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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2073377 No.2073377 [Reply] [Original]

What ever happened to /jp/ project?

>> No.2073383

Do you mean what is happening?

>> No.2073384

I support /jp/ project

>> No.2073386

It happened to continue.

>> No.2073389

What ever happened to Robot Jones?

>> No.2073390

People are working on it. Mods kept deleting the threads here (and they were filled with too much off-topic discussion), progress is somewhat slow so there wasn't much to report. It's still going on, but expect a few months before results show up. Maybe an arrange album will pop up soon.

>> No.2073394



>> No.2073396

THere was a dance track by someone called zamboza which was really good, but other than that nothing has materialized

>> No.2073400


He has done 2 others as well you know...

>> No.2073403


>> No.2073404


Shut up, zamboza

>> No.2073411


>> No.2073427


Might as well call it Zamboza project amirite.

>> No.2073441

Still working on music.

School starts for me in 10 days (oh god) so I'll definitely post at least one finished thing before then.

>> No.2073450

anon has a short attention span, nothing will come out of it

>> No.2073455

The ZUN and Zamboza project amirite.

>> No.2073457


>> No.2073534

What program are you using to make the songs?

>> No.2073571

There is enough interest in Anon #3 for something to materialize but unless everyone works together shit will fail. HARD. and nothing will ever happen again. Nevertheless nothing at all would be better than KS.

>> No.2073584

What music?

>> No.2074340

support bump before I go to bed.

>> No.2074347

You didn't like the other ideas?

>> No.2074420

Where are you guys doing this now, if not /jp/? I remember there was a forum and a wiki, but I don't know where they are.

>> No.2074426

http://jpproject.2ksite.com/ <- forum
http://jpwiki.co.cc/ <- wiki (brutally under-utilized)

>> No.2074427


With each update to Dandelion Girl, I get more excited. It's looking good.

>> No.2074441


Speaking of that VN, would /jp/ rage if it included an H-scene or not? The story says he has a son, old enough to be in college, but doesn't say when the son was conceived.

>> No.2074446

Maybe if it was done tastefully and didn't feel like the obligatory h-scene. Even then, I'm not sure.

>> No.2074451

Depends on how loli the girl ends up being. DFC is fine, but too loli is a no from me

>> No.2074471

It wouldn't make any fucking sense if he had sex with her, unless you're talking about when she's his secretary or they're married or whatever, but that's not even part of the story

>> No.2074490

Actually it *might* be possible. He's in his early 40s at the beginning of the story, and she's in her 20s. Her final time warp is to when he's in his 20s, and although it doesn't mention his age their son is in college, so he's at least 18

>> No.2074565

Thank you, that is very kind although the other stuff is awesome. Okazaki's especially.

Although the other two I did aren't very good.

Looking forward to hearing it!

>> No.2074605

drinking he was hitting on.

>> No.2074674


This somehow reminds me of Mabinogi.

>> No.2074675

What /jp/ project ?

Didn't know anon can do anything other than trolling around 4chan.

>> No.2074698

Well, a few /jp/ anons actually decided to do something, but they quickly got kicked out of /jp/ for "trying to gain fame".

>> No.2074707

Just read this thread, it will explain everything.


>> No.2074719

>"trying to gain fame".

more accurate would be to say that some of /jp/ decided to do more than nothing with their day/s.

>> No.2074747

Woah I don't know how I managed to miss that thread but I'm glad I did. Weekend /jp/ is fucking terrible.

>> No.2074762

I can't believe that's a /jp/ thread.

>someone post their forum link on /b/ or /a/. they will troll the shit out of it for the lulz.

What the fuck, anon?

>> No.2074772

I was once like you, believing that people here are decent. One time I went on /jp/ irc only to find all of the people talking with memes and :) ^__^ emoticons all the time.

>> No.2074778

Some of us are decent :(

>> No.2074816

i'm decent, if you know what i mean. ^_^

>> No.2074819


>> No.2074820

I don't use emoticons on /jp/ because that's what is expected of me here. But when I'm on a forum or something I occasionally use them as well.

>> No.2074823

All things in moderation, anons.

>> No.2074821


>> No.2074824


>> No.2074825

Funny enough, I went on /jp/ Steam chat at the beginning of this year and everyone was like taking it easy and talking as if they're at a tea party. Sure there were a few fags, but he left after we refused to give him attention.

>> No.2074849

Thanks for pointing out that they are just trolls, I never would have guessed myself

>> No.2074878

Whenever I see projects like this, in the back of my mind I always imagine the absolute worst thing that could possibly happen to the project.

Imagine if someone released a really well-done version of Dandelion Girl, completely out of nowhere, as these guys were only halfway done with their art.

Even better if the person who did Dandelion Girl remained completely Anonymous...no "Anonymous of Wherever" bullshit, just, no name whatsoever on the project except to credit the original story idea to Young. There wouldn't even be a name to direct either rage or admiration towards.

It'd be this incredible clusterfuck of mixed reactions ranging from butthurt to admiration.

>> No.2074901

you need to get out more, buddy

yes i know this is /jp/

>> No.2074939

Fuck off.

>> No.2074942

No problem man, I tend to do that most of the time so people know that they shouldn't take posters like those two seriously.

>> No.2076146
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Bump for details.

>> No.2076174

Having both the average guys and, in the endgame of
from! battles with saracens literally covered - coco which worked out just out that my office wasn't so bad three years, they want to pull off armor panels at darkfall video is abysmal looks

>> No.2076199


Looks like the forum's down.

>> No.2076271

It just needs to be renewed.

>> No.2076381

So someone could anonymously pay for it, and the forums would magically work?

>> No.2076457

Doesn't seem to be that easy. We need a username and password to renew the domain.

>> No.2076475

Yeah, you'll just have to wait for whoever registered it to visit the site. It only expired yesterday so I doubt it will be very long before he notices.

>> No.2076488

I'm going to fucking laugh so hard if he asks for donations to get it back up and running.

>> No.2076517

Huh, what luck. Just when finally have time to contribute, this happens. Bleh.

>> No.2076545

give it a couple days... if it doesn't go back up I got a SMF 1.1.8 based board on my own server/domain that can be used

>> No.2076588
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Well, that's not the biggest problem...if it doesn't come back up, Dandelion Girl and En Bloc projects lose all of their discussion topics so far (although they'll still have the stuff they've made so far), and Anon VN #3 and What Lies Beyond lose EVERYTHING, as they've only been discussing stuff so far.

>> No.2076631

that's what happens when you have it running on ad supported crapware servers

>> No.2076636

GOD FUCKING DAMN, this is why you retards should have used InvisionFree or Proboards!

>> No.2076664

invisionfree is made of slow and fail I don't think anyone would pay for dedicated serving unless you're like that.>>2076545
dude who just has stuff laying around.

>> No.2076690

Okay, then just Proboards. I never had any problems with Proboards.

>> No.2076710

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