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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2108705 No.2108705 [Reply] [Original]

Why is an "indirect kiss" such a mindfuck for the Japanese? Sharing food and drink isn't uncommon, is it?

>> No.2108708

in b4 funny anons saying "oh no indirect butt touching because i sat on the same toilet" and other jokes of that caliber

>> No.2108714

Sharing food and drink is fucking disgusting.

>> No.2108721

Evrything that has to do with touching or talking to another person in Japan is more or less a mindfuck mind you.

Thats what ya get for that crazy closed social system they have had for god knows how long.

>> No.2108724

Ah, but glorious Nippon thinks it's romantic so it surely must be~

>> No.2108726

It's probably more of an anime cliche than anything.

>> No.2108727

It's not like you have anyone to share food and drink with, Anonymous! :3

>> No.2108729

The idea is that it's romantic to be willing to embrace even the disgusting parts of others. I would agree.

>> No.2108731

Notice how the only person freaking out is the one who wants to kiss the other. An 'indirect kiss' is just a way to connect yourself with a person you feel for; I get a bit worked up too, when sharing food with somebody I like.

>> No.2108735

>Traditionally, kissing has been viewed as a very intimate act (perhaps this view derives from the concerns with cleanliness and purity that are important in Shinto). Parents won't kiss in front of their children. Kissing in public is somewhat risque. In older anime, one's ``first kiss'' is a very significant thing, and it is common for characters to want to reserve their first kiss for someone very special.

>You may notice that characters seem to view a shared straw or glass (or soda can) as somehow exciting or illicit, particularly in older anime. The Japanese have traditionally had a notion of an ``indirect kiss'' which consists of touching lips to the same object in succession (I think Naota's changing feelings for Mamini are reflected in the way he first rejects, then later in the episode agrees to share a soda can with her in the first episode of FLCL). You will often see characters regard a cup, can, or straw for a moment before sharing it.

>> No.2108736

the same reason why I rubbed my cock on this girl's panties

>> No.2108737

Lol virgin.

>> No.2108741

What's the big deal? I've ate and drank from the same cup or even plate as my two younger brothers constantly through the years. For those with siblings it's one of those dinner time treats when you get take out and you reach over to ask "hey, whats this?". Family is family.

>> No.2108742

I used to share cans of cola and other food with my sister all the time.

Maybe it's a preoccupation with hygiene like those little dish things you put money into when paying for stuff at shops. Those things get to me more, it makes me want to grab the clerks wrist and slap a 5000yen bill in his hand with a big grin on my face.

>> No.2108743

Same here.

>> No.2108744

I was really surprised to see filthy amerikkkan gives his gum to his company from his mouth. it is so barbaric.

>> No.2108750


>> No.2108751

Your point? Yes, it's a bigger deal for me than it would be for somebody who has had sex, especially if they're sharing food with the person they've had sex with. But if the most you've ever done with anybody is hug, sharing food can be a big deal. Food is a very personal thing; some of what's becoming part of them, is also becoming part of you.

If you don't think about it too much, it can seem pretty romantic.

>> No.2108756
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>>Why is an "indirect kiss" such a mindfuck for the Japanese?
Just finished watching this episode.

>> No.2108758

Different social norms? In Japan?!

Get this: Westerners sometimes use a kiss as a type of greeting. How crazy!

>> No.2108763


By the way you're talking it's only romantic if you think about it too much.

That or you're completely unable to be comfortable around girls.

>> No.2108769
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Why is a "virgin newlywed" such a mindfuck for the Americans? Preserving your integrity isn't uncommon, is it?

>> No.2108770

...The second pretty much sums it up.

>> No.2108772

>Preserving your integrity isn't uncommon, is it?
Yes, sadly.

>> No.2108776

This thread is about due for an athens post

>> No.2110601


>> No.2110636

>Why is an "indirect kiss" such a mindfuck for the Japanese? Sharing food and drink isn't uncommon, is it?
>Posting a picture where two characters are behaving perfectly normal about sharing food and only the eccentric dyke is freaking out.

>> No.2110642

When I was four years old I asked a random man at the ice cream parlor if I could lick his ice cream cone, and he actually let me.

Now I know why! щ(゚Д゚щ)

>> No.2110650


>This rather immature trope usually pops up among characters who have never had girlfriends or boyfriends. Usually the offering character doesn't intend such an idea at all.
>Bizarrely enough, a form of this notion, the sharing of a drinking glass with a lover as an intimate act, appears in a treatise on romance by the Roman poet Ovid, making this Older Than Feudalism.

>> No.2110663

>in Black Lagoon, between Revy and Rock — the "cigarette kiss", in which Revy chains her cigarette from Rock's, after a fight between them
This was an awesome scene.

>> No.2110681

I'm surprised nobody has asked for source yet.

>> No.2110685


Oh please.

>> No.2110686

You were practically molested

>> No.2110694

If a four year old came up to you and ask for a lick of your cone, you'd probably do the same.

>> No.2110692

Just google the two people's names.

>> No.2110697

Molested? Don't obscure the truth, >>2110642 was raped. Indirect rape.

>> No.2110699

I'd give them my cone, alright

>> No.2110703


>> No.2110723

Not a four year old boy.

>> No.2110726

>Womble called Adamou Zumari, one of the young men who lead the "Kuruko" Hanna Church in ... I served "Satan" for so long, and he was not happy when I left." ...

>> No.2110744


The other day my imouto came in drinking a milkshake my nee-san brought home earlier. We were talking, well it was mostly her antagonizing me for being on /jp/ all the time, but things got interesting when I absentmindedly reached for the milkshake to take a sip

Surprisingly she said "Eh!? What are you doing" and grabbed the drink back, I was like what the hell? I asked why I couldn't have any, she made up some bullshit excuses like it's unhealthy to drink and I'm sick, aren't I? I told her I wasn't sick and it didn't matter anyway, because I was drinking it earlier which was why half of it was gone when she got it (which did happen, shit was delicious)

After a moment or two she looked like someone slapped her in the face, and with a dazed "Huh?" she stumbled away, mumbling something to herself.

Maybe it was about an indirect kiss? I don't really care but damn, I want that milkshake back

>> No.2110749


Oh, TVtropes, I'll just...


>> No.2110759

>>2108735 In older anime, one's ``first kiss'' is a very significant thing, and it is common for characters to want to reserve their first kiss for someone very special.
I've noticed that, actually. Also, "KIEEEEEEEEE NOW I CAN NEVER BECOME A BRIDE"

>> No.2110761
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>> No.2110766

I think /jp/ is distorting your mind.

>> No.2110782

ask /a/

>> No.2110790

Or he could do what >>2110761 did

>> No.2110809
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