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File: 84 KB, 810x656, mindofsteel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2097524 No.2097524 [Reply] [Original]


Why does this awesome moment lead to a stupid BAD END ?

It has potential appeal to the audience , showing us how superheroEmiya has become Archer, but NO. They have to point out that this route is the sole dedication to one slut, who is even worse than Mary Sue.


>> No.2097537

slut thread

>> No.2097543

Nasu has a fetish involving emo sluts and sacrificing thousands of lives for no reason.

>> No.2097548

This thread is new and exciting and I am deeply interested by what you have to say OP. Please, tell me more.

>> No.2097564
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Yeah, we know what you mean. Mind of Steel Route would have been awesome.

Bad End? More like BEST END.

>> No.2097568

Was it a Bad End? I could've sworn that one just said 'End' at the end.

>> No.2097654
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It's BAD END ,all right.

>> No.2097691

Yeah, because All the Good in the World and Nine Bullet Revolver were all things that made the actual story less than one where Shirou just runs around trying to sneak attack people. It was fuckwin when Kiritsugu did it, but Shirou doing just sounds fucking stupid. I'll take GAR Kotomine instead please.

>> No.2097696

Stop bitching and start petitioning for a Fate/zero animu instead faggot.

>> No.2097721

Only if the studio who did the F/SN animu does the F/Z animu.

>> No.2097763

>Only if Ufotable who did the KNK animu does the F/Z animu.


>> No.2097799

Gonzo Fate Zero!

>> No.2097832


MIND OF STEEL, best route or best route?

>> No.2097849

Best route is still Shirou fighting (and winning) against Dark Saber when you choose not to team up with Rider.

>> No.2097879

If I knock you out but you stab me in the chest and I die from blood loss before I can finish you off, does that mean I won?

I'm not trying to start anything, just find out what you consider winning. There's no need for argument here, and no point to an argument based exclusively around different definitions of the point of victory.

>> No.2097908

He was not dying and he had a clear opening to finish her off. He just didn't want to anymore. Totally different.

>> No.2097919

>He was not dying
He went braindead seconds after the attack that took Saber out.

>> No.2097920

Shirou was brain fried from too many projections. It's a "win" for Shirou because Sakura can't call Saber in to rape Rin when she corners Sakura.

>> No.2097929

He won the battle but lost the war.

>> No.2097943

I can accept these. Thanks for clarifying, guys.

>> No.2097954



>> No.2097984
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Because Heart of Blades > Mind of Steel

Faggots who throw away their dreams, belief and fortitude for the easier path always lose out in the end. It takes time to truly nurture awesome.

>> No.2097987

He didn't technically go "braindead," seeing as how he was still apparently aware of his surroundings, but I see your point. Still, that was because he wanted to save Sakura. If he had basically decided "Fuck Sakura," he would have been fine.

>> No.2097997

>Faggots who throw away their dreams for a slut always lose out in the end


>> No.2098003

>If he had basically decided "Fuck Sakura," he would have been fine.

What part of "Archer's arm will destroy his body and mind" do you not get? Regardless of the path he took the moment he decided to use Archer's powers his mind started to break.

>> No.2098006


Ask yourself, would you rather choose a slut over your beliefs you have hold for over 10 years ?

Providing that YOU have beliefs, of course.

>> No.2098026
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But Shirou's only real good point is his unwavering dream, heart, passion, beliefs, etc. Even more so in Fate route where he has no UBW h4xx during the war and had to take years and years to nurture himself instead.

Fate Shirou UBW related.

>> No.2098029

Not really a fair comparison, since the beliefs we've held over 10 years came about from not getting sex.

>> No.2098058

Normal End : Cherry Blossoms' Dream
Good End : Sparks Liner High
True End : Mind of Steel

>> No.2098069


Hooray Saber!

You are the best Final End we could hope for!

>> No.2098083



>> No.2099193


The only place where a victim of years of sexual abuse would be called a slut.

>> No.2099217

But! but! She's a slut!!

>> No.2099222

>It has potential appeal to the audience , showing us how superheroEmiya has become Archer, but NO.

What? No. Mind of Steel is Emiya becoming Kiritsugu, Archer's past self is probably a Fate route-like Shirou.

>> No.2099229

Indeed. After all Archer is aware that Shirou has Avalon inside him, which only Fate Shirou finds out.

>> No.2099238

which end is Sparks Liner High?

>> No.2099248

END in which Shirou defeats Dark Saber 1v1.

>> No.2099264
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I agree. It should've been labeled as an 'End' (Like Shirou's solo fight with Alter Saber) more than a 'Bad End' Even at the Dojo they say that it's a possibility and a matter of opinion.
Still, it's not a path I should take. Sacrificing the people I love for complete strangers? I'm not that selfless.

>> No.2099279


The problem is, after reading all the way through to that point, I am still not convinced why I should 'love' her.

From what I percieve, it's all like "Damn, I had sex with her so I have to take responsibilty." The same bullshit feminists these days always come up with.

>> No.2099282

Saber is superior
Japan agreed

>> No.2099284


She would have my sympathy if not for the fact that I saw her masturbate and come to Shirou's room asking for cock.

>> No.2099316

I guess you forgot the whole point of Heavens Feel route while fapping to Sakura, sir.

>> No.2099325

Main rule of eroges: if they want your cock, they are not sluts.
if they want another guy's cock, they are sluts.

>> No.2099400
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>> No.2099405
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>> No.2099443

Wasn't it due to the difference in ideals that HF Shirou did not have Unlimited Blade Works of his own to hold back Archer's UBW?

>> No.2099535



>> No.2099552


The fact Shirou could trace before receiving the arm means that he did have a reality marble, just as he did in every other route.

>> No.2099564
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He cannot deploy it and is a MUCH stronger world/magic that will overwhelm him and unlimited swords om withing will KILL him.
Thus, he can only pull out STUFF from there.

>> No.2099568

He has Unlimited Blade Works. But he couldn't use it on his own.

Even in UBW, he needed Rins magic power to use it.

>> No.2099596

I know that. My point was that Shirou has UBW even if he cannot fully manifest it.

>> No.2099600

Well, duh. It's just rather insignificant to have your car's engine against a nuclear reactor.

>> No.2099704


Here we go again...

>> No.2099708

...It''s not a powerlevel thread. It's the clear fact that Archer's magic overwhelms Shirou's.

>> No.2099718
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>> No.2100039
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Your argument is now invalid. Go back and lurk moar baka anon-kung.

>> No.2100055

>Sacrificing the people I love for complete strangers? I'm not that selfless.

Coward. Love comes and goes, but people die when they are killed.

>> No.2100127
File: 18 KB, 800x600, 1234894942998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you people not see the last page of Mind of Steel?

Archer holds Kiritsugu's ideals too, bros. Though he regrets doing so.

>> No.2100215
File: 81 KB, 810x656, 1234896129340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


....you lost me there

>> No.2100273

am i the only one who liked HF?

>> No.2100295

No, because Sakura is the superior choice.

>> No.2100292

I hope so

>> No.2100306


>> No.2100307

delicious yandere

>> No.2100347


You're in a small, small minority

>> No.2100354

It's not that most people HATE it.
They just like the other routes more.

>> No.2100361
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>Sakura is the superior choice

>> No.2100571

I liked it. Not tremendously, but it was still enjoyable.

>> No.2100632


Bad End? Sakura is the ideal though.

>> No.2100650

Ideal what? Housewife?

>> No.2100727


>> No.2100762


Ideal whore.

>> No.2100818

i agree

>> No.2100858

don't start.

>> No.2100914

HF true was the canon end, nasu agrees so don't bother him

>> No.2100926

"I have no regrets"

>> No.2100949

Not really.

>> No.2100942

Sure man, Nasu is known after all for choosing canon paths and building stories and continuity based on them.

>> No.2100943

I think is the ending closest to Hollow Ataraxia, isn't it?

>> No.2100963

Furthest from it, since the whole problem comes about from Waver dismantling the Grail, something that only happens in the Fate and UBW routes.

>> No.2100973

FHA has side events, information and background that are a mix of all routes. Some point to Fate, other to UBW etc.
HF has the MORE continuity issues though, somewhat.

>> No.2100978


To put it in a word, HA and HF can't happen in the same universe.

Also, Last Episode, the epilogue to the entire Fate/Stay Night story, is Fate Route based. It is made of heartwarming tears and true love.

>> No.2100989

Oh, I thought HF's true ending was the closest because of some screens showing Rider at Shirou's home.
So the canon ending is an amalgam of the three true endings?

>> No.2100993

It's more of a follow-up to the FATE route to cater to fans who felt JOBBED concerning Saber. No epilogue of the WHOLE story or anything.

>> No.2101000



Fate Route is the official Epilogue of the whole mess if you want the thing with the most closure.

>> No.2101004

Let me help you:

The main focus of HA(Avenger spilling etc) could happen for every route (save contradiction with HF somewhat). The result of the war DOES NOT matter, only Avenger, Caren and Bazzete.

It does not need a specific route to function.
Some side events, memories and bonus scenes point to SPECIFIC routes, but they are not part of the main and important story.
So, no CANON ending.

Also, no Melty Blood 'Unspecified situation where everyone lives, everything appened, Shiki is undecided and new character shows up '

>> No.2101007

Every ending is canon. Bad ends and "Ends" I'm not quite sure. HA mix could all just be atributed to Avenger messing around

>> No.2101008
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Sakura is the worst heroine. TM staff agreed, don't bother them about it.

>> No.2101019

Rin looks MIGHTY WEIRD there,

>> No.2101038

I didn't know that only two people worked at TM. That's pretty impressive.

>> No.2101049


Goes to show what you know.

There are 3 guys there.

>> No.2101055

There were about two people in the start(novels etc), then a couple more for Tsukihime,Plus disc, Kagetsu(programming, music, and producer), and only got more help for F/SN.

>> No.2101173

HF is the happiest ending

>> No.2101238
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>> No.2101251

>UBW good end is the happiest ending.

>> No.2101317

seibafag detected.

not that i don't like UBW good too. It's the full culmination of Rin's Harem afterall.

>> No.2101336

incomplete without lancer

>> No.2101419
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>seibafag detected.



>> No.2101452
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>> No.2101472
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>> No.2101473
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>> No.2101482
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>> No.2101503
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Am I doing it right?

>> No.2101506
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>> No.2101509


>> No.2101535


>> No.2101540

Mind of Steel deserved at least an hour of dialog.

>> No.2101578

Mind of Steel deserves a sequel, you mean.

>> No.2101616

Relating their popularity or TM's opinions to console popularity perhaps? Though I have no idea what SFC stands for.

>> No.2101640

Super Nintendo.

>> No.2101642


Super Famicom Computer, IIRC

It's basically the SNES

>> No.2101653

>>Super Family Computer Computer

>> No.2101661


Don't ask me to rationalize it. Last time I heard the term was 8 years ago, so my memory is obviously fuzzy.

>> No.2101682

Scottish Funding Council

>> No.2101676


Don't act like the Japanese aren't dumb enough to forget their compound word is actually a compound word.

>> No.2101686

TM has shit taste.

>> No.2101692

America also forgot it in a similar way
DC Comics
Detective Comics Comics

>> No.2101693

>>compound word
I don't think you know what a compound word is.

>> No.2101713
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What are you talking about?
DC stands for Detective Chimp.

>> No.2102437

Most people outside of /jp/ like HA.

The thing is /jp/ is so misogynistic that.. well... like I said at >>2099193

>> No.2102447

Seems accurate, to me, what with Sakura being the worst.

>> No.2102480
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Archer Hijack LOL

>> No.2102499


One can also say it's the culmination of the true ideal that Shirou desired at the end of it all in his years following Fate route.
