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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2114166 No.2114166 [Reply] [Original]

Finished FSN. And it was really, really average.

95% of the cast was completely unlike-able, the exceptions being Kotomine himself and Rin. The plot wasn't all that good, though it did have it's moments. The resolution was either extremely stupid or doesn't resolve much at all, depending on which you take.

That said, I didn't hate it. It was interesting enough to keep me reading, but it never wowed me or made me experience any emotion at all, for that matter. The sad moments never effected me, and the 'intense' moments made me go ''meh''. Everything is pretty much forgettable.

Can somebody explain me why people hyped it so much? Because there's absolutely nothing special about it.

>> No.2114174


>> No.2114177
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Finished Saya no Uta. And it was really, really average.

95% of the cast was completely unlike-able, the exceptions being Saya herself and Kouji. The plot wasn't all that good, though it did have it's moments. The resolution was either extremely stupid or doesn't resolve much at all, depending on which you take.

That said, I didn't hate it. It was interesting enough to keep me reading, but it never wowed me or made me experience any emotion at all, for that matter. The sad moments never effected me, and the 'intense' moments made me go ''meh''. Everything is pretty much forgettable.

Can somebody explain me why people hyped it so much? Because there's absolutely nothing special about it.

>> No.2114180

Average is too high. If you'd said slightly below average we'd have believed you.

>> No.2114191
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Finished Ever17. And it was really, really average.

95% of the cast was completely unlike-able, the exceptions being Tsugumi herself and You. The plot wasn't all that good, though it did have it's moments. The resolution was either extremely stupid or doesn't resolve much at all, depending on which you take.

That said, I didn't hate it. It was interesting enough to keep me reading, but it never wowed me or made me experience any emotion at all, for that matter. The sad moments never effected me, and the 'brick shitting" moments made me go ''meh''. Everything is pretty much forgettable.

Can somebody explain me why people hyped it so much? Because there's absolutely nothing special about it.

>> No.2114196
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Finished Kusari. And it was really, really average.

95% of the cast was completely unlike-able, the exceptions being Kichida himself and Karen. The plot wasn't all that good, though it did have it's moments. The resolution was either extremely stupid or doesn't resolve much at all, depending on which you take.

That said, I didn't hate it. It was interesting enough to keep me reading, but it never wowed me or made me experience any emotion at all, for that matter. The sad moments never effected me, and the 'intense' moments made me go ''meh''. Everything is pretty much forgettable.

Can somebody explain me why people hyped it so much? Because there's absolutely nothing special about it.

>> No.2114204

oh you guys

>> No.2114200

Its a copy pasta BONANZA!!

>> No.2114207

Isn't Kusari the 'violently rape everybody in sight' game that will never be translated because of this?

>> No.2114209
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Finished Eien no Owari ni. And it was really, really average.

95% of the cast was completely unlike-able, the exceptions being Keisuke himself and Momo. The plot wasn't all that good, though it did have it's moments. The resolution was either extremely stupid or doesn't resolve much at all, depending on which you take.

That said, I didn't hate it. It was interesting enough to keep me reading, but it never wowed me or made me experience any emotion at all, for that matter. The sad moments never effected me, and the 'intense' moments made me go ''meh''. Everything is pretty much forgettable.

Can somebody explain me why people hyped it so much? Because there's absolutely nothing special about it.

>> No.2114213

Yeah. And it's really, really average.

In all seriousness though, protagonist doesn't do the raping so it should be okay. Besides, far worse things (in that regard) have been translated.

>> No.2114220

>protagonist doesn't do the raping

...Well fuck that, then.

>> No.2114225
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Finished Phantom of Inferno. And it was really, really average.

95% of the cast was completely unlike-able, the exceptions being Cal herself and Ein. The plot wasn't all that good, though it did have it's moments. The resolution was either extremely stupid or doesn't resolve much at all, depending on which you take.

That said, I didn't hate it. It was interesting enough to keep me reading, but it never wowed me or made me experience any emotion at all, for that matter. The sad moments never effected me, and the 'intense' moments made me go ''meh''. Everything is pretty much forgettable.

Can somebody explain me why people hyped it so much? Because there's absolutely nothing special about it.

>> No.2114252
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Finished Clannad. And it was really, really average.

95% of the cast was completely unlike-able, the exceptions being Akio himself and Ushio. The plot wasn't all that good, though it did have it's moments. The resolution was either extremely stupid or doesn't resolve much at all, depending on which you take.

That said, I didn't hate it. It was interesting enough to keep me reading, but it never wowed me or made me experience any emotion at all, for that matter. The sad moments never effected me, and the 'intense' moments made me go ''meh''. Everything is pretty much forgettable.

Can somebody explain me why people hyped it so much? Because there's absolutely nothing special about it.

>> No.2114258

Finished Gimai Hitomi. And it was really, really average.

95% of the cast was completely unlike-able, the exceptions being Hitomi herself and Yuki. The plot wasn't all that good, though it did have it's moments. The resolution was either extremely stupid or doesn't resolve much at all, depending on which you take.

That said, I didn't hate it. It was interesting enough to keep me reading, but it never wowed me or made me experience any emotion at all, for that matter. The sad moments never effected me, and the 'intense' moments made me go ''meh''. Everything is pretty much forgettable.

Can somebody explain me why people hyped it so much? Because there's absolutely nothing special about it.

>> No.2114285
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This joke is legendarily boring.
