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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 171 KB, 500x533, perfect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2049748 No.2049748 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2049752

I saw this five hundred years ago. God damn.

>> No.2049760


I'd make her go to the gym with me.

>> No.2049759

I saw this at the beginning of time, newfag.

>> No.2049765

You would be the one paying for it, I would assume.

>> No.2049768

Remember the original in Japanese with a fat ugly bitch?

>> No.2049776

ZUN !bar doesn't have any money. He would have to be supported by a woman.

>> No.2049779
File: 171 KB, 656x602, 1234157958965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2049759 I saw this at the beginning of time, newfag.
Space can not exist without time, hence the term spacetime. Both space and time is infinite, having no beginning or end. I've always seen that picture, thus I've seen it forever.

>> No.2049782


I'd fuck her thighs. I like DLC and a little curve.

>> No.2049788

You like thigh fucking too? It's so hard to find porn of that.

>> No.2049790


>> No.2049791

Downloadable content?

>> No.2049797


>> No.2049799
File: 71 KB, 512x900, 1234158305669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know some of you missed this the other night.

>> No.2049800

Who is that?

>> No.2049803


It's Klein, dearest slowpoke.

>> No.2049804

What other night?

>> No.2049810

Ponpo-kun is a boy, silly ZUN-chan.

>> No.2049816

This makes me feel sick.

>> No.2049821


Klein is female.

Show me a boy who is a vegan and also works in a library, and then I'll admit that you're right.

>> No.2049822

Good grief, lurk moar. Archives.

>> No.2049824

small penis

>> No.2049826

I missed a /jp/ camwhore thread? Do you have a link to it on the archive?

Did she show her tits? Let me guess, she's just another female otaku who is too insecure about her nerdish body to show any skin.

>> No.2049831

I'm a boy and I was vegan for awhile. But when I moved off campus I became too poor and lazy to keep up the lifestyle. I actually know more vegan guys than girls.

>> No.2049832

Klein could easily be that if he lived in California.

But Klein is probably female. Not that it matters, really. I like Klein's posts anyway.

>> No.2049848

Stop talking about me! Anyway for the people who asked that picture is from I think Friday night? A girl asked about buying a sukumizu a while ago actually bought one and posted a couple of pictures.

As you can imagine there were like 250 posts in an hour.

>> No.2049850

He admitted he was male because someone saved a screenshot of him saying so. Then he changed his name to Klein.

>> No.2049856


>> No.2049858


I don't believe everything I read on /jp/!

I'm just gonna go with my (most likely correct) gut feeling here.

>> No.2049860

she needs a bit fatter i swear!

>> No.2049862

That's okay. In my heart, Klein can be an honorary female. I don't mind.

>> No.2049866

Because I'm sure as hell interested in watching you fucktards being fucktards.
And this why I don't end up here on weekends.

>> No.2049870

 _, ._
(;゚ Д゚)

>> No.2049875

Regardless of Klein, /jp/ is a place where it is safer to be male. So I don't think a screenshot of someone saying they are male on /jp/ proves much at all.

>> No.2049883

Well that's it. I'm done with /jp/. I can't deal with it anymore. Thanks for when this board was decent, though. I enjoyed it very much.

>> No.2049887

you are delusional.

>> No.2049889
File: 64 KB, 471x356, 1234159824120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the other pic?

>> No.2049893

Of what?

>> No.2049897

I didn't save it, but I'm sure someone else did.

But oh man, reading that thread is painful.

>> No.2049901
File: 4 KB, 126x120, 1234159979493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2049902

Same here, I'm out for now. I first came to 4chan in 2005. Its been a long journey, but it's time for me to move on to better things.

I'll probably come back 1 year from now to check up on you guys.

>> No.2049906

Vegetarian, but other than that I fit the bill.

>> No.2049907
File: 85 KB, 400x400, 1234160100770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also: where I'm from (Los Angeles), Klein fulfills the stereotypical lesbian archetype:

- Vegan.
- Drinks tea all day.
- Library science (??) major.
- Apparently enjoys yuri and touhou (especially touhou yuri).
- Canadian (??)

>> No.2049912

weak. original.

>> No.2049910

/r/ing full picture.

>> No.2049913

I want to sit near a fujoshi!

>> No.2049916

Poor ZUN-chan... I'm sure you'll find a real girl someday.

>> No.2049923

Klein is a tea-drinking, library-dwelling, Canadian lesbian? That's kind of exciting.

>> No.2049938

lol no

>> No.2049987


I think I will one day.

I'll probably keep on going to the gym and get the "be a manslave for a fat, ugly, lonely middle-aged working woman" character route though. My flesh crawls just from thinking about the ero scenes.

>> No.2050009 [SPOILER] 
File: 236 KB, 949x584, 1234161944969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>ero scenes
I can see it...


>> No.2050031
File: 44 KB, 570x548, 1234162458491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn, I'd rather have Miku's leek.

>> No.2050038

Time can exist without space. However, such a 1 dimensional manifold would have 0 curvature, and would not permit any matter densities by Einstein's eq.

It is not known for certain that either are infinite in extent. Certain models of cosmology allow for a constant positive curvature, which implies a finite universe. Even with that aside, time ends in the spacelike singularities inside black holes (unless you can convince physicists that time continues beyond the singularity).

>> No.2050072

Anyone have the original size of this?

>> No.2050089
File: 57 KB, 449x768, 1234164079392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2051171


>> No.2051200

I hated that whore.

>> No.2051201

>three-for-980yen underpants
>tank-top bought on the neighborhood Saty store for 980yen a three-pack
>dirt-cheap glasses, don't fit her face
>because they are cheap.
Does he fap on money or what?

>> No.2051203

That camwhore was pretty loathesome. She just wanted attention because her boyfriend wasn't around.

>> No.2051246

And you were giving it to her.

>> No.2051261

I already told you, man, it's the girlfriend of a normalfag who just happened to stop by to inquire about how to fulfill his sukumizu fetish.

>> No.2051255

> bad manners mouth shaped like the kana へ

>> No.2051267

But didn't she say that wasn't the case in a reply?

>> No.2051271

Eh, I don't know, didn't really follow the thread. But I'm still more willing to believe it was a random anonymous who said that if someone said it.

>> No.2051272

No I wasn't.

>> No.2051274

im the girl in the op's pic

>> No.2051275


Me on the left.

>> No.2051278

I'd touch your keys anytime athens-kun

>> No.2051283

How can you look at that picture and still want to date a female nerd? Wouldn't you prefer to date an elegant young maiden who actually acts like a lady?

>> No.2051284

Thanks broski.

>> No.2051296

Typical human are absent minded as hell. No, i dont like average girls.

>> No.2051302

Ah, found her.


>> No.2051305

I was planning on 'collecting' it, but I'm scared giving it to her is extremely obvious.
No wincest, but it would be interesting seeing it worn.

Not her, retard.

>> No.2051313

the biggest fuckup here was patchouli knowledge tripfag

>> No.2051321


I fucked her.

>> No.2051323


>> No.2051336
File: 69 KB, 450x477, 1234198449282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are times I think it'd be cool to date a weeaboo girl.

But then I'm reminded that they all suck.

>> No.2051341

I like how Haruhi flipped out

>> No.2051343

That was the worst thread on /jp/ I've ever read.

Only that thread about that horrible /a/ tripfag Onsokumaru came close.

>> No.2051344


>> No.2051360

Someone post the original.

>> No.2051374

This is the original. The realistic version came after.

>> No.2051378

I wish more people would realize this. Having a girl who actively enjoys your hobbies is not worth putting up with 99.9% of the female nerds out there.

As for the remaining 0.1%, they're definitely taken.

>> No.2051380

Post the realistic version!

>> No.2051448


Look at those legs. Bleh. DO NOT WANT.

>> No.2051464

Thighs touching = PIG DISGUSTING

>> No.2051605


>> No.2051611


Is this your first time visiting /jp/?

I hope you enjoy your stay.

>> No.2051613


Exactly, I go to the trouble of taking pics for you idiots and you just try and insult me.

>> No.2051624


cool story aneki

>> No.2051625


>> No.2051630


loser, last time I ever take pics for you losers.

>> No.2051632


The story at eleven.

>> No.2051634



>> No.2051645
File: 343 KB, 511x1024, 1234204140133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what /jp/ actually believes.

Thread discussed.

>> No.2051662


I wouldn't have it any either way.

>> No.2051669


>> No.2051670

>>2051630 here.

Have I ever told you guys I'm a girl and I think you are a loser?

>> No.2051673

What's wrong, too BRITISH for you?

>> No.2051712
File: 363 KB, 787x1812, 1234205335379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accurate depiction of any girl with a geeky interest.

>> No.2051720

Thank you.

>> No.2051721


That was mildly amusing.

>> No.2051742

Just the vocal minority, unfortunately.

Why is it that any group has a few people who are the most noticeable and the least likeable?

>> No.2051745

It looks like he is going to kiss her in the last panel.

>> No.2051757

Stop saying sukumizu, you dumb fucks, when you have an English term for it.

>> No.2051759
File: 6 KB, 251x173, 1234205975217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok... no... wait... There's this girl.

And she, like, plays games.

>> No.2051767
File: 112 KB, 787x3090, 1234206051945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like accurate perception.

>> No.2051768


It's not a minority. The biggest problem is that women who take interest in tipically male hobbies will ALWAYS be perceived as attention whores.

Imagine yourself walking down the street. Heading your way is a cute brunette with a Nintendo-related tank top. Across the street is an overweight landwhale with a Death Note shirt. Which one would you think is the bigger attention whore? Probably both, right?

>> No.2051773

We also have an English term for sushi: Raw fish and rice.

'Sukumizu', though I don't use it myself, is significantly easier to type than 'School Swimsuit'.

>> No.2051782
File: 108 KB, 642x2005, 1234206309598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2051791

And if you saw a guy with a Nintendo T-shirt, you would think, "he should conceal his powerlevels," wouldn't you? In other words, guys are also perceived as attention whores.

>> No.2051789


"raw fish and rice" is not sushi, it's what most sushi is made of.

>> No.2051798

Why I should wait to have a son to fight my fights when I could indulge in the sweet honey of revenge right now?

>> No.2051800

I feel ashamed. I read that from right to left all the way to the end without noticing my errors...

>> No.2051823


It's a complete different matter. A guy with a geeky t-shirt will always be a nerd. Unless he's a jock, in which case he's just a poser.

But he does not get attention just on the fact that he likes the nerdy subject alone. Unlike girls.

>> No.2051815

i did just the same and was about to post that i did. ;_;
Are there any good western comics, i dont want to be unable to read like that...

>> No.2051819


>And if you saw a guy with a Nintendo T-shirt, you would think

"I wonder what's for dinner tonight"

>> No.2051836


>> No.2051857

I've had some pretty cool female gamer friends, one of them plays stack of eroge and gives them to me, and we hang out all the time... and i have a massive crush on her and she's not interested because she has a internet boyfriend who has confessed to cheating on her, but she still loves 4eva...

god dammnit

>> No.2051869

why the hell do you want her if she is that retarded though? I can't imagine that that level of retardation doesn't transfer to her IRL behaviour.

>> No.2051873

No, I just think they like something enough to wear it on their shirt.

>> No.2051887

It's not really different. It's the same as in you shouldn't really care that much about what they wear. Being an attention whore requires motive. There's a slight difference between "I'm wearing this to show off" and "I'm wearing this because I like it". The reason why gender-based attention-whoring is such a problem on the internet is because it's the internet. Things don't come up unless you bring it up and don't continue unless you continue it. People, for some reason, believe that every comment is worth replying to, which is wrong. Learn to pick and choose.

That said, I wouldn't really care about either case. The only time clothes bother me is when people turn themselves into a walking advertisement for companies. That's fine for athletes because they're being sponsored, but if you're a regular person walking around with Pepsi or Nakayoshi all over yourself, you need to do a little thinking.

>> No.2051889
File: 7 KB, 131x131, 1234207194374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>internet boyfriend

>> No.2051901


>> No.2051896

Keep in mind this though. A girl can get away with a lot more open nerdiness than guys can, a hell of a lot more. So maybe that's the reason?

>> No.2051907

hi athens-san

>> No.2051909


>> No.2051911


Then you're above all this shit, bro. You have transcended this filthy internet samsara. Congratulations.

>> No.2051920
File: 14.00 MB, 1920x1200, 1234207466555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ meetup.

>> No.2051927

Me on the right.

>> No.2051928

Me on the far left.

>> No.2051937

Oh... All right.

>> No.2051940

/jp/ is lolis?

Or a /jp/ meetup would consist of kidnapping lolis?

>> No.2051941

athens, if you have so much time why don't you go raid Team Weeaboo's chat again?

>> No.2051943


You're proving my point without realizing it.

The attention-givers create the attention-seekers, not otherwise.

>> No.2051949

The only way /jp/ would meet up is if we found a way to transform ourselves into cute girls.

>> No.2051950

1) I never raided it. Though I'm sure some of us remember the New Year's Eve when we all went in there and they got butthurt.

2) I don't have so much time on my hands. I'm playing Disgaea on my PSP.

>> No.2051953


>> No.2051963

Go back to /b/ with your camwhoring, attention whores.

>> No.2051966

Are you sure that's devolving? I mean, look at the whole thread again.

>> No.2051991

When did you decide to make this board your home anyway, didn't you use to go to /r9k/? Now you're a common sight here and this isn't something that I want to get used to.

>> No.2052028

Early 2006 - /b/
Late 2006 - /v/ and /a/
Early 2007 - Branching out to /g/ and so on.
Early to Mid 2008 - /n/, /a/, /r9k/, /g/ etc.
2009 - ......

>> No.2052039

Do visit that shithole /a/ once in a while, they need someone to troll them. And I need to see less of you.

>> No.2052054

I've been on this board since it launched, in fact I remember when all the new boards launched because I was in dorms/accommodation at uni in my room with the curtains closed in my dressing gown f5'ing /n/ and suddenly it went down and everyone got banned.

Got 1 get on /trv/ and /fa/ though. Been on /jp/ since the start effectively.

>> No.2052069

Well I don't really have a bone to pick with you at this point in time but at least you're not making shitposts on 4chan unlike your counterparts.

>> No.2052071

Please wait for the time limit so you can use your sage instead of bumping the thread, please.

>> No.2052097

Oh well I've deleted what shit I've typed. Have a good day athens, I'm heading off to bed.

>> No.2052225

So this is what /jp/ has become, eh? Normalfags, camwhores, and tripfag circlejerking. Well, it was fun while it lasted. Goodbye /jp/.
