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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 40 KB, 400x300, Valkyrie2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2059552 No.2059552 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is playing this?

Mugetu here.

>> No.2059554

not me.

>> No.2059561

server still down eh?

>> No.2059562

I can assure you I'm not playing it.

>> No.2059563


>> No.2059569

Last thread was deleted for a reason. Keep it in /v/.

>> No.2059571

Whenever I try to log on, I get the server will not reopen until 2/11 at 14:30.

I really hope they mean Korean time.

>> No.2059575

One minute to go.

Damn, I haven't been this excited in a long time.

>> No.2059576

what stage is that?
the bullets have yet to get even a fifth of that amount yet

>> No.2059578

Valkyrie Skies

>> No.2059580

there's only one reason threads are deleted in /jp/, because people report and the janitor automatically deletes. I'm halfway tempted to start reporting random threads, at least if I get banned for abusing report then I won't waste half my day on 4chan like I've done today

>> No.2059582
File: 79 KB, 600x630, 1234330271777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too spoiled by having a visible hitbox while focusing.

>> No.2059583

Extended by ten minutes...

>> No.2059584

Maybe OP just decided to not shoot anything all stage. But even so I haven't seen anything nearly that hard either.

>> No.2059585

Seriously, game needs more bullets.

>> No.2059590

Level up more.

>> No.2059592

Even with more bullets, all you have to do is get a warrior to swing their sword back and forth.

>> No.2059598

I'm playing.
ZUN here.

>> No.2059599

it works if you solo but if you party the warrior tends to get shot down by side bullets quite often trying to erase bullets

>> No.2059603

Enjoy having bullet slip pass you and have them come up from behind.

>> No.2059606
File: 35.00 MB, 1378x1070, 1234330699988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My lesbian valkyrie just hit level 10!

>> No.2059609

Meiling here.

About to get back on.

>> No.2059608

Fighters suck.

Magicians are the true room sweepers.

>> No.2059612

Would be, but I got a 'lol server will open at ____' message, and then discovered that they forgot to program in a way to quit the game from the server list.

>> No.2059619

Any news on a company picking this game up? I know Gamengame only host betas.

>> No.2059623

play more PC-98 and EoSD (without the fucking hitbox patch)

>> No.2059632

This game your character is pretty much the hitbox

>> No.2059661

well, then your hitbox is always visible, so that isn't the problem... I guess the more accurate statement would be "I'm too spoiled by having a hitbox a few pixels wide"

>> No.2059722

wow, trying to play this game, but it acts like my forward key is stuck down.

anyone else have this problem? it makes it hard to play because I can't stay still, I always have to be moving forward or backward

>> No.2059723

I don't. Does it still do it after you restart?

>> No.2059727

...I keep seeing people who are part of a guild called <Gensokyo>.

That you, /jp/?

>> No.2059740


>> No.2059752

seems like setpoint was the culprit.
uninstalled that crap and looks like it work fine now...
I wonder why my mouse was acting like the forward key.

>> No.2059769

Protip: Sakuya is ZUN!bar.

>> No.2060094


My lesbian valkyrie hasn't joined yet.
