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File: 33 KB, 300x420, OhnoRaptors1301575017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20692634 No.20692634 [Reply] [Original]

Should I get this?

>> No.20692653
File: 256 KB, 768x900, 68578066_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even from the thumbnail I can see that the quality is shit. IIRC, I saw some more photos last year. Worth five bucks at best.

And I'm saying that as the Yuukalover, who'd lick her actual feet all day nonstop.

>> No.20692660

is there any ZUN style feet art?

>> No.20693347

Got another angle?
Because those feet aren't looking so hot in that picture.
Then again, I guess it also depends on price. If this is one of those $20ish prize figures I would get it, but I wouldn't pay more than that.

>> No.20693372
File: 64 KB, 580x326, 1543713698149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't keep a potted plant so keep your hands off the keyboard until you have @ brain as well.

>> No.20693500

How interesting. What other things do you know about me, schizo?

There is. They aren't particularly attractive.

>> No.20693525

Man, you could get a better quality figure by doing the origami stuff.
Here, for you too.


>> No.20693596
File: 480 KB, 2048x1536, Dv_eE1_UYAAzriu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many kudos to you.
I was thinking of making my own Yuukarin figure with Pepakura, but even installing the program seemed such a bother that I still haven't.

>> No.20693601
File: 559 KB, 835x947, don't waste your life in petty contest if you'd kindly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a childish pussy hound with a death wish but no actual courage to go through with it, your analytical abilities are fed through the filter of a society that hates itself, you lack any and all courage to disobey the social norm because you've officially given up trying to prove the worth of life to yourself, leading to schism in your mind that leads to the endless witch hunt for the ill that you yourself exemplify but cannot admit to because you lack even the self awareness to know you're angry with your short comings, or that anyone actually cares. Your medical knowledge can be summed up as " a good child who believes the easiest lies" and were you offered a genuine chance you'd turn it into a weapon against others, I suppose because you need to fuck your father. Anything else Adam, or did you just need to play comic book villain because you never had a friend?

>> No.20693669

Don't be mean to yuukafag

>> No.20693678

Geez. Can't believe you had startled me there for even a moment with a lucky guess amidst your incoherent babbling.

>> No.20693695

I'm the original Yuuka fag my dear child, THAT is THE Man-Thing in a monkey suite. Yes, as in a building. Those who know fear and all that....

>> No.20693704

What babbling(?), you just have anathema to paying attention because of your chemical problems, boy. I hope you grow up.

>> No.20698029

That foot looks horrible, and I'm not even a footfag.

>> No.20700357

That foot looks kind of alright, and I'm a little bit of a foot fetishist.

>> No.20704720

