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2097381 No.2097381 [Reply] [Original]

Why did China never invade Japan?

>> No.2097389

Because you have bad grammar

>> No.2097385

Because Japan invaded China.

>> No.2097396

Chine will grow larger

>> No.2097402

His sentence was fine.

>> No.2097408

They were waiting for it to grow larger.

>> No.2097410

Because China was busy getting raped by everybody else.

>> No.2097417


>> No.2097420

because glorious china does not want pig disgusting japan

>> No.2097422


>> No.2097435

Bacause up until the 1950s they were either busy killing Mongolians, themselves, being oppressed by colonial powers or getting their ass sacked by the Japanese war machine, bro.

>> No.2097447

Because prior to Western ideas, technology, and education entering the region, China was a dirt poor shit-hole full of farmers.
They got their shit unequivocally ruined in the 1930's because compared to Japan they were fucking stone age.

>> No.2097477

Because they don't have a reason to. What reason is there to invade Japan? Steal manga and take back ramen?

>> No.2097487

While the Mongols were ruling China they tried to. Twice. Storms/Divine Wind(kamikaze) wiped them all out due to the fact that the Chinese who made them probably purposely made them badly. So yeah, it wasn't worth the effort at the time.

Which is why Japan had the opportunity to later show up and wreck up China.

>> No.2097493

Chinese themselves had no reason to invade Japan. But when the mongols had conquered China, they mounted two invasions of Japan. The japanese had severely outdated military and tactics. Here came the mongols, great conquerors of asia, armed with the latest armaments, but the Japanese got saved by typhoon season. Pure dumb luck.

>> No.2097511

The Chinese DID invade Japan, several times IIRC prior to the middle ages I think.

Don't think it was ever successful though. Don't hold me to that, I don't know shit about Asian history.

>> No.2097523

>Why didn't China ever invade Japan?

would have been more fluid.

>> No.2097535

Because there is no need to. China had everything it needs within it's own border. Also China did try to invade Japan during the Yuan Dynasty but fail because of a typhoon wiping out most of its fleet. If the troops were able to gain the beach head before the storm hit, they might have due to superior military technology at that time.

>> No.2097545

They don't invade Japan because of the internal conflict , the threat from colonial westerns and most importantly , the Chinese emperor is a faggot who thinks having other countries submitted gifts to him mean they're already his territory.

>> No.2097554

>Also China did try to invade Japan during the Yuan Dynasty but fail because of a typhoon wiping out most of its fleet.

And every Japanese person 50+ believes this was divine intervention.

>> No.2097560



>> No.2097562

That was the mongols ruling China and not the actual Chinese

As to why the Chinese never did:

a) their centers of power were always river valleys and I don't think they would be keen on wasting resources on an island

b) Would YOU invade barbarians that had to copy your writing and the works of your philosophers to even be considered "civilized"? Plus there is a small sea in between so you don't even have to build walls

>> No.2097573

If the Roman Empire (at the peak of it's power, around 70bc-300ad) had ever expanded as far east as China, you better bet the Chinese would have been fucked.

>> No.2097589

Athens is that you?

>> No.2097592

Because the rape of Nanking.

>> No.2097593

>Would YOU invade barbarians that had to copy your writing and the works of your philosophers to even be considered "civilized"? Plus there is a small sea in between so you don't even have to build walls

Well, everyone does that. You gotta make your lessers submit to you, how else would they know they were barbarians?

>> No.2097600

No, actually I can't stand that turd.

>> No.2097627

I don't disagree but I don't think it would have meant much, just the same old shit with some other barbarian power to the North taking over when Rome's power declines

>> No.2097655

The Romans and Chinese had one thing in common: they both had serious problems dealing with Steppe nomad people. They certainly were a part of the decline of the Roman empire. They didn't cause the fall, but they contributed to the mass emigration that put the empire into shambles.

>> No.2097671

when you view the world the way ancient China did, you don't have to beat them to know they are barbarians, them simply existing outside the culture, language, and philosophy you codify makes them inferior barbarians. Like a series of concentric rings with civilized man (Chinese around the yellow river's floodlands) Can be civilized man (other Chinese factions and ethnicity) pretenders (Korea, Japan, Indochina, India itself is exempt because of Buddhism, spice, and tea) and savages (everyone else)

>> No.2097675

How come China never Japan?

>> No.2097684

>with Steppe nomad people

Mongols, Huns, Turks: Fucking up civilizations since the dawn of man Fuck Yeah!

>> No.2097729

>Would YOU invade barbarians that had to copy your writing and the works of your philosophers to even be considered "civilized"? Plus there is a small sea in between so you don't even have to build walls

Japan has a history of adapting parts of other cultures to suit its own and then dropping said culture shortly afterwards. Kind of reminds me of the Borg. China's got dropped after they took the characters and some of the philosophy. As soon as they were finished with it and moved on to Dutch, they were on the verge of growing SUPERIOR to said nation. For a bunch of "barbarians" they sure grew out of that real quick.

>> No.2097753

They're were barbarians right up until Perry came in and forced FREEDOM on their puny island.

>> No.2097769

They attempted twice and failed in the so called "Mongolian invasions".

>> No.2097899

There wasn't any reason to invade Japan in the first place. Pre-Modern China for the most part never really considered the Japanese anything more than an upstart nation of barbarians. Geographically it would have been difficult to launch an invasion directly from China and the most ideal area would have been from Korea. The fact is it would have been very expensive and impractical to try to launch a large campaign so far away. The biggest concern for the Chinese through most of their history has always been nomadic peoples to the north. All their military priorities would have been used to defend against nomadic incursions anyway. Even then very few Chinese dynasties had aggressive military policies. The few that did either reverted back to defensive policies later on or were not ruled by Han Chinese like the Yuan and Qing.

tl;dr They had other shit to worry about and do.

>> No.2098018
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Because the gatekeeper wasn't watching and let all the Japanese in.
