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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2065105 No.2065105 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel after a good fap?

I feel pathetic afterward.

Every time.

>> No.2065108

I feel great.

Enjoy your patheticness

>> No.2065112

Same here, OP.

>> No.2065115


>> No.2065118


I don't really mind fapping as a diversion.
After finishing I just keep working as if
nothing happened.

>> No.2065119

I feel claustrophobic, but then I leave the phone booth and I'm fine.

>> No.2065123

Feels good man.

>> No.2065126

It always depresses me when the girl I'm fapping to is enjoying it ten times as much as I am.

From what I can tell it feels infinitely better for women than men and we'll never be able to experience it.

>> No.2065133

I feel awesome and proud!

>> No.2065136

Depends on what I fapped to.

If it was 3D I feel like shit afterwards.

2D, however, has a pleasant aftertaste.

Today is going to be the last day I fap for a while. My acne isn't getting any better and I'll try anything to stop it, so I won't fap for at least a week. I was actually going to start today, but then I ended up watched Imouto Jiru again; catgirl is so fucking fappable.

>> No.2065137

It's hard not to start a tangent discussion based on this.

>> No.2065139


>> No.2065140

This is exactly why I want to be a girl. Not because I'm a faggot or anything like that.

>> No.2065142
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>> No.2065141

Yeah, let's be depressed about girls having it easier again.

>> No.2065149


Fapping reduces testosterone. Testosterone gives pimples.

>> No.2065151

I'll tell you in two minutes.

>> No.2065155

i feel like i shouldn't have bothered to in the first place. but it'll happen anyway day after day.

>> No.2065156

Depends on what I fap to.
On the rare occasions I fap to 3D porn, I feel like trash.
When I fap to my 2D folder, I feel awesome.
I hope I can stop fapping to 3D soon...

>> No.2065157

Fucking fantastic. It's the best feeling I get on a daily basis.

>> No.2065159

Sore. I irritated my pen0r skin by going for a round and not concentrating on the job.

>> No.2065165

That doesn't make sense, I fapped every 30 minutes as a teenager and had the Rocky mountain range on my face.

>> No.2065172

Amazing, I think I'm addicted to fapping even more than men.

There's no pleasure that can compare to not being able to stand up for ~10 minutes afterwards.

>> No.2065177

I used to, now I don't give a shit anymore.

My real problem is acne, every time I wank those shits always pop up on my face. I wanted to fap every day but if I do so my face will turn into a fucking pineapple.

I envy people with normal skin.

>> No.2065183


>> No.2065180


Oily face. Sometimes you have to reach under there and pull that shit out.

>> No.2065184

keep working ? office intruder; the mongler cock part I-III

>> No.2065187

Sorry, what is the difference between /b/ and /jp/?

>> No.2065191

>Fapping reduces testosterone. Testosterone gives pimples.
But testosterone entices women.

>> No.2065192

I didn't fap for 20 years and got acne at 13
until I was 20. It didn't go away after I
consulted a dermatologist who told me to use
roaccutan for 6 months.

>> No.2065193


You need to put Japanese somewhere in your post.

>> No.2065194

Better grammar, more social outcasts and weeaboos.

>> No.2065197

I feel pretty terrible when I fap to 3D.

Sometimes I feel bad when I fap in general.

Otherwise, just relieved. Sort of like "Well, that's over with, what now?"

>> No.2065203


I fap twice a day and I have no acne. My problem is dry skin, but I have lotion for that.

>> No.2065198

Just wipe it off your face once you're through.

>> No.2065199

the people. penis discussions are always relevant; they were on old /a/, and they have been in /jp/ in the past. deal.

>> No.2065206

>Fapping reduces testosterone. Testosterone gives pimples.
Can you prove this?

Also, when you fap do you let it out? Because I usually climax and hold it in.

>> No.2065214

I meant "until", not "after".

So yeah, fapping or not fapping has no effects
on your acne.

Just get a suitable medicine against it, or
you'll never be able to leave your house.

>> No.2065218
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>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is technically reportable. I have done so on the grounds that the topic can too easily devolve into /r9k/ faggotry, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.2065217

It doesn't mater. I have fucked up genes.

I took medicine for thee months and almost died, the doctor told me to suspend the treatment. Now I have to deal with this crap until it disappears naturally. I'm already 26 and still dealing with this problem;

>> No.2065222


I hold it in for as long as I can. It feels better.

>> No.2065223
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>I usually climax and hold it in.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.2065226

How the hell do you hold it in?

Is that even possible?

>> No.2065231

I jerk off once a day, and have no acne or any severe social problems.

>> No.2065234

>off-topic replies

All of the replies relate to the topic of this thread.

Better try next time.

>> No.2065236

I jerk off three times a day, and have acne and severe social problems.

>> No.2065244

I've heard it is, though I doubt the guy can really do it. He's probably just getting to the high point then stopping and pretending it's an orgasm. Actually stopping ejaculation (by controlling some muscle down there) and having an orgasm is 'supposed' to let a guy do it multiple times but I expect it takes tons of practice.

>> No.2065239

There's no mess to clean up.
You have to apply pressure to the right place a little past your sack and nothing will come out, but you will still feel the climax.

>> No.2065246

>I'm already 26 and still dealing with this problem
Feels bad, man.

I can't give you any tips, since all I ever
considered is taking heavy medicine against
it, until I got rid of all that shit.

I always blamed my parents for giving me
such a bothersome heritage, but that didn't
really change anything.

>> No.2065247


I'm going to try this, I hope it doesn't hurt.

>> No.2065254

Stop it please. Anyone can see plainly that /jp/ will end up dead if it has nothing to do besides repost reposts. Off-topic discussions are among the few topics that keep this place fresh.
