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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 482 KB, 1278x1083, 1530543489601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20663795 No.20663795 [Reply] [Original]

Ankidrone special
>not doing core36k

New guide:
Old guide for those afraid of change:

Remember: Don't listen to any advice from DJT
Last thread: >>20655639

>> No.20663801
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>> No.20663808
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>> No.20663811

how do i get good and NOT read or listen?

>> No.20663819

hang out with japanese ppl and communicate in japanese all day everyday as they teach u and help u out

>> No.20663844

click here for the fastest way to learn japanese guaranteed or ur money back


>> No.20663848
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>> No.20663853

Being gated by lack of vocab is so much less fun than by a lack of grammar knowledge

>> No.20663856
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One year has past since I started core6k
I know DJT will shit on me for being too slow. But I'm happy with my progress, I can read manga comfortably now. Slow and steady may not win the race, but I'll finish the race eventually. Even though I never finished tae kim's guide, I did read through sakubi's guide which is good enough.

I made this blog post to thank you fags, for teaching me the way.
May all of us make it some day

>> No.20663864

behold flashtards lmfao

>> No.20663868

It's been three years and I still can't read manga comfortably.

>> No.20663872

i don't wanna do that either

>> No.20663875

oh well then u prolly cannot just like objectively maybe language just in general isnt for u

>> No.20663878

yea but what if i still want to learn it even though i shouldn't?

>> No.20663885

its not really my place to sya dude maybe ask your psych why it is u want the thnigs u cant have

>> No.20663897

homo sex is super cool!

lucky !!!!!!

>> No.20663916

oh god wtf no dont

>> No.20663923

man debutopia 3 is lookin gr8

>> No.20663924
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fat is where its at ftw

>> No.20663926

>one year doing 6k
>almost half the cards still unseen
What the fuck

>> No.20663934
File: 203 KB, 1024x1117, 1t3qtqwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god yes

my whole point of learning nihongo is to date cute fatass nips and let them sit on my face, preferable after they ate a big meal!

>> No.20663939

oof thats not the kinda assthetic im lookin for there

>> No.20664019

holy shit i didn't look at the screenshot because i assumed he had finished it.

>> No.20664049

At the very least he has started reading, but still, that's fucking slow.

>> No.20664052

>Sakubi。you dun goofed. Worst guide in existence

>> No.20664122


>> No.20664135
File: 263 KB, 1080x1920, 1546610534357[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is up with Japanese sense of fashion?

>> No.20664147

excuse me, you seem to be implying that beginner's guides can be any worse than one another

>> No.20664151

I don't see how's that related to nips. There are plenty of degenerates in every metropolis,

>> No.20664153

The fact that sakubi urges new learners to read asap is enough to make it better than literally every other guide.

>> No.20664157

i was gonna post that one really bad guide but i forgot the guys name it was like ixrel or something

>> No.20664158

weve been making fun of japanese fashion for over 20 years

>> No.20664165

ixrec and itazuraneko has a copy for some bizarre reason

>> No.20664166

newfag here, what is this?

>> No.20664168

tae kim does this too but it's only at the very beginning, and it's sorta vague
just fwiw

>> No.20664170

shoutouts to ixrec lol

>> No.20664173

there we go thanks lad
seems like the site is broke though

>> No.20664175

1250 most frequent words from over 100 vns

>> No.20664178

vn core 1250 in the itazuraneko cornucopia of resources

>> No.20664182

that's why i mentioned that itazuraneko has a copy for some bizarre reason

>> No.20664188


>> No.20664192

oh thats what you meant thanks

>> No.20664193

VNCore is an Anki deck that parses over 100 visual novels and distills about 1200 of their most commonly used words. The goal is to prime the pump, so to speak, so the user can begin reading VNs in actual Japanese as soon as possible.

>> No.20664194

flashtarding ftl

>> No.20664213


>> No.20664218

fuck you

>> No.20664228


>> No.20664655

tfw nobody nativelike is ever gonna go through one of the existing grammar guides and fix its problems and vet the result as good

>> No.20664659

How long into the year do the ankitards leave? I feel like it was like may/june last year.

>> No.20664702

He spends 45mins daily, are you saying that he should do more anki?

>> No.20664730

I just got Anki, what deck do I download?

>> No.20664740

the delete anki as it is useless.

>> No.20664746

best you gonna get is some JET redditor

>> No.20664756

45 minutes is too much, it means you need to raise your minimum intervals or enable leech suspension or you're adding too many cards per day or you've been using anki for so long it's time to make a new mining deck and stop reviewing mature cards on your old one

>> No.20664765

>45 minutes is too much
But I spend 2 hours everyday on anki

>> No.20664767

So can you read anything yet?

>> No.20664776

way too much.

>> No.20664784
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1 minute is way too much.

>> No.20664805
File: 680 KB, 800x600, 花散峪山人考_2019-01-18_02-40-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20664821

What VN is this

>> No.20664846
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>> No.20664891
File: 247 KB, 816x1200, eromanga_05_159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine unironically using anki when you can read light novels instead.

>> No.20664899

But Anki helps me at memorizing words

>> No.20664929

are you going to say that to フルアーマー紗霧 face? You do not realize the mistake you made.

>> No.20664938

gotta love the mareni shit

>> No.20664940

no "problem" in them matters. grammar guides aren't going to get you to fluency. they're just meant to be a temporary crutch. people usually nitpick them to feel superior.

>> No.20664961

>people usually nitpick them to feel superior.
i nitpick them cause when i watched dolly it all came together
if i feel anybody is superior its dolly

>> No.20664964

>if i feel anybody is superior its dolly
Congrats on your 意識の高さ

>> No.20664976

imagine thinking dolly chan is incredible just bc shes the first person to ever explain japanese to u after years of consuming garbage content like mattvsjapan and nukemarine

>> No.20665038

their "problems" make people bicker about which ones are worse

>> No.20665040

where are you on learning nippongnese

taembert kimbert
kino no tabi
fushimi tsukasas masterpiece (oreimo)
genji monogatari

anki is -1 and I dont know who dolly is.

>> No.20665047

btw dollys "problem" is the silly doll roleplay and disgusting voice changer so even its not perfect

>> No.20665053

>murakami after haruhi

>> No.20665063

you know whats incredible is just readin about grammar in nippongo after you realize that everything in english is garbage but yeah some credit to dolly for teachin me that
still dont pick on me for my dark past just cause youre havin a beef with your waifu and gotta disown her

>> No.20665069

I like 2k/6k optimized deck. It has quality audios and didactic phrases, something that vncore doesnt have. Plus in this optimized version, the word order is very good.

>> No.20665070
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The hard parts of haruhi (ie the yuki info dumps) is harder than murakami, but if you miss something in haruhi it matters less than murakami.

>> No.20665076

i disagree very strongly, haruhi is hard scifi and you can hardly miss anything (at least from the section that was adapted into anime)

>> No.20665080

no thats not her problem shes 99% lovely : )

im not tryin to pick on u and the dolly vids are pretty good : )

>> No.20665093

I've never heard of kanakanachan and taembert kimbert, what is it?

The rest is popular knowledge

>> No.20665094

based on your comment I am assuming that you only watched the anime of haruhi and read murakami in english. I was refering to the japanese novels.

>> No.20665095

>/int/ tells me Anki is useful
>/jp/ tells me Anki is useless
Which one do I trust

>> No.20665100

i am referring to the novels what on earth makes you think otherwise

>> No.20665105

I think there is a HUGE hole between murakami and genji monogatari.

The non-native who can read genji monogatari deserves honor, glory, money and women.

>> No.20665109
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Why is this term labelled as humorous, when the original kanji for death is labelled as sensitive? How does clan/family name character make it funny?

>> No.20665110

Oh then your even worse than I thought. The haruhi novels came before the anime, not the reverse. what murakami book did you read?

if you cannot desipher kanakanachan and taembert kimbert you will struggle immensely with casual written speech.

>> No.20665114

Its all about moderation anki can be useful but If you're the shmuck doing anki for hours a day then reconsider your life choices

>> No.20665119
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Non Non Biyori - 03 [720p].mkv-00:01:14.474-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can read fairly well
>can't do listening for shit

>> No.20665120

>The haruhi novels came before the anime
yes as i indicated knowledge of by "at least from the section that was adapted into anime"

do you not read the posts you respond to before responding to them if they disagree with you

>> No.20665127

The one that intuitively makes the most sense (useful).

>> No.20665149

i thought you wrote from not into. also what murakami book did you read in japanese, I have read kafka on the shore and Norwegian woods.

>> No.20665157
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>reads two (2) books from a meme-popular author
>puts them on a pedestal

>> No.20665159

Been doing noAnki for months and I've stagnated. So I plan on starting again.

Common words are common enough so you don't need flashcards to learn them
Rare words are too rare for a beginner/intermediate to bother learning. Once you're ready for them you won't need cards either.

But it's those words in between. Common enough but not common enough to remember them. But yeah, do it in moderation. Around 20 minutes maybe.

>> No.20665164

approximately how many characters of japanese text do you read per day

>> No.20665180
File: 134 KB, 1242x1179, bmmoz24tnsw11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im adamantly against anki and I read 60 pages today. But I usually read only like 20 pages.

>> No.20665184

i don't know what how pages translate into characters if i don't know what kind of stuff you're reading

>> No.20665191

I either read light novels or regular novels, plus I am not >>20665159

>> No.20665192

Read hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world, it's probably his best IMO. 1Q84 is also good but it kind of falls into a rut.

>> No.20665204

I don't fucking know. It depends. maybe like an hour a day. Sometimes more sometimes less. But I haven't skipped a day in months. I mostly read WNs like Death Mage, Last Boss, Kusuriya no hitorigoto, ect...

I also read some manga, but mostly easy stuff caus I'm shit at remembering kanji so if it doesn't have furigana I get turned off quickly. This is exactly why I want to do anki.

Also watched anime.

>> No.20665232

Is this the guy from lingq? What is he saying in romanji, I can't read all those kanji yet.

>> No.20665237

If you read enough and look up enough words in the process, you'll remember and encounter more words than if you spend hours a day repeating the same words on anki with "definitions" pulled out of essentially a glossary rather than ones that actually explain what it means. Oh, and good luck with anki when you're dealing with 造語.

Anybody past the beginner level and can pick up native material to read should do so already. There's nothing more efficient than doing so if you want to actually learn this language. At a certain point, many things like processing information in japanese directly and understanding certain words and sentence structure immediately becomes intuitive and you should strive to reach that level as soon as possible.

>> No.20665242

just dont overdose and youll be fine
remember to read more
i dont know nihongo so im just usin common sense here
self censorship can be considered humorous in some contexts
different people have different feelings on shit labeled sensitive
people who would type 氏ぬ or タヒる are probably not people who think 死ぬ should be avoided

>> No.20665248

you shouldn't expect much from a society whose level of humor is still stuck at slapstick.

>> No.20665257

kyou mo minasama genki ni narimasu de gozaru ore no imouto no manko tyo oisii de gozaru

>> No.20665261

He's saying わたしはゲイ

>> No.20665268
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Yosh. Time to go to Tokyo.

>> No.20665277

How do you guys do the core decks? I do blank front with audio word and sentence and then translation on back. I think after I finish about 2k I will start over and do kanji on front and japanese on back. I think it's quite odd to have a kanji on front as a beginner and then have all and everything on the back.

>> No.20665281

Unlike americans and their refined fart jokes.

>> No.20665300
File: 25 KB, 225x253, 22221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a long rod that i write all jouyou kanji on. I then i insert it into my anus then meditate for an hour with it in there. It has been quite effective and is much more enjoyable than anki.

>> No.20665342

haha idk if u know this but japan loves farts also

>> No.20665368

this is where someone posts about kantyoo

>> No.20665372

What I was saying is that americans have an equal shit humour, they don't have any room to complain.

>> No.20665376
File: 1.98 MB, 500x288, 6ho785rve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think my humor of exclusively incest and pedophilia jokes will fly if i am a jet teacher?

>> No.20665378

Optimized just means the words are sorted by kanji. Probably better than the non-order original Core 2k/6k has. If you're doing Anki though, there are better vocabulary decks out there now that include native audio for vocabulary and sentences.

>> No.20665381

post something funnier than this u cant do it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agUPikSbPhM

>> No.20665387

america's such a large fatass country that it probably embodies all the best aspects of your country's humor

>> No.20665401

Comprehension based reviews. Audio of word and sentence on front for one card, text of word and sentence on front for the other card. Don't translate into English, just know what it means to pass. Reviews should be super fast that way.

>> No.20665408

the actual real original core order was by frequency anon
it was just a very bad frequency list
>Audio of word and sentence on front for one card
l m a o

>> No.20665419

arguing about the correct way to do core is almost maximally status quo someone bring matt into this

>> No.20665422

I'm going to post songs too; I don't like rap however.


>> No.20665442

i can post non rap too without posting weekly pop trash


>> No.20665453

can you find something that even a single person here hasnt heard

>> No.20665476
File: 85 KB, 1232x379, vetted by a native.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

matt only recommends shared decks which consist of i+1 sentences and are primarily geared toward teaching grammar, such as decks derived from the JLPT Tango book series. he would never recommend repping isolated words because they are "shit" according to him. and after finishing a basic sentence deck you should start mining sentences ASAP.

and he's native vetted (pic related is a japanese guy) so you should trust him. nobody from djt has been native vetted.

>> No.20665478
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That's my favourite song.

>> No.20665487

thats unfortunate i hope u can be saved someday

>> No.20665488

I've never heard any of the pavement ape music he posts and never will.

>> No.20665494

ive been wonderin for a while if you get native vetted does that mean you can native vet others yourself
can you understand it or does it just sound sick
did you not understand what i wrote

>> No.20665495

Oh my bad you weren't responding to Jamal.

>> No.20665497

Friendship ended with >>20665442 now >>20665488 is my best friend.

>> No.20665507

not them but i can
i can even find something not even a single person here has heard

>> No.20665513

how would u know unless u heard it

nice self own idiot : )

>> No.20665520

>can you understand it or does it just sound sick
At first I thought it was just sounded sick, then read a translation and it was pretty cool to, that's why I'm trying to learn japanese now.

>> No.20665523

You can tell from the thumbnails alone what kind of music it is.

>> No.20665531

its 2019 any idiot can install fruit loops and vocaloid and youtube how to mix like shit and up their garbage

not buyin it youve listened to them all and actually love them i think

>> No.20665539
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>> No.20665549

what better decks? I'm very interested.

>> No.20665558

i forgot to say post something that isnt garbage
>that's why I'm trying to learn japanese
for real
if you use bing is it not googlin

>> No.20665565

the only decks that exist and are of reasonable quality that satisfy native audio + sentences + words are the jlpt tango decks so basically the person you're responding to is an ajatter/mia user

>> No.20665569
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>for real
Fight me if you don't like it.

>> No.20665573

if you read a light novel can you say you read a visual novel

>> No.20665588

ive never seen a gimmick fail so badly that after 3 posts they are already at the "fight me" phase

>> No.20665607

it aint about likin it i just hope you got more shit you compelled by than a fuckin song or you aint gonna make it
everything en nihongo you want to understand on anything but a surface level is good but you need a lot of it
are you sayin boiro is the eroge of bookaro

>> No.20665635

>it aint about likin it i just hope you got more shit you compelled by than a fuckin song or you aint gonna make it
>everything en nihongo you want to understand on anything but a surface level is good but you need a lot of it
The song is just the thing that finally made me do it, there is so much I want to read that I didn't because I thought it was too difficult/etc.

I was pretty much saying that you can go fuck yourself if you don't like it. With all due respect of course, haha.

>> No.20665647

I need to get better at japango so I can read isekai LNs until I die from boredom

>> No.20665650 [DELETED] 

if uve never puffed on a fat チンポ can u really say あなたはゲイ

>> No.20665660

also can i just take the fight u option then

>> No.20665665

roll initiative

>> No.20665671

ill roll for him so he doesnt cheat
he rolled a 6

>> No.20665677

no i mean like real fisticuffs through the computer

>> No.20665720

been just reading my favorite degenerate LNs and watching genderqueer vtubers the past days instead of opening djt even once and its pretty great not gonna lie much better than djt, take this advice from me just calling out to all the lost souls on here

>> No.20665733

also jamal is cool but I can't be satisfied by only jamal

>> No.20665740

if u had a good thing going

why did u fuck it up by comin back here

>> No.20665747

air bump cut the music lets go
whens ntr gonna rap

>> No.20665756

forgot to fix the link

>> No.20665765

Is it only one guy or since because it's a thread dedicated to another language, you guys don't bother to write in proper english?

>> No.20665788

u shoulda wrote a better sentence if u were gonna make the generic nerdo "proper english" complaint post #85675876 cuz now u look even more retarded than me

>> No.20665793

>proper english
i aint writin a paper
im secretly helpin all the scrubs who whine about nihongo bein hard to realize that they can understand long spoken eigo without havin punctuation to hold their hands no matter how compound the sentence is as long as its relatively natural as can be seen here
but mostly i aint writin a paper

>> No.20665795

It's mostly just Jamal.

>> No.20665808

yeah fuck me well 一人でも多く救いたかったんだ
already leaving, wish all the lost souls luck

>> No.20665812

i actually havent posted that much this thread

>> No.20665813

Alright, I was just wondering if it's a /jp/ thing.

I see.

>> No.20665814


I literally just spent 10 minutes trying to understand this AMA.

>> No.20665822

Do you like mudkips?

>> No.20665824

i hope he closed the thread cuz lmfao

whats ur issue

>> No.20665831

It's decompressing in english
It's defrosting in japanese
Even IT terms in japan are cooler

>> No.20665845
File: 132 KB, 1271x994, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if u cant read this effortlessly ur nihongo is 100% trash

>> No.20665858

What the FUCK is this

>> No.20665884

I've asked this before but are there any good juvenile-simulators here to relieve your teenage years as a japanese kid? Something like this:

>> No.20665913

I don't usually bother posting this kind of stuff because it's so basic yet I get tripped up constantly. I doubt I'll ever know but here's what I got out of it before I gave up:
>Up until now it's like she's hiding something with the most scheming smile.
I can't tell if it's 今までで which means "as of now" or 今まで+で, which means "Until now, with..."

This makes no sense to me:
"The most something"
"The best something"
Is it "the most scheming smile"? That's the only way it makes sense but the word ordering is not intuitive and I had to spend minutes figuring that out.

And this kind of trips me up because I always forget how ような really works. I guess it's as simple as A) ような B), A) is like B). But in this sentence I don't know if A) is merely the word 企んでいる or if it refers to 一番何かを企んでいる. But I don't know what 一番何か really means so if it's the latter that just confuses me even more.

Also I keep reading this:
Like this:
>Scheming like there is a hidden meaning
But that doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.20665921

And the thing is I want to skip this so I can just move on with the story but it's so fucking frustrating not being able to understand this basic stuff.

>> No.20665951

this post is like that moment when ur (2d obviously) girlfriend reveals all her crazy all at once

>> No.20665966

think of 今までで一番 like 世界で一番

more to come after i drink anothjer beer

>> No.20665970

Is CureDolly a viable alternative to other grammar resources like Tae Kim?
I've been reading without understanding grammar, simply trying to discern the logic behind sentences by essentially guessing.

>> No.20665974

So is 'ふんだ' like 'ふん' where it's basically just a japanese form of a character saying 'hmph'? The difference being the 'だ' makes it sounds more masculine? Just asking out of curiosity.

>> No.20665982

>jlpt tango decks
Not really sure what those are, but only 1k words? Doesn't really sound that good.

The main problem with core2k is the shitty ordering. I guess it doesn't really matter if you are going to do them anyways, but it kinda sucks to miss out on many many extremely common words only to learn like three different words for work in the first 500. I guess vn2k would be much better, but the deck itself is probably based on an older much worse core2k (less audio, less fields for customization).

Btw. I recently noticed that I have no clue how to conjugate the base verbs "be", "have", "do", "go" in the most common time forms and I have a hard time understanding many basic sentences because of that. Is there a good resource, that will spoon feed me this stuff. Like an anki deck or a cheat sheet or something? With all other languages I learned, this was basically lesson 1 and with japanese I haven't seen this anywhere. They like to start with numbers and people and shit like that.

>> No.20666000

Shouldn't that be on the grammar guides? Try imabi maybe if you can't find them on the others like Tae Kim.

>> No.20666008

Dolly is good.

>> No.20666018

I haven't read all of Tae Kim yet, but as far as I can tell it's more about teaching the rules and not spoon feeding you the exceptions. The most basic verbs are usually the most difficult to conjugate and I would like to see something that mainly focuses on this point. I'm not really concerned about the regular verbs, since they seem easy enough in Japanese. But almost any sentence has some form of "be", "have" or "do" in them and often in very irregular forms.

>> No.20666044

>The most basic verbs are usually the most difficult to conjugate
there aint many exceptions and you can pick em up from havin looked em up a few times while youre readin

>> No.20666122
File: 59 KB, 500x750, m1ygtiEpHt1qz53a0o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just Harajukukids, most of Japs known how to dress themselves... sometimes even the salarymen (the younger ones).

>> No.20666138

as long as ur tee is white ur dressed right


>> No.20666196

so if I've only recently started studying, should I be grinding through anki for vocab and skimming through TK's grammar guide?

>> No.20666201

you should be suckin on these nuts lol

>> No.20666203

can u just not make these posts anymore dude we all know ur the same guy

>> No.20666206

RE text files, probably.

>> No.20666256

Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.20666269

same fag

>> No.20666285

japanese fashion pwns desu

>> No.20666301


>> No.20666392

Just the first book (N5) has 1000 words. All five Tango books (from N5 to N1) have 10,000 words total.

>> No.20666485

I reinstalled Anki lol

>> No.20666501

oh no

>> No.20666504

>The difference being the 'だ' makes it sounds more masculine?
It only makes it end up sounding extremely cute to me though

>> No.20666541


>> No.20666546

/r/ the link to VNcore. I searched in the cornucopia and didn't find it, took a look in the last thread and nothing as well.

>> No.20666632

if i remember correctly its only in the itazura cornucopia

>> No.20666784

this is why we should stop linking the out of date site altogether

>> No.20666905

>he doesn't know 天主家
Daily reminder that this is an essential word and that only plebs have no idea what it means. 99% of this thread cannot translate this word.

>> No.20666929

Royal family?

>> No.20666937

also even if you ctrl+f "vncore" you won't find it you have to ctrl+f "vn core"
if it's a quote-on-quote "word" then it's chinese

>> No.20666949


>> No.20666959

it's stacked inside the quotes my man

>> No.20666969

quote — unquote (also quote, unquote)

>> No.20666972

this ain't your middleschool english class my man everyone here is an adult with a functioning brain

>> No.20666997

Yikes. Nope.
>he's intimidated
cope, dude

>> No.20667013

About 2,220 results (0.39 seconds)

>> No.20667015

im sure that "staple food" is a word even though it's obviously two word

>> No.20667021

and almost all of those are chinese and mis-OCR'd garbage (:

>> No.20667024
File: 12 KB, 307x110, 天主家.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those with a functioning brain must be a ダイアモンド12
Not only that but

>> No.20667031

ps: spouting bs and pretending to be retarded doesn't make you a troll, you're just seeking attention

>> No.20667037

and seeking attention is fine and all as long as you're friendly and constructive or creative

go finish reading something and come back and blogpost about it or something

>> No.20667144

Jamal has started talking to himself, how embarrassing

>> No.20667169

i ain't jamal you cunt

>> No.20667172

based retard
you'll never find this word
「天主家 CLUB」is for the elite DJTers only

>> No.20667181

All people who make low-quality posts fit for one of low IQ are Jamal

>> No.20667186

nice self own

>> No.20667206

That's literally the burn I just used on you, nice creativity and high IQ

>> No.20667210

that wasn't me though

>> No.20667221

imagine thinking that this is your personal chatroom

>> No.20667223

imagine thinking djt is your front lawn

>> No.20667229

get off my lawn all of you the state of this thread disgusts me

>> No.20667238
File: 219 KB, 1600x1700, 1413691255352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20667348

This thread is fucking trash I'm leaving again

>> No.20667359


>> No.20667361

you can make it gambare

>> No.20667380


>> No.20667419


>> No.20667423

あなたわほんとうですね はは

>> No.20667427

wrong it means front lawn

>> No.20667434
File: 959 KB, 264x248, 1529819927326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having front lawns

>> No.20667436

that's why it's so 天

>> No.20667449

Imagine "learning" a language by flipping through flashcards daily. Only an EOP would think something so absurd.

>> No.20667465

Wrong but very close.

>> No.20667471


>> No.20667476


>> No.20667544

Imagine being stupid enough to learn a language through text only

>> No.20667553

please do not type in japanese if you have no grasp on grammar whatsoever
cringed hard on some posts here

>> No.20667557

imagine being stupid enough to learn a language

>> No.20667561


>> No.20667563
File: 169 KB, 484x414, 1547030257140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you dissect it and give some constructive criticism(as an exercise) rather than making a whole post to whine?

>> No.20667574

do you really want criticism from someone who doesnt know nihongo

>> No.20667585

Why say something if you don't know better?

>> No.20667602

absolutely seething EOP

>> No.20667631

Ready for America

>> No.20667662

i aint the one that posted that im just sayin none of us know nihongo so corrections are useless both of you lighten up

>> No.20667689


>> No.20667692

You're still a seething EOP

>> No.20667715
File: 25 KB, 296x314, 1528300255310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

なに? ええごはなしません。ぼくわ日本人。

>> No.20667722

That's some major cope right there, /v/-kun.

>> No.20667734
File: 43 KB, 449x426, 1511254855811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao jamal getting ripped apart by new year resolutionist.

>> No.20667747

cardshitters BTFO

>> No.20667751

whats with all the new guys that dont know that no one in djt knows nihongo

>> No.20667774

whats with all the new guys taking criticism as a personal attack and shitposting in order to make themselves feel better

>> No.20667776


>> No.20667789

I'm not sure what you're trying to 伝える but I admire your enthusiasm.

>> No.20667825

how many times i gotta say it aint me im just lettin yall know the status quo of djt is that none of you fuckers know nihongo so your quarrels are amusing
if it makes you feel any better i dont know nihongo either i am here after all
if you think i gotta be personally attacked to shitpost yall in for some shit if you gonna be stickin around in this place
just wait til you bring out one of the legit insane dudes

>> No.20667849

how とても times ぼく gotta say it aint ぼくぼく just lettin みな know the status quo of djt is that ゼロ of みな know 日本語 your quarrels are amusing です
if it makes あなた feel any better ぼく dont know 日本語 either ぼくここ after all です
if あなた think ぼく gotta be personally attacked to shitpost みな in for some shit if あなた gonna be stickin around in ここ
just まて til you bring out 一 of the legit insane dudes


>> No.20667910
File: 15 KB, 231x192, koitu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20667920

の う

>> No.20667952
File: 338 KB, 1074x832, 1542889567880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image has been slowly going from dread-inducing to making me feel hopeful. Am I in the process of making it?

>> No.20667954

you're already that insane dude, dude.

>> No.20667968
File: 287 KB, 759x658, morel_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is he saying?

No one you guys finger can't feel
My eyes are dark

I have more trouble reading manga than longer form media because it's like everyone is talking in snippets.

>> No.20667983


>> No.20667985

Where are you getting the feel from?

>> No.20668055

It's the first definition for that verb on jisho. It looks like through context it might be raise or something but that isn't listed. However "proclaim" is one of the definitions.

Does 何人たりとも need to be in a negative sentence to mean no one? Is he saying "no one but you guys I'd raise a finger (give a thumbs up) to"? "Even though I can't see"?

>> No.20668172 [DELETED] 

I think its more like
>No matter how many people there will be, I wont let them touch you even with one finger as long as Im alive

>> No.20668205

I think its more like
>No matter who they might be, I wont let them touch you even with one finger as long as I'm alive

>> No.20668206

I'm interpreting the last bubble as "while my eyes are closed heh (nothing personell kid)"

So something like: no matter how many you are I won't let a finger get laid upon by you while my eyes are closed hehe nothing personell kid

>> No.20668208

You're right, thanks

>> No.20668246


>> No.20668947

fwiw my last post until now was >>20666301

i aint had nothin to do with all that other aids

>> No.20668995

cuz it's pointless. go get corrected by a native on /int/ don't shit up this beautiful thread

>> No.20669004

if u dont put native in quotes ppl might get the wrong idea

>> No.20669028

I'm considering switching to this Tango deck. Is it already out there, or do I really need to buy the book and contact Nuke for this? I don't really mind paying for it, but it seems a huge hassle to contact Nuke.

>> No.20669059

I'm listening to this in may car on full volume with the windows down:

>> No.20669077


>> No.20669082

Okay now Im 100% sure whoever Dolly is, they visit here regularly

>> No.20669087

i fuckin told u dude

they are among us its most apparent if u read anything on their site u can tell the writing style

its bad

>> No.20669123
File: 72 KB, 307x390, trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol that vids over in 2 mins

first the kanji hack vid now this

its over dolly chan uve become one more dunce of the "japanese ''learning'' community"

its no surprise considering ur extensive posting history on that one site i think it was kanji coffee or w/e

rest in peace dolly chan u were good for a minute

>> No.20669204

Anyone who abbreviates です as っす is a faggot and should hang.

>> No.20669213
File: 1.09 MB, 2896x4096, 1520476177621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do it all the time.

>> No.20669223

next ur gonna be mad when ppl dont fully enunciate おはようございます like an anime character

>> No.20669254

Discord is my usual go to share the Tango decks (did with over 100 people so far), but you can contact me on YouTube, Reddit or whatever.

>> No.20669257

Recently she's been moving from explaining grammar concepts to telling people how to study. I hope she goes back soon.

>> No.20669266

There's only so much grammar to explain

>> No.20669274

Daily reminder to try as much as possible to output 24/7. Only through many errors will you learn how to output correctly and naturally.

>> No.20669277

its not surprising i mean this happens all the time

a lot of "content" """creators""" have one good idea but when its spent and they try other things they completely ruin themselves

>> No.20669297
File: 823 KB, 1300x688, 1597861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misa is streaming, say hi to her!

>> No.20669330

lets raid

>> No.20669341

why is she perma greasy

>> No.20669352
File: 316 KB, 1200x1012, 1547844271036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20669360

horey shett

>> No.20669361


>> No.20669395

There's tens of thousands of grammar rules, structures, and patterns she could explain.

>> No.20669400

dont tell ppl that theyre gonna get sad and discouraged

>> No.20669404


>> No.20669408

oh great the toxic masculinity guy is back

>> No.20669421

seems like the most devilish thing you can do in djt is post words that don't exist and pretend they do

>> No.20669432

post the muramasa vid lmao

>> No.20669445

Women have no rights and belong in the kitchen making sandwiches and in the bed making babies.

>> No.20669454

no they also belong in the studio voicing VN characters

>> No.20669460

Yeah that too. And don't forget anime characters.

>> No.20669467

the porn studio too imo

>> No.20669470

>the best way is to watch it in japanese
>with japanese subtitles
jamal on suicide watch

>> No.20669481

not really watch the rest of the vid lmfao

>> No.20669511

What exactly is wrong with mattvsjapan's method? I recently came across is it and it seems to make sense.

>> No.20669521

What exactly is wrong with mattvsjapan's method? I recently came across is it and it seems to make sense..

>> No.20669536

What exactly is right about the "shitpost in djt" method? I've known it for a long time and it still makes no sense.

>> No.20669537

Serious question why people say that kanji is the most difficult part?
I find grammar more difficult with all those stupid rules and conjugations

>> No.20669550

What exactly is wrong with mattvsjapan's method? I recently came across is it and it seems to make sense.

>> No.20669555

japanese has no conjugations, go watch dolly before uttering nonsense

>> No.20669565

there aren't that many verbal forms... I'd say French has more, or definitely Korean if you want to compare it to a similar language

>> No.20669572

I've came to the same conclusion she did though. If you put on the j subs and thoroughly go through episodes it's probably the best way to get better in existence. I try not read the subs at all unless I can't hear it right. I am surprised to see her straight up go ajatt though.

>> No.20669586

maybe u can examine japanese subs while trying to watch anime at a snails pace after 10000 hours of eng subs but u watch the eng subs not for the exact translations u use them to gear ur bearings on emotions and concepts (ie when som1 is being snarky)

when u understand all the contexts first the content comes much easier : )

>> No.20669603

Reminder to disregard all lower case posts. They are not worth reading.

>> No.20669607

There's an asian youtube girl who pretty much said do ajatt too. She's N1 and fluent as fuck in 4 languages. She does the whole audio playback of episodes she's disected to get good.

>> No.20669624

if u start out consuming japanese with all kinda starts and stops ur destroying all ability to understand the flow of basically everything and if u do this before u sort of understand japanese (10000 hours of eng subs) ur just definitely retarded

its the same reason why "mining" words and sentences out of context is retarded and u end up buying back ur arcade stick and gfx card

haha my posts are holy water to ur kind


>> No.20669627

Didn't read

>> No.20669629
File: 85 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2019-01-19-09-58-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese has no conjugations

What do you mean?
Please no jokes

>> No.20669635

The fact that he's currently busy getting defensive over someone saying his definition of fluency is shit. Matt needs to meditate more, clearly.

>> No.20669638

doesnt matter if u did i dont care about u

>> No.20669644 [DELETED] 

Also reminder to report anyone abbreviating "you" as "u" for breaking global rule 6.
Gotta keep the quality of content here at a decent level.

>> No.20669658

>Unnecessary line break
Really makes you

>> No.20669662

Go watch cure dolly instead of the garbage you're quoting

>> No.20669666


>> No.20669672

oof u should study the rules more before u make those kinda posts mate

>> No.20669687

Don't be a faggot who writes long lines, no one wants to read that shit.

>> No.20669690

Common misconception, it's all just auxiliary verbs being added to stems.

>> No.20669693

lol I don't even notice

>> No.20669695

much like ur posting

>> No.20669704

I've met native english speakers from england who have trouble watching subbed anime because they can't read English fast enough

>> No.20669718
File: 9 KB, 405x57, chrome (92).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this font is literally killing me
what is this hiragana supposed to be?
between と and か

>> No.20669726

then again they would bitch over things like "hey" in the subtitles when it ought to be "oi" in the real english and even the japanese sounds like "oi"

>> No.20669734

Your hotpockets are ready, go get them before they get cold

>> No.20669739


>> No.20669744

u wot

>> No.20669745

What's her name on YT?

>> No.20669746

thanks, i'm not used to the font but I can see the だ now.

>> No.20669747

Don't you answer back at me

>> No.20669750

i don't even know what hotpockets are because im not american

>> No.20669752 [DELETED] 

Of course you're not American, only humans can be American. Now go back to the zoo with the other niggers.

>> No.20669755

Does Dolly have a Anki Deck or Book or something to go along with her Vids? I'd like to find a to better internalize what she says.

>> No.20669757

Thanks anon

>> No.20669772

ur not bad, for a yank. have a reply this time

>> No.20669782

yall gettin rambunctious now

>> No.20669862

What else should I be doing to learn japanese more quickly? Rn im using nihongo sharks kanji anki deck for the third day in a row, and Ive been looking at tae kims guide (specifically the grammar). I guess I should actually be writing shit down in sentences to solidify my understanding but aside from that, what should I do?

>> No.20669903

watch anime with japanese subtitles faggot

>> No.20669922

I'm beginning to think this isn't a thread about learning japanese

>> No.20669926

Yeah mate

>> No.20669928

what gave u that idea

>> No.20669931

Japanese has conjugations like ta form, te form, imperative and the potential and stems like -a -i -u -e -o. Most of the other things like passive, masu form etc. are just a certain stem of the verb + an auxiliary verb.

>> No.20669934

oh my fuckin god

>> No.20669950

How the fuck am I to distinguish in anki between the exact same kanji used for different words like yen and en and hi for both fire and light?

>> No.20669957

>and hi for both fire and light
yikers dude

>> No.20669958

you accept that both have different meanings? What the fuck kind of question is that, are you a brainlet?

>> No.20669971

わたしはゲイ or わたしがゲイ ?

>> No.20669977

How is that a bad question? If a kanji appears on its own without any context it's impossible to know if they mean fire or light. I have to think of both to even attempt to recognize the kanji. Why is there nothing indicating the context of what the fuck they actually want to know? It's fucking retarded to always need to think of multiple words for a single kanji presented but the kanji exists for multiple cards anyway.

>> No.20670008

So dolly is not jamal as she says english subs are gay. Which one of you guys is dolly?

>> No.20670036

cant believe u thought i was the doll fucker

>> No.20670069

dw jamal u can fuck me and im not a doll

>> No.20670074

maybe we could just be friends ?

>> No.20670079

tomodatizoned again

>> No.20670095


>> No.20670131
File: 188 KB, 816x1200, eromanga_05_118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok frends I decided to change things up after like 6 months of doing the same thing. Up until I would watch at least 3 eps of raw anime and like at least an hour of light novels. I have improved a lot but I want to see If I can leverage my superior reading through jap subs. Wish me luck


>> No.20670178

japanese people store simple combinations of stem and auxiliary as whole conjugations in their head
any form that can't be split up into smaller parts and remain comprehensible is a conjugation also (this means anything that uses the 未然形 or 仮定形)
i'm not gonna say that なければならない is a conjugation but なかった sure is (since it's stored in japanese peoples' heads as a whole thing)

>> No.20670183

thanks for the blog post please come again you help keep this thread from going beyond the point of no return

>> No.20670211

btw it is definitely useful to learn why verbs conjugate the way they do in a synthesis of smaller parts but to insist that the word conjugation is wrong even though it's the syntacticians use is ludicrous

>> No.20670216


>> No.20670219

>what do you do for fun anon
>i guess i read books
>huh i love books! what kind do you read
how do you answer this question anons? just saying "you probably wouldn't know them" is pretty damn cold, and saying you only read japanese authors (even worse if they're not translated) makes it clear that you're learning japanese and are a weeb.

>> No.20670220

the one syntacticians use

>> No.20670226

new wave japanese murder mysteries and serialized fiction

>> No.20670230

Just dont say you read books you tardlet

>> No.20670231

read like 2-3 novels by respectable japanese authors. then say you like japanese lit and give those 2-3 novels as examples. It makes you seem intelligent and culture despite being a degenerate who reads incest light novels.

>> No.20670301

yeah read two novels from murakami then praise him every chance you get

>> No.20670309

How is that hard to answer, you social retard?

Either be a chad and just say what you truly like or name drop some well known novels if you want to play it safe.

>> No.20670310
File: 19 KB, 420x314, M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god this statement is giving me flashbacks to being so insecure in highschool. Nobody cares if you like anime or whatever. Just be yourself and carry confidence and you can make anything seem cool.

>> No.20670317


>> No.20670323

better than i expected

>> No.20670351

haruhi da

>> No.20670361

dolly has said they technically count as conjugations but she doesn't like to refer to them as conjugations because it makes westerners look at japanese in the wrong way

>> No.20670365
File: 17 KB, 154x350, 22223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as the name dropped author is truly a chad your good.

>> No.20670384

well the right thing to do there is educate the westerners and open their eyes instead of working around their ignorance desu

>> No.20670389

>play eu4 and hours pass by in what feels like minutes
>"to learn japanese just read more bro"
>read anything in japanese and every minute feels like an hour

>> No.20670394

You forgot the pre requisite of not being a brainlet who hates reading.

>> No.20670395

that's because you haven't learned to have fun in japanese yet
you first need to find a reason to have fun in japanese
then the real learning can begin

>> No.20670410

no it's not. stop giving credit to normalfag retards

>> No.20670421

listen to me just simply watch 10000 hours of eng subbed anime and ur yamagucci

if u dont then ヽ(  ̄д ̄)ノ

>> No.20670426

people you dont know arent automatically normalfags dumbass

>> No.20670431

>spent 1 whole year learning 10k
>try to read my first sentence
>have to look up everything
wtf bros

>> No.20670459
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, 1k2k35k123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WWWW, やはりアンキは無駄でござる

maybe when get to my level you will wish you listened to me and just read light novels and watch anime.

>> No.20670479


>> No.20670481

this image is good

>> No.20670491

>>20669352 this is still the best image in the thread bar none

>> No.20670492
File: 352 KB, 750x1178, dekinai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros it took me five hours to read my last LN instead of the usual three, am I not gonna make it?

>> No.20670495
File: 29 KB, 736x314, whenwilltheylearn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it as good as this tho

>> No.20670497

nah it was probably just a little harder or you had more other stuff to do take it easy and keep learning

>> No.20670512

what video is that from?

>> No.20670513
File: 63 KB, 800x526, 123456789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it usually takes japanese people like 4 hours to read it. You are either one of those meme "speed readers" or you are lying. My bet is on lying. Even in english I like to reflect on the beauty of the literature I am reading. And as I aspire to one day write in japanese I take the same care even with low level japanese.

>> No.20670518

how do i read this fast? i know the words but just cant read faster than 200 moji mai byou

>> No.20670525


>> No.20670526

rec me some new wave japanese murder mysteries

>> No.20670530

that image isnt good its really sad its actually the saddest shit ever i could fuckin cry

>> No.20670536

かまいたちの夜, 赤川次郎's 幽霊シリーズ

>> No.20670539


>> No.20670540
File: 54 KB, 339x500, 51M930K7BDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20670546

that girls fuckin pleasantly plump dude

wanna take her to the rec center and shoot some hoops

>> No.20670563

cool thanks hopefully ill read one of them this year at my speed of one character per second

it looks like that one was originally written in english. very likely I won't make it and will read the english instead

>> No.20670600

Is it important to be able to write all the kana without a reference or is just being able to identify them enough for beginning?

>> No.20670601
File: 94 KB, 800x1200, eromanga_05_168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as to bless you with the knowledge of my profeciency, I timed myself reading.

It took me 1:41 to read this page.

I also knew every word on this page and understood it.

>> No.20670607

i read it in like 30 seconds and i want that time back

>> No.20670615

The only thing re read was to check リビング as to make sure I knew what door was being open.

>> No.20670636

well if you enjoyed it it may of felt faster than actuallity, I actually used a stop watch to get exact time. Plus based on 4chan it took you 3 minutes to respond to it so it is highly likely it took longer than 30 seconds.

>> No.20670637

why is there this much furigana

>> No.20670657

nah i looked at windows clock at start and stop it was about 30 seconds because i didnt have to try to read it the words on the page are apparent in large clumps to me

>> No.20670659

I read that in under two minutes and I'm relatively advanced and I consider myself slow as fuck. I know it was under two minutes because I began reading when the clock showed a new minute begin. I wish I had this kind of fiction to read when I was a teenager; now I feel nothing.

>> No.20670662

as this is the first page of a chapter it has more furigana than usually, plus it is how much the author decided was best for comfortable reading for his target audience. Once you get good you no longer worry about how much furigana is on something, that is more of something bad people who want to "study" japanese worry about. Plus a lot of time the furigana ads to the meaning as he uses mismatched furigana. don't worry one day you will make it.

>> No.20670683

Is this bitch for real? If so should I watch all of her videos? I just wanna learn grammar.

>> No.20670707
File: 22 KB, 332x1024, 1544407863437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being impressed with reading baby shit like this.

Not gonna make it.

>> No.20670713

nah its over for her dude >>20669123

>> No.20670715

>saying you only read japanese authors (even worse if they're not translated) makes it clear that you're learning japanese and are a weeb.
And? if somebody told me that he mostly reads untranslated japanese books I'd be pretty impressed, and I think most people would be too?

>> No.20670728

you'd be surprised at how many people tend to be completely, utterly unimpressed

>> No.20670731

i dont think theres anything anyone could tell me about themself that would impress me unless i guess they solved major problems for humanity then they would at least be somewhat interesting to me

>> No.20670732

frogposting against otaku media on a forum for otaku media that you probably don't understand. Also I never said this was hard japanese, It just was already openned on my computer and wanted to see how fast I read. please go talk about anki and "culture" on leddit or /int/

>> No.20670734

Well I guess I'm just easily impressed.

>> No.20670735

no reason to get fuckin mad that someone shit on ur blog

i dont

>> No.20670750

Why is he getting memed here? Because she is so bad?

>> No.20670762

she was good at one point but then became very very bad and it appears to be terminal and irreparable

thats just life dude all flowers wilt and die someday

>> No.20670764

it's a harsh world out there. also, it depends heavily on how attractive you look. if you look like a dashing young lad with a good voice pretty much anything you say is going to have a good effect on people. but try looking like a neckbeard loser and everything will be put in that context

>> No.20670769

yea humans are trash dude

its better if theres only 1

why was god so stupid as to make us all like him

>> No.20670773

I see I see. Can you recommend some of her good videos explaining grammar?

>> No.20670776

literally everything before the last 2 vids that she posted is ok ish

>> No.20670782

She's in her prime and killing it, great grammar vids and solid advice. Haters just mad because they don't like being wrong about their fucked up tehniques. I mean there's different angles to attack the language from but dolly has good philosophy about it.

>> No.20670791

Why would anyone care what some white trash monolingual thinks? Also most people who look down on anime are so insecure they don't wash their asshole for worrying it might be gay. Plus what do gross white people watch even? like big bang theory and black mirror, they have no reason to feel superior. Don't care what they think or find impressive.

>> No.20670797

It looks like her last 2 videos is causing lots of controversy. Very interesting. I believe it has to do with Kanji?

>> No.20670805

Yeah like just one human: me and a whole world of AI girlfriends. shit would be so cash

>> No.20670812

stop posting like a redditor, use your brain, kys

>> No.20670821

Nothing sadder than a slow reader who thinks they can appreciate literature more than somebody who reads faster than average. My English reading speed is slow as shit too (<200wpm) but I don't pretend I'm getting any benefit out of it. If anything my comprehension increases as my reading speed spikes to 250-300wpm because it means I'm holding more meaning in working memory.

>> No.20670825

You stop posting (for free).

>> No.20670826

found curedolly the poster

>> No.20670831

Also, based Tyrone.

>> No.20670832

truly unforgivable

>> No.20670845

I mean people who implore "speed reading" techniques who count that as reading is pretty sad. If you don't stop every once and a while and consider an idea or a way of phrasing something than you are not reading challenging enough work.

>> No.20670849

jamal btfo

>> No.20670857

This kills the Jamal.

>> No.20670860

I can read Roman authors from 2000 years ago in Latin faster than I read Japanese authors in Japanese from last year purely because trailblazing through anything written in the Latin alphabet takes no effort for me.

>> No.20670866

i dont get that vid or what it has to do with me lol

>> No.20670875

Tyrone is clearly talking about you Jamal.

>> No.20670884

>If you don't stop every once and a while and consider an idea or a way of phrasing something than you are not reading challenging enough work.
I do that while reading the following lines. Must suck to have a simple brain.

>> No.20670896

sorry bud but if your eyes don't touch the letters then you're not seein 'em

>> No.20670899
File: 170 KB, 600x600, 5021140-6c66a925-caef-4d3a-b64a-9dfe0f959a74-large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20670918

how do u figure ?

>> No.20670924

Fair enough, I don't buy the claims of people like Harold Bloom for a second. But every time the topic comes up on literature forums you always get one guy who thinks he appreciates literature better than anyone else because he can only read 15 pages an hour and it's just really sad. Being content with your way of doing things is fine but there's no reason to think others are wrong.

>> No.20670933

they don't think other people are wrong, they're just looking for a positive to their flaw. and indeed, they do technically have more time to think about what they're reading, but that's both a blessing and a curse because it means it's easier to forget things from a fixed number of chapters ago. having said that, you're not helping anyone or making anything better by attacking them, you're just being an asshole.

>> No.20670936

No use debating this we all know Janitors will deny everything and act like they are not Janitors at all. Because they are not allowed to.

>> No.20670939

i aint a janitor i just own u little chuckle fucks so hard u delete ur posts out of shame

>> No.20670942

I'm attacking people who put others down to cover their own insecurity. If they accepted their own reading speed for what it is I would have no problem with them.

>> No.20670943

There is nothing wrong with finding "simple" things difficult, as long as you continually challenge yourself. If you are unfamiliar with tropes and are bad at japanese light novels and manga can offer a challenge. The problem is when people never challenge themselves after a point and are content reading harry potter tier books for their whole life.

>> No.20670947

that's the thing
they're not putting other people down to cover their own insecurity
you are.

>> No.20670955

>The problem is when people never challenge themselves after a point and are content reading harry potter tier books for their whole life.
What's the problem if they like harry potter?

>> No.20670956

if u wanna get put down @ this post

>> No.20670957

No you delete posts because whenever you get upset you get an asthma attack.

>> No.20670960


>> No.20670961

thats not all true though i let people talk whatever shit they want all the time

>> No.20670964

They are, though. They insist people who read faster than them can't appreciate literature the way they can and that's simply false. I fully admit being a slow reader is not necessarily a good thing.

>> No.20670968

It is fine as long as you are 12 or the equivalent to that level in English. The problem is when a 30 yo native English speaker never challenges themselves past that point.

>> No.20670969

You are already a masochist. However, When you truly get owned you delete posts.

>> No.20670974

>They insist people who read faster than them can't appreciate literature the way they can
they don't though
they're just looking for the cup that's half full

>> No.20670978

no ones truly owned me and if ud like to try im right here

>> No.20670980

Why are you determined that people must challenge themselves? It's okay to read and do what you enjoy without going out of your way to challenge yourself. Life doesn't have to be a constant uphill battle of challenging yourself and self improvement. Life can be lived any way someone wants. And if someone wants a comfy life where they read harry potter books every day, that's fine.

>> No.20670981

imagine thinking the entirety of harry potter is age-appropriate reading material for 12 year olds
the magic of harry potter is that the writing style grows up as the characters do and it came out over a relatively long period of time despite not being a true serial so people could Grow Up with the story as it were
having said that: read another book

>> No.20670983

No use you are just gonna delete them anyway.

>> No.20670987

I am not a slow reader and I never said reading slow is good. I am saying that if you don't pause to think while reading you do not fully appreciate the work. People who listen to infinite jest at 1.5x speed did not read that book.

>> No.20670992

i mean the archives are there forever dude

go for it

>> No.20670997

I guess you struck the bottom of the statement. You don't need to mentally challenge yourself to live, but if you don't you are a brainlet. Which I do not respect.

>> No.20671002

if you're not using you noggin you're not mentally challenging yourself

>> No.20671006

dolly putting jamal on suicide watch, how can he ever recover

>> No.20671009

Nope deleted posts are not.

>> No.20671013

>People who listen to infinite jest at 1.5x speed did not read that book.
That's only about 225wpm though, you can appreciate Infinite Jest just fine at that speed.

>> No.20671020

That's just disrespecting people who don't have the same lifestyle as you. I think it's a common defense mechanism people have, "I'm living correctly, so if people don't do what I'm doing, they're living incorrectly and are (brainlets or whatever)!" Part of growing is learning to accept that your philosophy is not objectively correct, and that people who choose to live different lives aren't lesser beings than you.

>> No.20671035

i aint really sweatin someone who says to rip audio from anime and listen to it on ur ipod but only after u trim the fight scenes out with audacity an open source audio manipulation program

>> No.20671055

there are people with IQ higher than yours who read faster than you and literally understand and remember more and there's nothing you can do about it, life isn't fair, human flesh isn't the same

>> No.20671057
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>> No.20671072

This is the Japanese of the average Jamal supporter.

>> No.20671075

nobody said some people aren't better than others

>> No.20671077
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>> No.20671078

this doesnt help me at all

>> No.20671083

Let me summaries this argument for you so far.

I said people ought to mentally challenge themselves

you said there exists people who do not do that

I said well not doing that means you are dumb not that it is impossible

you said respect people for choosing to be dumb

Now I will say that I do not respect dumb people and do not like interacting with them, You can do that but I will never hire/date/be friends with a dumb person. Do you understand now?

>> No.20671091

>I said well not doing that means you are dumb
Now that I have pointed out the error in your logic, maybe you will notice it.

>> No.20671094

Is this the power of 10k hours of subbed Anime?

>> No.20671099

>mentally challenge themselves

>> No.20671116

Or to elaborate, since you seem to need the extra handholding, choosing to challenge yourself does not make you smarter, and choosing not to challenge yourself does not make you dumber. Humans are a lot more complex than that. Like I said, it's a defense mechanism to think that you're doing the right thing and everyone else is wrong. You want to think that by challenging yourself, you're making yourself smarter, and that anyone who doesn't challenge themselves is dumb or getting dumber. But that's just not the case. Humans aren't that simple. Life isn't that simple.

>> No.20671120

lmao that does sound like he's saying "become retarded" because of the euphemism but then again feeling retarded because of overwhelming mental difficulty is a thing for many people (on that topic, "retarded " is itself a euphemism, as is "imbecile")

>> No.20671121

Your argument is that it is possible to never mentally challenge yourself and still not be dumb. I would like to know what you consider intelligence if you don't think you need to know anything to achieve it.

>> No.20671123

desu i think it was pretty funny

>> No.20671127

I just got here but let me say if you participate in online arguments you should prob just go do drugs instead seeing as how you lack serotonin, dopamine, etc.

>> No.20671132

better approximation "turn themselves into retards"

>> No.20671140

they lack testosterone actually and should just start injecting estrogen and put on a skirt and swing around the pole doin splits for me

>> No.20671143

i never mentally challenge myself and i learn far faster and develop more refined skills over a larger range of subjects than anyone else i know, bar a few people i know who are spectacularly good at one or two things

maybe i'm just a genius but that's highly unlikely considering that i'm a lowercase poster so many it's just that your obsession with challenging yourself is wrong and you were brainwashed into believing it by modern education or society or your family or something

that's not to say that mentally challenging yourself isn't good, if you're born stupid it's the only way to make sure that you don't stay stupid, but it's not something people "ought" to do, it is exactly appropriate for different people to live life differently, and you need not project your own worries onto others and demand they act as reflections of your ideals

>> No.20671156
File: 137 KB, 612x1589, smbc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "lazy genius" who's smarter than everyone else despite putting no effort in is as standard of an archetype as you can get. Then you have people with learning disabilities who bust their ass studying each day but still get low grades. Humans, unfortunately, don't operate on a sliding scale of where intelligence linearly goes up in according to how much work you put in. The only thing that kind of works like that is breadth of knowledge, rather than intelligence, but then memory comes into play and that's often outside of an individual's hands.

>> No.20671162

maybe this is a good time to bring that discussion to the topic of iq unironically lmfao

>> No.20671185

just like any place on the internet, djt has an average of 130~145

>> No.20671199

general iq is bullshit come back to me with measurements broken down into specific faculties i'll start i have a 99th percentile memory in one faculty and a 0.1th percentile memory in another faculty

>> No.20671209

わたしはゲイ in all faculties

>> No.20671233

i bet

>> No.20671236
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>> No.20671242 [DELETED] 

I'm a white male, my kind makes about 7% or less of the world's population. The other 93% or more are inferior.

>> No.20671250

White people are made for BBC.

>> No.20671260

What's the correct word to use when you're telling someone that you're currently "playing" a video game?

>> No.20671268


>> No.20671273

~wo yatteru feels the most normative to me

>> No.20671278

no offence but you are stupid. lazy geniuses do not exist. also since you said subjects i assume you are in high school which doubles down on why you are stupid.

>> No.20671286

最近は(the game)やってるんだ

>> No.20671292

bro i said i'm not a genius can you read

i'm not being humble i'm speaking the truth

>since you said subjects i assume you are in high school
i've been out of highschool for many years, you're just an idiot :)

>> No.20671294


>> No.20671300

Ok, cheers.

>> No.20671306

I'll have you know I've been oppressing your BBC with the prime of my pressure from all sides ever since I was born, and I've never had to do anything for it. I'll crush your dick.

>> No.20671309


>> No.20671315

All of your women choose for the superior BBC. And also, Whites are sub-human.

>> No.20671318

u just say game中

>> No.20671330

Don't you recognize my weird gay ERP? I almost added "and squeeze your life essence out of it" at the end.

>> No.20671332

Worst advice I ever got here was the 'just read' meme, all you need to do is watch native content and mine it for 6 months then you can read as a side effect. Who wants to spend all day reading 2 pages of a book.

>> No.20671346

Whites are gonna go extinct soon...

>> No.20671368


>> No.20671375

alright u fucks stop outing yourself as baddies by starting every poorly constructed sentence with "pronoun ha"

>> No.20671393


>> No.20671395

This is isn't Anime lol.

>> No.20671399

my entire life is mugen anime and i dont take backtalk from side characters

>> No.20671400


>> No.20671410

No I'm the main character in this game bitch!

>> No.20671420

the only anime where youd be the main character is one where youre a below average idol sucking dicks for airtime

>> No.20671429


>> No.20671455

why do straight men see sucking dick as degrading when its actually really fun
bet they have never had good dick in their life

>> No.20671463

sucking dick is for women
and the only thing a man should never ever be is a woman

>> No.20671471

Anything's fine as long as you don't eat pussy.

>> No.20671472

men truly come from another planet

>> No.20671473

Is being a Janitor on a Anime image board and doing it (for free) considered yaoi hentai?

>> No.20671479

2hu isnt an anime u dip

>> No.20671494

nah dudes have sucked each other off since ancient times look at the history

>> No.20671497

yeah but im alive and well and the greeks and romans are dead fags rotting in hell idk what your point is

>> No.20671506

What's wrong with eating pussy?

>> No.20671522

if dudes didnt fellate each other u wouldnt be here to even post that

>> No.20671524

straight masculinity is so fragile its destroyed by pretty much everything. don't even question it

>> No.20671527

grease is still around, your american education is showing, if you even got one.

>> No.20671528

you say that like its a bad thing lol

cant mourn being dead if you were never alive

>> No.20671529

As I demonstrated yesterday it'd take me up to 10 minutes per sentence to read this page, which is why I hate reading. And don't tell me to spend less time per sentence. What's the point of reading if I'm not figuring out the grammar?

>> No.20671540

the only greeks that were worth a shit are dead the alive ones are dumb greasing gyro eating debt machines

>> No.20671542

read and sentence mine tae kim.

>> No.20671551

To newfriends it seems like people shill her because she sounds like a weirdo but in reality she has great content because she explains Japanese grammar in English but from a Japanese perspective, which virtually no other grammar guides do. Not even natives like Misa do that. Granted Dolly learned all of this from some other book but it's not a popular book and videos are more accessible so people don't know about it.

>> No.20671554

Lol saying that while you are *sucking dick* right now.

>> No.20671559

welp time to jack off

>> No.20671565

Have any of you taken the JLPT? What level? How did you do?

>> No.20671568
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>> No.20671573


>> No.20671578

You can't be based if you don't eat ass.

>> No.20671595


>> No.20671603

This is true but at some point most people stop caring. Is someone with a 70 IQ who eats shit off the floor objectively inferior to me? Nope, but I'm predisposed to think that they are and you'll have to deal with it.

>> No.20671612

But if its covered with honey you might eat it.

>> No.20671618

ヽ(  ̄д ̄)ノ

>> No.20671636

>someone with a 70 IQ who eats shit off the floor
Kinda ironic for someone who visits 4chan to say this lol

>> No.20671638

Why is the tae kim app different from the website when it comes to the order you learn stuff in? Should I just stick to one or the other or is it safe to bounce between pc and mobile?

>> No.20671641

The website is more useful I feel.

>> No.20671663

I've read Tae Kim a few times. I still have trouble with some of it but I think the bigger problem I have is that I just absolutely fail at determining what is affecting what in a sentence. Jamal helped me out yesterday and showed how I misinterpreted something as a phrase (because yomichan showed it). I thought two words were "modifying" each other but they actually weren't. I don't know if reading Tae Kim again would have helped with that. I guess I just have to find a ton of sentences like that and slowly internalize them.

>> No.20671670

〆 actually showed up in a novel i was reading today

>> No.20671675

DoJG is far more useful for looking up grammar terms and particles as a whole. TK teaches you half of everything you need to know to get into the language. He even says as much that it's an introduction, not a full course.

>> No.20671757

Ok wow, if I can reach you even on here in about an hour, I'm tabun gonna do it.

Any updates on how far the rest of the anki decks are? I'm already around 1000-1500 on core2k, but I have no clue at all about grammar and I don't hardly know any kanji. So I guess a fresh start with a book with at least some kanji and some grammar wouldn't be that wrong. Although I really want to keep kanji to an absolute minimum, since I'm only interested in watching anime.

>> No.20671765

>the poster above me knows more words than I do and I've been reading for 4 months
just end it all. please.

>> No.20671775

French is pretty insane dude, there are so many exceptions and they are pretty anal about it. They really hate it when you make minuscule mistakes and will always correct you. This might be fine as someone starting out, but it gets old pretty soon.

>> No.20671780

I've been grinding core2k for about 2 months 1 hour each day. So I guess I'm not extremely fast.

>> No.20671804

i used to be intimidated by kanji but not anymore. i don't even know many words but in order to acquire words i acquire the kanji associated with them. an unknown kanji is an unknown word so i view it as a vocab problem and nothing more. kanji in themselves are not scary to me. what is a big deal is not having an intuition for the grammar. it sucks.

>> No.20671810

Anki decks for grammar is just as useful as kanji decks, you know. Rote memorization of what to do, what not to do is how you learned English too.

>> No.20671813
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>Rote memorization of what to do, what not to do is how you learned English too

>> No.20671817

This means 締める.

Go play more visual novel eroge.

>> No.20671827

how many hours per day do you study?

>> No.20671834

7-11 hours

>> No.20671839

studying is quite frankly for nerds

>> No.20671845

why do you always make fun of nerds what did we do to you

>> No.20671846

Says the lazy self proclaimed genius.

>> No.20671849

i never said i was a genius in fact im pretty sure i always say im retarded and gay

>> No.20671852

i was born stupid but i will not die hungry

>> No.20671854

>not spending 4 hours everyday on Anki to finish 2k in a month
Not gonna make it

>> No.20671860

i was born stupid fat lazy and poor so i'm fucked.

>> No.20671862


>> No.20671866

fact nerds are the most powerful race in the world

>> No.20671867

why would u spend 4 hours a day for an entire month on something that doesnt teach u any japanese

>> No.20671875
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>> No.20671876

those two posts are from different people also the second post specifically says they're very unlikely to be a genius are you functionally illiterate

>> No.20671879

Don't you remember learning English with anki?

>> No.20671880

If you don't study at least for 5 hours a day. You are not gonna make it. Even 5 hours is little.

>> No.20671888

No they are not lol. If so then stop LARPING.

>> No.20671893

>maybe i'm just a genius but that's highly unlikely

>> No.20671898

you can increase your study time as you start enjoying the language more

>> No.20671900

I wonder who I should believe, some angry argumentative person accusing people of "LARPing" (samefagging), or two simultaneous posts saying they're not the same person, one of which posted a screenshot showing so?

>> No.20671904

u can study after u learn japanese and not a microsecond before

>> No.20671905

>tfw accidental genius

>> No.20671916

Define learning.

>> No.20671928

if djt had a anime this would b the themesong


become able to understand and function on a reasonable level verbally

>> No.20671939

I have said it before and I'm gonna say it again.
This is the power of 10k hours of subbed Anime without studying.

>> No.20671964

my ime always starts in romaji mode for every new program. how do i change this?

>> No.20671970

i wasnt alluding to 10k hours of eng subbed anime this time

i was alluding to the fact that the best way ~~~the absolute best way~~~ is to hang out with japanese ppl who like u enough to raise u up (it really really re hehehehe ally helps if ur all sharing a hobby or common interest not related to languages)

its how it happens with english its just much more accessible for someone to be around english speakers

just because its much easier to cop out picking up japanese this way doesnt make it any less valid or powerful

>> No.20671972

>a reasonable level verbally
bro fuck speaking i never wanna learn that...

>> No.20671996

its an incredibly and important part of learning and becoming proficient at the language and interpersonal contact is the #1 way people pick up language

u need skills in this to make the learning how to read and understand thing work else ur just playing with ur own made up japanese that takes a very long time to have corrected due to a minimal amount of good input

>> No.20671998

>tfw autistic
>tfw I have no friends
>tfw I will never learn japanese

>> No.20672009

>>tfw I will never learn japanese
We know. You're posting in this thread.

>> No.20672012

You should probably go to Japanese gay bars. Very good for your verbal Japanese.

>> No.20672035


>> No.20672041

English is not my Native language. And I never spoke to English speaking people. You are full of shit you normie.

>> No.20672050

english and japanese arent the same thing

unless ur native japanese then i would be very impressed

>> No.20672053

Manga isn't reading in the first place.

>> No.20672069

わたしはゲイっすけど holy shit

>> No.20672078

You know all I'm getting from this is that finishing a math degree is easier than learning japanese.

>> No.20672097

That's because anyone can get a maths degree, but learning japanese is impossible.

>> No.20672104
File: 106 KB, 1430x802, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most important question in this entire thread

>> No.20672107

I study maybe 30min-1 hour a day, but I'm really still working through Core 2k until I start reading, and then doing that until I'm through Core 6k

>> No.20672110

pft i wish i knew math so i could look at papers to determine what's true instead of relying on as weak a heuristic as "expert consensus"

>> No.20672114

5 minutes in is the fucking funniest shit ive ever heard in my whole life

>> No.20672125
File: 21 KB, 312x290, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20672167

Of course he's italian




>> No.20672187

I have been whole weekend trying to figure out how to compose "most importantly" but I only find out "more important" "most important thing" and such
please help de djt ;(

>> No.20672190

come on homos be honest

how many of u are jealous he can just put on a skirt and walk thru the city without having to worry about getting murdered

>> No.20672192

what does this even mean

>> No.20672193

If anything I'm happy that "men" who put on a skirt and go outside get murdered in my city.

>> No.20672202

could this pass as "most importantly"

>> No.20672206

about as much as that italian dude wearing the skirt

>> No.20672228

I was suspecting that too, first thing I do is put japanese sentences between quotation marks in google to see if it is used. Reported 0 results.

How to put it up together?. Thank you

>> No.20672232

What about 最も重要なこと

>> No.20672237


>> No.20672240

im gonna beat ur butt

cant u just use something like 何よりもまず dude

>> No.20672250

>when you reread something you tried reading month 1 and see all sorts of stuff you missed the first time
feels good bros

>> No.20672258

>when you reread something you tried reading month 1 and you still can't understand most of it
feels bad bros

>> No.20672259

I wanted to make and adverb of it so could I use
>>20672237 answer adding it a final に? take kim guide told me I could add に to an na-adj to make it and adverb

>> No.20672272

What the fuck is an adverb

>> No.20672282

If you don't know what an adverb is you don't know english.

>> No.20672286

just putting a に on the end of 何より大切 is prolly not gonna do what u want but then again im talking to an esl

>> No.20672290

You're right, but atleast tell me what it is.

>> No.20672292

desu i couldnt even tell u what an adverb is

its some kinda verb

thats all i got w/o cheating

language is like a car boys u dont need to know what a carburetor is or does to drive the car >: )

>> No.20672300

i still had to look up a lot of words but i mean the grammar was much less of an obstacle. and because of that, i feel like i'll remember the words better.

>> No.20672312

>a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc.
Wait, I thought adjectives also did that

>> No.20672315

It's more like if you don't know what a break is, you cannot drive a car. Knowing what an adverb, na-adjective and i-adjective is, is imperative to knowing english.

>> No.20672321

one of the more solid self owns ive seen in a while

>> No.20672326

>Knowing what an adverb, na-adjective and i-adjective is, is imperative to knowing english.
Well I don't know what any of those are but I'm still speaking english.

>> No.20672335

adjectives exclusively qualify nouns
adverbs qualify qualifications
english grammarians also like to call everything that doesn't fall into the major classifications as adverbs, but this is wrong, they just don't fall into major classifications

>> No.20672346

bro we mean we don't know which words count as adverbs or w/e obviously we know how to use them somewhat coherently as native speakers

smdh low iq fucks in djt after new years

>> No.20672355

So basically, in the phrase "he is quick", quick would be an adjective, while in the phrase "he runs quickly", quickly would be an adverb.


>> No.20672357

Will you be his boyfriend DJT?

>> No.20672363

please don't fight for my fault at understanding japanese mechanics.
if 何より大切に is not correct then how to make 何より大切 an adverb?

>> No.20672373


>> No.20672378

Alright, thanks teacher.

>> No.20672379

dont think about it. it will literally come to you if you just watch more anime with no subs and read more. those terms are meaningless

>> No.20672400

Or you can stop being a retard and go study grammar.

>> No.20672403

There is good evidence that knowing those concepts doesn't really help you learn the language. Your time is better spend getting more exposure than learning grammar. It certainly can't hurt to at least learn the basic concepts, especially with languages that are completely different like en <-> jap, but beyond that I guess it's mostly just a hobby that some people entertain.

>> No.20672412

why bother

>> No.20672419

No you should expose yourself while studying grammar at the same time.

>> No.20672423

Is this proof that any guide recommending Tae Kim is made by retards who have no idea what they are talking about?

>> No.20672426

Not gonna make it.

>> No.20672429

people already know all this shit they just don't intuitively categorize and label it all

>> No.20672432

What does studying grammar entail?

>> No.20672436
File: 131 KB, 1200x1200, Anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I pick up Anki anons? So far I've just been reading and looking up shit I don't get and it's working well for the most part, but is it worth it to use Anki for the more obscure words that don't pop up as often?

>> No.20672440

Yeah sure, just don't put all your time into it.

>> No.20672443

Not making mistakes like this.

>> No.20672451

You should at least study anki 3-5 hours a day if not you are not gonna make it.

>> No.20672458

This of course is a great idea, but it's a chicken or egg problem at the same time.

I wouldn't go that far. Tao Kim is a pretty reasonable and short book that gives you a pretty quick rundown on Japanese grammar. But I personally wouldn't invest more time in this, except if you really enjoy grammar in general and are good enough to learn it in Japanese. For some people grammar books are as interesting as eroge are for you and then they become a great resource for learning Japanese.

>> No.20672531

it's important to point out that yogapants anki'd DoJG when he learned japanese so i think it's a good idea

>> No.20672632
File: 27 KB, 300x533, 300x0w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate it

>> No.20672643

Half of you should understand this sentence

>> No.20672704

Everybody here should know this.

>> No.20672736


every1 should know this

>> No.20672758

>Then you have people with learning disabilities who bust their ass studying each day but still get low grades.
So me, except I don't bust my ass so I get super low grades.

>> No.20672763

That's the first word I mined from COMIC LO. Should be required read for all ゲイ's here honestly.

>> No.20672787

I took the N2, but I still don't know my results since they'll be disclosed the 23rd.

>> No.20672794

>and there's nothing you can do about it
Well you can kill them, or give them brain damage so they go down to your level, or even lower.

>> No.20672800

Or you can push yourself and study very hard it wont be a guarantee though but worth a try if you ask me.

>> No.20672807

how much intellectual dread do you guys experience for this to be a conversation its just a language anyone can do it lol stop drinking the dekinai koolaid and go read more

>> No.20672816

nihongo is like retard weeb bug zapper

>> No.20672818

You could also get brain damage yourself to make you smarter, some people became smarter after receiving a brain injury so it can happen, it's just extremely rare.

>> No.20672827
File: 2.18 MB, 3401x2405, re zero 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20672831

yeah it shows

>> No.20672834

I know for a fact that posting on /djt/ gives you brain damage.

>> No.20672835
File: 85 KB, 1000x1000, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as u got 1 of these to bean urself with u can reroll ur iq anytime

try the reroll ur iq trick using pic related

>> No.20672839


>> No.20672863

Fuck I forgot this so important rule of the japanese language.
But it's not incorrect just a little strange right?
And even then not too much either since I use it once and it's my first sentence.

>> No.20672866

Explain to me how 10000 hours of english subbed anime is supposed to teach you japanese.

>> No.20672867

Nice to see Dolly dismiss the nonsense about watching anime with English subs, she knows what's up.

>> No.20672874

True. Not worth it lol.

>> No.20672887

it doesnt it only gives u a good chance to learn japanese

>> No.20672901

yall think dolly is one of us what ya dont realize is dolly is all of us dolly is the perfect representation of this place

>> No.20672917

im over dolly bring in the next 挑戦者

>> No.20672940


>> No.20672956

that video was really something
whens the matt and dolly collab
hour long chat about optimal audio immersion

>> No.20672973

i mean this in the happiest and nicest way possible


as long as u remember https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87qdxfJIz4E even dollys self destruction shouldnt surprise u

>> No.20672984

Kek reminds me of an article I read on mit tech review (lol). Author was hinting that because some people are poor, ignorant, or have culture that would forbid it, IVF should be banned because it would create greater inequality. The example given wasn’t even on stuff like height, strength, or intelligence, but on preventing your kids from getting your inheritable disease.


>> No.20673022

Is DJT really shook by the Dolly video?
Regardless of similarities to Matt, it is perfectly sound advice that's given.

Now go on Kitsunekko and get yourself some j-subs and reverse the damage done by the 10k e-sub meme.

>> No.20673038

its perfectly sound advice in that it doesnt work and its proven not to work every single day itt

>> No.20673065

Why should I use jap subs instead of no subs?

>> No.20673070


>> No.20673104

my shirt smells like chicken and i'll tell you guys something i haven't eaten chicken today

>> No.20673105

I personally watch an episode raw first for listening practice, then subs2srs it with j-subs and go through it "real-time" in anki, suspending +1 sentences and after the episode is done, look them up with Jisho/Yomichan and the like.
I also listen to the ripped audio passively.

>> No.20673136


>> No.20673145


>> No.20673146

I dont get it, what does this mean?

>> No.20673150

lol n1

>> No.20673155

ty ty

>> No.20673161

Just the right thing I needed, I knew I could count on DJT.

>> No.20673198

All these peeps in their 揺りかご sucking on dollys videos while I am banging virtual 肛門s in various ヌキゲー

>> No.20673229


>> No.20673230

Recommend me a good recent nookige

>> No.20673245

the ゲイ one was pretty good

>> No.20673246


>> No.20673247


>> No.20673259

I meant within 5 years recent not almost a decade

>> No.20673271


>> No.20673282

Classics are always the best.

>> No.20673292

I didn't ask for the best though no reason to let perfect be the enemy of good

>> No.20673310

Hmmm I don't play much nukige mostly play visual novel eroge so I don't know much.

>> No.20673316

Recommend me a good recent visual novel eroge

>> No.20673317

while i appresh the nod to crazy hentai tidds ur attempt here is kinda forced mate

>> No.20673330

nanarin is good its prolly the most recent hentai game ive read @ least lol

>> No.20673333

None of them are recent lol.

>> No.20673337

I just wanted to see if any of you guys actually read and liked VNs and could give recommendations based off of personal enjoyment rather than something being a classic or whatever

>> No.20673363

Play Bible black and Discipline is also very good. If you like them continue playing games made by Empress.

>> No.20673367

i just remembered that 1 guy who tried to read nanarin and couldnt figure out what happened with the dog lol i wonder how hes doing now・・

>> No.20673386

And also, give Green Green a shot too. It's nothing like the Anime. However, I still did like the Anime very much but the eroge is better.

>> No.20673390


>> No.20673411

+1 but make sure u get the remake its called overdrive editon or w.e

>> No.20673422

I know but play the original one first. And then after that play overdrive edition.

>> No.20673458

i cant agree w. that if u didnt play the old one in 2k1 or w/e dont do it that ships sailed the remake is pretty fuckin perfect and is a rare exception in the world of remakes imho

>> No.20673470

the only reason ud even think about playing the original is if u were somehow stupid enough 2 play grgr 2 and 3 to keep things more aesthetically consistent but youre not gonna do that thatd be stupid

>> No.20673488

Play the most Japanese game ever made
Metal Gear Solid

>> No.20673490

My recommendation would be green green 1,2 and 3. And then, green green overdrive edition.

>> No.20673492

For the life of me i cannot remember the title but there this game where mc gets turned into a shota while being lewded by the maou. Then his party starts lewding him. It was a cute game with simple grammar. 8/10 I really liked it.

>> No.20673506

if u do this u gotta wait like 10 years irl time to play the remake

i guess u could knock out ur 10000 hours of eng subs during this time

>> No.20673510

2 and 3 are so fuckin bad tho
