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20843122 No.20843122 [Reply] [Original]

New guide:
Old guide for those afraid of change:

Remember: Listen to every piece of advice from DJT
前スレ: >>20837533

>> No.20843141

how's zkanji? better than Anki?

>> No.20843194

post anison baNGERZ


>> No.20843226

jukujikun is so gorgeous bros

>> No.20843260



>> No.20843321

I don't think I'll ever understand そぞろ.


>> No.20843368

i'm behind literally fucking everyone who started learning at the same time as me. i bet they're reading LNs and having a blast while i'm struggling to remember あくまで.

>> No.20843371
File: 2 KB, 144x30, 1537400030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20843390

watch more anime

>> No.20843396

after noticing し after random nouns for a few weeks i looked it up and realized it's the continuative form of する. if i were more diligent i'd have already known that. it's over.

>> No.20843409

is there any sicker nastier own than gettin told ur 上手

>> No.20843417

what's a good comeback to a nip being fake nice who says you're 上手

>> No.20843423


>> No.20843428


>> No.20843445

if you were more diligent and tried to study grammar instead of letting it build naturally and making small discoveries like that itd be over

>> No.20843462


>> No.20843488


>> No.20843496
File: 45 KB, 741x500, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breakin my heart here boys

>> No.20843498

is there anything more common for beginners in djt to be tripped up by than the い of いる bein dropped

>> No.20843503

yea what the fuck can からより mean?

>> No.20843509


>> No.20843522

just start anki at 10-20 words per day, every day never stop, then watch nothing but nihongo, don't start reading much books, they're all just boring books, but you should read subtitles for anime and manga. In a year switch to books and shut off subtitles on your anime/dramas. You can fudge the lines on this method where you get more enjoyment but this is pretty much the best way.

>> No.20843554

remember to change your OS' language to japanese. all your programs too. if you can't read shit then learn.

>> No.20843555

how ironic

>> No.20843559

whatchu sayin

>> No.20843576

i think hes trying to imply that it should have 言った and not 言っていた but thats all i got lol

>> No.20843578

People act like hover dictionaries are bad but i think its more important to get a good grammar foundation by starting to read asap. Vocab is a lifelong grind, no need to rush it.

>> No.20843579

either way i love it when ppl who are obviously unconfident in their japanese try and vaguely question other peoples bc they dont want to actually state outright their dumb beliefs

>> No.20843582

>been doing core2k for 2 or 3 weeks
>10 new words a day
>numbers, days, tons of fucking directions, up, down, before, after, put in, take out, shit like that
>can't keep up with even this

Honestly I'm doing better with the RTK deck, I remember those much more easily

Maybe I need context.

>> No.20843585

迂愚 or 愚か?

>> No.20843593

tons of people have this problem and people in DJT fix it by reading while they learn vocab. yes it's a giant pain in the ass but it will help with retention. fuck RTK.

>> No.20843595

>starting to read asap.
This works great if you never want to talk, but you'll pick up bad pronouncement habits. M&Bvsjapan both highly recommend against reading in the beginning, UNLESS you don't ever want to speak it or don't care about how you sound, in that case reading from day 1 is fine.

>> No.20843601

if youre talkin about >>20843498 i didnt reply or say anything more because no one asked an actual question
wasnt tryin to be vague but youre right that im unconfident cause i dont know nihongo

>> No.20843612

You're learning completely new vocab from a completely unrelated language with a completely different sound system. It's going to take some time before these things make sense. It gets much easier with time as you cement meanings and fill up all the possible two kana combinations.
Doing RTK is basically just learning random bits of trivia, there's really no limit to how much of that your brain can absorb as long as you have the time. Finish that shit within two months so you can move on.

>> No.20843619

>you'll pick up bad pronouncement habits
>from reading
What the fuck are you smoking

>> No.20843627

I hated the numbers, days and other things at the start of core2k/6k because those were things I didn't know. You could give me 水曜日 together with the reading and I could only tell that it's some day but not which, since those just didn't stick to me from anime. Once I got past those it got a lot easier since all I needed to do was learn how to read the kanji, and I would immediately understand the meaning after that. That said, if you're starting fresh and not with thousands of hours of anime watched, I guess it'd stay about the same.

>> No.20843631

mattdrones think that if you read without listening for a year first youll subvocalize romanji with american phonetics and your listening ability will be irreversibly damaged and youll never again be able to learn what japanese sounds like

>> No.20843636

>brainlet detected
look up sub-vocalization

>> No.20843640

you don't have to be a mattdrone. matt's hypothesis was proven to be true when like 3 vocal readtards couldn't hear the ng in 全員. god that was the best day on DJT ever.

>> No.20843644

americans will always sound retarded when speaking japanese anyway

>> No.20843645


>> No.20843647

So they are retards

How about you learn how kana are pronounced when you first learn them and you won't have any problems

>> No.20843651


Should I just stop adding new cards or add a nominal amount like 2 or something until I understand the ones I already have?

Maybe there's something I should be doing as I'm reviewing cards, writing the stuff down as well? Right now I'm just looking at the screen and trying to remember and hopefully say the word outloud.


I tried reading the first few pages of yotsuba and it took me like 15 minutes to get through the first page, I have the reading pack but there was a bunch of stuff that wasn't even translated in the reading pack that I needed to manually look up in google translate, and I was only on the first couple pages. It didn't feel like I was reading anything, just manually translating word for word.

Plus basically nothing in the core2k deck that I've reached applies to anything yet, it's just numbers, days, directions and the occasional word like friend or weather

>> No.20843655
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I'm at about the same point in core6k (13 days, 12 new cards per day). I have up and downs but honestly it does feel easier and easier. Even hard words eventually "click".

I probably won't bother with RTK until some time from now though, if ever. I for the most part don't have issues remembering and recognizing kanjis I learn in core, vocab is a bigger issue for me.

>> No.20843661

>Plus basically nothing in the core2k deck that I've reached applies to anything yet, it's just numbers, days, directions and the occasional word like friend or weather
this shit genuinely pisses me the fuck off. what the fuck was nuke thinking when he "optimized" the order and "grouped similar" words. fucking christ. protip: if you had done core2k in actual frequency order you'd be seeing a lot of words from it in anything you read.

>> No.20843671

>How about you learn how kana are pronounced when you first learn them and you won't have any problems
Holy fuck you're new.. every word is spoken with different lengths to different characters and the characters before and after it change the tongue's position and the sound, so no it's not some robotic language where every character sounds the same in every word. That's an amature assumption. You have to learn how they all sound my listening first, there is sharpness to some parts, choppiness, pitch, length, sounded an shortened "vowel" sounds, I mean english does this too so imagine somebody learning how to speak only from writing they'd sound retarded.

>> No.20843674

>I needed to manually look up
you need the practice
>I was only on the first couple pages
imagine that it might get easier if you keep doing it
>Plus basically nothing in the core2k deck that I've reached applies to anything yet
part of why ideally if you use anki you use it for words youve actually seen but you can get some out of the way from core first
well he optimized it with the brilliant rtk strategy of dont do anything else for months until you are done with the deck lol

>> No.20843681

if anyone here is learning nippongo without at least issen horas subbed anime under their belts they deserve it this thread is for degenerates

>> No.20843683

None of that is something you can't fix later

>> No.20843686

did nothing wrong ----> ヒトラー

>> No.20843688
File: 144 KB, 647x300, retention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's my retention bois

>> No.20843689


>> No.20843696

Looks like it's under 100%

>> No.20843697

what does よりから mean here? i think the gist of the sentence is "even from the closest star it would take 4 years" but i don't get what より is doing. "than"? than what? i haven't encountered this particular construct since i saw it here but i haven't been able to sleep the past 4 fucking days thinking about this even though it was explained once before to me.

please break it down in as intelligent a way as dolly would.

>> No.20843698

Guess it depends on your priorities, do you want to be able to comprehend reading first or listening and speaking.

>> No.20843706

in addition it is entirely impossible to not fuck it up all over the place in the beginning no matter what you do

>> No.20843716

If you know the word in writte form you are going to recognize it when it's spoken even if it's slightly different from how you thought it would sound

>> No.20843723


>> No.20843725

Obviously it's easy if you're not even 100 kanji in. Recognising the difference between 飛 and 出 is simple. Recognising the difference between 侍, 待, 持, 恃. and 特 won't be as easy. The further you get the less you can rely on "Oh it's that one".

>> No.20843730

Technically you can fix it but it's very difficult. It's much easier to do it right from the start. Learn the way a child does so you sound and hear better. Reading from the start is unnatural.

>> No.20843738


>> No.20843744

>but it's very difficult.
well yea but that's fine. you know why people don't do everything optimally in terms of accent and all that? because it would fucking take forever. if i ever find myself caring about having a perfect accent i still won't have regretted taking shortcuts, because if i hadn't taken those shortcuts i'd have never maintained enough interest to learn the language. that's what the people who tell newbies not to consult grammar guides or to read don't understand.

>> No.20843745

>If you know the word in writte form you are going to recognize it when it's spoken
nope, I got a few thousand matured vocab and only audio on half of them, the half without audio I struggle with all of the time, that's because I only heard it in my head and it sounds slightly different. I don't do anything without native audio now.

>> No.20843747


>> No.20843755

have you been stuck on this sentence for a week?

you're overthinking it. より just means from as in "sent from" and it's probably just combined w/ からでも to either emphasise the distance or because it just sounds better than either one by themselves

>> No.20843764
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Perhaps you should've used one of the readily available creative commons Core decks with full native audio samples.

>> No.20843770

i read past that sentence a couple weeks ago but i've been thinking about it since.

>> No.20843771

>If you know the word in writte form you are going to recognize it when it's spoken even if it's slightly different from how you thought it would sound
lol sorry but this is false intelligence. i was a readonly person for years because i wasnt interested in anime and shit and i can read anything fine but i cant understand shit spoken. i have to hear the word again a few times spoken for my brain to catch up

>> No.20843773

core decks based on newpaper frequency, no thanks

>> No.20843778

also i was using the core deck the whole time so this doesnt add up either

>> No.20843784

Just do this

>> No.20843789

yup, it truly is the best way

>> No.20843795


New dolly vid has got you dronefags covered

>> No.20843805

did anybody ever try the 'sound sisters' method? seemed kind of weird to me

>> No.20843817
File: 211 KB, 1000x563, imgl01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Dragon Quest is this?

Also @based anon playing Japanese video games, what did you play so far and how was it? I saw screenshots of OoT, ぼくの夏休み and now DQ.
I want to learn by playing games too!

>> No.20843820

no i was talking about the guy you replied to but if the boot fits m8....

>> No.20843821
File: 298 KB, 451x534, 1546740553070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20843827

dq8 is a pretty good beginners game imo. i also played a bit of ni no kuni 2 b/c it has full japanese support on pc.

>> No.20843833

If google translate speech recognition can understand my pronunciation so can the Japanese people, right?

>> No.20843844

can you understand the chinese guy when you put your order in to the local fast food chain? (assume for a moment that we are still in the 90s when you order by phone)

>> No.20843852

Yea I was surprised when I knew words when reading perfectly and kept completely missing them when listening. It truly is two different skills. I was using the daiweeb/yomi method and it helped, but I'm now trying the subs2srs way and hoping it's even better because it's sentences instead of isolated words.

>> No.20843860

i hate the kanji for いも (芋) cause it subconsciously makes me want to write it like も and i always get it wrong

>> No.20843863

is dogen-sama the number one gaijin?

>> No.20843867


>> No.20843874

you just need to listen a lot and read a lot, the two skills have interplay (like it's obv useful to know a word already before hearing it) but imo you generally need to experience the same thing in both ways to actually grasp it properly in their respective contexts.

>> No.20843877

Drop subs2srs and do this

>> No.20843880

He says he's met gaijin better than himself, but he's up there and for sure the best on youtube.

>> No.20843882
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>> No.20843885

isnt that basically the same thing anyway (i cant actually click the link right now but im assuming its the same guy posting his srs as every other day)

>> No.20843894

what is it?

>> No.20843896

I recently played through the Atelier Arland trilogy and Tales of Vesperia on Steam

>> No.20843899

It's not the same thing.

>> No.20843901

If you're not naturally picking up on phonetic components something is seriously going wrong. That is literally how the vast majority of kanji are built.
工, 紅葉, 成功.
生, 犠牲, 姓, 性, 星

>> No.20843912

that's what I figured so why isolate the study of it? I couldn't rationalize it

>> No.20843914


>> No.20843937

not really the vast majority desu. a large portion. in chinese it's the majority cause there have been less sound shifts but kanji came into japan at various periods so onyomi are divided up into different sounds based on the original (漢音・呉音・唐音) and many dont match cause of that

>> No.20843986

fucking anglo japanese who can listen to this shit?

>> No.20843998


>> No.20844016

the english isn't anglo but the japanese sounds what I'd expect from the mouth of an anglo, like a turning into æ.

>> No.20844017
File: 1.62 MB, 1623x2283, Dyzx3cjVsAIbphq.png orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which easy light novel in the DJT library is the most focused on huge tits? It would really help me read.

>> No.20844052

why not just occasionally glance down while reading in that case

>> No.20844058


>> No.20844080

sounds like hes not talkin about seein huge tits but about havin huge tits described in detail and learnin lots of huge tit vocab

>> No.20844085
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, tyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i guess i have a couple things in mind

>> No.20844092

i been wonderin why she only got one nipple

>> No.20844100

its the angle and lighting dude the fucks ur issue

>> No.20844107
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 1242756373002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all this talk about core 2k/6k being trash and not one of you mentions an alternative deck im ashamed of you

>> No.20844109

she's got two but only one of them is hard

>> No.20844111

きょにゅう. i remember this because of きょ and i think george mentioned the word on a livestream.

>> No.20844117

*unzips alternative deck*

>> No.20844120

vncore in the CoR, not ankiweb.

>> No.20844123

that aint how light works

>> No.20844132


>> No.20844140

This deck:

>> No.20844142

no dude its just a huge mirage the lights are too strong and bend space and time

>> No.20844149

make your own

>> No.20844151

i ain't clickin that someone do it for me

>> No.20844153

any other eternal dekinais who give advice here when they shouldn't?

>> No.20844154

See that is the kind of stuff I would like to find on the djt library. Of course it's not going to have pictures. I just want to read about some huge breast. What should I read?

>> No.20844159

yeah but people keep tellin me im gonna make it

>> No.20844165

not sure where to ask so asking here, has anyone used enty.jp before i signed up and payed so I could dl some of an artists work but cannot download them as the links wont open, is it due to having kana in the urls or something? https://enty.jp/nekotewi?active_tab=fan#5

>> No.20844167

I like these, you get good context for the convo, they speak basic because of the gaijin present, cathy cat is cute and fluent in 3 languages, and there are tons of them to watch.

>> No.20844171

vn core 1250 not vncore if someone ctrl+f's vncore they won't find it

>> No.20844177

vncore is a great list, but no audio, if you're going the fuck ever speaking japanese route it's good

>> No.20844181
File: 24 KB, 309x286, 1550341448282[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck does this mean?
>That's basically the same thing as telling someone not to look at you as a girl!!

>> No.20844184

it has audio now just not sentences

>> No.20844185

>but no audio
yes there is, as useless as audio is.

>> No.20844188 [DELETED] 


What's a CoR

>> No.20844196

you're not gonna understand this one after an explanation just keep consuming japanese until として and って言ってる and と一緒です make sense

>> No.20844200

Oh shit, I got the old one. Yea def use the vncore now.

>> No.20844205


>> No.20844227


>> No.20844228

that reminds me. i see a lot of fucking faggots and moms in the language learning sphere who suck shit and "don't have time" for anything but they still think it's their place to give tips. it's like they think because they only interact with the language for 40 minutes a day, their method must be more efficient than those who spend 10+ hours.

>> No.20844234

You can also flip the audio field around to the front, and put the rest on the back in the css layout and get great listening practice

>> No.20844238

this sounds like a good idea but don't actually do it

>> No.20844241

why does anyone need audio it's obvious how things are pronounced

>> No.20844249

it seems like it should be obvious, but there are alterations to vowels and tone that you can't predict from just the kana, even if you have a pitch accent marker (which admittedly vncore doesn't have)

>> No.20844252

watch more anime

>> No.20844257

ive watched more anime than you can hope to comprehend someone having watched

>> No.20844260

I'll make you guys a core deck. Look forward to it.

>> No.20844261

if it was with english subs you may as well have watched zero

>> No.20844266

with and without

>> No.20844268

then it should all be natural to you already.

>> No.20844289

>perfect accent
get out of here matt

>> No.20844298

>it was thoroughly debated earlier and you're completely wrong.
he's wrong but the sentiment that you're a bunch of retards for thinking audio needs to accompany vocab decks is correct.

>> No.20844305
File: 341 KB, 1024x1536, 070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just retain words by coming across them again in my sentence mining. fuck anki
anki is a waste of time

>> No.20844307

I'm assuming he wants to get better at listening (mabe even speak it someday) and not just reading. I could be wrong.

>> No.20844313

what exactly do you think "sentence mining" means

>> No.20844344

what if you use paragraph cards instead of sentences

mining paragraphs

>> No.20844358

nah dude its like if ur perfectly angled and look at the tip of a pencil u dont see the rest of the pencil come on ur better than this i know u r

>> No.20844359

Honestly, and maybe not everyone is gonna agree, but if youve learned a langauge but you think you're better off not interacting with natives and making the most of your time isn't worth it because you'll maybe pick up a bad habit that you can always fix later then stick to English. Not everyone has the chance to move to Japan, take advantage of that opportunity to meet new people, make friends and memories that's will make you glad you spent all this time learning Japanese. Or you could avoid talking to anyone and just watch anime for 8 hours a day, but if that's enough for you I don't see the reason in even going to Japan in the first place. I guess this sounds kinda harsh but that's just the truth I think. Matt even talked about his experiences I think in the three hour video about moving to Japan and only wanting to spend time in watching anime in his room. It just seemed like such a waste of an opportunity that some people could only dream of having and doing something similar cuz output bad seems kinda silly to me. I also went on exchange for a year in HS like Matt but had a completely experience and Actually made relationships with people I still talked to today. It transformed my life and now I'm doing my BA at a Japanese University. I don't think you should Rob yourself of the chance of using whatever Japanese skills you have at the moment to have a good time.

>> No.20844363

put an entire description of the language and its grammar and lexicology on a single anki deck or you're casual

>> No.20844384

same reason golfballs look smooth i hear you

>> No.20844394

lmao yah dude cure dolly the native japanese android


>> No.20844423

Nope, ur a retard.

>> No.20844440

go for it

>> No.20844466


Dolly destroys Core 2k/6k/10k!

>> No.20844524

>It's the same as saying (you) don't see (me) as a girl at all
Also post the whole page next time buddy.

>> No.20844542

whoops my て disappeared

>> No.20844576

no actually it sound gay

>> No.20844643

im not proposing anything im asking how sentences could possibly be considered less organic than isolated words without any regard for if organic is better or not

>> No.20844646

Is there somebody still maintaining the manga library? I may have some decent quality rips to share soonish.

>> No.20844647

i guess theres only 1 thing left to do

post anison bangerz


>> No.20844687

Why are you learning Japanese?

>> No.20844704

haha hey all whats ur favorite pronoun of choice in japanese

>> No.20844716

I got tired of shit I wanted to read not being translated, and people around me being fluent in japanese and laughing at me.

>> No.20844905


>> No.20844909

Time spent on learning how to learn is time not spent on learning. Don't waste your time. Just learn.

>> No.20844936

i literally post epic japanese all the time like >>20843428

>> No.20844953

ooh u gotta fuck right off there sicko

>> No.20844955

I mean here are a couple.


>> No.20844964

Open more doors, broaden my horizon, comprehension of things I already enjoy, and ofc a cute japanese girl is the true dream. I dated a couple of japanese girls in college and I think they're some of the best women.

>> No.20844967 [DELETED] 

my conversational english got better after i shitposted on 4chan for sure
at the expense of not being able to survive face to face conversations

>> No.20844985

Yea true true.. they got low sex drives and they're incredibly reserved and never tell you how they really feel. It's actually frustrating, but it's better for long term relationships I think. They're pretty loyal and I'm not a sex fiend after I've been with a girl for a while so it'll work out. If you do cheat on them most will forgive you too because they're not super into sex, but it seems like there is the ocassional nypho japanese girl too but it could just be the porn.

>> No.20844991

truth: grammar doesn't matter and you shouldn't read any gaijin's japanese

>> No.20845022

This fucking webm spooked the fuck out of me jesus

>> No.20845057
File: 34 KB, 1406x221, firefox_2019-02-16_16-06-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is James gonna make it?

>> No.20845064

>case study
good choice of words

>> No.20845065


>> No.20845141

is it just me or do japs use lots of synonyms/redundant phrasing within the same sentence? moreso than in english at least.

it's possible i'm just missing a lot of nuance.

>> No.20845146

>it's possible i'm just missing a lot of nuance.
nah redundancy/repeating yourself is very common in japanese writing

>> No.20845174

Make them yourself

>> No.20845238

what's your point

>> No.20845303

you have to be able to write it from memory and recite every single reading

>> No.20845306


>> No.20845338
File: 227 KB, 479x4249, 02.2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem.

I don't rely on the definition but on the context. It makes no difference ultimately as I barely look at the definitions when I review. No need to pretend Japanese definitions have some inherent quality to them that makes them better other than being in Japanese.


>> No.20845398

Anybody got a japanese version of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Oo58D-Fls8
i couldnt find any

>> No.20845417



very difficult to find

>> No.20845418


>> No.20845443

holy shit he called her anata

>> No.20845457

todays word of the day is one of my favorites

>> No.20845480

i understood every single word other than what she had ordered. what was it cant be arsed to scroll through

>> No.20845481

Some shitty cosmetics.

>> No.20845487

Thanks ニガズ

>> No.20845500

oni no pantu wa ii pantu

>> No.20845506


>> No.20845530

What is the difference.

>> No.20845534


>> No.20845539


>> No.20845540


>> No.20845542

learn english

>> No.20845590

sorry ill end my post with w next time

>> No.20845595

i always get this mixed up w/ 蕉

>> No.20845616

You required a lot time to differentiate ツ and シ? Wait until you get to these: ら and ち

>> No.20845618

Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.20845632

>download the F anime (what a fucking stupid name) someone here told me to watch
>subs are "make up something that matches the video" tier
EOPs sure put up with real shit subs

>> No.20845637
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daily reminder if you dont practice writing daily you're an illiterate fool

>> No.20845644

ら and う in handwriting will make you want to eat pavement

>> No.20845665

Await your obligatory "dunning-kruger" post.

>> No.20845667

i knew which was which have i made it

>> No.20845692
File: 200 KB, 960x1280, EDchrAy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

generally the least of ur worries

>> No.20845703

Strictly speaking, typing out kana and kanji with my IME is writing, and combined with reading, this constitutes literacy. Most people are literate as long as they make it. If you want to argue over writing technology or semantics, you may get takers in /his/.

>> No.20845704

Watch this: ぬ め

>> No.20845714

ganas are so hard guys あお

>> No.20845717
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What kanji is this?

>> No.20845723

which is a?

>> No.20845731


>> No.20845732


>> No.20845733

I knew which was which have I made it

>> No.20845738
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its comforting knowing that japanese fanbase slapfights are just as gay and autistic as american ones

>> No.20845740

Ok you goukakued two of my tests but now for the last one: ね わ

>> No.20845742

I'm not reading all that shit I don't care about.

>> No.20845746

which is which るゑ

>> No.20845748

thanks for telling me! i'm glad you decided to tell me this

>> No.20845753

pssht easy: re and ne

>> No.20845755
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>> No.20845779


>> No.20845818

What's とこ in this context?

>> No.20845823

ところ in every context

>> No.20845833
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oh yeah, aho desu

>> No.20845887



>> No.20845892

yah u shouldnt use the subs on that show they r actually really bad they r like jp > ita > en

not for the faint of heart proficient nihongo peeps only sorry : (

>> No.20845929

I've always assumed it was 2ch, but man, looking at it, it doesn't look similar at all. I must be misinformed

>> No.20845934

That one's obvious. It's only annoying when they create a sentence only using アレ and don't explain what the fuck they're talking about. It's like they expect their minds to be read.

>> No.20845943

the literal whole point of あれ is the assumption that the other person knows is familiar w/ what theyre talking about so u probably should know

>> No.20845949

i've asked on 4chan before but always get vague answers. i think there's a japanese chan where people post images and a japanese chan that is text only. and i'm not sure which of those is supposed to be the japanese equivalent to 4chan.

and i think one is more popular/mainstream than 4chan and the other one is more niche and culturally comparable to 4chan.

>> No.20845957

it's called 5ch now but yes

>> No.20845959

My parents do that in casual conversation like 75% of the time. I say "what are you talking about?!?" in the 25% of cases where I can't guess it. Only my parents talk this way, that I know of. Must be a cultural thing.

>> No.20845973

how clueless can you be?

>> No.20845974
File: 99 KB, 1191x670, d9lk6c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What great japanese lit do you guys recommend? I have read oreimo, haruhi, nhk ni youkoso, and ningen shikkaku. also others but I did not like any of them.

I want something romantic and maybe similar to lolita, my favorite book, any suggestions.

>> No.20845976
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>> No.20845977

see what i mean?

>> No.20845980

u dont know japanese or have good taste

>> No.20845982

you got an answer you just choose to ignore it

>> No.20845985

just finished RTK. any other japanese books you guys would recommend?

>> No.20845994

Have you studied any grammar yet?

>> No.20845996

The other one is called ふたばちゃん.

>> No.20846000


>> No.20846009

second for naurto

>> No.20846011
File: 25 KB, 225x253, 22221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the input.

Why am I bad and have bad taste?


>> No.20846013

逸る 【はやる】to be rash, to be impetuous
逸る 【はぐる】to stray from, to get lost

How the hell do you tell them apart when they have the exact same okurigana?

>> No.20846020

that list was just so bad theres nothing else that could be thought my dude

>> No.20846023

I see questions like that all the time and I can't imagine being this fucking limited.

>> No.20846025
File: 33 KB, 300x422, 51WRDZ6A7HL._SX298_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what novel do you like. that was the point of me asking? please no fantasy trash. I like realism

>> No.20846029
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the visual kind mostly im sure u can find a banger in this list of mostly bangers

>> No.20846037

b/c only 1 of them actually makes sense when you're reading a sentence? considering the fact the verb typically comes last so obv u know the freakin context by the time u get to it? maybe????

>> No.20846053

I've never been betrayed by a reading like this before

>> No.20846062

内's だい reading is a bit old, but not exceptional

>> No.20846084
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ima hard pass on visual novels. I played like 3 eroge and I feel like I got what they were going after and feel need to edge for like 30 minutes. Do you really just read that? I would imagine you must crave variety. I used to read just light novels but I broadened my horizon to lit as it gets repetitive.


>> No.20846098

i hope they find a cure for whatever aids strain u have someday

>> No.20846124

行灯 got me

>> No.20846126

its no wonder you dont like reading good things since u obv cant actually comprehend anything

>> No.20846133

I think you're a cool who doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.20846134

I had this as 昼行灯 in my deck already but yea this got me too.

>> No.20846140

>all visual novels are eroge
>all eroge are the same formula

>> No.20846167

ah yes the game 4 ppl who should have extensive eroge history with the added bonus that its almost as much of a snuff game as maggot baits solid pick gotta love that one wonderful everyday

>> No.20846229
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My biggest complaint for visual novels is that they are too long and they all feel similar. light novels have a similar problem when considering the entire multi volume series. manga is just not for me. So I am now limited to short stories, single novels and visual medium. I already have like 10 books I want to read, and am just looking for anything else that looks interesting.

Plan to read list so far:
genji monogatari
wagahai ha neko dearu
tijin no ai
murakami haruki
gogo no eiko
snow country


>> No.20846230

which one do i read first konosuba or subahibi

>> No.20846239

how long you think it will take you to realize you just dont like japanese i think under a year if youre lucky

>> No.20846251

>genji monogatari

>> No.20846253
File: 324 KB, 780x492, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

じゃあ 私は何を閉めたら?

Not sure I get it.

>> No.20846254

vns are too long tho right

>> No.20846261

>you have to read shitty vns to "like japanese"

>> No.20846269
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I have already been studying for almost 2 years so I don't think I will quit.

I have read
19 volumes of manga
5 vns
30 volumes of light novels
2 real novels
in japanese

I love japanese and will definitely move there post graduating uni next year. I think you are projecting.


>> No.20846280

I've a computer

>> No.20846299

ur computer cant write that kanji tho lmao owned.

>> No.20846306


>> No.20846324

Upvoted and reddit gold sent

>> No.20846328

what's the secret to learning? i gotta know. i know jamal and his friends are lying.

>> No.20846334

the secret is there is no secret

>> No.20846363

You both have been trolled. That's no kanji at all, hahahahaha.

>> No.20846372
File: 39 KB, 600x600, Biang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right i remembered it a bit wrong

>> No.20846410

There's something to the idea that making autistic sentence cards like Matt and doing Anki is a waste of time that is better spent reading. On the other hand, if you just keep reading without "mining" words you might have a hard time learning those you rarely come across.
So, I wonder if the "ideal" thing to do would be just to copy all the sentences with words you don't know into notepad and then going through them every two or three days and removing those you can understand now. Anki lite so to speak, where you don't have a huge time investment but still get the benefit of "coming across" words multiple times.

>> No.20846564
File: 147 KB, 1792x410, learningjapanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3500 hours? man that's a long time.

>> No.20846567
File: 182 KB, 1606x1102, Murakami_guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the secret is to read and listen everyday. Some days you might be tired and you are only able to read a couple pages of a book, but as long as you stick to it your good. I recommend reading and watching things you are interested in.

in terms of what I would do if I restarted. I would find like a script/screenwright of a show than read that then watch the show raw. I am prolly going to do that with french and it hypothetically seems optimal to me so you should try it.

also does anyone here like murakami? what is he like? I want to get into him.

>> No.20846575

thats actualyl the most cringe thing ive seen posted here in a fuckin while omigoto lol

>> No.20846574

Is that from /lit/?

>> No.20846582

wtf bros i thought it was 10k anime...

>> No.20846591

jcat 300 is def not 'full fluency'. i got 305 like 6 months ago and im pretty shit desu

>> No.20846594

except that's an infographic so you're wrong.

>> No.20846622

feel free 2 think that im good at japanese i wont stop you

>> No.20846625

2000 hours of anime to N1 level seems about right

>> No.20846628

i know you're fucking good since charts can't be wrong

>> No.20846636
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>> No.20846635

the * stands for "of anime"

>> No.20846669

We need to make a reading chart for djt. so far i think

tae kaykay -> yotsubato -> kino no tabi -> oreimo -> haruhi -> ???

>> No.20846681

yotsubato isnt really a good start text for ppl who just started learning imo. it needs to be something that actually follows proper grammar n shit. all the slangy stuff can be very confusing for the beginner. maybe after 10k hours of eng-subbed anime you'd be okay though.

>> No.20846683

I have never heard that reccomended/mentioned so it does not really belong.

>> No.20846685

Well that's disappointing. Any way we can get that on there?

>> No.20846705

that is why you start with tae kim. yotsubato is at this point where there really is not anything remotely good easier than it, and it gets recommended constantly.

>> No.20846742

leyline's a lil easier than kino and also not as good, so putting it before kino would be fine imo.

>> No.20846754

>/lit/tards trying to shit on 1Q84
i'm not gonna pretend it's a perfect book but i have way more fond memories of it than negative

>> No.20846758

Thanks guys. Really appreciate it.

>> No.20846912

Understanding all of this will be your (and my) reward when it's finished.


>> No.20846934

>person + temple
>step + temple
>hand + temple
>heart(?) + temple

I skipped RTK but learning the radicals helped a lot.

>> No.20846942

>start reading VN
>hype is off the fucking charts
>get immersed into the story as the world is built up in the beginning
>the story slows down in the middle
>start thinking of other VNs to read
>keep having to force myself to read on instead of switching to something else
How do I deal with this? I have way too many unfinished VNs. If I manage to push myself I enjoy when things pick up for the ending, but the middle is always very hard to not quit.

>> No.20846946


>> No.20847025

>は and ほ are the same kana

>> No.20847056

if you're partially blind sure

>> No.20847076



>> No.20847139

What are you playing at? That account never tweeted this, and furthermore the person who did tweet this was our dear departed Karubin.

>> No.20847145

>>also does anyone here like murakami? what is he like? I want to get into him.

1Q84 is indeed a mess, that said, I'm willing to give him another chance someday.

>> No.20847192

Voice is such a huge help when I don't instantly remember a kanji from seeing it. I just can't get myself to read LNs, because VNs are too comfy.

>> No.20847251


>> No.20847276

mattvsjapanToday at 18:33
@Alumnus (RTK 1 ) @RandomQuotes @weirdalsuperfan @カタカナ君【7K・MSC】 @Miso [RTK + 300 MSC] @808cuck (Also Quade) @Lucas (msc)
Here is my take on the output/no output discussion. If you really stop and think about it, from a pure language learning perspective, it’s very obvious that waiting to output has no downsides and only upsides. Even if we hypothetically think of learning to output as a completely separate skill that requires separate training, somebody who can already perfectly understand Japanese is obviously going to have an easier time doing that training, and is likely to walk away with much better results. The main reason for this is that they would have an intuition for what is correct and natural and what is not, so they will be able to self-correct with a high level of precision.

But of course, not everyone is in a situation where this is realistic. It is also hard to deny that textbook-style grammar study and output drills do bring short term output gains. Depending on your situation, spending time on these drills may be worthwhile in that they will reduce the amount of damage you do while outputting, and also may simply aid your survival. If this is your situation, do what you need to do.

But I really want people to understand is that that process of getting short term gains through training is completely unrelated to the process of actually acquiring language. It’s like the difference between taking pain killers and actually healing an illness. Although both pain killers and healing an illness both have the surface effect of “making you feel better”, it’s not the case that the pain kills are a stride in the direction of healing the illness; the who processes are unrelated.
“I'm not fluent, but I'm actually good enough to give presentations and have discussions at work every day entirely in Japanese, and all I'm missing now really is vocab and exposure”

I’m sorry but I’m going to have to call a Dunning-Kruger on this one. In order to reach a truly high level of fluency, you have to be at the point where when you hear something that is incorrect or unnatural, you instantly realize that it sounds “wrong” intuitively, just like in your native language. This intuition can only be cultivated through getting huge quantities of input. If you were at this point, formal “drills” would be completely unnecessary, because simply speaking the language would be a drill, as you would naturally notice every mistake you made and auto-correct.
@weirdalsuperfan you say that you have a hard time getting on board with the input hypothesis because there isn't enough success examples, but I don't see any success examples of people who reached fluency through output drills either

>> No.20847320

These numbers are off, 200 jcat took me less than half that time just through reading
