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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 103 KB, 754x733, fuck youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2106109 No.2106109 [Reply] [Original]

They've baleted all the good videos. Koda Kumi, Gackt, several Orange Range videos, all gone.

>> No.2106126

Good. They want people to finally get a better taste in music.

>> No.2106139

Protip: /jp/ users do not use youtube.

>> No.2106146

>Koda Kumi, Gackt, several Orange Range

>> No.2106148

I do.

And don't care about your stupid preferences.

>> No.2106154

My favorite works of all time:

1: Missa Solemnis - Beethoven
2: Mozart the Vienna Piano Concerts
3: Beethoven - Violin Concert
4: Brahms Piano Concert no. 2
5: Mahler Symphoni no 5.

How can you get a better musical taste than this?

I enjoy pop music on a regular basis, not nee to be an asshole for it!

>> No.2106155

>They've baleted all

What does that mean?

>> No.2106163


Maybe they put ballet clips in place
of music videos in his recommend list.

>> No.2106164


>Gackt Koda Komi

That's your problem.

>> No.2106165

baleted is a cute-ified word for deleted.

>> No.2106171

Your list is made of hipster garbage. Really, classical music isn't as good as everyone makes it seem.

>> No.2106172

baleted = baw deleted => OP is bawwww'ing

>> No.2106177


Classicalfag liking j-pop? Lol, hilarious. Enjoy having shit taste regardless of being 'eclectic'. Besides, any decent classical fan would call those entry-level, besides maybe Mahler.

>> No.2106184

No my young friend. In case you didn't notice, Youtube now deletes copyrighted material on sight, regardless of what you say.

nicovideo still has them.

>> No.2106189

gtfo my /jp/

>> No.2106198

Beethoven, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Mahler.

Generic list is generic. If you're gonna listen to famous classical, at least listen to GOOD famous classical. How about some Mussorgsky and Tchaikovsky?

>> No.2106207

SO what if they're entry level? I listen to Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Debussy, Schoenberg, Mendelssohn, you name it, and I still think these "entry level" works are the best.

There is a reason why they're "entry level" after all.

PS: Missa Solemnis is hardly entry level, it's also one of the most complex musical works ever made.

>> No.2106219
File: 10 KB, 120x120, 1234987576284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Asian Kung-Fu Generation - Tightrope, Angou no Waltz, Mooonlight and WWW.

do you know it?

Even countryfags and classicalfags can like it.

so gtfo mah /jp/

>> No.2106232

Asian Kung Fu Generation is one of my favorite bands, but I haven't seen their videos get deleted, yet.

>> No.2106241

something wrong with educating people, anonymous?

>> No.2106243

>>2106207 There is a reason why they're "entry level" after all.

I don't think indiefags existed during the renaissance.

>> No.2106253
File: 93 KB, 1140x888, 1234987790118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Koda Kumi, Gackt, Orange Range

>> No.2106264

Why do all pretentious faggots thing Mussorgsky was anything above mediocre? SI ti because he isnt' as famous as Mozart? His works are hardly demanding.

I don't care if you think Beethoven and Mozart are generic. They changed music, and they're considered the peak of western musical culture, not for nothing.

Favorite composers of mine:

1: Mozart and Beethoven
3: Tchaikovsky
4: Haydn
5: Brahms

>> No.2106279


fuck youtube

>> No.2106285

I'm not a huge fan of his, but some of his songs we're great, like Vanilla and "Another World".

>> No.2106287


I don't like Mozart. Too playful. I love Beethoven, though.

Shouldn't this go in /mu/? It certainly doesn't belong here.

>> No.2106289

Sure is /mu/ in here.

>> No.2106300

Funny. Because Mozart was Beethoven's idol, not only that but he "incorporated" some of Mozart's music into his symphonies.

>> No.2106307


It would be funny if he sounded the same. If you're saying they sound the same... well...

>> No.2106317

Have you heard to early-period Beethoven? Or haven't you heard Mozart's Piano Concertos who inspired Beethoven?

>> No.2106325


Yeah, that's not funny.

Get this out of here. Go to /mu/ or something.
