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File: 29 KB, 423x480, FUCK YOU KANAKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2074930 No.2074930 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2074975
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>> No.2074980

you're actually playing touhou?

>> No.2074984
File: 13 KB, 216x171, 1234535054383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too hard for you?

>> No.2074988

Why did you cut out what more you're playing on?

I know why.

>> No.2075047

Mountain of Faith pattern
+ no random bullets
= normal modo

you lack training

>> No.2075056
File: 108 KB, 640x480, 1234536620589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is stuff of rage.

Though, I knew I had no hope for completing the run, so I did not really get pissed. I knew how many lives I needed for Stage 6 beforehand, and MoF being the bombfest it is the number required doesn't change a lot (no accidental deaths because I bombed everything that isn't easy 100% captures. )

What pissed me off was dying with my bombs intact.

>> No.2075055

Anything lower than lunatic mode is easy mode.

>> No.2075065

Real men play on lunatic modo only. Hard and below is for women and children.

>> No.2075069

Whats the best thing to do against Kanakos last spellcard?

when I know I cant dodge this:
[ ] bomb and rape my power
[ ] die > collect power times

>> No.2076126

I was playing some MoF just now and I still hate the game. Playing normal so I am just flying around because it is so easy, and then I die on the dumbest things.

I never get past stage 4, and it isn't because anything is hard. I just can't move the distances I want to move. I think I'll settle with blaming the keyboard for being worthless.

>> No.2076135

Second option. Kanako will just phase out during your bombs anyway.

>> No.2076156

no you dimwit you bomb so you can shoot her during times you are able to dodge her shitstorm.

bombing > dying in every single possible situation where survival is priortized.

>> No.2076332


The fight gets worse with time. Bombing over dying significantly drags out the fight, which makes it a bad idea if you're above one or two lives.

>> No.2076355

You shouldn't die during the easy part. When it gets to the hard part 8/11 bombs and one/two/three deaths > one/two deaths and a few extra seconds of shooting Kanako because the the petals are interlocked already and it doesn't get much harder from there.

>> No.2076363

I find it awesome how Easy Kanako is harder than Normal Kanako.

>> No.2076404

Since we're talking about FFFFFFF-ing moments, I started playing touhou 3 days ago, with PCB. I reached the last boss, normal modo, 2 lives left, and I was pretty tense. I decided to play it safe and bomb my way through it, that went quite well until my sister barged in and jumped on me, making me lose my last life. There was one second left.
One second left.

>> No.2076414

Bomb is always better than dying.
MoF/VotWG doesn't become any more harder.

Lunatic mode has the normal seals and really spread out ones that trap you. Since they're spread, you can dodge through them, but since it's already that fast, this is as hard as Satori's wave and particle Lunatic spellcard. (That's were I bomb).

It's funny how Hard Kanako is easier than Normal Kanako.

>> No.2076415

At least you had awesome incest shortly after.
I envy you.

>> No.2076421

Is your sister dead?

Because mine would be if she did something like that. I would probably shoot lasers out of my eyes and danmaku out of my ass if that happened, such would be my anger.

>> No.2076434

If by awesome incest you mean having to catch her an Eevee, than yeah, sure.

>> No.2076433

That Satori card has a safespot, just telling.

>> No.2076446


>> No.2076480

I must be handicapped or something.
I see people "lol I played touhou for the first time/first few days and almost finished it lol", while I played SA for two-three weeks on normal and the furthest I ever got was Satori, who kills me on the second spellcard.

>> No.2076486

Yeah, don't start with SA. Just don't.

>> No.2076493

Do tell.

>> No.2076504

Holy shit. Did you save the replay? I'd love to see that.

>> No.2076505
File: 69 KB, 641x480, 1234553636037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here.

And VoWG gets insanely harder with time. Corresponds to roughly 1/2 health with ReimuA I think while MarisaC kills her before the card gets to full potential.

>> No.2076516

Ragequit. I think you'll understand.

>> No.2076530

Well, I'm an advocate of learning the hard way, but this is obviously out of my league. What's the next touhou on the difficulty scale? I don't want to begin with the easy ones. Will MoF be good?

>> No.2076556

Virtue of Wind God breaks Touhou down to the barest and purest of playing styles: Zen-like focus, understanding the movement of your character without looking directly at them, and looking for holes and alleys in the patterns multiple times per second.

I literally scream sometimes when I'm playing this card just to blow off some tension. If only I could overclock my brain to about 105-110% speed, cause it always feels like I'm just a tiny bit too slow.

>> No.2076557

IN is the easy one, anything else should be fine. I suggest MoF.

>> No.2076558

SA > EoSD >= PCB > IN > MoF = SA if you treat Easy as Normal, Normal as Hard and so on.

Note: Never start with IN, especially with Border Team. It will kill your bombing reflexes. After starting with IN I was unable to clear PCB Normal for months, and even after breaking the learning curve I don't dare to touch it again.

>> No.2076565

Well, MoF feels just right for me. First game I 1CC'd on hard and I've already started going through lunatic in it. Some seem to disagree though.

>> No.2076572

1. Play Reimu A only. Everyone else sucks.
2. If you lose a life in the first three stages, restart.
3. If you lose a life(s) on Parsee, watch a replay that shows you her gimmicks.
4. Bomb more.
5. It's better to bomb and fail a spellcard and not risk dying, because you still get your Star even if you bomb.
6. Collect as many stars as possible. You should have 6 1/5 lifes at the beginning of stage 4.
7. Watch replays of Orin's gimmick spellcards before you encounter her, so that you don't die on her when you beat Satori for the first time.
8. Bomb more, like near the end of stage 3 were all the lasers are shot.

>> No.2076589

MarisaA is pretty good for bomb heavy players like me. Huge hitbox sucks though.

>> No.2076587

Hey man, Marisa B is pretty sweet if you ask me.

>> No.2076605

I've been unable to 1cc any Touhou no Normal, but last time I tried MoF I could beat it. Taking down Kanako without lives or bombs sure feels good.

>> No.2076629

After playing SA for quite some time, I've come to the conclusion that good characters are only Reimu together with Yukari.
You really need the Reimu hitbox. Marisa's is sometimes even to big for Parsee's first Boss non-spellcard, and Yukari is best for damage + border hax is really good in stage 5. The bomb is also one of the best.
Alice would be very good if her focused and unfocused attacks were switched, and her damage is still not better than Yukari's if you don't sit directly in front of the enemy.
Patchouli is good for stages, but her FIRE red shot is plain weak against bosses. Her bomb sucks too.

>> No.2076641

I guess that's true. I think I'll stick to using other characters though, even if it gives me trouble. Reimu A is plain boring to me.

>> No.2076646

Is MoF MarisaB that broken or is it just a survivalist boss-killer character instead of a scoring character?

>> No.2076656

And Aya is really annoying to play. You know Parsee's clone spellcard (Lunatic). Having to move unfocused without shooting is a pain in the ass with Aya, and than you have to adjust you shot so you don't hit the clone, still unfocused. Until you're done with that, Parsee is already about to switch to the other side again.

>> No.2076672

>Is MoF MarisaB that broken or is it just a survivalist boss-killer character instead of a scoring character?
Marisa B is bugged. If your power is between 3.05 and 3.95 (or something like that), hit your enemy unfocused with the middle laser to rape every spellcard within seconds.

Without that, I think Marisa B is the weakest of all Marisa options.

>> No.2076700

While Marisa hitbox is a bitch, Alice bomb and unfocused shot is good enough to compensate. Even her focused shot does huge amounts of damage and the spread is very good for certain stage parts (Yuugi's familiars, Stage 5 beginning, the crow rain on Stage 6, mass streaming and laser flood on Stage 4 and so on)

>> No.2076820

>(Yuugi's familiars, Stage 5 beginning, the crow rain on Stage 6, mass streaming and laser flood on Stage 4 and so on)
>Yuugi's familiars
I don't have to kill them. They don't hit me anyways.
Example: The first time she summons those minions (midboss I think), stay directly at the center of the "enemy" on the bottom and all shots go past you.

>Stage 5 beginning
stage 5... you mean those yinyang balls? I don't know, I always move under them and shoot each of them down seperately. Takes about 1 second for each.

>the crow rain on Stage 6
If you stay at the right or left border and shoot (yukari), no balls will rain down near there, but yes I guess it can be helpful.

>mass streaming and laser flood on Stage 4
That's the only part were Yukari options are inferior to widespread ones.

>> No.2076929

Do you have an idea how to beat Parsee's clone spellcard with Alice?
If I focus once, her spreadshot immediately hits the clone, and the only way around that is stop shooting everytime I focus. (Yes, I have to focus since Marisa is way too fast to dodge the small bullets unfocused.)

>> No.2076985

Kill the clones!

>> No.2077402
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Oh ho, I told you she's the best Touhou boss ever.

She even has the best music, too. It's almost like Japanese ZUN took a music lession!

>> No.2077456

this is why I hate MarisaA, although last time I think I pulled it off by dodging a bit higher on the screen so the spread lasers went over the clone. Or maybe just dodging unfocused, it's not that hard on Normal.

This card gives me problems with Patchy as well (same with any card where I stop firing at times), I always end up accidentally changing fire modes.
