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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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20906220 No.20906220 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think that there are any western equivalents of Gensokyo in the 2hu universe? How do you think they would work? Would they be separated by country, or by general area? If so, I doubt that every country would have a Gensokyo because a spirit would have to bother to seal it off and the likelihood of that happening to every country is improbable.

Would it be based around areas from the mythology? Like a Yggdrasil for Norse spirits and elves, or a mount Olympus for Greek spirits? How many of those European ones will have fucking elves? Or will it be just a random area that spirits can get their hands on? If so then is there Avalon? does the spirit of King Arthur exist in the Touhou universe? A south American native Gensokyo would be cool too.

ITT: make your own Gensokyo!

>> No.20907594
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>> No.20909553

I dont want to see this thread die yet


>> No.20909573

Fuck off fucking SECONDARY SCUM.

You and you're fucking secondary trash friends, need to get the FUCK OUT OF MY FUCKING /JP/.


>> No.20910105

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>> No.20910129

Several. How about a sausagefest with a medieval Europe theme?

>> No.20910135

It's in the Bermuda Triangle. Jesus lives there and so does bigfoot. Jesus and bigfoot play on the beach everyday and then they go to Polyphemus' house for lunch

>> No.20910175

There's probably something like in the USA for native american religions that got suppressed as they died off, and another for the suppressed religions of black slaves. They probably war or cross over with with each other and team up to try to suppress the encroaching violent and vengeful mesoamerican gensokyo.

>> No.20910179
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>> No.20910973

You don’t want to see a loli version of Siegfried?

>> No.20910992

Black slave religion just became voodoo stuff that remains popular in the carib region and most of the original is still alive and well back in Africa

>> No.20913456

I believe Japan (and Asia) are pretty rich when it comes to gods, spirits and folklore. We, on the other hand, are boring as fuck. Only a single God and muh jesus

>> No.20913488

my genosokyo is a /jp/ before idolshit and /v/ spillover

>> No.20913510

I like that ZUN doesn't use actual mythological personalities much, it feels cheap and uninspired. There's miko and some of the gods, but most of the cast are solidly their own characters.

>> No.20913557

Have you looked deep into european folklore? There are a lot of myths, customs.

>> No.20913576

so what do you think the western medieval version of Gensokyo would be like? Nuns instead of shrine maidens, elves and demons instead of youkai, qt giants , qt trolls, qt knights, qt angels?

>> No.20913587

Oh well, there is that too (now that I think about it, I realize that may be the reason why european metal bands are so satanic and weird)

>> No.20913664

Gensokyo lines up really well with the celtic otherworld, which is just a place where the gods and fairies hang out, feast, and occasionally cross over and mess with humans through cracks in reality near sacred trees, barrows, etc, and time doesn't really pass.
There's a huge array of yokai-like creatures to use too, there's the usual stuff like giants, banshee, dullahan, but mountains of weird stuff like the ellyon, afanc, far dorocha, red men, etc
Christians would make a good antagonist

>> No.20913667

I bet FGO has a planned version of that, or already has one

>> No.20913749

>Christians would make a good antagonist
seeing how predominant Christianity is in Europe, the western equivalent of Dr.Pepper would probably a priest/priestess trying to keep everything in there. Also, the Celtic other world has been tied in with Christian-myths as well - King Arthur lead an expedition there in one of the early works about him. The Mabinogion would be a cool influence as well.

To think of it medieval Chivalric romances were pretty much proto-Otaku culture, all the legends were interconnected - King Arthur was linked to the Legend of Didrik of Bern. There were many poems made many people about a certain group of knights, basically doujinshi, and there were waifus (maidens).

>> No.20916269

Yeah but nobody cares about it or them.
I'm fine with Elf-girls. Paru is a good candidate despite her jealousy.

>> No.20916384

Or a cute druid slapping the sidhe around
Really a lot of the old literature is just the same tropes, Oisin in Tir na nog is isekai and the Fenian Cycle is practically battle shounen

>> No.20920728

A Brazilian gensoyko would also be interesting as there is a mixture of heritage of the Indian myths and the folklore from non-indigenous population, there is also a lot of mixture between Christian and Indian pagan spiritualism which a lot of people do hold. It would be interesting to see how this mixture would work out, throughout history Christianity and paganism has mixed with each other in various ways so I don't think it would be something completely separate

>> No.20920788

i imagine a mesoamerican gensokyo would be extensive and interesting, considering how much of their culture is lost

>> No.20923256

so 2007 /a/.

>> No.20923759

We have Fate Grand Order for that.

>> No.20923811

I don't think it exists in the Touhou universe, Gensokyo is by all accounts the last refuge of the supernatural, but I do think it's a neat idea.

If it's going to be based on european folklore, at least primarily, then It should probably be located in the baltic. That region is kind of a crossroad for German, Norse, and Slavic cultures. It's also, or at least was, covered in large ominous dark forests. Perfect for fairies and other evil supernatural creatures to hide in.

It should also be connected to the celtic otherworld. Perhaps through a large misty lake filled with strange islands. Even Avalon could be located there.

>> No.20923815

What about a nun? Nuns are cute.

Druids are very Celtic though. I'm not saying it can't work, but something more East/Central Europe would make more sense though.

>> No.20923830

t. mutt

>> No.20926373

That’s far from true and you now it, even the abrahamic religions have a lot of folklore outside of the sacred texts. Ever heard of saints? cabbalism?

There are many post Christian secular myths as well like, you know, King Arthur

>> No.20930283

Probably. Not every western mythical creature still has widespread notoriety. We know from Mamizou that powerful youkai can still live in the outside world so legends llike Bigfoot and Nessie wouldn't need it, but other creatures definitely could. As people have said Gensokyo is pretty similar to the celtic otherworld so maybe that still exists in the Touhou universe.

Although if western gensokyos do exist it's a wonder why Remi decided to move to Japan instead of staying in the west. Maybe she's just a weeb or wanted to be THE vampire instead of having to compete with Dracula and others.

>> No.20930401

>or wanted to be THE vampire instead of having to compete with Dracula and others
Hardly, Remi is a chuuni that claims to Dracula's descendant.

>> No.20930562

I am listening to Dvorak now, I don’t have much knowledge on the subject but a slavic/Czech Gensokyo would be cool since most myths are obscure in other parts of the world.

>> No.20935143

Even America has interacting Indian, and even American folklore

>> No.20935194

Just make them anime versions of the Saints. There is so many and they cover vast areas of Europe.

>> No.20935889
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I genuinely wonder why Fate has this specific reputation for genderbends despite not actually having many.

But to answer the OP, probably not. I imagine that if there is YHVH probably crushes them as soon as he sees them because he's an arrogant god.

>> No.20941709

Well it depends, a lot of medieval stories have Christians and pagan spirits interacting positively with each other. Sometimes by God’s will.

>> No.20941977

I think the reason why Fate has such a big reputation for genderbends is because of how... weird they are.

Like, I don't know how anybody can look at Emperor Nero and think "I want to fuck a girl version of this."

>> No.20942058

Nero married some castrated kid and made him his ‘wife’, while marrying some other guy and made himself that guy’s ‘wife’. The fact that he is genderbended just hurts my head.

>> No.20947959

>what about a nun? Nuns are cute.
I wonder how heretical that version of touhou would be

>> No.20948546

Yukari did take some hobgoblins from the west, and Sakuya speaks english so you can assume that the mansion also came from there.

>> No.20948597

We don't know how long enough Remilia traveled to Gensokyo though. While there might still be some supernatural remnants in europe, I doubt there is any kind of reservation like Gensokyo.

>> No.20950594
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I fanfictioned a bundle up a long time ago in my childhood. The european equivalent was Álfheimr, held away from the world by the Bifrost Barrier. It is filled with the fair folk, elves and sidhe. The north american equivalent was Niʼ Hodootłʼizh, the Second World, filled with animal spirits like Raven, Eagle, and Coyote. It is found through a gateway in the depths of the Great Lakes.
Ah, this makes me nostalgic.

>> No.20953190

i would

>> No.20956062

are you a naked 2d girl?

>> No.20957310

Yes she is, that’s her writing it - she doesn’t age.

>> No.20959372

