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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 87 KB, 385x600, 1185384925251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2082292 No.2082292 [Reply] [Original]

Post here if you are not ronrey and are quite satisfied with figures, toho, eroge, dakimakura, and your right hand

I know there are plenty of you

>> No.2082298

It seems like you're MORE lonely that normal if you need to cling to all of those things. I mean really, if you're "satisfied" with not having anyone then you wouldn't need things like dakimakura.

>> No.2082303

That is to say, they feel no need or pressure to get a girlfriend and can live with their imaginary tsundere loli imotou chan

>> No.2082302

I thought I was the only one

Fuck roneryfags

>> No.2082306

sad, sad guys....i almost had sex with my valentine tonight if its not for my little sister ):

>> No.2082311

Who needs 3D women when you can just throw your money into the sewer?

>> No.2082312

Then have sex with your little sister.

>> No.2082313

I'm not ronery at all, but post in these threads because they have some discussion going on.
Loneliness is a gimmick.

>> No.2082315
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she's quite real to me.

>> No.2082316

I'm ronery but i'm ok with it. I actually rather be alone most of the time anyways, other people make me tired.

>> No.2082320
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>pressure to get a girlfriend

Does this actually happen? Where is the pressure coming from? Parents? What is considered "normal" by today's society?

>> No.2082321

No thank you

I'm satisfied with my REAL gf at the moment

>> No.2082325

Society, peers, and family

>> No.2082334
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>> No.2082338
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>> No.2082349

Frankly, my right hand is a uptight bitch. I use my left hand for fapping.

>> No.2082351

Kill them

>> No.2082354

Yeah. Besides, my bros are extremely valuable to me, I don't need no hos.

>> No.2082356

Sad virgins should jump off a bridge.

Nobody loves you losers.

>> No.2082361

Exactly, that's why it's good to be a happy virgin.

>> No.2082362

I don't need no bitches around me.

>> No.2082374


They give me the most problems,
you can tell your family to stfu and they still like you,
you can think that you don't care about "society" (people that you don't know)
But it's really painful when people that you (somewhat) respect pity you if you don't conform to what they think it's "normal".

Tl:dr : normalfags are nice people but they should broaden their horizons some more

>> No.2082376

I've been wanting to get a dakimakura though, or at least a body pillow, but importing it is so damn expensive.
It would be nice if someone gave one to me as a gift or something...

>> No.2082381

>Post here if you want a girlfriend.

>> No.2082407

Yes, dakimakura make wonderful companions. I have a harem of them and I'm very happy. It's not a cheap hobby though - even the inexpensive ones were $60+, with the nicer and rarer ones being over $100.

>> No.2082409

Parents. They want heirs.

>> No.2082415

>But it's really painful when people that you (somewhat) respect pity you if you don't conform to what they think it's "normal".
Contradictory. I don't respect people that believe in "normality" and such

>> No.2082417

Well I don't feel like giving them any.

Got a problem with that, HUH?!

>> No.2082431

It's a good thing I have four normalfriend siblings then, one of which already has a kid. My mom hardly ever gives me shit, it's great.

>> No.2082440

Theres a difference between 'would like a girlfriend' and ronrey

>> No.2082461

Get laid guys.

>> No.2082494

I wouldn't say I'm happy with my life, but I'm not unhappy, either. I'm content in my own company, and I enjoy doing what I want, and spending money on what I want.

My younger sister is getting married and has a baby. She can't do anything she wants anymore. She lives for others, and I guess she finds happiness in that.

I live for myself. And I can't say I'm complaining. I see myself living this way for a long time yet. I'm not ronery. I don't feel the need for companionship outside of my small circle of friends.

Believe me, once you accept your fate, it gets so much better.

>> No.2082516

I would if it were that easy.

Being pressured is not something you can avoid.

>> No.2082538

Yes it is, just don't feel pressured. If someone tells you to live a certain way tell them it's none of their business how you live. This peer pressure shit is pathetic

>> No.2082544
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>> No.2082550

I saw konomi.

>> No.2082563

Imagine you've been living like that for 21 years.

Would you be able to change your thought
process just like that in mere minutes?

>> No.2082571

This. You obviously still care about what others think and are still trying to live up to some kind of standard. If your friends or family or whatnot is "pressuring" you, give the same "not interested" response every time and drop it, eventually they'll leave you alone.

>> No.2082579

Do I have to post snail sex in this one too?

>> No.2082590

I don't know the situation 100% but you can change your behavior over a long period of time, if you want to change it. I've always been fairly stubborn, so maybe it was easier for me.

>> No.2082595

Try, it might take you more than a few minutes but you'll get there

>> No.2082597
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I think I should post here too.

>> No.2082662


I'm perfectly happy with my lifestyle. Sometimes I wouldn't mind a girlfriend, but honestly right now it would be more trouble than it's worth. There's a lot more to life than sex for pleasure.
To be perfectly honest, I have a high paying job and enjoy spending copious amounts of cash on games, computer stuff, AV gear, creepy moe figures, etc and I really don't want to share my disposable income with a woman or change my lifestyle at all.
For now I'm content with having quite a few good friends.

>> No.2082668
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I'm pretty much always happy, and can change my desires on a whim as I see fit. Words like "reclusive NEET" and "normalfag" are meaningless to me-I'll pursue whatever entertains me at the spur of the moment. I don't care about any of the physical merchandises, and I may or may not get a girlfriend later this year depending on if I meet the right girl, but it really doesn't matter to me if I don't. (That said, if I do actually meet the right girl I'll love her tenderly). Screw ronery. I have my beloved waifu Sanae and huge folder of eroges to play and doujins to read.

>> No.2082672

My sister actually called me today to wish me happy Valentine's Day. No joke..

>> No.2082681

She just wanted to make sure you hadn't LOL AN HER XD

>> No.2082685



>> No.2082701

Go back to your fapping, virgin scum.

>> No.2082709

Sanae is not going to be happy if you two-time her. I think she's actually a yandere at heart, so you'd better watch out.

>> No.2082717

Pretty much this.

>> No.2082743

The truth is, everyone who has looked at this thread is relatively similar in thought. It's just a matter of the level of degree.

>> No.2082779


>> No.2082919
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Hina-chan and I had a most lovely dessert this afternoon

>> No.2082924

lol'd pretty hard.

Thank you very much, asshole.

So ronery ;_;

>> No.2082935

Why are there so many new users today?

>> No.2082939


>> No.2082957

I don't get ronery, I get bored.

>> No.2082960
File: 39 KB, 250x244, 1234641543064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol u mad?

>> No.2082969

That slut!

look through the glass

>> No.2082976
File: 29 KB, 600x460, 1234641803500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ronrey loser pedo here. no self confidence, too ashamed to ask a girl out. afraid etc
23yo, 2 degrees, making good money, i spend it on pedo shit, games, dvds...ahhhh makes me cry T_T

>> No.2082986

Sup me.

>> No.2082988

Apparently she's pleased by the gifts.

>> No.2083003

I'm perfectly content with being ronery, beats the real world by far

I've given up on women. Not because of me being unable to hook up with someone, but because all women are sluts. My ideal girl only exists in 2d, or in some sheltered villa in europe

>> No.2083004

Must be fun to have money to spend it on useless shit.

>> No.2083008

I'm perfectly happy. I don't even really want a female companion. I do like having friends though.

>> No.2083006

I have money but don't use it ;_;

>> No.2083015

Who the fuck are you to tell people what they should or shouldn't spend money on? If you have money and love weeaboo things, by all means buy them if you so desire. You fuck off good sir.

>> No.2083019

To me its not useless, i would probably have killed myself a long time ago if i didnt have these shit to keep me company.

>> No.2083047

If I had a girlfriend that $10k in the bank would be in the negatives.

>> No.2083060

I wish I had someone to hug and says nice things to me...

>> No.2083063

>says nice things to me

That's not what women do.

>> No.2083066

Holy shit I can't read, keep on not minding me.

>> No.2083074

I have a persistent daytime hallucination, so roneryness is not an issue for me. I'm usually in good company.
Uh... She's a witch.

>> No.2083083
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You as well?

>> No.2083090

That's nice.
The only thing I have is myself talking shit to myself all the time.
I guess I make for good arguments, tho.

>> No.2083095
File: 6 KB, 50x50, 1234643501705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm satisfied with figures, toho, eroge, dakimakura, and my waifu.

>> No.2083100
File: 166 KB, 1280x1024, 1234643557808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her music is all I'll ever need.

>> No.2083106

Does this make you some sort of lesbian then?

>> No.2083107

almost what OP said, but i'm a lefty

>> No.2083122

I'm satisfied with figures, toho, eroge, dakimakura, and my sex dolls.

>> No.2083144

Please elaborate.

>> No.2083158

Well, obviously the good man has taken something that has made his daily life a good deal more interesting.

>> No.2083168

Yeah, I do that a lot too. Thankfully I live alone.

>> No.2083171

Hmm... Well, let's see.
I guess she's like an imaginary friend who never went away. We don't have a romantic relationship or anything like that, but we keep eachother company. She can't communicate with humans (she's the spirit of a long dead witch) and with my mental problems making friends has always been hard for me, so I guess we compensate for eachother in that way.

For the record, I know how lame that sounds. I don't particularly care anymore, though.

>> No.2083173

I don't tell you anything.

Stop acting like a little bitch.

>> No.2083177
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I don't tell you anything.

Stop acting like a little bitch.

>> No.2083181

Thanks. As long as something helps keep you going, it's good in my book.

>> No.2083183

Reported. Go back to /b/.

>> No.2083188
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>> No.2083213

I've... got friends...

>> No.2083219

I guess you kinda feel weird when you're talking to yourself and people around go asking "who're you talking to ?".
Sometimes I wonder if it isn't just a way of creating company for myself, commenting my own actions and opinions like they're someone elses'

>> No.2083225

What he says >>2083181
I wish I was able to do that too. Give her my regards.

>> No.2083240

Anyone who says they're perfectly happy this way is either full of shit or isn't in such a position to begin with.
The simple truth is that no matter how familiar you are with the silence, no matter how high you build up your little mental defenses, there will always be nights where it all comes crashing down. Nights when you realize with terrible clarity that you are, and will always be, completely and utterly alone.

So stop trying to be brave, anon. It doesn't suit you.

>> No.2083260

Not everyone's the same. I'm not the shut-in lonely type, but I do know what it's like to be at peace alone.

>> No.2083268

Stop trying to be a wimp.
Falsely acting like a coward because it's convenient is no excuse.
Hermits exist, through the internet, we have infinitely more human contact than them, and they don't whine about being ronery and stuff like that.
How does it make you feel, to know that when you die, no matter how much friends you've had, no matter how many people are around you, you'll be fucking alone dying anyway.

>> No.2083270

Yeah, I find myself wondering about that too. I actually like it, rather than keeping me company, it helps me think things over while making useful arguments with myself. Sometimes I use myself to mimic what would someone I know say and I defend my position. Most of the times I talk loud without noticing, it's kind of embarrassing when I have my parents or friends over.

>> No.2083292

I realize that I shouldn't have a girlfriend as it's not really financially a good idea. I haven't realized my dreams or become happy with myself as a person to the point where I believe I would be a great father/husband yet. It doesn't bother me not spending my money on someone.

But every day that passes I realize I'm just getting older, and sadder, and my ideal woman is just getting older, and fucked to the point where she is no longer ideal.

I'm 22 and good looking ;_; and feel that my love life is over already.

>> No.2083294

Dying alone is only painful if you make it so

>> No.2083302

Same here.
But then, I think that since I'm just finding arguments against myself, people could easily counter me with arguments which I don't know of.
Luckily, I don't speak much with other people because, well, everything I could talk about with them, I've probably already imagined already.
It feels nice though, I don't really get bored and my mind easily accomodates my fantasies.

>> No.2083306

Actually dying is always painful.

>> No.2083309

And you know this from experience?

>> No.2083311

It isn't painful or anything.
It's just that you could be sleeping right next to someone, when you're dying, you'll be the only one going away.

>> No.2083316

I'm not acting like a coward, I AM a coward. Believe me, I'm well aware.

And I'm not trying to say that I cry myself to sleep every night. For the most part, I'm content with this life, partly because I know I am neither worthy nor capable of anything better, and partly because, to be honest, I never really had any goals or aspirations anyway. But /jp/ act as if this whole thing is one long party and that the other shoe will never drop. That's just silly. The fact that the OP mentions the right hand, as if being alone was even about sex, just goes to illustrate how little some people understand. It's hard to see glamorization of this lifestyle as anything but ridiculous.

>> No.2083319

Well, finding someone else who also does the same makes me feel better about it. Thanks anon.

>> No.2083320

maybe he is "born again" ┐(´ー`)┌

>> No.2083325

ITT people that needs a pussy.

>> No.2083330

Yeah, now you and I aren't simply alone and delusional, we're alone and delusional, but we know we aren't the only ones !
Hell, I just recalled the fact that I sometime imagine 4chan style arguments.
I guess I just can't get enough being called a faggot.

>> No.2083326

If it wasn't everyone would be dy...oh fuck it.

>> No.2083327

itt people trying to feel superior to people who don't care

>> No.2083329
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>a pussy

>> No.2083344

I would debate the "worthy nor capable" part, but whatever, that's your problem.

Nevertheless, I repeat, not everyone is the same. Some really do enjoy that life, and others don't. That's all there is to it.

>> No.2083349

Just a last thing. Do you read the posts loudly?

>> No.2083360

Will do.

>> No.2083366

I read them in a low voice, I'm not a loud person.
Why, do you ?

>> No.2083396

Of course, I never said I didn't have a few good friends. I was just saying that I don't need a girlfriend to be happy.

>> No.2083399

I don't know if there's some sort of argument here, but since we are in "weekend quality /jp/" mode, just realize normalfags posting ITT on this day of all days, is probably on the road to becoming like the rest of us. So with that, welcome newfriends! You may not accept it now but we'll be here for you when you also fail at life!

>> No.2083438

I'm sure many do, but that doesn't mean they don't long for something more. I mean, today I'm happy, right? It's the weekend, my fridge is stocked, there's no work to do. Life is generally good. But this kind of happy is as good as it gets for me. I'll never know the joy of walking down the aisle with the woman I love or the pride of holding a newborn son in my arms.
Similarly, tomorrow I might be sad. But no matter what, I know it won't be the kind of sadness I'd feel when standing at the grave of an old friend, or watching a train carry the one-who-got-away off into the sunset. It might seem sort of silly, but it's genuinely depressing to know that I'll never experience these lows.
Don't get me wrong, there is a certain joy in simplicity, but even that seems like be more appreciated in the autumn years, after a well-lived life.

Complete, life-long hermitage, except in a few rare cases, requires a very specific mindset of self-discipline and personal understanding. I hope you understand when I assume that the majority of /jp/, and probably the world in general, does not posses these.

Of course, I'm willing to concede that I could be wrong. It wouldn't be the first time.

>> No.2083440

No, I read them in low voice too.

>> No.2083444

Like my father says, a man isn't a man if he never fucked a woman before. You become a man the time you insert your dick in a real vagina, not some paid pussy, something you got using effort and mating skills.

No wonder anime fans and otaku are fucking losers, they lost the pride of men and decided to follow the easiest path. Admitting you're a loser and living for unrealistic women is too easy, getting over your fears and finding a way to prove your worth is not for everyone. Enjoy being a loser for life.

>> No.2083456

If you want those things bad enough, you can have them. The only thing stopping you is, well, you.

>> No.2083459

Enjoy thinking you are something better while
browsing 4chan an specifically /jp/, faggot.

>> No.2083460

Did you ever consider that what your father said wasn't an absolute truth?
>What is a man?

>> No.2083463

Humans are animals, animals must mate. It's part of the life circle. The more you suppress your instincts the more unsociable you become. And when you get old everything will go back at you.

>> No.2083464

Yes, I am sure that if I insert my penis into a wet hole, my existence will be validated. I'll give up all of my hobbies, get a job, be a real man and be successfu- oh wait that doesn't make any sense. It's just a concept of normality you people have made up to make yourselves feel better.

>> No.2083465

Your father sounds homophobic to me.

>> No.2083466
File: 249 KB, 1000x823, 1234647882074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to start a thread for these kind of pics taken today, but it was instantly deleted. Guess I'll post it here for now.

>> No.2083472

The only thing you should expect from the janitors here is incompetence.

>> No.2083475

Calm down bro, I'm sure he's just joking around. Just ignore it.

>> No.2083477

>Humans are animals, animals don't work.
>Humans are animals, animals don't use technology.
>Humans are animals, animals don't believe in sky fairies.

>> No.2083485

>animals don't work

Yeah, if you don't count hunting for food, finding shelter, providing for offspring, etc. as working.

>> No.2083482

>It's just a concept of normality you people have made up to make yourselves feel better.

And it works, no joke here.

Now look at you making excuses to prove your way of living can be healthy and you have no regrets but deep down you know yourself this won't get anywhere.

You emo kids will get bored of your dolls in two or three years, I'll still be banging my girls and having fun with my boys.

In before envious virgins that can't believe people with sex life could be posting here.

>> No.2083487

>I'll still be banging my girls and having fun with my boys.
Hey, I didn't know you were bisexual.

>> No.2083488
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lol people with superiority complex

>> No.2083496
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I live ronery and satisfied


>> No.2083498

I see no real reason for having regrets, it's not a real problem to me.
As the thread op suggests, I don't care.
My lifestyle ?
It's healthy.
I eat good food, I sleep in a nice bed, I got plenty of money.
The difference between you and me ?
I'm that guy that stays in the office at midnight to finish something while you go partying.

>> No.2083499

I don't think it's that simple, and even if it was, I probably don't want it enough. After all, excepting the few moments of intense doubt, I'm pretty content with where I am.

I was just trying to make the point that almost any life will have regrets. Pretending that the one you're leading now doesn't is just building yourself up for a fall.

>> No.2083501

I've raised also other points too. Also if you want to distort your point enough to fit your needs, I can also say that mating is actually continuation of the species, so anything that aids the humanity as a whole counts as mating. Geeks are the best mating animals in that sense.
Also what exactly happens with people who can't create offspring due to health problems? Not all animals mate, even the healthy ones. In some species there's only one male out of thousands who actually does the work.

>> No.2083505

I know you're trolling, but I feel the need to respond.

>And it works, no joke here.
Cool anecdotal evidence.

>Now look at you making excuses to prove your way of living can be healthy and you have no regrets but deep down you know yourself this won't get anywhere.
I've never said my way of life is healthy, since, well, it isn't. However, I enjoy pursuing my interests, not cavorting about with whores so I can have a cheap orgasm. I think there is no point in living if you can't enjoy your life. I enjoy my mine, you apparently enjoy yours. Neither is wrong. As for where it goes in the end? Who knows. I might die tomorrow, but at least I enjoyed myself while I was alive. Believe it or not, partying and fucking around are not everyone's ideas of a fulfilling, enjoyable life.

>You emo kids will get bored of your dolls in two or three years, I'll still be banging my girls and having fun with my boys.
Because if I don't have /jp/ related hobbies to pursue then I can't have fun, right?

>> No.2083507

>I'll still be banging my girls
Ooh, please indulge in how you will be sexing up your children in a legal way that won't result in emotionally scarring them and/or end up in a, at best, divorce.

>> No.2083510

I shall.

>> No.2083516

I think the funny part is that they need to assure themselves that what they do is "right" by telling everyone else that they have to do the same thing to be happy or whatever. People who are content doing something else (like this thread is about) don't go over to /r9k/ and /fit/ screaming about how all those losers there don't need to waste time/money/energy on getting to sleep with women to be happy, for instance.

>> No.2083517

I wasn't the guy you were talking to. I just felt like pointing that out. I agree with you.

>> No.2083521

I'm having real fun, you think you're having fun.

That's the difference.

>> No.2083533

Fun is subjective. What you enjoy others may not enjoy. Stop trying to validate yourself. If you're enjoying your life so much then you shouldn't feel the need to put down others. Such actions only indicate insecurity.

>> No.2083535

Cry more emo kid. Divorce is part of life. Shit happens, deal with it.

Just because your parents separated when you was a teenager doesn't mean everyone will suffer the same fate. Grow some balls, dickweed.

>> No.2083545

Sorry didn't noticed.
Anyway my points stand. Humans are animals too, but like all the animals, they have unique differences, like being able to go against nature (able to commit suicide, find pleasure into hurting themselves, have sex just for pleasure, kill for pleasure, choose not to have children, choose not to be heterosexual etc.)

>> No.2083548

Trolling is pretty fun, I'll give you that.

>> No.2083551
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>This thread.

>> No.2083555

And on the magic objective scale of fun, how does your fun and my fun compare ?
It's a stupid thing, really.

>> No.2083563

Seriously stop feeding the troll.

>> No.2083564
File: 134 KB, 350x600, 1234649195729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the face of /jp/.

>> No.2083569


But this is >>2083551

>> No.2083574
File: 24 KB, 108x148, 1234649321840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a pussy, losers.

>> No.2083575
File: 423 KB, 290x241, 1234649331978.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. /jp/ will eventually form a gang and terrorize non Touhou fans.

>> No.2083582

Died yesterday.

>> No.2083588

Titan ;__;

>> No.2083766
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