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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2087191 No.2087191 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese men love healthy

Japanese women love having bony boy-bodies

I guess that's why their birth rate is in free fall

>> No.2087192

I thought it was the shitty economy.

>> No.2087194

that and pedophilia

don't forget pedophilia

>> No.2087198

i'm going over there next year, i'll help increase the baby shitting rate

>> No.2087200

I blame the abortion clinics.

>> No.2087205

What's the deal with "healthy"? Women can be healthy without having large breasts. I don't get it..

>> No.2087206

Breasts have nothing to do with it. Girls with their ribs showing =/ healthy.

>> No.2087215

Japanese women love westerners

Too bad for most of them, shame and conformity will make them marry a Japanese man

>> No.2087213


I see. I've always seen it used as a synonym for "having large breasts". Guess what you say sort of makes sense.

>> No.2087218

>What's the deal with "healthy"?

Healthy women are sexy.

>> No.2087223

Its the extra rights and freedom given to women nowdays there. Where they are busy pursuing a career to worry about a partner. This is why they should stay in the kitchen.

And of course the hikimori/otaku problem has contributed as well.

>> No.2087226

Then why do European societies have the same problem?

>> No.2087230

all the guys are fucking sexy skinny asians

>> No.2087233

I was under the impression that it was because a large portion of Japanese children are socially retarded and remaining so into their later years, making courtship and mating impossible.

This would be, in turn, the reason why all their fan-made work is so high quality.

>> No.2087237

>all their fan-made work is so high quality.

>> No.2087239

Nobody would want to have your pig-disgusting Gaijin child.

>> No.2087244

now you're just nitpicking

>> No.2087249

The child wouldn't be a gaijin, nigger. White/asian crossovers look amazing too.

>> No.2087251

This is what gaijins actually believe.

>> No.2087262

>White/asian crossovers look amazing

>> No.2087271
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>> No.2087282


this is only though of..IN AMERICAAAAAAh

>> No.2087285


cuz they have mass immigration of sand niggers who in turn breed like rabbits

>> No.2087286



>> No.2087301
File: 43 KB, 868x700, 1234704213789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Black/Asian crossovers was here.
White/Asian crossovers is a faggot.

>> No.2087306


Ignoring the jpeg artifacts, that's fucking disgusting.

>> No.2087307
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>> No.2087338
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Blackanese ftw

>> No.2087345

pig-disgusting cross-breeding.

>> No.2088858
File: 141 KB, 1108x667, 1234730974152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since size isn't changeable, personality matters a lot more than anything else. That said, all of us here have a fetish for a particular size range because TV got to us before real girls did. So, what it YOUR range?

>> No.2088864


>> No.2088868

You don't belong here.

>> No.2088878


2-5. 2 and 5 are my favorites.

1 is fine and 6 is acceptable occasionally.

>> No.2088880

This is what /jp/ actually believes

>> No.2088902
File: 106 KB, 682x400, 1234731595613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then why do European societies have the same problem?

Not in Britain they aren't, they just can't stop making babies!

>> No.2088903

all of them

>> No.2088908


Even 0 and 9?

>> No.2088916

Western women are healthy.

Western men love bony boy-bodies.

...may I propose a transaction?

>> No.2088917


Britain's not part of Europe, idiot.

>> No.2088925

Not the same anon, but I have a chubby fetish. 9 is a bit too large for me though.

>> No.2088931


>Western men love bony boy-bodies.

That is a fuckhuge lie

>> No.2088935

yes, i'd still prefer chun li instead of 0
the 9 is ok only if she's nice and stay 2D

>> No.2088940

And on what do you base this?

>> No.2088948


>> No.2088950


Anecdotal evidence, stereotypes, things like that.

>> No.2088955

2-5 But I wouldnt stop a 1 or 6 trying to fuck me.

>> No.2088959


Which one's your favorite? I'd have to go with 5.

>> No.2089258

Yeah, I'd say 5, 4,3,2 in that order.

>> No.2089299

3 & 6

>> No.2089322

I'd sleep with any of them (apart from 9 + 0, that's pretty gross) providing they had a nice personality and pretty face.

Oh, and a cute butt.

>> No.2089357

2-6. 7+ is pretty gross.

>> No.2089385

We've been through this before, and my answer hasn't changed. I'd be with any of them, if they fit my personality.

9 and 0 can't fit my personality, because they're either somebody who doesn't care about themselves, which I can't abide by, or the bodybuilder type, which doesn't suit me at all.

>> No.2089389

If a woman has big boobs it's kind of intimidating to me.
The smaller the breasts the more dominant I feel.
More like a man.

>> No.2089394

I prefer shorter women for the same reason. I don't care much about breast size, though. JAPAN!

>> No.2089397

i watched this first time yesterday i cant believed i missed it connecticon membership appreciation 2/14/09 lol
