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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2096426 No.2096426 [Reply] [Original]


Time to bring Mugetu back from the grave.

>> No.2096440

I downloaded this and I was going to play with /jp/, but then I got lazy and forgot about it. Pretty cool story, huh?

>> No.2096453

Play it this time around.

>> No.2096460

sage for /kr/

>> No.2096473

I don't understand.

>> No.2096475

one week again? I wonder if they'll erase chars

>> No.2096477

I thought that it's closed now due to the end of beta time period.

>> No.2096479


>All characters remain so you may use the characters you worked on.

Good news for now, at least.

>> No.2096484

Hence the 'Reopen for Encore Beta Test!!' in OPic.

>> No.2096485

/kr/ - Korea/General

>> No.2096489

Online Ronery Games (MMORPGs) are also a part of /jp/.

>> No.2096491

you know this is in English, right?

>> No.2096499

I should learn to check the whole thread next time instead of posting like a retard.

>> No.2096502

How high did you get your lesbian valkyrie, ZUN?

I got my gay magician up to 25 (just a tad bit short of 26).

>> No.2096518
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Only got to level 11!

>> No.2096524
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Set any records with her?

>> No.2096529

shootan here

'sup guys

>> No.2096543

Mugetu here.

Let's make it a goal to complete the labyrinth by the end of beta.

>> No.2096616

...You guys have fun with that. I'll be happy if I get past level 20 by then.

Bosses are a bitch if you haven't got a fighter, thanks to lag-caused invisible bullets and some completely unavoidable bullet-spreads.

>> No.2096620

hmmm, I assumed that the next time I was playing this I'd be starting over... hardly have any money on my characters cause I just kept extracting to free up weight instead of auctioning equipment, since I figured I was done.

Plus I still have my crappy fighter that I wanted to restart as a knight (of course I can just make a new character, but I'd need a new name due to lol no reusing names of deleted characters)

>> No.2096626

same here, I wasted tons of money switching jobs several times to try out skills.

>> No.2096633

Why not just change jobs? Shouldn't take that long to make enough money.

>> No.2096771

As a magician, bosses are piss easy and usually fall within seconds thanks to Blizzard and Meteor while Tornado keeps me safe from danmaku.

I rarely sell anything, yet I had around 400k at the end of beta; money is piss easy to get.

You're best off just pumping all you have into high damaging skill and protection skills.

I recommend maxing out your the best/all skills of the class before changing.

>> No.2096828

is it faster to level by soloing or with a team?

>> No.2096855

Probably soloing if you're good, but it's always nice to party with guildies.

>> No.2097019

Needs more bullets.

>> No.2097025

By yourself, by far.

>> No.2097072

Do the higher level mage spells actually kill quickly? I tried out each class to level 7 or so mages were by far the slowest. I ended up taking bow character to level 25 just because of how quickly they killed bosses.

>> No.2097094

You should see how fast Mugetu is able to rape bosses.

Just spam or litter the top half of the screen with Blizzard, chain Meteor or Lightning when the boss gets about half way, and use Tornado and Masterspark for defense and addition damage.

>> No.2097108

I only had time to try out warrior (fighter subclass) and archer (ranger subclass) and god did ranger tear through stuff. Arrow Orb was awesome. I'm guessing mage must become good once they get their skills up, that's how mage classes usually work in any game.

>> No.2097126

Yeah, good mages can kill stuff faster and have better protection than Archers.

>> No.2097163

Reimoo here. That sounds like an excellent goal, running that dungeon at the end of the first beta was orders of magnitudes more fun than the regular game.

>> No.2097177


Let us become the kings of the server.

>> No.2097227

Wish I could join you, but there's no way in hell 11 is high enough; I'd just be wasting a spot somebody with real ability could be using.

>> No.2097237

The suggested level is 30-60, and I'm the highest level at 25.

You can gladly come at a higher level.

>> No.2097242

Level doesn't really matter when you can't dodge bullets worth shit; I wouldn't last 50 levels on three lives.

Like I said, get somebody with actual skill.

>> No.2097248

Well except for that lvl40 guy.

>> No.2097264

It is very, very embarrassing to be the first one to die, and watching your teammates beat the rest of the level without you in the way.

>> No.2097273

I know, thanks. It's not embarassing so much as annoying, because it's impossible to tell what killed you.

>> No.2097281

Are you the faggots who made Gensokyo and start using Touhou names everywhere?

If you are, fuck you. You're an eyesore.

>> No.2097289

I'm using a PC-98 name, so I'm safe.

They're not bad overall, but yes, some of them can be an eyesore to some degree.

>> No.2097293

I didn't make it, I just joined it. Easier to socialize.

And there were plenty of Touhou names outside of the guild; just be glad at least some of them went to people who knew something about the name they were using.

>> No.2097297


Sounds to me like you want to join the SlantedSquadron

>> No.2097298

If you have any respect for the characters, you would use a more original name.

>> No.2097314

Did anyone see that EdwardBella person? When I logged on, it was the first person I saw. I laughed.

>> No.2097324

I can see there's no reasoning with you. However, one parting tidbit; You can turn off name display. Not such an eyesore now, is it?

>> No.2097335

It's like they were really expecting us!

>> No.2097337

It's a standard option in MMOs.

>> No.2097579

Those touhou faggots are faggots.

>> No.2099707

Almost eight hours to go.

Hope you guys are ready.

>> No.2099719


>20% more experience needed in all levels.
>Gran acquired after each stage decreased to 30%.

Hope you guys like grind.

>> No.2099752

I sure do.

>> No.2099784

I'll be back in later.
Woot Summoner tiems

>> No.2099810

Summoner skill review:

Rage - Get it.
Spur - Shit. Never use it.
Bouncing skill - Get it
Stomp - Kinda crap due to the delay, but the radius increases the more you level it up. On the fence.

Swarm - Haven't used
Hornet? (Damaging one-shot) - Haven't used
Puma - Get this.
Crow - Shit. Even when leveled to max the crows NEVER HIT ANYTHING.

Haven't tried the 3rd summoner job extensively yet.

>> No.2099956

I primarily played the Summoner class you left out, Sorcerer. This might be a bit long, read if you're interested.
Arcane Sword - Two blades twirl around in front of you before flying straight up, slicing surrounding targets upon contact with any enemy. Around level 3 or 4 they seem to move a bit upon contact as well. Overall this skill is not.. bad, but it takes quite a bit of timing to hit a moving target with them. Also, for the 2 or so seconds they twirl they block bullets. Fast recharge.
Death Line - As an offensive-only shield, this is also not bad, but it's risky to use since it doesn't block bullets. Good for swarms from the sides or bottom.
Forget Third Skill's Name - Sends out an octupus-like creature that slowly travels up the screen, repeatedly shooting out three mid-range spears in front when enemies come near it. Takes a bit of timing to make this useful. Not bad for bosses since they're so big though.
Illusion Cannon - Holds up a phantom creature in front of you, shooting a powerful cannon. Can be very good as it pulses for a lot of damage about every second for 8 or so seconds, but you have to level it up to at least level 4 or else the range is too short and thus risky.

Btw, for the Crow attack it doesn't seem that useless. They seem to move with you, and they certainly hit stuff if there's a lot of enemies or a boss on screen. I agree that they can be annoying to direct to a specific spot though.

>> No.2100188

Some silly random question:
How do you activate that super attack?

>> No.2100212

Press your hands on all keys of your
keyboard while making a handstand.

>> No.2100219

Would putting the keyboard on my head do the trick too? or shoes?... Wait, answer me seriously bro.

>> No.2100278

If you're referring to the attack that makes your character portrait appear, followed by your character going apeshit, just press space bar bro.

>> No.2100328

Yeah that. Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.2100783

Does anyone here know exactly what Valkyrie Mode does?
It seems you can use VP for an Ultimate Attack or to go into Valkyrie Mode. In that mode I seem to be immune to bullets for a few seconds, but then I seem to die anyway if one hits me even though Valkyrie hadn't expired yet.

>> No.2101089
File: 73 KB, 370x248, mikuyawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the case of my Sorcerer, the most notable change is in my attack and targeting speed doubling, making me some sort multi-target pulse cannon. The other effect is during the flash animation, which appears to break bullets within a certain radius. The mode should be somewhat different for other classes.

Valkyrie mode is not invulnerability mode. You will still get killed in bullet spam if you aren't careful.

>> No.2101354

At what time does this start? no clue, right?

>> No.2101369

It says 8:00 PM EST on the news post talking about the re-opening.

Ah ok, thanks.. I'll remember to look for that kind of stuff next time I use it. It was always useful as a mini-bomb anyway.

>> No.2101446

It could be Korean time, which they did use to shut down the Beta on first maintaineance.

>> No.2101462

Less than two hours.

Hope Gensokyo is ready.

>> No.2101477

So was there any way to play this with a controller?

>> No.2101492

No, the buttons couldn't be mapped.
Shitty DInput support is shitty.

>> No.2101521

Try downloading Xpadder. You can just map your gamepad to keyboard/mouse actions.

>> No.2101524

Well, OK, it was playable.
But you know what...the default buttons for a Xbox360 controller were back for shot, and the others for targeting/skills and Valkyrie mode.

>> No.2101547

XPadder won't run on all computers, and still, Pinnacle sucks, we are all even.

>> No.2101597

My thoughts on the archer class:

All skills suck compared to archer job skills that practically double and triple your damage for a long period of time. Get three skills from archer job and that Diablo2 frozen orb thing from hunter job.

>> No.2101667

Wait a minute... What's my ID?

>> No.2101672

Your e-mail.

>> No.2102014

10 minutes to go!

>> No.2102034

I love my archer but all of the enemies that continually come from behind get really annoying. Huge blind spot for us.

>> No.2102065


It's 8:01, let me connect, goddamn

>> No.2102070

Enjoy your delay

>> No.2102075

Thanks brah, I will.

Enjoy your game. ;_;

>> No.2102153

It keeps Connection Failed-ing me.

>> No.2102161
File: 78 KB, 368x248, blackrockshooter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I have to put black rock shooter on repeat for this delay, I'll do just that.

>> No.2102170


....Fuck. I can't be mad at them for this. It's because they're blocking Korean IPs to let us only play with our own kind, and technical difficulties arose.

I think they deserve a round of applause, despite being a bit... ticked.

>> No.2102184
File: 92 KB, 367x247, mikuhappy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's up.

>> No.2102204

are the servers actually up?

>> No.2102208

My character is gone...

>> No.2102223

Need a hug?

>> No.2102232

No, check out the slots.

>> No.2102294

Ok. I started the tutorial, and now I can't move. How do I do things like....move and stuff. And continue the tutorial...

>> No.2102301

It's point and click.

>> No.2102329


Seems to be bugged, since a loli usually pops up and tells you shit. You're not missing much by skipping it, since the game isn't that hard to figure out.

>> No.2102414

Hold shift to focus.

>> No.2102415

my damn keybinds got reset yet again, and I fucking crash out after completing one stage.

And Barasuishou needs an invite when I get back in, I don't want to start randomly whispering people while they might be busy with a stage

>> No.2102462
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I wish I was a swordsman...

>> No.2102466

Sure is random crashing here.

>> No.2102490

I'll say. It takes so long to turn that it usually crashes before I can get anywhere.

>> No.2102514

Karura would be willing to buy that from you...50000g, maybe? Also, she needs an invite to the guild. :3

>> No.2102576

If you want an invite to the guild (Gensokyo), come find me in game. My name is YukariYakumo and I'm sitting in Flygheim at the moment. PM me and come find me if you want an invite.

I will not invite players under level 10. There is a cap on players in guilds, but it is invisible. I just kicked all the sub-10s.

>> No.2102594

does this game not load up for anyone else?

I played the first beta and it worked perfectly, and now when I hit 'start' nothing happens.

all the spam on the forums is just for the connection failed problem.

>> No.2102610

EpicFailGuy here. I'll be 10 in a few hours.

>> No.2102605

Oh shit, good thing I bothered getting to eleven before the first beta ended.

>> No.2102633

alright. I cant choose my avatar during the create character screen. So if i pick a mage class, i have to be a guy?! I wish to be a little girl as my avatar.

>> No.2102637

How can I play in window mode? Cant find the option.

>> No.2102697

Then be a Fighter or Summoner.

>> No.2102703

just tried out summoner

it sucks dick

>> No.2102709

not available yet

I think the recent patch fixed. Finally got to stage 5...

...Only to be taken down because of a goddamn notice.

>> No.2102721

hold down the attack button instead of mashing it

>> No.2102722

As the subleader, you're never getting an invite.

>> No.2102730


>> No.2102745

trying to play my fighter is getting seriously painful; Green Wood is completely raping my ass, finished the first 3 stages with D, D, C ranks before quitting with the servers going down. Getting webbed repeatedly by the spiders is so fun, along with getting a face full of fast bullets in between sword slashes.

My ranger just blew through all 5 stages with no trouble at all, might just have to switch since melee is quickly becoming unfun

I RAGE'd when I saw you log on, seriously what the fuck. And where are these tripfags coming from?

>> No.2102756

Mugetu here.

Anyone who acts like they're from 4chan will never be invited/will be booted from the guild.

>> No.2102762

I never mashed in the first place, isn't the mage class the only one that doesn't just hold the key down?

>> No.2102766

No one wants a name like EpicFailGuy in the guild, go make something non-faggy and get it to 10 if you want an invite

>> No.2102770

Then stop viral marketing you dumb faggot.

>> No.2102775

I use a name similar to the trip I (rarely) use on here; that doesn't count, does it? Because I'd hate to get kicked and have to make and level an entire new character just to get back in...

>> No.2102782

is this a coop game or vs game?

>> No.2102806

How are swordsmen at higher levels? Most people just seem to sit there and hold down attack the entire time.

My archer is lots of fun but enemies that come from behind are getting really annoying, since I have to rely on arrow orb or arbalest. Its enough to make me consider leaving him at 25 and picking up a different class.

Summoners have a lot of shitty skills, but they're pretty good once you job change a few times. You have to rely on skills to take out higher HP enemies, but your normal attack chews through things as they come in.

>> No.2102798

Of course not.

Just don't do shit like spam "memes", go RAGE/FFFFFF... stuff like that.

>> No.2102818

Okay, good.

But screaming 'FUCK' when I get hit by a bullet I didn't see is okay, right?

>> No.2102819

Oh, this is coming from that guild full of rejects that give themselves names like Youmu and YukariYakumo?

Well, it must be a damn shame he's not getting into such an elite guild.

>> No.2102830

mOOt here, can I join guys? ;)

>> No.2102839

Low though they may be, even we have standards.

I do not have the authority to fulfill or deny your request.

>> No.2102862

Pooshlmer's gonna love hearing about a sugoi guild they can join that's popped up for this "game that's like Touhou online!".

>> No.2102865


>I do not have the authority to fulfill or deny your request.


>> No.2102888

But I like my name ;_;

You must be the one that went "RAGEEEEEEEEEEEEE" at fflygheim

>> No.2102893


Ok I made a summoner name Touko. But seriously how can they not have different avatar? Every mage is gonna look the same, how lame is that.

>> No.2102899

Your clothing changes depending on your equipment, but your face doesn't change. Kind of lame, but it'll probably be a cash shop thing.

>> No.2102906

no, I only raged to myself, i.e. "oh fuck no, you've got to be shitting me, I can't believe this faggot"

My characters are Barasuishou and Reldar, I haven't even said anything in chat tonight

>> No.2102907



>> No.2102919

probably cause the main content of the game is the STG part where you can't see much detail anyway

>> No.2102962

Downloading now.

I've tried downloading it once, but file doesn't open so I'm redownloading this again. Help me out /jp/ when I face troubles. ;_;

>> No.2103675

Aww, my characters were deleted.

>> No.2103949

Damn, too few NEETs are on.
