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2086647 No.2086647 [Reply] [Original]

Who from Gensokyo would you want to know as a friend?
Continuing the increase of "Who would you X" threads, here's something a little different.
Mostly intended as "platonically" but friend and waifu sexual partner are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

>Random extra parts of rare text. Fancy a go spelling candidly. And not good or kinky. I loathe like the hermit entering my small estate. Laugh very extra shortly.

>> No.2086654

>Continuing the increase of shitty /a/ threads

>> No.2086669

Noone. I'm scared of them and wouldn't want any of them to notice my existence.

>> No.2086675

Cirno because she is strongest.

>> No.2086715

if you're ballsy enough you can befriend pretty much any touhou.

i suppose Rumia is the only impossible touhou, because she's too lazy to hunt humans, but if you were to wander up to her on purpose she still considers it her job to eat you.

>> No.2086732

Kaguya. We can party in a MMO.
It would also make chasing Tewi easier.

>> No.2086726

The bot is evolving.

>> No.2086754
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Marisa so she could teach me how to be a pimp.

>> No.2086777
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Nitori because she is the friendliest.

>> No.2086774

I don't know, I'd rather be in a relationship with most of the Touhous that I like.
Hm, I guess I'd rather be Reimu's friend than boyfriend though.

>> No.2086781
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Keine. Because She could deleted the world history and me the original creator of 4Chan.

>> No.2086786

and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.2086825


>Keine. Because She could deleted the world history and me the original creator of 4Chan.

Keine. Because She could deleted the world history and made me the original creator of 4Chan.

>> No.2086832

>Because She could deleted

I don't think so.

>> No.2086895
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i don't think I'd last long as her friend though.

>> No.2087008
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Mokou is kind of cool.

>> No.2087053
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I'd say Yukari, but she's already a friend. Yuyuko, perhaps, or Youmu because it's nice to have a devoted friend.

>> No.2087061
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I would like Meiling to be my best friend. She's perfect.

>> No.2087070

Nitori because I'm a techfag

>> No.2087107

Isn't it obvious?


>> No.2087119

Reimu as a friend sounds cool. Come to her shrine, hanging out and talk stuff while drinking tea.

>> No.2087129
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I'd say either Kaguya, Nitori, Keine, or Yukari.

As we all know from Spring of the Residents of a Touhou Town, Kaguya is a fan of multiplayer RTS (image related). We'd play Starcraft or something, maybe some Civilization 4.

Nitori would probably be the most science-oriented of all of the Touhous, spearheading the Kappa industrial revolution. Science and technology always makes good discussion.

Keine seems the most intellectual. She'd be the kind to have a long debate over coffee with.

Yukari would be the most interesting. Friendly but devilish.

>> No.2087142

No sexual contact whatsoever? Then Reisen's out of the question. It would have to be somebody who has a shitload of power she would (ab)use for my benefit, somebody whose personality is not rage-inducing, and who I wouldn't want to fuck anyway.

I think I'll go with Keine. She's nice in a surrogate mother sort of way but unfuckable, and has one of the most far reaching haxes of all the touhoes.

>> No.2087144
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I can't see any reason not to be friends with a dead person who can kill people with a thought.

>> No.2087147
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She can cook, she is cute, etc..

>> No.2087149
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Parsee! so we can hate everyone together!

>> No.2087153

Yukari. We'd form a Lazy Gorgeous Adventurers Club.

>> No.2087172

1. Keine.
She's kind enough to be able to befriend a hotheaded immortal bent on revenge, so I don't think I'd have any problems. Also, she gets plenty of points for being an intellectual you'd actually be able to have a conversation with (unlike a certain doctor).

2. Reimu.
Chill at the shrine, drink tea, and donate every once in a while. The lazy miko seems like a decent girl when she isn't checking shit out.

3. Rinnosuke.
He's basically Anon in Gensokyo without all the rage.

4. Yukari.
Things wouldn't be boring, to say the least. "Come on, we're going to Iceland!"

5. Ran.

>> No.2087177

Why the fuck would you even want to be near parsee? she is just jealous all the time.

>> No.2087188


>> No.2087190

It would be kinda like ITS LIKE I'M REALLY ON 4CHAN!

>> No.2087203

I'll have to go with this.

She really needs a friend, and there's no way in hell I have anything she could get jealous of, so it might actually work out.

>> No.2087204

Kaguya. We'd start off as NEET partners playing RPGs together, and eventually fall for each other. ;_;

>> No.2087217

"You post at 4chan all the time. I'm so jealous..."

>> No.2087236

Just let her post too, nothing more to be jealous of.

>> No.2087240

Either Reimu or Kaguya.

Reimu: We'd sit around all day feeding our faces and drinking tea waiting for something to happen. Then when something does happen she'll tell me to have tea ready when she gets back.

Fuck yeah reverse gender roles?

Kaguya: We'd sit in the same room silently. Trolling each other others on 4chan/2chan and only speaking to each other through instant messengers.

Two NEETs are better than one. We can ronery and not ronery at the same time.

>> No.2087245
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Sakuya because I'm to lazy to cook and manipulation of time could get interesting

>> No.2087256

Enjoy your pads.

>> No.2087259

You're all bitches for not mentioning Suika.

I would befriend her tenderly~

>> No.2087263
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Forgot my image on that shit

>> No.2087269
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>> No.2087268

She's gonna force you to drink with her and since you're human. You're gonna end up dying from alcohol poisoning.


>> No.2087273

Do you always pop up and start saying stupid shit?

>> No.2087274

It's worth it.

>> No.2087276



>> No.2087295


>> No.2087312
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>> No.2087314

I am suddently reminded of Valkyrie Profile.

>> No.2087335
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What can I say? I get around.

>> No.2087337

Nitori because she's a Candid Friend

>> No.2087340

Yin is not Sakuya.

>> No.2087351

Yin should be in the next touhou game.

>> No.2087460

But she is Sakuya's Finnish cousin

>> No.2087488

The prismriver sisters. We could play jazz together and shit.

>> No.2088242
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>48 posts and 16 image replies omitted.

That was a lot better than I expected. I wonder how E-mouse would feel about this.

Also, to find the Easter egg ITT, look at the green text in OP and take the first letter of each word.

>> No.2088274
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Reisen seems like she'd be fun to hang out with, though you'd have to put up with Tewi being around...

>> No.2088285

Befriend Kaguya.

Become immortal.

>> No.2088305

I was gonna say Suika, but she'd just end up being like some of the stoner friends I had in college.

Suwako might be fun though, since you'd go around trying to get faith from people. She might even let me try on her hat.

>> No.2088335

What does that e- Oh.

OH. Not in the picture. In the post.

>> No.2088339

Oh wow. I'd say something about shrinemaiden and hate this thread, but the easter egg made me like it.
Good job.
I'd want to be friends with both Mokou and Kaguya, so I can die.

>> No.2088357

Fanon Kaguya.

>> No.2088393

Reimu or Marisa (can't decide) if I can't choose fanon versions.

>> No.2088428
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Youmu, I'd like a bossy little imoutou that would whip me into shape and make me dinner. At the same time I can teach her to take it easy and ease some of the burden of her work, plus Yuyuko.

Rinnosuke would be second choice, nice quiet life working in an antique store punctuated with bursts of excitement. He might even share Yukari with me.

>> No.2088448

More like Yukari would play find-the-gap with penises, and somehow you'd end up being fucked by Rinnosuke.

>> No.2088452

This is also an acceptable ending.

>> No.2088456
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Another vote for the Candid Friend.

>> No.2088514

remilia. then maybe i'd be able to get superpowers by becoming a youkai thanks to her powers of fate manipulation.

plus it'd give me free access to sdm, which means delicious sakuya and patchy.

>> No.2088537

I'd say Suika, so I can drink with her all day.

>> No.2088572


Hanging out with an overconfident fairy that has no problem picking a fight with someone stronger than her?

Sounds fun.

>> No.2088597

Aya. We're really two peas in a pod already.

>> No.2088599


So I could live out my mongol fantasies. Short of punching the sun.

>> No.2088600

Amputee Youmu.

>> No.2088602

Amputee Youmu.


>> No.2088612

Don't forget all the fairy maids!

>> No.2088642
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Sanae as my friend and wife. She is a good girl.

>> No.2088645

>She is a good girl

Sanae is PURE.

>> No.2088651

PURE sex

>> No.2088664

It's all fun and games until a stray danmaku hits you in the eye.

>> No.2088669

Wriggle because he's the only male Touhou below the age of 30.

>> No.2088677



>> No.2088678

What shit are talking about MY Wriggle. He's hundreds of years old.

>> No.2088680


>> No.2088701

He looks like he's 13, I don't give a shit what ZUN says.
And Flandere porn will still get you v& in Canada.

>> No.2088717

Wriggle is not a boy.

>> No.2088731

Wriggle is a boy in my yaoi dreams.

>> No.2088732

None of them cause I'm pretty boring so no one would be interested, also they're not real.

>> No.2088753

>not real

Prove it, fag.

>> No.2088898

Yes he is.

>> No.2088924
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I think she and I would get along just dapper.

>> No.2090369
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Each day /jp/ comes closer to becoming Shrinemaiden. I don't know if I should be proud or disgusted by that.

>> No.2090378

Yeah, I wonder why.

>Author - E-Mouse.
