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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2081859 No.2081859 [Reply] [Original]

IF you were a female, would you rather have a virgin male or non-virgin male be your first?

>> No.2081861

Femanon here

Non virgin. Virgin over 20 is an instant red flag that there's something wrong with him.

>> No.2081862

In before 200 posts

>> No.2081865


>> No.2081866

nah i'd be a lesbian.

>> No.2081868

That just means they like what I like

>> No.2081870

If I were a female, I would choose virgin male, I think it's just more romantic and special.

>> No.2081877

I'd just assume he's a virgin since he'd be a shy shota.

>> No.2081883
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Femanon here

Non virgin. Virgin past elementary school is an instant red flag that there's something unforgivable with him.

>> No.2081884
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That depends, am I a virgin female or a slut in this hypothetical situation?

>> No.2081887

Thank god I lost my virginity to the janitor in elementary school then!

>> No.2081889

...OP said be your first.

>> No.2081894
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You wont be able to troll us so easily
We are experienced veterans of traps and trolls

>> No.2081895
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Eeeeh? Really!?

>> No.2081900

I won't care, since it will be my first anyway.

>> No.2081905


I is gud readar.

>> No.2081906

I'd want a non-virgin so they'd know what they were doing...

>> No.2081907

If I were a woman, I'd wait until marriage.

>> No.2081912

If I was female I'd get raped in middle school like a good little child.

>> No.2081914

how the hell we knew whether he's a virgin or not?

>> No.2081920


Doesn't matter, he's going to be a prick either way.

>> No.2081923


Trust me, you'll know.

>> No.2081924

If I were female, I would obscess over pretty boys and still have no interest in 3D.

>> No.2081925

I'd have another virgin female, thank you.

>> No.2081926


He doesn't know what to do
He comes in 30 seconds

>> No.2081934

I'd want a virgin with a weak banjo string.

>> No.2081935

Sure is /r9k/ around here

>> No.2081937


I don't wanna come in 30 seconds. If I do, will I be strong enough for round 2?

>> No.2081942

Don't worry, like most of us, you won't have the occasion to come in 30 seconds.

>> No.2081944


>> No.2081946

You'll faint and be brought back to the starting area. Remember to bring more water next time.

>> No.2081947

You know what really blows me away? How those guys in porn can be fucking some insanely hot chick in the ass, he's just standing there pounding away, and he still doesn't cum for like 10 minutes. How do they do that?

>> No.2081950


Not all men do. Your refractory period will be the same as after a fap.

>> No.2081951

Did you forget what day is it today? Tonight's the night! :)

>> No.2081952

This. Being of the opposite gender wouldn't change Anon's personality

>> No.2081953

Male porn stars do require job skills, you know. Otherwise any bloke on the street can be a porn star.

>> No.2081954

non virgin is much better

>> No.2081961

>Gee Brain, What are we going to do tonight ?
>The same thing we do everynight Pinky, stay alone in our rooms !

>> No.2081968

I came in about 30 minutes my first time, thanks to my fapping earlier in the day. Also, I was not shy at all, I wanted to try all the stupid stuff I knew from random reads on the internets.

ITT crappy cliches.

>> No.2081970

i wonder how many females in this thread?

>> No.2081974

I think the most important points, which you missed out, were: Was she a virgin and did she have orgasm too?

>> No.2081976
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>> No.2081979

If I had to try all the different things I've seen on the internet, I think it'd have to be with a drunk Russian prostitute.

>> No.2081981

Yeah right. Women on 4chan... on Valentine's...

On the other hand, no man could be so superficial and ignorant...

>> No.2081984

If I had to try all the different things I've seen on the internet, I'll be in jail.

>> No.2081986

I'd have to be with a black hole.

>> No.2081987

Enjoy your AIDS.

>> No.2081988

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say virgin. Something just seems right about losing your virginity to someone in the same boat even if it does turn out to be quite the terrible experience.

>> No.2081992

How could you want to lose your virginity to a non-virgin?

The whole time I'd be thinking about how I'm just another notch in his belt.

>> No.2081994

Agreed. It's not like females are going to have orgasms for their first time anyway, would you rather lose it to a nice guy who saves his first time for you or to a guy who will probably leave you after a few weeks?

>> No.2081999

I didn't say I _wanted_ to try all the shit I've seen.
Goddamn. I think I'll just to the normal stuff or just let her lead the way.

If I ever get the chance, of course.

>> No.2082001

Second for real women. Sadly...

>> No.2082003

You're a woman, regardless if they guy is nice or leaves you in a few weeks, you'll be fucking some other guy next week.

>> No.2082007


>> No.2082009

we are all man in disguise

>> No.2082012


Now that was just uncalled for. Not ALL women are sluts.

>> No.2082019

Still looking for a proof...

>> No.2082020

/jp/ - a board of romantics.

>> No.2082021

Is that so ?
I won't trod further down that argument, but you know what I'd answer.

>> No.2082022

It wouldn't matter to me as long as I loved the guy. It can only get better after the first time if he is a virgin anyway.

>> No.2082024

Idealistic romantics.

>> No.2082026

>/jp/ - a board of lonely romantics

>> No.2082029

>Now that was just uncalled for. Not ALL women are sluts.
I grant you only 99% of them are sluts. Well, rather 99,5% actually, but I'll be generous.

>> No.2082031

>/jp/ - a board of faggots

>> No.2082034


*posts about being romantic, goes and masturbates to a 10 year old getting raped by 50 dicks*

>> No.2082035

Rape is so romantic.

>> No.2082038

>/jp/ - a board of traps

>> No.2082041


>> No.2082046

As long as those guys/tentacles loved the loli and didn't betray her with some slut, it would be ok, right?

>> No.2082047

The wide world awaits you Anonymous.


>> No.2082058

You say it like it's a bad thing.

I'm not a fan of gang rape, but why would there be something conflicting with me being a hopeless romantic and getting off to something completely different?

>> No.2082061

i'm saving my virginity for a japanese chick, i have a reason to not go out and sleep with random sluts, durrr

i'm going to be staying in japan for 3 months with a host family as a transfer student in a couple of weeks, i'll go all out to get laid

>> No.2082062

Yeah really. Because it's fictional, right?

It's like saying *protests war in the middle east, then goes and plays Halo*

>> No.2082065

Hm, nice try using the "GO OUT" trump card. But I#M not a NEET,sorry...

>> No.2082066

Enjoy your Japanese slut.

>> No.2082072

You'd better be pretty fucking good looking and speak fluent Japanese, otherwise you won't stand a chance.

Good luck either way. Didn't your host family make you pledge abstinence from dating/drinking/driving?

>> No.2082073

I am saving my womb for the JAPANESE seed.

>> No.2082080

Virginity doesn't matter as long as they don't have STDs.

>> No.2082074

Women dream of getting raped but it surely isn't their real wish. So I see no problems about lolis and tentacles..

>> No.2082076


Yeah, it's not like I'd care if a virgin girl schlicked to male gang rape or anything.

>> No.2082086

If my virgin girlfriend told me she schlicked to rape, gang rape, loli, yuri... etc the thing in my pants would explode immediately and multiple times.

>> No.2082082


Because the girl probably isn't as stuck up as most of /jp/ about their future partners being a virgin.

>> No.2082085
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I'm abnormally white and I can tape my eyebrows sideways. Will you go out with me? ;_;

>> No.2082088

No, I was told in the interview that they'd prefer it if I didn't date but they weren't completely against.

Drinking and driving are a big no no and will get me shipped back home, though.

>> No.2082092

I think what a lot of you guys are forgetting is that almost all of the 20+ virgins girls are either VERY fat or VERY Christian. I guess I could deal with a Christian, but one way or another she's bound to discover your true nature.

>> No.2082098

That's not what we're talking about, is it?

>> No.2082099

There's this one christian girl I got to know... fuck, why did you have to get my hopes down T_T

>> No.2082100


>> No.2082101

It's okay, I'm more conservative than most modern christian, aside from japanese rape porn, I'd probably burn most modern priests at the stake for lack of morals.

>> No.2082102

Nothing Gae Bolg can't pierce through.

>> No.2082103

I want to spread my seed overseas.

>> No.2082105

What's a hymen? No, seriously I understand the concept but I don't know what it is. Is it just some hunk of flesh that covers the vag00?

>> No.2082107

You may not be a NEET but you obviously haven't been out enough if you've come to the conclusion that all women are sluts.

>> No.2082109

Tear through it, and she stops being a virgin.

>> No.2082115

Doesn't matter.
Nonvirgin helps.

>> No.2082116

But why is it there in the first place?

>> No.2082118

God gave females hymens to put them in their place.

>> No.2082121

Why do you have hair on your ass?

My guess is "evolution".

>> No.2082124

It has something to do with cell division and the development of organs pre-birth.

Women aren't technically "supposed" to have hymens. It's one of nature's accidents.

>> No.2082125

To know that the female is a slut.

>> No.2082126


>> No.2082128

But what does it do? Why is it there? Is it helpful in any way?

>> No.2082129


Yeah, so you can tell she's a virgin or not.

>> No.2082131

Dunn, lol.
I doubt it.

Ask the same questions for the hair on your ass. It's pretty much the same.

>> No.2082132

#1 How the hell do you want to know that I don't go out enough?

#2 I'm sure that some women aren't sluts but every time I'm interested in one I get rejected with the most uncreative answers ("You're not my type."). Sooner or later I see who "their type" is. -> Sluts, maybe not in a literal way.

>> No.2082136
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>> No.2082137

But they can rebuild them. They have the technology!

>> No.2082139

Yeah, only humans and moles got hymens though.^^

>> No.2082140

But I thought ass hair kept you warm and lessened any blows you may receive in that area.

>> No.2082141

No, a fuckload of mammals do too.
Also, get the fuck out you goddamn nigger and take your emoticons with you.

>> No.2082142

Talking about asshair, what's the best way to remove it? There's no way i'll be able to shave it off with shaving cream and a disposable razor.

Wiping my ass after shitting is a huge pain in the ass (lol pun) and normally requires me to stand there using up entire rolls of bog paper or jump in the shower. I figure it's because it's getting stuck on the hair and wiping everywhere.

>> No.2082144

You'd need something similar to a bears fur in order for it to do anything.

>[citation needed]

>> No.2082147

Well by the obvious conclusion you've jumped to. And have you ever thought that maybe you.. aren't their type?

>> No.2082148

Have you tried an electric shaver? Maybe hair removal cream? Wax?

>> No.2082151

Hey nigger, just keep hair out of your asshole and you should be fine.
Rip 'em out if ya care.

>> No.2082152

>There's no way i'll be able to shave it off with shaving cream and a disposable razor.
Why ? I did. Believe in me, who believes in you.

>> No.2082155

Do you have a full bush in your ass, or what?
Or do you just not shower regularly?

Try putting some water on the toilet paper or something.

>> No.2082156

I didn't say it was effective.

>> No.2082160


From the top of my head, the appendix does have a function. If, for some reason, you should lose the majority (if not all) bacteria in your intestines the appendix produces 'feed' to help re-establish them. Without an appendix it's exceptionally difficult.

>> No.2082162

Fucking evolution. Get us rid of ass hair already!

>> No.2082164

Come on, it's the most cliched and ignorant answer one can give. Of course there is something they dislike. They WANT that guy that treat them bad or at least live 200 miles away. That's what makes "not their type". That's what they try to hide by giving generic answers. -> Sluts, maybe not in a literal way.

>> No.2082167

Hairy ass guy here.

I'm more worried about the stubble that is impossible to get rid of with a disposable razor after the first shave. Ass stubble must be fucking painful, what with it grinding together as you walk and everything.

Should I shell out ~$100 for a decent electric shaver?

>> No.2082171

You could just go and get your ass waxed at a professional clinic.

>> No.2082169


Just light your ass hair on fire in the shower.

>> No.2082174

No, the appendix is lymphatic tissue. Sometimes it's called tonsill of the intestines. It is most likely useless.

>> No.2082175

I didn't write this, found it on google.

I have recently made a mistake in my life, and I offer my story to you, that you may learn from my error. It all started, as many things do, with me having trouble shitting.

No, I was not constipated; this was not a regularity problem but a matter of technique. It seems my butt-hair had grown to such a length that tiny grogans were constantly getting tied up in the matted jungle between my buttcheeks. It led to much frustration, with me KNOWING that I still had something to drop, but unable to shake the tenacious turd loose from its butthair dwelling. Eventually I would have to do two things: either reach down with some paper and try to pinch off the lingering loaf (which required careful precision to avoid smearing the creature all over my rear, especially since I had no way of seeing what I was doing) or just go for broke, start wiping, and hope that I could remove all the leftover fecal matter before the toilet paper reached its Can't-Be-Flushed threshold.

I was contemplating this problem, when I had what seemed at the time to be a bright idea. "Hey! This is my butt and my butt-hair, right? So why don't I just eliminate all the hair, and then my grogans will flow out like beer from a keg!" I said to myself. It is a statement that will go down in history with a lot of other regretted statements. "How many Indians could there be?" said by General Custer. "Looks like a good day for a drive!" by JFK. "There! America On-Line now has complete Usenet access!" by some idiot system tech. Such was my anal shaving idea.

>> No.2082176

>In before 200 posts
It's sad how easy it is to predict.

>> No.2082177

How did we go from being the little girl to talking about asshair oh god my little sister just walked in my room as I was typing this, looked at my screen, and walked out. Why the fuck can't she knock? She's been more and more of a bitch since she turned 12. At least the only thing she saw was Miku, it could have been worse.

>> No.2082178

I performed the operation that night, with a cheap disposable razor and a towel to sit on. Starting from the bottom, and shaving from the crack to the cheeks, I began the arduous process of ridding my butt of hair. Occassionally, I would have to clean the razor of accumulated hair and miscellaneous slime, which I did by wiping it on the towel. Slowly, my twin mounds and the between-ravine began to resemble the hairless cheeks of a newborn baby. Finally, I wiped the razor one last time, and surveyed my work. The towel was covered with a pile of hair. My butt was smooth as ivory. I smiled, satisfied, thinking my troubles were over.

Little did I know.

I now have a great respect for anal-hair. Like everything in this world God created, it has its mighty purpose in existence. It was only after I had removed it that I started to learn how much I had been taking it for granted. For one, it provides friction. I learned this the next day, when I walked out into the sun heading for class. After climbing two flights of stairs and starting to sweat, I started to notice something unpleasant. The sweat was accumulating in my crack, and was causing the unpleasant sensation of my two buttcheaks sliding past each other with every step. I thought about going to the bathroom and wiping it off, but had to get to class. Eventually, I thought, it would dry.

>> No.2082180

They are women after all and they mind works in mysterious ways. I can see where you're coming from though.

Actually now that you mention it. Why do they find themselves attracted to guys who treat them bad?

>> No.2082182

Femanon here.
I'd say virgin, because then it's special for the both of you.
And hopefully he won't be lying/exaggerating if he says he's a non-virgin... xD it's a funny story...

Not neccesarily. Some girls are waiting for the right person, even past 20.

>> No.2082185

Furthermore, is there really just one "type" of personality, outward appereance etc. that you can accept? Everyone else loses? I think that's really superficial...

>> No.2082187

Unfortunately, it did dry, but only after mingling with the microscopic poo- molecules lingering around my brown starfish. When I stood up after class, my cheeks were stuck together with a slimy sticky shit/sweat combination. As I made my way back to my dorm, it started to itch. God-DAMN, did it itch! Felt like a swarm of ants was making its way up and down my crack. Fighting to keep from jamming my hand down there and scratching away, I rushed back to the dorm.

Unfortunately again, this exertion caused me to sweat, and when I finally reached my room, my cheeks were sliding back and forth against each other like a pair of horny cane-toads. I quickly dropped my pants, and attempted to dry my butt off by sticking it in front of a fan and spreading my cheeks. As I pulled the two mounds of flesh apart, a horrible stench burst free and filled the room. Every dog within a 4 block radius started to howl. I had it worst of all, as the ripe aroma of festering shit/sweat went into the fan and blew back into my face. I fought to keep from heaving. And as I sat there, fighting vomit, my butt cheeks spread and dripping, with the concentrated aroma of my body odor mixed with the tangy smell of my own shit blowing right into my face, I had only one thought: "It will be like this until the hair grows back. Weeks."

Later on, trying to deal as best I could, wiping my butt at every opportunity, I discovered another wonderful use for butt-hair - ventilation. I attempted to launch a fart, only to have it get stuck between my buttcheeks. Apparently, with no hair, the two pink twins can get vacuum sealed together, and the result was a frustrating fart that slid up and down between my cheeks like a lost gerbil.

>> No.2082189

I wouldn't really wanna be female. But if I were, I wouldn't care about who my first would be as long as we'd love each other.

>> No.2082191

Rape her. Also why are you frightened of your little sister seeing a discussion about being the little girl with Miku giving you a valentine's chocolate?

>> No.2082193

love? lol sounds like you already ARE female

>> No.2082195

As if that wasn't enough, I am now enduring further torture. As anyone who has ever shaved anything knows, when hair is first growing in, it comes in as stubble. Imagine your butt having the texture of a brillo pad. Well, that is what I am dealing with now. It is a hellish torture, and there are many times when I just look out the window and contemplate why I shouldn't just jump out and get it all over with in one fleshy splat, rather than endure this constant agony.



So, hairy ass guy, I recommend you either get laser treatment and have it removed permanently or just wet the toilet paper you're wiping with.

>> No.2082196

go to family dollar, or dollar general and get a 20-30 dollar remington sideburn shaver. it should come with the right-angel head that makes it easy to turn on and just shove up there and trim it all off. works great on pubes too obviously. keep it oiled or itll start to catch hair and yank it out instead of cut it and it hurts like a bitch.

...works on armpit and leg hair if you wanna be a trap

>> No.2082200

I'm more angry that she doesn't knock. What if she had seen the Japan/General text? She could have found out I go here; she doesn't even know I'm a weeaboo. I could have been looking at lolis.

>> No.2082204

Why are you ashamed of it? Stop being a faggot and admit it. She probably already knows, anyway.

>> No.2082201

How about just trimming it like a civilized person?

>> No.2082202

Wait until marriage. I'd be the ojousama type.
And my sentences would end with desuwa.

>> No.2082203

I honestly don't know. I was in a discussion about that many times. Maybe they want someone to decide for them to hide their own lack of self esteem. Maybe they are really THAT ignorant thinking those guys "know what they want" and that they can turn them into softies for their own use only.

>> No.2082207


Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.2082208
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Science is not evolving fast enough for me to be able to get chocolate from Miku.

>> No.2082211

Lock your fucking door or move out, only children live with their family, real men live in a small apartment on welfare.

>> No.2082214

>I didn't write this, found it on google.

>> No.2082215


Protip: Alternate between left and right cheeks. The hairy side will cushion the stubble side.

>> No.2082217

Using Firefox? Get an add on that integrates mouse gestures. So you can open a new tap everytime someone comes in. Opera has mouse gestures out of the box, IIRR.

>> No.2082221

What I'm saying is I'm afraid of her coming here.

>> No.2082232

I usually just browse with the keyboard. I'm on Linux so I usually just change workspaces when someone walks. The thing is, my door is fucked and even when it is locked all you have to do is push it slightly and it will open. She somehow managed to do this without me hearing and I didn't know she was there until the door was fully opened and hit the back of my chair.

>> No.2082242

Rearrange your room to make your monitor(s) face away from the door, if it really troubles you.

>> No.2082243

Just stick some stuff in front of the door.

>> No.2082246

Oh, okay. I thought I could boast with my computer knowledge...

>> No.2082251

Well, is it their own lack of self esteem or merely that they are fitting the passive the role society has given them? Maybe they are just looking for someone more 'able' to make the major dicisions for them.

>> No.2082258

I'd rather have a virgin female be my first.

I mean, it wouldn't really bother me if she wasn't, but I'd prefer it.

>> No.2082267

This guy has to be somewhat fat. I do it about once per month and never had any problems with it. It does itch a few days after I shave my cock, but it never happened with my ass-hair.

That's probably another solution. If you're single, that is. I'd love to see the complex expression on your girlfriend's face when she sees it and asks why.

>> No.2082269

I have two examples for the low self esteem theory. Society might be a good point but my experience is that sometimes they even let their guys do the minor decisions. However, they complain about a lack of emancipation and men discriminating women...^^

>> No.2082276

This. Tell her you think she's at the most beautiful stage in her life, open a bottle of champagne and let things flow from there.

>> No.2082284

What? She's 12 and I'm 20, we can't legally drink alcohol. I wouldn't even know where to get it, not that I ever would.

>> No.2082291

Oh, yeah. American. Huh.

Don't worry, just open a bottle of Sprite instead and then let things flow from there.

>> No.2082310

I can't bother her right now, she's playing with her cute loli friend. If only I didn't have terrible acne and a total lack of social skills, I'd be playing with her too. ;_;

>> No.2082305

>I'm 20
>can't legally drink alcohol
Move to a normal country.

>> No.2082307

>I'm 20
>can't legally drink alcohol
Move to a normal country.

>> No.2082317

>In before 200 posts
Well we're already up to 157.. almost there

>> No.2082323

Hmm. Truly this is a conundrum for even my vast intellect.

I say, with as much haste as possible, use hypnotherapy to develop immense self-confidence and panache. Google "confidence hypnotherapy". Should be on mp3.

Then, wear a groovy scarf around your acne and let that natural playfulness you wish to release SHINE THROUGH!

And don't forget the Sprite.

>> No.2082327

Hmm, let's see... ass hair, linux, 12-year-olds...
Just a little off topic. But I don't mind...

>> No.2082332

People with acne can't be cool, it's like calling a snail cool.
You could paint flames on it's shell and play death metal as it slowly advances towards grass, it's still not cool.

>> No.2082341

I dunno, I think that snail sounds pretty fucking awesome.

>> No.2082355

BRB, getting corpse paint.

>> No.2082360

Excuses, excuses. I've met many people with physical deformities who were the awesome-est I'd ever met. A boatman with a milky-dead-eye who was the nicest, most reliable fellow you could ever hope to meet. Or that fat yaoi fan who turned out to be an excellent cook.

If cool can't be your thing, find another positive quality and exploit it for your social benefit.

And, again, don't forget the Sprite.

>> No.2082367
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Snails ARE cool. Your entire argument is invalid.

I'm taking this thread somewhere cooler.

>> No.2082370
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>> No.2082372
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>> No.2082377

It's like I'm really on /d/.
And that's allllriiiight.

>> No.2082379
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>> No.2082380


>> No.2082384
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>> No.2082382

Oh, don't apologise to me, I don't have acne.
Probably the guy's nice and all, but I wouldn't rely on the cool factor if my face looked like a ladybug with white dots.

>> No.2082386
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>> No.2082388
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>> No.2082393
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>> No.2082395
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>> No.2082400

I wouldn't have asshair if we had evolved from mollusks.

>> No.2082401

Thread improved.

>> No.2082413

Oh, I get it you're trying to force the thread into auto-sage.

>> No.2082540

Do you even have any idea of what "cool" means, where it came from, or what it meant before retards stole it? Snails are probably the most relaxed, chilled out animals on the planet. They're practically the definition of cool.

>> No.2082545


Fuck you.

>> No.2082548

A virgin would be cuter.
But it wouldn't really matter, since I'd only have sex with who I really love. Even if he is or isn't a virgin.

>> No.2082553

Do I look like I give a damn about the original expression ?

>> No.2082574

The current usage isn't even that different from the original expression. Being "cool" isn't about flames or whatever other dorky shit you think it is.

>> No.2082578

I dunno, post pics.

>> No.2082584

I don't have a camera and wouldn't post picture even if I had, fuck you.
