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21046249 No.21046249 [Reply] [Original]

What annoys you in a visual novel?

>> No.21046746 [DELETED] 
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Unskippable H-scenes, if I wanna watch porn I use my tablet, I don't need to read 10 minutes of "ah-ah" to get hard.

>> No.21046894

Best girl has no route

>> No.21047124

lack of mugen

>> No.21047174

Lack of gameplay

>> No.21047444

We have a thread for that.

>> No.21047931

This thread isn't about Rin though.

>> No.21047943

Exactly, since Rin 1) is not best girl and 2) has a route.

>> No.21048109

You need a spreadsheet and a wiki just to not get a bad ending or shit girl.

>> No.21048115

presence of mugen

>> No.21048618

Westernshit and bad gameplay elements.

>> No.21049407

Westernshit can be good sometimes, like https://vndb.org/v3249

>> No.21051466

If the story doesn't grabs me by the balls in the first 2 minutes then I drop it no matter how "le based feels later on XDDD" you ugly bastards claim it has. I'm looking at Muv Luv and KS.

>> No.21051551

Advertising as "your choices matter" and then being a kinetic novel with like 3 choices that have no relevance

>> No.21051597
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Lack of meaningful choices

>> No.21051812

Does option D mean you rape her using flowers or do you drag her to a flower garden to rape her?

>> No.21051877

I think it'd be using the flowers as an implement of rape

>> No.21052093
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She's trapped in a western VN, so she wont get an anime or other promotional material

>> No.21054630


>> No.21054744

>doki doki literature club
Imb4 who quote
But holy fuck seriously shitty edgy babbys first vn tier crap

>> No.21054767

what refer to

>> No.21054781

I kept waiting for KS to get good, and it never did.
However, I also dropped Sengoku Rance once and even uninstalled it, and it turned out to be one of my favorite games.

>> No.21054848
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The work doesn't have enough philosophical depth for me to really engage with it on a non-trivial level. More visual novels should borrow from SCA-自's「素晴らしき日々」 in this regard if they are truly to be considered ``novels''.

>> No.21054856

Do you have other VNs of philosophical depth to recommend, ``/prog/''?

>> No.21054892
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SCA-自's other works immediately come to mind. 「サクラノ詩」 and his soon to be released magnum opus 「サクラノ刻」、just to name a few. Also check out 「終ノ空」、 it's an early 「素晴らしき日々」 draft of sorts. All of these novels are very artistic and philosophical in nature, that's just the kind of author SCA-自 is. See for example the subtle way he references ``art'' in this scene while in the process of making a piece of art himself.

>> No.21056087

It doesn't include gameplay. This is why Sunrider is the best non-SoL VN.

>> No.21056986

Backwards progression in H scenes
Like having sex first and then moving on to blowjobs or handjobs later

>> No.21058047

when progress depends on visiting one out of dozens areas because one character suddenly shows up or does something new with absolutely no hint or indication that you should go there. you just end up shifting through a pile of hay until you stumble upon the needle.
example: phoenix wright

>> No.21058088


>> No.21059463

looks like my kind of game

>> No.21061514


>> No.21061531

VN without choices tend to annoy me a bit depending on the content.
Also, unimportant choices like Grisaia's bullshit.

>> No.21063024

Phoenix Wright counts as VN?

>> No.21063035


>> No.21063046


>> No.21066529

Lack of visuals

>> No.21068488

get out of /jp/

>> No.21068616

Wait a second. This isn't a VN.

>> No.21068656

But Muv Luv is great at first and gets worse as the story goes on

>> No.21068716

He probably means the first two games,ie date sim and talk for 90% of the game.

>> No.21068842

the date sim is the best part of the trilogy

>> No.21069118

Ceci n'est pas une roman visuel.

>> No.21070498

You force her to learn gardening, she doesn't have a garden.

>> No.21070502

I mean, it has a chance, in this time and age where crunchyroll and netflix are doing their originals, it might happen.

>> No.21070640

these girls wouldn't be background characters in a low-tier romance anime from 2009, my dude
they're THAT bad

>> No.21070644

The only vn I'll excuse for this is Higurashi.
Most of the time, lack of choices basically just means that you're getting one common route. What makes vns an innovative genre is there ability to alter the traditional flow of a story with choices. Those that don't take advantage of that often rightfully fade into obscurity

>> No.21070789

I've had a lack of VN experience (even though I have played DDLC, higurashi chapter 1, a yuri VN and one night, hot springs) so my best source is Medical Joywork's Clinical Sense, which is essentially a medical based RPG based on in depth management with a mix of ethics. This is what annoys me about clinical sense:

>Difficult choices
While I get this was built for doctors (which I'm not), some of the decisions go beyond a quick google search. For example, do you perform an invasive action, a reasonable action, or a conservative action? Even if you think the google search gave you the right answer, you can still get fucked by...
>Bad Endings
Usually if you make the obvious wrong choice you'll stop yourself, but if you make a reasonable, but bad choice, they throw one of these shitty bad endings at you, usually consisting of one of these:
>You make the patient worse or kill it. Ex: Not giving a mountain sickness patient something that protects against a pulmonary edema
>You get sued for doing a open surgery in a stable patient because "muh scar"
>You get yelled at by your coworkers/supervisor for doing something "not indicated" Ex: Sending someone with chronic headaches up for a CT when it's supposed to be used for sudden headaches

Made me uninstall that shit after the bad endings starting haunting my autist mind

>> No.21070804

black haired protagonist

>> No.21070898

It's okay, anon. I liked it too. Monika a best.

>> No.21071424

honestly i could see either a (very) short miniseries or just a single episode OVA being aired by Adult Swim. like an anime version of This House Has People In It, or Too Many Cooks, or any of those other bizarre horror-themed "psychological" shorts, people would eat it right up, and it's not like Adult Swim doesn't have plenty of experience with anime.

>> No.21073576
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It blows my mind that people unironically like any of the other girls, since they're intentionally paper-thin. The whole thing is basically The Monika Show.

Hell, it blows my mind this even got popular in the first place, moreso than every other VN most people know of. People might be aware of Type-MOON and 07th Expansion, but I've seen far more casual people play DDLC than either of the former combined.

>> No.21073596

>People might be aware of Type-MOON and 07th Expansion, but I've seen far more casual people play DDLC than either of the former combined.
That's because of different target audiences.

>> No.21073597

>since they're intentionally paper-thin
Yeah. Much like the whole visual "novel". The writing and characters aren't complete garbage, they're just intentionally paper-thin.

>> No.21073613

Isn't that because DDLC was made by Americans? and had a twist gimmick to catch people's interest?

>> No.21073651

What about Katawa Shoujo, or the dozens of Ren'py projects? How is this any different from them?

I've seen worse. It reeks of "amateur Western writer" and flounders at trying to be "deep", but Monika's cute, and it's nice to see her struggle. That's all there is to it.

>> No.21073668

>but I've seen far more casual people play DDLC than either of the former combined
I haven't played it, but I understand that it's short, non-ero, OEL, looks like mainstream anime and is available through Steam. It is not wonder that it is more popular than 30+ hours eroge from TM with questionable fan translations or 07th Expansion's strangely drawn long-ass epics.

>> No.21073703

>I've seen worse.
I guess that makes "DDLC" worth your time and totally excuses it being complete trash from a writing/storytelling standpoint. Surely I should actually give it a chance just because one gimmicky "character" in it is "cute".

>> No.21073716

I just like Monika because yanderes make my PP big.

>> No.21073723

>What about Katawa Shoujo, or the dozens of Ren'py projects
Are those also US Visual novels with twists in them?

>> No.21073742

Katawa Shoujo was massively popular when you consider what it was

DDLC just had the "shocking" meta shit that made it youtube and streamer bait

>> No.21073753

/jp/ is the visual novel board. but not western visual novels.

>> No.21073759

/jp/ stopped being /jp/ the second jav and gravure threads were let in instead of going to the boards made for them

>> No.21073853

What are some good Japanese VNs with a prominent yandere?

>> No.21076970

Poor mans higurashi desu

>> No.21080214

Don't forget idols.

>> No.21080347
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>She's trapped in a western VN, so she wont get an anime or other promotional material
Venezuela is still a western country, right?

>> No.21080394

When the MC is an alpha male and isn't nervous about sex at all. Ruin my immersion/self-insert.

there's Yandere but the writing sucks, although it's a short read with some good wtf moments

are those without choices Kinetic Novels?

>> No.21080453

>It blows my mind that people unironically like any of the other girls, since they're intentionally paper-thin. The whole thing is basically The Monika Show.
Alan Moore came to hate his fans for embracing/idolizing Rorschach to the extent they did when Watchmen was first published. The lesson? Don't say anything through subtext what can be said in text.
Or maybe those other anons are right about shit writing. I'm not making a judgement on that dispute, just recognizing that it exists.
>Hell, it blows my mind this even got popular in the first place, moreso than every other VN most people know of.
I live in a tiny podunk college town and the only VN characters I've ever seen being cosplayed by anime fans here are Sayori and Natsuki. And I KNOW for a fact that there are dozens of Fate fans here.

>> No.21080504

Do any story-heavy VNs strike a balance with how confident the MC feels around girls and how much he understands them psychologically? It seems MCs are either Casanova Jr. or Eimya Shirou-tier oblivious neurotics (who may or may not turn alpha during sex).

>> No.21080515

>The lesson? Don't say anything through subtext what can be said in text.
The alternative lesson is not to resent your fans for interpreting your work differently than you intended. In Rorschach's case this different interpretation is not even a stretch.

>> No.21080841

Gore screaming show.

>> No.21081546

>In Rorschach's case this different interpretation is not even a stretch.
Believing that Rorschach is in any way admirable is like thinking that Tanya is someone to look up to.

>> No.21082125

A person who would chose his own death and a probable destruction of the world rather lie and allow others to lie is admirable in a certain way. For the most part, though, Rorschach is sympathetic rather than admirable.

>> No.21082345

>intentionally paper-thin
Pretending to write badly is just writing badly.

>> No.21082876

I think they're trying to be subversive/satirical

>> No.21083910

Few choices and only choices that majorly effect route progression. I like vns where there's small meandering choices that are irrelative to the overall story or pile up to create noticeable change.

Small soundtrack that gets repetitive halfway through. Soundtracks where they use the same song for similar situations over and over instead of varying it up a little.

Bad Ends that are sudden. You make a choice and you almost instantly get the bad end instead of a route where you truly have to deal with the consequences of your actions. Not a problem all the time of course.

First person writing and choices while mc has their own sprite.

VNs where the writer has a fear of creating something truly original and possibly not getting sales and goes down with the same setting, character personalities, etc... as the majority of everyone else. Going down the path of no risks is the worst thing to do with media. Hollywood and big game releases being a prime example. It's copy-pasting a friends homework and changing it a little to hope the teacher doesn't notice you cheated or, more often then not, doesn't care enough.

H-scenes written for purely for quick-shot jerking and have no depth, characterization, etc...

Playing it safe and generic with the artstyle. I'm looking at you Tsukihime and YU-NO remakes. Fuckin hell

>> No.21083942

YU-NO and Kara no Shoujo seam to strike a balance, especially the former. When girls are attracted to the mc it feels believable and not ham-fisted more or less. His personality also jives well with being serious and whimsical with the female characters.

>> No.21084820

>VNs where the writer has a fear of creating something truly original and possibly not getting sales and goes down with the same setting, character personalities, etc... as the majority of everyone else.
I know this is a problem for pretty much all forms of media, but VNs seem significantly less culpable of this than other mediums. Not in a way that immediately stands out, at least.

>> No.21084950

R07's Rose Guns Days has what you seem to be describing.

>> No.21085008

>is admirable in a certain way
It's admirable to a certain mindset.

>> No.21085950

Insignificant and casual choices that lead to a specific routes because of no logic reason.
Same but which lead to bad end 200 hundred choices later because it's so fun.

Tsukihime and Air were really painful for that.
