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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2090024 No.2090024 [Reply] [Original]

So, what are your reasons for learning japanese? The only reason I can think of is so I can understand doujins while I fap to them.

>> No.2090031

Do you really have to make it this obvious that you're from /a/?

>> No.2090030

So I can tease Anon by translating single pages of random doujins.

>> No.2090047

To read VNs and watch Japanese cartoons.

Also, it would look great on my resume if and when I stop being a NEET.

>> No.2090054

Read VNs

>> No.2090056


Read VNs.

>> No.2090058

Because Chinese is harder than I thought. :(

>> No.2090060


>> No.2090064


katakana, motherfucker

>> No.2090067

>>understand doujins while I fap to them.

You're not missing much. Just a lot of "Kimochi ii!" and "Naka wa dame!" and "Ikuuuuu!"

>> No.2090073
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Job opportunities (lol)
Not being the typical monolingual English speaker
Fabs of Anime/Manga willing to make you feel superior
The normal fags who respect you for learning a language generally regarded as difficult
Knowing that I'm at least good at something.

>> No.2090078


And you were doing so well...

>> No.2090086


>> No.2090089
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Job opportunities (lol)
Not being the typical monolingual English speaker
Fans of Anime/Manga willing to make you feel superior
The normal fags who respect you for learning a language generally regarded as difficult
Knowing that I'm at least good at something.

>> No.2090106


Nina... mori?

>> No.2090147

this pretty much

>> No.2090161


clap clap clap

>> No.2090304

Surprise cockfag, there's no official one. Deciding on what account you might put upon yourself to learn it, or any other language or, hell, pursue any other kind of study only falls to you and your interests.

>> No.2090388


Was I asking for a 100% OFFICIAL REASON? No. I was curious to see what everyone's personal reasons were.
