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File: 320 KB, 702x1000, maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2064365 No.2064365 [Reply] [Original]

So if you can stop time and throw knives... why do you even go to work as a maid?

>> No.2064371

Because you enjoy it?

>> No.2064373

It's her fate.

>> No.2064375

Because she's a fucking guy.

>> No.2064377

Pedo for Remilia.

>> No.2064378

Everyone can throw knives

>> No.2064379

And she can't really affect Remilia, unlike SWR or any fightan battle.

>> No.2064382

Gennojo: I don't know why a man as powerful
as you would stay with a woman like

Munchausen: If ability were the only thing that
determined a person's lot in life,
the world would be a dark place.
There would be no saving it.
The world is interesting because
I'm a butler and you're a humble

>> No.2064388
File: 293 KB, 550x550, 1234386320877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the sex is great.

>> No.2064392
File: 343 KB, 1200x1200, 1234386328358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of picture related.

>> No.2064397

Remilia is her reason to live.

>> No.2064415

Remilia raised Sakuya from childhood to be her head maid, since she was left there as a small child.

>> No.2064445

What other options there are for her, actually?

>> No.2064464
File: 318 KB, 600x631, 1234387016567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can be a guard dog.

>> No.2064471
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every body's gotta have hobby

>> No.2064478
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Is this canon? I've heard that too, I can't remember if it was just in a doujin or not. If so, Remilia as a mother figure is pretty creepy.

>> No.2064485


>> No.2064499

1. Sakuya Belmont hunts Remilia.
2. Remilia beats Sakuya.
3. Remilia manipulates fate to make Sakuya her maid.

>> No.2064504

I'd serve Remi.

>> No.2064573

So Remi taught Sakuya how to stop time and chuck knives?

>> No.2064612

>manipulates fate

>> No.2064623

I find it highly unlikely that you can march into Gensokyo to hunt creatures of darkness without someone else knowing you're showing up.

>> No.2064627


>> No.2064644

That's her ability. But what I don't get is why she didn't manipulate fate to make it so she beat Reimu. but, loltouhouplot.

>> No.2064648

Remi wanted to lose.

>> No.2064649



>> No.2064658

Rules of danmaku battle state that there can be no unavoidable bullets. Manipulating fate so Reimu loses would be saying that a bullet MUST hit her, those actually resulting in Remilia's loss. That's the argument I've heard.

>> No.2064663


No abilities like that can be used to influence danmaku fights, since that clearly violates the "nothing un-dodgable" spellcard rule. Same thing with Flandre's destruction, Yuyuko's manipulation of death, etc.

>> No.2064670


Under "Spell Card Rules"

>> No.2064675


This. If everyone used their full powers, Gensokyo would be torn apart, and probably only Yukari would be left standing. With this, it's more of a utopia for everyone.

>> No.2064708

Thanks for the heads up, bros.

>> No.2064834

Because she was invented by an insane drunk man. Why ever question Touhou?...
