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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 16 KB, 506x285, anikiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2074444 No.2074444 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.2074463
File: 33 KB, 1600x1200, 1233991993985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he seems too rounded out

>> No.2074462

Aniki English interview?!

>> No.2074468

why the hell is he dressed like that?

>> No.2074473


Aniki is visiting japan anyways

>> No.2074485

Am I the only one who misread it as "maids"...

>> No.2074488

He's a true aniki.

>> No.2074502

Why is he so... nice.
I think the Japanese will be disappointed that he isn't more weirded out by this.

>> No.2074507

>Why is he so nice?
Because he's THE Aniki.

>> No.2074527

At least hes right that no one gives a shit about his philosophies.

>> No.2074531

I thought it was pretty odd that they kept pestering him for that, and he kept having to steer the conversation back to more nico-related things...

>> No.2074542
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>> No.2074543

lol'd at the penis comments

>> No.2074559

I saw it as maids too

>> No.2074561

I'm pretty sure we all did, actually.

>> No.2074568

Why are his hands so white?

>> No.2074582

I noticed that too. It is freaking me out.

>> No.2074595

Maybe he's been wearing gloves...?

>> No.2074622

I wish to be the big Billy.

>> No.2074632

Thirded. What the hell.

>> No.2074636

I'm gay for aniki.

>> No.2074637


>> No.2074667

He's so nice and intelligent.

>> No.2074670

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.2074686
File: 164 KB, 600x845, 1217545684276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must... post this...

>> No.2074702

This is fucking awesome.

>> No.2074704

He is so dreamy.

>> No.2074767

... So does he hang around here too?

>> No.2074777


>> No.2074795

If he internets, then I'd say it's quite likely that he at least knows of /jp/ by now.

>> No.2074804

Having not paid much attention to him/his video, is there intercourse or is there just wrestling/showering/fark you'ing?

If there is intercourse does he pitch, receive or both? How big is his wang?

>> No.2074812

More, this time with more nihongo, aniki style.

>> No.2074813

>How big is his wang?
Wikipedia has the size.

>> No.2074830

he's such a good person
i might buy one of his DVDs even though i am straight

>> No.2074831

I lol'd at the wwwwwwwwwwwww spam

>> No.2074838
File: 123 KB, 975x692, BHShitaBig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2074804 How big is his wang?

>> No.2076544

What is he saying? I don't even

>> No.2078359

Aniki is my idol.

>> No.2078364

From all that spanking.

>> No.2078443

あにき! ;_;

>> No.2078457

I wish I was cool like Aniki.

>> No.2078460


........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.2078486

I think it's the lighting?

>> No.2078491


>> No.2078511

Who the fuck is this guy?

>> No.2078537


>> No.2078568


........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.2078578


>> No.2078586


>> No.2078587

Aniki threads should be pinned for 14/02. Seriously I can't think anything more proper to get pinned at /jp/ than this. A live meme legend visits japan. ;_;

>> No.2078611

it will be awkward when the japs actually meet him in person.

>> No.2078615

I came to /jp/ hoping there would be a thread on this.

I didn't think /jp/ liked the aniki.

You're a good board. I like you.

I wish TDN was here ;-;

>> No.2078632

I'd probably shake from excitement. Maybe burst into tears.

>> No.2078646

Damn, he's such a cool, nice guy.

>> No.2078657
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>> No.2078671



>> No.2078679

Can anyone work out how to watch? Shitty babelfish says there's no room and premium is needed.

But babelfish makes no sense either.

>> No.2078687

You mean the nico links posted?

>> No.2078691

Get a premium account, silly.

>> No.2078694

I don't have a premium account and it let me watch.

>> No.2078701
File: 335 KB, 1000x1000, getoutofjpnotext.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2078698

It is in the midst of being congested, but taking precedence, admission can do the premium member. At present, because of the full house, you cannot enter. As for comfortable viewing of live program to… premium member registers


>> No.2078707


b-b-but this is my first time here and I wanted to hang with you all ;-;

>> No.2078736 [SPOILER] 
File: 64 KB, 438x600, spoiler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. We hate you. Go die.

>> No.2078799


No, also Yume Nikki is overrated trash.

>> No.2078842

Reported for faggotry.

Just kidding. I love ANIKI MADs. Bump.

>> No.2078878

oh boy

>> No.2078937

Forest fairy!

>> No.2078944


>> No.2079117

It's cool to see Billy is alright with the MADs. Hell, I'd be flattered too. Imagine what Normalfags think of all this.

And imagine what Normalfag Japanophiles (like Billy) think.

>> No.2079132

Can't get into the live showing...

>> No.2079146
File: 41 KB, 382x576, 1234547310107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2079153

I want to pre-order one of these.

>> No.2079184


>> No.2079380

Awesome accessories!

>> No.2079420


Just 2,500 yen? Talk about cheap.

>> No.2080569

between aniki and the american pose idol (i forgot her name), who is more widely known in japan?

>> No.2080619

You mean applemilk emily? Nobody cares about her if she's who you're referring to. It's all about ANIKI~~!

>> No.2080666

I love all this but when I watch these videos I have to pause every 30 seconds or I start to die of shame

Especially when he talks about the internet shit

>> No.2080702

no, i meant magibon (sp?)

>> No.2080717

We're so creative, guys!

>> No.2080720

Who would be gay enough outside of Japan to own one? If anyone saw it they'd have no clue what the reference is and think you have an action figure of a weightlifter in his underwear.

>> No.2080721


>> No.2080722

>>I think I was aware of my heterosexuality before I was aware of my bisexuality, only because it was more acceptable in my surroundings growing up. You see, I’m not entirely gay and I’m not entirely straight. I consider myself to be truly bisexual. I have a girlfriend at the moment and I have a boyfriend. They both live with me in my house, and they get along fantastically.

Billy the super pimp. No wonder Japan loves him.

>> No.2080724

yeah, he's really playing nice.
maybe he got in a financial problem somehow. But I don't see how niconico can make a big profit out of him....or maybe it can?

>> No.2080746


>> No.2080762

wtf? I thought he was married

>> No.2080768

*Points at things such as Hatsune Miku*

Sure you can make profits out of nicovideo.

>> No.2080775

Well as a meme I should think it should be dead starting tomorrow. This is the climax of the meme; supernova, what-have you. A natural and fitting death I guess.

Yukkuri couldn't possibly hope to die any better. I guess they've made it to 2ch's front page that's not a bad end for them, though.

>> No.2080780
File: 91 KB, 600x472, 1234579904979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aniki is the Strongest

>> No.2080783
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>> No.2080868

Ahaha he's some kind of japanophile. That's such a hilarious coincidence. This all seems less awkward now.

>> No.2080878


and he went to compyuta school.
For a second there when he said that I thought he might be one of us.

>> No.2080884

he likes karate and japan stuff

>> No.2080888


I was just reading the (probably old) interview linked on his wiki entry. Warning, not fapsafe:


>>It just does. Why ask why? My boyfriend’s entirely gay; my girlfriend’s entirely straight. They both have something in common. Well, two things: a) They’re best friends, and, b) me. So, it works. There is no room for jealousy or possessiveness.

Aniki's power level is maximum.

>> No.2080942


That's an unfair assumption. I personally think he's doing this just for fun, and to make a little profit out of it.

>> No.2080965

he got a philosophy on japanese motorcycles what a cool bro

>> No.2080983

well, he got nothing to loose as he's been doing it ever since before the MADs came up.

>> No.2081006

>I was into karate for my whole life. My father was a sensei, which is a karate teacher.
I lol'd

>> No.2081010
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>> No.2081028



>> No.2081035


Can't stop laughing.

>> No.2081037

I probably should have watched this while it was live.

>> No.2081079

Well that was an awkward and funny watch. I like the guy even more now.

>> No.2081118



>> No.2081126
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>> No.2081137
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>> No.2081141
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>> No.2081142


Holy shit, that girl's tits are huge.

>> No.2081178

So GAR <3

>> No.2081213

What is TDN?

>> No.2081245
File: 57 KB, 640x432, sylvester stallone in a haystack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2081270

spanking love

>> No.2081432

I haven't watched gay porn before but a tit job wasn't what I expected. I'm also relieved that nothing moved downstairs.

>> No.2081933


Technically that was a pecs job.

>> No.2082106

wow, he's a cool guy.
The japs should learn about this.

>> No.2082880

I don't visit /jp/ very often. Could someone link to the MAD they are talking about?

>> No.2082892

He's 40 years old?

I second that, what MAD started all this shit?

>> No.2082961

I'm black and my penis isn't half as big as theirs.

What is this I don't even

>> No.2082972

Black people actually have smaller penises than white guys. Sorry to break it to you, "bro".

>> No.2082985

So awesome, yet so embarrassing.

>> No.2082999


>> No.2083025

is this some kind of gay porn actor?

>> No.2083102

woah, where have you been

>> No.2083153

Fucking Billy.

>> No.2083190


That was kind of awkward to watch, but the guy seems nice. I noticed the last guy he spanked was wearing a COOL&CREATE shirt.

>> No.2083237

Yeah, I noticed that too. I wonder if they make fun of it at Flowering Night.

>> No.2083239

So, he's proud of his figma.
I wonder what the Box Gundam guy thinks of his doll.

>> No.2083247


... Probably.

>> No.2083256

I know I haven't been paying attention but why exactly was he in Japan?

>> No.2083261

From what I gathered, he was invited to Japan by Good Smile and Figma to promote the figure they were making out of him.

>> No.2083269

Once the racial typing of 'blacks have bigger dicks' got around, people started expecting to see bigger dicks in their black people porn. So, whether the man had an above-average dick or not, sex toy manufacturers started making prosthetic penis enlargements. They actually look very real, and there's a pretty good chance the guys in that video are wearing them as well.

>> No.2083285

Thanks, I should have watched the video first, I'm watching it now.

>> No.2083300

The hell.
You just expressed your hatred for him >'Fucking Billy'.
And now you're suddenly interested in watching his video? What kind of fag are you.

>> No.2083318

How is that hatred?

>> No.2083322

He was saying he wanted to fuck Billy.

>> No.2083341

Does that mean his sexual orientation is the same as aniki? I guess so.

>> No.2083352

this is the first time I've seen this on /jp/

>> No.2084891
File: 35 KB, 505x376, 1234663929268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So would you guys consider him weeaboo?


>> No.2084920

Just a man-whore for whatever cash the Japanese media will throw at him, like most of the other gaijin stars over their.

Ironic thing that he already qualified before ever becoming famous.

>> No.2085588

He is only one of the most popular memes on Nico. People on /jp/ are expected to know about it.

>> No.2085617

Why is he wearing clothes?

>> No.2085684

He's an affable nice guy. You can already see the stark differences between this bro and the likes of applemilk and uglylongface

>> No.2085688

He's alright. Is it a big coincidence that his dad and grandfather were both 'senseis' or is it just me?

>> No.2085916


>> No.2086012

> You can already see the stark differences between this bro and the likes of applemilk and uglylongface

I just thought he was a decent guy, but when you put it that way, it's hard not to think of aniki as being anything less than a COOL BRO.

>> No.2086124

so what is this yugamineena 歪みねえな or something like this?

>> No.2086140

there a youtube mirror yet? nico nico are being premium fags.

>> No.2086162


Nicopedia says it is something that was misheard from one of his feature films.

>> No.2086174

If you're really desperate, try Sankakucomplex. Won't mention more since there's the unspoken rule not to talk about that site here.
