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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 188 KB, 1044x1470, e63c07d98c14362710df9ba5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2107798 No.2107798 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread

>> No.2107813
File: 199 KB, 1440x810, 174315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tenderly molest Mano Erina.

>> No.2107832

Why? She's somewhat attractive, but not in a sexual way at all.

>> No.2107835
File: 985 KB, 1500x2110, img003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2107836
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>> No.2107840

Like Mai, but we all know that never stopped you from tainting this world right?

>> No.2107890

>>lol i trol u

>> No.2107919

26枚 高橋、新垣
25枚 飯田、吉澤
24枚 矢口
21枚 安倍
20枚 亀井、道重、田中
18枚 石川、紺野、小川
17枚 保田
15枚 辻、加護、藤本
12枚 久住
11枚 中澤
09枚 後藤
08枚 市井
07枚 石黒、光井
05枚 ジュンジュン、リンリン
04枚 福田

>> No.2107940

The fact that they're still discussing at last thread...

>> No.2107956
File: 385 KB, 707x1024, aika1015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its almost as bad as faggots trolling Aika

>> No.2107967
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>> No.2107999

Whatever, underage people always think of sex as something icky.
*rolls eyes*

>> No.2108016
File: 161 KB, 720x486, JALIL SMILE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2108017
File: 52 KB, 530x399, img-061212-kikkawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But Aika is the cancer.

>> No.2108027
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>> No.2108030
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>> No.2108031
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>> No.2108038





>> No.2108049

Is Aika a tsurupettan?

>> No.2108069


>> No.2108083

Read the thread.

>> No.2108095
File: 180 KB, 838x1200, pasta_typhoon3908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BUT, not spending 1000yen on a CD single
Is this directed solely at people living in Japan? Because with Ayaya's releases so far this year I spent ~$70 (one album/one single+EMS S&H), $26 alone for Chocolate Damashii, which via simple math you can clearly see is nowhere near a 1000yen.

I stand corrected.

>> No.2108092


Must have.

>> No.2108106

he is only a friend or the manager.

>> No.2108128

more like soon to be ex boyfriend.

>> No.2108149

What are you trying to say? Tell 2ch that.

Does anyone happen to know what they are talking about, anyway? Is it supposed to be weird that this popped up 2 years after the whole incident?

>> No.2108153

You can only be a fan for so long, before you grow up and move on to other things.
Why so cheapskate?

>> No.2108168

Where's the goddamn link to said 2ch thread?

>> No.2108176

No sexual talk on H!P members please.

>> No.2108177

See >>2108038


>> No.2108199

Hmmm, so? Can't the girl go out with 2 (male) friends and have fun at Disney Sea?
What? Angry because the wota who's next to her is not you? Ahahahaha. Poorfag.


And holy shit, the article data is golden. Seems that stalking is a viable way after all...

>> No.2108239


Your post is out of place, bro. Your troll is showing.

>> No.2108289
File: 99 KB, 1026x1488, eririn1587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, I'm just someone who think that the girls are also human beings (funny, isn't it?).
Sorry if I sounded trollish.

>> No.2108321
File: 72.00 MB, 1920x2400, DEEERP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Can't the girl go out with 2 (male) friends and have fun at Disney Sea?

HURR, no. It breaches the golden rule in that an idol shouldn't have any love relationships during her stint at H!P. Remember, that's the same reason Aibon got the pink slip.
Of course, since they cannot afford the luxury of losing a member anymore they have to rely on being lenient on enforcing the policy.

>> No.2108513

Anyone have a list of the latest ratings for QED? I only know that it went down to 3.9% then up to 7.1%, then after that I don't know.


>> No.2108559
File: 55 KB, 664x818, nup32045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"LIGHTLY SOILED!" is fine too.

>> No.2108571

you know you and your opinion are not wrong
you should take in account how wotas work and that its their money that keep H!P running

>> No.2108596
File: 87 KB, 800x600, 1225779167599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just someone who think that the girls are also human beings
I'm in the same boat anon, I think its amazing to see what happens in such restricted situations
thats why we must RESCUE THEM!!!!

>> No.2108597

>more like soon to be ex boyfriend.

The boyfriend she was with back then already is her "ex". Reina is dating miyavi now.

>> No.2108599

>more like soon to be ex boyfriend.

The boyfriend she was with back then already is her "ex". Reina is dating miyavi now.

>> No.2108607

Here is episode 7.

*5.4% 20:00-20:45 NHK ドラマ8・Q.E.D.証明終了

lol at this explanation of the ratings.
1話 6.2
2話 6.0
3話 4.7
4話 3.9 ←小川 http://makotan.dyndns.org/mako/makoaa5567.jpg
5話 7.1 ←道重久住田中 http://www16.tok2.com/home/lightcap1231/s2.jpg

>> No.2108653

Here's their probability ranking, btw. It's interesting if you can read Japanese:

>> No.2108691


>4話 3.9 ←小川 http://makotan.dyndns.org/mako/makoaa5567.jpg

Wow, all these years struggling for a degree in English only to end up playing as a walk-on actor in a below par drama? That's quite... dismal.

>> No.2108712

Has she even had a chance to use her English since she came back?

>> No.2108715

her camera whoring didn't help either

>> No.2108802

You may well ask. On a side note, I found out that she scored a 730 at TOEIC. That's a pretty shitty result.

>> No.2108804

Her only english education was the crap they teach all students in public school in japan (which counts for nothing), and the one year of study abroad, right? It makes me wonder how good her english skills are. Does she actually have some sort of a degree in english?

>> No.2108815

Her only English education was the crap they teach all K-12 students in japan (which counts for essentially nothing), and the one year of study abroad, right? It makes me wonder how good her english skills are. Does she actually have some sort of a degree in english?

>> No.2108827

It was only a year? Also, she passed the TOEIC, as >>2108802 said.

>> No.2108883


>> No.2109069


>> No.2109144

[boiled and then slightly cooled-down water,
usually consumed by babies or weak people]

>> No.2109210

Is there a H!P sex doll I can procure somewhere?
I'd like to buy a set of them.

>> No.2109277

What's TOEIC?

>> No.2109307

Don't they call it talcum powder?

>> No.2109341



>> No.2109391

Some one mentioned the awful name of IDOLWHORE earlier.

>> No.2109397

I see what you did there.

>> No.2109403

Some also call it baby powder.

>> No.2110092
File: 26 KB, 320x240, (TV) Utaban 2000.10.05 - Morning Musume.mpg - 00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On one hand you are right, bitch chose to be an idol and she should follow the industry rules. Follow the rules or get out.
On the other hand, it's just a teenage girl who wants to have fun every now and then. I can't really blame her for that.

Aibon was caught with a porn flick producer after being suspended 1 year for underage smoking. And Reina said that she went to Disney Sea with a cousin. They're not in the same situation.
I blame the shitty agency for not paying her enough. Problems? Blame the shitty agency! Problem solved!

Of course. Just don't be a vapid whore who fucks 3 guys at once every weekend for a few bucks and it's fine.

Well, I already have my plans more or less laid down. What about you?

>> No.2110278
File: 53 KB, 628x702, 1232058750509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a good rescue plan must involve fleeing to either California or Hawaii and it also must involve some sort of B-List celebrity support
Konno & Ayaya would also be kidnapped in my plan

>> No.2110664
File: 751 KB, 2094x1302, Anime Insider magazine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime Insider magazine

>> No.2110666


Some borderline useless English proficiency certificate any Anonymous of Somewhere could easily achieve while sitting on their asses browsing 4chan 24/7 until before the day of the exam. I'm not even kidding.

>> No.2110672
File: 16.00 MB, 2214x2754, Anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2110690


>> No.2110695

Holy shit Natsuki Takaya is doing a new manga?

>> No.2110724

Kidnapping them? That's the wrong way of doing things.

"2 times better than your regular news" written in Japanese. lol.

So are there any respectable English proficiency tests out there?

>> No.2110737
File: 419 KB, 1440x2430, 60221_ri1_122_1135lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RESET ep 6 09/02/19

>> No.2110772
File: 207 KB, 1920x1080, cdd59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q.E.D. ep 7 09/02/19

>> No.2110958
File: 607 KB, 1440x3240, ri4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to watch this episode whenever the usual 720p version hits D-Addicts.

>> No.2111378


How could they fuck that shit up!?

>> No.2111387
File: 899 KB, 1420x2400, 2306193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q.E.D. ep 7

>> No.2111513


>So are there any respectable English proficiency tests out there?

I don't expect you to understand the hierarchy of English proficiency certificates, as neither do I to a degree, but pretty much anything below CPE or TOEFL falls in the category of "personal fulfillment". In other words, you may take them, but don't expect them to prove of great use upon applying for a job abroad.

>> No.2111525

easily by them being
anime insider

Reina should be the leader anyway though.

>> No.2111547

>>So are there any respectable English proficiency tests out there?

IELTS is one.

>> No.2111560

I'm just asking because I took one called ECPE and they told me that it was similar to the CPE.

>> No.2111571


Anime Insider cocks up anime, let alone non-anime

>> No.2111828
File: 539 KB, 1014x1856, 1235084081068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biches and whores.

>> No.2111843
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>> No.2111917
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>> No.2111922
File: 279 KB, 1014x1856, 174765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2112001
File: 329 KB, 1014x1856, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell, you gave MADAYADE Maasa a triangle?

>> No.2112030
File: 692 KB, 2999x4635, maturi11_0345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ?! Reina is the new leader !

>> No.2112069

pseudo-boobs lol

>> No.2112214

FFFFFFFfffffffffffffffffff This took forever to write.

The largest American anime convention, Anime Expo, which pulled in 43,0000 attendees in 2008, has made a name for themselves among J-rock and J-pop fans by offering concerts for some of the hottest names on Japan's music charts (see sidebar). This year, Anime Expo brings over one of the most popular girl groups of all time, and Anime Insider has the exclusive news!

It's not easy being an anime convention these days. After all, cons used to be the premiere place to see anime. Before large distributors like Best Buy and Target carried anime DVDs and online outlets streamed episodes on demans, screening rooms at anime conventions nationwide were packed with fans waiting to marathon new and old series alike. But as online access to anime grew more prevalent, conventions has to provide a different sort of exclusive--an entertainment experience. As loval anime screening clubs die a lonely death, anime cons have continued to grow by bringing in the biggest Japanese names possible. And with the growing popularity of Japanese music among anime fans, the choice for many guests of honor is obvious.

>> No.2112217

Anime Expo, which takes place July 2-5 in Los Angeles, Calif., has pulled in iconic musical guests in the past, but none more recognizable to fans of J-pop than Morning Musume, the multi-million-selling, fresh-faced group of girls who first assembled in 1997. The group has been putting out hits since its very first single, "Morning Coffee," and you can still expect to see a bunch of teenagers on the stage. The group's producer, Tsunku, made Morning Musume unique from the beginning by creating Japan's first "revolving door" group model.

>> No.2112219

Think of the band like a high school. New members are recruited, rise through the ranks and eventually graduate. The shuffle keeps Morning Musume's line-up interesting while ensuring that no one ever gets burned out on touring, public appearances or recording.

>> No.2112223

Morning Musume's current roster consists of nine girls: Ai Takahashi, Risa Niigaki, Eri Kamei, Sayumi Michishige, Reina Tanaka, Koharu Kusumi, JunJun and LinLin. The arrival of JunJun and LinLin in 2007 was a significant move--the addition of Morning Musume's first ever Chinese members marked a new era of international awareness for the group.

"I listen to international music myself," said group leader Ai Takahashi in an exclusive interview with Anime Insider, "so I think it is very exciting that other people like Japanese music. It would be nice if there were more people to listen to and enjoy Japanese music."

>> No.2112226

Morning Musume will get the chance to expose even more listeners to its poppy brand of music when it performs at Anime Expo, and Takahashi couldn't be more thrilled to be playing for anime fans, since she is an anime and manga fan herself.

"I love anime," said Takahashi, "especially Studio Ghibli productions! I love Princess Mononoke a lot. I adore the power of the main character. For manga, I love Q.E.D. Shomei Shuryo."

>> No.2112227

Whoever is battling with me on /v/, let's stop before a butthurt mod ban us all

>> No.2112230

Takahashi's favorite manga is a detective series by Motohiro Katou that recently

received a live-action TV adaptation starring Takahashi herself as Kana Mizuhara.

Takahashi is no stranger to drama performances; she's previously provided voices for

two Hamtaro movies as well as voicing herself in Mini Moni, the animation series based

on Morning Musume, in which other group members also star.

Takahashi's growing acting career is not unusual for member of Morning Musume. When

it was founded in 1997, Morning Musume consisted of 5 members: Natsumi Abe, Asuka

Fukuda, Kaori Iida, Aya Ishiguro and Yuko Nakazawa. Since then, the group has added

and graduated dozens of girls, many of whom continure to pop up in the public eye in

other bands or in television and movie careers. The "First Generation" has kept busy:

Nakazawa hosted the weekly Morning Musume TV talk show until 2007 and has starred in

several movies, Abe and Iida continue to sing as a solo artists, and Ishiguro is an

author and fashion designer.

>> No.2112233

The current incarnation of Morning Musume is part of the Eighth Generation, and its

performance at July's Anime Expo will be the first time that Morning Musume has ever

appeared in the United States.

"This is a great chance for many people to see Morning Musume" said Takahashi. "I

will try my best to make everybody enjoy our show. I am so looking forward to seeing

you guys soon!"

>> No.2112253
File: 184 KB, 813x858, up3758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>and go worship some real idols while at it

You're sadder than the ones screaming weeaboo at you.

>> No.2112271

>I will try my best to make everybody enjoy our show. I am so looking forward to seeing you guys soon!"
>I am so looking forward to seeing you guys soon!


>> No.2112296


>> No.2112298

Good god ReiNya, didn't you have anything else to do

>> No.2112300



>> No.2112318


>> No.2112322


>> No.2112326


>> No.2112336
File: 156 KB, 1440x810, toro26683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd not like to humiliate you on /v/

Mother of God, someone hand over to this guy there some common sense and make sure to moor his feet to the ground.

>> No.2112342

What /v/ thing is this?
Did you go and do something annoying like Croatia did with that TakoLuka song??!!

>> No.2112346

Haha, fair enough. I still believe that /v/ doesn't have any active mods on. Ever.

>> No.2112359

Prof. Layton tripfriend used to be an active mod... though it's been a while since I lurked /v/ for more than 10 minutes

>> No.2112380

What's with the 'friend' trend lately...
And you still haven't mentioned which thread it was for the uninitiated.

>> No.2112394

ah, some words like sonyfag cause ban on /v/ so people go around saying sonyfriend, xbot, nintendude...
anyways, it was an idolmaster thread, nothing of importance...

>> No.2112403

That explains shit like 'newfrrriiiends' I've seen popping up on /jp/ lately.

>> No.2112413

Get the fuck back to /v/ then.

>> No.2112425

Everyone altogether now
Reinya is buuuuuuttt-*fart*-hurrrrt

>> No.2112432

Can you write モー娘 in the title of the next thread because nobody writes モームス

>> No.2112447

People who can read kanji should be able to read katakana as well.

>> No.2112454

so cute, it's like a little girl when everyone is paying attention to someone else on a party

>> No.2112460

d'awwwwww lol

>> No.2112468

Hi there, hope you like /jp/ and 4chan in general.

>> No.2112469

Come to think of it, it DOES sound like a bastardization of the Japanese language, write it in full next time.

>> No.2112475

That's fine and all, but what in the world makes you think the Momusu and Ayaya thread is the right place to talk about how you are getting trolled on /v/?

Screws up the thread watcher, apparently.

>> No.2112483
File: 32 KB, 526x579, 1235093973725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2112485

モームス の検索結果 約 116,000 件中 1 - 10 件目 (0.27 秒)
モーニング娘。 の検索結果 約 3,970,000 件中 1 - 10 件目 (0.13 秒)
モー娘。 の検索結果 約 5,260,000 件中 1 - 10 件目 (0.11 秒)

Because the only people who call it that don't know better and I'm sure that the OP (etc.) do. It's not a matter of being read or not it's just a matter of how it's regularly written. Just like how nobody would write マツウラアヤ instead of 松浦亜弥.

>> No.2112493

Furthermore, /jp/ already has its own Idolm@ster threads...

>> No.2112501
File: 76 KB, 480x854, img20090201113903441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2112503
File: 32 KB, 526x579, duuuurrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2112514


>> No.2112516
File: 219 KB, 1518x1404, r22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2112522


>> No.2112531


Aika should keep this expression all the time. She looks better than with her straight face on.

>> No.2112542

Saved for the win.

>> No.2112568
File: 147 KB, 1366x1313, duuuuuuuuuuur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2112572

read the previous posts
stop making yourself a fool

going to play some audiosurf, Rottara is awesome on it

>> No.2112588
File: 57.00 MB, 4542x5000, 1235095173303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2112628

Why is this one 1.75MB??!!

>> No.2112632
File: 78 KB, 640x480, 1235095605476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2112630

This shit is gaycake in the asshole

>> No.2112643

Holy shit. A certain H!P member is going down the road of 4chan macro image fame.

>> No.2112651

screwed up

>> No.2112653
File: 56.00 MB, 4222x5000, 1235095780483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm just fuckin around with my scaler, don't mind me

>> No.2112656

to piss off the ausfags
thread needs more .png

>> No.2112666

I know I've seen a gif of this, but where?

>> No.2112668

Not as EPIC as the previous one. ;_;

>> No.2112697
File: 331 KB, 1014x1856, 1235096374162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2112715
File: 228 KB, 735x560, 1235096581782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is a bit off-topic (as this thread already seems to be), but I found this pic on toro before it died and I'm curious why it had a Maiha face on the building.

You have any answers Mika?

>> No.2112725
File: 228 KB, 735x560, 1235096682080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is a bit off-topic (as this thread already seems to be), but I found this pic on toro before it died and I'm curious as to why it had a Maiha face on the building.

You have any answers Mika?

>> No.2112754

no way that's a house
it could be her private badass school, but that's one huge parking lot for a school... momo only may know, I'll ask him later

>> No.2112776

Do you faggots really keep in touch through e-mails or some shit?

>> No.2112789

It can't be a school, there are no school grounds.

unless it is some shitty school in which you can't play outside

>> No.2112825
File: 46.00 MB, 3750x5000, 1235098163153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2112828 [SPOILER] 
File: 46.00 MB, 3750x5000, 1235098210717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2112868

>>1.46 MB

She's like 17 or something now..

>> No.2112880
File: 82 KB, 717x1024, 1235099262310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for my extreme off-topicness.

So the respectable translators from H!O have decided to stop their work on Kago's and Tsuji's blogs, fine. But I'd still like to know what's going on with them.

So my question is, where could I find a relatively good and free online-translator for these kind of things? Years ago I had good experiences with lycos/excite, at least compared with babelfish(and now google translate), but they don't seem to be available anymore. So do you guys have any recommendations?

>> No.2112885

Well, no High School in Chiba prefecture look like that...

>> No.2112886



>> No.2112893

in case you can't read basic kanji, 英 is english(英語), 日 is japanese(日本語). Use the テキスト翻訳 link if you want to input text.

Excite's translator (for the most cases) is the best, and has been for a long time.

>> No.2112895

in case you can't read basic kanji, 英 is english(英語), 日 is japanese(日本語). Use the テキスト翻訳 link if you want to input text.

Excite's translator (for most cases) is the best, and has been for a long time.

>> No.2112912

Oh my god... I feel quite so stupid right now.

Thank you very, very much, I really appreciate it. And I also wonder why I couldn't find it anymore.

The thing is, I DO know some basics, but some reason I was really lost right now. And thank you for reassuring me that excite's translator is a good choice.

>> No.2112919

also, to add again, no translation service will do a good job of translating either kago's or tsuji's blogs. They both love to bastardize their words to make them "cute", or they use a lot of slang in odd text formats.
I guess you will just need to learn japanese.

>> No.2112928

you know, fuck you, now I need to know what that is...
You... you didn't just open a file and doodled a face on it, that would be too mean, right? right? lol

>> No.2112929
File: 20 KB, 315x450, 1235100190804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please ignore my mistakes, thanks.

Have some Kago.

>> No.2112931

I'm not that mean that I would just post a pic to torture you, that is exactly how it was on toro.

If anyone else downloaded it as well, they can confirm it too.

>> No.2112943

Why is this offtopic?

If you know some basic grammar and tenses, I'd recommend

>> No.2112949

rikaichan firefox extension is your friend

>> No.2112956

It's off topic because it has nothing to do with Momusu/H!P. Btw, thank you for your link, but I got the following error: "ERROR EXIT: Method not POST "

>> No.2112974
File: 8 KB, 142x180, 1235100985205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's ok... I just wanted to confirm lol
wikimapia gave me nothing...
remember anything about the tag?

>> No.2112978


It's you trying to read TsujiKago's blogs, it's on-topic in my book.

>> No.2112994
File: 40 KB, 417x719, 1235101337708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell do you care so much? Some dude just drew the Maiha face on a picture. Not only is this not related, it's trivial.


>> No.2113016
File: 393 KB, 1042x1493, 1235101657312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, thanks. I just think it is off-topic to ask for translation services in a not /lang/-related thread.

Fuck you too. :)

>> No.2113019
File: 405 KB, 1440x1620, 1235101707668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those Japanese are at it again.

I hate it when they wear 4 tons of make up. Yagucchan didn't look good either last time.

I have to confess that after reading the description I thought that it was a guy at first. Sorry Miki-tan, but it's the make-up's fault.

>> No.2113047
File: 294 KB, 1440x810, 1235102101443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate it when they wear 4 tons of make up. Yagucchan didn't look good either last time.


>> No.2113054

yeah, miki was actually better looking before they made her cute. her eyes got really small when they redid the makeup

>> No.2113057
File: 96 KB, 718x1027, 1235102251863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're acting so cool today, did someone other than the mailman talked to you this morning or something?

>> No.2113060

too bad the opponents weren't switched. It could have been 庄司智春vs藤本美貴

>> No.2113090

>Cópia de 187107.jpg

Are you a mexican wota or something?

>> No.2113100

do you have other schoolbook/workbook pages like that for other H!P members by any chance?

>> No.2113101


>> No.2113114

haha, 体重 is blanked out.
Is maiha a little sensitive about her weight?

>> No.2113121

haha, 体重 is blanked out.
Is maiha a little sensitive about her weight?

Also, why would she have one of her hobbies blanked out too (especially when the other two aren't)?
I can't even read the field above that, too blurry...

>> No.2113131

>Also, why would she have one of her hobbies blanked out too (especially when the other two aren't)?
It was probably "playing with boys"

>> No.2113134

Everyone knows he's BR.

No ;____;

I think Mari always looks good with a lot of make up. Miki not so much..

What a slut.

>> No.2113157

>"My dream: To be a singer"

How cute.
Why did maiha quit/leave anyways?

>> No.2113190

"continue her studies"

>> No.2113214

Busted wat?
I'm Japanese living on Brazil

no... sorry
they're so messy, but lovely lol

dunno, it's strange because it was likely not upped by her anyways...

>>2113157 back row, few lines, hard time dancing, getting approved on private (normal) school, strict dad

>> No.2113219

I know that is the "official" reason she left, but it seems like a terrible reason to me.

Did she not like singing anymore? Didn't get along with the Berryz members or UFA staff? What?

Megumi's reason for leaving was to "continue her studies" as well, but it is obvious she left because of the wotas and/or stalkers (especially that one that caught her with her BF).

>> No.2113224

>living on Brazil

you must be fuckin HUEG

>> No.2113240

Megumi's was >>2113131...
she didn't even care for a grad concert lol

>Didn't get along with the Berryz members or UFA staff? What?
Far from that. She's probably the only one that befriended Momo truly. Was also close to Captain and Risako.
Also, on her last Radio show, the host man almost cries.

>> No.2113274

Megumi's was >>2113131...
she didn't even care for a grad concert lol

>Didn't get along with the Berryz members or UFA staff? What?
Far from that. She's probably the only one that befriended Momo truly. Was also close to Captain and Risako.
Also, on her last Radio show, the host man almost cries.

Well... I'm 1m78, 75Kg, I don't think I'm hueg

>> No.2113278
File: 48.00 MB, 1000x1375, 1235104486172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ these threads are moving too fast right now
and so I will simply add a picture from the juicy photobook, seems the scan didn't work too well

>> No.2113285

pedowotas are back, that's why it's so fast

>> No.2113291
File: 229 KB, 483x3182, 1235104680016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2113303

it's too bad megumi got fired
she was pretty good

>> No.2113313

I'm the anon that posted that toro pic, but all I have been able to find is that she went to 船橋市立二宮小学校 (which is probably where that workbook pic is from).

I'm still searching...

>> No.2113315
File: 369 KB, 1170x1762, 1235104883439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy that anon helped me with my translation problems that I will post some Kago only to spite my favorite tripfag ReiNya~<3.

>> No.2113320
File: 298 KB, 895x1211, 1235104940187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2113325
File: 317 KB, 901x1211, 1235104988187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2113334
File: 187 KB, 961x683, 1235105063589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2113335

thanks, guy! hopefully someone will soon begin to translate Kago-chan's blog posts again...

>> No.2113340
File: 434 KB, 1146x1756, 1235105121232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2113339

fuck, scratch that, I meant 船橋市立二宮中学校

>> No.2113353
File: 632 KB, 2136x1559, 1235105263805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad quality, but still a nice picture.

>> No.2113359

fuck, scratch that, I meant 船橋市立二宮中学校

She probably went to 船橋市立二宮小学校 too though, considering when you go to public school in japan, you have to go to a school somewhat near your house and you don't have many options (if any).

>> No.2113367
File: 423 KB, 1135x1751, 1235105503506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, I missed nr. 14, but I easily found it.

It's incredibly beautiful, right?

>> No.2113370

I'm telling you. We don't feel compelled to click an image of that nature.

>> No.2113384

Did megumi actually get fired? Or did she quit?

Considering miyabi got caught making out with her BF, and megumi only got caught walking down the street holding hands with hers, I find that strange if she did get fired. Megumi was just as important as Miyabi was too then (lead singer, was always one of the H!P kids in the shuffle groups)

>> No.2113388
File: 167 KB, 983x834, 1235105738714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, nowhere near that pic, her school.

>> No.2113411

The boyfriend pics came AFTER she got released, most likely she quit because of pressure put on her for having a boyfriend, then after she left didn't give a shit and just went around with her boyfriend all the time, hence the pictures

Anyway, this isn't the Kids thread, so we needn't talk about this any longer.

This picture literally sums up the reason everyone fucking hates her. She was never sorry about anything, it's obvious she just likes rubbing everything in the face of H!P. What a slut.

>> No.2113430
File: 154 KB, 482x515, 1235106308347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she should be sorry or what?

>> No.2113551

She was very sorry and regretful years ago when it happened. Now she fucking basks in it. What a slut.

>> No.2113564

Do you happen to have that magazine pic (friday's I think) of Aibon chatting with her mom in their yard while she was on house arrest?

I have been looking for it forever....


>> No.2113623
File: 182 KB, 500x750, 1235109014407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but I think she only said that because she wanted to stay in HP, which was all she ever had until then. I also have the feeling the she now is a more free and complete human being compared to her time under the wings of UFA.

I realize that this sounds kinda pathetic, but in the end it was an advantage to her.

I don't think so, I do have some pics from/with her mom, but 'yard' doesn't really ring a bell. Was it a b/w picture?

>> No.2113634

>Was it a b/w picture?

yes, it was taken before she got completely fired. I think it was around the time that those other magazine pics of her came out where she was walking down the street in tokyo (and really skinny)

>> No.2113642
File: 383 KB, 664x672, 1235109223944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deleted the image. Happy now you cock sniffing imbecile? Auron can be wrongfully pronounced as Orin. It was a joke you stupid fucks. Now give me the link to the gif, or face the consequences.

>> No.2113646
File: 140 KB, 572x764, 1235109261966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one of the pages, but I remember there being more

>> No.2113655
File: 264 KB, 600x840, 1235109344875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I post Orin anyways?

>> No.2113659


>> No.2113657
File: 163 KB, 1011x667, 1235109380500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I'm an idiot, it took me 2 secs on the H!O picboard, I keep forgetting to check that place

>> No.2113656

There's a small failure in your plan. Care to guess?

That said...


>> No.2113662
File: 163 KB, 1011x667, 1235109425173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I'm an idiot, it took me 2 secs on the H!O picboard, I keep forgetting to check that place


>> No.2113668
File: 151 KB, 350x728, 1235109530916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I don't think that I have what you are looking for, but you made me curious, so I'll definitely look out for that. I only have like 5 pics from Friday and also few from some other magazine.

>> No.2113674
File: 388 KB, 901x1229, 1235109663057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahaha, thank you. I didn't have that one, nice.

>> No.2113677

Note, the reason I was wondering is because I'm the resident stalker and I'm still putting together my map thing as sort of a hobby (which is essentially almost complete now).

I found it funny how she said in her recent interview that she a) lives next to a temple, and b) everyone in the area is related, because a month or so ago I came in here and commented on that I knew where her house was in Nara within a block (a temple just happens to be in the center of that block), but there were so many people named "加護" in the area that I couldn't pin it exactly down.

Thanks, Aibon.

>> No.2113680
File: 810 KB, 2351x1738, 1235109762202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant

>> No.2113691

at least these pictures are tasteful

>> No.2113704
File: 345 KB, 982x1246, Josei Seven 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I remember that (being surrounded by temples), but doesn't she live in Tokyo right now?

Btw, you're salker anon? Would you mind do share some of your findings with us? I know I'm being rude - just asking, sorry.

>> No.2113738

Next thread

>> No.2113773

Yeah, she lives in Tokyo, but her family still lives in that house in Nara.

I've been here all along, I'm the one who posted the question/picture about Maiha to Mika as well.

I've decided to go with another poster's advice, and I am not going to post everything I have, so people won't go on "stalking trips" or whatever if they go to Japan. I'll post some info from time to time though, sorry.

I just gave you maiha's middle school and elementary school (if that interests you), her house is only a few blocks from them.
If you really want to know what district aibon's house in nara is in, I might consider at least sharing that.

>> No.2113790
File: 590 KB, 1200x1762, kago_live_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine and I completely understand. Unfortunately I'm only only interested in Kago, but I still have to complement you on your dedicated work, it's just awesome.

>> No.2113805

Eh, I adressed the wrong post?

Ah well, *compIiment I meant, not complement, haha.

>> No.2113839

Good to see that you decided that. If you want to drop hints to people you could post a street view and the surrounding street layout and let people find the location themselves.

I did it when you posted Eri's house street view. I pinned down her schools and pseudo-triangulated the position of her house based on average walking time and your picture. Spent like half an hour or more and felt really dumb when it was on the same block as the company address. Nevertheless it was fun and rewarding.

By the way, I got Lin's elementary school if you are interested. And I made a new thread, this one is already on autosage, no need to continue here (the troll is not here today).

>> No.2115764

>The boyfriend pics came AFTER she got released, most likely she quit because of pressure put on her for having a boyfriend, then after she left didn't give a shit and just went around with her boyfriend all the time, hence the pictures

nope, the pics were already circulating a few days before she quit. i remember well because i made a group pic with megumi mosaic'ed out and a few days later i was all ;_; when it actually happened. :(
