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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 13 KB, 481x320, gibberish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21074380 No.21074380 [Reply] [Original]

>Latest Release (0.502e13):
>Latest Source:

>Last Thread: >>20970244

>What this is:
Shanghai.EXE was a Touhou-themed Megaman Battle Network clone.
Then the original developer got a C&D from Capcom and shut everything down, just before it was completed.
Luckily, someone leaked a donor-wall demo build, and the whole thing was made in C#, which meant it could be decompiled.
This is a modified version of that demo build, with translations for the new content since the public build, and now a handful of bug/translation fixes.

>New stuff since last thread:
Fixed a handful of translations that didn't match the scenes they were for.

That's pretty much it.
It's been a week since the last thread and I figured I'd give an update on my (lack of) progress, so you at least know it's not (all the way) dead.
Started work on the map editor, but fell down the OpenGL rabbithole since I figured I'd overhaul the game's graphics engine eventually and it'd be a good idea to render it the same way in the editor first.
That took the whole week, and while I think I'm in a good position to overhaul the graphics I haven't gotten much done for the editor, I'm having trouble figuring out how exactly the game turns map positions into render positions.
I can see where it turns isometric coordinates to pixel coordinates, at MapCharacterBase:ChangeQuarter():204, but what I don't get are the offsets, and the mapfile rendX/SlideX don't seem to have anything to do with it.
If someone could take a look through the code, it'd be appreciated.

>> No.21074815

I wouldn't personally mess with how the game renders graphics because it works even if it is suboptimal.
>map positions to render positions
A guy told me there was a debug mode, maybe that will tell you your current coords in the map?
And I don't really understand the offsets either, but I think it lets you move around where the 0,0 for the map is relative to the rendering engine?
I figured out how to make a simple cutscene after realizing that page markers in events let you set variables for the previous parts although I don't really understand why pages exist. I don't have a transcription of those webms (and no druidman assets as well) so I can't quite restore the final comp but that is something more easily possible than making new maps.
I haven't done much to work with Shanghai in the last week because of wanting a break and IRL stuff, but I do have notes on how I might make a security virus similar to BN3's secret area. A bit of messing with map stuff and I could probably put in those virus gauntlet towers as well because those would just be battles that remove an obstacle.

>> No.21074967

It was more for my own benefit, I've always wanted to learn gpu stuff. Also spite, I never figured out how to force the current engine to use nearest-neighbor scaling and that pissed me off.
I do know how offsets work, it's just that I have no idea where they're coming from.
I can set breakpoints and see the exact offsets it's using (and modify them to be 10 pixels left, etc.), but trying to figure out the origin from that just gives me a point on the map that seems completely random.
Good to hear you're making progress though, hopefully I'll figure something out and that'll help you along.

>> No.21075691
File: 47 KB, 636x477, little reisen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what causes the game to switch to nearest neighbor seemingly at random.

Also, since the game is translated now, does it mean more people have witnessed this?

>> No.21075773

My best guess is that it's however the OS/GPU decides how to scale up a window.
The graphics code has a fixed backbuffer of 240x160, and takes a window handle as the render target, so once the pixels are set by the program, it's out of its hands.
How the scaling is decided after that is a total mystery to me though.

>> No.21078131

I thought it was dead. Thanks for saving it, anon.

>> No.21078551
File: 81 KB, 285x300, hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one can stop Shanghai.

>> No.21078668
File: 386 KB, 1000x1000, 68014489_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that was quite something. Little Shanghai was nice too.

Capcom did a pretty good job stopping her.

>> No.21079768
File: 124 KB, 1342x827, gotit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured it out.
Pretty sure I understand most of the bits and pieces now, just have to put them together and throw them together with a bit of gui.
Unfortunately, this is built off an older version of my editor since I forgot to check in to my private repo before going out of town, so there won't be anything more than proof-of-concepts this weekend (Part of this was improving loading different spritesheets, which is why those are all the same sprite).

In the meantime, I haven't looked too deeply at the per-page tokens, so anything I should watch out for or any requests (or a barebones list of features if you want it quick)?

>> No.21079913

Trying to write down some stuff from Koki's Nico videos so I can make a meh translation of it and I'm finding that his font makes getting some of the kanji absurdly difficult.
off of the top of my head
>place warps, conveyers, encounters, cutscenes, shops, chip traders, etc
>need to be able to edit an existing map to place a warp to post game content (I was planning on having a warp in undernet square 2 that leads to undernet 11, which branches off into the white heaven area, undernet 12-13/14 (I'll probably place mima here) and undernet 14/15 (something like the place where you fight dark soul bosses in bn5)
>need to be able to set up using new sprites (going to need to add something for the security towers)
>easy edits of random encounters
And I also thought the gauntlets in the EX Omake room should be distributed throughout the game so you can access their rewards as you progress through the story.

>> No.21080058
File: 22 KB, 303x303, 1419353318198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot for doing this anon. I don't know a lick of gamedev since I'm only a webdev by trade but I can try to take a look at it.

>> No.21080287

Thanks, I forgot about warps, I'll have to remember to handle those specially.
We're in a bit of a tricky situation with rewards, since it seems like there's not enough items to go around and even existing content has those duplicate AddOns.
There's also a few objects that tease being able to jack in (Remilia's piano, chandelier), doors with touch events that could be turned into areas, and of course the missing reward for the hospital sidequest.
A good number of those could be filled in with S-rank virus chips, regup, or stackable AddOns, but there might be issues with the special ones (maybe the hospital quest opens an endgame area?)

Any eye is welcome, I'm no gamedev either and the only applicable experience I have is C# and dealing with legacy systems. The editor's actually a lot closer to what I do for a living.
I've figured out the coordinate system though, turns out it was a combination of position relative to the camera and rendering from the center of the sprite that was throwing me off.

>> No.21080303

Anywhere in here that you've written your notes in? I can only see the misc folder with mapfile toplevel.txt in it, unless that's the only parts you've figured out.

>> No.21080389

There is the unused HP +500, and hard to get chip codes are always nice.
Could also fix chip+ and chip-.

Side note, need a way to save just a flag but not the location (or just make the save before credits have the coords of just outside the final boss door of no return).

>> No.21080686

Hadn't figured it out by the time I'd uploaded that, and I haven't really taken notes for anything else.
I'll jot down what I know about the positioning here so I don't have to upload to Mega, but was there something else you wanted more info on?

>Mapfile, render, and camera positions:
Every object has a "position:<x>:<y>:<floor>" line, which sets the initial position, before any movement, on the actual map area before it's displayed isometrically (so 0,0 is at the top, and x/y increase down-right and down-left respectively).
That position is then fed through ChangeQuarter() in MapCharacterBase.cs each render call, turning it into (game)pixel+offset coordinates in the positionQ field.
The offset is distance from the map center to the image center, given by:
{mapoffsetX + (mapwidth - 240)/2, mapoffsetY + (mapheight - 160)/2}, where the mapfile has those values on the first line as "<>,<>,mapoffsetX,mapoffsetY,mapwidth,mapheight,<...>".
This is all because the camera's position is 0,0 when the top-left corner is in the center of the map.
In the actual render calls, the final render position (positionQ - camera) is based on the screen, where 0,0 is the top left, with a handful of adjustments for camera shake, jumping, characters, etc.

>> No.21082224

Your work is incredibly appreciated. I can barely even put it into words.

>> No.21082277

If it dies again I will not be able to go on. Please understand that there are lives on the line OP and that we all wish you our best.

>> No.21082580
File: 13 KB, 119x136, FANG2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, that is a lot of japanese dialogue reading in this thread...

curious, what was the Flandre.exe situation about?

>> No.21082607
File: 11 KB, 720x480, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't got around to translating Flan's and Marisa cosplayer's events, but I'll try to now that I have a bit of time.

>> No.21083619
File: 247 KB, 640x360, flan1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I transcribed (and partially translated) the short part where Shanghai gets Scarlet Code for Flandre's event, but Shanghai already knows about Flandre by then. I think the video before it had the bulk of that event's story, but it looks like this, the stream constantly stutters and is stuck refreshing, and it loses connection completely at the part where Shanghai speaks to an evil navi (the next video start in Undernet with Shanghai speaking to a dark girl navi). It looks like you were supposed to look for Flandre all around the net before finally following her to Scarlet Conglomerate homepage.

>> No.21083647

I'm guessing it's something from the request board? Like you get a request to check out some rumours about a shady-looking navi and go to the shadiest place you know which eventually leads to Flan.

>> No.21083682

It's probably a request, like other postgame character-specific requests. The one he finished right before he started the Flan event was Yamame's request to hunt some SP5 lilies, and this one begins with Remilia briefing you about the situation.

>> No.21083749

I really liked how big requests got later on compared to the early quick fetchquests, especially Okuu was great.

>> No.21085085

I kinda want to read through the source code. Does the C# code require vs2017 or can I get away with vs2015?

>> No.21085110

Koki was using the 2013 version for a long while before updating to 2017 in the final months. There's no way he did some drastic update to the code that would make earlier versions of C# unsupported, especially since the majority of the work on the game was done in his event editor.

>> No.21085121

Should be compatible either way, but you'll need python 3 installed to build it since it uses python scripts to re-encode the map and resources files.

>> No.21086704

Oh, more specifically, what was the plot for the Flan side mission?

>> No.21087027

I couldn't compile with 2015 when I tried and needed to download 2017.

>> No.21087163

That's odd, the solution even has a vs15 icon for me, though of course I hadn't tested it.
I'll add some more instructions in for next time, including a bit I forgot from >>21085121 that you need the pycryptodome module since the .tcd files are actually encrypted.
I might replace those scripts with C# and build steps though, the editor will need to do it in runtime anyways.

>> No.21088963

Synchronizing builds might be a little obnoxious.

>> No.21091057

You can tell that I'm an amateur from this, but shouldn't setting the build order/dependencies ensure that it would be built by the time it would be called from the dependent project's build steps?
I don't think there's any fancy building in parallel going on.

>> No.21092673
File: 119 KB, 2004x1000, bn test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at making a map with tiled.

>> No.21093230

It looks nice enough, rather simplistic though with not a high chance of virus encounters. Maybe add in a few off-shooting paths to explore? Because as it stands it looks like its a really straight forward deadend undernet map.

>> No.21093351

I'm not quite sure what to make the maps generally like, but I was thinking I could add two more exits to that and maybe a center 'square' area that the warps focus on.

>> No.21093601

Well, generally Undernet maps get to be rather maze-like or sometimes ridiculously large. At the moment this map is neither. Adding in that center square might help. Especially if the warps don't go where you'd expect, like upper left going bottom right.

>> No.21094725
File: 116 KB, 1335x826, BN5 URA3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want it to look BN-like, I would probably suggest checking out how the Undernet is mapped there. Pic is one example.
Not saying you should follow it 100% - I mean, we're not professionals here - just how Capcom usually does it.

>> No.21094735
File: 309 KB, 3030x1806, bn test e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a different attempt, not sure if this is better.

If I was to mimic bn undernet more, I'd probably pick 3's undernet. I still have the path to Undernet 7 memorized.

>> No.21094810

That's impressive. You can tell me the first one is made by the same person and I probably won't believe you.
>I'd probably pick 3's undernet
To each their own, I suppose. Design-wise, I prefer 5's dirty look.

>> No.21094818

5 has a pretty nice aesthetic for the game's soul theme but it was pretty small. I also found 3 to be better at confusing you on how to get to places.

>> No.21094862
File: 77 KB, 1100x757, BN3 URA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of confusing, is multi-level area like this possible? Not demanding or anything, mind, just wondering.

>> No.21094865

Yeah, but I'll need to look more through how Shanghai does it.

>> No.21097228

What do you mean?

>> No.21098631
File: 74 KB, 783x284, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game has multiple floors on different images that have different collision maps. I presumably have to place the stairs as an event in the maps data but I haven't looked for that yet.

>> No.21098830

Hoping to abstract that away so you won't have to deal with it, but who knows how long that will take. It's a work in progress.
Got a few notes on ramps from when I was looking at the mapfile, though, they're special tiles in the collision map for up-north, up-west, down-south, and down-east, which makes sense that they're the only directions because of the perspective.
Other than that, odd floors are floor+ramp bottoms, even floors are just ramp tops (or like clocktowerreal, just one image for all floors since there's no overlap.).

>> No.21099437

>Then the original developer got a C&D from Capcom and shut everything down, just before it was completed.
Now Im sad.

>> No.21099463
File: 39 KB, 972x856, 60643480_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most tragic part about the whole thing is really how close it was to completion.

>> No.21099523

NASA should send Capcom a C&D.

>> No.21100146

He updated to 2017 then. Basically means every version before 2017 is now incompatible. Thanks microshit.

>> No.21100588

NASA basically owns space and anything spacelike in Capcom's history would warrant the C&D of Capcom
"Earth is in space and we own the concept of space. We insist you cease and desist any and all progress, process, threats, legal interactions with any and all persons of Earth and the disbanding of Capcom Company."

Fucking legendary. Capcom backs off and disbands because NASA has the rights to space and earth and any other planet or celestial body mentioned or seen at any point is rendered their property because matter so far is only found in space and Earth is just a collection of matter, meaning it falls into NASA jurisdiction, leaving them with the heaviest fist and pockets on the plane of existence with a deathlier grip than N1nt3nd0!
Shanghai.EXE gets back into action and the game is completed.

Oh fuck

>> No.21101127

that and nasa coined the term capcom

>> No.21103980


>> No.21103991

Please don't do that. If the OP has a new update, he can just make another thread.

>> No.21105032

Is there anything special with a 'height' value?

>> No.21105096

Haven't checked and don't know the units, but I think it controls how long a ramp is, since the inbetween isn't covered by the collision map.

>> No.21105252

Sorry, I was away up until recently, but that is so much better. That looks legitimately confusing and the dead ends seriously would confuse first time players.

I hated that map. Such a nightmare to navigate.

>> No.21105511
File: 607 KB, 752x1062, uuuuuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Capcom and their attorneys realize they are going to hell for a Tango Down on a cute, beautiful girl like ShanghaiEXE?

>> No.21105599
File: 202 KB, 786x1024, Shanghai.EXE 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the devs fault, they were the ones who brought paywalls into the matter. Capcom in general is really chill about fangames, as long as they're non-profit.

>> No.21108189

>version -0.1 map "editor"
It's not even an editor, all it does is parse the first line of a mapfile and put (half of it) together the same way the game does, except the parts that are broken like the background in rikaHP.
Still, the groundwork is there, and this is just a real quick test to make sure it works on other people's computers since I'm messing with GPU stuff now.
Let me know what goes wrong.

>> No.21110699
File: 17 KB, 1354x730, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not functional for me. I'm using a GTX 750ti if that matters.

>> No.21110832

Thanks, I'm betting I've screwed up loading in the textures, my own hardware probably let me get away with cramming everything together and other stuff that isn't the right way to do things.
I'll test on other hardware first, and hopefully I'll get something working soon.

>> No.21110843

Your efforts are appreciated, friend. Good luck.

>> No.21111185
File: 2.94 MB, 720x480, 2019-04-04 14-56-07e.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second attempt at a Mima chip still doesn't cooperate graphically but functions otherwise.

>> No.21111212

Not bad.

2500 damage though? Isn't that a bit much?

>> No.21111218

It halves the hp of every enemy on the field.

>> No.21111227
File: 213 KB, 274x476, 1459870588163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhhh, I just thought it was 2500 x2, all good then.

>> No.21111572
File: 36 KB, 909x569, honekaryudo-980058902728339456-20180331_062705-img1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I scraped the artists twitter when I realized that he had posted spritesheets there and I got lots of neat shit and some sprite sheets but no fucking druidman.
Finishing the main story was the first thing I wanted to 'finish' in a postgame but I'm going to need to get his graphics from a goddamn nico video.

>> No.21111622

making attack predictions based on those sprites

1. those butterflies probably moved in a wave shape across rows,
2. she has some sort of slash with her fan
3. the fan also became an object to block attacks
3. those "fireballs" move straight ahead but at different speeds/multiple at once

>> No.21111660
File: 77 KB, 599x621, DhBxes8U0AAsJ0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Druidman most likely was Nameko's character, just like the rest of the main game cast. Honekaryudo only really did postgame stuff.

He posted animations for Yuyuko's attack patterns on his pixiv, and likely on twatter as well.

>> No.21112525

Nothing works for me either, GTX 1060 3GB

>> No.21112804

Pretty useless for viruses but absolutely (half) murders the bosses huh.
I kinda missed the discussion a thread back, but is MimaDS her only chip, or are there like regular Mima where she only took a quarter of HP?

>> No.21113165
File: 652 KB, 768x843, 5287332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty useless for viruses but absolutely (half) murders the bosses huh.
Depends on the virus, some SP viruses have a massive amount of health and would get pretty fucked. And there's also some virus groups that depend on two or more of them working together that would get shut down if you can kill one of them fast enough.

>> No.21113297

Try this one out, I still couldn't get it working on integrated graphics, but there might be other problems there.
There's also something wrong with the bottom-left triangle of gencity, but that's a problem for another day.

>> No.21113383

Still nothing. What OS/Gpu do you have? And is the program using OpenGL or Direct X?

>> No.21113386
File: 26 KB, 666x452, honekaryudo-706096876165050368-20160305_053948-img1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who this guy is supposed to be.

>> No.21113388
File: 67 KB, 1374x870, honekaryudo-1006236691651182593-20180611_120816-img1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy too.

>> No.21113429

Windows 10, OpenGL on a RX580 8gb.

I'm probably doing something fundamentally wrong, maybe trying to frankenstein the OpenTK tutorials into an editor wasn't the best idea, and I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be taking 100mb to show < 1mb of images.
I'll also get access to an ATI HD45xx in a bit where I can actually debug it, the integrated graphics one has been bloatwared to hell and can't even install visual studio, but I can't wipe it since I haven't had time to back up the valuable stuff.

>> No.21113435

You might have a memory leak.

>> No.21113495

I'm clearly demonstrating that I have no idea what I'm doing, but I don't think that's the problem since it holds steady at 100 and actually goes down a bit as it gets garbage collected.

I'll post source in a bit, maybe someone can pick out which problem in particular is causing it to fail. Debugging gpu-side glsl is a bitch though.

>> No.21113515

If you're asking for names, this one is Chemicalman and
Volcanoman. No idea outside of that. Maybe the former is Eirin's NetNavi?

>> No.21113517

here's the text with that guy, so I guess he's volcano man or something similar.

>> No.21113525
File: 145 KB, 613x480, volcano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit forgot image but I was sniped so it didn't matter

>> No.21113557

>looking at the artists tweets
>see actual art for captured viruses
>see art for the fuckhuge dragon's chip


>> No.21113576

Hot theory: Chrono X devs ratted out Koki to Capcom because they were jealous his game was better and that's the only reason Shanghai died.

>> No.21113603

I still think the hottest theory is that it wasn't Capcom but ZUN

>> No.21113618

ZUN lets people sell their fangames for like 80 bucks on shit like PSN and Steam, why would he care if someone else's fangame makes like 500 yen on ci-en?

>> No.21113631

Come now, there's no reason to put the blame on others.
I do agree CX is a bit meh. For some reason the gameplay feels a lot slower than Shanghai. Haven't touched BN in a while, so I'm not sure if Shanghai is actually the faster one.

>> No.21113638

shanghai is actually way faster than say, BN6, from my experience

>> No.21113642

CX is slow as fuck, even though giver is a dev for it and is incredible at BN the game is just not great so far
>oc are terribly sprited and in the case of raven fucking edgy
>viruses are amateur at best and a lot of tilesets are reused
>chips are boring

>> No.21113645

I think his issue is specifically the "the current product is behind this pay wall, also it's a monthly payment, also there's no guarantee the game will be finished."

>> No.21113652

This, both gameplay-wise and plot-wise.

My favourite part is that Shanghai wrapped up its tournament arc in like half an hour when it took BN4 basically the entire game.

>> No.21113657

>Shanghai wrapped up its tournament arc in like half an hour when it took BN4 basically the entire game
No that wasn't an arc that was the game's plot.

>> No.21113663

My crackpot theory is that Koki just straight up bailed and made up a Capcom C&D. The last quarter of the game is rushed as hell (see: Border Concern), the undernet maps have an empty invisible path, and one's just a big empty space.

>> No.21113664

"I can't guarantee the game will be finished so I'll make 100% sure it won't" is a bit of a silly reasoning, especially when it was already like 95% done.

>> No.21113687

Honestly AreaGrab being an active chip is definitely the best changes Koki made. Like holy shit how is that not an official thing.

>> No.21113756

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a 100% reactionary thing based on principle, because the demos were all public until shortly before it was shut down

he might have just seen that an unfinished product was being "sold" and said fuck that.

>> No.21113784

I'd have to pull out a physical cart of mmbn because I'm pretty sure there is some sort of input lag with emulation (that or you are just slow in mmbn3)

>> No.21113800

Here you go, hope you can figure out where I'm going wrong.

>> No.21113889

Interestingly, Koki replaced his battle music with Chrono X battle themes back when he was working on Okuu's scenario (this was before her sprite was drawn, so she was a Flire v1 with a green mugshot of regular Utsuho). I couldn't figure out why the music is so shit all of a sudden until I went back to rewatch a CX stream because the game was brought up on /v/.

>> No.21114488
File: 1.51 MB, 720x480, raisin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because the tournament was treated like an afterthought to give you an excuse for the trip to Ingles, with barely any relevance to the plot at all. And all points to it being a reference to BN3 rather than BN4 - it's even sponsored by a rich villain, and called N1.

He's been working on the game up to the last week, and added a lot of things, like functional maps of new areas (specifically Deep Area 1 and 2), new bosses (Flandre was finished somewhere in late November or early December, and Cybeast was literally the last thing he did before it was cancelled), many new client orders, miscellaneous stuff like quizzes and bug frag traders, new game+ mechanics, etc. Border Concern in particular looks like it was one of his favorite parts of the plot. Also, this wasn't even the first time he had to announce changes related to the game's development without disclosing (((why))) it had to be done, though the last time he made an announcement it was about the cancellation of the game's business plan. Specifically, the game wasn't going to be sold retail like it was originally planned.

>> No.21114513

Did Reisen took out a bloody bazooka. The hell, Shanghai's NetPolice is far more ruthless.

>> No.21115431

I still wonder what goes on in Capcom's mind when they brainstorm the ideas for BN4. "Hey, let's make THE WHOLE GAME consists of tournaments with a bunch of self-contained scenarios, and let's make NG+ MANDATORY if players want to 100% the game. Or better yet, NG++!".

>> No.21116128

considering they are in a post-gundam world, complete with a space war, they have to be

>> No.21116590

Playing this game has reminded me just how much I suck at building folders.

>> No.21116618

Just find a program advance you like, build in that code. Alternatively go with S or L code

>> No.21116639

An L code folder with an MHalberd advance is what I'm using right now, but it's starting to feel weak against bosses, and certain viruses. It's just kinda thrown together around the Halberd chips with other L and * chips I had.

>> No.21116650

Find a strong chip or chip you really like and build around that. Use the chip code guide that's floating around.
I dunno if it's still like this in the current build, but there's ahead-of-the-curve viruses here and there in single-room Internets. I recommend the jumping guys in the doghouse outside Alice's house. Their chips are really fucking good and a great place to start building a folder.

>> No.21116697
File: 9 KB, 272x1110, Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gunhoppers in the flower bed, right? Yeah I've got a few Shotgun2s in L from them.
Looking it over again it's more of a * folder with some Ls and one or two other codes. It needs work. I'll have to look around for that chip code guide.

>> No.21116854

The chips in this game are pretty powerful. You can build a folder around Navi codes as their codes tend to have chips that work okay together. Sakuya, spanner man, Marisa, medicine, and yorihime are good choices.

>> No.21117101

PAs are often weak compared to single chips stacked with Atk+, especially against bosses. But KillerDoll is pretty powerful against viruses, and you can get the S code version early.

Too bad alphabetical PAs are even more fucked in this game than they are in Battle Network.

>> No.21117591

As someone with no knowledge of such things, could this potentially be ported to 3DS or or Vita?

>> No.21117721

I wish, but as far as I know it'd involve rewriting the whole thing in C++.
Which is possible, the source is right there, but definitely not a small task.

>> No.21117739

Like the other anon said, I doubt either of them supports C#.

I have a list of all chips in 0.432 and description of most of them, but not sure how well it applies to 0.502 and anon's mod.

>> No.21117992

Technically possible, but you'd have to rewrite so many things I'd rather start over and remake the game rather than properly port it.

>> No.21118174
File: 50 KB, 2262x234, flan norm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've managed to put most of Flandre's sprites into a usable format (annoyingly, the sprite sheets uploaded by the artist are not aligned to I need to move everything around pixel by pixel) and I could probably do the same for volcanoman, chemicalmal, and Yuyuko, making separate attack sheets for each.
CirnoBX and Hecatia will take an enormous amount more of effort because I only have those videos and not the sprite sheet png.

I need to learn a bit more about how the code uses navi graphics and do a bit more work with messing with navi attacks and variables (I don't really understand how the different speed variables and wait time actually work, and I have no idea at all how the animation point stuff works) but with some effort I can probably put together these fights.

With chips, I managed to fix the graphics for Mima's chip so the thunder flashes actually happen. I tried remaking the Utsuho DS chip into her Giga Flare, but had some very weird issues with the graphics not going the right speed and the chip itself having timing issues. I might need to rewrite the code to animate manually within the switch statement rather than how Uthuho.cs does it.

>> No.21118226
File: 2.76 MB, 720x480, 2019-04-05 18-39-50e.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The not quite working chip.

>> No.21118250

Unfortunately I have extremely little experience with gpu coding, so I can't really look through this without doing some prior studying.

>> No.21118539

I found this. Maybe it'll help with translations?

>> No.21118570

If nohing else it has info that isn't even in this version of the game, so it helps with recreating those bits.

>> No.21118591

Excellent! I wasn't sure if I should post it at all, but figured the worst that could happen was that it would simply have redundant info.

>> No.21118610

That has a bunch of dialogue needed for finishing the ending and 'proper' translations for everything that was google translated. And some info on unfinished chips.

>> No.21118625

god damn it
If I had that two months ago, it would have been real helpful.
I haven't gone through too much of it, but at least I wasn't too far off, except for the parts that google translate gave me straight up gibberish for, or those japanese puns, where I just made up just enough to not "break immersion".
If anyone wants to go through that and fix up the language files, I'd be happy to swap them in, but otherwise I'm content never touching the language files again.
Much appreciated though.

>> No.21118648

Just looking through it real quick, any of the post-game stuff (and even seemingly some NPCs to place around town/the net) is obviously something we didn't have, it seems to include all the story dialogue after this version ends, names of requests after 17, unfinished chips, names of areas we don't have and such

It's all really impressive.

>> No.21118659

Geeze. I apparently stumbled upon a goldmine without even realizing it. Definitely glad I posted it now if it'll be that much of a help moving this project along.
All I was doing was looking for a chip code guide.

>> No.21118670

Wait, so you found that by accident google searching and aren't some guy that used that?

>> No.21118732
File: 39 KB, 1160x1128, 59068793_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe your google-fu is so weak it loops back around to being good.

>> No.21118812

Well that's not entirely true. I DID find a guide, but it was an old one made shortly after 0.4 released. There were a couple of links on an overview page that I followed on the off chance I might find something more up-to-date, and ended up with that instead.

>> No.21118826

something worth considering, is that it looks like the artist is doing something else besides just shanghai art, and my guess is that it might be kirby related, so volcano and chemical man might not actually be intended for shanghai.

>> No.21118888

Despite the obvious NetNavi design?
That said, the artist did tweet that he also did some sprite arts just for the kick. Hilariously, this is a few days (I think?) before he posted Mima, who is in the game proper.

>> No.21118896

The panels in their video's aren't the shanghai panels, but if they don't clash with the shanghai artstyle I may as well use them.

>> No.21119099

That's pretty cool.

>> No.21119211

>I may as well use them
Wait. You can do that? I was under the impression you and the others only put what's already implemented but just not in the game properly. You're saying you can actually put something new?

>> No.21119374

Yeah. I just need to learn more about how the enemy code works. I need to know more about the chip code, but I've made a couple chips (one of which was actually a planned chip, funny enough) and could put in new graphics for them.

>> No.21119436

Different anon, but the nice thing about C# is that unless you go out of your way to obfuscate it, you can decompile it pretty much exactly back to source code.
The main hurdle is figuring out how the original developer did things, but that's just so we can do the same and develop it ourselves.
The efforts here are about 50:50 learning that and trying to recreate what the dev did since, besides the whole paywall-shutdown thing, he made a damn good (85% of a) game and knew what he was doing.
Hell, you could even start making a MMBN collection changing surprisingly little in the code, just a bunch of busywork copying things.

>> No.21120106

I mean like a Kirby themed battle network, like how shanghai is touhou themed battle network

>> No.21120127

That sounds really interesting to me.

>> No.21120181
File: 22 KB, 1221x709, kirby maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep in mind, the reason I think this is because he showed chips with pink shape icons, and the tweet says the name Dyna Blade.

>> No.21120362

Pretty sure I've got it this time, it still runs like ass and mousewheel scrolling likes to break randomly (+shift to scroll horizontally when it's not), but it works on an ATI HD 7800 and two other machines so there's that.
If anybody was curious, apparently the "out flat int" declaration just decides to be invalid on some implementations, and you have to use "flat out int" instead.
That and the few guides I read online told me to minimize draw calls, so I went rather too far in the other direction and allocated space for 1024 cached sprites in one call. Which, again, is allowed some places, but not others. Also highdpi shenanigans.

>> No.21120375

I know nobody could possibly be this dumb, but I'm imagining somebody wondering how to get around a Capcom C&D and deciding "hey, let's use Nintendo characters instead!"
"Kirby-themed battle network" is a phrase I thought I'd never hear though.

>> No.21120439

I also see Cool (or is that War?) Cutter, Ultra Sword, G Snow Hammer, Plasma Barrier, Ice Tornado, and Condor Dive. All of which can be connected to Kirby's ability.
Not sure about the others.

>> No.21120545

Welp. Any doubts I have is dispelled. He's actually making sprite arts for what seems to be Kirby-themed BN.
On the other hand, I'm not sure if he's doing this just for fun or what not. I mean his Pixiv has MH-themed battlechips too, and Koki is apparently developing a different game.

>> No.21120572

Are there MH-themed chips? All I know is Rathalos, and that's not what that virus is called in the original. PSO references are also not as heavy-handed in the original as they are in the translation.

>> No.21120580

Not in the game, no. Which is what I'm talking about him making it for fun.

>> No.21122772
File: 105 KB, 1437x912, Trees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey something showed up

>> No.21122826

Fantastic, now I can start on the editor bits and showing actual map objects.
Thanks for testing my shit.

>> No.21123641

Editor didn't open Last Floor properly, and the undernet backgrounds didn't show up either.

>> No.21123710

You don't need too limit yourself too one code THAT much.

>> No.21123722

Fast Gauge isn't * in this game, you really don't want clogged draws against an SP5.

>> No.21123762

Working on the backgrounds, might just replace what I have and copy+paste his code exactly, it's very odd. Lastfloor says it has 0 frames, for example.
Still no idea what's wrong with gencity though, it's like the triangle is one pixel off, except no other map has that problem.
Hopefully I'll get it fixed by the time the actual editing functions are in.

>> No.21123773
File: 68 KB, 362x1450, folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by his folder, he ain't fighting SP5s any time soon. And two or maaaaaaybe three codes doesn't cause much clogging anyway. Pic related.
Booting this dead game back up for those screenshots caused me physical pain.

>> No.21123834
File: 27 KB, 729x780, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used pic related to beat the SP5 gauntlet and even the few T chips I had did clog in some fights.

>> No.21125245

Hey. Do any of you faggots have the last translated version prior to 0.502?
I held off looking since I was lazy but I came across a link with the downloadable versions but it was to geocitied and I forgot yo archive anything

>> No.21125283

you bet I do, as well as base 0.502 and the ost https://mega.nz/#F!YLxVDaSQ!wu9q9xiL-S6HC_usscHobA

>> No.21126654

I just caught wind of you faggots.
I love you all. Keep up the good work.

>> No.21126752

The Flandre situation is almost definitely a request. Going by Dev Stream Anon's videos and explanations and the guide that got posted, it's a request from Remilia to find Flandre, and the last request in the guide.

I'm curious how that one ends myself, haven't seen much beyond Flandre's boss fight.

Just digging through the NicoVideo a little tells me the quality is terrible for sprite rips, so I wish you all the luck with DruidMan. You'll likely need to use creative license anyways, none of the attacks he used matches the Venom Drain mentioned in his navi chip very well.

Honekaryudo's Pixiv is an excellent resource for Yuyuko info if you can translate japanese. He's got all of her attack animations there, + explanations on all the abilities he designed for her.

>> No.21127084
File: 2.50 MB, 640x360, flandre_3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flandre's request ends in the Scarlet Conglomerate HP almost immediately following the event in Eien area, where you get the key. I'm more curious how it starts, because I don't have a good video of any of it. After you beat Flandre you just get Lavateiinn L from Flan and HpUp500 addon from Sakuya. Oh, and you find out that Flandre is Remilia's sister.

>> No.21127094

>Flan is Remi's Hub

>> No.21128974

That's... an interesting development. IF it ever develops past that one quest.
So Flan has Bass' signature looks and Megaman's backstory. Where does that leaves Shanghai?

>> No.21129018

She also has Megaman's backstory.

>> No.21129825
File: 157 KB, 720x480, S P O I L E R S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where does that leaves Shanghai?

>> No.21131251

Hm... we know that Remilia put up a request to find Flandre (I'm confident it's the "Please Find My Sister" one mentioned in the guide). I also recall someone saying that she briefed Alice on the situation, and that you go to at least the Undernet and Eien Area before the Scarlet Conglomerate HP. From those pieces, we can assume there's a lot of searching around, probably getting tidbits of what she's been up to before you find her boss fight.

It also sounds like Flandre can be found on Remilia's HP after the request is done. I guess she has two navis now?

>> No.21131261
File: 1.48 MB, 1354x1366, exesuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every tred

>> No.21131304

I said that she briefed Alice. Thing is, I never got to translating that part, because it's very low resolution (I don't have a video of that event in-game, only in event editor), and I'm currently a little busy again. All I know for certain is that Alice talks to Flandre and Sakuya at the beginning, and then there is an evil navi (the kind you get dark chips from) involved. The next video starts in the Undernet, but I'm not sure if the dark girl navi that Shanghai talks to is involved in Flandre's plot. The part in the Eien area is the only one I actually manage to translate, and it's followed directly by those vids of Flandre in Scarlet Conglomerate HP.

>> No.21132394

Do we have anything on Youmu & Yuyuko beyond their attacks?

And is there anything on that huge dragon thing besides a name? (According to Honekaryudo's Twitter, it's called 'Erugia')

>> No.21132443

youmu is 100% coded into the game, just not set up to be fightable normally, but people have made her fightable, along with mima.

>> No.21132456

How much damage do you guys think a Giga chip should max out at?
And how much damage for a Navi Chip?
With Flandre's dark chip I'll have made all the dark chips I want to make (they all need some minor graphical adjustments and Utsuho's chip needs some timing fixes), and I'll be making Navi chips at similar times as making bosses.

>> No.21132502

giga around 200 AOE or 500 single target

v1 ~50 AOE, ~70 single, subtract 10-20 for additional effects
v2 ~70 AOE, ~100 single, subtract 15-25 for effects
v3 ~90 AOE or ~150 single, subtract 20-30 for effects

numbers pulled completely out of my ass.

>> No.21132802

I think I have videos of Youmu's and Yuyuko's pre-fight events. Since they were White Heaven Area bosses, they don't have much of a story associated with them beyond that. The red dragon is the cybeast that was supposed to reside in Deep Area, but I think all I have is 2 hours of Koki trying to align its battle sprites correctly. No attack animations.

>> No.21132837


>> No.21132862

Without taking status and AoE into account.
BassGS clocked at 700 single-hit damage, so that's a good max point.
Multi-hit usually goes around 200-300 if it's under three times, 50-150 more than that.
Assuming V3;
Single-hit maxed out at 300.
Multi-hit at 100, as low as 50 if it can hit higher than five times.

>> No.21132970

Are those 2 hours just Koki working on idle sprites? Or were there other sprites in the video. Any information might be useful if we have someone who wants to make a fight for it.

Pre-fight videos sound useful, could make it a little easier to rebuild White Heaven, given what we already have.

>> No.21135219
File: 280 KB, 608x859, DruidMan.EXE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while, but if you'd like, I might be able to do some pixel art if I get given some reference material. I'm a bit rusty and slow, but I do have some experience with it.

>> No.21135274

I just realized Druidman wears a tabard, and I kinda find that funny. What is he, sage of the NetNavis?

>> No.21135308 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 451x903, DarkMan.EXE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DruidMan sort of strikes me as a DarkMan ripoff. I was actually thinking of how I would design a DruidMan fight and while I like the idea of him perhaps using the same elemental abuse as GodSoul Yorihime, the only idea that really comes to mind is perhaps him using dark chips like they're regular chips, since he's not a normal NetNavi.

>> No.21135369
File: 110 KB, 451x903, DarkMan.EXE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DruidMan sort of strikes me as a DarkMan ripoff. I was actually thinking of how I would design a DruidMan fight and while I like the idea of him using the same elemental abuse as GodSoul Yorihime, the only other idea that really comes to mind is him using dark chips like they're regular chips, since he's not a normal NetNavi.

Maybe something like him starting the fight with a dark aura and his common attack being dark wiper with the other attacks being dark versions of the ROM navis. Like Cirno's bombs that explode in a cross, Medicine's poison nuke that changes panels to a random assortment, Iku's chasing thunder that cracks panels, PyroMan's fire breath that matches Shanghai's weakness, Murasa's anchor bombs that swamps panels, ScissorMan's scythe toss that leaves behind timebombs instead, a Chen oni head at 50% HP, and Ran's huge triangle attack that gives him a 200 HP barrier after 50%.

>> No.21135806

Sadly, the only reference I personally have for Erugia is the idle sprite. It's not enough to build anything from, which is why I'm wondering if there's others in the video that anon mentioned.

DruidMan used LifeMeteor to defeat Sakuya and TankMan during the school incident, so he definitely has access to dark chips.

>> No.21135855
File: 12 KB, 385x306, darkman_sprites.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darkman at least uses a cloak, which is 70% cooler compared to a tabard.

Jokes aside, I think that's a bit much. Seven regular attack patterns (three of them affects the panels too), two triggers, AND First Aura? He sounds more like a final boss than Kikuri is.
I would suggest removing Medi and Iku (who have since defected from ROM) and Pyroman (who wasn't even part of them in the first place).
Also maybe gives him Venom Drain, which is what his Navichip does. I imagine something like Nebula Grey's claws that sucks your HP.

>> No.21135879

Is this coded into the game? If so it'll be easier to implement into DruidMan's AI, right?

I suppose most of the dark chips though would be problematic to give to him, but modified versions might be doable so there's a tell.

Hm... so cross ice bombs, swamping anchor bombs, leaf? time bombs, earth? oni head, and vampiric claw attacks? I think that could work. That would actually work with his name too, he has mostly ground affecting attacks that come in aqua, poison, leaf, and earth varieties. Maybe instead of dark aura he should have lower HP than normal and be coded to use dark recov + time stop? So in theory you can prevent dark recov, but it won't be easy?

>> No.21136023

Giving him both Dark Recovery and Venom Drain feels kinda redundant tho. Maybe combine them both, like if the claw catches you, time stops and he recovers HP and you loses yours.
I do like the idea, maybe gives him a trigger at 10% HP, so you have to hit him as hard as you can at the end or risk losing your progress.

>> No.21136084
File: 2.99 MB, 640x360, cybeast.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only video I have is him arranging the sprite sheet for that boss, and then checking how those sprites look at the beginning of the battle. He never even leaves the custom screen.

>> No.21136126

Even this small clip gives us more information than we had. Not much to go on still, but sprites like that diagonal claw still gives some implications for his abilities

LifeMeteor is already coded into the game as a player Program Advance. Making DruidMan use it shouldn't be hard, though if possible you might want to remove the time-stop for balancing.

Personally, I'd only give DruidMan 5 attacks myself. Considering most ROM navis have 3 or 4, setting their leader at 5 seems like a good number.

>> No.21136181
File: 2.32 MB, 640x360, cybeast1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sprite sheet may be incomplete, since there are no sprites for projectiles at all.

>> No.21136237

The attack counts are true. The elemental attacks and Life Meteor is probably enough for his base UI. If we give him vampiric drain as a desperation attack it probably wouldn't be too pushed. I could even see vampiric drain doing 500 and restoring 1000.

>> No.21136255

I can work with these. I might be able to have the basis by the end of the week. Although, it might be better to work on DruidMan, since he's one of the biggest problems with finishing the story.

>> No.21136410

Are you aware that have a video of the druidman fight?

>> No.21136511

Wow, that will help a lot. He... Looks underwhelming though. Only three or so attack routines, none of which are life meteor or venom drain and was that a weakness? I think Chen v2 is probably more intimidating.

>> No.21136560

No v1 is intimidating, and fighting an enemy that uses Dark PAs is not as fun as you think it would be.

>> No.21137097

Unfortunately, I'm certain that video doesn't show every attack of his. It wouldn't be the first time koki's videos have neglected to show everything a boss can do.

>> No.21137187

A weaker version of the multielement attack seems pretty cool, and would match the rom base level gimmick.
Random (chasing?) single-tile strikes of different elements leaving behind tiles (with heat after grass, elec after ice?).
If the chip wasn't already decided, it'd fit there too, and leave a nice combo like pyroman where you pen the enemy into one tile so all the strikes hit.
V2, V3 would make it so it's 2/3 random strikes, but that would be tough to balance between just increasing chance of hit on a 3x3 vs tripling damage on a 1x1.

>> No.21137368

Even still, it's a good basis for sprite work. I think I could easily make that happen. I've even got some ideas as to how to make him less of a disappointment, because he definitely isn't finished in that.

>> No.21137407

I'd already decided on a gimmick to give him (which the suggestions some of the people here have are spookily similar to) but if the other anon puts together a sprite sheet I may use it.

>> No.21137922


why is flandre.exe so tall

>> No.21138896

Why is everyone else so short

>> No.21139031

she's floating

>> No.21141211

Found a bunch of (old?) dialogue faces in a previous thread, I don't think they're in the code right now.

>> No.21141220

>her full game when it comes out in two(2) years
Never in my life has seeing the past hurt me so.

>> No.21142970

How do I place in new face graphics for use with the language files?

>> No.21143027

Other issue, I don't know how to make an attack flinch the player, which is pretty wanted for most of Flandre's attacks.

>> No.21143092

There's a couple of blank spots in some of the "face<x>.png" graphics that you can plug the faces into and use/rename the "Sheet<x>Face<y>Blank" or something enums in Common/something. The string the the Face="<name>" field is parsed as that enum type, and should match one of those values.
If you run out of slots or just want to group things together, I think you should be able to just add a new sheet and extend the list of enums, and it should still work.

>> No.21143122

Alright, I'll be able to add in the face graphics for flan with that.
Any idea on >>21143027 ?
Players might be somewhat upset if they get hit two/three times by flandre's gear attack.

>> No.21143150

Didn't see this one, but I wouldn't be able to answer from memory anyways. I'd start by take a look at chips, enemies, or tiles that do something similar, though.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean versus a regular attack though, do you mean i-frames, adding/removing the flinch animation, or something else?
I can take a look at the code later today, I haven't done much with battle code.

>> No.21143182

When the player is flickering and given mercy invincibility. Issue I've got is that the gear attack I made copying code from Mima's rock tower doesn't do that.

>> No.21143215

Can't say for certain, but I remember seeing either a flinch enum/flag or a bool somewhere.
That's the default behavior, so it'd be something added to its code file, unless its a subclass of something that doesn't give invis, or it uses a projectile and it's in there.
I can give you a clearer answer once I have the code in front of me.

>> No.21143445

Looks like its the "invincibility" field, I set it to false in AttackBase and nothing gave invis anymore unless it was explicitly set.
Set it to true in your new attack's constructor and you should be good.

>> No.21144112

Her legs are bent, and she's still taller than shanghai

>> No.21145103
File: 215 KB, 1610x957, AlmostEditor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been making some pretty ok progress on the editor since the graphics issues got ironed out, here's where I've gotten so far.
The buttons on the right of the expanders are to switch between (incomplete) section-specific controls and the raw text, so it's somewhat usable as an editor even right now.
I'm planning on fleshing out the Header section a bit more with stuff like hide/show levels, or up/down arrows for inputs, etc. but what I have so far is an example of what I'm planning to do with the other sections.
The only validation right now is for the raw text of the Header, so don't push it too hard or it'll crash/freeze (keep walkable area below 150x150x5).
The object rendering is also more of a proof-of-concept at the moment, but everything should have the right place/graphics, even if they render in the wrong order.

After I finish fixing the object rendering, here's what I'm planning on:
Interactive walkable area editing, clicking directly on the map to paint/set tiles.
Better map controls, hiding/showing specific levels/parts of levels.
Handling of special map objects like warps, allowing clicking on the map to go to the linked area.
Selective hiding/showing of objects based on the flags.

Let me know if there's anything I've forgotten or anything I should prioritize over those.

>> No.21145116

And of course I just now notice that "Floor Height" is busted right after I post.
I'll figure out what's wrong with it tomorrow when I have a clearer head, the raw text editing should still work.

>> No.21145125

So what actually is 100% lost by this besides the dev updating the game. Was there a gap left unfilled? Was postgame never finished?

>> No.21145130

From someone who can't do shit but throw around ideas, your efforts are greatly appreciated.

>> No.21145471

In the base 0.502: main game finished up until the boss just before the final boss, so 95% done

Postgame not done at all

Multiplayer non-functional but exists

With anon's efforts: final boss fightable (but not the one before it), 2 post game bosses fightable, possibly soon to be 3 or 4, no post game areas,

Multiplayer still fucking dead beyond hope

>> No.21147887

The heavennet postgame area has no content, but the walkable areas, images, and decorations are there, so it won't have to be built from scratch, at least.

>> No.21148603

Anyone know the frame data for the BN3 Bass Earth Breaker attack?

>> No.21148612

You're a legend, anon. Wish you best of luck with this.

>> No.21149702
File: 42 KB, 3360x240, yuyuko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the quick palette change for SP I made.

>> No.21151021

Silent Sinner in Red/10
Although the fan could be a different color. It kinda blends in too much.
How did you recolor the sprite anyway?

>> No.21151026

put different color/hue filters over her in gimp until I found some colors I liked, then used the color select and 'fill all of selection' to replace the colors in the entire set.

>> No.21151141

should a little darker, I'd say try to make her pants more gray, maybe a darker red, and maybe make her skin closer to but not quite Serenade's

>> No.21151422

I'm still in the intro stage and I have to say this game is fucking amazing. They waste no time with slow ass early viruses and went into midgame difficulty right off the bat, including some decent chips like the bubble vulcan and plus bomb. It's also easy to farm for asterisk chips so far (I assume it's harder for stronger chips). Also why is multi-hit chips so fucking good? Is there a super vulcan equivalent here?
Damn, all this cool stuff really made me crave for some shanghai porn.

>> No.21151439 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 800x1000, 1554970365995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only gonna get better, friend.

>all this cool stuff really made me crave for some shanghai porn.
Now why would you want something like that?

>> No.21151478

>It's also easy to farm for asterisk chips so far (I assume it's harder for stronger chips

It's around 25% on any virus you S rank I believe, plus you get the chip of the last virus you kill. Once someone talks to you about them start walking along every wall in the internet to find invisible paths, also try to keep at least 2 unlockers on you at all times, and remember S code is best code.

>> No.21151620

I took the SP virus mission thinking it's going to be free money but they kicked my ass. How do I cancel it?

>> No.21151623

So you like Vulcan chips, huh?
Wait till you get access to addons and one that basically turns your buster into one.

>> No.21151629

Heh, another victim.
You can't cancel them. Just be careful in the area with that virus or take a job for another virus that's located in a more remote system.

>> No.21151656

That sucks. I didn't expect the weakest virus to have more hp than Cirno V2.

Vulcan + Full Sync shenaningans is fun. They're way stronger here too, easily reaching 100+ damage without attack+ chips

>> No.21151659

>I didn't expect the weakest virus to have more hp than Cirno V2.
then just stick in more of the panel breaking chips and use the holes as cover.

>> No.21151674
File: 4 KB, 89x140, DAKKA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll quickly find that going in with random chips isn't gonna cut it with a lot of the SP Viruses. You need go in with a strategy and often have to build a unique folder around them. Like the other anon said, for KedamaSP, use PanelShot chips to create holes to use as cover.
As a side note, while you can freely swap between Virus Bounties, you won't be able to freely swap between Mission Board jobs. Once you take one of those jobs you can't swap out or cancel the job you're on until it's done.
And yeah, dakka shenanigans are awesome.

>> No.21151719

Many stronger chips don't have * code. As a rule, only v1 chips have * as one of the guaranteed codes they come in. This includes v1 navi chips.

>> No.21153828

How do you get that, exactly? I can probably get a shot of him doing EB, but I don't really know how to read frame data.

>> No.21154733

I guess you'd have to record a video and check frame by frame, which means I'll be recording some BN3 later. I want to know how fast its supposed to be because dodging Flan's version of the attack is hard even with the obvious charge up warning.

>> No.21155725
File: 2.66 MB, 720x480, 2019-04-11 17-37-34 flandre HATE tanugod e.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost done making flandre but Lævateinn is buggy and not working correctly alongside the game crashing when I try to make it so Flandre has access to her fifth attack beneath half health (I think it involves the random function's interaction with the enum?).
She needs some minor graphical adjustments to make it so she is properly placed with her shadow in the center of the panel, but is entirely functional otherwise so I'll probably start working on yuyuko or chemicalman soon.


>> No.21155727
File: 3.00 MB, 720x480, 2019-04-11 17-44-24e.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flandre is too fast, by the way. I may need to reduce her speed overall.

>> No.21155752

Not fast enough. Also great job.

>> No.21156300

that is perfectly fine attack speed, it's just the maze of love


>> No.21157077
File: 2.89 MB, 1278x718, flapflapflap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I always wanted to add to the boss AI if I ever got around to editing the game's code is this.

>> No.21157448

How many styles can you hold at once?
and how many battles are required for a style change?

>> No.21157999

Four styles plus Normal style
Every fifty battles

>> No.21159360

>dev has to start-scum to beat his own boss

I don't feel ashamed of it anymore

>> No.21159486
File: 161 KB, 240x160, earth breaker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming this >>21155725 is Flan's EB, I think she has less startup compared to Bass. Course I didn't check it thoroughly, and that might've been her higher version compared to regular Bass.

>> No.21159750

That one is on a sand panel, but thanks for the video.

>> No.21159892

The "turbo button" should also support lower update rates for testing/cheating, though you'll have to enable it in the extra options.

>> No.21161187

I've come across a weird bug while making a new chip. When I had the game give me a new chip via a conversation with a sprite, new chips past the second didn't show up in the folder edit menu. It was a new illegal chip with an internal number of 380 and a mb of 30, if that matters.

>> No.21161551

Is the lookup in ChipBase updated to include entries for the new chips so ItemGet returns the right thing?
All I can think of right now, sorry.

>> No.21161562

Yeah. I may need to test out things to figure out if this is specific to illegal chips or just this chip.

>> No.21163615

Her speed is fine. The lack of mercy invis and the frequency of attack isn't.

>> No.21165875

Use the chip that makes enemies heavy and sandstage. She moves about as fast as Sakuya and unless she's immune to panel effects she won't be able to move. Or you could set chaingun as your regular and try to get a counter.

>> No.21165924
File: 175 KB, 815x820, Super edgy S code folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post folders

>> No.21166177
File: 88 KB, 845x686, folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had those brave swords and Sakuya X

>> No.21166237
File: 21 KB, 480x512, Image4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not at the end of the game yet but this is what I'm currently using. With AquaWitch and Chip Charge for maximized Bubble Blaster damage

>> No.21166405
File: 28 KB, 723x725, Shanghai Chipfolder Y&amp;Z v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get another Z-Saber Z. Still waiting for a Youmu PA.

>> No.21167794
File: 29 KB, 360x1440, folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The (second) strongest.

>> No.21167987

I thought she has both Air and Float like Bass? Though all things considered that might've been a bit too much.

>> No.21168329

In the webm of her using Bass' earthbreak she's getting slowed down by the sand.>>21155725
Just set something like sandstage/road or tortoiseman as a regular and give her the heavy debuff and she won't be able to move.

>> No.21169712
File: 243 KB, 2275x1212, hitboxshitbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Map Editor Release
>Map Editor Source
I'm back and begging for more help, this time it's hitboxes kicking my ass.
I think I've got most the cases down, they seem to line up except for a handful of offsets specific to mysterydata, etc., but some touch events (but not others, see V2 Cirno fight in GenNet2) are off by some factor I just can't figure out.
Examples are the map transitions in pic related and CityNet, the mats in the Shrine Comps (jinja1.shd), and the hands in the clocktower comps.
I've tracked the interaction logic down to SceneMap.cs:590, and if I ram my head into the wall I'll probably puzzle it out in a week or so, but if anyone has any insights before then, it would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.21169788

I'm going to be sleeping soon but I'll check that out tomorrow.

>> No.21170061

Even now there is hope for man.

>> No.21170146

I see Yuuka. Hello Yuuka.

>> No.21171322
File: 53 KB, 946x633, Hello anon!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21172410
File: 248 KB, 640x360, shrine_events.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this clusterfuck of the map with every event at once
good times

>> No.21172711

How did he filter which events to show normally?
Probably looking at the wrong recordings, but I can't find one where he's using the editor.
Only idea I've got is to compose a list of terms by object/similarity, and dump a list of checkboxes to toggle them.

>> No.21173337

Wow, this really looks promising

>> No.21173978
File: 79 KB, 960x640, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes when switching between maps data gets fucked like pic related, and trying to go back to other maps can sometimes crash it.
>mapEventBase.LunPage.hitrange.X != 0 || mapEventBase.LunPage.hitrange.Y != 0
'if this interaction is a flat line'
>vector stuff
sets up some stuff with interacting with the player? as a hitbox I think
>big set of if's
Looks like 'weird' hitboxes are set based on some math from internal stuff in the grid to make it so the player doesn't walk through some objects.
Stuff in the if starting at line 597 and the ones on line 607 and 647 seem to be relevant to events, with a touch event on 650. I wasn't interested in this part of the code because I was focusing on stuff like battles, but he seems to be using an algorithm to make the hitboxes.

>> No.21174006

There's a hidden path in Undernet 10 with a PMD that has the darkchip+ addon. But it's red so if you want to use it you won't be able to use undershirt/anger mind/crimson noise/starforce shield and it's 6/3.
It's pretty useless, but then again the gigafolder NCPs were also useless.

>> No.21174149

What's really getting to me is how some of the hitboxes are spot on (GenNet2 security cubes, ROM barriers, Cirno V2), but others are off in completely unrelated ways (CityNet1 map transitions are perfect on one axis but not the other, the shop is off by both while the GenNet2 shop is fine), and for the life of me I can't figure out the common/differentiating factors.
It doesn't help that here of all places we don't get variable names, I guess I'll have to try changing things and seeing how they affect the real game.

I'll try to get to the bottom of the loading mixup/crash through.

>> No.21174843

Maybe try creating your own hitbox algorithm and see how that works. Yeah, not having variable names is one of the big no-no's of programming, especially when you're making a game. Everything should be labelled clearly. I say that, and yet I utterly suck at programming lol

>> No.21174887


>> No.21175128

Can't blame him here, I think it's a decompiler thing since everything's very neatly (but completely uselessly) named num1, num2, etc.
Now that I think of it, it's probably since they're local variables, which I guess should make me grateful that he used member variables so many other places. But not too grateful.

I did figure out the case for collision objects, turns out I removed the hitbox offset values while testing, and some of them still worked since there's an automatic -8,-8 offset which I was missing that their (then nonexistent) hitbox offsets cancelled out.
Now all that's left are the touch events, then I can finally move on to actual editor functionality.

>> No.21177771
File: 251 KB, 974x970, folder_magic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21177894

I'm curious how this one is used, there's a whole lot of stunners and area/position control, but I'm not sure what they're a setup for.
Is there a PA I'm forgetting?

>> No.21177990

elecchain2 + magstorm + stungame = flashbang
250 undodgeable stun to every thing.
crashlink3 to freeze the ground to make flashbang do 500, monkeypole/tailwind to push enemies forward into the firenets or the crashlink mines.
I think he's using either elec or aqua witch.

>> No.21178109

I wish I could come up with strategy like this. I just stuff a bunch of attack chips in my folders and call it a day.
Although at the very least, I don't do alphabet soup.

>> No.21178254

Anyone know any chip commands?
Knife/Silver Knife: Down + Right
Charge Cannon: fully charged buster
Tankman: BBB
Iku: RRL or LLR

>> No.21178327

Yorihime has:
Left for three X-shaped slashes
Up for three widesword slashes
Right for three fightersword slashes
I think there's one more to make her do sonic booms but I don't remember the command at the moment

>> No.21179036
File: 32 KB, 487x681, folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not optimized, but the fire+blind/grass/counter combo is pretty nice.
When HakutakuMan X was fire element, that was 2400 even on enemies without element bonus.
Everything else is for counter or general damage, probably could swap some out for more fire.

>> No.21179077 [DELETED] 

HakutakuManX isn't Fire anymore
The hell? I haven't used it at all in the latest demo so I didn't even notice

>> No.21179084

>HakutakuManX isn't Fire anymore
The hell? I haven't used it at all in the latest demo so I didn't even notice

>> No.21179540

Is there an NPC or someone that tells you where the V3 bosses are?
Chen V3 is in Under 3 and Scissorman V3 is in Under 4, but their V2s are in different areas.

>> No.21179579

>all that's left are the touch events
I'm pretty sure the real equation isn't an offset of width/sqrt(2) + 8, height/sqrt(2) + 8, but unless someone can figure out what's actually going on, it's as close as I'm going to get for the majority of cases.
If you feel the need to make a pixel-perfect touch-event maze I can take another look, but until then I'm focusing on the rest of the editor.
I'll be back when I've got at least a skeleton for the rest of the map sections, I guess.

It's not too user friendly, but I put a script-generated chip drop .csv in the misc folder of the source.
You can ctrl-f the chip name and just skip past the v1, unless someone feels like putting together a nicer guide.

>> No.21180589
File: 50 KB, 736x724, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question, does Navi PA still only works with V2? Is it possible if you can make it work with V3?

>> No.21180832

navi PA's still require V2, and it should stay that way to give the V2 chip a purpose

V1: * code
V2: Program Advances
V3: Power

>> No.21181567

If you have the error frags you can put darkstorm and hotstorm F and another float barrier F to do the falzar PA.

>> No.21183748
File: 173 KB, 722x1010, folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relying on PAs
>not just stunlocking everything to death

>> No.21183815

Does anyone's game seem to crash often when counter-farming MarisaV3 with a virus?

>> No.21183862
File: 9 KB, 480x320, green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't seem right.
I don't think I've even seen a green female NormalNavi sprite

>> No.21183870

Someone else reported a handful of crashes with viruses and I made a fix that I thought got all of them, but I don't use viruses so I never tested it thoroughly.
I'll try a few things out, but do you have any more info or consistent steps to reproduce the crash?

>> No.21183897

I've just been fighting Marisa using only my V3 Ghost virus with max HP to farm bugfrags, saving after each run in the process.

>> No.21183914 [DELETED] 

Alright, I know what the cause is, it happens after defeating bosses while turbo mode is active.

>> No.21183924

The crash only happens after defeating a boss, and it happens often after activating turbo mode, though it has crashed for me without turbo mode also.

>> No.21183957

I think the cause is using autobuster excessively, I am able to reliably farm without crashing by not using my buster.

>> No.21184004

Sorry, nothing's coming up for using a virus, turbo, or buster.
If you're tech-savvy you could build and debug from source but otherwise I'm just not having any luck figuring out where to look.

>> No.21184459

God I love grinding certain chip codes for PAs. It reminds me of BN3. Actually feels good.

>> No.21184582

BN3 had easy bugfrag grinding with the reflect program and a folder full of chips that give easy counterhits. I don't know why they removed that in the games afterwards, it makes using bugfrag shops/traders an insane pain.

>> No.21184697

Probably due to folderback being so easy to get. the gigachips that were bugfrag locked were always the most OP gigachip of their game excluding the bass gigachips.

>> No.21185213

How realistic is functional multiplayer as a goal?

>> No.21185227

I've yet to get the net play system in the code to connect to a computer that isn't itself.

>> No.21186842

You see one in a certain side quest. It's Yuuka's navi.

>> No.21188432

What type of guy is Shanghai's type? She mentioned that she isn't into Tankman or Spannerman so burly guys are out of the question.
Is she into /ss/?

>> No.21188450

She's into me, her husband.

>> No.21188460

She did call HakutakuMan cute during the tournament.

>> No.21188474
File: 861 KB, 1280x720, shaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21189215

I would think Shanghai's love interest is Henchie, or any other one of her purple servants. She seems like the submissive type to me, obviously, so I'm guessing she's into S&M ;)

I'm a Marisa man myself though

>> No.21189783

Given how dominating she is, I think she'd prefer someone who can keep up and maybe fight back a little instead of being submissive.

>> No.21190147

How far have you made on the SP5 gauntlet?

>> No.21190153

Beaten it twice.

>> No.21190179

Got like 3 Navis deep then realized I'm not good enough at BN games nor cared enough about boss rushes to continue on.

>> No.21190205

I've only gotten to PyroMan

>> No.21191385

So she doesn't play much role in the game huh. Pity.

>> No.21193704

cute slutty NPC

>> No.21194676

So how much is currently translated?

>> No.21194679

we played the same game, right?

>> No.21194713

The entirety of the latest demo, which has a 95% complete maingame, only missing the last two bosses (and the final boss is coded in, just not used. DruidMan's not in the game at all though)

>> No.21194725


>> No.21194864

Does anyone have a bunch of tiles for this? how do you open .she files? maybe I should just peek around in the source?

>> No.21195097

So HakutakuMan.

>> No.21195465
File: 150 KB, 1594x872, editor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the resources are in the source, in the MapData and Graphics folders, though you'll need Python3+pycryptodome to repack the resources into the .tcd and .she files.
If you've got VS 2017 too you can just build the solution and I've got build steps to handle that.
I'll see if I can remember to put the instructions in the next time I post the source.

The .shd files are just text files in a slightly modified version of the original dev's map format, for the new method of showing english/japanese text.
He used his own map editor to make the originals, which I am slowly but surely (but mostly slowly) trying to recreate.

>> No.21198419

so this is still getting polished up/fixed by fans then yeah? because a friend and I are big bn fans and wanted to play this, but we're also pretty patient so I'd probably want to wait for a more-or-less "final" build

>> No.21198423

I suppose. And hey, he has the benefit of being a cute shota. Question is would Keine allow it?

>> No.21198670

It's gonna be a while.

>> No.21198704

oh ok so it is still actively being worked on? that's cool. we've got a massive backlog so we're in no rush, we can wait until it's finished

>> No.21198722

It's not really an organized effort, just a bunch of anons contributing what they can.
Judge for yourself if you're patient enough to wait for just the final boss and postgame, it's still in the "understanding how the code works" stage.
I'll probably post the next thread if nobody else does when I've got the basics of the map editor done, so I guess you can use that to gauge how much progress is being made.

>> No.21198734

we generally don't do too much in terms of postgame, so once the final boss is in and you can go from beginning to end without problems, that's good enough for us

>> No.21199900 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 1200x800, 1555707475077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is she doing here?

>> No.21199915

She's trying to jump over the invisible rail and commit suicide again. The real answer is the whole area is unfinished, that's also why you can walk back into the boss cutscenes in all the ROM comps after beating them.

>> No.21200860

Anyone know where to find:
>Murasa V2/V3
>ScissorMan V2/V3
>Chen V2/V3
>Utsuho V2/V3

>> No.21200961

Answering real quick before the thread dies
>Murasa V2/V3
In the Ingles/Engles/whatever it was called area, in either 2 or 3, I can't remember
>ScissorMan V2/V3
I believe both are in Undernet 4, though V2 might be in Undernet 5
>Chen V2/V3
V2 is near where you jack into the phone booth outside of Border Concern, V3 is in Undernet 3
>Utsuho V2/V3
Unimplemented, but you can fight them by upping the difficulty before fighting Utsuho V1

>> No.21201600

One boss is missing both code and sprites (druidman) but they are the only main game thing that can't be recreated/finished ATM. The final boss is in the code and the last map is in the code, we just need to put in cutscenes, the point of no return and get it to save the 'beat the game' flag when you do.

>> No.21201600,1 [INTERNAL] 

I Want To Download The Full Game But Couldn´t Because I Don´t Have The Final Build Does Anyone Have It??
