: 176 KB, 639x481, 1235203915462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got done with Imperishable Night, and I have to say, the whole shmup is terrible. The dialogue scenes were out of place and weren't needed, it just felt like the writer added them in because he was bored fuckless. The same shit is repeated over and over, you just keep holding down the shift button until something interesting comes up. Why does Reimu constantly get hit? The majority of the dialogue in the game is her moaning about donations. Seriously, what the fuck.

You know what? I'm not even going to bother criticizing it. I don't even want to think about that crap anymore. Fuck.

Imperishable Night was my first shmup, but I don't want to let it put me off completely yet. Can anyone recommend a decent shmup that has an interesting plot, fun characters and isn't full of 'EIRIN, EIRIN, HELP ME EIRIN!'?

>> No.2118786


