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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 45 KB, 800x600, whatshesaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2103380 No.2103380 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, is there a way to change the color of the text or of the background? My eyes aren't that good to begin with and this isn't helping at all.

>> No.2103382

It's not that bad, how old are you?

>> No.2103398

Have you considered turning down the brightness on your monitor?

>> No.2103404

I'm 20. Believe it or not, old people are not the only ones with bad eyes.

Yeah, didn't really help that much.

>> No.2103406

I haven't played this one, but usually you can make the text window more or less opaque from the options menu.

>> No.2103411

Play Aeka's route last. I'm warning you.

>> No.2103417

Why the fuck does everyone keep telling me that?

>> No.2103427

No, it's alright, sorry for calling you old, bro. You could always just use the "recall" to read the whole thing lol, that would be horribly tedious, though.

>> No.2103430

Feel free to ignore them. Route order doesn't really matter. Aeka's route is the best though, so you might want to save it for last (I didn't).

>> No.2103433


I'm fucking warning you.

>> No.2103438

Because you'll probably regret it if you don't listen. I went through Aeka's route first, and really didn't find the other two routes as gripping.

>> No.2103443


I did that, too. I've been sitting on Nekoko's route for over a month now.

>> No.2103464

I'll deal with it, I guess. I survived through Heaven's Feel even after playing UBW.

I'm not even sure if I can take that text color for three whole routes. Might as well go for the best route while I'm still interested.

>> No.2103466

Why? It's the best route in the game. But I will agree, you are losing part of the game if you do Aeka's route first. Start with Nekoko, have the time of your life, then play Aeka and BAWWWW, then go to menu screen and re-fap to the Nekoko scenes then turn the game off and be glad you didn't even play Mizuki's god awful route.

>> No.2103471


>be glad you didn't even play Mizuki's god awful route.

But I did.


>> No.2103477

I did Aeka, Nekoko, then Mizuki.

Nekoko was my favorite, but the ending of Aeka's was just intense.

>> No.2103478

lol are you OP? Well if you sat through it and still liked it enough to continue then more power to you, enjoy the rest of the game it's a lot better.

>> No.2103479

It's alright anon! I liked Mizuki's route! It was the most relevant to me personally. But yeah, lol opinions.

>> No.2103484

I fapped the most to Mizuki's route. Some of the classroom scenes were just bonerific.

>> No.2103486

You should be looking at the picture, not reading the text.
Pro-tip: turn on the speech, so you don't have to be reading the whole time.

>> No.2103495


You did coke off the student council president's tits after she took you against your will to a casino in Macau?

>> No.2103508
File: 57 KB, 811x631, 1234937949659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was there no Imouto route!

>> No.2103514

lol The voices are in Japanese...

>> No.2103512

I so wish there was a cg of that. But no, anon. I meant theme-wise. I haven't knocked up aforementioned student council president either. Although I sure as hell would do all of that with Mizuki.

>> No.2103515

Not the poster, but I wish I could.

Also, Mizuki had a fine root. I liked it better than Aeka's. Also, >>2103466, it's lolopinions.

>> No.2103519

I think Mizuki's route had the "best" ending, personally. Even though the route itself wasn't so interesting.

>> No.2103525

Aeka arguably had the worst route in YMK, but she was a perfectly good character, her route was still fine and there's no other scene in the game that beats the climax of Aeka's route.

>> No.2103528


Mizuki definitely had the best theme, though.

What's the name of it again...?

Girls Are Made of Frosting Cake?

>> No.2103538


>perfectly good character

She kind of pissed me off, what with her threatening to kill herself if you didn't go out with her and all that.

>> No.2103557

All of the routes are good. I put off Mizuki's route because I didn't like her, but the route ended up being pretty good, although I thought it was the worst of the three.

>> No.2103562



Is this is? I can't remember since I don't currently have it installed and am just using the names I got from the OST (in Japanese).

I really liked the YMK soundtrack incidentally. It really fit in well with the mood and characters.

>> No.2103564

Her likability probably wasn't the highest at times. I don't know if it's just me either, but I'm not too crazy about when you almost kill Antoinette with her. I don't care how mean she was, they went too far during that scene ;_; I think if they ended up killing her I would have stopped playing the game.

Even though I hate Mizuki I might have to agree that it had the "best" ending in the traditional sense. Only because the other 2 were weird shit, though.

>> No.2103584

>I don't know if it's just me either, but I'm not too crazy about when you almost kill Antoinette with her.

Yeah, it's just you. That was probably the most satisfying moment in the whole game.

>> No.2103601

Speaking of Antoinette, was I the only one that was hoping for some sort of sex/rape scene for her? I mean, that would have been just as satisfying considering she was trying to pull the same shit on Aeka.

>> No.2103620

See, that would have been great. You and Aeka should have raped her. That would have been awesome, hot, and not as mean.

Speaking of the soundtrack, I forgot that the copy (yes, I bought it..) comes with the soundtrack, I just went back and listened to some of it. Has some great BGM.

>> No.2103622


no, i'd it

>> No.2103629


Yes. That's it. Isn't it awesome?

>> No.2103640


>yes, I bought it..

I envy you. I don't have any disposable income to speak of.

>> No.2103697

Unless you are being sarcastic, I'd suggest not buying the translated ones. Sort of a waste of money, and I've bought this and 1 more. If you want to buy them though, buy the Japanese ones and just download the English patches. I've never done it, but it seems like you would be getting a more quality item. Either way, getting them for free is never bad, either.

>> No.2103705

Would buying the translated ones encourage them to make more translations? Seems like a better way to spend your money than buying something from Japan and having to pay for shipping.

>> No.2103763

In theory, yes. How many people actually buy those, though? Especially on /jp/. If you are looking to help the company than yeah, buy the translation but if you care more about yourself and the legitimacy of your merch you should probably go with the Japanese ones. Cost could possibly be a bitch, though.

>> No.2103769

Practically all of the decent things that get official commercial releases are stuff I've already played in Japanese, though.
- Yume Miru Kusuri was
- Princess Waltz was
- Kazoku Keikaku is going to be

and I'm not interested in paying twice for the same thing, so sorry, JAST/GC/PP.

>> No.2103778
File: 964 KB, 800x600, 1234942520538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heaven's Feel was the best route, faggot.

>> No.2103784



>> No.2103804

>Especially on /jp/.
That's kind of the point. If it's /jp/ I doubt anyone really cares about being a pirate. Which means that if someone buys it legitimately, they want more games.

>> No.2103825
File: 10 KB, 260x361, 1234943499452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2103828



>> No.2103869


FSN is shit, right?

>> No.2103870

Hai wat VN is this?

>> No.2103881


Rape Maiden Assault: Violent Semen Inferno

>> No.2103923
File: 23 KB, 495x480, 1234945557001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rape Maiden Assault
