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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 71 KB, 540x619, asianlang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20468026 No.20468026 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread for those interested in Stephen Krashen, Steve Kaufmann, authentic japanese rap, and traditional otaku media.

If you have no interest in the above or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.

Gambarimasyou, ne?

Guides and resources:

Previous thread: >>20455025

>> No.20468104

Kanji and chinese no difference

>> No.20468112
File: 21 KB, 209x256, キャプチャ11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20468117

no japanese have 丸らしく、小さく、可愛い文字 are you even paying attention wheres your genki

>> No.20468123

だいてき きょうふてき ??

>> No.20468275

this coming year, i'm going to read haruhi... i'm gonna do it bros...

>> No.20468276

nice thread op

for me to poop on

>> No.20468313

do it you wont

>> No.20468322


>> No.20468323
File: 395 KB, 674x695, Screenshot from 2018-12-22 17-23-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is 何の another word for 何も?

>> No.20468327

i liked what i watched of the anime and the ln was difficult for me last time i tried it so i want to both push myself a little and also enjoy some "cc" (that's short for "compelling content," please use this abbreviation in the future when responding to my posts)

>> No.20468328

good luck, I'm going to try it again in a few months. I'm doing nhk right now

>> No.20468332


>> No.20468366
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>> No.20468371

it's a literal の, like "what's what's" like the 'what posesses', like 'type' or 'sort' of thing

>> No.20468385

as long as its cc gambare
i support using this abbreviation in the future in all posts

>> No.20468392

I can't understand prose. Guess I better stick to manga... I'm feeling "in danger."

>> No.20468407

whats the danger
that you might make it

>> No.20468413

tis not prose you dont understand but japanese

>> No.20468597

How many kb do you read a day?

>> No.20468607

no the danger is that i've been ""learning japanese"" for a few years but sometimes when i open a new book i literally can't understand anything beyond the most basic gist of what i take in (which is probably based more on "these are the words, guess the meaning" than any actual understanding (which physically hurt me to write just now)). some books are very easy to understand (kino!) but on average when i open a new one it's pure tv static. maybe if i keep pushing through though i'll magically start comprehending more.

>> No.20468617

you gotta see more of the stuff you dont know and make it comprehensible

>> No.20468633
File: 334 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181222-211526_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should trip these things out and Googleit /scan with yomichan. Or just think about it literally.

>> No.20468660
File: 257 KB, 471x375, guzukats2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing pretty hardcore AJATT for the past 11 months. ask me anything

>> No.20468684

are you winning?

>> No.20468690

how much useless shit have you done instead of reading more

>> No.20468705

What does that mean exactly?
I've listened to a lot of audio I couldn't understand. That "problem" has eventually gone away, except for when they talk about stocks on the news, but it's impossible to tell if listening to incomprehensible audio helped that maybe (i doubt it)

>> No.20468758
File: 80 KB, 640x480, The picture nobody will ever use.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing pretty hardcore AJAATT for the past 15 years. ask me anything

>> No.20468775

You didn't take Khatz seriously on grammar, right? He's pretty retarded about that.

>> No.20468780

frankly if youre not retarded about grammar you prolly dont know japanese

>> No.20468790

I did that the matt way with tae kim sentence mining. I didn't go full autist mode and add every sentence though.

>> No.20468813

ワッツアップ マイニガー

>> No.20468921
File: 29 KB, 438x550, flat,550x550,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 (one) semester into Japanese for a college foreign language requirement
>Know jack shit
>Stare at this post for a few seconds trying to figure out what the fuck I'm missing
>It clicks

>> No.20468973

somewhere around 35kb to 75kb

>> No.20469017

i read based eroge so id have to measure in mb

>> No.20469023


you see this
how do you read it? (quick, just say how you, yeah, you, anon, read it, real-time)

>> No.20469039


>> No.20469054

why not "きゅうぼだ"?

>> No.20469104
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I associate 久 with 久美子 when it comes to names. I would go with くぼた upon second reading because I would realize くほた sounds weird though.

>> No.20469123

and what if I tell you that the *true* reading is "くぼた"?
can you say "ah, true, that's right"?

>> No.20469137

Nope, then it would have been a lucky guess on my part.

>> No.20469171

Well, thing is "kubota". you first said "kuhota", right?. A surname.
Why did it happen? why would it "sound weird" otherwise?

For example, for me, one of the first kanji I learnt was "ta" of "田", as in "森田", which is "morita";
but then, I met a person named "前田", which is "maeda"

Literally what the fuck? how do you deal with this shit?
I am a newbie

>> No.20469228

i dont know japanese but i doubt it can be put into words
your subconsciousness finds more patterns than you can consciously identify
and since nihonjin can do whatever they want with names you can always be surprised

>> No.20469239

where can i go to talk to japs?

>> No.20469250

So I've got a fucking question I haven't been able to figure out on my own
Nihonjin are the people, Nihongo is the language, and I understand the way to use 'no' after a noun to make a haphazard adjective, but... what's the adjective form of just 'Japanese'? Like in a sentence like "That's not a very Japanese thing to see" if you're looking at a fat black guy riding a kangaroo and not apologizing to anyone he knocks down. Surely 'nihon no' can't be injected into a sentence like that, there must be a word.

>> No.20469267


>> No.20469271


>> No.20469275

can you romaji that shit up for me? my hiragana a shit. i'm starting to have katakana memorized though.

>> No.20469278

working out well? been doing ajatt since July but had to take a series of short breaks because of school. about halfway through RTK now, doing LazyKanji now, since matt reccomended it

>> No.20469282


>> No.20469285

what just happened here

>> No.20469288

ur threds ded homie


>> No.20469289

romaji very bad

>> No.20469304

alright I'll look it up on a chart
I was wondering if it might end in shii like some other adjectives. Thanks, bud!

>> No.20469308
File: 84 KB, 601x337, biiru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit you can make the next one

>> No.20469311
File: 347 KB, 1600x800, moe-academy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i relinquish the couple op images i had left

>> No.20469312

i aint gonna make the thread

>> No.20469314

threads are the last thing u chucklefucks need

>> No.20469318

youre pretty into them though

>> No.20469323

but youre right if djt some of us would make sick gains

>> No.20469324

i post in them sometimes

>> No.20469326


>> No.20469329

shit i accidentally a word
rember happy day

>> No.20469335
File: 35 KB, 551x473, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get em out

>> No.20469344
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>> No.20469408


>> No.20469413


>> No.20469459

what is a good LN to mine from alongside haruhi? finding LNs to be way better for mining

i guess the manga isnt reading guy was right after all

>> No.20469476
File: 64 KB, 813x494, fat.bastard.manboobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20469478

i dont know about that mining shit just sit back relax and read some of that cc

>> No.20469522

is it a stupid idea to get a degree in asian language + culture to learn japanese? is there a need for japanese translators? i'm just looking for a way to escape neetdom

>> No.20469530

yes because then you end up like this


>> No.20469537

The most racist image I've seen.

>> No.20469569
File: 280 KB, 900x1200, Du6ylG_VAAIH2VG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has 50k likes. Should be easy for beginners to spot.

>> No.20469574

shakin my head

>> No.20469584

you cant do that

>> No.20469639


>> No.20469693


>> No.20469713

When I read NHK News Easy it's nice and easy 99% of the time. Then I try normal NHK News and I have to look up every second word.
Is it that hard to make an intermediate reading source? Why is there such a huge fucking leap after the NHK News Easy level?

>> No.20469736

if you can read nhk easy and youre still more worried about optimal difficulty level than havin fun youre not gonna make it

>> No.20469744

I just don't like that the gap is so large. It's not fun having to look up so many words, if there was a resource with a better mix of simple and advanced vocabulary it'd be more "fun"

>> No.20469750

lns and eroge all around you tomodati try somethin out and switch if it isnt the cc for you

>> No.20469792
File: 163 KB, 640x480, RIMG6362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20469845
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>> No.20469922
File: 406 KB, 250x141, Blank+_1e274e84b6a172e4077f0a2bb9eb9164.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20469932
File: 15 KB, 231x192, コイツ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20469935

ankidrone here

have there been new decks since september?

>> No.20469946

this is what an addict looks like
minasan kiwotukete

>> No.20469962 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 866x1300, 7617185-drunk-man-siitng-on-sidewalk-near-trashcan-in-city-street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20469969

*drops new games I bought today on table*
Have fun with your no-context cards, loser.

>> No.20469970


>> No.20469984



the absolute state of sadpanda

>> No.20470007

Then post your translation on there big guy.

>> No.20470020
File: 45 KB, 1671x945, ふりがな.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

どっちのふりがなが正しいと思いますか? (デフォルトは左です)
T.L: Which ruby do you think is correct? (Default is on the left)

>> No.20470022

there isn't a lot of logic put into reading names and it's honestly wasted effort trying to learn it when no one tests for it. They have dictionaries for a reason

>> No.20470037

If furigana is narrower than the word, center it like on the right. If furigana is wider than the word, reduce the font size and squeeze it until it fits. I hate it when furigana messes with the main text formatting.

>> No.20470053

right looks nice
doesnt bother me much if the space isnt in the middle of the compound

>> No.20470058

>having the audacity to decide what's a compound and what's not
I want my kanji soup without any spaces damn it

>> No.20470063

understandable but why not just stand against all furigana that arent stylistic

>> No.20470067


>> No.20470194

Hey I'm looking for a good website for practicing listening skills. Any recommendations?

>> No.20470211

Is there a guide on AJATTing?

>> No.20470232

Donate to Matt-sama and piss in bottles.

>> No.20470240

Does Matt-sama browse here? I stumbled upon him on yt completely randomly.

>> No.20470249
File: 11 KB, 132x79, 4334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all these fonts that don't distinguish between the full sized tsu and the little one?

>> No.20470262


>> No.20470329

Before I forget, these are the lines that you will have to put into your card type styling to get the right one.
rt {text-align: center;}
rb {display: inline-flex;}


>> No.20470392




>> No.20470454
File: 16 KB, 588x150, Screenshot_2018-12-23 Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how will he ever recover? Matt is too nice to say that straight to his face, so he gave him an indirect cue

>> No.20470462
File: 2.80 MB, 320x183, nuke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20470486

Here’s an app idea: gamify some Japanese aspect that hasn’t been gamified yet.
Like, you could get the core 6k, get the pitch for each word, then make an app that played music or something and you tap high or low as words scroll by to match the pitch then have a bunch of sentences afterwards. Basically a tap to the music game but you get a bit of Japanese exposure and forced attention to the pitches at the same time

>> No.20470492

thanks for the business idea pal

>> No.20470496

Is there a way to get the meaning of a verb with conjugations instead of just it's base form's meaning? Something like 言えないcan't say

>> No.20470507

As a business idea, it would be much more prudent to make the app geared towards learning Chinese first.

>> No.20470542

it's called knowing japanese

>> No.20470631

what a piece of shit

nuke has done more for the Japanese learning community than Matt ever will

>> No.20470668

Korea had the guts to scrap their old garbage language and make their own, meanwhile autistic japan still clings to their chinese glyphs while only using their own a little bit

and fuck katakana

>> No.20470690

>it's an "angry dekinai bitching about kanji" episode
Korea has no culture so nothing was lost by scrapping old language. Hangul is ugly as hell btw.

>> No.20470734

Why are manga scans always have small resolutions?
I didn't care much when reading translation s but I feel like taking my eyeballs out trying to decipher the furigana sometimes

>> No.20470736

Why do*

>> No.20470769

i just think its aesthetically horrific to look at 3 writing scripts smashed together like that

>> No.20470866

most of the resources we have are fucking garbage
i for one look forward to not having to buy the jlpt tango n1 book when i take the n1 just to make sure i don't flunk it because of business words that you can't learn without textbooks or living in japan

>> No.20470883 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 458x322, 1535565415644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she conjugate 頑張る like a ru verb? Or is it something I'm not aware of?

>> No.20470885

you could save so much time and resource if you just lived in nihon and was getting japanese inputs all the time

you might have to live in a dumpster and eat dead cats on the street if you only get NEET bux, but you would improve alot

>> No.20470888

It's actually aesthetically great since it allows for a whole layer of language games unique to Japanese. I hate katakana loanwords as much as the next man but Kanji+Hiragana is the most aesthetic of CJT scripts.

>> No.20470916

>CJK scripts
lazy selffix

>> No.20470964

that sounds like a terrible experience id rather just sit here continuing to consume porn and youtube in japanese like i have been for the past couple years

>> No.20471267

So vocabulary is really easy to keep track of with note cards or whatever you want to do, but how do you guys manage to memorize all the different grammar rules that are usually sprawled throughout a 500 page manual?

>> No.20471286

Grammar decks exist.

>> No.20471309

why is it that so many in the Japanese learning community are obsessed with learning everything through anki

people who are learning other languages are never this autistic

>> No.20471331

because learning other languages are a cakewalk compared to anki.
Japanese has way too many words and too many glyphs to learn without using tools like anki

>> No.20471333

The majority of languages are easy to learn. Nobody wants to learn sandnigger speak, so that leaves Chinese, Korean, and Japanese as the big boy second languages. And you bet your ass that people learning any of those languages are using similar programs to Anki, which is basically glorified flash cards.

>> No.20471338

I meant compared to japanese*

>> No.20471367

You won't learn Japanese if you aren't autistic in the first place. And normalfags who learn Japanese for normalfag reasons don't participate in "learning community"

>> No.20471400

>after 2 German courses I could read books and plays but after 3 years of taking Japanese courses I couldn’t read any real Japanese not even a newspaper
U tell me

>> No.20471412
File: 762 KB, 300x170, l_1340549315476.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese """courses"""

>> No.20471437

Yeah. Nobody has ever learned Japanese under a real Japanese teacher while talking among other Japanese exchange students at university. No, everybody used anki, reddit, and 4chan.

>> No.20471461

Three years of reading VNs and masturbating to doujinshi would've put him close enough to fluency.

>> No.20471478

I could care less about that anon, but the stigma against courses in DJT is silly and wreaks of too poor to attend uni.

>> No.20471525

So I can spend three to four years talking to unmotivated students who think learning the kanji 白 and 犬 is a great achievement, listening to their horrible attempts of speaking in Japanese, speaking horrible parody at Japanese myself, listening to the retarded explanations about the differences between は and が, doing the most bland and boring exercises again and again, and pay for the opportunity to do all of the above? Gee, I wonder why I prefer reading VNs and watching anime while actually learning the fucking language better.
Formal language education is retarded. I learned English through high school and university courses, and believe me, shitposting on 4chan was orders of magnitude more time-effective and more fun.

>> No.20471526

>people who are learning other languages are never this autistic
I disagree, I was learning Spanish in highschool and it's pretty much flash cards. Actually I'd go ahead and say 99% of classroom language learning is that shit and only 1% actually takes from Krashen.

>> No.20471798

Still though flash cards are better than passive immersion or immersion with no comprehension.. In the beginning flash cards help but their effectiveness wears off as it does damage on your sub conscious ability to enjoy the process. Also heavily context based srs is damn near as effective as active immersion.

>> No.20471857

Manga isn't reading.

>> No.20471872

this just in not sitting in your own shit is better than siting in your soiled drawers

>> No.20471894
File: 461 KB, 600x600, BIYZs03CAAEoFdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20471899

I’d take Reddit off that list, remember that redditor with a PhD in Japanese who couldn’t pass the N2 even after taking it multiple times and training specifically for it.

>> No.20471932

>there isn't a lot of logic put into reading names
this isn't about names. it's about fucking 5+ kanji readings

>> No.20471937

I didn’t do that, I was quoting an author of a Japanese reader. Although my own experience isn’t too different. starting out, 1 week of Rosetta Stone in German when I was 15 was more effective than 2 months of dedicated Japanese study

>> No.20471972

Yea I can agree too. I took nihongo in college and I didn't learn shit. How to understand directions, pay some bills, comment on the weather, and other stuff I almost all forgot because I never used it. You barely learn anything. Like maybe 50 kanji by the end of the course. It killed my persuit of japanese for years. I found ajatt and then fuond djt and finally started actually getting good. After years of bull shit.

>> No.20472016

ta and da are the basically same reading, you just pick one over the other because it’s easier to say or sounds better. It’s like how in English the ‘s’ in “cats” is an s sound but the ‘s’ in “kids” is a z sound.

>> No.20472078

a neo_heisei.jpg question

can the emprah amend changes to the language?

>> No.20472091

That sounds pretty arbitrary

And one of the first thing they tell you to do when learning nip is "forget everything about the english language" or "the english language rules don't apply to nip"
pretty contradictory

>> No.20472111

There are _no_ rules about reading japanese names, just get over it, many have multiple readings and you can't know which one is the correct one.

>> No.20472113

How do I use yomichan on a text file? It was PDF so I converted it to html and tried to use yomichan once I opened it in chrome and it didn't work. Tried opening it in google drive as a pdf and docx file and it also won't scan. Am I retarded? Why isn't it working

>> No.20472119

>you can't know which one is the correct one.
but hey, guess what: people DO know. that's the joke of being fucking fluent

>> No.20472147



>> No.20472157



>> No.20472158

no no you see the thing with natives is that they can infer the reading out of thin air by virtue of being native xd

>> No.20472164

>japanese names

>> No.20472167

Why dont they just write their names in hiragana

>> No.20472171

Go to a Japanese Wikipedia article about a Japanese person and see what literally the first thing in it is.

>> No.20472173

Its like the reverse of naming someone abcde and not knowing how to pronounce it

>> No.20472181

people write kanjis instead of hiraganas because dude xd they just want to lmao

That's the answer I heard countless of times

>> No.20472192

You tell me. quote the sentence that fits your argument

>> No.20472197

Not cool enough
How else can you name your child say 緑輝(サファイア)

>> No.20472221

dont talk about my daughter Safaia like that

>> No.20472289

I meant to compliment your name's choice m8
though if the first kanji was 碧 instead of 緑 maybe she wouldn't be so embarrassed of it, I mean, where did you see green sapphires? hahahaha

>> No.20472297

why do they allow retarded names you'd think they'd have a law preventing this because they like homogeneity

>> No.20472326

They have a list of kanji to use in names. Just imagine how much damage could chuuni parents do with archaic kanji forms in names otherwise.

>> No.20472329

wtf I feel btfo'd

>> No.20472354

nvm there are green sapphires fuck you

>> No.20472437

any alternative to FujiTV? I want to watch Jap TV for free

>> No.20472440

How much easier is learning Korean than Japanese? Considering Korean has no Kanji.

>> No.20472444

Korean content is miles worse than Japanese. You can as well just watch your Netflix and be done with it.

>> No.20472449

what about lit kpop tho

>> No.20472454
File: 214 KB, 671x600, 1432811639701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good easy reads if i'm only about 300 into the anki deck?

>> No.20472540

I know a few people who've lived there for business/school and they said it was pretty easy. They weren't exactly people I'd imagine to be bilingual either.
>Korean content is miles worse than Japanese
I'm sure Japanese has a fuck ton more people dedicated to it, but are there really no K-Pop autists creating guides?

>> No.20472560

Depends on how good at you are at learning kanji while you learn vocab

>> No.20472563

corean isnt so bad bc within a week u can read the entirety of hte language

>> No.20472577

Graded readers and compelling content

>> No.20472588

korean pronunciation is hell though
chogiwa danbeone neukkyeo

>> No.20472620

Anyone have that picture of メアリーさん in fishnets smoking a cigarette with ほ written on her shirt?

>> No.20472686

it can't be worse than pitch accent tho

>> No.20472689

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.20472699
File: 34 KB, 435x647, korean_vowels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cannot tell whether a vowel is long or not so thats kinda like pitch accent and also they have non-aspirated - aspirated consonant duos like normal languages have voiced - unvoiced pairs which is hard af to pronounce

>> No.20472705

In an article I read a criminal suspect is referred to as 田中杏一容疑者 and 田中容疑者. Is his name actually Tanaka or is it similar to a John Doe?

>> No.20472749

hangul looks like a made up alien language from a low budget sci fi movie

would not learn

>> No.20472765

How many words do I have to memorize before reading isn't a pain in the ass? I tried reading at 400 words before and it was a tedious nightmare.

>> No.20472787

>Nobody has ever learned Japanese under a real Japanese teacher while talking among other Japanese exchange students at university
Everything you listed is incidental to their becoming fluent. If they become fluent it's because of immersion outside of class.

>> No.20472793








>> No.20472884

bola de tontos

>> No.20472891

reading only gets easier through reading

>> No.20472903


>> No.20472914

Not knowing the words is what makes reading a pain though.

>> No.20472944

dime que me quieres torpe

>> No.20473012

you won't learn japanese if you don't deal with it through reading though

>> No.20473027

I'm over 3k into core and still have to look up atleast 10 words per page of the manga I'm currently reading

>> No.20473069

furigana be like that sometime
>the resources benefit the community
lies like this are why nuke does it in the first place
mandarin might have more learners but does it have more eternal learners who will support you for decades
zero is larger than a negative number that is correct
weve been over this japanese have 丸らしく、小さく、可愛い文字
all the ecelebs that lived in japan for years and speak like they memorized the phrases from a 10 page tourist guide
>grammar rules
its wild that no one could learn japanese for so many years
dolla dolla gonna make me a balla
>That sounds pretty arbitrary
its unfortunate there are no context cues about these relationships in the writing system ただはばぱ
and i wonder why っ is つ think long and hard about it 活動 活気
>english language rules
are you followin what were talkin about
>K-Pop autists creating guides
how many nihongo guides does it take to get fluent
people have memorized 3k to 6k and still couldnt read cause anki doesnt magically make you fluent so get to it tomodati
you might have picked somethin that was a bad fit so stop bein scared and try more shit until somethin really makes you go oh hell yeah i wanna read more of this shit

>> No.20473174
File: 161 KB, 430x242, genki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while were talkin about money fwop

>> No.20473203

I tried at 500 and wanted to kill myself but more so due to not being able to grasp sentence structure, where words end and shit like that which doesn't improve by learning more words. Those things only get better through reading, though knowing 1500-2000 words makes reading the most basic shit like NHK easy and yotsuba less tedious. With 2000 words you'll likely only have to look up 5-10 per nhk article for instance.

tldr keep reading

>> No.20473227

>how many nihongo guides does it take to get fluent
Not too many. You really just need some kind of kanji learning tool, a grammar guide to read, a grammar dictionary to reference during reading, and a english/Japanese dictionary to reference when reading. The rest really is just reading and/or listening to Japanese audio.

>> No.20473251

>zero is larger than a negative number that is correct
this is the perfect response good job
(i will say that i think nuke has done a good job of convincing RTK cultists to do things other than just anki, but whether that's beneficial to the "community" rather than just specific people is debatable)

>> No.20473256




>> No.20473263

It's a tedious nightmare until you start recognizing the words that are common in whatever you're reading.
It really gets easier as you do it. It just takes a couple of days.

>> No.20473274


>> No.20473278

>It just takes a couple of days.
I did it for 3 and a half weeks. I guess parsing words became easier but I still need vocab so it was frustrating.

>> No.20473331

It gets easier at ~3000 and fairly easy at ~6000

>> No.20473338


>> No.20473353

whens the ruri alignment chart

>> No.20473377

The first 50 or so pages of any book you read are always the hardest. But then you learn the book's writing style and the words the author likes to use. The rest of the book will be a lot easier. But then when you switch to another book those first 50 pages will be really difficult again.

>> No.20473410

How is it even possible that Nuke isn't fluent at this point

>> No.20473417

Who the fuck is nuke?
How about you faggots atop giving ecelebs attention and just learn japanese?

>> No.20473419

its the power of djt hes been here too long

>> No.20473424

How about you mind your own business you stupid piece of worthless fucking shit?

>> No.20473436

can u lil fuckers pipe down uncle jamals tryin to watch his american football in peace

>> No.20473437

nuke is a staple topic of /djt/ if you don't like talking about nuke you can fuck off

>> No.20473440

Dude you know what? No fuck this. FUCK you. I LOVE talking about Nuke.

>> No.20473445

>people believe this

>> No.20473459

i've realized the only way to prove the anti-flashtards wrong is to get gud while flashtarding. but if i get gud then they'll claim that only the reading is what got me gud and the flashtarding was a waste of time. so how do i even prove it? that's an unfair and unreachable standard.

>> No.20473460

>american football

>> No.20473468

i know this hurts but sometimes you gotta be your own man and stop carin what others think
have fun not learnin japanese whatever gets you off is for no one else to judge

>> No.20473480

>I wanna prove them wrong!!
Whenever I hear this as someones motivation to do anything I instantly think less of them. Develop your own intrinsic motivation that isn't related to impressing other people.

>> No.20473488

when ur good just post this https://vocaroo.com/i/s1XiDGLYtzE6 and jerk off to romeo like i do

>> No.20473491

flexing on the retards in this thread is major motivation for me actually

>> No.20473495

you're not gonna make it

>> No.20473498

you do a good ntr impression

>> No.20473504

id neve rsay something that direct and rude because im japanese

>> No.20473518

its more like a parody kind of impression like whats prolly goin on in your mind

>> No.20473583


>> No.20473644

Why do you guys recommend Tae Kim when they dump like 20 kanji at once in a single chapter?

>> No.20473667

you're not going to learn vocabulary from a grammar guide

use a dictionary

>> No.20473712
File: 319 KB, 639x433, サンタぞい1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20473737


Why? Why would this be written in katakana? I don't get it

>> No.20473749

u will someday if u learn japanese

>> No.20473755

fuck you up your old wrinkly ass gramps

>> No.20473767


>> No.20473769

thats some fire

>> No.20473776

believe it or not that feels good against the polyps

>> No.20473787

thats gross im goin back to saya

>> No.20473795
File: 37 KB, 960x643, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats what i like to hear

>> No.20473861

Can someone post a link to that super condensed grammar guide some anon made please? Lost the bookmark

>> No.20473897

got it right here https://nihongobyjamal.neocities.org/

>> No.20473907

You actually did help, cause I remembered it had neocities in the link so I just searched that in my history and found it. Thanks old fart.

>> No.20473927

how do you read 心の中 I thought it was kokoro no naka and thats how I heard it said in the voice line but yomichan says its uchi

>> No.20473931

yw but if you wanted it to consult it to help you learn nihongo i got some bad news

not gonna make it

>> No.20473940


>> No.20473941

i begrudgingly have 2 say ur mouse over dictionary fag program is prolly right

gambare saya guy

>> No.20473944


>> No.20473955
File: 77 KB, 480x854, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in which case why not just wake up

>> No.20473963

is that two separate comments or do you think i would ask djt how to read something and capitalize a fuckin i come on now

>> No.20473971

i figured itd all work out either way

>> No.20473995

Alright boys, I've got all of the existing library in azw3 and epub, plus 1400 new books. Merry christmas assholes


>> No.20474000

did anyone have the issue at the beginning of not being able to recognize words that are normally written in kanji when they are instead in hiragana? how long does it take for this to go away

>> No.20474011

do listening practice

you should be able to recall the kanji spelling when you see the kana spelling in-context and also be able to recall the reading whenever you see it written in kanji

>> No.20474023

How childish is おちんちん?
Is it like, peepee or more towards dick?

>> No.20474024

>recall the kanji spelling when you see the kana spelling in-context
ye it's like my brain blanks. I just saw たのむ in context and i could not for the life of me remember it while I'd instantly remember the kanji reading for it if I saw that. Should I bother with additional listening practice? I just started reading a few weeks ago. I've just been watching anime and listening to music

>> No.20474026

Should I focus on learning the N5 kanji first and foremost?

>> No.20474032

its about at this level https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFq6VWVoL3U

>> No.20474038


>> No.20474047

And おちんボ?
Is that more or less childish?

>> No.20474048

it feels good to know the impact has been felt

>> No.20474066

Beautiful, thanks.

>> No.20474069

why the ボ bro

but its more on this level https://streamable.com/vi1hs

>> No.20474072

According to wikipedia, in my native language "more than one pitch-contour can occur on the accented syllable". Does this in theory give me an advantage when it comes to Japanese pitch accent? I don't get this shit tbqh

>> No.20474074

>why the ボ bro
Because I have bad eyesight.
Also thanks.

>> No.20474075

ur post actually gives u and everyone who reads it a negative multiplier to their chances of learning nihongo

>> No.20474082

If this isn't textbook projection I don't know what is lel

>> No.20474083

for real tho

fuck ass ochimpo is prolly the greatest lyric ever written

>> No.20474095

>Some have claimed that the term "pitch accent" is not coherently defined and that pitch-accent languages are just a sub-category of tonal languages in general

this article was edited by a crank at some point so don't trust it blindly

>> No.20474105

when use ga and wa

>> No.20474106

when it makes sense

>> No.20474129

watched 50 pages of yotsuba today, when will i be fluent

>> No.20474140

So when dealing with loan words in katakana, do i need to pronounce the words as they should be, or do i need to pronounce it like a nip (engrish)

>> No.20474145

guys footies on cut the shit

>> No.20474190

use wa when topic you talk of
use ga with some verbs and as a topic marker in a participle or when modifying a noun with verb lolol

>> No.20474193

pronounce them with the japanese syllables. Japanese wouldn't understand most of the time if you just pronounce it in the english, and there are sounds they do not have that get transliterated differently.

>> No.20474200

I haven’t been this angry since some asshole drove past me at night with his high beams on then turned them off just as he was passing me

>> No.20474210
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>> No.20474277

don't ever bleach.

>> No.20474281

I do this all the time cuz I forget to turn em off.

>> No.20474292

i want to have sex with a nip prostitute while i shit talk her in broken japanese

>> No.20474302

>Kaufmann and Krashen
>no Kato Lomb

>> No.20474332
File: 15 KB, 578x448, 1541268885827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to have sex w/ 3d

>> No.20474338

having sex with 2d is not possible, and fucking your mom gets dull too

>> No.20474346

so why not fuck someone elses mom

>> No.20474347
File: 293 KB, 640x480, rms_snapy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What IME Backend/Frontend combo do you GNU/Linux users use for 日本語?
I'm currently using Fcitx with Mozc because it seemed the quickest to set up at the time.

>> No.20474348

not possible they said until i strapped the suckubus 3000 onto my wang and put on my htc vive

>> No.20474355
File: 17 KB, 294x352, 5665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who says furigana is just for scrubs?

>> No.20474365

furigana was never for scrubs japanese is its own srs laced with furigana and subs and all kinda shit to make you literate ftw

>> No.20474369

Should I focus on learning the N5 kanji first and foremost?

>> No.20474372

I wanna get hit on by a gang of drunk cakes.

>> No.20474374

Yeah, there's about a hundred of them so should keep you busy for a few months

>> No.20474377

do what u gotta do

>> No.20474384

We'll always be together /djt/

>> No.20474501

和風 わふう
now go read more

>> No.20474523

That setup's fine, fcitx is crappy chinkware, but if you're happy with it no reason to change it.

>> No.20474553


>> No.20474599

no that's dumb. i am a social creature. stop acting above it all you cringey retard.

>> No.20474624

>porn words in vncore
ugh sigh

>> No.20474630

I'm not above it all, just above retards like you and your ilk

>> No.20474635

there's nothing wrong with seeking approval.

>> No.20474659

imagine acting like youre intelligent or above anyone in a japanese learning thread on /jp/ lmao

>> No.20474660

Enjoy your misery

>> No.20474667

This isn't a learning thread since nobody ever learns anything

>> No.20474669

ok let me rephrase

imagine acting like ur intelligent or above anyone in the "i wish i knew japanese thread but im forever trash" thread on /jp/ lmao

>> No.20474680

But I am, not that that's much of an achievement anyways

>> No.20474685

ok let me rephrase

imagine acting like ur intelligent or above any1 in the "heh i know japanese lets watch the scrubs wriggle and writhe" thread on /jp lmao

oh i see ur point

god bless

>> No.20474689
File: 89 KB, 900x567, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts? been teaching myself Japanese for the last month or so.

>> No.20474693

why do redditors do this

>> No.20474694

you'll be fluent in no time keep it up

>> No.20474700

ahh anon i just want to learn something new lol

>> No.20474705

If it took you a month to scribble hiragana in paint I've got some bad news for ya

>> No.20474708

those arent scribbles

if they were thatd be more encouraging

imagine trying that hard to write kana lmao

>> No.20474710


>> No.20474717
File: 21 KB, 600x300, 手書き.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been teachign myself nihongo while watching rick and morty thoughts

>> No.20474728
File: 1.65 MB, 2664x1536, 1525842744289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been teaching myself jap for a while to write myself this letter.

>> No.20474733

imagine a pale greasy nerd sitting there writing that lmao thinking about how hes gonna post it on the internet

>> No.20474739


are you guys meme'in me? wait is wrong with a little post of hiragana?

to be honest i was looking to hear back from somebody whos fluent, and maybe get feedback, because i dont have any Japanese friends atm.

>> No.20474743

writing kana is a waste of time as a beginner. start reading.

>> No.20474745

nobody here's fluent, especially the guys who use no punctuation.

>> No.20474750

what raws are you reading? i'm just sticking with parallel paradise because it's trash

>> No.20474753

writing it has helped me memorize the symbols, thus helps me read and pronounce. just me though.

>> No.20474754

this, it's optimal to start reading right away even if you know no words. also make sure not to fall for the yomichan and anki shilling.

>> No.20474755

the guys who use caps and periods and shit are real jealous of me at least and maybe that 1 other guy but not that guy i exposed the other day


>> No.20474756

recommend a good VN that's short so i can get through it and feel accomplished.

>> No.20474764


fuck u its good bitch i love that shit

>> No.20474769




>> No.20474774

exactly. you're in a good spot, keep it up. goodspeed

>> No.20474778


>> No.20474784
File: 51 KB, 491x585, 1513187022889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20474786

thank you. you too.

>> No.20474849
File: 87 KB, 900x567, 1545612455628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20474900


>> No.20474921

Ore no imouta ga konna ni mendoumigayoi wake ga nai

>> No.20474943

easiest vocab to learn imagine using flash cards for that
recommend against if you gonna make it in anything
ive learned a lot about proper shitposting
feedback on what it looks like shit you knew that
its not learning japanese you should know that but maybe you didnt
this is accurate
how mad are you
imouto is so based

>> No.20474948




>> No.20474954

How versed in Japanese do I have to be to play through the Mother games (fc, sfc, gba)?

>> No.20474978


>> No.20474986


>> No.20474991


>> No.20474998


>> No.20475010


>> No.20475030


>learning hiragana
>not japanese

yikes. crabby today.

>> No.20475151

I've been reading for 3 months bros but I just can't understand simple sentences like this.
>When I started, where was the kind senpai? I was told I was gay every day.

>> No.20475192


>> No.20475218

I wrote it and I'm at 6 months of reading, but I probably fucked up somewhere so don't think it's correct, I'm just messing around

>> No.20475225

今もそのままである >>20474717

>> No.20475239


>> No.20475274

>But, what you said was entirely correct? What's the problem?
OK but it actually took me a couple minutes to make sense of it. At first I interpreted 始めた as "our introduction to one another" or "the beginning of our relations" or "when we met" and I wasn't sure where 俺 entered into things.

This was easier to get. I still feel like I'm way behind where I should be.

>> No.20475290

Are you only reading? I watch anime and jdrama on daiweeb when I'm not reading and I matured the vncore deck. Anyways you'll get there, it starts to snowball pretty quick around 5 months I think

>> No.20475310

I watched quite a bit of anime but quit after awhile because I never felt like looking up words while watching, and I was barely learning words through osmosis. I can hear phonemes decently now but it's easier to learn words while reading so I plan on doing more listening after a few more months. I wasn't doing anki at first but I started vncore a few weeks ago and plan on finishing it (should take another month or two) and then mining.

>> No.20475319


>> No.20475339

You're on the right path bro, but try daiweeb, you just click on words and it shows definitions, you can choose how much you want to look up. Either that or do audio books and shadow read. I think that's one of the best things to do. You're smart to stop osmosis style learning though.

>> No.20475389 [DELETED] 


>> No.20475401

me que me quieres torpe

>> No.20475406

reading would also help you remember the symbols and youd actually be learning japanese. Using flash cards for all the kana they can be learned in a day.

>> No.20475465

That looks wrong but I don't know if it's because (1) I'm bad at modern chinese (2) Nips are too (3) It's classical

>> No.20475503

you got it more figured out than most here

>> No.20475553

get a taste of what it takes here

>> No.20475619

Some Kanji are unsimplified versions of their Chinese counterparts.

>> No.20475625

or simplified or not chinese

>> No.20475684

so exiting when you start a new book and see what usually kana words they use kanji for.

>> No.20475707
File: 72 KB, 720x1280, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20475711

What is the difference between thinking and feeling?

>> No.20475723

what is the difference between は and わ

>> No.20475724

Is it possible to fap on a light novel? Do some people here do that? And i'm not talking about fapping on the few screens but on the text.

>> No.20475732

are you talking hot glue on a book or just being aroused by what the text says

>> No.20475740

By what the text says.

>> No.20475744


>> No.20475746

im too far down the rabbit hole to care about anything but depraved shichu so yeah text basically does more for me than visuals nowadays

>> No.20475760

it just gets me in the mood but i take a break from the text if im gonna go for it

>> No.20475797
File: 54 KB, 252x239, Screenshot from 2018-12-23 20-56-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this fucking thing saying?

donai is dou is kansai ben
nattonnen must be a kansai conjugation of naru

this wall how becoming? is that what it translates as?

>> No.20475803

He's saying he wants to cum inside Sakura in kansai ben

>> No.20475809


dou in kansai*

>> No.20475829
File: 83 KB, 887x570, oiu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20475900

azw3 files have DRM

>> No.20475904

Simple. He hasn't read enough light novels or watched enough anime. Same reason none of us are fluent.

>> No.20475916
File: 437 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2018-12-23 19-26-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was special needs in high school and i am a lazy ass japanese learner and i can read this

if you can't, you need to try harder

>> No.20475928

from the looks of that screenshot youre still special needs

>> No.20476080

こんにちは djt、

I wanted to take a momentnotto wish you a happy [your holiday or not-holiday of choice here], but instead ask you a question: Are you a student of Japanese? A Japanese learner? A 日本語 student? And, how are you even supposed to know or figure that out?

Like everything we do here at WaniKani, the answer is super simple. That doesn't mean it's not difficult, though.

Your identity––that's the thing that makes you... you!––has nothing to dowith what you do at work or school. If you're a plumber from 9am-5pm, that doesn't mean your identity is "being a plumber." Instead, your true identity is the one that exists after 5pm and before 9am. What do you do when you're not doing the things youhaveto do every day? Do you watch TV? Play with your kids?Peruse Facebook? Volunteer at the hospital? Work on your tennis serve?

It's easy to be judgmental and say what's good and what's not, but that's not what I'm here to do. I just want you to think about the following question: "who am I after work and school are done?" (Because, that's who you are!) And, if that answer isn't satisfactory, think "who do I want to be?" The simple answer is to just do that thing when you don't have to do that thing and you will eventually become it. Simple, but hard.

If your answer is "I want to become someone who studies Japanese" (with the future-goal of adding the identity of "someone who is fluent in Japanese" to your repertoire), then we can actually help. Like any other answer, it's simple:Juststudy Japanese when you don't have to study Japanese. Do your WaniKani Lessons and Reviews without fail, every day. Even on Christmas, Crabsmas, Festivus, and/or New Years. You can bet that even on those most special of days, Stephen King will be writing, Lebron James will be working on his free throws, and President Trump will be watching TV.

Aside from that, there are no days off when it comes to thedegradation of your memory and skill. The only way tonotlose to this unending and unfeeling current is to do your Reviews when they arrive.

On that happy note, I hope you have/had a Merry [insert a holiday here]. But, while you're doing that you need tobe "a student of Japanese" and do your reviews. You only have one chance to make progress every single day.


>> No.20476135

>this messages came from a mailing list, are you sure you want to unsubscribe?

>> No.20476164

in summary happy holidays dont miss your reps you wouldnt want to do anything stupid like have fun or learn japanese

>> No.20476336

This, anki is for FLASHTARDS, just stare at the words until they make sense.

>> No.20476366

not gonna make it

>> No.20476398

yes the only acceptable solution is to use a monolingual stroke organized dictionary. just keep going in circles until you make out some meaning.

>> No.20476418

tellin you ya aint gonna make it

>> No.20476480





>> No.20476542



>> No.20476554

Use kanji nerd

>> No.20476569



>> No.20476580


>> No.20476585



>> No.20476602
File: 46 KB, 540x774, Dta3-ItV4AIRxD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.20476611

Those legs would definitely motivate me to learn Japanese. Perhaps I should play eroge.

>> No.20476612


>> No.20476622

She wouldn't open them for you though

>> No.20476645

eroge trains one to resist worldly desires and rely only on ones imagination

>> No.20476656
File: 84 KB, 564x982, 3f5d90d3fa36be20eac93518a8709a64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's what motivated me to learn japanese desu

>> No.20476667
File: 71 KB, 209x507, my queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Merry Christmas!

>> No.20476887


>> No.20476920

How often is kanji skipped and instead only the Hiragana is used? For example I get confused when I see "わたし" instead of "私" so i'm not sure if the kanji is simply skipped for whatever reason or of it's a different word/meaning. I imagine once you understand the context of the sentence it'll make more sense, but I still wonder if it's something that's re-occurring.

>> No.20476953

There is no real answer to your questions. Some texts do it more than others, so you better get used to it.

>> No.20476997

Does it have to do with reading level? I imagine the higher the reading level the more kanji is used, unless Japanese is that much of a meme language and the Hiragana is arbitrarily switched.

>> No.20477108

>the higher the reading level the more kanji is used
This. The most perfect form of Japanese is actually Classical Chinese.

>> No.20477125

Sometimes hiragana is used to express a childish tone, similarly excessive use of kanji for words usually written in kana comes of as pretentious.

>> No.20477155 [DELETED] 

what after (and how difficult) learing kana?

>> No.20477164

Nothing. You're done.

>> No.20477170
File: 8 KB, 352x352, heheheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i learn that:
そこ can mean "you"

>> No.20477210


it means there, not you

soko - there
asoko - over there
koko - here

they are similar to:

sore - that
are - that over there
kore - this

>> No.20477221
File: 136 KB, 1056x570, 1514441855442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20477229
File: 1.76 MB, 400x206, 1511898341594.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20477233


well, fuck my ass

i didnt know that

>> No.20477278

>and maybe that 1 other guy
based me

>> No.20477292

Girls are more likely to use hiragana because their brains are smaller on average (sad but true), but also some people use hiragana when the word is obvious and if it’s easier to write than kanji

>> No.20477297

I feel like almost anything can mean either "you" or "me", and sometimes both

>> No.20477329

tfw you learn that:

わい(kansai ben for i)
せっしゃ(i used by samurai)

can all mean i. there is more than just boku, ore, watashi, atashi, etc

>> No.20477336
File: 81 KB, 900x973, 433434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20477338

Also うち

>> No.20477350


>> No.20477359

What is the reason behind having this many fucking ways to say I? Are these people retarded?

>> No.20477364

Why does yomi-chan pronounce this as ちんぴら?

>> No.20477403


you are


>> No.20477409
File: 62 KB, 960x639, Gc2K1tD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a difference between nandemonai and nanimonai?

is there is a difference between nanishitenno, nanisuruno and nanishiteruno?

>> No.20477421
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>> No.20477429

wait theres more:

I, as a mere priest, this humble servant of Buddha

>> No.20477440

there are more retarded ideosyncratic things in English than in Japanese

>> No.20477447

What's your fucking point? I never get it when people say this shit. Does English being retarded mean Japanese isn't?

>> No.20477462


there is also more than one you

anata(sometimes said as anta)

>> No.20477465

my point is that the real retard is you

languages aren't designed by a committee, none of them are logical

>> No.20477479

Nice non answer retard

>> No.20477554

wagahai is the queen of personal pronouns

>> No.20477564

warawa is

>> No.20477574

Voulez vous voulez vous voulez vous pate avec moi?

>> No.20477590
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what is this romaji cancer infesting my djt?

>> No.20477602

being a tryhard won't make learning nippongo any easier

>> No.20477640

they know for the most common ones (which you should learn too btw) but a lot of the time they might not now, that's why on nip forms where you put your name they always have to fields, one for the name in kanji and another one where you write out the reading in katakana

>> No.20477650

*two fields

>> No.20477662

Any good nip christmas songs or covers?

>> No.20477692

iDOLM@STER Christmas album has some nice songs.

>> No.20477710
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>naming the romaji cancer

you must be new

>> No.20477720

as a moron confusing kanji with chinese, this pic is horseshit, op

>> No.20477733

A quick follow up: those books can now be all found online.

The page can also be found linked on the main page for the 小説 library, under the "main page extension #2" heading. Both extension pages are a work in progress, a placeholder before a more organised setup is worked out similar to the main novel page.

>> No.20477738


>> No.20477854

it's not that serious some people don't have Japanese IME installed

>> No.20477884











>> No.20477972

What are the best grammar decks? I have finished Tae Kim but there's just too much remember.

>> No.20478012

don't use grammar decks
if you try to memorize grammar you're going to reinforce subtle misunderstandings that can last for years
just read and listen a lot and reference grammar resources when there's something you need to understand but don't

>> No.20478038

Not really. If romaji bothers you then you're probably insecure about your nippongo skills.
Chill dude.

>> No.20478077
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>61 points

>> No.20478270
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why yes this is genius why has no one ever thought of reverse engineering engrish back into its original japanese

>> No.20478337

that thread is so depressing

none of those people will ever get good I wish someone would stop them from wasting their time like this

>> No.20478460
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imagine thinking that's a good idea

>> No.20478488

just learn japanese
its that easy

>> No.20478492

This but unironically.

>> No.20478508

can confirm quite ez

as long as u watched ur 10000 hours of eng subbed naurto

>> No.20478521

I keep reading but I still don’t understand it. Steve didn’t prepare me for this.

>> No.20478530
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>> No.20478539

i dont feel good at all that every1s so pathetic

>> No.20478566

imagine posting quotes from this garbage unironically
even more pathetic than posting quotes from old philosophers

>> No.20478579

Japanese learning single-handedly disproves the Einstein idiom about insanity. If you just look at the runes enough times over and over you will eventually infer their meaning on your own. Nobody quite grasps how this works but it does. I choose to believe it's some sort of ancient chink magic.

>> No.20478600

he said he rereads somethings up to 50 times, so he's basically doing full context srs

>> No.20478635

>up to 50 times
How? Why?

>> No.20478656

See >>20478579

>> No.20478720

Just be happy about what you can understand, you'll understand more and more with time.

>> No.20478744
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just do what makes u happy boys

have a safe and merry christmas and god bless yall

>> No.20478750

Immersion and a dictionary are the only resources you should ever need.

>> No.20478785

>字幕: Ladies first.
I’ve had this nagging feeling for a long time, but stepping back and looking at how stuff like this fits in with other things like recommending newcomers do RTK, Grammar flash cards, incomprehensible input etc, it is undeniable that it’s the Dekirus who are creating the Dekinais

>> No.20478802

And if you’re neurotic/impatient then google for when you come across something not in the dictionary.

>> No.20478808

>he doesn't get his rocks off by fucking up beginners chances of learning the language through purposefully awful advice

>> No.20478817

I thought this was the point of these threads.

>> No.20478825

the point of these threads is to give lonely losers some semblance of social interaction

>> No.20478837

(you)re welcome : )

>> No.20478846

Trolling less fortunates with bad advice is exactly the type of social interaction I search for.

>> No.20478856

i don't feel lonely. if anything, social interaction doesn't fulfill me at all anymore

>> No.20478861

I don't feel lonely thanks to you anon.

>> No.20478864

posting on the internet isnt social interaction its just mental masturbation

and besides to me everyone is a bunch of mal-programmed robots and im the only real human

>> No.20478877

lost 80 lbs this year and still don't feel any joy, fulfillment or anything about it. wonder what i have to do to feel some emotions again, therapy and drugs didn't work

>> No.20478885

go through some real struggles where you thank god every day that youre just able to see the sun

>> No.20478886

that's the whole site, we're talking about these threads specifically

>> No.20478904

alternatively go be a family man


>> No.20478910

wow we're like opposites.. I had a string of bad luck, I lost my arm in an auto accident, my brother passed away, my son passed away then my wife passed away and people always ask how I can still be happy. I guess I was gifted with the ability to make the best of whatever I've got. I don't dwell on what I don't have because it's pointless. I find ways to love whatever I have and it keeps me happy.

>> No.20478911

bleh hang yourself

>> No.20478933

you broken robots are truly pathetic creatures

finding any way to rationalize living

>> No.20478954

I mean idk about you but I do art, study japanese, still get laid, play with my corgi, play vidya, many othet things.. thinking you can be "broken" is a pathetic mindset. Look at hawkings.

>> No.20478967

you sound like a normalfag

why are here bragging

why do i need to click on that little arrow again next to your id

>> No.20478979

I believe you are addicted to whatever you are. You probably like being pathetic at this point and rationalize it as at least you're not a "normalfag"

>> No.20479033

anyone here addicted to modestly sized futa cock

>> No.20479037

i just pretend im a futa and buss all over my own face and become really regretful of my choices after

>> No.20479067

That's pretty crazy. I'd definitely have killed myself if I were you, good on ya.
>this guy LARPs that he has a wife

>> No.20479092

I'm addicted to interracial cuckhold porn.

>> No.20479097

I'm addicted to this thread

>> No.20479113
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>> No.20479117



>> No.20479123


>> No.20479135
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>he types in hepburn

>> No.20479155

I've heard that Nips think of Osaka as merchant town, but when they hear an Osakan accent do they think scheming jew or intelligent businessman?

>> No.20479169

last for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5y4L4bneyM#t=77

>> No.20479178

fuckin losers here on christmas eve lul

>> No.20479185

Thanks for joining us.

>> No.20479194

I'm orthodox so it ain't christmas eve for me

>> No.20479201

I'll laugh at you in two weeks when you will still be here

>> No.20479204

You're not reading manga currently because manga isn't reading.
See above.


>> No.20479205

Check the DoJG deck in the guide. It has 1200 cards but half are cloze, half are recognition so it's more like 600. You can delete the cloze cards by going to "manage note types", highlighting 文法, selecting "cards", and deleting the tab that is not "recognition" (I don't remember what it's called).

Don't listen to the other moron. You're not learning grammar in order to output. So long as you know that you're missing something about each grammar point and you're only learning a vague meaning then there's nothing wrong with SRSing them. It's the same as having to look up a grammar point while reading in order to get a vague idea of what's going on, except you already have a vague idea of what's going on and don't have to look it up. Really no difference except you save yourself the hassle while reading.

>> No.20479211

>youre not learning grammar

coulda stopped there

>> No.20479212

I'll be back abroad at Uni so I won't have any family to be around anyways, we can ave a laff together then

>> No.20479268

sorry dude but the one giving bad advice here is you

>> No.20479312

would upvote the post above me 60 times if i could

>> No.20479389

By the way after each terrible thing that happened my life was still 99% the same. I still eat, shit, breath, sleep, watch stuff happen all day. Life is only ever bad if you focus on the the 1%. There is people that actually do that.

>> No.20479394

i mean i still cant get over how nagisa died and its been 15 years

>> No.20479396
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I got this japanese ad today

>> No.20479410

bad habits apply to input too, i misunderstood 結構 for a good two years because of the dojg deck lol

>> No.20479414

Watching anime, do Japanese people actually get so fucked up over a cold?

>> No.20479415

how did you understand it?

>> No.20479422


>> No.20479426

But everyone dies eventually. It's a pretty short life. Consider the endless universe and the billions of years in existence and we're all specs that exist for a blink. It's just a weird ride you get to "experience".

>> No.20479427

i literally interpreted it as "quite" or "exceptional/ly" regardless of context or usage

>> No.20479429
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>> No.20479442

well yea its my personal theory that were all 1 thing and in order for life as we can fathom to go on it needs to think that dying means going back to the void

but even the deepest quietest reaches of space are very much alive

>> No.20479444

consciousness is just a property of electromagnetic fields

>> No.20479449

Not of the electromagnetic field per se, but a property of certain (pretty complex) solutions of Maxwell equations, yes.

>> No.20479453

why are jap foreingers so hostile toward one another?

>> No.20479460

more information needed before i tell u that ppl are just gay ass holes lol

>> No.20479471

no just in general
the specific state determines the qualia but that comes from the fabric binding quantum bodies to the relativistic metric-space of spacetime

>> No.20479498

Qualia is a meme and does not exist. Consciousness is a mathematical, Platonic structure realised on (equally Platonic but simpler) structures that govern the behaviour of elementary particles, or rather ARE elementary particles. Having the structure that realises consciousness is equivalent to existing. Philosophical zombie is nonsense. A Chinese Room, if properly arranged, has no less consciousness than you or me.

>> No.20479505

i remember readin 紫色のクオリア and feelin like i was very misled by the title


>> No.20479511

Yea I have a piggyback theory to that. Basically all matter has reactions, attractions, bonds etc. These are just extremely simple forms of life. Life doesn't come from no where, everything is alive and evolves. The old model is that things are dead and then magically become life but I guess it comes down to semantics.

>> No.20479524

>Qualia is a meme and does not exist.
top kek
take an actual philosophy class, whoever taught you that doesn't understand what qualia actually is

>> No.20479525

yea basically everything is 1 giant process and were pretty limited in our ability to grasp it because were 3dpd lol

>> No.20479526

you lot are literally too stupid to be able to comprehend any concept beyond eroge vocab, kindly stfu thanks

>> No.20479530

no matter how smart u think u r u completely invalidate yourself by posting here period lmao

>> No.20479532

the pot calling the kettle black

>> No.20479537

how u figure i say im retarded all the time and i stand by that

its more like the black man calling his fellow negro nigga

>> No.20479556

That's like saying that einstein was invalid because he dropped out of high school at the age of 15. The highest IQ human alive is a full time bouncer at a bar. Assumptions like that or living by labels in general is pretty dumb.

>> No.20479560

why is it bad to recall a point from tae kim instead of looking it up every time you forget it

>> No.20479562

>still falling for jamal's shit
you just confirmed u a dumdum lol

>> No.20479565

droppin out of school bc its a waste of time and doesnt help u accomplish ur goals is actually really smart

but u look really dumb if u dont accomplish those goals

>> No.20479568

Qualia does not exist as something that can not-exist, that's what I mean. Philosophical zombie does not exist.

>> No.20479571

btw my goals were to eat cheetos and play xbox all day at my moms house

>> No.20479578

hey all u pseudo intellectual posters i got somethin 4 u

*props schrodingers neko box up on the table*

show me ur true mettle

>> No.20479589

*opens the box*
*experiences macroscopic quantum decoherence*
1/sqrt(2)|hey, the cat is alive>+1/sqrt(2)|hey, it's dead>

>> No.20479599

>page 10

>> No.20479600
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If you like cheetoes try some of these 美味い棒 駄菓子
they're fucking killer, I eat $15 worth every week

>> No.20479603

fucked up that >>20479599
is a higher iq post than the one above it

>> No.20479612

i like tasty sticks too

but nothin beats a nice miller lite and a bag of kaki no tane while i watch american football

>> No.20479627

can someone explain why people aren't capitalizing or punctuating

is it to prove how much they don't care, but in doing so prove they care

>> No.20479632

i type like this normally and u do what u do normally too i wont judge

>> No.20479636


>> No.20479640

thats just fucken tarded

>> No.20479644


>> No.20479669

this is the most brain damaged thing I've read all week good job
