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20916674 No.20916674 [Reply] [Original]

What the FUCK was her problem?

>> No.20916714

sakuya has always been the edgiest touhou

>> No.20916729

sakuya has always been the best touhou

>> No.20916769
File: 373 KB, 1389x2095, seija the edgy hedgehog 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sakuya has always been the edgiest touhou

ummm wrong sweaty.

>> No.20916778

sakuya has always been the worst touhou

>> No.20916790 [DELETED] 

Top ten cringiest touhous

Number 1 sakuya

>> No.20916852

This is not facebook.

>> No.20916899

Sakuya saying she's an atheist in response to Reimu has always just been a straight-faced joke at Reimu's expense. In this instance she's playing dumb for the sake of the pun of "spiriting away" being literally "god hiding". It doesn't mean anything above being a Sakuya joke.

>> No.20917128

Takes a special kind of autism to be atheist in gensokyo.

>> No.20917278

Number 2 sakuya izayoi

>> No.20917313

Sakuya is on the autism spectrum, she can't do jokes.

>> No.20917319

*tips headdress*

>> No.20917324
File: 358 KB, 1142x1121, 1549939613819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She lost her faith in the gods after her chest failed to grow and she was left flat as a board for the rest of her life. Now she spends her days bullying other less fortunate like womanlets.

>> No.20917365
File: 202 KB, 862x644, 1529828084109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's rebelling since she's mad her mom won't recognize her as her daughter and is instead taking care of some moon hikki for eternity

>> No.20917741
File: 193 KB, 633x900, __izayoi_sakuya_and_yagokoro_eirin_touhou_drawn_by_yohane__4b9cf2482ec62864f15c0d07ae30b7b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuya has some major mommy issues. That combined with the fact that her mom is stacked and she is flat has caused her to fetishize large breasts.

>> No.20917829

Gensokyo "gods" are selfish assholes, she's in the right

>> No.20917854
File: 668 KB, 768x1110, 1421799607054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gensokyo has some of the nicest gods out there like Hina, the Aki sisters and Sanae.

>> No.20918347

You all forget that Sakuya can joke and have fun too. She's human. She has emotions. She isn't stoic all the time.

>> No.20918578
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Sakuya is cute

>> No.20919454
File: 232 KB, 701x637, Savage_Sakuya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People tend to forget that 2hu's keep bantering and making jokes all the time.

>> No.20919501

Wait a minute, does Sakuya do this in game dialogues as well?

>> No.20919632
File: 26 KB, 1343x439, Sakuya_dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can be quite a bit of a dork in the in game dialogues.
The IN dialogues with Remi is a blast to read.

>> No.20919665
File: 145 KB, 600x754, __izayoi_sakuya_shirazumi_lio_toono_shiki_and_yumeko_kara_no_kyoukai_touhou_tsukihime_and_type_moon_drawn_by_kuroi__f663f9ce4b6339fe2f4def05d46557b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fifth stage bosses tend to be dorks more often than bosses of other stages. Yumeko and Sakuya were the original dorkhus after all.

>> No.20920407

She's european, and accordingly doesn't view the weak shit Gensokyo has as actual gods. Just pretentious supernatural creatures.

>> No.20920571


This, any "God" that gets their ass kicked by two little girls wearing Halloween costumes is just a heretical charlatan.

>> No.20920764
File: 1.98 MB, 1083x1495, snek snack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats just like your opinions my dudes, Remilia can get rekt by Kanako any day.

>> No.20920796

Sakuya just likes to banter and fuck with Reimu. Same reason she tells her that her time stop is just moving really fast. She just wants Reimu to leave.

>> No.20920853

I feel like that last part pissed Kagerou off. She probably frowned in anguish and sadness of defeat like a teary eyed child or the tears of betrayal.

>> No.20921607

ZUN had to put an atheist sooner or later.

>> No.20921626

Worst fan headcanon I've seen in a while.

>> No.20921651

Why are you quoting me when I said this was a joke that people don't seem to acknowledge

this is one of the worst interpretations of "haha sakuya atheist" ever

>> No.20921836

Most people tend to forget that Sakuya "open a window in space" is actually relatively young and inexperienced in spite of her demeanor. It's largely an act.

>> No.20921862

The fuck? She makes dorky jokes all the time.

>> No.20922042

How can you be an atheist in a world where gods walk and cast miracles in a plain sight and you can even tap that goddess cunny any time you want via prayer? Doesn't make any fucking sense.

>> No.20922060

well she isn't, so that answers that

>> No.20922110
File: 19 KB, 1285x343, Reymoo murderer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the fact that everyone and their mother is a god in Gensokyo I would also be skeptical to call them gods.

>> No.20922261

It was literally a joke made by Sakuya. People always pull this one panel put of context. Read the manga, people. When she said she was an athiest she meant that she doesn't put her faith into the gods, not that they don't exist.
Wrong. There's only a few gods in Gensokyo, so few you can count them on both your hands. Get your facts straight.

>> No.20922507

You are an unrelated quote.
It is a
in unwritten form. It is as simple as
unrelated shit to the two above or another perspective to add.

>> No.20922579
File: 401 KB, 566x800, __izayoi_sakuya_touhou_drawn_by_imizu_nitro_unknown__54ce7e6ca057a0425cee558de585ab3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuya still has PTSD.

>> No.20925102

That's not Reisen though
The L*nar W*r scarred cute little Reisen for life!

>> No.20926265
File: 167 KB, 1402x1613, 548d2de29f93b3ed36185e9aea314806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my elegant wife Sakuya.

>> No.20926306

she can't git gud

>> No.20926358

Why? The japanese idea of a god is very different from the european idea of a god. Kanako is weak shit compared to YHVH or Allah. It would make sense for somebody like Sakuya, who was raised with a very specific idea of what a god is, to not view them as gods.

>> No.20926364

>She just wants Reimu to leave.
Understandable motive.

>> No.20926375

Well, even ignoring my own theory about Sakuya being european. Not worshiping gods is literally the most efficient way of killing them. Somebody who serves a vampire, who do have a pretty big problem dealing with faith, would have a pretty good reason to want most gods dead.

>> No.20926652 [DELETED] 


lol jannies are faggots

why did this get deleted it was just saying

top then crigniest touhoud
number 1 sakuya

fuck u jannies kys

>> No.20927103

>why did this get deleted
Meido's decision.
In your most recent post alone- you not only outed yourself as a crossboarder, but also a shitposter and an absolute normalfag trying to fit in.
Kindly kill yourself out of /jp/ and never come back. Your baseless and unwanted normalffaggot shitposting is not welcomed here on /jp/.
Here are highly concentrated shitpost boards for you to stay on while you leave /jp/ permanently

here's a prime shitpost board for you as you leave /jp/ permanently

Here is your designated porn board

>> No.20927185

I agree with this view. I would say that even if she is truly atheist, she would still be culturally Christian.

>> No.20927202

Nice headcanons dudes.

>> No.20927297

If she's actually Konosakuyahime in some form this is actually a joke about depression.

>> No.20927364

No fucking shit it's a headcanon. Even Sakuya being from Europe is mere speculation. I still think it's a good headcanon though, considering what we do know about her character.

>> No.20927391

Remilia thinks it's weird that Sakuya has been with her for as long as she has and Sakuya's time powers are natural, not learned. That enough should tell you she's probably not human or at least no fully human.

>> No.20927660

Have you considered that Sakuya being immortal and Sakuya having time powers might be, you know, linked.

Like, considering how much time she stops on a daily basis. It's quite likely she fucked up her own aging beyond the point of repair.

>> No.20927712

I didnt post the original I found it funny

And I've been using jp for longer than you've been here I bet.

>> No.20927902

If you don't say this anywhere in your post it's typically implied you're replying to both as a group. Usually for what you intended you'd write something like quote, see other quote. But alright, I see.

>> No.20928769

trying too hard

>> No.20930501

Its all the work of the lunar dial.
Also Kanako could beat YHVH and Allah solo ez.

>> No.20931640
File: 274 KB, 712x712, 1528018455338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of being envious, she should just claim them for herself. Her mom owes her that much.

>> No.20931745 [SPOILER] 
File: 233 KB, 850x1133, 1551641891155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20931793

Fuck off Meiling

>> No.20934421

She just wants some of mommy's milkies.

>> No.20934573 [SPOILER] 
File: 333 KB, 570x570, 1551673409374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eirin is suddenly Sakuya's mom
>head canon the thread

Sakuya's actually quite resourceful though.
I don't think she'd need to go so far out of her way just to bother Eirin, especially when she already has her own babies at home to feed.

>> No.20939913
File: 48 KB, 284x652, 1541499349987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost all stage five bosses are dorks.
Sakuya is a bit of dork
Youmu is a huge dork
Reisen is a dork.
Sanae is a dork
Shou is a bit of a dork
Futo is almost as big of a dork as Youmu.
Seija is Seija, but Shimmy is a dork.
Clappy is a dork like all fairies.
Mai and Satono actually seem to not be dorks.

>> No.20940103
File: 186 KB, 1000x1430, __izayoi_sakuya_and_remilia_scarlet_csi_miami_and_etc_drawn_by_akou_roushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems pretty accurate, but when compared to the rest, Sakuya's the only one to actually pull off being cool in spite of being a bit of a dork.

>> No.20940613
File: 117 KB, 500x325, 1502067415494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20940928 [DELETED] 

>Mai and Satono actually seem to not be dorks
Not without those hats.

>> No.20940943

>Mai and Satono actually seem to not be dorks
Not with those hats.

>> No.20941154
File: 58 KB, 445x517, Sakuya tipping fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike all the illiterate superstitious plebs that populate Gensokyo, Sakuya is intelligent enough to see that the "Gods" living there like Yasaka "smelly" Kanakp and Suwako are false, they are just powerful Youkai in a power trip.

>> No.20941186

I feel like making another one but I can't find anything worth doing it to that would have use.
