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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 33 KB, 443x332, sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2054731 No.2054731 [Reply] [Original]

The word for sushi is the same in both Japanese and Spanish.


>> No.2054740

I don't get it.

>> No.2054743
File: 31 KB, 350x304, 1234247068519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2054755

what? there is no 'sh' sound in spanish, afaik. they have to call it suchi.

>> No.2054756

The word for sushi is the same in both Japanese and English.

>> No.2054757

Nobody cares about spanic shit.
it's one of the most useless languages ever.
It's also extremely annoying, only surpassed by french gaylords in this "genre".

>> No.2054764

"Sushi" is "sushi" wherever you go, as no other culture really developed dishes centering around raw seafood with seaweed and rice.

>> No.2054768

An entire continent cares.

>> No.2054774

>one of the most useless languages ever.

Not if you live in the Americas

>> No.2054784

The only reason you ever need to speak spanish is when you talk to somebody's fat, ugly, abuela.

>> No.2054792

>it's one of the most useless languages ever
It's more useful than say, Japanese.

It's also one of the OFFICIAL LANGUAGES of Interpol. Not that matters to anyone here.

>> No.2054798

>It's more useful than say, Japanese.
That depends on what you want to do, and who you want to talk to.

>> No.2054802


You haven't been to the south parts of America much I take it.

More people speak Spanish than English.

>> No.2054806


South parts of the US. Fuck, I'm tired. Whatever.

>> No.2054808

The word for bread is the same in both Japanese and Spanish.


>> No.2054809

Spanish - Spoken in poor countries and marginally important european country.

Japanese - Spoken in one of the biggest asian economic powers, producer of anime/manga/VNs/videogames, etc...

>> No.2054810

Spanish is more widely spoken across the world than Japanese is. Japanese is only really spoken by....the Japanese. Therefore Spanish is more useful.

The only way Japanese is going to be useful to someone is if they intend to live/work in Japan or if their job involves doing translations with the Japanese.

>> No.2054814

I live in southern California, the only time I've ever spoken spanish was to talk to somebody's fat family member or other poor people. All of the rich hispanics already speak english or have translators.

>> No.2054815


>> No.2054816


Are you fucking retarded? Of course there is, retarded american.

>> No.2054820

>Spanish - Spoken in poor countries and marginally important european country.

Spanish is the 5th most widely spoken language in the world.

Spanish is one of the 6 official languages of the United Nations.

Spanish is one of the 4 official languages of Interpol

Japanese is...>Spoken in one of the biggest asian economic powers, producer of anime/manga/VNs/videogames, etc...

>> No.2054830

There are more poor countries than first world countries, what's your point? Who cares about spanish being "one" of the languages of interpol? We speak another, more widely used one.

>> No.2054836

Spanish-English bilinguals are dime a dozen, you're a much rarer and valuable commodity as a Japanese-English bilingual.

>> No.2054838

Japanese and Spanish are also really easy languages to learn.

>> No.2054840

The point stands that Spanish is more of a useful language than Japanese is.

Unless all you plan to do with your knowledge of it is to watch raw anime, read manga/doujin, and play untranslated VNs...oh wait.

Forgot which board I was on.

>> No.2054842

Too bad nobody who speaks spanshit, but nothing else isn't important to the world.
Now don't be so :emotear: about that fact.

>> No.2054843

The word for kamikaze is the same in Japanese and Italian.


>> No.2054846

Being able to speak to peasants = more important than entertainment and high level business opportunities?

>> No.2054851

No, but being able to speak to LOTS of peasants is.

>> No.2054852


Only if you're traveling away from major tourist spots in one of the ass ends of the earth.

>> No.2054855

spanic shit isn't usefull at all.
no hispanic fucker can even be interesting enough for the REALLY developed world so anybody would learn that useless crap, if he can't talk english.

FFS I talk 4 different languages.

>> No.2054857

>Being able to speak to peasants = more important than entertainment and high level business opportunities?
If you want high level business opportunities then you learn English.

>> No.2054862

Spanish was handy when I was writing an essay on homeless people, that's about it.

>> No.2054858

Since when is the peasant important to anybody who studies (unless it's some sociological shit) ?
Oh yeah, never.

>> No.2054859

Irrelevant, we're speaking english already, and we're comparing Japanese and Spanish here.

>> No.2054860

ITT Japan > Everything else

>> No.2054869

Only if you're working for a charity. Otherwise, it's best to stay away from peasants.

>> No.2054863

No, but compared to Spanish? Yeah.

>> No.2054866


>> No.2054871

I understand that you're trying to define an objective standard for usefulness, but it would be a standard not many people agree with. Why would you care about learning a popular language when it's only popular to speak in a few places you have no intentions of ever visiting, and there's no meaningful amounts of literature that you need to know Spanish to read?

>> No.2054877

I think he was being sarcastic guys.

>> No.2054883

sushi rolls, arent from japan they are from california

>> No.2054887

You're think that just because california rolls are from america that all rolls are? GG, my 12 year old brother knows better than that.

>> No.2054892

possibly most obvious troll >>2054883 I've ever seen in my /b/ lifetime.

>> No.2054894
File: 33 KB, 851x471, 1234249952629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2054895

/jp/ - Troll heaven

>> No.2054899

seems so, I just mentioned /b/ because they are more obvious there usually.

>> No.2054901
File: 348 KB, 1090x770, 1234250065658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2054903


perhaps >>2054883 and >>2054887 are the same and trying to get a reaction to either posts.

>> No.2054907

Trolls pretending to troll someone to troll someone else? I think you're thinking too deeply into it.

>> No.2054916

Perhaps >>2054903 and >>2054883 and >>2054887 are the same and trying to get a reaction to either posts.

>> No.2054919

>>The point stands that Spanish is more of a useful language than Japanese is.

I've learned both. Not sure what I want to learn after Jappo, though. Maybe Chinese or Arabic; the latter has an interesting alphabet.


A new language also unlocks a whole new part of the internet!

>> No.2054940

Anybody speak Spanish ?

>> No.2054946


>> No.2054956

I've never felt any particular desire to communicate with retarded Brazilians who can't be bothered to learn English.

>> No.2054953
File: 38 KB, 503x363, 1234250967686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so thats why the Latino guy at the Yanagi at my mall makes the sushi.

>> No.2054959

In Brazil they speak Portuguese.

>> No.2054966

even less useless than spanic, which is... really... an acomplishment... I guess...
(no, I'm not an amerifag, I'm the guy from above who speaks 4 languages)

>> No.2054967


Once you get used to the feel of the Arabic alphabet, the language isn't so difficult to learn. Then again, I'm not even fluent.

>> No.2054975

I kinda feel ashamed that my reason for learning new languages is international trolling...

>> No.2054976

The speak Portuguese in less places, Portugal and Brazil. You're just a retarded troll.

>> No.2054982

>Unless all you plan to do with your knowledge of it is to watch raw anime, read manga/doujin, and play untranslated VNs...oh wait.

You say that like it's a bad thing. I'm studying Spanish and I wish I had chosen Japanese instead, just because I think I'll actually use it. Sure, it would be for weeaboo shit, but that's still more useful than being able to speak with the few non-English speaking Hispanics you might run into in your everday life. Depending on where you live the chances of meeting such a person can be extremely low (I ran into them a lot in the West but here in the Pacific Northwest they're pretty rare).

>> No.2054988

Japanese unlocks:

- 2channel, the biggest internet board in the world and the source of a good chunk of 4chan's memes.
- NicoNicodouga MADs that rely on knowing what they say in it
- All untranslated VN, Manga, Anime
- Much more acceptance when in Japan
- Opportunity to marry Japanese girls in Japan

This is why I'm learning it, yes I am pathetic.

>> No.2054993

Not too bad, considering I spend most of my day checking plane ticket prices, browsing 4chan, and watchign anime.

>> No.2054996

lol What a retarded troll war.

No language is more useful or useless.
For a weeaboo like you all, of course Japanese is more useful.
But for someone who has a family on South America for example, Spanish will be much more useful.

Everyone who denies this and goes "LOLOL USELESS SHIT LANGUAGE" is of course a troll.

>> No.2055001


>>No language is more useful or useless.
I'm Certain that Latin is useless compared to most languages and Esperanto even less.

>>For a weeaboo like you all, of course Japanese is more useful.

>>But for someone who has a family on South America for example, Spanish will be much more useful.


>> No.2055016

Latin could be pretty damn useful if you're a historian or theologian.

>> No.2055017

I think it was pretty well implied that this discussion only included common languages that are used in the day to day lives of people and not dead languages that are only used by a small minority or specified fields.

>> No.2055019

Or if you're dealing with anything that deals with scientific classifications.

>> No.2055037

Or if you want to use magic like Harry Potter.

>> No.2055043

chinese is most useful

>> No.2055044

does no one else see the fucking horror of this? jesus christ i feel sorry for this man

>> No.2055052

This thread lacks Hangul.

>> No.2055059

Now that you mention it, I just noticed the filename. I don't know my cigars well, but are those holes supposed to be there?

>> No.2055061


>> No.2055077


Goddam I have read many racism on the internet, but I think this one takes the cake.

let me tell you that you just dont know shit about the world AT ALL.


>> No.2055081

Looks like someone needs to go back to their siesta.

>> No.2055090

Goddam I have seen many people fall for trolls on the internet, but I think this one takes the cake.

let me tell you that you just dont know shit about the internet AT ALL.


>> No.2055133

Not only that but those are some damn fine cigars. The cohiba and the OpusX are a couple of the best smokes I've ever had and they're expensive as fuck too, the Hoyo de tradicion isn't anything to be scoffed at either. I have a box of Cohibas I've been holding on to for about 5 years to be had and shared at weddings and other occasions. I'd cry of that were to happen to my cigars, I keep the better cigars like these in their own separate humidor for just this reason; any new box of cigars I buy has to spend 4 months in my everyday cigar humidor before I let it into the good one.

>> No.2055138
File: 158 KB, 835x679, 1234254228914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I still hope people know what does this picture represent.

>> No.2055170

everything spain touched turned to shit.

>> No.2055176
File: 53 KB, 1425x625, 1234254997160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're on to something.

>> No.2055241

holy shit he's right

>> No.2055273

They're both pretty easy to learn, so learn both, fucktards.

>> No.2055278

Japanese is easy to learn? Fuck, then what the hell have I been doing wrong?

>> No.2055292

Learn kanji/kana
Read manga

>> No.2055296

Learn biology/chemistry
Cure cancer

>> No.2055301

Okay, done. Now, how do I know how words and combinations of words mean?

>> No.2055312
File: 69 KB, 952x606, 1234258993005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2055316

That's what the kanji is for, and a dictionary

>> No.2055372

Do you really think that spanish is easy?
Modo Indicativo:
-Preterito imperfecto
-Preterito indefinido
-Futuro imperfecto
-Preterito perfecto
-Preterito anterior
-Preterito pluscuamperfecto
-Preterito anterior
Modo subjuntivo:(they are NOT the same as in "Modo indicativo")
-Preterito imperfecto

>> No.2055381


You are learning language the wrong way if you're consciously remembering verb tenses and shit. That is not how to speak a language.

>> No.2055392

i AM spanish, you know

>> No.2055394

Grammar is fuckeasy to learn. Vocabulary is difficult.

>> No.2055402


And? Do you actually think about what tense you're going to use when you speak? Probably not. I don't, that's for sure. It's way more natural than that, so I find arguments like "it has lots of tenses to remember" bullshit.

>> No.2055434

go watch a spanish dub of your favorite anime or go down to your local taco whatever to listen to some mexicans speak?

come back and tell if you still want to learn spanish then

>> No.2055469


Hmmm, yeah, know that i think about it , it maybe so.

>> No.2055478

Hmmm, you are right. But i also don't like the english dubs. They suck compared to the original.For instance, you shouldn't replace Kotomine's epic seiyu for an english cheap one.

>> No.2055777

I love tacos.
And burritos.

Home made, local shops, AND Taco Bell.
Bring it on!

>> No.2056351


Thanks. I've been wondering what an infestation looks like.


Freeze your cigars for a few days when you first receive them and you'll be safe. There are tutorials out there that detail how to do this without risking your cigars.

>> No.2056376

>- Opportunity to marry Japanese girls in Japan
