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2102467 No.2102467 [Reply] [Original]

proto-saber praying to god

>> No.2102477

There is no proto-Saber. Saber is a combination of Arcueid and Hisui.

>> No.2102479

Wasn't proto-Saber male?

>> No.2102484
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proto-god praying to saber

>> No.2102496
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Proto-Kotomine flying through the air.

>> No.2102508

Roa is more like Gigglemesh in his mannerisms and taste.

Kotomine is really the epitome of Nasu villain.

>> No.2102532

Arc isn't like Saber at all.

>> No.2102558

They're both curious, ignorant foreigners with unholy destructive power and a royal standing. They are also socially inept, but innocently playful when they choose to be.

Hisui is incarnated moe and professional dignity, and also pure. Saber get.

>> No.2102570

>curious, ignorant, socially inept, innocently playful
Did we read the same VN?

>> No.2102580
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Hey guys! What are we doing here, replying to trolls? Can I join?

>> No.2102583


True enough. It's more like 50/50, because he's technically weaker than Nrvnqsr, but he's also got (or doesn't, lol) Square, which roughly equals Ea. So yeah.

>> No.2102603

I hope so. You seem confused.

>> No.2102616


No. White Ren is the only honest tripfriend on /jp/ worthy of speaking to.

>> No.2102632

Did you skip Fate or something? A lot of Saber's moe appeal comes from her awkwardness in modern social situations because of her past life as a warrior and a king. Arc is the same way, she only knows about fighting and is very ignorant and innocent in normal everyday life.

>> No.2102641

Wait, what.

>> No.2102651


Both ZUNs are faggots. Arcueid Brunestud is boring at best and annoying at worst. UBW Master is never on. Shion is just the supreme faggot of them all.

Enjoy your positive influence on a board full of pedos, tripfag.

>> No.2102671

As nice as it would seem to be thought of as some sort of positive influence, you should really be calling Meiling, !KYON.wwv9s, !Nipaa0mi0, and Tatari better. Much better.

I'm terrible.

>> No.2102680

And Hatsune Miku, who is adorable.

>> No.2102683

Stop being so modest and accept your damn praise.

>> No.2102690
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>White Ren
>worthy of speaking to

>> No.2102696

He doesn't deserve any.

>> No.2102699


>> No.2102702


This thread isn't about Neco-Arc.

>> No.2102705

Since when do you faggots even acknowledge Alabama?

>> No.2102723

Since the decline of quality shitposters using a tripcode.

>> No.2102750
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I still have no idea who this is.

Also, this is likely some sort of trick to throw me off guard.

>> No.2104329

Nobody said anything about Neco-Arc though.
