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File: 77 KB, 800x600, manatransfer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2085096 No.2085096 [Reply] [Original]

Oh wow, Sumaga. I feel I should have expected something like this, but I still didn't.

>> No.2085105

Well, she certainly doesn't look like a student...

>> No.2085102

What game is this.

>> No.2085107

Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.2085110

No clue. If only OP would mention the title!

>> No.2085111


>> No.2085112


>> No.2085116

SO, it's 1/4 done?

>> No.2085117

Boku no Star Mine Girl.

>> No.2085118

No big deal.

Everyone knows Nitro+ is the biggest Type-Moon cocksucker known to men.

>> No.2085120

Regardless of the sex aspect that may be the case here, 'mana transfer' is not a Type-moon catchphrase.

>> No.2085121
File: 63 KB, 799x600, 1234667045316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The (first) Spica route is done.

>> No.2085122
File: 386 KB, 640x480, 1234667056032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite proposal is to give janitors and mods the power to manually mute people /r9k/ style for behaving like that, so that they could still lurk while ceasing to participate for a while.

>> No.2085123

again with the mana transfer shit? god, I hate fictional VNs

>> No.2085127

Link me up with some non-fiction VNs, bro.

>> No.2085129

You are playing one right now. I am saddened to say that you are on the way to a bad end...

>> No.2085130

shut up idiot I fucked your mom

>> No.2085136


>> No.2085138
File: 67 KB, 200x222, 1234667342220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2085137

OP here(not the guy asking for non-fictional VNs)

Yeah, I kind of started expecting that after God explained the rules and I woke up from Spica's room. Time is really growing short here.

>> No.2085139
File: 176 KB, 834x1200, 1234667384092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I at least get an ero scene?

>> No.2085146

There was one just before you died. Well half of one. Too bad you're premature ejaculator!

>> No.2085151

In the grim darkness of Anon's life, there are only bad ends.

>> No.2085152

In this VN bad ends are extremely subjective, so no.

>> No.2085154



>> No.2085187

I don't think he was talking about Sumaga.

>> No.2085189

Back in my day we could recover mana on our own.

>> No.2085193

Ah yes, the good ol' VN of life. But who is the reader?

>> No.2085197

Ether was never a renewable mana resource.

>> No.2085215

....Fuck. I would've face palmed at me being so slow, but >>2085129 was pretty clever.

>> No.2085216
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>> No.2085219

No wonder why the worst choices are selected.

>> No.2085220

I guess education was never one of the divine attributes...

>> No.2085222

Most overhyped game of the year

>> No.2085236
File: 41 KB, 300x400, 1234668877173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2085242

Time displaced troll is time displaced.

>> No.2085253


Sauce on image plox?

>> No.2085261

If you haven't fapped to that one at least 10 times, you don't belong here.

>> No.2085276

is there an actual patch yet

>> No.2085288
File: 297 KB, 640x1107, 1234669476088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Scripts need moar editors.

>> No.2085294


also /r/ sauce

>> No.2085298


sauce plz!

>> No.2085300

It's already very playable, it just skips few scripts. Small ones, and you can fix some of those manually.

>> No.2085329


wheres this from?

>> No.2085347

how would you go about playing it. i assume theres a way to insert the scripts yourself

>> No.2085361

Final Half Year

>> No.2085367

It's the source of little brown girls are the best.

>> No.2085372

Why the fuck are you replying to the pityable troll?

>> No.2085379

Reading bit of this might help you. http://www.tsukuru.info/tlwiki/index.php?title=Talk:Sumaga

>> No.2085396

You mean pitiable.

>> No.2085399

Mods can already do that. There are bans that let you browse but trying to post leads to the usual you're banned page.

>> No.2085473

ill have to think about fucking around with it at some point

>> No.2085510

I know OF this, but I've never actually read it. Can someone give me the name so I can please /rs/ it? Googling "little brown girls are the best" doesn't find it for me.

>> No.2085561

Here's the torrentz for anyone interested:

or... you could wait until i up it when a patch for it cames out or w/e

>> No.2085574
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, 1234673205926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh how the mighty hath fallen

>> No.2085597


>> No.2085606

God forbid a company makes diffrent types of games and not everything is all serious action.

>> No.2085616

They should let janitors do that kind of ban, then.

>> No.2085633

Letting janitors ban people? This is madness.

>> No.2085637


Hold up for a second which scenes are skipping? I know that a1_02_11 is (or if you "fix" it it crashes) Or are you talking about copying stuff from the wiki? Because I haven't edited the wiki up to match the fixes yet

>> No.2085642

What is the point of lurking more, if no matter how long you lurk people still give responses like

>> No.2085645

>Oh wow, Sumaga. I feel I should have expected something like this, but I still didn't.

Read this. Carefully.

VERY Carefully.

>> No.2085653

Unlikely, but he probally thought Sumaga was that woman's name.

>> No.2085869

Oh I got it, and I googled it and read all about it. I still think not everyone needs to be a dick.

>> No.2085888

Well, people asking for sauce when it was already given is kind of our pet peeve.

Happens all the time.

>> No.2085892

The least you can do is google the "character's name".

>> No.2086021


I had to same problems with the name but I will say this is 4chan. If you expect everyone to be nice you're hardly in the right place.

>> No.2086077

Hey, I'm not a dick~

And besides, it could have been worse; you could have gotten a slowpoke.jpg.

>> No.2086115

>Hey, I'm not a dick~
No? sadly for you, I thought so.
