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File: 181 KB, 980x653, 01-20151027_Kamigamojinja_Areamap-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21109097 No.21109097 [Reply] [Original]

Any fellow follower of the shinto faith here?

>> No.21109223

Not a follower but Shinto way of life is certainly very pretty. A lot more beautiful than certain other shitty monotheistic religions.

>> No.21110038

I think it is a neat faith but I don't follow it
It seems to do a lot of things right

>> No.21110171
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May I refer you to this pic?

>> No.21110324
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I at least appreciate animism. There is something ancient, primordial about seeing the things and forces of the world as having some kind of spirit. It feels right regardless of whether it is literally true. On top of that, Japanese animism is probably what led to gijinka.

>> No.21111664
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>Shinto temples

>> No.21113037
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Post ceremonies.

>> No.21113052

Ah, It's the always trusted anonymous-san and his 100% true, sourceless, baseless conspiracies

>> No.21113115

Well, since it was created it is real now. It might not have been something eternal but nothing is. Most religions historically are just local folklore, festivals, and prayers at shrines, the ones that have a more ambitious scope tend to be very corrupting.
I admire Shinto but I am not japanese so it feels wrong to try and adhere to it. But I would honestly like to see a similar kind of tradition appear in the west, if there is one thing i want to do it's start something like that. There's some polytheistic revival movements but there is a lot they get fundamentally wrong.

>> No.21113732

>if there is one thing i want to do it's start something like that
I would join your 2hu cult, anon.

>> No.21114792

partly true, but a little oversimplified

how does it work for people outside of japan? As far as I understood, all those shrines are region based so you cant just build one somewhere else (like in Christians do). Do they have little substitute shrines or pray in the direction of Japan or what?

>> No.21114842

So that's why buddhism is the focus instead if shinto in Sekiro.

>> No.21114869

But what if OP is Japanese?

>> No.21114883

You can't practice Shintoism if you aren't living in Japan and Japanese

>> No.21114936

If you really, REALLY liked the god a specific shrine was peddling, you could.

>> No.21114949

Nationalist folklore. Not really any reason for a gaijin to follow it, and it's not really a set thing to follow. It's a nostalgia trip to Japan's animist past.

>> No.21115752
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You can if you're Shii.

>> No.21115934

That's not true at all.

>> No.21116186

>since it was created it is real now
A faith that was created by humans is a false one. If you want to be religious, try Christianity.

>> No.21116264

Do you really believe that? Which Christian texts are the divine ones? They were all written long after Christ lived by humans. Was your god just speaking through this humans? If so, how do you know which ones were really him and which weren't? Because they're quite different and conflicting and all claiming absolute truth. Do you think you are capable of judging such things personally?

>> No.21116384

The Bible was written by people inspired by the Holy Spirit, those writers did not write anything that God didn't want to be written. I'm not a bible scholar, but the major denominations of Christianity agree on a core of accepted canonical books.

>> No.21116405

*although Catholics and Eastern Orthodox and Protestants differ in their acceptance of apocryphyal books.

>> No.21116773

I'm Heathen and to me that means when i'm in Japan I honour their gods and when i'm in my land I honour mine.

>> No.21117114

The idea of an omniscience is just too boring of a universe for me to ever accept.

>> No.21117164

The acceptance of facts as truth shouldn't depend on how much fun they bring you.

>> No.21117267

Yes, I'm sure biblical text is all 100% fact.

>> No.21117340

This. It doesn’t answer any of life’s questions. What if you aren’t Japanese? What made the universe? What if you don’t give a fuck?

Shinto has no guiding moral precepts,no community,no higher theology,nothing. It’s just nationalist rhetoric,filled with animist mumbo-phooey. Become Buddhist if you must,though deism is master race tier.

>> No.21117403

I agree, Christianity was made up by Jews and Jews are not people so therefore Christianity is a real religion

but because you should never listen to Jews, it is a made up religion of lies so sorry try again.

>> No.21117426

Nah,science lets you bend nature to your will,or just tell it to fuck itself.

>> No.21117465

there are shinto shrines in Hawaii, where there is a large japanese ancestry population, so yes you can build them elsewhere.

>> No.21117543

Is there any true difference between animism (as represented by Shintō) and Platonic idealism?

>> No.21118092

A religion rooted in true facts would be pretty much a technological war god cult with an assortment of minor demons embodying sex, fame and economics. The adherents would built a giant robot armed with intercontinental nuclear missiles to worship at as an altar and to strike fear into the rest of the world. They'd hold HD-streamed gladiatorial matches accompanied by idol groups dancing on a stage. At the end of each match the idols would fall in a trace and channel the techno-war god to decide whom to spare and whom to end. Now that would be a religion that's true to the world.

>> No.21118138

I don't think Shinto, or animism in general, postulates that the real world is an imperfect reflection of an ideal world. Animistic spirits are thought to be there in objects, animals, places, etc. It is not that the objects are products, reflections or copies of these spirits who reside is another world altogether.

Says anon as if he wasn't a part of nature himself. Either way, bending things to your will with science is not at all incompatible with believing things have a spirit.

>> No.21118927

Nature always wins in the end. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

>> No.21118966

There are no facts, because you can't know something without perceiving it, and your perception is based on sensory input to your brain, which is not reality, but your own personal simulation of it subject to its own nuances and errors.
Better to just go with the flow and follow the religion with the cutest girls (mikos) than worry about objectivity

>> No.21119375

Nature is grand and beautiful,but there isn’t anything special about a specific subsection on nature. Everything in japan can be explained by geology. We know weather patterns,we don’t need some storm god called susanou. The sun is just a big burning ball of fuel.

>> No.21119671

>because you can't know something without perceiving it,,
That's not true, I know that on the 15th of March 44 BC Julius Caesar was assassinated inside the senate of Rome, and I did not personally experience that event.
>your perception is based on sensory input to your brain, which is not reality, but your own personal simulation of it subject to its own nuances and errors.
If, as you say, sensory input is entirely untrustworthy, and if sensory input is the only way to arrive at knowledge, wouldn't your claim that sensory input is unreliable also be subject to doubt? Do you believe that it is impossible for people to know objective truth?

>> No.21119694

not him, but you don't know whether or not Julius Caesar even existed in the first place.
History is just agreed-upon mythology

>> No.21119749

I do know that Caesar existed from the historians that wrote about him.
>History is just agreed-upon mythology
It really isn't. History is a completely different subject from mythology, the former attempts to uncover the truth and uses evidence.

>> No.21119924

I also know that Jesus walked on water and fed five thousand people with just five loaves of bread because of the firsthand accounts written by his disciples.
>History is a completely different subject from mythology
Not really, both are about analyzing stories passed down to us to learn lessons. However, the lessons learned from mythology are usually psychological while lessons learned from history are more practical. I'm not saying I don't believe that Julius Caesar existed or even that you should question anything about him, but there is a slight difference between knowing and believing. And that difference depends on whether or not you observed it.

>> No.21121191

The only qualifier for something to be a real religion is whether war has been waged under it, that is the purpose of a religion and what separates it from a tradition.
Something not being a religion is a good thing.

>> No.21121289

i can't believe literally everything is a religion now

>> No.21121334

That's definitely my favorite Rick and Morty quote

>> No.21127049
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>> No.21129397

You learned that by hearing it or reading it somewhere. So you had to perceive that material visually or audially at some point.
And yeah, it is impossible to know objective truth. But that doesn't mean we can't assume what principles might be true and operate off that, mostly based on repeated observation.

Just as an example, we can assume that mathematical addition exists and functions in a constant manner. because we observe it constantly and it's really useful for us that it does, adding another object to a series will always increase the total by one.
But the problem with certain religions is assuming truth without observing it at all.

>> No.21129432 [DELETED] 

So to put it another way truth exists on a scale that goes from infinitely close to false to infinitely close to true, without anything being either true or false, with the quantity determined on how frequent and stable the perception of it is.
So there's a pretty good chance the sun actually exists, since you can usually go outside and look at it. But there's an incredibly low possibility a god you can't perceive does. Which is where belief comes in, but that should not be conflated with objectivity under any circumstances.

>> No.21129444

So to put it another way truth exists on a scale that goes from infinitely close to false to infinitely close to true, without nothing being absolutely true or false, and the quantity determined on how frequent and stable the perception of it is.
So there's a pretty good chance the sun actually exists, since you can usually go outside and look at it. But there's an incredibly low possibility a god you can't perceive does. Which is where belief comes in, but that should not be conflated with objectivity under any circumstances.

>> No.21131692

Christianity is just as fake as Shinto and far worse for people in general. Fuck off, pedo priest.

>> No.21135136
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>> No.21135252

>It’s just nationalist rhetoric
So infinitely better than fake-universalist horseshit that amounts to bowing to an authority whose sole goal is making x-ethnicity giving up their land and all their collective resources for the benefit of their less questioning "brethren" with no right to it who'll be expected to do no such thing in return when the sacrifical buck is turned to them.

Abrahamic theology is a fucking joke that not one of it's many denominations and faiths follow even remotely faithfully (just look at the quibbling surrounding divorce and usury, who is really a jew, what mullahs are authorative etc), and the organizations surrounding them are actively malicious when they're not just co-opting so called "nationalist rethoric".
AKA a protestant poseur who doesn't want to be labeled an atheist or a *gasp* boring agnostic.

>> No.21135300

That sounds real badass actually, let's start this religion

>> No.21135987

Shit, I'd sign up right now if it were real.

>> No.21136388

What would be your gladiator entrance song?

>> No.21136401

Either Daughters - The Reason They Hate Me, or Snow Halation. Preferably a siivagunner-esque mashup of the two

>> No.21136435
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>Not following the philosophical basis of Taoism

>> No.21136465

>not combining elements of stoicism, stirner's egoism, and ted kaczynski's idea of the power process with buddhist contemplative methods

>> No.21136476

Ever heard of Jainism?

>> No.21139843
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>> No.21141328 [DELETED] 

I only follow cute miko

>> No.21141695

Please combine all of these with proper quoting.

>> No.21144861
File: 305 KB, 1493x995, 1489882869857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like kagura so much, maybe it's for the exoticism but it actually feels like something sacred.

>> No.21148847

None of this sperging makes shinto a religion or more than superstitions and paper thin animism.

>> No.21149133

None of this sperging makes christianity a religion or more than superstitions and paper thin judaism.

>> No.21150712

That still doesn't change anything about shinto, retard lmao

>> No.21150718

Being a western shinto believer is like being a gay black muslim white supremacist.

>> No.21150802
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>> No.21151468
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Must have to do with how theatrical it is.

>> No.21152406

That still doesn't change anything about christianity, retard lmao

>> No.21152473

This is pretty wrong on various levels. There was a time Shinto belief existed before Buddhism was imported into Japan.

There was a time that Shinto and Buddhism were pretty much practiced as the same thing (shinbutsushugo)

The Meiji era restored power to the emperor and made him an official Shinto god, with a few years of anti-Buddhist policy.

Shinto in the present day is basically animistic and region based, and if you wanted to become a hardcore shintoist it would be mildly difficult to do so as a non-Japanese but it's not impossible. There are gods for all sorts of things and if you visit those shrines for the purpose of a particular shinto god then that would technically make you a shintoist.

One of the main things that western religious folk have against that is the lack of commitment it requires, but really believing in shinto gods makes you a shintoist, even if the main gods don't recognize you as a Japanese person of the soil of their land, you could still pray to them and hey (according to the kami) they are the ones that would decide whether or not to bestow you good fortune.

>> No.21157260

If westerns can believe in a religion that says jews are the god's chosen people, why can't they believe in kami?

>> No.21163087
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>> No.21163162
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Also on an unrelated note, enjoy your self some Shinto idols. I'd link an MV if they had one...

>> No.21163433

Excuse me, but who are you quoting?

>> No.21164902
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>> No.21165643

>being so new that you don't understand the multitude of uses of greentext

>> No.21165651

get out of /jp/

>> No.21166042

You're 100 years too early to be making a post here, kid

>> No.21167856
File: 3.21 MB, 2816x2112, Kamogawa_ceremony_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once tried posting "who are you quoting?" on different boards and you can guess which boards had the most of this response.

>> No.21168645
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>> No.21172138
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