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21129499 No.21129499 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21130550
File: 152 KB, 582x700, orca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DSP should just ditch male Idate and make female Idate the canon one.

>> No.21131363
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Recently finished Mogeko Castle (the remake), what a trip, can someone clarify me what happened at the end? Was Yonaka raped into oblivion and she shut down or...?

But what about Shirogane then, will he get fucked to death?

>> No.21131592
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i thought it was grey garden




>> No.21132251

I have been waiting for more than 4 years since I first played the games.
The day something gets released I will somehow celebrate the odyssey has come to an end.

>> No.21133312

I lobco

>> No.21135977

5 years
still no new game

>> No.21137561
File: 256 KB, 363x532, pjsgbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the games, I'll start.

Gray Garden > Mogeko Castle > Wadanohara

>> No.21139523
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>will he get fucked to death?
Yes, and not only him...

>> No.21141491
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>> No.21141546

These games would be SO much better as visual novels. The gameplay is just... unnecessary.

>> No.21141553

That one bitch with the flashy hair at the beginning of Mogeko Castle is my waifu.

>> No.21143604
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the sprites and animations are cute though

>> No.21143795
File: 14 KB, 384x342, Black Marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think visual novel would over simplify it. I do wish the gameplay was more challenging but I think it would lose a lot of it's charm and soul if you took away the RPG format.

>> No.21146361
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It was way easy bu the move animations were nice at least.

>> No.21149464
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So did this scene take place before or after the game?

I'm surprised the amount of effort put into the combat such as sprites and animations despite it being very barebones and easy.

>> No.21155175
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>can someone clarify me what happened at the end? Was Yonaka raped into oblivion and she shut down or...?
which end? Paradise or Falsehood?
I remember Yonaka embracing her degenerate brother

>> No.21155347

while you're right, it should be said: the 3x speedup when you run the game in EasyRPG is a godsend.

>> No.21155354

Pretty sure it was before the events of the game, but it's been ages since I played it and haven't even looked at Mogeko's seriously in like a year.

>> No.21158102
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Falsehood, which is the true ending, isn't it my dear anon? The one where, after they give you the "Good ending screen", King Mogeko seems to appear by the side of the bed and all goes creepy, hinting Yonaka is in some kind of coma and King Mogeko is doing unthinkable things to her. Is that what is going on? Is Mogeko Castle some kind of representation of Yonaka's mind, or is it a legit world and she was transported there?

Thanks my dearest anon.

>> No.21158228

well I admit I haven't thought that deeply about it, I just had the impression that the entirety of the Mogeko Castle trip (including the torture sequence you described) are a mere representation of Yonaka's deteriorating mental health and her issues in real life. Like she never actually left the metro and city.

>> No.21158672


I have to agree with you there, that was my initial idea. How could we explain then the appearance of Sullivan, Kurotsuno and the rest of the smols? I love games that toy with the mind of the characters.

>> No.21162054
File: 199 KB, 595x842, mogeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know the mogeko are supposed to be bad because they are all rapey and stuff... but come on yonaka is super pretty and i would want her to be my gf

>> No.21165990

Is Yonaka a mix between yume nikki and tomoko?

>> No.21166002
File: 109 KB, 595x842, tomoko mogeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, she is definitely heavily inspired by yume nikki, which is a little bit of a shame because i think a simple hair design change could fix that easy, maybe in stead of giving her pigtails she could have just had a ponytail or her hair in some other style.
i can also see the tomoko inspiration deep within her design as well with her hair covering up her eye and the bags added under her eye.

>> No.21166009
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>> No.21166041

I would agree if you could actually walk around and talk to INTERESTING NPCs that have something intriguing to say or (maybe some worldbuilding) between scene and scene. It would be a good way to expand on the story. You would have the option of playing the story linearly while ignoring all the side dialog or playing it linearly but stopping to talk to people between plot points for a richer experience.

But instead, it's a walking simulator with piss easy battles you basically can't lose. The freedom of movement that the RPG format allows compared to a VN is worth nothing if there isn't good dialog to find by walking around. The only thing you can do is talk to people that have nothing to say or walk to the next scene in the linear story.

That's why I think the VN format would be better for the story as it is. Same with all the other Mogeko games.

>> No.21166043
File: 327 KB, 850x930, __madotsuki_yume_nikki_drawn_by_mogeko_okegom__ece95bf90d1fc3120eb0d5ac11927eef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when mogeko drew yume nikki fanarts?

>> No.21166060

Remember when he got kicked off Tumblr for drawing Sal raping Wadanohara in the ass?

I hope that taught him that he shouldn't bother with the western fanbase, much less appeal to them. Stay true to yoursefl and don't let these cucks influence your art!

>> No.21166068

different anon here

but i agree it would work well as vn but it still would loose it's charm and i don't think it would be as popular if it was just a simple vn. it being a vn that looks like an rpg is part of the charm to the games.

though it wouldn't hurt to have had extra dialogue or areas to explore in the castle with hidden secrets outside of the main story.

maybe even have a subtle side story that can only be seen through exploration of the castle further, through hints that maybe most people might not see doing a linear run of the game

>> No.21166080

have you got the source image of that?
i never got to see it, also i agree they should just feel free to creatively express themselves however they want. appealing to the west means limiting what you can and can't put in your art instead of just doing what you want.

>> No.21166140 [DELETED] 

this thread has russhit tranny written all over it

>> No.21166254 [SPOILER] 
File: 93 KB, 500x622, 1555181631435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, laugh at these mentally ill nutjobs:


>> No.21166528

where the fuck is carnival rhythm

>> No.21167237

nice this is the perfect combination of cute and hot.

moving forward they said they are going to try and put more stuff like this in there games, so i can't wait to see what they have in store for us in their mind

>> No.21167251

>the original SJW complaining doesn't even seem to know about the official rape picture by Mogeko
Lmao, she would lose her fucking mind over that.

>> No.21167323

i don't get why people get so upset about rape in fiction it's not glorifying it or anything and any decent human being with a stable mental health knows the difference between fiction and reality. and a lot of people use it to cope or express their frustration if it's ever happened to them.

if anything it's raising more awareness of it,instead of acting like it never happens and addressing it like a non issue

>> No.21170134
File: 191 KB, 500x672, Rin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also made a Kemurikusa fanart recently.

>> No.21176553

The dream wn die!

>> No.21182071


>> No.21183801


>> No.21186762


>> No.21187983
File: 328 KB, 769x1000, 1547861859211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the appeal of these games.

I only played wadanohara, and it was just mediocre fujoshit with some nice art but that's about it. I'd say I liked the twist if not for the fact I didn't particularly care for the characters in general. The horror was really generic, the music was unmemorable, gameplay was filler, etc.

>> No.21188343

>mediocre fujoshit
That's the appeal, they're rpgs for teen girls

>> No.21188521

Get some taste faggots

>> No.21188537
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>> No.21189182 [DELETED] 

the game are all about the story, characters and visuals more than anything

>> No.21189196

the games are all about the story, characters and visuals more than anything

>> No.21192789

I think you're playing a different game.

>> No.21192930
File: 10 KB, 211x120, report.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the music was unmemorable

>> No.21192968

what makes you say that?

>> No.21194809

the music was based
